I can tell another drunk from a mile away. I just wanted to put that out there.
I don't want to be seen here as picking on Bret Kavanaugh. The guy has been through enough ridicule of late, and I'm hesitant to add any more fuel to a fire that is already completely out-of-control (did you happen to catch Saturday Night Live this weekend? Ouch!) I know this sounds strange, but I'm starting to feel a little sorry for the guy - and I really feel bad for his daughters! I have to tell you that I was much heartened to see that, given his emotional reaction when he spoke of them during his conformation hearings, there are at least some daughters in America that this judge is capable of feeling such sincere compassion for - even if it's only his own daughters. Still, that's a good start. We must grab these little morsels of humanity wherever we may find them, ay?
His follow up testimony to Christine Blasey Ford's was revealing. From his ranting about left wing conspiracies to his claim that all opposition to his nomination was "revenge" for the Clintons, it was all I needed to see to understand that this is a man not in possession of a tenth of the temperament to be an objective and dispassionate jurist. We don't need political operators on the Supreme Court; we already have one in Uncle Clarence Thomas. I'm reminded of William O. Douglas. He was appointed to the Supremes by Roosevelt in 1939. He was probably the most liberal member of that body in history - which is precisely why FDR chose him. As a private citizen, Douglas had been very politically active, but once he found himself sitting on "the highest court in the land", all of that political activity went straight into oblivion.
Many of his law clerks remember him staring longingly at the morning papers reading about any given cause that might have been brewing at any given moment in America (like the civil rights movement) and the good judge wistfully sighing, "Oh, if only I could have attended this rally!". But he never did. He knew it would be wrong for a sitting Supreme Court judge to become involved in partisan politics. That's not true for Clarence Thomas. It won't be true for Bret Kavanaugh. Count on it.
The most revealing (and disturbing) part of the Kavanaugh hearing was his interchanges with Amy Klobuchar and Dick Durbin. His back-and-forth with Durbin was particularly unsettling. The guy literally had what could only be described as a pre-teen tantrum. He refused to say that he would approve of an FBI investigation (as Dr. Ford has) and when he was pressed, he folded his arms and remained silent for a few seconds. When Klobuchar asked him if he had ever "blacked out", he turned the question around and asked her if she ever had. Like the Army/McCarthy hearings of 1954, it was one of those moments of political theater that people will still be looking back on in 2072.
"At long last, sir, have you no sense of decency?"
Joseph Welsh, 1954
I could not believe what I was witnessing. It was yet another reminder (as if another reminder was even remotely necessary) how depressingly dumbed down America's national conversation has become in the last half century.
Perhaps Bret Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford are both speaking the Truth. I've blacked out a number of times in my partying career and was perfectly capable of some reprehensible behavior that I only found out about the morning after when told by a concerned friend of my inebriated exploits - although sexual assault was never part of the equation; that's never really been my shtick. Most of the trouble I've gotten into during any particular blackout involved my mouth - or my pen. I can really be one mean son-of-a-bitch when I'm intoxicated and someone has wronged me. Not violent, mind you - just mean. Maybe Judge Kavanaugh really believes he's innocent. That's why the other Judge (Mark) needs to be subpoenaed. But Mark Judge's problem is that he can't plead the Fifth. Spilling a whole can of nasty tasting beans about Buddy Bret would not be self-incrimination. He's not in a good place anyway you look at it.
Think about this: If Christine Blasey Ford created this story out of thin air, why the hell would she fabricate an eye-witness? Doesn't Mark Judge's presence in the room on that night in the long-ago summer of 1982 make her tale just a bit more difficult to prove? Or maybe it makes her more believable. I believe her.
This is not a "calculated and orchestrated political hit" as Judge Kavanaugh claims. This is something far more substantial than that.
These are indeed golden days for political junkies. I never thought that it would ever get any weirder than the Watergate era. I was wrong. Ron Zeigler was right. Comparatively speaking, Watergate was "a third rate burglary".
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
This is not a "calculated and orchestrated political hit" as Judge Kavanaugh claims. This is something far more substantial than that.
These are indeed golden days for political junkies. I never thought that it would ever get any weirder than the Watergate era. I was wrong. Ron Zeigler was right. Comparatively speaking, Watergate was "a third rate burglary".
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Closest Companion
edited and annotated by Geoffrey C. Ward
I picked this one up at the FDR Library back in January. In the 1920s, in the months after he was stricken with polio, Franklin Roosevelt sought the company of Margaret Suckley, a distant cousin who lived a few miles up Route 9 from Hyde Park in Rhinebeck, NY. FDR was lonely and needed someone to talk to. Theirs’ developed into a beautiful friendship that lasted until the day he died in 1945. Margaret has never been anything but a footnote in his biography. When she died in 1991, just a few months shy of her 100th birthday. a suitcase filled with twenty years of letters between them was discovered under her bed. Geoffrey Ward has unlocked a corner of Roosevelt's soul that none of his previous biographers knew existed. This is a wonderful book - and highly recommended for any fan of the Frankster.
The limitations that the White House has put on the FBI during this second background check almost guarantees that if there's anything derogatory about Kavanaugh, it won't be found. The man is going to the Supreme Court. God help us all.
Yours crankily,
The New York Crank
When it happened
Where it happened
How I got there
Who was there
Who drove me home
How many boys were there
In its civil complaint in a state court in Oregon, the company said Swetnick, a software engineer, was an employee for a few weeks before its human resources department received a report that she had engaged in “unwelcome sexual innuendo and inappropriate conduct” toward two male co-workers at a business lunch.
The lawsuit said that Swetnick in turn accused Webtrends of subjecting her to “physically and emotionally threatening and hostile conditions” and that she claimed that she’d been sexually harassed by four co-workers. The co-workers denied the allegations, the suit said.
Company officials later determined, the suit said, that Swetnick had provided false information on her employment application. The suit alleged that she had misrepresented the length of time she worked at a previous employer and falsely claimed that she’d earned an undergraduate degree in biology and chemistry from Johns Hopkins University.
You can tell another drunk a mile away? How close have you been to H.R. Clinton?
Let's help the FBI and speed things along...
The Safeway where Christine Blasey Ford said she saw Mark Judge in 1982 after the alleged incident happened, wasn’t built until 1986...per online records of the Maryland Government business express, entity search...dept id number F02229219 that you Tom cn check for yourself..if you really want the truth.
"A “he said, she said” case is incredibly difficult to prove. But this case is even weaker than that. Dr. Ford identified other witnesses to the event, and those witnesses either refuted her allegations or failed to corroborate them. …I do not think a reasonable prosecutor would bring this case based on the evidence to the Committee. Nor do I believe that this evidence is sufficient to satisfy the preponderance-of-the-evidence standard."
Rachel Mitchell, the sex crimes prosecutor who questioned Christine Ford in the hearing on Thursday.
You watch too much TV and I'm really sick of the touting of ALCOHOL. Enough is enough already. Full Disclosure, indeed. He'll be appointed just like Clarence Thomas was appointed. Pussy hair on a Pepsi or not. The idiots will have their way and then go back to their gated communities to keep out the rest of us. Don't share it! Be greedy and horde it! The planet has INFINITE RESOURCES and I have them all!!! amerika has always been about lies and it will always be so... Some folks actually believe this stuff...
NBC News Sits Down With Kavanaugh Accuser Julie Swetnick But Can't Verify Claims.
Wow, Clucky is really passionate about this one. Seems he's got more info than the FBI. LOL Did you get it off of all the communist websites you regularly visit?
Proving he hates women as much as he loves Trump and Putin.,
Maybe he missed the part where Kavenaugh claimed "the left" is the cause of all his problems. Just what we need in an "impartial" jurist.
Still have to bring Hillary into this eh? Typical.
Merrick Garland would have been confirmed by a fair congress. Now look what we have. A LIAR trying to get on the bench to protect a LIAR.
Julie Swetnick Contradicts Sworn Statement? Now She Says I Don’t Know If Kavanaugh Spiked Punch.
Ford has lied under oath. That's a typical leftist for you. Senator Booker said it doesn't matter if "he is innocence or not" he must not be appointed. Now that's honestly from the left.
Clucky contradicts the idea that any human can have a lucid moment at least once.
Kavenaugh has already lied several times to congress. Didn't that used to be a crime?
Majormajor, it is pointless to cite facts regarding the Kavanaugh witch trials to many of the folks here. Many leftists are not interested in facts. They know what they FEEL about Kavanaugh and that is sufficient evidence for them. I am surprised the leftist asshats in the senate didn't insist that Kavanaugh be bound and thrown into a vat of beer to see if he would float before they decided to hang him or burn him at the stake.
The fact that Kavanaugh would actually follow the constitution is unacceptable to many of them since it was a product of racist, sexist, white guys. That is the real issue for these disingenuous political partisans.
The presumption of innocence until guilt is proven is no longer a judicial principle for the left... unless of course the accused IS a leftist.
The whole damned thing is a political smear by the left aimed only at derailing a Trump appointee to the SCOTUS.
I recall being accused of racism simply because I disagreed with many of President Obama's policies in the past. I was vexed that my good name and reputation were disparaged by ignorant leftists who had nothing other than political bias as evidence. I can only imagine how angry I would be if a bunch of integrity-bereft leftists in the Senate accused me of attempted rape with not only no corroborating evidence but actually evidence supporting my denial of the horrific allegation. I would be similarly angry. Why this confuses or confounds the left is a telling sign.
I pray this obvious political smear comes back to haunt these anti-democratic republic hacks in November.
List the lies Mozart of Kavanaugh.
Unknown, I consider it God's work, that's why I keep at it.
Unknown is not unknown, it is the one and only Chuck!
UNknown, it is pointless to cite to "rightys" here that if this were any other appointee, the GOP would just dump him and move on to the next one. But Trump NEEDS Kavenaugh for ONE key decision. THAT IT WILL BE ILLEGAL TO INDICT A SITTING PRESIDENT FOR A FELONY.
You guys were all ready to "lock her up" when it was Hillary's stupid pointless e-mails, but now that it's YOUR guy It's all about "Innocent until proven guilty". You don't care that he shows he's not emotionally stable enough to be a federal jurist, or that he admitted obvious political bias. YOU DON;T CARE THAT HE LIED TO CONGRESS. You don't even see the obvious hypocracy of McConnell saying we can't even TALK to Obama's nominee because "the last year of a presidency is too late and the people need a voice" and now this guy has to be bull rushed through BEFORE the mid terms so the people DON'T have a voice.
If you were accused of a crime you DIDN"T commit, wouldn't you WLCOME a full scale investigation to clear your name? The GOP and Kavenaugh do NOT want any sort of investigation. That is a telling sign.
You want "anti democratic"? Look at your own. Voter suppression, refusing to work with Obama, forcing a SCOTUS judge upon a nation where the vast majority oppose him...hell, allowing a "President" under the investigation of a special prosecutor for multiple felonies to pick judges is un Democratic enough, and you KNOW if the situation were reversed you'd be howling your outrage from the rooftops.
"Majormajor, it is pointless to cite facts regarding the Kavanaugh witch trials to many of the folks here. Many leftists are not interested in facts. ~~ "Unknown" (aka T. Paine)
"Unknown"? C'mon, Mr. Paine...
Still projecting, I see...and crying that nobody understands and accepts your alt-right conversion. [head shaking in disbelief]
"I can only imagine how angry I would be if a bunch of integrity-bereft leftists in the Senate accused me of attempted rape with not only no corroborating evidence but actually evidence supporting my denial of the horrific allegation." ~~ "Unknown" (aka T. Paine)
More projection. You have no shame, still, do you?
Taking away the sexual assault allegations, there still remains a uber-partisan judge coveting the biggest prize of all. That's enough to block his ascension to the Supreme Court, wouldn't you agree?
"Why this confuses or confounds the left is a telling sign." ~~ "Unknown" (aka T. Paine)
What's the "telling sign", Unknown?...that the left has a moral base? decent?...and lacks the supreme misogyny and hateful character of the alt-right principles that have taken over the presidency along with today's deceitful and anti-democractic Government Of Putin?
That "telling sign"?
Liberals, have you no shame?
"A woman that Christine Blasey Ford claimed was at the party where Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted her circa 1982 told FBI investigators that Dr. Ford’s “allies” tried to pressure her to change her story about what happened.
Leland Keyser told investigators that Ford’s friend, former FBI agent Monica McLean, had urged her to alter the original statement that she gave about not remembering any such party and not knowing Kavanaugh, The Wall Street Journal reported.
The Journal noted that Keyser’s statement to the FBI offered “a glimpse into how Dr. Ford’s allies were working behind the scenes to lobby old classmates to bolster their versions of the alleged incident.”
Ryan Saavedra
"With each passing day and with each bit of information that seeps out about Christine Blasey Ford, it is clearer and clearer that what the Democrats have done to Judge Brett Kavanaugh has been a setup from the outset.
Ford may have seemed like a victim, not of Kavanaugh, but perhaps of her Democrat operatives. Over the past days, however, what is nearer to the truth is that she was and is part of a faction of anti-Trump activists bent upon destroying Kavanaugh in order to deny Trump another nominee to the Supreme Court.
They have badly misjudged the wisdom and sentiment of the American people. These Democrats on the Judiciary Committee are so deluded by their belief in their own intellectual superiority that they felt comfortable publicly, derisively attacking a man with a reputation finer than any of those who sat in judgment. This was like Salieri sitting in judgment over the music of Mozart – preposterous."
Patricia McCarthy
Four of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s former Georgetown Prep classmates said “Devil’s Triangle” was a drinking game.
Two former Boston College students said their roommate, a high school classmate of Kavanaugh’s, taught them the game.
A Georgetown Prep alumnus corroborated Kavanaugh’s claim that ‘boofing’ refered to flatulence.
Yes, "unknown" is T. Paine. I am not sure why it didn't post my moniker to my comment but it certainly was not out of fear of J.G. and his brilliant commentary.
Taking away the uncorroborated and refuted sexual allegations against Kavanaugh, and what do we have, J.G.? We have an exceptionally well qualified jurist as stated by the bar association. He has shown exceptional reasoning skills and temperament, even as stated by his colleagues from the other side of the political spectrum. (not to mention the support of hundreds of women whom he has mentored and worked with over the decades.) He rules based on law, precedent, and here is a strange one for you leftists... THE CONSTITUTION.
THAT is why you all are really afraid, right? You don't want someone that actually follows the dictates of the law rather than follow leftist doctrine, do you, J.G.? The ends justifies the means for you folks that cannot get your agenda passed at the ballot box and thus have to rely on activist judges to enact your socialistic, anti-democratic, and anti-American agenda.
Because of this, integrity-deficit senators on the left are willing to derail the nomination by any means necessary... even by supporting allegations that have absolutely NO evidence in support of them other than that of a "credible" witness whom also happens to be a long time Democrat supporter. Feinstein should be ashamed at her partisanship and the leaking of Ford's letter to the press, let alone holding it back from the committee to investigate in private Ford's allegations. But truth wasn't really the objective, was it? It was to delay and hopefully derail the appointment of a supremely well-qualified man to the SCOTUS. Resist at all costs, even that of the truth, right?
And don't whine to me about partisanship as regards Kavanaugh. Hell, Ruth Ginsburg was a hyper-leftist partisan that did tons of work for the ACLU and was still approved by the senate with over 90% of the senators affirming her despite that. They did that because she was qualified. Her desire to want to follow international law over that of the constitution since being upon the SCOTUS bench makes me question that qualification since, however. Regardless, anyone right of center should automatically be disqualified according to the snowflake, Antifa, resist-the-right crowd. Correct?
"...the left has a moral base? decent?...and lacks the supreme misogyny and hateful character of the alt-right principles..." ~ J.G.
My Lord, you have a false and myopic view of the facts. The Democrat activist lawyer that Feinstein got for Ford supported Democrats that actually have proven allegations of sexual harassment and abuse against them such as Al Franken and even Bill Clinton. There is no decency with leftists. Only hate and uber-partisanship. Anything to derail conservatives, right? Even if you have to lie, obstruct, and make up false allegations against your political adversaries.
Keep projecting though. Why don't you run and get Dubya to come help you out since you leftist partisans always seem to be braver in crowds or under the anonymity of the internet. Sad.
JG, I guess you were right and I made a hasty conclusion. Just the word Disingenuous should have been telling.
Welcome Paine what ever handle you are using.
"Yes, "unknown" is T. Paine. I am not sure why it didn't post my moniker to my comment but it certainly was not out of fear of J.G...." ~~ T. Paine
Of course it was...or you meant to write "Unknowing".
"We have an exceptionally well qualified jurist as stated by the bar association." ~~ T. Paine
The Bar Association made that claim prior to last week's disgusting partisan tirade by Brett Kavanaugh.
He's a uber-conservative anti-constitutional hack, and you know it. Trump wants him for one reason, and one reason only, and you know this.
"Resist at all costs, even that of the truth, right?" ~~ T. Paine
We both know where the truth lies, and it isn't on the side of the Government Of Putin...or with Brett Kavanaugh.
"Anything to derail conservatives, right? Even if you have to lie, obstruct, and make up false allegations against your political adversaries." ~~ T.Paine
Obstruction? Do you mean as in denying even a hearing for Merritt Garland?
Lies? as in the estimated hundreds by your latest crush, Donald Trump?
False allegations? So you believe those made by Christine Blasey Ford were lies? If that's the case, Mr. Paine, then please make that very clear right now.
" leftist partisans always seem to be braver in crowds or under the anonymity of the internet." ~~ T. Paine
You're the coward who attempted to hide behind a new moniker of "Unknown", not me. Of course, if I was a staunch conservative like you, with Donald Trump as your party's leader, I'd try to hide also.
"Keep projecting though. Why don't you run and get Dubya to come help you out since you leftist partisans always seem to be braver in crowds or under the anonymity of the internet. Sad."
Gee, I wish I had said that.
"Majormajor [aka Timothy L. Trueblood], it is pointless to cite facts regarding the Kavanaugh witch trials to many of the folks here." ~~ Unknown [aka T. Paine] which "Majormajor" replied...
"Unknown [aka T. Paine], I consider it God's work, that's why I keep at it." ~~ Majormajor [otherwise known as Timothy L. Trueblood]
Unknown, are those "facts", in reality, "alternative facts"?...or are you stretching the truth, again, with your own brand of verbous opinionated propaganda?
I'm sure the majority frequenting this blog would have a hard time deciding.
And Timmy...does your god also ask you to work in his name when dispensing lies, hate, untruths and fabrications? I'm really curious and hope you'll reply to me.
If your answer is yes, at the very least I'll know I hope to never find your particular brand of god in my life. I would never want to feel the same disease, anguish and hurt she's caused in yours.
Seems "Unknown" is seeking confrontation with yours truly. "There is no decency with leftists. Only hate and uber-partisanship." Poor wittow conservative "victims", ever the delicate snowflakes. The hate and uber-partisanship of Kavanaugh is always projected by these cons.
Mr. Unknown has already repeated a LIE Kavanaugh spoke under oath, declaring everyone at the party "refuted" Dr. Ford's allegation. HE LIED UNDER OATH!!! Where is that "constitutional"?
Mr. Unknown REPEATED that LIE. No shame. IOKIYAR. Con-servatives have only double standards. Period.
We know all about their so-called "Constitutional values".
My, how they love to defend Sniffles Kavanaugh as the "Constitutional" judge, supporting the imperial presidency, no less. These constitutional experts also ignore the unconstitutional refusal by Republicans to even VOTE on the Black President's moderate choice Garland. Not a peep. Can't let the Black Guy do his Constitutional duty.
They Constitution they love would have blacks as property or three-fifths a person again. That is exactly the amount of respect they showed our Black President and Constitution.
The ends justifies the means for you folks that cannot get your agenda passed at the ballot box and thus have to rely on activist judges to enact your socialistic, anti-democratic, and anti-American agenda.
PROJECTION again. Just like "Did YOU ever have black-outs?" from Sniffles, the poor wittow rich white victim.
"Let the people decide" the hypocrites demanded. Never mind the people decided that when the voted for Obama's second term. And never mind 3 million MORE people decided to NOT have Trump make these appointments, even with their racist suppression of black voters.
The enemies of democracy are winning. They want to RULE, not govern. Disagree with these types and you WILL be called a commie. This is how deep their hatred and ignorance goes.
They rage with hate and blame when a victim of the young drunkard brat speaks out. Sniffles gets unhinged and casts blame and projection at questioners. That's called "exceptional temperament" when a conservative white man of privilege does it, and lying hysteria when a woman victim does. IOKIYAR.
Just don't call these hypocrites racists, or anything other than pure "real Americans". They love our country just like Southern Confederates did. White conservative rule is the only way for them.
Women victims and Black presidents do not get the same privileges or respect. This is con-servatism, and it is evil. They lie. They hate. They steal, and they demonize women and minorities. THEY are the thinly veiled racist Party of Trump, as well as puppets of Putin.
Borscht is now served daily on the Angry White Plantation. And they don't even know it.
"Real Americans" indeed.
Why don't you run and get Dubya to come help you out since you leftist partisans always seem to be braver in crowds or under the anonymity of the internet.
JG = Coward.
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