Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Counting Down

It's a safe bet that Donald Trump is counting the hours until the midterm elections are over and done with. I've lost so much faith in the civic intelligence of the average American voter that I won't be the least bit surprised when I awaken to the news on November 7 that the GOP has managed to retain control of both houses of congress. If that happens the investigation into the Trump campaign dealings with the government of Vladimir Putin to subvert the election of 2016 will probably be ashes to the wind. Even if Bob Mueller manages to complete his task before that happens, there is no way that a Republican controlled Capital Hill will ever go along with releasing the findings to the public at large. T'aint gonna happen.
 Trump is in the process of stomping about the country, ranting about imaginary left wing conspiracies to audiences of halfwits who slurp up every word. It is no longer delusional paranoia to compare what is happening in America today with what was happening nearly eighty-six years ago in Germany. This was never supposed to be what we are - but it most definitely is what we have become. There is no longer any use kidding ourselves. A decade ago, as the final months of the George W. Bush era were grinding down to a merciful end, I breathed a prolonged sigh of relief at the thought we had gotten through that unsettling period of our history relatively intact. I could never have foreseen Donald Trump. He had made rumblings about seeking the White House periodically in the past but only a handful of drooling sycophants took such talk seriously. No, I thought, not even these Americans are that reckless.

I will never make that mistake again. If sometime in the future these stupid fucking Americans decide to nominate a member of the Nazi Party to run, you'll be able to find me in Las Vegas placing wagers on the guy's success.

I need a drink.

Tom Degan
Goshen, NY


At 3:47 PM, Blogger Clueless It Seems said...

I don't know if this'll get through to you or not. anyway, here goes:
I knew a female drug smuggler who's dead now and when Reagan was shot in DC 40 years go she called me and said "... the whole world's laughing at us..." No one's laughing now.

At 5:42 PM, Blogger Dave Dubya said...

Make no mistake. Republican Trumpism is evil. We need to call out this new "con-servatism" as the ideology of hate that it has become. They claim to be Christians, but this ideology is their religion, and it is a cult. Power is all that matters, Jesus and the Constitution are entirely beside the point.

It's bad enough con-servatism has waged war on our democracy and our free press. It was bad enough when they gunned down doctors and innocent people in churches. It was bad enough at their deadly hate rallies.

Now con-servativism is employing terrorism by bombs to tear our country apart.

This is now open fascism. And millions of Americans are now embracing the hate espoused by Trump and FOX(R) and hate radio.

They are real threats to the public, and domestic enemies of the Constitution.

The Republican Party is now the complicit Party of Trump. Even if, or maybe especially if, the Dems take the House, the Right will amp up their war on freedom, democracy, equality and our Constitution.

If we don't soundly defeat them at the polls, they will destroy what's left of our country and values.

Count on it.

At 7:41 PM, Blogger Sandra said...

Thank you for your thoughtful blog; I appreciate the time it must take. Please know that I feel better knowing there are people like you in the Resistance. Sandra

At 10:10 AM, Blogger Jefferson's Guardian said...

"I will never make that mistake again. If sometime in the future these stupid fucking Americans decide to nominate a member of the Nazi Party to run, you'll be able to find me in Las Vegas placing wagers on the guy's success." ~~ Tom Degan

Tom, all bets are off. It's such a short step from electing a Russian mobster to an ordained Nazi, that the odds are not acceptable - given the gullibility and stupidity of much of the electorate.

It's possible Michael Moore's right, that number 45 may be the last president. I will wager, though, that the odds are looking better he'll do us all a favor by putting one to his head.

Hope springs eternal. ;-)

At 11:07 AM, Blogger Dave Dubya said...

Trump is inspiring and abetting a wave of far Right terrorism.

This MOB of White Nationalist domestic terrorists, criminals and traitors is a dangerous threat against our democracy.

Even if Dems take the House, the MOB will step up their aggression and violence.

At 11:14 AM, Blogger Darrell Michaels said...

Good God, Mr. Dubya. What about the BLM rioters that Obama and Lynch "inspired and abetted" particularly in Ferguson, Missouri.

Oh that's right. Only conservatives and Republicans are evil.


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