They've Got a Ticket to Obscurity

Their latest foray into Laugh Land involves a "secret society". Apparently, those flaming left wing loonies - over at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (I'm not making this up) - have developed some sort of sinister cabal where they meet to plot the overthrow of all that is good and decent in this grand and glorious land of ours. The right wing politicians puke this stuff out and the right wing media dutifully passes it on. Again, I really don't think that they give a shit how posterity will judge them. It's obvious they don't at all.
"Some white patriot of the Southern tier will spatter his spoonful of brains in public premises before the snow flies."
Westbrook Pegler
Referring to Robert F. Kennedy
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Westbrook Pegler 1894-1969 |
Back in the thirties and forties there once lived a columnist named Westbrook Pegler. Interestingly, I stumbled upon his grave a few years ago while I was visiting the final resting place of my great grandparents, Margaret and Edward Degan, at the Gate of Heaven cemetery in Hawthorne, NY. He's buried fairly close to them. Old Westbrook was as vile a political commentator as one might hope (or not hope) to find anywhere. I always thought that the hideous old freak was born too soon. He would have been perfectly content among the Hannitys, the Limbaughs and the Coulters - and I know beyond a doubt that he would have been crazy about the Donald. The beautiful thing about Pegler is that he was completely wrong about every single important issue of his generation. Not only was this nitwit an anti-Semite of the worst order, he was against the civil rights movement and anything (or anyone) associated with Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal. His views eventually became too extreme even for the right wing Hearst organization which syndicated his column. He ended his life in total obscurity, tapping out an occasional tirade for the John Birch Society's publication. I think I'm the only person I'm aware of who even knows who this knucklehead was. As powerful as he was during his time on earth, death has left him consigned to history's garbage bin.
Another powerful extremist commentator of that age was Walter Winchell. His New York gossip column, which came into being in the mid-twenties, was eventually syndicated nationwide. As his fame grew, so did his arrogance. He would eventually drift from writing about show people to redefine himself as one of the worst red-baiters of his time. His power was enhanced by a nightly radio report that was heard by millions. Like Pegler, poor old Walt eventually fell of his own weight. When he died in 1972 he was so broke that there were no funds to bury him in his beloved New York. He was laid to rest in Texas, where he had been staying at the time he died. For all his one-time power and fame, the only person to attend his graveside service was his estranged daughter with whom he had not spoken in many years.
The graveyards of history are littered with the corpses of men and women who made their names by trying to put a stop to human progress. They are all pretty much obliterated from human and historical memory. There will be no lasting monuments decades into the future for Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh. Look for them only in the footnotes.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
AFTERTHOUGHT, 10:10 AM, 1/30/18:
The State of the Union speech is tonight. Be sure to tune in. This oughta be a hoot!
"Good evening Mr. and Mrs. America and all the ships at sea!"
Walter Winchell
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Winchell |
The graveyards of history are littered with the corpses of men and women who made their names by trying to put a stop to human progress. They are all pretty much obliterated from human and historical memory. There will be no lasting monuments decades into the future for Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh. Look for them only in the footnotes.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
AFTERTHOUGHT, 10:10 AM, 1/30/18:
The State of the Union speech is tonight. Be sure to tune in. This oughta be a hoot!
And I lived in DC for 41 years (ok, ok, can one call that "living"?) There's a tomb for Woodrow Wilson in the crypt of the Washington Cathedral. I saw it and once had a picture of it. He was a complete racist even though he was also the POTUS. He's revered in some quarters but he was ridiculous on some counts. Leonard Cohen sings about "... in the human frame... ". True enough. Humans - mostly repukelican amerikans - are indeed a cancer on the planet. Whatever is said about Davos and all the crap they try to feed us. The rich are NOT like you and me. They basically hate that we're here. Always have, always will.
Majormajor: Go back to your comfie chair at whitie's country club.
Informative piece, Tom, about Westbrook Pegler. I wasn't aware of him, or his reactionary "pre-alt-right" preferences.
Agreed, Pegler would have fit in perfectly with today's brand of deplorables, not to mention the demagogue residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
There's always a racist audience for their hateful and vile message - especially when the supposed "leader of the free world" is their primary provacator.
"Deep state" and "secret society" are the lunatic far Right smears used against our law enforcement. Yes, when it comes to investigating THEM, the "law and order Party" hates law and order. Trump and his thugs want to be above the law.
Yes that makes them fascists. And no matter how many fade into obscurity, there will always be the authoritarian white racist curse on humanity, until they are finally shunned and bred out of existence.
Looks like Trump has forced the interim FBI director out today.
The demagogue residing in the White House is continuing to push out those who claim loyalty to the Constitution instead of him.
This is going to be an interesting next few months. Will the demagogue talk about this in his clown address to the nation tomorrow night?
There will be no lasting monuments decades into the future for Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh
Another prediction, wanna bet this is wrong like your others?
Chuck, if goodness and justice prevails, Limbaugh and Hannity will barely be remembered decades from now. Being the echo chamber for the purveyors of the most vile racism, untruths and deception, they will be no more then footnotes to history on how fascism crept into America and tried to kill democracy.
I'm sure, though, you'll have their busts proudly displayed on your mantelpiece -- no matter the outcome.
Concerning the demagogue's address tonight to the clowns in Congress concerning the state of the "uniom", do you think he'll stay on topic or start rambling and campaigning as usual? ;-)
"Limbaugh and Hannity will barely be remembered decades from now"
Another leftist prediction that will fail. Like the ones predicting NYC would be under water by now.
I'm sure Limbaugh and Hannity will be remembered fondly with the likes of McCarthy, Geobbles, etc. LOL
We are having a small gathering, where the men will drink when Trump mentions Obama, and the ladies will drink when he mentions Hillary.
We all have called in for work tomorrow, knowing we will be hammered before he's finished.
Someone on FB had a great idea for a "SOTU party".
Every time trump mentions Hillary, women take a shot. When he mentions Obama, men take a shot.
When he brags about how great HE is, both drink. Everyone gets hammered and the party breaks up within a half hour.
Lots of long Pinocchio noses after that state of the "uniom" address.
No surprises...
Well, I see Trump managed to stay on the prompter at least most of the time, though one has to wonder why he always "catches a cold" whenever he has to make a long speech. Does he REALLY need a hit of coke for courage? Is he just an addict?
I noticed he spent more time on some stupid NYC Gang than anything else, not failing to mention that they were "not of this country" (which they are for the most part)
The only infrastructure he mentioned was the stupid wall, and not once did he mention the environment, public education, or anything REALLY pertaining to poverty. He never mentioned Russia's involvement in our election process.
I also noticed that he very quickly took credit for Obama's economy.
And I never saw people give a standing ovation after every sentence. The Joint Cheifs looked like they wanted to vomit.
By Patricia McCarthy
It is difficult to imagine a more galling demonstration of incivility than
the Democrats in the room for Trump's SOTU speech. They scowled,
frowned, and sat on their hands throughout the speech. They could hardly
be bothered to acknowledge the heroes in the audience when they were
introduced. While the Dems brought illegal immigrants, Trump invited
actual paragons of American character and the families of victims of
illegal immigrant crimes, as well as a victim of North Korea. It was
embarrassing, like watching the anti-Semites in the UN stomp out of the
room when Benjamin Netanyahu speaks. How is it any different? Our
Democrats behave exactly like the most racist, intolerant people on the
planet, and in their own Capitol.
Sounds like "Just The Facts" is a cousin to Toilet Paper. No facts, just biased opinion.
I didn't hear any Democrats yelling "You Lie" even though that fits our current president perfectly.
Putin is attacking the United States with everything short of military killing and Trump is supporting Putin when every other leader in the world is denouncing Putin. Trump's support of Putin is traitorous.
A perfect example of incivility was Trump's decade long claim that Obama was foreign born (even though that was proven a lie beyond doubt) not to mention all Trump's public statements of bigotry and hate as the president of the United States.
Like comparing Nixon (who was involved is serious crimes) to Clinton being caught lying about an adulteress affair after zero other charges were found in Starr's through investigations. To not understand the difference of criminality is not only a colossal lack of judgment, but pure stupidity.
Chuck, Democrats may have sat on their hands during the address by the demagogue, but at least they didn't interrupt his teleprompter speech by screaming out, "You lie!", as Joe Wilson did during an address to a joint session of Congress early in Barack Obama's presidency.
I was secretly hoping the Democrats would shower the liar with boos, and other appropriate and fitting accusations, to get the demagogue off track, but no such luck.
Maybe next time. ☺ Well, assuming there is a next time.
Hey JTF. How many heckled and yelled "you LIE"? ZERO. Plus Obama wasn't lying and taking credit for the work of others. He wasn't promoting racism and treason.
Subtle differences I know...
Oh, it's not anti sematic to walk out on Netanyahu, he's just Trump with a Yamaka
So the Trump administration has been bombing Russian-backed Syria, bombing of the Russia-aligned Taliban in Afghanistan, stricter enforcement of economic sanctions against Russia for its incursion into Ukraine, support for the expansion of NATO, increased liquid natural gas exports to Europe that undercut Russia's economy, selling of a U.S. missile defense system to Poland and Romania (that Obama reneged on), and opposition to the Russian-backed Iran nuclear deal.
Yep, looks like Trump is in bed with the Russians to me. Nice facts there though, Saul. Can you look at the FACTS without your hate and partisan blinders on, sir?
Mr. Paine finally reveals his fealty to the ignorant racist liar in the White House. How could he not bond with a tyrant who hates liberals and our free press? Birds of a feather.
The Taliban has AK47s so Mr. Paine declares Russia as their ally. Right.
Defense Secretary James Mattis said “I want to see more evidence about how deep the support is,” Mattis said. "I need more definition on what is coming out of Russia. I can’t figure it out. It doesn’t make sense. But we’re looking at it very carefully.”
Mr. Paine ignores Trump’s praise of Putin while pushing his racist birtherism at Obama. Mr. Paine has no interest in acknowledging Trump’s refusal to enforce sanctions on Russia voted almost unanimously by Congress.
Mr. Paine deceptively uses the term “Russian-backed Iran nuclear deal”, for an international agreement signed by the US.
Mr. Paine has no interest in Trump’s financial records that would show his true debt and dealings with Russia.
Mr. Paine has gone full Trumpist and has bought into the scary “deep state” and “secret society” BS from Alex Jones and other radical nuts loyal to Trump over the US legal system.
Mr. Paine has drunk the koolade and declared the “foolish juvenile president” is a “stable” president”.
“Not Republican” Mr. Paine is clearly a loyal defender of his authoritarian Dear Leader.
We knew this would happen.
Netanyahu is just "Trump with a Yamaka"? Mozart, you make yourself look even more ridiculous when you spew such nonsense. Netanyahu actually has an existential threat to his nation from the "peace-loving" Palestinians and their various terrorist groups like Hezbollah, Hamas, and other Iranian-backed terrorists. He does what he must to ensure the very survival of his nation. Meanwhile you and your ilk talk about conservative greed while demanding more tax payer benefits for illegal aliens and those that are capable but unwilling to work. I always thought that the progressive notion of greed was foolish. In their book it is greedy to want to keep the fruits of one's labor but not to insist that others pay for you when you have not worked for it.
It would be nice if you would love your country more than you hated your president.
It would be nice if president Trump would love America more than Russia.
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