The Great Shutdown of '18
"It's a hard rain's a'gonna fall"
Uncle Bobby
Okay, let me see if I've got this right:

By the way, I needed to put the word "party" in quotation marks. It's no longer a party as we have come to understand the term. It hasn't been one in decades. This is an organized criminal enterprise. Wake up and smell the elephant shit.
When Senator Claire McCaskill announced a bill that would ensure that soldiers would continue to get paid during the shutdown, Mitch McConnell objected. Do any of you still harbor illusions regarding what these people are all about? Not that I'm at all comfortable defending the Democrats, but the heart of the shutdown had to do with their insisting that the "Dreamer" kids, the ones who came here illegally as toddlers and who are now - for all intents and purposes Americans - won't be deported. They also insisted that poor children would still be allowed access to health insurance. The "party of Abraham Lincoln" (what would I do without quotation marks?) wouldn't hear of it.
What does that tell you about the so-called "Family Values" mob?
In the meantime the president, that unhinged, orange-haired sociopath and common pervert who now resides in the Executive Mansion, is unwilling or unable to help strike some sort of a deal. Remember, this is the same putz who, thirty-five years ago, became famous for writing something called, The Art of The Deal. We only know his name today because of that idiotic book. No more proof is needed to plainly show that Donald Trump's entire career - his entire existence - is a fraud. Anyone bothering to pay even scant attention has known this reality for decades, and yet, so many of us were dumb enough to cast our precious ballots for him because, as they said time and time again, "He's one of us".
And of course, they're one-hundred percent correct in profound ways that most of them aren't intelligent enough to ever fully comprehend. Donald J. Trump personifies that dark place in the American psyche that the rest of the planet has come to view with a perfect combination of alarm, amusement and distain. He's one of us, alright. And the American people's well-documented history of know-nothingness and political self-destruction (constantly voting against their own best interests) are the very ingredients that are leading directly to their own ruination. Honestly, it would be kind of funny if it weren't so damned pathetic. Really, it's like waking up to find that you're living smack dab in the middle of a Paddy Chayefsky play. Life is strange that way, you know?
I do wish that I could confidently predict for you that the GOP will be wiped away in the elections this fall, and that this complete tragicomic, nightmare of an administration will be gone in a year's time, but that would be wishful thinking on my part. I don't know about you, but I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the spectacle of watching so many of my fellow countrymen and women stewing in the juices of their own appalling stupidity. Schadenfreude on steroids. That'll make for a really fun show! It's simply a case of making the best out of a horrifically bad situation: take those nasty lemons and whip up a pitcher of some juicy lemonade.
Sit back and try your best to enjoy the show. This promises to be ten Watergates and twenty Teapot Domes all rolled up into one nicely-wrapped package.
I just had the most deliciously ironic thought: Germany is now the leader of the free world. The country that eighty years ago gave rise to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis - the nation that the United States saved the world from - is today our moral superior. Who would have thought? Our day on the mountaintop is over. The world will never trust us again. Can't say that I blame them much. Can you?
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Fire and Fury:
Inside the Trump White House
by Michael Wolff
Last weekend I got the chance to read the book that everybody is talking about. You should read it, too. Everybody should read it. Of course I realize full well that not everybody will.
A year ago we ceased being the United States of America. On January 20, 2017 we became Idiot Nation.
Here's a link to order it off of
It's worse than anyone would have dared predicted.
When Senator Claire McCaskill announced a bill that would ensure that soldiers would continue to get paid during the shutdown, Mitch McConnell objected. Do any of you still harbor illusions regarding what these people are all about? Not that I'm at all comfortable defending the Democrats, but the heart of the shutdown had to do with their insisting that the "Dreamer" kids, the ones who came here illegally as toddlers and who are now - for all intents and purposes Americans - won't be deported. They also insisted that poor children would still be allowed access to health insurance. The "party of Abraham Lincoln" (what would I do without quotation marks?) wouldn't hear of it.
What does that tell you about the so-called "Family Values" mob?
In the meantime the president, that unhinged, orange-haired sociopath and common pervert who now resides in the Executive Mansion, is unwilling or unable to help strike some sort of a deal. Remember, this is the same putz who, thirty-five years ago, became famous for writing something called, The Art of The Deal. We only know his name today because of that idiotic book. No more proof is needed to plainly show that Donald Trump's entire career - his entire existence - is a fraud. Anyone bothering to pay even scant attention has known this reality for decades, and yet, so many of us were dumb enough to cast our precious ballots for him because, as they said time and time again, "He's one of us".
And of course, they're one-hundred percent correct in profound ways that most of them aren't intelligent enough to ever fully comprehend. Donald J. Trump personifies that dark place in the American psyche that the rest of the planet has come to view with a perfect combination of alarm, amusement and distain. He's one of us, alright. And the American people's well-documented history of know-nothingness and political self-destruction (constantly voting against their own best interests) are the very ingredients that are leading directly to their own ruination. Honestly, it would be kind of funny if it weren't so damned pathetic. Really, it's like waking up to find that you're living smack dab in the middle of a Paddy Chayefsky play. Life is strange that way, you know?
I do wish that I could confidently predict for you that the GOP will be wiped away in the elections this fall, and that this complete tragicomic, nightmare of an administration will be gone in a year's time, but that would be wishful thinking on my part. I don't know about you, but I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the spectacle of watching so many of my fellow countrymen and women stewing in the juices of their own appalling stupidity. Schadenfreude on steroids. That'll make for a really fun show! It's simply a case of making the best out of a horrifically bad situation: take those nasty lemons and whip up a pitcher of some juicy lemonade.
Sit back and try your best to enjoy the show. This promises to be ten Watergates and twenty Teapot Domes all rolled up into one nicely-wrapped package.
I just had the most deliciously ironic thought: Germany is now the leader of the free world. The country that eighty years ago gave rise to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis - the nation that the United States saved the world from - is today our moral superior. Who would have thought? Our day on the mountaintop is over. The world will never trust us again. Can't say that I blame them much. Can you?
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

Fire and Fury:
Inside the Trump White House
by Michael Wolff
Last weekend I got the chance to read the book that everybody is talking about. You should read it, too. Everybody should read it. Of course I realize full well that not everybody will.
A year ago we ceased being the United States of America. On January 20, 2017 we became Idiot Nation.
Here's a link to order it off of
It's worse than anyone would have dared predicted.
Your blog is something I read all the time and look forward to.
I once went back and forth with a New Yawk Slimes editor about the difference (and there is one) between insure and ensure. He insisted that everything was "insure" and told me that the NYT was going to keep on using insure for everything. There is a word "ensure" and it's not relegated to the dustbin of lexicography. You used "insure" when you meant "ensure". Please respect that and remember: your mom probably told you not to ever say "ain't" because it makes you sound stupid, like the know-nothings are.
Mark S.
Bwoston suburbs
You're absolutely correct, Bill.
I appreciate the call-out. Correction made.
Even Wolf Blitzer knows more about how the Senate works than you.
"Two Democratic lawmakers, who both have a history of making unreliable claims, were shut down on live TV on Sunday after they attempted to level false allegations against the GOP and portray their party as victims in the government shutdown mess.
Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), who lied about his service record in Vietnam, appeared on CNN with host Wolf Blitzer where he falsely asserted that the Republicans were in control of the Senate.
Shortly after making the remark, Blitzer corrected him, "Well, let me interrupt politely. They're not completely in control of the U.S. Senate as you know, they only have 51 votes, the Democrats are in the minority, but you need 60 votes in order to break a filibuster, so they're not in control of the Senate when it comes to this issue."
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), who also has a history of making false statements, claimed that Republicans haven't reauthorized the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and that Republicans have control of the Senate.
The CNN host interviewing Durbin immediately stopped him and pointed out that Republicans did include the re authorization of CHIP in the bill and stopped him again to remind him that the Democrats do in fact have power in the U.S. Senate as 60 votes are needed."
Tom, you are obviously a well-read and very sharp guy. With that being said, I find it hard to believe that you would put forth the falsehood on the way the U.S. Senate currently works. The fact that you did means that perhaps you are not as well-informed regarding the functioning of our Senate as I presumed, or you are intentionally not stating the truth of the matter, sir. Is that the case? Are you perhaps disingenuously pandering to the ignorant on the Left so that they will blame the Republicans for Schumer's shutdown? Regardless, this erodes your credibility, sir.
It doesn't matter that the Republicans have a slim majority in the Senate. They do not hold a 60 to 40 seat majority, assuming everyone voted nearly along party lines. That means, the tyranny of a minority can hold the United States government hostage over a non-issue such as DACA and then agree to the very deal that was offered Friday night before the Schumer shutdown even began.
You well know, I suspect, that at least 60 votes are required to enact cloture on debate so that a subsequent vote can be taken on such a spending bill. Yes, the bill can pass by a simple 51 vote majority, but since the Democrats threatened to filibuster as a 60 vote cloture on the debate was not reached first, they effectively scuttled the bill temporarily and there was nothing the GOP-controlled Senate could do about it. Frankly, I wish idiot-boy McConnell would have actually made them filibuster instead of simply caving.
Why the cynical and power-hungry Democrats thought it was necessary to attach a non-related immigration issue to a government funding bill is another matter entirely. DACA was not stalled in congress. It was moving forward, so there was never a need for this cynical showdown in the first place. I hope the rest of America that is actually paying attention and understands how our government works will hold Schumer and his tantrum-throwing minions responsible when the mid-term elections come up in November.
Oh, and please do give reasons why you feel Germany is now America's moral superior, if you would be so kind, sir. I am guessing it has something to do with the racist President Trump and all of those deplorables that support him, right?
LOL. Go figure our two biggest GOP apologizers weighed in.
But they STILL can't make this a democratic shutdown. T. Pain is just Clucky with the APPEARANCE of a better education, but I suspect they are the same person.
Schumer and Lindsey Graham brought Trump a bipartisan bill and Trump, who had agreed to the terms earlier in the week rejected it.
This is Trump's shitshow.
And yes, the WORLD now sees Germany as the "leader of the free world". Trump has ma
de the USA a laughing stock. Your spin and Fox lies can't change that.
BTW, if the GOP is not responsible for the shutdown because they couldn't get a few dems to support their thievery, HOW WAS IT OBAMA'S FAULT NOTHING GOT DONE WHEN THE DEMS DIDN;T HAVE 60 VOTES?
Mozart, you really are quite the character.
"Blah, blah, blah, Fox News... lies... blah, blah, blah, Obama is awesome, blah, blah, blah, Trump is Satan."
I am hardly a supporter of the GOP. I wish they would have had the spines to actually make the Schumer minions engage in a filibuster, for starters. Second, nothing of what you said changes the fact that Tom was wrong in his characterization of how the Senate works and the fact that it was the Democrats and their temper-tantrum of threatening a filibuster that scuttled a chance to vote on a bill WHICH THEY AGREED TO THE SUBSTANCE THEREOF to fund the government. Why? Because these Democrats are more beholden to illegal aliens than they are to their American constituents for whom they are there to represent for their states. Third, idiot-boy Schumer and the Democrats caved and agreed to exactly the same deal on Monday that was offered to them Friday BEFORE they shut down the government. All of these are inarguable facts. I am certain that won't stop you from trying to deflect though.
As for Obama, I am grateful that the progressive @#$%@% didn't get more done and cause even greater damage to our nation's economy, standing, and liberties than what he already did. For all of Trump's negatives, and there are indeed many, he at least has gotten this economy running great again with growth above 3%. That was something that Obama NEVER saw during his "leadership". Trump also gave our military commanders the power to actually fight and decimate ISIS. And he has gone a long ways to restoring our first amendment freedoms that Obama has unconstitutionally usurped in his egregious HHS mandate.
Yes, I understand that many of your fellow "enlightened" progressives that seem to be ignorant of history, economics, and civics (especially how the Senate works) are probably very happy when the Democrats thwart Trump's proposed policies. That is their right too. It is my contention that they are being more stupid than usual, however, when they block a spending bill that funds CHIP and all of their other pet projects to get a commitment on DACA when that legislation was moving forward in a bipartisan fashion already. The whole thing was foolish and unnecessary. (Foolish and unnecessary -- sounds like this would have made an appropriate campaign slogan for Hillary.)
I have tried to be decent and respectful to you, Mr. Mozart, while debating your ideas. You constantly bitch and make things personal. I know when one cannot rely upon the truth in supporting ones positions, that is the typical fall-back position. That is fine.
As for you "morally superior" Germany, perhaps you should do some reading in factual resources to see how they, along with other EU states, are proposing a 39-member panel to determine what is and is not "fake news". Basically, they are setting up a government body to tell the people what is true or not. I wonder if they will go so far as to call it "The Ministry of Truth"? Orwell would be sickened.
If you want to live in a place that is governed by typical progressive ideals, then Venezuela awaits you! In the meantime, I'd appreciate it if you would actually look at some objective media sources and read a history book or two. We cannot afford to keep having this country lurch ever more to the left.
Get a clue, sir.
See? T.Paine writes a manifesto, where he agrees and supports the GOP, and Clucky? Well... we have long since given up expecting anything lucid or rational from him.
T. Paine, given that I don't believe in MYTHOLOGY, no one is "God" or "Satan" but Obama did great things in spite of unprecedented (and childish) obstruction from the right, and Trump is trying to destroy the country while lining his own pockets, and he can't get anything meaningful done even with his own party in power!
Our reputation on the world stage is in ruin.
If we didn't have so much PROPAGANDA coming from the right, we wouldn't NEED anyone watchdogging the news, though until REAGAN the USA had LAWS requiring truth in the news.
"Lurch ever more to the LEFT"? LOL!!! That's GREAT! Check the USA under EISENHOWER (Republican) and now. EVen hardcore LIBERALS are more like conservatives of 50 years ago. Anyone thinking like todays GOP would have been laughed back into the shadows with their white hoods.
No "Mr. Paine" you type a LOT but all you say are the same BULLSHIT things the alt right says.
If YOU want to see a place with TRULY liberal ideals, try NORWAY. Trump loves those people. LOL.
It doesn't matter that the Republicans have a slim majority in the Senate. They do not hold a 60 to 40 seat majority, assuming everyone voted nearly along party lines.
If I only had a dollar for the times the Rightists howled about "Obama's Senate" with an even smaller majority.
do give reasons why you feel Germany is now America's moral superior
Yes Mr. Paine. They didn't elect a racist ignorant fool to be their leader. They didn't elect a fascist calling our free press the "enemy of the people".
And of course, Mr. Paine dutifully credits Trump for inheriting growing economy while condemning the Black Guy for presiding over the reversal of a TANKING economy left to him.
All credit to Republicans. All blame to Democrats. And curses to the “Lügenpresse”, or lying press, in their campaign to destroy journalism.
Want more reasons for German moral superiority?
"Grab em by the pussy" and get elected president. Call Nazis "very fine people".
Want more?
Cons amaze me. They have lost moral grounding to the point they can't see the moral rot in their Party of Trump. Instead they embrace and defend them.
Trump also gave our military commanders the power to actually fight and decimate ISIS.
And he has gone a long ways to restoring our first amendment freedoms that Obama has unconstitutionally usurped in his egregious HHS mandate.
Trump fanatics couldn’t have spewed this pro-Trump propaganda with more conviction.
Kim Jong DON declared our free press to be an “enemy of the people”, but what does that have to do with the first amendment?
Note the slimy suggestion about the “Muslim Black Guy” not letting the military fight ISIS, a product of Bush’s war in Iraq.
Of course, we don’t hear that from the general running the war on ISIS, do we? But then again, Mr. Paine was in the Navy, so he is an expert on all of this.
October 30, 2016
A conversation with the general running the war against ISIS Gen. Joseph Votel, the commander of US Central Command
Votel, 58, previously led US Special Operations Command and the secretive Joint Special Operations Command, which was the unit that killed Osama bin Laden in 2011, shortly before Votel assumed its command. That Votel is in charge of the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria is itself unusual, as it's the first time a Special Operations veteran has been put in charge of all those wars, underlining the Obama administration's increasing reliance on Special Operations Forces.
Q: Has the campaign against ISIS in Raqqa already started?
Votel: We have been doing preparatory stuff against Raqqa and Mosul for a long time, long before we said "the assault on Mosul has begun." (Trumpists try to deny this fact.)
We have taken out 36 ISIS leaders in the Mosul area; to me that is part of the preparation phase. (Gee, who “gave our military commanders the power to actually fight ISIS”? Not the Black Guy apparently.)
So we have to think about this in the same way in Raqqa. If we see ISIS leaders in Raqqa we will take them out. To that extent, we can legitimately say, "Yes, we are doing operations in Raqqa."
The importance of Raqqa is that is where ISIS plans their external [terrorist] operations. That is what is driving us to get on this as quick as we can, because this is where the plotting takes place. That doesn't mean we necessarily know that there is a specific plot we are trying to disrupt now or in a couple of weeks, but Raqqa is recognized as the financial, leadership and external ops center of the Islamic State, so that's what makes it important.
I think Mr. Paine’s glorification of Orange Julius reveals he secretly admires our authoritarian Dear Leader.
This is the market under Obama’s first year and Trump’s first year:
Increase in Dow under:
- Obama from Jan 20, 2009 to Jan 4, 2010: 33.2%
- Trump from Jan 20, 2017 to Jan 4, 2018: 26.5%
Increase in S&P under:
- Obama from Jan 20, 2009 to Jan 4, 2010: 40.7%
- Trump from Jan 20, 2017 to Jan 4, 2018: 20.0%
The difference was this; Obama inherited a TANKING economy and Trump inherited a GROWING economy.
Mr. Paine gives all credit to Trump, of course. For he is also an expert economist.
Mr. Paine, at the very least the Germans appointed a 39-person panel. Certainly more democratic than the accusatory juvenile rantings of one unbalanced sociopathic demagogue, wouldn't you agree? ;-)
"I am hardly a supporter of the GOP."
Just an outright lie by Toilet Paper. Just reading his dishonest blog shows he supports 90% of what Republicans do.
His lack of factual history is astounding in his latest post about Israel and the Middle East.
According to his "guest" post (which Toilet Paper agrees with 100%) the #1 reason Israel is so successful is because the have date trees. WOW!
His lack of knowledge of how American politics works is childish first grader garbage and his lack of history of what has been done to get us to this point is false.
"Get a clue." is an understatement that lets Toilet Paper off to easy.
Then there is Toilet Papers latest post about abortion, which of course has been legal for 45 years, yet, Toilet Paper calls it murder. I'm glad we don't make law based on his religious Bible. Another point totally in line with Republican dogma, but Toilet Paper just said again he is not a Republican, another obvious lie. You really should learn the law before you call something murder.
By the way, Jefferson is a poor example to use for morality, or piety since he supported slavery til the day he died and had the ability to make it illegal when he wrote the Constitution, but he refused.
Questions for you Toilet Paper:
Where did Arab Palestinians originally come from?
Why did the British leave Israel?
Why do you demand that America live by your religious laws?
Why did your Pope just condemn the survivors of sexual abuse by his own priests?
How can you condemn Schumer for demanding DACA legislation during the negotiations, but then say you believe it should be law? Read the bills that come out of the House and Senate and have for centuries - there are FEW stand alone issue bills. that's the way Congress has done business for centuries.
Why debate these issues with someone void (uneducated) of the details needed to debate?
Pelosi Tries to Extend $137,000 Tax Break for Two of Her Multi-Million-Dollar Homes
Congress's wealthiest woman plays the tax game too: Pelosi rushed to pre-pay property taxes after decrying GOP tax overhaul as middle-class tax hike and corporate giveaway
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), who often rails against income inequality and calls on the wealthy to pay its "fair share" in taxes, took pains in late December to try to preserve tax breaks for two of her multi-million-dollar homes one last time before the new tax law kicked in.
Largely thanks to her husband Paul, a real-estate and venture-capital investor, Pelosi is the wealthiest woman in Congress with a net worth of more than $100 million and the seventh wealthiest member overall, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
In fact, assets and cash disclosed in her 2016 financial-disclosure statement places Pelosi in the top one-tenth of the 1 percent of Americans.
Pelosi's annual property tax bill alone on three luxury homes last year—$137,000—is more than twice the 2016 U.S. median household income of $59,039, which the U.S. Census reported last fall.
BY: Susan Crabtree
Trump has said and done racist things. Trump has engaged in and said horribly boorish things. I neither condone this behavior nor support him accordingly. I did not vote for him, in large part because of these very issues. It doesn't matter to Mr. Dubya though, because I haven't lost my brain and embraced every progressive issue he supports. I, therefore, am a fascist, racist, authoritarian "con" in his book. So much for tolerance. Its a lot easier to hate and demonize for Dave.
As for the free press, there are parts of it that have absolutely lied, exaggerated, or spiked stories all to support the progressives. That is fact and you know it, although will never have the integrity to actually admit it. Oh, and spare me the "corporate media" line that you and your mini-me JG always spew too. It does nothing to negate the fact that large swaths of the media are absolutely politically biased towards the left. The evidence of this is overwhelming. There is nobody so blind as he who REFUSES to see.
As for President Obama, I acknowledged he inherited an economy in recession. It grew at an anemic rate of no greater than 2.9% throughout the entirety of his eight years in office. He is the ONLY U.S. president to so preside over such a weak economy. His meddling and increased regulations are what kept the economy from growing. Trump inherited this weak but growing economy and unleashed it with his policies of deregulation and tax reform. Trump is an idiot in many ways, but one must give credit where it is due. I guess you don't since you are so blinded by hate that you would never actually stop and look at the facts objectively.
You amaze me. "An old-fashioned American"? Really? I think you need a new Funk & Wagnells if that is what you define yourself as.
A comment from Toilet Paper from his blog under the comments of his latest post:
"It was "Paul" and Dave that were on Tom's blog, and Dave on Fair and Balanced, so I am told, that were being nasty and typically untruthful on the latest posts."
Then he informed his readers because of the nasty Jefferson's Guardian Toilet Paper has enacted comment moderation.
I was not lying Toilet Paper and a check of facts prove I was not lying. It's quite cowardly of you to have read my comment on Tom's blog, refuse to respond, or answer my questions, then hide behind comment moderation.
Not surprising and typical for a Trump Republican that when confronted with true facts against his lies he declares they are false facts and refuses to comment , or respond to legitimate questions. Because stating true facts is being nasty, I guess.
The third grade thinking of Toilet Paper and his buddy Trump along with the Republicans is why this country is 20 trillion in debt and sticking their heads in the sand about major issues they deny even exist. His lack of intelligence about our government succeeds Trumps for idiocy. His religious convictions lead him to call lawful acts murder, like some ISIS religious zealot.
Enjoy yourself Toilet Paper, hiding behind your wall of ignorance, bigotry, and stupidity.
Paul, you seem to have a lot of anger pent up within you. Is it because there are actually thinking people in this world that don't always agree with your reflexive progressive crap that you spew (thus needing toilet paper to clean up your mess)? You realize that $10 trillion of that national debt was tallied under your messiah Obama, don't you? Yeah, more than all of the other presidents in history combined. You bet he made America a better place... right?
Further, the fact that abortion is legal does not make it right, just, or moral. That is a justification that smacks of the legal arguments of the Third Reich. Evidently it is a great way to reduce crime though, so I have been "enlightened". Margaret Sanger would be proud!
As for your facts, at best they are dubious talking points, and at worst outright fabrications. I really don't care to waste my time arguing with someone of your temperament. It is pointless, because anything I say that is even slightly contrary to your own opinion will be dismissed, ridiculed, or demonized. I am not interested in discussing issues with the likes of you accordingly. I will save my efforts in the future for responding to thoughtful people on the left that actually would like to have a discussion and exchange of ideas.
The fact that you have to be like the third grade playground bully and call others names and demonize anyone who disagrees with your misguided philosophies speaks to your level of maturity and character.
Sure hope you find some productive way to vent that anger. Perhaps Mr. Degan's blog is providing that outlet for you. Regardless, I sincerely hope you are able to find some peace and have a good weekend, Paul. Cheers!
I knew Toilet Paper would come back with some worthless name calling instead of answering questions, or using facts. A typical ignorant response from someone who has no facts, just bigoted practices.
Here's another story of religious hate that sick people like Toilet Paper practices:
"In Church, Confessing To Sexual Abuse Can Win You A Standing Ovation"
Calling people practicing legal acts "murderers" shows the hate Toilet Paper has for anyone disagreeing with him.
I'm sure Toilet Paper is kneeling in homage to his high Pope Francis for telling the victims of sexual abuse by his priests to shut up and quit lying.
Meantime Toilet Paper is telling people he is not a Republican, while supporting 90% of the hate filled Republican agenda.
Hey Toilet Paper, you know Republicans had majority for 6 of Obama's 8 years as president and that fact means Republicans were writing the spending bills for the government during the Obama years. More fiction from you is proving me correct about the fact less you.
Thanks for ignoring the racts I posted and further proving what I say about you is correct.
Toilet Paper is a perfect name for you.
You realize that $10 trillion of that national debt was tallied under your messiah Obama
There’s the word used to show utter hatred for Obama again. Mr. Paine is quite tickled at the Trump tax cuts adding over another trillion to the debt. Why is that? He gets a chump change kickback from his corporate employer, so it’s all good. Don’t forget the trillions for the war in Iraq Mr. defends..
(Reuters) - The U.S. war in Iraq has cost $1.7 trillion with an additional $490 billion in benefits owed to war veterans, expenses that could grow to more than $6 trillion over the next four decades counting interest, a study released on Thursday said.
Mr. Paine insists Saddam had “nukular” aluminum tubes, biological labs, and was in cahoots with al-Qaeda. Yes, he still buys the lies and the doctrine of military aggression. Just like...
Further, the fact that abortion is legal does not make it right, just, or moral. That is a justification that smacks of the legal arguments of the Third Reich.
Speaking of the Third Reich: Hitler shared Mr. Paine’s anti-abortion authoritarianism.
On October 10, 1936 Heinrich Himmler created the Reich Central Office for Combating Homosexuality and Abortion, or Special Office (II S), a sub-department of Executive Department II of the Gestapo.
Would Americans vote for another Hitler as long as he opposed abortion? Seems we did. Our Fuhrer is above the law as his supporters like Mr. Paine smear the FBI investigators.
So there you have it. almost $8 trillion in debt that has brought us ISIS and huge tax cuts for the Kochs and Trump. What a deal! Mr. Paine ignores the fact the "Obama debt" includes that Iraq war too. IOKIYAR.
Seems the hypocritical Republicans and the Orange Messiah can do no wrong.
Need I once again point out Mr. Paine’s and the Right's use of the Nazi tactic of attacking a free press?
The far Right’s primary Big Lie is “liberal media”, now "fake news", in their war on journalism. Journalism has always been seen as a threat to totalitarians and authoritarians.
The German Nazis used the term “Lügenpresse”, or lying press, in their campaign to destroy journalism. Now American fascists cry “liberal media” and “fake news” when the truth threatens their agenda.
I see Mr. Paine is still transfixed with the mislabeled and totally inappropriate term "liberal media".
With media consolidation by mega-publishing conglomerates buying literally hundreds of independent companies, and reducing them to a handful, it's a wonder to me how anybody with any rational thinking can still use the outdated and colloquial term, "liberal media".
But, considering the source, it shouldn't be surprising.
Liberal media, or corporate media. It cannot be both.
Corporate media has a vested interest in the status quo. They exist to make money. They pander to power to gain access. I’ve yet to see a Trumpist acknowledge the FACT that MSNBC, CNN, and other “liberal” news outlets have a PAID TRUMP SHILL on the air every day.
“Both siderism” is their MO. The reason you see so much “negative” stuff on Trump is because Trump tweets and says stupid hateful crap all the time. He is the most negative, hateful, and ignorant man in politics.
Meanwhile corporate media is selling sensationalism over information. It pays their bottom line. Reporting on the issues is secondary.
Conservatives will not believe this, but here is the research:
From Columbia Journalism Review:
Don’t blame the election on fake news. Blame it on the media.
It seems incredible that only five out of 150 front-page articles that The New York Times ran over the last, most critical months of the election, attempted to compare the candidate’s policies, while only 10 described the policies of either candidate in any detail.
In just six days, The New York Times ran as many cover stories about Hillary Clinton’s emails as they did about all policy issues combined in the 69 days leading up to the election.
....Notwithstanding polls that show almost 50 percent of Trump supporters believed rumors that Hillary Clinton was running a pedophilia sex ring out of a Washington, DC pizzeria
That last item is sample of what cons accept over journalism, as hey howl "liberal media".
Note Mr. Paine cannot cite evidence to support his Big Lie. No need. It is his cult religion. His faith requires no proof.
Neither can Mr. Paine tell us where to get more accurate information. FOX(R)?? LOL!
This is what makes the Far Right a cult. They trust only their cult leaders and dogma. Everything else is demonized as "liberal media". That is how totalitarians always see it.
If facts counter beliefs, facts will be attacked as "fake news". Mr. Paine has no comment on Trump's lies because they fit his cult beliefs.
As for having a racist lining his pockets with millions from his "public service"? No problem. Corruption and greed are virtues for the far Right.
Poor Mr. Paine has been hurt. He retaliated with the classic victimization of angry white males syndrome.
My remarks to and concerning Mr.Paine:
TP: do give reasons why you feel Germany is now America's moral superior
Yes Mr. Paine. They didn't elect a racist ignorant fool to be their leader. They didn't elect a fascist calling our free press the "enemy of the people".
And of course, Mr. Paine dutifully credits Trump for inheriting growing economy while condemning the Black Guy for presiding over the reversal of a TANKING economy left to him. The difference was this; Obama inherited a TANKING economy and Trump inherited a GROWING economy.
Mr. Paine gives all credit to Trump, of course. For he is also an expert economist.
Note the slimy suggestion about the “Muslim Black Guy” not letting the military fight ISIS, a product of Bush’s war in Iraq. (Note. Mr. Paine didn’t use the term Muslim Black Guy, but accusing him of “not letting the military fight ISIS” amounts to the same thing, doesn’t it?)
I think Mr. Paine’s glorification of Orange Julius reveals he secretly admires our authoritarian Dear Leader.
I paid the price for answering Mr. Paine’s question about Germany, and for noting his sliming lie about Obama and crediting Trump for the growing economy. From this, Mr. Paine concludes:
It doesn't matter to Mr. Dubya though, because I haven't lost my brain and embraced every progressive issue he supports. I, therefore, am a fascist, racist, authoritarian "con" in his book. So much for tolerance. Its a lot easier to hate and demonize for Dave.
Where did I call Mr. Paine a fascist, racist authoritarian con? Only in his delicate sensibilities, it seems. I would have to admit accusing Obama of “not letting the military fight ISIS” would draw a round of applause at Trump rallies and a white supremacist meeting. Just saying.
BTW, it’s just fine for Mr. Paine to suggest I have “lost my brain and embraced every progressive issue”.
Of course it is. It is “Common Sense” that liberals have lost their brains and Trump supporters are very fine people.
Angry white conservatives love to see themselves as tough guys. Their thin skins prove otherwise.
And why won't Mr. Paine educate us on where to get his unbiased news? Crickets.
Better blame the "liberal media" again. He knows he will not look very bright to admit FOX(R) is his trusted source of information.
It's no wonder he's withdrawing from every other blog. His propaganda fails to convince every time. When cornered by facts, he runs away. Just like every other tough angry white conservative.
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