Clash of the Extremists
"Once he lost, Trump would be both insanely famous and a martyr to Crooked Hillary. His daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared would be international celebrities. Steve Bannon would become the de facto head of the tea-party movement. Kellyanne Conway would be a cable news star. Melania Trump, who had been assured by her husband that he wouldn't become president, could return to inconspicuous lunching."
From the forthcoming book
Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House
by Michael Wolff
As reported in this morning's NY Daily News
This was my theory a year before the catastrophic election of 2016 - and you did indeed read it here first, folks! Trump never had any intention of becoming president of the United States. He was merely intending to "up his brand", so to speak. As we all know by now, his scheme backfired in ways that the hideous old bastard never dreamed possible. He should have heeded the advice of that great muckraker from a bygone era, H.L. Mencken. Donald Trump's lethal error was overestimating the intelligence of the American people. This is black comedy at its finest; and the funniest thing of all is the fact that it's all too deliciously true!
The vicious back-and-forth this week between the Donald and former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, reminds me all-too-well of the petty squabbling that went on between Josef Goebbels and Hermann Goering throughout the entire mercifully brief reign of Adolf Hitler eighty years ago. Extremists will always eventually devour one another. Reading William L Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich two years ago was a double edged sword: While the "rise" part was thoroughly depressing, the "fall" chapters were just oodles of fun to read about! It's sort of a similar feeling I get while watching the utter disintegration of the most corrupt and disgusting administration in the history of this weird nation.
Won't you come home George Dubya? Won't you come home?

Daughter Ivanka Trump planned on using her old man's failed candidacy as a springboard for her own run in the future. It was she - not Hillary Clinton - who was going to be remembered in history as the first woman chief-executive. By the way, by all accounts darling Ivanka is dumber than a box of moldy, purple yo-yos. I swear I'm not making this up.
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I really doubt that Trump's legal eagles will have any luck suppressing the Wolff book. It has jumped to the top of my reading list - a book that we're going to be discussing for many years.
This is all quite too good to be true.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
The Eastern United States is about to be slammed with the coldest weather in living memory. They are saying that in the next few days, some parts of the country will be colder than the planet Mars. Please stay inside. And if you have to travel, be sure that you have a fully-charged cell phone in your possession. Stepping outdoors for less than a half-a-minute late last night to get something out of my vehicle (without a coat!) I was immediately taken aback by the brutality of the chill in the Northeast air. I don't think I have ever experienced such cold weather - and it's supposed to get worse! These are nights that are potentially lethal. Please, be safe, folks.
It is sad and unsettling to know that there are homeless people out there. Those of us sleeping under a roof and in a warm bed have much to be thankful for tonight.
I will be acquiring a copy of the book as soon as possible. If there is ANY consolation for the shame and embarrassment to the nation, Trump's fall will be glorious.
I suspect the book will be lapped up by the Left, just as anti-Hillary books were by the right. In the end, it will amount to very little.
Stay warm and safe, Tom!
T.Paine, the difference is, the Trump book is factual, while the attacks on Hillary were all made up.
Hillary never committed TREASON.
Subtle difference, I know...
Where are the American Patriots? Corruption and treason are what we have NOW.the Repubs want to take everything away that Obama did for us, our Country..our Planet..all because of their insane rascism and childish hatred...Not FOR anyone! The Koch Bros are playing on just that to destroy..and take over, OUR Country..Nazi propaganda and "divide and conquer".. Using another arrogant..and mentally ill, excuse for a human being to do it! IF you are SEE this is whats happening. The weather? Climate change, Repubs? Just WHERE are you..And your $$$going when you have totally destroyed this beautiful Planet and its inhabitants..the GOOD ones, I mean??
MMajujor Clucky, if you read the entire article, he states that because so many people were lying about Trump IN the White HOuse, and versions of incidents directly contradicted each other person to person and DAY TO DAY, he can't be certain EVERYTHING TRUMP'S PEOPLE told him was true. But he knew certain things WERE true.
See, it's different when you tell the ENTIRE story.
Mr. Mozart, respectfully you are truly a knee-jerk reactive Leftist partisan. Hillary DID commit many crimes, some probably rising to the level of treason. Ask Ambassador Stephens about this... oh wait... he was killed in Benghazi due to Obama and Hillary.
There is FAR more evidence for the myriad of serious national-security affecting scandals involving your beloved St. Hillary than there is to date on idiot-boy Trump. Of course, nothing will likely happen to her because of the corrupt an incestuous nature of congressional and executive branch politics. That does not mean that she is not guilty. All you have to do is look objectively at the evidence. I am not holding my breath, sir.
Hey Toilet Paper, was Foster killed by the Clintons?
Star's investigation found out about an adulteress affair between Clinton and one of his interns. There was never any other wrongdoing found in all the dealings Star investigated regarding the Clintons.
Where are the criminal convictions against Clinton from the Republican led investigation on Benghazi?
The Republicans said publicly that the only reason for the Benghazi investigation was to drive Clinton's poll numbers down.
Muller's investigation has already had multiple criminal convictions.
The fact that you don't know the difference between actual criminal convictions and conspiracy theory stories only proves what a political hack you are.
Keep claiming you are not a Republican hack Toilet Paper, it's hilarious.
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