Into the Sewer
Won't you come with me to Alabammy
Back to the arms of my dear ol' mammy
Her cooking stinks and her hands are clammy
But what the hell, it's home!
Tom Lehrer
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Ah, Dubya! |
Sixteen years ago I honestly believed we had hit rock bottom. In 2001, with the inauguration of the Village Idiot of Crawford, Texas, I thought that we had reached our nadir. Who among us could possibly have predicted Roy Moore and Donald Trump? If you had told me then that, by the time 2017 rolled around, I would be looking back at the era of George W. Bush with a sense of teary-eyed nostalgia, I would have suggested that you be tested for narcotics poisoning. As completely cynical as I was then - and as I remain to this day - I never would have dreamed that things could get this utterly weird.
The registered Republican voters in the state of Alabama are within less-than-a-month of electing as their senator a man who, back in the swinging seventies, was known by the people of his hometown of Gadsden to have a thing for underage girls. Back in the day Roy was a successful attorney. A retired police officer named Faye Gray remembers that she had to attend high school sporting events for no other reason than to monitor Roy to make sure he kept away from the cheerleaders. A couple of these girls (now middle-age women with nothing to gain by speaking out) have said that they were sexually assaulted by this creep. At the time, Roy Moore was in his thirties. He was even banned by the owner of his hometown mall from setting foot on the premises due to his "proclivities". Nice.
The president of the United States, a man with over twenty accusation of sexual harassment under his belt (no pun intended) is openly supporting Roy Moore. The governor of Alabama said the other day that she would rather support a pedophile than a Democrat. A lot of the voters of that state appear to be in agreement. If you need a more illustrative example of how completely dysfunctional that region of the country really is, you need not travel too far from Alabammy.
To be fair, not everyone in the GOP is as accepting of Moore's candidacy as our esteemed Common-Pervert-in-chief. John McCain, to his credit, is positively aghast at this turn of events; Paul Ryan is not-at-all happy about the prospect of a Senator Moore; even hideous old Mitch McConnell has stated for the record that he believes the accusations of these women! Imagine, Mitch McConnell doing the decent thing! Don't be at all surprised if a pig flies by your window this afternoon. But you really have to wonder about "the party of Abraham Lincoln" these days. For over a decade I've been predicting the ultimate demise of the Republican Party. I am now forced to qualify that prediction. It is obvious that it will survive in dear old Dixie for quite some time to come. The bar has been set as low as it can be, and the people of that state (or the white people at least) are doing this strange Limbo dance with surprising ease. Black people in the South have always seemed to have a bit more common sense than their Caucasian counterparts, have you ever noticed that?
Some of us are wondering out loud, "How could something as vile and as disgusting as this be happening in the United States"? You shouldn't wonder at all. Donald Trump is us. He is who we have become as a nation. The handwriting is on the wall. It is as clear as can be and you have to be blind and illiterate not to be able to read it. The American people deserve Donald Trump. The people of Alabama deserve Roy Moore. They deserve no better. They deserve no less.
Ah, sweet schadenfreude!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
In The Shadow of November 22
I wrote this one four years ago on the fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy. Over a half century later, the guy just won't go away. That's probably just as well, I guess
To be fair, not everyone in the GOP is as accepting of Moore's candidacy as our esteemed Common-Pervert-in-chief. John McCain, to his credit, is positively aghast at this turn of events; Paul Ryan is not-at-all happy about the prospect of a Senator Moore; even hideous old Mitch McConnell has stated for the record that he believes the accusations of these women! Imagine, Mitch McConnell doing the decent thing! Don't be at all surprised if a pig flies by your window this afternoon. But you really have to wonder about "the party of Abraham Lincoln" these days. For over a decade I've been predicting the ultimate demise of the Republican Party. I am now forced to qualify that prediction. It is obvious that it will survive in dear old Dixie for quite some time to come. The bar has been set as low as it can be, and the people of that state (or the white people at least) are doing this strange Limbo dance with surprising ease. Black people in the South have always seemed to have a bit more common sense than their Caucasian counterparts, have you ever noticed that?
Some of us are wondering out loud, "How could something as vile and as disgusting as this be happening in the United States"? You shouldn't wonder at all. Donald Trump is us. He is who we have become as a nation. The handwriting is on the wall. It is as clear as can be and you have to be blind and illiterate not to be able to read it. The American people deserve Donald Trump. The people of Alabama deserve Roy Moore. They deserve no better. They deserve no less.
Ah, sweet schadenfreude!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

In The Shadow of November 22
I wrote this one four years ago on the fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy. Over a half century later, the guy just won't go away. That's probably just as well, I guess
The American people deserve Donald Trump.
Not most Americans. Most white Americans. It was ignorant and/or racist white Americans who put the Party of Trump in power. The rest of us voted against him and his Party of Moral Rot and deserve better.
Their ignorance, moral relativism, and racism have always worked to drag our country backwards.
Thank God a White America faces extinction. But will it happen in time to save it?
"To be fair."
Since when?
They have shown their true colors. They care more about tax cuts for billionaires than the welfare of children.
Clucky and his 22 alter egos will deflect, distract and deny as usual, and T. Paine will have some nonsense about the Clintons...
But it's out there and undeniable. NO WAY to defend them on this one.
Moore should not be voted into the Senate by the people of Alabama. That said, we have been "in the sewer" for decades. These scum are just the latest iterations of it. Hell, Bill Clinton had to pay Paula Jones a settlement for his disgusting behavior and even went so far as to have a credible rape allegation against him from Juanita Broderick. Our response as an electorate was to "move on".org.
In this post-Christian age, when we make allowances and excuses for one politician's sins, others will surely follow. Trump, Moore, Franken, Conyers, and so on are just the latest ones to get caught. But its okay as long as our side wins, right?!?
Tom Degan: "The governor of Alabama said the other day that she would rather support a pedophile than a Democrat. A lot of the voters of that state appear to be in agreement."
I would assume this pretty much sums up the state of the nation, also, Tom. I would guess that your village idiot, Chuck Morre, believes this way, along with the preponderance of Trump's base. I'm by no means even remotely a Hillary Clinton fan, but she was totally on the money when she referred to Trump's loyal idiots as "deplorables". This is [only] who the leader of the free world [cough...cough] represents today -- the despicable, the contemptible, the loathsome and the hateful, the detestable, the reprehensible plus the abhorrent, the abominable, the awful, and of course the heinous.
With omitting license, while borrowing from Charles Dickens: "It was the worst of times, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Darkness, it was the winter of despair..."
WASHINGTON — House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi on Sunday urged “due process” before making conclusions about Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., following accusations of sexual harassment, saying the 27-term Congressman is “an icon” who has worked to protect women.
Due process unless you are Judge Moore?
Moore should not be voted into the Senate by the people of Alabama.
I couldn't agree more with Mr. Paine. I also agree with his "its okay as long as our side wins" aspect, but only to a degree.
To what degree have liberals supported credibly accused molesters like those loyal to self proclaimed Christians Trump and Moore?
Conyers the creep will not be re-elected. Franken's harassment was real, but no more severe than Bush Sr. and nowhere as bad as predators Trump and Moore. We can't let cons equate their offenses.
No Democrat could have been elected president after bragging about criminal sexual conduct.
Liberals would never say, "I believe the accusers, but will vote for a child molester anyway".
Here's the difference. Conservatives and many Christians have been indoctrinated to hate and blame liberals for so long, many prefer a child molester or predator like Trump in office. That is the Christian, not "post-Christian" view of many cons. The Inquisition was "Christian" too. History shows a long sordid pattern of violence, war, hate, and intolerance wrapped in a flag and Bible.
The moral relativism and hypocrisy is far more flagrant on the Right and their "Christian" haters. Anyone who chooses a molester over a democrat reveals a blind hate for democrats.
This Trump voter panelist exhibits the cult devotion to their leader.
"If Jesus Christ gets down off the cross and told me Trump is with Russia, I would tell him, 'Hold on a second. I need to check with the President if it's true.'"
“I believe in him. He is a good man...I love the guy”. - High School educated Mark Lee, pest control.
Amazing, isn't it?
Kudos to Mr. Paine for showing us that basic human decency can still be found on the Right.
"How could something as vile and as disgusting as this be happening in the United States"? Religion and stupidity. Both the same thing. Faith. In what? The white man?
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