This Cannot Continue
"[W]e will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea. Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime."
Donald-Fucking-Trump at the U.N.
I promise you, this shall be mercifully brief.

I do hope that you're all enjoying your stay in Idiot Nation.

This cannot be allowed to continue. It would have been bad enough if the unhinged piece-of-shit had been caught casually waxing idiotic on a hot microphone, threatening to "destroy" a nation of thirty million people. To say such an insane thing at a podium inside of the United Nations - with the entire world watching - is beyond nuts. It is a pretext to genocide.
In this morning's New York Daily News, the columnist, Richard Cohen (who I usually agree with) said that the people who are praying for the impeachment of this asshole should "be careful what they wish for"; that Trump's half-witted "base" might very-well unleash a civil frenzy unparalleled since the war between the states in the 1860's. It's more-than worth the risk. An American shit-storm as compared to international annihilation? That's a pretty easy call. Seriously.
I do hope - IN FACT, I PRAY - that cooler heads are in contact with someone - ANYONE - inside the North Korean hierarchy - assuring them not to panic; that the complete and utter idiocy of the American people in sending this imbecile to the White House is only a temporary and rare snafu in the process of democracy, and that everything will be back to "normal" in a matter of time. I hope that some rouge soul inside of North Korea is reassuring responsible officers within this government of the same thing.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Idiot Nation
Colin Kaepernick for president!
There... that should fix everything.
Madness. Pure madness. Two spoiled brats in a nuclear pissing contest cannot go well.
Technically the Korean War never ended by a peace treaty, just an armistice.
2013: The North Korean army has declared invalid the armistice agreement that ended the Korean War in 1953, the official newspaper of the country's ruling Workers' Party said Monday.
In 2003, Pyonyang's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) announced that it may have "no option" but to stop honoring the armistice because of the United State's "persistent war moves."
In 2009, North Korea said its military would no longer be bound by the agreement because South Korea was joining a U.S.-led anti-proliferation plan.
North Korea is exactly what the US would look like if we had a Trump Dynasty.
I'll ask you again, what would you do if you were President with the situation with N. Korea and Iran?
"North Korea is exactly what the US would look like if we had a Trump Dynasty."
Where does one buy glasses to get such a warped view my friends?
Obama and his stasi like regime DID wiretap Trump Towers prior and after the election in an attempt to save his legacy and have Queen Hillary anointed. Wikileaks exposed the depth of the corruption of the DNC (burying Bernie in the Primary, Donna Brazile feeding Hillary debate questions in advance, etc).
Where's the beef with the Trump Russian collusion (i.e evidence)? anybody?
"I'll ask you again, what would you do if you were President with the situation with N. Korea and Iran?"
Note this is from someone who has no answer but brinkmanship from one Dear Leader that mirrors the other Dear Leader.
War is always the authoritarian answer. Bush's war created ISIS. What will Trump's war bring?
The "situation" is this. Countries want nuclear weapons to DETER US aggression.
The madness is not just over there, kids.
We should probably just apologize to North Korea, give them more billions of dollars, and a couple more nuclear reactors. Just because this didn't work the first time with President Clinton back in the 1990's doesn't mean it won't work now.
Hell, President Obama was so impressed with this manner of diplomacy, he even figured he'd try it with Iran. What could possibly go wrong there, right?
Clucky, I'll explain to you again.
I would go back to the N Korea policy we've had for 30 years. Let them bloviate and saber rattle. They just want to show their people they "made the mighty America quake". But then they go back to sleep for a while. Trump has to wave his tiny Pecker at them and NOW they are expecting Trump to attack THEM and for WHAT?
As for Iran, Obama got UN inspectors in, got them to stop the nuke program, and they have been our biggest allies against ISIS.
A nuke war with Korea will end human civilization.
You think it will just be us firing missiles?
WHat has trump done other that embarrass us on the international stage?
At least Kap has the balls to be a MAN and be the voice for others who have none. Trump just wants attention for himself. He's attacking the NFL (Because they snubbed his request for a franchise) when he should be worrying about the 2,638,946 MAJOR issues he's got right now, most of which he caused himself.
ONce again Trump proves he's on the side of the Nazis. He hates BROWN people so he's attacking a BLACK protest, and he doesn't want to hear about Puerto Rico.
Ha, you insulted Tom in the last thread and now you expect him to bestow you with his opinions? You must be losing it Chuck.
Two spoiled brats in a nuclear pissing contest cannot go well.
"Let them bloviate and saber rattle."
Sure, that's what we did for 30 years while they developed nukes and ICBM's. And allowing that bloviating and saber rattling has now turned into a real threat to world peace. But you blame President Trump for taking steps to STOP this threat. Such pretzel logic only a leftist could follow.
This means if you were President you would do nothing...sounds like a cult member of the Obama cult.
Hope Tom publishes this.
Trump's "steps" have stopped NOTHING. Diplomacy is always out of the question for warmongering chickenhawks, isn't it?
And still no answer from our military genius. Perhaps we need a "Generalgeneral" instead of a Majormajor?
Dubya, nice try but you and the critics of President Trump have yet to explain what they would do if they were President. Asking me my own question, well, nice trick if you can get away with it.
How did 8 years of Obama diplomacy prevented the current N Korea situation?
Clucky, for 30 years there was peace and people could sleep at night. They weren't REALLY ramping up the nuke program until trump started threatening them.
Why don't you stick to ONE name, we al know when you post there, "Micheal".
There is no such thing as a "limited" nuclear war. These things must be handled with CARE and THOUGHT. Trump is just trying to compensate for having a tiny little pecker, and DISTRACT from the Russia investigation.
Dave Dubya: "North Korea is exactly what the US would look like if we had a Trump Dynasty."
Albeit, complete with a line of Ivanka pantsuits. ;-)
"Perhaps we need a 'Generalgeneral' instead of a Majormajor?"
LOL. Dave, he's more like a "Privateprivate" -- always the foot-soldier for the elite and his cult leaders.
It's interesting how Donald Trump has been totally taken hostage by the neocons, but not surprising. At least Barack Obama was able to keep them at bay, unlike this sitting president or the last Republican preceding him.
Yes, Clucky, that's what we did for 30 years. You know why? IT WORKED!! I know how success without military intervention confuses and angers conservatives. He'' success at LL is beyond your realm. How many ICBMS tested under Obama? How many under Trump?
How is goading them into war a GOOD thing? How is childish name calling AT THE UNITED NATIONS a good thing? Do YOU have a bomb shelter and 25,000 years worth of supplies? I don't.
"There is no such thing as a "limited" nuclear war. These things must be handled with CARE and THOUGHT. Trump is just trying to compensate for having a tiny little pecker, and DISTRACT from the Russia investigation." ~ Mozart
Good Lord. I think you just qualified yourself to be Secretary of State for Elizabeth Warren in some damned future administration, Mr. Mozart. That kind of juvenile posturing is the very thing that you have rightly railed against when Trump does it.
Further, if you think everything was quiet and safe in North Korea until Trump took office, then you really don't know a damned thing about the situation there. Perhaps that would qualify you to be Secretary of Defense for "President Warren", sir.
In response to a sane statement, Mr. Paine can't resist the chance to spew scorn at a person completely out of the loop on this issue.
And damn that Elizabeth Warren! I KNEW liberals were to blame. They always are.
It's as if Trump's juvenile posturing isn't the real problem. He's making it all better, but the media and liberals are ruining it all again, amirte?
Good Lord, indeed.
Dave, I never said what you claim -- again. Indeed I have said several times on this very blog how Trump's bloviating and saber rattling via Twitter and elsewhere are dangerous and not helpful to the situation with North Korea. I don't know, nor do I want to know, but I am fairly certain this has more to do with his emotional immaturity rather than the size of his penis.
As for Warren, I was simply making an educated guess that she will be the next disaster the Democrats nominate for president in 2020. Accordingly, I figured Mr. Mozart might want to start putting forth his name to be in her cabinet since he has things "all figured out".
And lately, it typically is the Leftists that are indeed the ones to truthfully blame on many things. I wish the liberals would take their party back from them.
Ok... To cut through all the bullshit - Does _anyone_ here think Trump is doing a good job?
Ok... To cut through all the bullshit - Does _anyone_ here think Trump is doing a good job?
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