This Is No Longer Amusing
"The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea. Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime."
Donald Trump, speech to the U.N., 9/19/17
1. The generals who surround Kim Jung Un will become so alarmed by the bombastic language coming out of Donald Trump's mouth at the United Nations today, that they kill the hideous little bastard to save their own country (which would make Trump the most brilliant geo-political chess player in world history - a scenario that I frankly don't anticipate).
2. This escalates into something truly catastrophic and terrifying.
3. The House and Senate move with lightening speed to remove this madman from office before he breaks the world.
About a year ago. I speculated on this site that Donald Trump could foreseeably become the worst mass murderer in history should the American people be stupid enough to send this sociopath to the White House. Of course, I naively said in the next sentence, but that was never going to happen.
Idiot Nation.
Today, the president of the United States may very well have revealed that he does indeed possess the capacity to murder millions of people. Or is this merely an effort to distract the populous from the scandal that is devouring his presidency, bit by bit, with the passing of each day. If that is indeed the case (as I strongly suspect it is) tomorrow morning the topic on every front page in the nation will not be Russia. If this is the case, the man is completely evil.

Here is what must be understood: In his tirade today, Herr Trumph neglected to mention whether or not he would "destroy North Korea" in a defensive capacity, or in an offensive first strike. Since the USA already has a nasty history of the latter (remember Iraq?) Kim and his henchmen must be in full-tilt freak out at this hour. It is my understanding that, given human nature, it its essential that diplomacy be subtle and nuanced. That's one of the reasons Ambassadors don't give regularly scheduled press conferences. The president (who, after all, is the country's chief diplomat) need not stand like a precocious and bad-tempered third-grader on the schoolhouse playground. It's a little more complicated than that....
Okay, I'll be brutally frank with you: It's a helluva lot more complicated than that. The White House is no place for bad-tempered third graders.
I'm waiting to see what the reaction to all of this will be - both domestically and abroad. Today, as he has done virtually every day since he assumed the office eight months ago tomorrow, Donald Trump revealed to the world that he possesses neither the intellect nor the psychological temperament to be serving as the Commander-in-Chief of the most lethal nation on the planet Earth. Sending this man to the Oval Office was a terrific mistake of indescribable magnitude. If you've yet to understand what I'm talking about, you'll understand it soon enough.
As the title says, this is no longer amusing.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
About a year ago. I speculated on this site that Donald Trump could foreseeably become the worst mass murderer in history should the American people be stupid enough to send this sociopath to the White House. Of course, I naively said in the next sentence, but that was never going to happen.
Idiot Nation.
Today, the president of the United States may very well have revealed that he does indeed possess the capacity to murder millions of people. Or is this merely an effort to distract the populous from the scandal that is devouring his presidency, bit by bit, with the passing of each day. If that is indeed the case (as I strongly suspect it is) tomorrow morning the topic on every front page in the nation will not be Russia. If this is the case, the man is completely evil.

Here is what must be understood: In his tirade today, Herr Trumph neglected to mention whether or not he would "destroy North Korea" in a defensive capacity, or in an offensive first strike. Since the USA already has a nasty history of the latter (remember Iraq?) Kim and his henchmen must be in full-tilt freak out at this hour. It is my understanding that, given human nature, it its essential that diplomacy be subtle and nuanced. That's one of the reasons Ambassadors don't give regularly scheduled press conferences. The president (who, after all, is the country's chief diplomat) need not stand like a precocious and bad-tempered third-grader on the schoolhouse playground. It's a little more complicated than that....
Okay, I'll be brutally frank with you: It's a helluva lot more complicated than that. The White House is no place for bad-tempered third graders.
I'm waiting to see what the reaction to all of this will be - both domestically and abroad. Today, as he has done virtually every day since he assumed the office eight months ago tomorrow, Donald Trump revealed to the world that he possesses neither the intellect nor the psychological temperament to be serving as the Commander-in-Chief of the most lethal nation on the planet Earth. Sending this man to the Oval Office was a terrific mistake of indescribable magnitude. If you've yet to understand what I'm talking about, you'll understand it soon enough.
As the title says, this is no longer amusing.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Dr. Strangelove
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The Bomb
We'll meet again
Don't know where, don't know when
But I know we'll meet again some sunny day....
Where is Peter Sellers when we need him?
While Trump's bombast definitely has me more than a little concerned, what exactly would you recommend we do about North Korea, Mr. Degan?
Kim Jong Un keeps lobbing missiles over Japanese islands in their air space causing their people to take cover. He keeps threatening the U.S. and our allies. Should we use nuance and cajole him to please stop?
Should we take the Obama approach and give him a deal with more nuclear reactors and billions of dollars like we did with Iran? President Clinton already did that in the 90's in an attempt to get North Korea to give up their nuclear weapons program. That is a big part of the reason why we are here in this mess today. The same will be true with Iran in the next ten years.
I don't know what the answer is at this point, and President Trump being antagonistic back towards that psychopath over there is certainly not helpful. This may not play out well, but the pieces for this chess match have been set by previous administrations for decades now. We are paying a price for kicking this can down the road. I pray that price will not be as steep as it could potentially end up being.
We will end up having to deal with Iran next, after all.
Trump was exposed for having "small hands" and that galled him. He HAS to be #1. So first he fires off 59 tomahawk missiles when ONE would have sufficed,(good thing he owns stock in the company that makes them eh?) HITTING NOTHING. The airstrip was up and running within 12 hours.
So when THAT didn't distract us from the Russia investigation, the man with the obviously tiny penis picks the "mother of all bombs" which had yet to be used in combat. Turns out it STILL hasn't because all he hit was a long abandoned tunnel.
So NOW that the Russian investigation is getting close to indictments and impeachment, he wants to fire off a nuclear weapon, as if we ALL wouldn't end up dead in a worldwide nuclear holocaust.
Between his fragile little SNOWFLAKE ego, and his insane fetish for nukes, he's going to end the freaking world.
Most Americans are too stupid to know Bush's war of aggression produced ISIS.
Consequences, apart from acquiring personal power and wealth, are never considered by authoritarian leaders.
Now our far Right Authoritarian Personalities are getting that 2003 war fever tingle running up their legs again.
Authoritarianism is the most dangerous of human flaws. And we reward it.
"Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.
War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength."
I can see how the simple minded could be taken in by a practiced con artist like Trump, but jeez...after all the obvious lies, and his embarrassing the USA on a daily basis, I can't see how ANYONE with an IQ over 25 can still support him. That explains why Clucky still has a man crush, but what about anyone else?
I wouldn't find it amusing if Rocket Man's missiles hit California causing it to slide into the ocean.
Without our fellow Marxists in California, we might as well forget about winning another Presidential election! amirite?
Also, I changed my vote to Hillary after hearing Bernie only paid 13 percent on combined income over $200,000.
Bernie did not pay his fair share as far as I am concerned. "Do as I say, not as I do" says Bernie! lol lol
Maybe Bernie should move to Venezuela, where people are fighting for the few rolls of toilet paper and few loaves of bread in the stores, and fix the broken socialist system.
I wouldn't find it amusing if Rocket Man's missiles hit California causing it to slide into the ocean.
Without our fellow Marxists in California, we might as well forget about winning another Presidential election! amirite?
Also, I changed my vote to Hillary after hearing Bernie only paid 13 percent on combined income over $200,000.
Bernie did not pay his fair share as far as I am concerned. "Do as I say, not as I do" says Bernie! lol lol
Maybe Bernie should move to Venezuela, where people are fighting for the few rolls of toilet paper and few loaves of bread in the stores, and fix the broken socialist system.
"Or is this merely an effort to distract the populous..."
"populace", not "populous".
Yep, if anyone doesn't hold the same opinion I do, they must be absolutely stupid. Right, Mr. Mozart?
Once again Tom is not publishing posts if they embarrass him.
So, I'll ask Mozart the same question I asked Tom, who like the coward he is, has dodged answering.
If you were President what would your actions be with Iran and North Korea?
Ground Control to Major Chuck:
I refuse to post comments of yours that are insulting to others or off topic. I don't give a damn what you say about me.
1. I said nothing in my original, not published, post about anyone else, nor was it off topic.
2. "Clucky still has a man crush," is not insulting or off topic?
How broad minded of you.
Tom, I am sorry I jumped to conclusions and also that you are having a hard time right now. I do not see a reason to be a punching bag for the resident misanthrope. Spare the rod and spoil the child is the lesson of the day.
Is Mozart claiming I have "a man crush on President Trump or on anyone else" "insulting"?
You Lefty's have a great double standard.
I would leave Obama's deal in place in Iran and I would follow the lead of every president since Reagan concerning N Korea. Let Them bloviate, and saber rattle, and believe that they6 make the world quake, while also improving relations with China with respect to keeping an eye on them.
There is NOTHING to be gained from ramping up the anger levels. Trump is just trying once again to compensate for a tiny little pecker, and hoping it distracts from the Russia investigation.
Who cares if 30 million people, amny of them elderly and/ or vets, lose coverage?
Trump now calling for NFL "protesters" to be "fired".
Maybe he needs to read the CONSTITUTION. Or better yet, have someone read it to him and explain it to him since there are no pictures.
Chuck "Majormajor" Morre: "If you were President what would your actions be with Iran and North Korea?"
Here, I'll answer. None -- unless of a diplomatic nature.
Our dumbass-in-chief is only exacerbating a tense situation with the DPRK by his flamboyant and cocksure behavior. This is something that's not needed. (Don't forget, this nation can't win at war. This has been proven time-and-time again over the last fifty-plus years. Our military, despite its humongous military budget, is inept and can't fight its way out of a paper bag. Hell, it couldn't even stop nineteen hapless "terrorists" from carrying out the crime of the century. Kim Jong-un knows this.)
As far as Iran, they haven't done anything. The neocons have been itching for a war with this country for at least a couple of decades, especially now that they're one of the pivotal nations of BRICS. Already BRICS has achieved success in displacing the U.S. Dollar as the reserve currency of the world, which frankly scares the sh**t out of this government. As their success in this endeavor expands beyond its member-nations, look for inflation to totally ignite and run rampant here and among this country's allies. Economic collapse will not be far behind.
This country's government, when led by either wing of the corporate-ruling party, has created this through its unquenchable thirst for nation-building and world hegemony. The chickens are coming home to roost.
I’m scared for my friends in USA because off Trump. He seems to be unaware of the M.A.D doctrine which all uN countries agree to. Mad stands for mutually assured destruction and it means that whoever fires a nuclear weapon first will be annialated by all the other in countries. So doesn’t matter if USA fires to stop NK they will be destroyed by all the other UN countries. Trump must be unaware of this. It’s why all Trumps predecessors negotiated calmly but authoritively as they know If they fire first they die.
Ok JG, tell me what diplomacy with N Korea and Iran has worked to date to prevent the current state of affairs. Don't forget President Trump inherited 8 years of Obama diplomacy, which did what to stop N Korea? What should Obama done differently to prevent what we face today? What you have done if you had been President for the past 8 years?
Also, President Trump ran on NOT being a "nation-building" President, and has said so many times. After 8 years of Obama why doesn't the world love us like we were lead to believe would happen?
JG are you a liberal or a leftist?
Clucky, Under Obama N Korea was not threatening to blow up the USA and our allies. Iran STOPPED their nuke program and allowed UN inspectors in ( They are also our # 1 ally against ISIS)
ALL Trump is doing is DISTRACTING from the Russia investigation, while trying to prove that he hasn't got a tiny little pecker.
I posted MY answer to your question, but Tom has not put it up yet.
"After 8 years of Obama why doesn't the world love us like we were lead to believe would happen?"
President Trump.
Actually Sir the world did love you during Obama. We all thought Obama was/is a great man and many of us wish that he could still there. Yes he made mistakes but he had then GOP stop him at every angle. It was ridiculous. McConnell vowed from day one of Obama’s presidency to make it as bad as possible for Obama. I mean gasp a black man in the White House. How shocking. /sarcasm.
I’m British and I can also assure you that Trump is a laughing stock here and republicans are a laughing stock. I don’t get the cult like following believing this man to be God sent even though he’s racist, misogynistic and an megalomaniac. He can do nothing wrong and trump was right when he said he could shoot someone in front of them all and he would still walk free and they would cheer louder.
Everything that comes out of trumps mouth is a lie or the very least the stretched truth. These facts are checkable on the internet yet his cult says that they are fake news, a rhetoric made up by trump to have him basically get away with anything because the press are there to hold him accountable and if they are classed as fake then he literally can just scream fake news and his cult believe him. 99.9% of stuff you read on other news sites other than Fox is true. They purposely are making sure each news article is as accurate as possible so Trump can’t cry wolf yet again.
I disagree that this is no longer amusing.
This past week has been very amusing.
It appears Paul Manafort's residence in Trump Towers was wire tapped starting way before the election.
Remember how every one here said Trump was out of his mind when saying Trump Towers had been wire tapped?
All the lefty's here were following the herd to say Trump was delusional and unfit for being President.
No doubt there will be nothing but crickets here now that it is a fact Trump Towers was wire tapped. amirite?
Check out MSNBC Lawrence O'Donnell's meltdown here:
Lawrence has clearly lost his mind no doubt because Trump is President. Lawrence had been so happy before
Nov 8th when the media and polls were lying that Trump had no chance of winning.
And here is another funny featuring Nancy Pelosi and DACA protesters:
Poor Nancy had to leave the event after the dreamers shouted her down.
Well Thanks Libs for the funnies!
I disagree that this is no longer amusing.
This past week has been very amusing.
It appears Paul Manafort's residence in Trump Towers was wire tapped starting way before the election.
Remember how every one here said Trump was out of his mind when saying Trump Towers had been wire tapped?
All the lefty's here were following the herd to say Trump was delusional and unfit for being President.
No doubt there will be nothing but crickets here now that it is a fact Trump Towers was wire tapped. amirite?
Check out MSNBC Lawrence O'Donnell's meltdown here:
Lawrence has clearly lost his mind no doubt because Trump is President. Lawrence had been so happy before
Nov 8th when the media and polls were lying that Trump had no chance of winning.
And here is another funny featuring Nancy Pelosi and DACA protesters:
Poor Nancy had to leave the event after the dreamers shouted her down.
Well Thanks Libs for the funnies!
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