This Business of Bashing Bernie
The title of Hillary Clinton's new memoir of the ill-fated campaign of 2016 is, "What Went Wrong". Since its release I cannot help but notice a huge trend of Bernie Bashing out there in the Twitter and Facebookspheres. According to these silly people, Bernie Sanders is solely responsible for the sick and disgusting administration of Donald Trump. We'd all have been so much better off last year if only Bernie had minded his own business and stayed at home in Burlington. Of course, they're taking their cue from Ms. Clinton, who puts a great deal of blame on Sanders in the book. It's almost as if the guy had the nerve to crash her coronation.
Please. This doesn't even come close to passing the giggle test.
First of all for the record, I have not read What Went Wrong nor do I have any plans to read it. If anyone out there wants to lend me their copy I might give it a whirl. But other than that, I have more important things to spend my money on. However, I have read enough reviews and transcripts and listened to enough portions from the audiobook that I think I am able to give enough of an opinion on it that merits some discussion. I find it amusing that so many people (liberals and conservatives alike) think of Hillary Clinton as a pillar of progressivism. To Conservatives she is the dictionary definition of the possible rise of socialism in this country. To Liberals she is the second coming of Franklin D. Roosevelt. She is neither.
I realize that I'm wondering into "cracked eggshells" territory here. On the eighth of this month I made a posting on Facebook advising the Bernie haters to lay off the man, that Hillary was more responsible than anyone else for her defeat. Within one week I was "unfriended" by over one-hundred people. So be it. Here is my opinion - for whatever it's worth:

Though we may be beyond the point of speculation, there are a few facts that we need to own up to. Hillary Clinton was an unfortunate choice for the nominee. She was probably the worst Democratic candidate since Mike Dukakis in 1988, possibly in living memory. Most of the polls I read had Senator Sanders defeating Trump handily on Election Day 2016, while Hillary - on her best days - was barely neck-and-neck with him. I know what you're thinking and I agree. There were too many unfair disadvantages thrown in her path: Jim Comey reopening the e-mail investigation just days before the election; Russian espionage with (as is becoming more clear with each passing day) collusion by the Trump campaign; and the very fact that she is a woman running for an office no woman has ever held before - all of these things were a hurdle no man seeking the presidency would have had to overcome. But we shouldn't miss the much larger point: She was running against a candidate who was terribly unenlightened and extremely mentally ill. She was running against a candidate whose financial corruption was a matter of the public record. In other words, she was running against the worst presidential candidate in all American history. It should have been a landslide in her favor.

Idiot Nation.
The tragedy of 2016 is simply that Bernie Sanders was offering the voters of this doomed country the type of a historical vision that they had not been offered since the second campaign of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1936. Four years earlier, during the '32 campaign, FDR kept his cards close to his vest, revealing very little of the broad and drastic changes he would make in regards to the American peoples' relationship with their government. The difference between then and last year is that Bernie had the courage to represent himself, at the starting gate, as the true progressive he really is. Bernie Sanders is a radical. At a time when radical change is desperately needed, that's not such a bad thing. I'm a radical. If you examined your soul close enough, you'll probably find that you are, too!

Where do I begin?
This is complete nonsense. Bernie campaigned like a crazy person for Hillary! I witnessed it in person one year and two days ago exactly - when he came to New Paltz, New York for a campaign rally that I attended. He was all over the country campaigning furiously and passionately for her. To even vaguely imply that he was not a team player throughout the process is slanderous. Look at the historical record. Bernie Sanders was all over the map for Hillary. Her supporters should know better. She should know better, too.
Do you remember the masses of enthusiast people who packed Bernie's campaign events? On the day of the election, many of those same people ended up voting for the Donald - or the third and fourth party candidates. Many of them didn't bother voting at all.
Do you remember the masses of enthusiast people who packed Bernie's campaign events? On the day of the election, many of those same people ended up voting for the Donald - or the third and fourth party candidates. Many of them didn't bother voting at all.
It didn't become clear to me that Trump would win this thing until two days before the election. On that morning I drove down to my local polling place and dutifully voted for her with as much enthusiasm as I could possibly muster. Maybe Bernie might not have been able to get enough votes in the electoral college to take home the big prize. Perhaps he might have. Again, the real tragedy is that we'll never know the answer.
The only thing we know for certain is that - for the time being anyway - we're stuck with the most dangerously unstable and corrupt chief executive in the history of human stupidity. That's something that should give every thinking person pause.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
The next time a mob of these nazi bastards have a rally waving that fucking flag, I'm going to have this made into a giant poster and show up in person.
It took you 7 days to post the comment I wrote, I guess you do not care about your long time readers and people like me that have been commenting on the Rant for 9 years.
I supported Sanders in the Primary, and when he LOST I supported Hillary. The people I really wanted didn't run, but as an ADULT who realizes I don't get everything I want all the time, I settled. It's not Like H Clinton WASN'T the most qualified person ever to seek the office. I also didn't buy the Fox Entertainment BS about her "crimes".
Not to mention the alternative, which we can plainly see is a YOOOOOOGE embarrassment for the USA.
as far as I'm concerned I am taking the advice of others of great intelligence. 2016 is OVER, Trump is on his way to at LEAST impeachment due to sheer ineptitude, but possible conviction on federal charges nit the least of which could be obstruction of justice and collusion.
I'm letting that unfold, while I convince everyone I can to GET THE HELL OUT AND VOTE!!! Support your causes and dark horses early, but in the General VOTE BLUE because the very survival of our Republic is at stake.
I have my man.
Clucky's response should be CLASSIC. Heh...heh...
Sorry, woodenman. I have had a terrible week.
Good post as usual Tom. Maybe a good thing can come out of this mess, and America will wake up and defend her Democracy, and vote in a decent person. Is it too late to clen up the mess of the last 30 years and stand up to the Corpocracy?
U.S. investigators wiretapped President Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort, according to a report by CNN that vindicates the president’s earlier claims, which were mocked as a conspiracy theory.
Tom, I was starting to think you fell face-first into your oatmeal.
Hope your week's turning around...
Tom Degan: "I find it amusing that so many people (liberals and conservatives alike) think of Hillary Clinton as a pillar of progressivism."
I find it outrageously amusing, Tom. She's as neoliberal as they come, and that's why she lost. People demanded change (i.e., jobs, no corporatism, etc., etc.) and knew she wouldn't deliver.
Mozart, you want Al Franken for president in 2020? Well why not? This country has already become a laughing stock in its ignorance and foolishness. Who better than some clown-assed un-funny comedian to lead what is left of the nation then.
Tom, you are not wrong. Bernie had nothing to do with Hillary's loss. She was the reason for losing. For what it is worth, I think that if Sanders had been the Democrat nominee, he would have indeed won. The country has seemingly forgotten history and economics, so it seems that he would fit in well leading Good & Plenty nation.
I voted and I didn't vote for any of 'em! I walked to the High School as usual (I did that for both of Obama's terms and he was a lousy POTUS despite my walking...) and I laughed (to myself) at the people in their BMWs and Lexuses and Mercedes-Benzes and Volvos for waiting to vote and burning gas because it was the amerikan way and I didn't vote for HRC. or Trumpf, or Sanders, or Jill Stein
"Funny" is in the eye of the beholder, and conservatives are not known for a sense of humor.(Franken was a great SNL writer and performer) Franken is a Harvard grad, a dedicated and popular Senator, and proved his qualifications by his grilling of Trump's cabinet nominees. Besides, you think an ol stand up comedian is going to have a problem with the "Hecklers" in DC? You think he'll be able to handle criticism better than your boy trump? Shit, you guys gave us "Gopher" from the LOve Boat and Conan the Barbarian. LOL
Oh and T Paine, Hillary DID win, but 3 million votes. The GOP cheated, as usual.
Mr. Mozart, first, let me correct the record AGAIN. I did not vote for Trump. There is as much of what he does that I dislike as to what I favor. I will not vote for him in 2020, even if the ass-hat Franken were likely to win.
I could care less if Franken stands up to hecklers. He has already proven that he will apply religious tests of nominees, in violation of the constitution, and if you will recall, there were credible claims of his cheating to win his senatorial seat. I'd be careful where you lob your grenade. Make sure the shrapnel from it doesn't end up taking you out too, sir.
And, you are the hilarious one if you don't think that the Democrats are notorious for cheating. Ask Bernie Sanders about HRC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz and see what he thinks. Vote early, vote often, right? Hell, the only way I knew for sure that Osama bin Laden was killed was because he registered to vote in Chicago for the 2016 election.
Clucky "clueless" or whatever name you are using today, you voted for Trump. Just own it. Obama was a GRAT POTUS especially given the unprecedented obstruction from the right, even against their own healthcare plan!
Now we have Trump, and if you can't see the difference you live up to your new name.
There you go again, Deke.
Clearly stating your rational opinions with crystal clarity and saying just about everything I was thinking. Oh the humanity...
There you go again, Deke.
Clearly stating your rational opinions with crystal clarity and saying just about everything I was thinking. Oh the humanity...
I'm a new poster. Been following your blog for a few years. Keep up the good work. We truly need some sanity at this point. Would love to have a beer with you. My kinda guy, as Jim Jefferies says.
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