A White House Besieged
"In times of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell
DISCLAIMER: No, I am not calling for the executions of the president of the United States or anyone within his corrupt and hideous entourage. I merely created the meme above to point out an unsettling historical fact. Chill.
News accounts emanating out of the District-of-You-Know-Where are informing us that the Donald is staying away from the Oval Office today, and is keeping himself hunkered-down in the family living quarters of the White House. Apparently he is monitoring the rapidly expanding implosion of his administration from there. That's probably just as well, I suppose. The fewer the eye-witnesses the better. For the many decades I've been following this knucklehead, I always got the strong feeling that he was having oodles of fun being Donald Trump. He can't be having that much fun any longer. In fact, I can easily imagine that being Donald Trump these days is a complete drag. It was never supposed to get this weird. He must be tearing his hair out at this very moment. Sad.
Paul Manafort and Rick Gates were officially indicted by Bobby Mueller's office this morning. To make matters worse, George Papadopoulos has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. All three of these gents were closely tied to the Trump campaign. Most of their alleged crimes involve financial ones - money laundering in particular. Since he announced his decision to run over two years ago, Trump has skillfully avoided revealing to the press and the public the content of his income tax returns going back the last decade-or-so. Due to the jaw-dropping cluelessness of the American voters, that might not have been quite as difficult a thing as it appeared. Hiding them is no longer an option - at least not a politically expedient one. His administration will not be able to continue unless he reveals everything. The irony is that once everything is revealed, the Trump White House is probably doomed.
Isn't this a riot?
As I have stated on this site too many times to calculate, you would have had to have been holed up in a bunker a hundred feet beneath the earth's surface not to see this catastrophe coming from two-hundred miles away. It doesn't say much for the civic stability of so many of us that we would allow something this awful to happen to our country in the year 2017. I lay an almost-equal amount of blame at the feet of the Democratic primary voters. Bernie Sanders could have beaten Trump. Hillary Clinton - quite obviously - could not. As we did eighty-five years ago, this country is not going to be able to save itself unless it takes a radical turn to the left. What part of this easily understandable reality are we still not able to get?
The administration of Donald J. Trump was in the process of implosion at the starting gate on January 20. By December the first, expect that implosion to be complete.
What are the historians of fifty yeas from now going to say? YIKES!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
What FDR can teach today's Democrats
by Christine Wicker
This Op-Ed appeared in this morning's New York Daily News. It is something that should be read, and savored.
A shout-out to my friend, Carol Marie:
Thank you for the sympathy. Someday we'll do the tea.
Paul Manafort and Rick Gates were officially indicted by Bobby Mueller's office this morning. To make matters worse, George Papadopoulos has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. All three of these gents were closely tied to the Trump campaign. Most of their alleged crimes involve financial ones - money laundering in particular. Since he announced his decision to run over two years ago, Trump has skillfully avoided revealing to the press and the public the content of his income tax returns going back the last decade-or-so. Due to the jaw-dropping cluelessness of the American voters, that might not have been quite as difficult a thing as it appeared. Hiding them is no longer an option - at least not a politically expedient one. His administration will not be able to continue unless he reveals everything. The irony is that once everything is revealed, the Trump White House is probably doomed.
Isn't this a riot?

The administration of Donald J. Trump was in the process of implosion at the starting gate on January 20. By December the first, expect that implosion to be complete.
What are the historians of fifty yeas from now going to say? YIKES!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
What FDR can teach today's Democrats
by Christine Wicker
This Op-Ed appeared in this morning's New York Daily News. It is something that should be read, and savored.
A shout-out to my friend, Carol Marie:
Thank you for the sympathy. Someday we'll do the tea.
No wonder Trump started yelling FAKE NEWS from day one. His enablers/voters/supporters will NEVER believe this is not a witch hunt and the Russian collusion is not just a "hoax" as KAConway said yesterday. Just like climate change, right.
I am tentatively optimist. . . .
The problem with your logic this time, is that Hillary DID beat Trump. by 3 million votes. Bernie, I suspect, would have been beaten down by the "Socialist" tag. As it was, his followers didn't know how the primary process worked. (those that voted at all)
The fix was in. Just like 2000, and 2004.
"Lock them up!" Kremlin Don will face consequences eventually.
Cue the Trolls wanting to deflect to Hillary..5..4..3..2..1..
"Bernie Sanders could have beaten Trump. Hillary Clinton - quite obviously - could not."
Looks like Tom has had a sober moment of reality, there was no collusion, per this comment.
I fear that, unfortunately, Trump can win, and hold Congress with only his base Thank gerrymandering. Thank states that have two senators repenting a population of six people and a horse. Thank whomever you will. He doesn't need to hold a majority. He never had a majority. Until we can sway his base, regardless of what investigations reveal, he may still hold control. Also remember that if we replace him, we replace him with Mike (ugh!) Pence. So this could be a lose-lose situation.
Yours with grave crankiness,
The New York Crank
Tom Degan: "By December the first, expect [the implosion of the Trump administration] to be complete."
Tom, I'm not so sure this is going to occur so quickly -- unless, of course, Trump resigns in order to maintain the anonymity of his finances. Otherwise, the indictments, legal entanglements, and disputes are destined to fly and shuffle back-and-forth -- possibly for years. A true Constitutional crisis will ensue, and the very framework will collapse under the weight of accumulating deceit and corruption of every branch of government.
We're spectators to the biggest freak show in over a century. The high-and-mighty will shift and squirm, argue and denounce, while the foundational pillars of government come crashing down around them. Sit back, grab your Big Gulp, and watch as the last remaining vestiges of a once proud democratic republic are squandered in the name of greed and power.
The Democrats own the the murders in NYC
The suspected foreign national terrorist behind the New York City attack that has left at least eight individuals dead came to the United States years ago through the Diversity Visa Lottery, a program that President Trump and pro-American immigration reformers have demanded an end to.
According to ABC New York, 29-year-old Sayfullo Saipov — the man who allegedly mowed down pedestrians in the Tribeca neighborhood of New York City — entered the U.S. in 2010 from Uzbekistan under the Diversity Visa Lottery before obtaining a Green Card.
The Diversity Visa Lottery gives out 50,000 visas every year to foreign nationals from a multitude of countries, including those with known terrorist problems – such as Afghanistan, Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Yemen, and Uzbekistan.
Trump, though, along with Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Sen. David Perdue (R-GA), has been calling for an end to the Diversity Visa Lottery program since August. Under the RAISE Act, introduced in February and endorsed by Trump in August, the Diversity Visa Lottery would be eliminated altogether.
The Trump administration took eliminating the Diversity Visa Lottery even more seriously earlier this month when they introduced the president’s immigration priorities, which like the RAISE Act called for the elimination of the program.
You know, the best part about the indictments starting to come through, is people like Clucky trying to rationalize and SHIFT BLAME.
The excuses for Trump were funny before, but NOW it's REALLY going to be first class entertainment as the Trump KKKabal falls.
Let's just hope Trump doesn't pull a "Hussein" and set America on fire.
Clucky, (or whatever name you are using today)
The NYC attacks are the fault of a screwed up guy who spent the last few years watching as conservatives attacked ALL Muslims for the actions of a few, yet conveniently forgot that policy when a "White Christian" murdered dozens and injured hundreds in vegas.
But thanks for proving me right about you blaming others.
Did you REALLY Bring up Rev Wright? Wow. That's a stretch, even for you.
Also, maybe you didn't notice that the tens of thousands of others that came here through that policy never committed a crime, and many serve in the military.
But you don't want to hear that do you?
Now tell us how a terrorist act by a Muslim is Liberal's (and all Muslim's) fault, but one by a Christian isn't anyone's fault, he's just a lone nut.
Please explain that one
And while you are at it, let's talk about the Russian investigation, which now has THREE arrests, ONE guilty plea, and all three of them are singing like canaries about trump's obvious involvement.
NYTimes: "Mr. Schumer, in fact, was among senators proposing to end it several years ago."
Mr. Schumer, in fact, was among senators proposing to end it several years ago.
"I told Bernie I had found Hillary’s Joint Fundraising Agreement. I explained that the cancer was that she had exerted this control of the party long before she became its nominee. Had I known this, I never would have accepted the interim chair position, but here we were with only weeks before the election.
Bernie took this stoically. He did not yell or express outrage. Instead he asked me what I thought Hillary’s chances were. The polls were unanimous in her winning but what, he wanted to know, was my own assessment?
I had to be frank with him. I did not trust the polls, I said. I told him I had visited states around the country and I found a lack of enthusiasm for her everywhere. I was concerned about the Obama coalition and about millennials."
I love it. Donna has thrown both Hillary and Obama under the bus in the article.
The DemocRats are starting to eat their own.
The Podesta group is being exposed what Rats they are and their role in lining up rich Russians with Bonnie and Clyde Clinton.
I wouldn't talk about "chickens" if I were you, CLUCKY.
By the time Meuller gets done with Trump, he'll be "extra crispy".
“The Democrats own the the murders in NYC”
This is how liars and low-information far Right shills spew their hate. They accuse and blame without facts or evidence. You know, the fascist method of demonizing dissenting views.
Majormajor even singles out and blames a Jewish senator, true to form like those "very fine people" with torches in Charlottesville.
According to the Washington Post, Congress approved the Diversity Visa Lottery, also known as the green card lottery, as part of the Immigration Act of 1990, but it didn’t take effect until 1995. The legislation passed in a bipartisan vote of 231 to 192. The Senate version, which contained the “diversity immigrants” provision, passed in an overwhelming 89-8 vote and was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush at the end of 1990.
Jeff Flake tweeted, “Actually, the Gang of 8, including @SenSchumer, did away with the Diversity Visa Program as part of broader reforms. I know, I was there... In fact, had the Senate Gang of 8 bill passed the House, it would have ended the Visa Lottery Program AND increased merit based visas”
Republican Sen. Jeff Flake (aka “Flake”) says the Jewish Senator co-authored a bill that would have ended the Diversity Visa Program.
Trumpist shills like Majormajor don’t care. They continue to blame the Jew. It is their nature and heritage.
The Jewish Senator responds: “I guess it's not too soon to politicize a tragedy.”
True to fascistic demonizing, Trumpists like Majormajor continue to politicize the attack and blame the Jewish Senator as well as all dissenting Americans.
Anything to focus attention away from the Trump/Putin Cartel.
The fascists are getting desperate, and need to push their denial, deflection, distraction and distortion. They are frantically trying to send a politicized State Police to hound their defeated adversaries. They want their own SS and Gestapo to silence the opposition.
This is what American con-ervatism is at its core. American con-servatives OWN Trump. And they hate most Americans for not being duped by their Orange Fuhrer. Yes, and a lot of them hate Jews, Blacks, Muslims, and liberals too. Just like their Austrian Uncle with the funny mustache.
The rats are fleeing the SS Putin.
When Trump is perp-walked out of the White House, Majormajor will say he never liked Trump all that much. He always prefered the beady-eyed, shifty, Koch-sucker Pence.
On another frightening note, a Black female doctor told us she has been facing more rudeness in public and getting a lot more racists giving her the finger in traffic. She clearly sees them shouting "F**k you, N****r!"
It is real, people.
This is how Trump is making America hate again. They are racists and they are evil. And every one of them will swear they are "Christian".
Can someone explain that one for me?
Tom, did you ever think you'd see the day that a mobster headed the executive branch of our republic? Me neither.
In due time, I believe Mr. Mueller will be dropping the bombshell that will be revealing this.
Gee, ain't it great seeing "The Don" squirming? ;-)
"and all three of them are singing like canaries about trump's obvious involvement."
You have drunk the Kool Aid and have now lost your mind.
"and all three of them are singing like canaries about trump's obvious involvement."
You have drunk the Kool Aid and have now lost your mind.
Ya' gotta love the 13.4M file dump of the Paradise Papers, revealing off-shore havens and tax avoidance of too-many-to-count prominent multinational corporations and global elites.
It looks like Trump's boy, Wilbur Ross, has investment connections in a company linked to Putin's son-in-law, and mum's the word from him and the White House, so far, when questioned about connections with Russia or Russians.
Too much to read, and not enough time. This gets better by the day...
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