The Disgusting President

There are no words....but I'll give it the old college try.
What does this tell you about the insensitivity of this disgusting bag-of-shit and the people he surrounds himself with? What kind of message does something as completely disturbing as that send to the mothers, fathers and families of the twenty-six human beings who lost their precious lives on that horrible day? What does this say about John Kelly, the chief-of-staff who was supposed to bring reason and an adult façade to this unhinged administration? The fact that he didn't resign his position tells us all we need to know about the man: He's just as irresponsible and incompetent as the worst of them. Trump knew goddamned well that LaPierre's presence at the Executive Mansion would be a kick in the face toward all of the people who suffered that day - and are still suffering. This sociopath, this cold-hearted bastard has completely soiled the office that was once held by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. This should be fiction; it's not.
And, Dubya, I miss you
And I'm feelin' blue
I've lost all of my senses
I'm nostalgic for you....

On the morning after the 2016 election, I predicted on this site that this was going to end very badly for America. It was hardly a bold prediction. Anyone paying scant attention (and not relying on Fox Noise) could easily have foreseen the catastrophic train-wreck that was heading down the track. But to think that an American president could host at the White House the man at whose feet - more than anyone else's - may be placed the blame for the carnage that took place on December 14, 2012 defies any sense of decency and compassion. And don't forget the unpleasant fact that since October, over eighty Americans were killed in two separate mass shootings. A very hard rain is falling, baby.
One can only pray that Robert Mueller's investigation into these traitorous thugs will not be derailed by this disgusting president. My fear is that he will fire Mueller on the Friday before Christmas, the time when the least amount of people are paying attention in a nation where a whole lot of people tend not to pay attention on the best of days. We shall see soon enough.
Enjoy the coming shit-storm
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
I feel a great deal of glee...glee that someone out there hates & despises that despicable Orange Maggot at least as intensly as i do .My season wish ? He gets shoved off this earth , or perhaps even better, finds his orange, disgusting, smug, ignorant face under the wheels of a NYC bus. .(.wriiten .with much seasonal love, xxx carole..(PS:considering his crimes, this is definitely not insulting.)
At last the Left is showing its true hate filled colors. All due to their suffering
Collusion Delusion.
Sigh. I wasn't aware that the NRA advocated for mass murders. Did I miss that somewhere? Indeed every publication or speech I have seen from them has been about responsible gun ownership by responsible Americans. The criminals and mentally ill should not be able to purchase firearms, so says the NRA. Further, can you give me a list of all of the NRA members that have ever been involved in mass shootings? Let me give you a hand. You cannot, because it has not EVER happened. This is simply more gun hate hysteria instead of addressing the true problems of these murderers in society.
Your hate of Trump, by the way, seems to be overly consuming for you, sir. I often times despised much of the foolish and dangerous things President Obama did, but I certainly didn't let it consume my entire life. I hope you are truly able to find some peace during this Christmas season, Mr. Degan.
Merry Christmas to you!
What kind of monster would want to lower our taxes, secure our borders, protect our citizens, raise the GDP, take down the DC corruption, destroy ISIS, put America first, fix the healthcare abomination & strengthen the military?
If Trump fires Mueller on the Friday before Christmas it will be known as "The Trump Christmas Massacre." That will become just one more stake that will sooner or later be driven through his heart.
Yours crankily,
The New York Crank
To compare Obama with Orange Maggot is indeed quite humorous . Missing more than a few brain cells.
Clucky, unless you are a billionaire, YOUR taxes will only go up, the tax cut will gut the economy. Trump doesn't care about secure borders, he hates BROWN people, and his wall will not stop one illegal. It will help in the inevitable crashing of the economy. Trump himself represents the WORST of "DC corruption" and is tettering on the brink of impeachment and criminal charges. ISIS is doing fine, Trump puts Russia first, plans to put 30 million people out of healthcare, and the military HATES him.
See, they don't like getting orders over twitter....
BTW, we have by FAR the strongest military in the world, but any force is only as strong as it's leader, so if trump REALLY wanted to strengthen the military, he'd resign.
And if he doesn't fire Mueller anytime, what will you bitch about then?
BTW what thing have all the mass shooters have in common?
None were members of the NRA.
T. Paine, there's always a margin of non-responsible persons, whatever the cause of it, in every country,(mine, France, included) so no-one, but a few, should be able to purchase firearms, for sheer safety ! Except for strictly selected responsible people, that have solid grounds to be protected... A firearm in every cupboard is too much of a temptation to be used, even for the merest trifle, by any vengeful person...
"If Trump fires Mueller on the Friday before Christmas it will be known as 'The Trump Christmas Massacre.'" ~~ The New York Crank
If Trump does do the dirty deed today, it'll be his objective to suppress the truth on a weekend starting Christians' celebration of an assumed event leading to discovering the truth. The irony is inescapable.
Hey Clucky,
There were other things in common. They were all WHITE guys and the NRA defended ALL of them.
The NRA is about gun SALES, they don't care who dies.
I guess TP (toilet paper) missed the law passed that gave mentally ill people the right to own guns, or the NRA statement that said there should be more guns in schools, not less guns, that would make schools safer. I guess that kind of backwards thinking should be expected from an insulting, egotistical maniac who would call himself Thomas Paine. This TP apple doesn't fall far from Trump's crooked tree.
Merry Christmas Tom.
Marc, I respectfully disagree, sir. There are millions of NRA and other law abiding gun owners in America that have and carry firearms every single day here. The odds of them using their weapon out of vengeance or in response to the merest trifle is about as likely as me getting attacked by a great white shark, and I live at the foot of the Rocky Mountains.
Paul, despite your ugliness in your debating skills, please tell me what law was passed that give the mentally ill the right to have firearms... oh, and which the NRA supported.
As for having responsible adults (teachers, principal etc.) in school being able to carry a firearm, I cannot help but think of the innocent lives that might have been saved if this were always allowed to have been. Instead we make schools "gun free zones" so that evil scum can safely enter with weapons and kill the innocent. Have you ever noticed how most of the worst mass-shooting atrocities have always occurred in such gun-free zones?
I hope you had a merry Christmas, Paul. And you too, Mr. Degan!
It's a little hard to debate the issue when you have no clue what law was passed. Educate yourself and get back to me when you have a clue toilet paper.
As for your review of the tax law, you obviously failed the lessons of history and your math classes. Again, it's hard to debate since you have proven you have no clue what you are talking about. Get educated.
I don't believe in the fairy tales of the Bronze age, so I don't wish people a Merry Christmas.
Now back to your delusion that you think you are, or represent the thinking of one of the famous founding fathers Thomas Paine.
Maga Maga Maga God Bless President Trump!!! I am ashamed to realize just how warped Tom Regan is. I read a few blog posts of his earlier today from way back when and was impressed by his wit writing skills political awareness etc. Unfortunately I was way wrong this guys a complete imbecile who knows tho he might change when he realizes his mistakes! People like you are warped Nazi living creeps who should seriously consider finding another country like maybe China to move to I Love my OUR new President!!! Maga! With of without you sorry about your luck loser!
Maga Maga Maga God Bless President Trump!!! I am ashamed to realize just how warped Tom Regan is. I read a few blog posts of his earlier today from way back when and was impressed by his wit writing skills political awareness etc. Unfortunately I was way wrong this guys a complete imbecile who knows tho he might change when he realizes his mistakes! People like you are warped Nazi living creeps who should seriously consider finding another country like maybe China to move to I Love my OUR new President!!! Maga! With of without you sorry about your luck loser!
I disagree w Mr Delays posting I sincerely hope he realizes his mistaken veiwpoints sooner rather than later I thank god for Mr Trump each and every day!
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