This Is The Week That Was
"We are living through the first screwball presidency
in American history"
in American history"
GOP strategist, Mike Murphy
Meet The Press, 3 December 2017
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White Supremacy |
The Donald is starting to see the handwriting on the wall. For someone who has never scored particularly high in the self-awareness department, this is a monumental moment to be sure. Mike Flynn is covering Bob Mueller's evidence table with a truckload of rancid beans he is spilling to the detriment of an administration that was self-destructing at the starting gate. As someone who has been studying this disgusting and corrupt mob of incompetents very closely for the better part of three years, this complete implosion was a foregone conclusion - in fact, it was predicted on this site many times before the election and inauguration. But even I was taken aback by the speed with which they hurled themselves - headfirst and smiling - into the proverbial toilet. If I hadn't seen it all with my own eyes, you would not have been able to convince me that it was anything but fiction....Cheep, tawdry fiction.
Trump needs to get out of town while the getting is good. His whole life he has been able to arrogantly thwart and pervert the rule of law, but those days are a distant and sweet memory. The Donald has never known fear, for the simple reason that he didn't need to remotely acquainted himself with it. He was a part of a class of people who weren't obliged to play by the rules that you and I are obliged to play by. Those days are over, baby! By all accounts from what has to be the leakiest White House in the history of this republic, poor old Donald is becoming more-and-more unraveled with the passing of each hour. It's not just his future that is in serious jeopardy, but the future of his children and his son-in-law! Will Jared Kurshner be forced by circumstances to "flip" on his in laws? This is gonna be oodles of fun to watch.
But the biggest laugh of the week came this morning on the installment of Meet The Press quoted at the top of this piece. Two sycophantic authors of a new book on the president made a mercifully brief appearance. Their names have escaped me, but the title of their book sure as hell hasn't! It is called (WAIT FOR IT!): Let Trump Be Trump". One of these two knuckleheads - with a straight face, I swear! - explained to Chuck Todd that what the people need to understand about Donald Trump is that he is a perfectionist, and that he demands perfection from everyone around him!
If the collection of collection of imbeciles and scoundrels that comprise the administration of Donald J. Trump is anybody's idea of perfection, Heaven help them!
Also occurring yesterday was the passage to the GOP's new tax bill which, in a matter of a few short years, is going to bring economic suffering into the homes of untold millions of Americans. More on that later.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
A Dark Day for America....
by Tim Dickinson
This excellent piece appears in this week's Rolling Stone. Tim Dickinson explains, better than I could ever hope to, what a complete scam the GOP's new tax bill is.
That's no political party. That's an organized criminal enterprise. Wake up and smell the elephant shit.

But the biggest laugh of the week came this morning on the installment of Meet The Press quoted at the top of this piece. Two sycophantic authors of a new book on the president made a mercifully brief appearance. Their names have escaped me, but the title of their book sure as hell hasn't! It is called (WAIT FOR IT!): Let Trump Be Trump". One of these two knuckleheads - with a straight face, I swear! - explained to Chuck Todd that what the people need to understand about Donald Trump is that he is a perfectionist, and that he demands perfection from everyone around him!
If the collection of collection of imbeciles and scoundrels that comprise the administration of Donald J. Trump is anybody's idea of perfection, Heaven help them!
Also occurring yesterday was the passage to the GOP's new tax bill which, in a matter of a few short years, is going to bring economic suffering into the homes of untold millions of Americans. More on that later.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
A Dark Day for America....
by Tim Dickinson
This excellent piece appears in this week's Rolling Stone. Tim Dickinson explains, better than I could ever hope to, what a complete scam the GOP's new tax bill is.
That's no political party. That's an organized criminal enterprise. Wake up and smell the elephant shit.
I think I see the problem for my brothers and sisters on the militant Left. They use Steven Colbert, Bill Maher, The Rolling Stone, and Art Bell conspiracy sites as their primary sources of "legitimate" news.
While we need to make MASSIVE cuts in federal spending on inefficient, corrupt, wasteful, and extra-constitutional programs for sure, at least the middle class will be able to keep more of OUR tax dollars soon. Those that claim the tax bill only helps "the rich" are either being good lemmings by regurgitating leftist talking points, haven't actually looked at the proposed bill, or are willfully lying.
Obstruction of the investigation into the false charges that President Trump colluded with the Russians to defeat HRC? Sounds a bit (if you pardon the expression) like it's trumped up to me.
As Mr. Paine regurgitates far Right Trumpist/Republican snake oil, the reality is far different.
The Washington Post reports :
By 2027, most Americans earning less than $75,000 will end up paying more in taxes. A big reason for that is that the individual tax cuts go away after 2025. Republicans opted to make the tax cuts for businesses permanent, but the cuts for individuals expire.
Wealthier Americans would still benefit from a permanent cut in the corporate tax rate, which will likely boost the incomes of people who owns companies or investments.
The rate of uninsured Americans will rise, along with premiums for everyone else.
But we can’t tell the cult anything their Bubble rejects.
Major is desperately deflecting from the indictments of criminal Trumpists and sex offenders like Moore and Trump who violate our Constitution. The moral rot of the Right is greater than ever. No wonder they lie, deflect, distract, and just make up their own twisted view of reality.
They are a cult in every sense of the word. They demonize liberals and the press and trust only their propaganda. They can’t help but illustrate this every time they regurgitate their propaganda.
One glaring example is their cult belief that Trump was correct when he said, “Very fine people” marched with Nazis in Charlottesville.
Right. Far Right. The march was organized as a “Unite the Right” rally by white supremacists and neo-Nazis. AKA “very fine people”.
There is no reasoning with this mentality. It is a belief system with all the features of a cult. They are like Moonies.
But I love them anyway. They are victims, but just don’t know it. I also love my country, and I shall always call out the lies and hate. I owe the truth, and our nation, that much.
Tsk, tsk, Mr. Paine. If you're going to lower yourself to the lunacy of the village idiot, at least have the decency to spell Mr. Colbert's first name properly. As for Art Bell, who's he?
Not that I rely upon any of the programming you mentioned for my sources of "legitimate" news, please share with Tom's loyal readers which programming or written sources you watch and study that pronounce you as the expert and honorary guardian of truth, authority and validity.
Just for grins and giggles, where would you propose "massive" cuts be generated, immediately, to reduce or eliminate inefficiency, corruption, wastefulness, and "extra-constitutional programs"? Will these include the largest subsidy-takers, the corporate world?
And why do you label "leftist talking points" as coming out of left field, when CBO analysis and several tax organizations have already concluded that this tax bill will increase the debt at least $1 trillion over the next 10 years? There's always those underlying related and connected costs of reduced services that make any net gain by the individual go up in smoke -- in a hurry. See for yourself:
"According to the estimates, anyone making less than $30,000 a year would feel the pinch starting in 2019, with the greatest 'savings' to the government (again, a combination of either increases in payments or decreases in money spent on a group in services) coming from those who make less than $10,000 a year.
By 2020, everyone making $40,000 or less a year would also be contributing to lowering the deficit by paying more in taxes and/or receiving less in services, creating a net savings for the federal government. In that year, the groups making between $10,000 and $20,000 and between $20,000 and $30,000 would each be contributing double what the under-$10,000 group did in savings.
By 2027, everyone making less than $75,000 would provide a net savings to the government, whether through higher taxes, lower amounts spent on services, or both.
You claimed, " least the middle class will be able to keep more of OUR tax dollars soon." The CBO disagrees. I do too.
It's been a year with the Trump Russian collusion conspiracy.
Where's the beef (evidence)?
T. Paine, the TAX CUT is for billionaires. The Middle class taxes will nearly double over the next decade.
Lemmings do not REALLY follow each other into the sea. NO ONE has seen the tax bill, that's the problem. WHY would they keep it such a secret if it's so great?
Oh, and those sites you mentioned (Outside Art Bell who has been gone a LONG time)are better sources of info than Fox, Brietbart, The Blaze, Infowars, etc.Maybe that's why you hate them so much.
Clucky, 17 intelligence agencies say Trump colluded with Russia. Flynn has already pleaded guilty and is singing like a canary to save his skin and that of his son.
Trump CLEARLY is attempting to obstruct that investigation.
Mueller has Trump's financials. The end is near.
Muller already has convictions of crimes by a Trump administration official. It remains to be seen if Muller can prove collusion, but these charges are not trumped up and Flynn plead guilty.
Safety net programs like Social Security, Medicare, food stamps, subsidized housing, etc., etc. have been passed by a majority of the federal Congress and confirmed constitutional by the Supreme Court, therefore, these programs are constitutional.
ALL federal spending has been approved and passed by a majority of the Congress.
The new tax bill is not law yet, but it appears it will have the votes and Trump has stated he will sign it into law. Opposition can go to court and try to claim all, or parts of the new tax bill is unconstitutional, but that's very unlikely.
If we had a balanced budget amendment to the constitution, this tax bill would be unconstitutional, with it's over one trillion dollar deficit.
It's certainly irresponsible for any majority in Congress to approve a budget with any deficit.
The last federal budget to even show a surplus was when Bill Clinton was president and to be fair the Republicans had Congressional majority at the time. The last time a Republican president presented a balanced budget to the Congress was Eisenhower in 1956-1957.
The facts and numbers are clear; Republicans, by far, have presented more spending bills with deficits to the Congress than the Democrats for more than 60 years. The Republican reputation for being spending hawks is simply false and a falsehood Republicans continue to lie about by claiming they are deficit hawks.
By the way, ALL major financial institutions have stated their reviews of this new tax bill favors the rich, especially in the long term.
Moore LOSES in Alabama. One wonders what Clucky will come up with for an excuse.
Trump's house of cards is falling...
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