The Fun in Dysfunction
Anyone who had bothered to pay attention during last year's campaign could easily have predicted that this was going to end badly. It was a foregone conclusion. On this site, on the morning after, it was clear to me the immensity of what America had done to itself:
For the last three-and-a-half decades, the United States of America has held the proverbial loaded pistol, pointed at its own collective, clueless head. Last night it pulled the trigger. According to the "experts" who are desperately attempting to put a smiley face on yesterday's electoral catastrophe, the American people were merely trying to send a message. Of course they were. And that message has been received loud and clear:

The curse had been irrevocably cast. We were all in for one hellacious four years. The ultimate irony is simply that most of us had not even come close to predicting the scope of the catastrophe that would be the administration of Donald J. Trump. My prediction was simply that it would be a lot worse than the reign of Bush 42. As things turned out, that turned out to be a gross understatement. In hindsight, Dubya is starting to look like Abraham Lincoln. We've got to face the unpleasant truth that the president of the United States of America - and most of the people that comprise his inner circle - are out of their minds. This is still an amusing, quite funny spectacle to behold, no doubt about it, but in the eight days since I last posted, the farce has gotten darker and darker.
"What I want to do is I want to fucking kill all the leakers and I want to get the president's agenda on track so we can succeed for the American people."
Anthony Scaramucci
Nicely put. Just when you think the black comedy had reached its peak, the Common Pervert-in Chief rolls out his new "Communications Director", Anthony Scaramucci; a billionaire so loaded down with conflicts of interest that he really is made-to-order for this bunch. In the week since he took the post, he has handled his new job so ineptly that it's a cinch that he'll be forced to head for the hills before the administration meets its one year anniversary. In recent interviews his comments regarding Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus have been laced with so much profanity that one wonders just what kind of message he's supposed to be "communicating". Of Bannon, Scaramucci said that "he can go fuck himself". Of Priebus he said, "Reince is a fucking paranoid schizophrenic, a paranoiac". Is it my imagination or is this stuff unprecedented?

Keep your eyes on the circus. By year's end this is going to be quite the show - if it lasts that long - which is highly doubtful.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Trump's ties to the Russian mafia are exposed.
Trump's ties to the Russian mafia are exposed.
In an administration of assholes, they needed a bigger asshole for "Communications Director".
Scaramucci is a perfect fit.
"This country is finished." - George Carlin
Jeez, this shit show gets better and better by the DAY! Now Trump has "fired" a Comm director before he even got his 3rd grade diploma hung on the wall! How many "staff" members has 45 gone through in six months? Now he wants to fire the one guy that got him noticed in the first place.
This dumpster fire of an administration would be funny if it were not taking the nation down with it.
Cue Clucky to deflect to Hillary or some other stupid irrelevant thing...
I noticed the "conservative" crew here is strangely silent. I guess it's getting to where even Clucky can't defend Trump anymore.
Seriously, it's been 7 months. Where will the insanity END?
Trump is an idiot about 80% of the time. I have no interest in defending him usually.
That said, we put up with Obama for eight years, so this nothing so far.
Tom, my Marxist comrade,
I can't believe Caitlyn Jenner is wearing a Make America Great Again hat.
Doesn't she understand that transgenders are supposed to be on the Liberal Plantation according to their identity politics?
Also can you believe the WV governor has switched to the GOP? The Democrat Party clown car has driven itself off a cliff. amirite?
Also Tom, people like Rain are fed up with your game of posting posts out of order. You aren't fooling anybody. Just Say'n the truth which I don't think you can handle.
Tom, you don't have to publish this one, but where are the conservative apologizers like Clucky and T.Paine? Have they finally realized that there is no defense anymore?
Mozart1220: "I noticed the 'conservative' crew here is strangely silent."
They're totally embarrassed, Mozart, and undoubtedly realize their stupidity in backing the crazy thug. This has to be the first time organized crime has "won" the White House.
I can't wait to see Mueller expose the abject criminality of this administration. The whole system's going to be turned on its head.
The WV governor switched from the Democrat Party to the Republican party at Trump's rally there a few days ago.
We all thought Queen Hillary would win and Trump would accept the results and not be a childish sore loser, but it looks like we got it backwards. amirite?
It's interesting that Mr. Paine regards Trump's obstruction of justice and hosting a Russian party in the Oval Office, giving them top secret info is "nothing so far".
Nothing as evil as Hillary and the Black Guy, amirite?
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