Donald's Mika Problem
"Then how come low I.Q. crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came to Mar-A-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Years Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face lift. I said no!"
President Donald J. Trump
Somebody hand me my chisel.
I became a fan of the Morning Joe program ten years ago in spite of myself. It was my belief that MSNBC had made a huge mistake by cancelling the Imus in the Morning show. Crude humor aside, the I-Man gave a pretty good interview, and his guests were as diverse and interesting as they were entertaining. I even entered a protest on this site regarding his sacking in April of 2007. After five months of experimentation with possible replacements (including Stephanie Miller, whom I loved) the network settled on something in September called "Morning Joe".
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Imus |
This depressed me at first. Joe Scarborough was the former Republican congressman from the Florida panhandle who had previously hosted a nighttime talk show on that same network called "Scarborough Country". I thought him to be a pompous, bloviating gasbag of little compassion. What was wrong with the suits at MSNBC to think they could make this work, I wondered? What kept me watching was the more moderate (slightly-left-of-center) Mika Brzezinski. The only thing I knew about her was that her father, the recently deceased Zbigniew Brzezinski, had been Jimmy Carter's national security advisor. As it turned out, the two would prove to be a fairly decent combo. By the end of 2007, I had almost forgotten about Don Imus. Truth be told, over the course of a decade old Joe has kinda grown on me. He's still a bloviating bag of gas (Stop interrupting Mika, Joe!) but he has an interesting point-of-view and he's undeniably witty. He's also evolved into more of a moderate over the years. That's Mika's influence, I'm sure. She has a way about her.
I was thinking about all of this at 8:50 Thursday morning when our unhinged president exploded with yet another in a long stream of infamous Twitter tirades regarding "Crazy Mika" and "Psycho Joe". They should release a book of his nutty tweets. Christmas is less than six months away. It sure would make a dandy stocking-stuffer, don'cha think?.
You've got to wonder about the stability of a man with as much responsibility as the president of the United States who seems to have enough time on his hands to spew such hateful venom on a couple of morning talk show hosts. And consider that the man is not intelligent enough to foresee the firestorm of outrage that would surely result from such recklessness. That is weird enough, but this kind of brash impulsiveness is bound to explode on the international stage, where subtle diplomacy and nuance are so essential. I was pondering the catastrophic possibilities if some kind of time warp had resulted in this fool and his minions being in charge of things during the Cuban Missile Crisis of October of 1962. It makes the imagination tremble. Then again, knowing what we do about his involvement with Vladimir Putin, its easy to speculate that Donald Trump would have been in bed with Nikita Khrushchev.
I was thinking about all of this at 8:50 Thursday morning when our unhinged president exploded with yet another in a long stream of infamous Twitter tirades regarding "Crazy Mika" and "Psycho Joe". They should release a book of his nutty tweets. Christmas is less than six months away. It sure would make a dandy stocking-stuffer, don'cha think?.
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Mika |
"We're alright. The country isn't"
Joe Scarborough
In seventy-two years we've gone from Franklin Delano Roosevelt to Donald Trump. Darwin was wrong. And for the record, it is the height of folly for Donald Trump, the most physically repulsive chief executive since Andrew Johnson, to make crude remarks about the appearance of anyone. Mika Brzezinski (who I think is beautiful, by the way) showed perfect grace and poise when she stated on the air yesterday that, with the recent passing of her father and the death of her daughter's best friend, she has more important things to worry about than the chaotic ramblings of an obviously disturbed despot. She was a bit more dignified in her wording than I am here, but you get the idea, I'm sure.
As I do for a few minutes every day, I tuned into the useful idiots over at Fox and Friends to see what their take on this latest scandal would be. Not to my surprise, they were defending him for his stand against that evil liberal media. Everyone - even most Republicans - are appalled by what the president tweeted. Not Fox Noise! We live in such interesting times. We really do!
And now we are finding out courtesy of the Wall Street Journal and Scarborough himself, that Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, has been blackmailing Joe and Mika to publicly apologize to Trump and to revert to more positive coverage of this disgusting administration. If they complied, he promised them that Trump would kill a National Enquirer story that was about to expose their then-secret affair. To their eternal credit, they refused to be intimidated by these treacherous bastards. The two of them have since gone public and are now engaged. Congrats kids!
Blackmail is illegal. This is going to make one hell of a movie someday!
We are now only half way through a year that seems to be taking many years to pass. What is disturbingly obvious is that this cannot be allowed to continue for another three-and-a-half years. As the old Frank Sinatra song said, "Something's gotta give". The stress of the Trump White House on the body politic will likely result in a mass nervous breakdown sooner or later. With the State Department all-but-gutted and the daily unraveling of a man sitting in the most powerful office on the planet, predicting that this is going to end very badly is a no-brainer.
Remember, you read it here.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Incredibly, The Donald is at it again. From this morning's Tweeting tirade:
"Crazy Joe Scarborough and dumb as a rock Mika are not bad people, but their low rated show is dominated by their NBC bosses. Too bad!
The Trials of Lenny Bruce
As I do for a few minutes every day, I tuned into the useful idiots over at Fox and Friends to see what their take on this latest scandal would be. Not to my surprise, they were defending him for his stand against that evil liberal media. Everyone - even most Republicans - are appalled by what the president tweeted. Not Fox Noise! We live in such interesting times. We really do!
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Kushner |
Blackmail is illegal. This is going to make one hell of a movie someday!
We are now only half way through a year that seems to be taking many years to pass. What is disturbingly obvious is that this cannot be allowed to continue for another three-and-a-half years. As the old Frank Sinatra song said, "Something's gotta give". The stress of the Trump White House on the body politic will likely result in a mass nervous breakdown sooner or later. With the State Department all-but-gutted and the daily unraveling of a man sitting in the most powerful office on the planet, predicting that this is going to end very badly is a no-brainer.
Remember, you read it here.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Incredibly, The Donald is at it again. From this morning's Tweeting tirade:
"Crazy Joe Scarborough and dumb as a rock Mika are not bad people, but their low rated show is dominated by their NBC bosses. Too bad!
The Trials of Lenny Bruce
Kellyanne Conway said, "The good I hope comes out of this is that we change the conversation; that respect for the office of the president and its current occupant are intact and that we have a full conversation on policy."
SERIOUSLY?! Respect for the office?! Her president doesn't even have respect for the office when he acts like a petulant imbecile.
I kind of pity people who believe any of it. It has no real bearing on us-- unless Trump is mentally insane, which so far has not been proven. That he's rude, misspeaks or lies (possibly sociopathic), that he blurts out what he thinks, that he's a redneck who happens to be rich, maybe, but insane or hates women-- not so much yet anyway.
Most of the ones enraged by this peccadillo-- while ignoring bigger issues like this voting commission and what it's up to with our records; tax reform or let's hand more to the rich, or health care reform repeal and if you can't afford it, you don't deserve care; or North Korea; Syria; or you name it-- already hated Trump.
As for what he tweeted-- if he wanted to give the show ratings, he achieved it. Does a demon get hold of him at 3:30 am-- maybe a ghost of an old president having fun? I've read Lincoln haunts the White House...
Doubtless his right wing supporters have long ago given up on the show because of its agenda. I quit morning shows like it years ago when my kids started school. I can't stand to listen to strangers talk to hear themselves talk, with the need to come up with something of value every day and fill their time slot. So what I know about this is what I've read in the papers. As for the Enquirer threat, not sure who believes anything in that paper but... seriously, also, who believes their affair began after their divorces? If so, they probably also believe in Santa Claus and a ghost of Lincoln ;).
Each day as I waken, I think the national conversation and/or headlines will improve. Alas, they do not. When I think we can't sink any lower, we do. When will some elected official show up with the courage and political savvy we thought they had (that's why we hired/voted them in) and begin impeachment proceedings? This man (Trump) is grossly unfit for office, and a miserable human being. We know that misery loves company, but let's not willingly go along for the ride.
"I was pondering the catastrophic possibilities if some kind of time warp had resulted in this fool and his minions being in charge of things during the Cuban Missile Crisis of October of 1962. It makes the imagination tremble." ~ Tom Degan
Tom, normally I think most of your writings are simply left-wing venting and hyperbole only surpassed by one other blogger's rhetoric, whose name I shall not mention, since it will simply send this person off on another hate-filled rant of projection.
Regardless, you bring up an interesting point. In reflecting upon it, I find myself in complete agreement with you regarding the frightening possibilities if Trump had been in power during that October. He is indeed reactive, knee-jerk reflexive, and seemingly immune to nuance of any sort. As delicate as things were and as close as we came to nuclear war in 1962, it absolutely terrifies me to think of President Trump having been in the oval office back then.
What really scares me now is that his same lack of precision, nuance, and understanding in dealing with the nut job in North Korea could potentially create a modern-day version of the Cuban missile crisis.
I think a good first step would be for Mike Pence to permanently deactivate Trump's Twitter account and find some way to get him on the golf course away from any media sources at all for the entire day each time things seem to be heating up on the Korean peninsula.
T. Paine: "I think a good first step would be for Mike Pence to permanently deactivate Trump's Twitter account..."
Hopefully, Congress will have been provided enough evidence through Special Counsel Mueller's investigative team to initiate impeachment proceedings and have him removed from office permanently.
That's the true first step.
The Republican Party will not impeach Trump. They have the same take from the poor/give to the rich, racist, democracy-suppressing agenda.
I see Mr. Paine needed to take another unprovoked low blow shot at me as he accused me of hating...someone. other blogger's rhetoric, whose name I shall not mention, since it will simply send this person off on another hate-filled rant of projection.
Mr. Paine is alluding to me and accusing me, of course. Here is the latest context for his accusation.
I called out these horrible hate-filled words:
It is to say that Hodgkinson's violence and (Bernie) Sanders’s support for ObamaCare and eventually single-payer healthcare spring from the same source: They are both manifestations of aggressive force, the bane of mankind. Sanders doesn’t oppose what Hodgkinson did. He opposes Hodgkinson’s method.
Socialism starts with criminal aggressive force—that is, violence.
Now imagine a right wing politician proposing to cut back or eliminate one of America’s socialist programs, like Medicaid expansion under ObamaCare, that takes those earnings of others to satisfy your “right” to health care. Hell hath no fury like a parasite scorned.
Mr Paine’s delicate sensibilities were offended, and he called me the hater, while defending the author of these words. As we've seen, calling out hate and racism is now labeled hate and racism by the far Right. Mr. Paine supports this tactic employed by his Cult of Right-wing Authoritarian Personalities. He believes the C.R.A.P.
Projection indeed. He has taken another indefensible position. No wonder he refuses to debate, or mention me by name, anymore. He has been checkmated once too often and needs to accuse me of hate. Well, I do hate lies and I hate hate itself, and will call it when I see it.
Mr. Paine only sees hate on the Left, of course. While he has no problem with labeling those in need of health care "parasites" and accusing Bernie of supporting a crazed shooter, I'm the hater.
My hat is off to Mr. Paine's dedication to his cult beliefs, morally reprehensible and perverted as they are.
THis is the first 4th that we will not fly our flag or celebrate in any way. I cannot be anything but ASHAMED of my country right now.
The scariest part is not Trump, or his administration.
It seeing how many people actually support these clowns. How do we succeed in the face of such rampant and unabashed ignorance?
I believe Hillary would have been better in dealing with North Korea.
Seeing Hillary in her Chairman Mao pant suits would have made Kim Jung-un more at ease knowing she is a "kindred spirit."
Hillary may have also by this time given North Korea a deal on buying a US uranium mine if they made a healthy contribution to the Clinton Foundation which would helped ease the tensions further.
T. Paine: "As delicate as things were and as close as we came to nuclear war in 1962, it absolutely terrifies me to think of President Trump having been in the oval office back then."
Also, let's not forget the powder-keg in the Middle East created by George W. Bush's illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003. Trump's foreign policy in the region has been described as incoherent and inconsistent. This doesn't bode well for any of the nations, players or proxy-players involved.
These are truly the things world wars are made from.
JG, while I am quite nervous about Trump and find many of the things he says or does to be wrong-headed or outright foolish, I have seen no evidence thus far that rises to the level of "high crimes and misdemeanors" worthy of impeachment for him. (I realize that the Left has already manufactured "evidence" that simply isn't there though.) I know we don't follow the constitution as a nation and haven't for a long time, but there really still should be a standard for removing a president from office other than, "I hate him."
I further understand, that just as there were many on the right suffering a similar version of the malady under the Obama administration, there are evidently many millions of mis-informed and intentionally ignorant folks suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome that want to burn and slash anything associated with him or Republicans in this nation as they try to teach us how "love trumps hate" currently.
Last, just to set the record straight once again, George W. Bush had congressional and international support for invading Iraq based on the best available intelligence at the time, including that of some of our allies. You can absolutely have valid reasons against our invading Iraq, but it was not illegal, sir.
And while Trump's Middle East foreign policy is indeed a muddled mess, it is certainly no worse than the "lead from behind" appeasement and entering into exceptionally dangerous treaties with Iraq that Obama did.
Regardless, the world is becoming an even more dangerous place as Kim Jong Un ramps up his missile and nuclear tests. It will eventually come to a head, sooner rather than later, I suspect. I only pray that Trump listens to his advisors and doesn't react in knee-jerk response in dealing with North Korea. World War III is absolutely a possibility if this is not handled deftly. Unfortunately, deftness does not seem to be a character trait that Trump seems to exhibit.
T. Paine: "...I have seen no evidence thus far that rises to the level of 'high crimes and misdemeanors' worthy of impeachment for him."
Not yet, unless you're on the commission brought together by Robert Mueller. (I assume you're not.) We'll just have to wait to find out.
"...there really still should be a standard for removing a president from office other than, 'I hate him'."
I refer back to my previous response -- we'll have to wait and see.
"You can absolutely have valid reasons against our invading Iraq, but it was not illegal, sir."
There was no second U.N. Security Council resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq. Without that authorization, the U.S. invasion was perceived globally as illegal and illegitimate -- certainly unprovoked and based upon false pretenses. This much we knew at that time, not only after the fact.
But this has gone back and forth repeatedly already, on this blog and other's. I prefer to not rehash previous discussions on this subject...again.
"I only pray that Trump listens to his advisors and doesn't react in knee-jerk response in dealing with North Korea."
Pray harder if you find it comforting, but history tells us madmen never heed good and genuine advice.
"World War III is absolutely a possibility if this is not handled deftly. Unfortunately, deftness does not seem to be a character trait that Trump seems to exhibit."
Agreed...and agreed. We live in perilous times.
"Seeing Hillary in her Chairman Mao pant suits would have made Kim Jung-un more at ease knowing she is a 'kindred spirit.' " ~ Archie
That actually made me laugh out loud, sir! Kudos! :)
Mr. Mozart, while I can understand some of your frustration and disappointment with our voting population, that is indeed part of the political process. Lord knows I was disgusted with the reign of lawlessness "for the greater good" that President Obama was allowed to run unchecked with for the last eight years.
Fear not though as I am sure the inevitable arc of socialism is only temporarily dissuaded. We will return to full blown one-world utopia within the next fifty years. Either that or WWIII and complete global annihilation at the hands of despots, tyrants, dictators, and would-be communists. Regardless we won't have to worry about things any more. We will all be checkmated by the lies and hate of well-meaning foolish people as they project those onto their political adversaries. I wonder when the re-education camps for the reprobate conservatives will come into play?
"Seeing Hillary in her Chairman Mao pant suits would have made Kim Jung-un more at ease knowing she is a 'kindred spirit.' " ~ Archie
That actually made me laugh out loud, sir! Kudos! :)
Yes, this sends a tingle up the legs, all the way up to the Black Shirts. :)
I am indebted to Mr. Paine and his friend for showing us what hate looks like.
Those "poor conservative" Republicans are criminalizing dissent and protest in states under their control. Trump and his henchmen are scooping up our personal information and voting history to support their war on democracy.
Trump has boasted about obstructing justice by firing Comey in hopes it will kill the investigation of this pro-Russsin thugs.
But liberals are the evil traitors. Yup.
T paine, I know you are a Glenn Beck Fan, but do you REALLY need to show such wanton stupidity? "Lawlessness" under Obama? REALLY? Then you laugh and encourage another MORON who's only weapon is attacks on the way someone dresses. he also used the bullshit "uranium" crap that's been debunked for years.
JESUS was a "Socialist". Get past that one.
Trump is a tyrant and a dictator, who loves others like him.
Now we have more and more White cops murdering Blacks for no reason and getting away with it. Consumer and environmental protections are gutted and the new "Healthcare" plan is nothing but a YOOOOGE tax break for the top 2%, while eliminating insurance for 30 MILLION people. Trump is using the Presidency to pay off his massive debts, and he's already had the KGB over for a private visit in the oval, with a truckload of electronical gear.
He's got North Korea fired up, and fired off a few billion dollars worth of bombs to hit NOTHING. Good thing he owns stock in the company that makes Tomahawk missiles eh?
How can you defend this treasonous bastard and call yourself an American? HOW?
Of course, then there is
I'm glad you have a sense of humor.
Over at a blog that claims "Freedom Rants" the blog administrator claims that I identify with a stupid white racist TV character and must therefore be a racist. Playing the race card is his standard defense when he is losing an argument. This person deletes posts that show the hypocrisy of his belief system.
Since CBS made money with this stupid white racist TV character it was OK. Kinda like it is OK for CNN to spin the Trump Russia Collusion story since ratings and profit supercede reporting facts.
Since when in America are people guilty when no facts support the accusation? Has America turned into Cuba or Venezuela?
Chuck "ArchieBunkerNYC" Morre: "This person deletes posts that show the hypocrisy of his belief system."
No, "this person" deletes posts that exceed the minimum standards of what is typically allowable in a civil society, and which are defamatory and considered hate-speech in most of society.
Racism and racist terminology (i.e., "hate speech") should never be tolerated or ignored, and apparently you crossed that line.
In these troubling times, where a racist xenophobe has assumed office, racists have been pouring out of the woodwork, like the infestation that they are, and have assumed their hate-filled ways are acceptable and allowable.
Dave Dubya let you know that it isn't.
Isn't it funny how "Hillary in her Chairman Mao pant suits" is hilarious, but 'Archie in a hood and robe" is "hate".
Dave, the fact that Archie Bunker was bigoted is a well known fact of his TV personality. It was his devil-may-care attitude about his outspoken views, especially the un-PC ones, that were a part of the humor of the show. Archie's views were balanced and rebuked by his daughter and son-in-law on the show.
Hillary on the other hand has no sense of humor when it is directed towards her. Her disregard for the rule of law, her sense of being above the "common people" and belonging in leading the politburo, and her sense of knowing what's best for us rubes in her creating a socialist utopia seem to be right on target with her wearing Mao-style pant suits. The pointing out of that fact by Archie struck me as amusing accordingly.
Now let the accusations of hate, racism, and communist-card playing begin yet again.
Thank you, but we got it.
YOU sir, and your friend, have played the commie card. And you think it is hilarious.
Tickles you to the heart of your Black Shirt, doesn't it? Oops. That crosses a line, doesn't it? Only conservatives can demonize liberals; turnabout is NOT fair play to the delicate sensibilities of con-servatives.
It's perfectly fine to call liberals commies, but it's "hate" to call an authoritarian racist supporting Trumpist a racist.
You may be annoyed to learn, and be willfully blind to the fact, that every white racist voted for Trump.
Your "comical" friend here posted the "N" word at my blog, after calling me names.
No hate there. No racism there. IOKIYAR or con-servative after all.
Nice spin job and attempted character assassination.
For the record, after calling me a racist I pointed out on wikipedia that Senator Byrd used the "N" word on national TV in 2001 which didn't fit your belief system where only republicans are racist. So you had to delete the post as a good progressive patriot award winner does to attempt to hide history.
I did not use the "N" word in any other context.
I simply don't agree with your claim that Byrd "saw the light" and rid himself of all racism after leaving the KKK.
Well Dave, I certainly don't condone using the "N" word as a racist epithet for sure.
As I don't frequent your blog anymore, I guess I can take your word for it that he did use that disgusting word. Also knowing how you put words in the mouths of others and twist what they say or "interpret" what they say to mean something else that supports your rant, I suppose that there is probably another side to the story too.
For the record, I didn't call all liberals communists. I called the lawless wanna-be politburo chairwoman Hillary a God-damned communist.
Let the diatribe begin again. Or not. I really couldn't care less.
T. Paine: "I certainly don't condone using the 'N' word as a racist epithet for sure. As I don't frequent your blog anymore, I guess I can take your word for it that he did use that disgusting word."
It seem like you're doubtful that he did. Why not ask Chuck (aka "ArchieBunkerNYC") yourself. Go ahead. Why be shy?
"Also knowing how you put words in the mouths of others and twist what they say or 'interpret' what they say to mean something else that supports your rant, I suppose that there is probably another side to the story too."
At least you've allowed room that there might not be another side to "the story" that Chuck did use the racial epithet as Dave claimed (and that you possibly reject). I can respect that.
There's a way to find out for sure, though. Ask Chuck.
"...I didn't call all liberals communists. I called the lawless wanna-be politburo chairwoman Hillary a God-damned communist."
She's not a communist, Mr. Paine. As a matter of fact, far from it. She is, though, a corporatist neoliberal.
In a March 4, 2001 interview with Tony Snow, Byrd said of race relations:
"They're much, much better than they've ever been in my life-time ... I think we talk about race too much. I think those problems are largely behind us ... I just think we talk so much about it that we help to create somewhat of an illusion. I think we try to have good will. My old mom told me, 'Robert, you can't go to heaven if you hate anybody.' We practice that. There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time, if you want to use that word. We just need to work together to make our country a better country, and I'd just as soon quit talking about it so much."
After being called a racist on Dave's blog, I asked Dave if Senator Byrd was a racist. Dave responded that Senator Byrd had changed and had "Seen the light". I then posted the above on Dave's blog that Senator Byrd used the N word on national TV long after leaving the KKK. The posting of the N word was only from Senator Byrd's quote.
Dave, nice spin job but you need to work on your integrity.
We see you don't need the "N" word to convey your hate. "Parasites" and "commies" will suffice.
No need to "twist" these words is there?
I called the lawless wanna-be politburo chairwoman Hillary a God-damned communist.
I asked you if you are you so brainwashed or detached from reality as to think Wall Street friendly Hillary is a commie. Of course, your delusional far Right ideology compels you to answer my question in the affirmative.
Then Bernie must be a commie too. I must be one too. Over half the country must be commies for voting for her too.
You are deceived, my friend.
It is impossible to have a rational discussion with your clearly delusional and hateful beliefs clouding your perceptions and thinking.
Imagine if every time some Trumpist, or other far Right hater, played your commie card, the response was, “Yes, you and the Nazis love to demonize others as commies”.
You have earned this response, Mein Herr. It is the truth and it fits.
And you wonder why liberals and moderates see your fringe cult as neo-fascist haters they truly are?
Unlike Tom, I will not tolerate a man who takes the name of a racist character and posts a racist "N" word term on my blog.
The racist did this after I noted:
Long ago Byrd renounced the KKK. (So far, you have not.) Upon news of his death, the NAACP released a statement praising Byrd, saying that he "became a champion for civil rights and liberties" and "came to consistently support the NAACP civil rights agenda".
Only a racist would do that.
And only a hateful vile jerk would use more hateful terms and attack his host like this person did.
I refuse to tolerate these fascists and their hate any more. Their terrorist attacks on Americans are second only to Jihadists.
Thanks for having the integrity to post my side of the story with Dave.
He clearly is a master spinner of the truth and I am very concerned about his mental state since Trump's election.
My sister is a left winger but I do not hate her for her beliefs.
Dave, I always let Lionel in my house.
May I suggest we all take pity on poor Arch? He's the real victim of hate here, amirite?
Poor witto Arch got mad and says I called him a racist. Whatever did he say before to earn such a mere suggestion?
Arch got upset when I responded to his insult to minorities who couldn’t get a Republican mandated voter ID. If you are too dumb to figure out how to get a voter id card, you are too dumb to vote. amirite?:
Never mind the elderly and disabled who have no access to a vehicle to drive 20 to 40 miles to get their Republican ID. It’s clear he hates them. And we know what color they are.
What flipped Arch’s wig was how I responded to his hate:
“Who's dumber than the fools who believe and trust Trump? Who's dumber than the fools who believe and trust the Cult of Right-wing Authoritarian Personalities?” Who's dumb and racist enough to identify with a stupid white racist TV character?
That was the last straw! Poor witto Arch got upset. Well guess who also said the following racist remarks earlier?
"Barry Sotero the Messiah" (is how every racist demeans Obama.) "Freeloaders on the liberal plantation" (Meaning poor blacks in need of health care)
Guess who called liberals fascists, after he approves of Trump’s war on our Constitutional free press?
“I'm glad Trump is calling out the media...The Liberal Fascists are upset that this connection is being exposed.”
It appears IOKIYAR to insult and name call. True to form, he turns into a crybaby and proves he can dish it out but can’t take it.
Just like every other white racist.
But Arch isn’t one of course. (Although he has never uttered a word of disapproval of the Klan or Trump.)
Are we to believe Arch and birther Trump are liars and racists?
No way. Only liberal fascists could possibly think Trump and Arch are racist liars, amirite?.
I have not ever renounced the KKK, Satan, or the killing of Bald Eagles. Does this mean I approve the KKK, Satan, and the killing of Bald Eagles?
I pointed out an instance of racism by Senator Byrd. That makes me a racist?
What if Mitch McConnell had made the above quote instead of Senator Byrd. Would he still be Senator?
Your reasoning is troubling to me, but then I don't understand the mind of someone who believes 9/11 was an inside job.
Thanks for the clarification Archie.
So basically you pointed out the Left's hypocrisy by quoting Senator Byrd. Only within his quote was the despicable word. Dave then comes and condemns you for pointing this out because Senator Byrd "apologized" and was "reformed". Even the NAACP said so after he started working for their liberal agenda.
I figured that something like that was the real situation, sir. Cheers!
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