Putin's Useful Idiot
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"Everywhere there's lots of piggies, living piggy lives" ` |
"Donald Trump's administration is beginning the way Richard Nixon's ended."
Eugene Robinson
on the Morning Joe Program
12 May 2017
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Comey |
Jim Comey is a career lawyer who, by all accounts, is precise and meticulous. He is also religious when it comes to taking notes. Apparently he has a vast paper trail with respect to his conversations with the president of the United States of America. This does not bode particularly well for the Donald. According to an anonymous White House insider yesterday, the dude is "completely fucked". We are told that the inmates of this disgusting administration are starting to "lawyer up". Chaos reigns supreme inside of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. By all descriptions that have been provided to us, Trump has been behaving like a raging adolescent. These are indeed interesting times inside the executive branch of the government.
As anyone who knew anything about Donald Trump could have easily predicted, the Trump presidency is in the midst of an utter implosion. The surprising thing is the speed. I was of the opinion that it would take until the late summer/early autumn until things came apart. I was as wrong as I've ever been in my life. The wheels came off the clown car at the starting gate. This entire fiasco has been nothing if not amusing to behold. In a video essay that was posted online the other day, Keith Olbermann observed that the president is guilty of seventeen impeachable offences committed - not since January 20 - but in the last week! This is going to end very badly - but I repeat myself.

The prez stepped out of one shit storm smack dab into the middle of another one when the New York Times quoted the details of Comey's private conversation with him regarding the investigation into Mike Flynn's contact with the Russian embassy. According to the notes, Trump tried to persuade the FBI director to stop the Flynn inquiry. It's called "obstruction of justice" just in case anyone asks you. But it gets worse (or "better" for my purposes). Incredibly, Trump then attempted to make Comey take an oath of personal loyalty - a pledge of allegiance to the Donald. James Comey, to his eternal credit, politely refused the offer. He has since been fired. Put two and two together.
Donald Trump is about to put America in his rear view mirror as he embarks upon his first foreign trip as president. I suppose that is just as well. It'll be scads of fun watching him stomp around the planet with one foot on a banana peel and the other in his mouth. For all the damage that he's inflicting on this doomed republic, he certainly is an amusing spectacle to study. The journey might also give him an opportunity to forget - for one brief, shining moment - the morass of political turbulence that awaits him when he returns stateside. Bon voyage.
In recent days, the Republicans have been sneaking a new talking point into the national dialogue. Are you ready for this one?
That's right, folks! So desperate are they to put as much distance between themselves and this unhinged nitwit that, when the catastrophe is complete, they're going to attempt to put the blame on the opposition party. You want to hear the sad part? It's probably going to work.
Idiot Nation.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
When the World is Led by a Child
by David Brooks
This excellent essay by David Brooks was published two days ago in the New York Times. It's worth a read. Thanks to Melinda Carroll for sending this one my way via Faebook.
National Security Council officials have strategically included Trump’s name in “as many paragraphs as we can because he keeps reading if he’s mentioned,” according to one source, who relayed conversations he had with NSC officials.
I just posted this in the previous thread on how they are preparing Trump for his big foreign policy trip. I thought it was so hilarious it was worth repeating.
Are we screwed yet?
Donald Trump IS a Democrat in spirit, Tom. In fact he was even registered as a Democrat for a long time before he opportunistically sought out the presidency in order to bolster his own massive ego. He thought the best path for doing so was as a Republican. He is little more than a wolf in sheep's clothing accordingly.
The fact is his only true core value seems to be himself and the acquisition of personal power. In other words, he is STILL a Democrat.
It matters little. Until the people of this nation wake up and hold ALL of our elected officials accountable, we will continue to get this reality TV version of government that we evidently deserve.
"anonymous sources", Gee one would think if you had something to leak that was so important you would use your name. If what they are leaking is the truth what have they to fear by having their know? Unless it's not the truth.
If the liberals didn’t have double-standards, they’d have no standards at all.
"Obama instructed the IC to share intelligence with Cuba, and no one in the MSM thought that was a “scandal”."
BUT a "fearless" anonymous claims President Trump shared and who the world demands his head on a platter.
Meanwhile.... Putin offers transcript to prove Trump did not pass Russia secrets http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-putin-idUSKCN18D1EA?il=0
Will this count as it's from named source? I doubt it as it's not from an "anonymous" source.
Donald Trump ran as a Republican. He ran on Republican policies. He was supported by the Republican Party.
Nice try.
Tom, what you say is true, sir.
That said, the only real feather in his "Republican" cap that can be counted as such is the sitting of Neil Gorsuch on the SCOTUS.
Majormajor, your pointing out of left-wing hypocrisy will only be considered as hate speech and projection by some of our less-than-honest leftist brothers and sisters. I admire your persistence though, my friend!
Tom Degan: "In recent days, the Republicans have been sneaking a new talking point into the national dialogue. Are you ready for this one?
Followed by...
T. Paine: "The fact is [Donald Trump's] only true core value seems to be himself and the acquisition of personal power. In other words, he is STILL a Democrat."
Tom, you're right!!...and Mr. Paine, please pass this along to Chuck. LOL
T. Paine: "...[Donald Trump] was even registered as a Democrat for a long time before he opportunistically sought out the presidency in order to bolster his own massive ego."
So, Ronald Reagan was never a Republican either? ;-)
JG, Ronald Reagan was indeed once upon a time a Democrat, but he accepted the appropriate blame for his actions.
T. Paine: "...the only real feather in his 'Republican' cap that can be counted as such is the sitting of Neil Gorsuch on the SCOTUS."
Which, if the Republicans followed the intent of the Constitution -- instead of obstructing and disallowing a hearing for Obama's nominee Merrick Garland -- would never have happened. In reality, Donald Trump was given a gift. You know that, and I know that.
No feathers in Trump's cap. As a matter of fact, it's possible he'll be tarred and feathered, and run out of town on a rail, by the time Robert Mueller finishes his inquiry and finds probable cause for impeachment. One can hope.
By the way, funny Reagan video. He's the only conservative I know of that has a sense of humor.
OK, what I want to know is when do we start feeling sorry for Donald Trump?
"OK, what I want to know is when do we start feeling sorry for Donald Trump?"
When he is out of office and can do no more harm... then you may feel sorry for him if you so choose. :)
Is it just me, or is T.Paine sounding like a second account for Clucky?
I was right about one thing, it IS fun to watch conservatives try and blame Trump on Liberals.
He's all YOURS folks.
But it's looking like Nixon is going to be off the hook as most corrupt President.
T. Paine, Trump will say anything to anyone. The only way you KNOW he was never REALLY a Democrat is that he identifies with MONEY and personal gratification.
I'm sure he and his family were Dems until 1964, like the rest of the KKK
Mozart1220: "The only way you KNOW [Donald Trump] was never REALLY a Democrat is that he identifies with MONEY and personal gratification."
No words could be written that better exemplify the narcissist Mr. Trump, and the rank-and-file of today's GOP.
"I'm sure he and his family were Dems until 1964, like the rest of the KKK"
Ah yes!...the great defection due to the Great Society...
Mr. Paine,
With the possible exception of Tom, I find liberals can not compete in the free market place of ideas, much less free speech. This is the only explanation for their wanting to limit, if not end the right of free speech, for those who disagree with their view.
It allows liberals to make loonie claims like 99% of tax cuts only benefit the rich. Or claiming President Trump and his family were Dems until 1964 when they joined the GOP (AKA the KKK).
Ending the free market place of ideas allow liberals to demean those who do not agree with their theory and beliefs, IE: that man is causing climate change, that 9-11 was "an inside job", that the GOP is just code for the KKK, that Conservatives are Nazis, by preventing facts & theory's that are counter to their beliefs. If to oppose a liberal idea puts their bulls eye of claimed racism and stupidity on your back, that is free speech suppression. If you choose not to bake a wedding cake, you lose your business.
I do not believe liberals are doing this by accident, I believe it is done purposeful, with malice, and forethought. Has Mozart or any other liberal denounced ANTI-FI, while claiming it is Conservatives who are violent? Look at the way a moderate called Rain was treated by Dave an JG for expressing her beliefs.
Like I quoted earlier if liberals didn't have double standards, they would have no standards at all, and nothing frightens them more that the free market place of ideas.
"The only way you KNOW he was never REALLY a Democrat is that he identifies with MONEY and personal gratification" Guess you haven't heard of former President Obama's $60 MILLION book deal or the $3 million he got for making a speech.
Clucky, the DIFFERENCE is that Obama didn't do that WHILE President. A private citizen is free to make all the deals he wants. RIGHT NOEW the GOP is closer to the KKK, especially with two proud members (Bannon, Pence) in the White House, and Trump who's father was KKK. The KKK supported Trump 100% WHY DO YOU THINK THAT WAS?
Humans ARE contributing to climate change,no one rational calls 9-11 an "inside job" though Bush COULD have prevented it and they sure used it as an excuse to invade sovereign nations.
The rest of your rants are as usual, irrelevant, and infantile.
The Communist Party USA supported Sanders 100%, what does that tell us?. Why do you think that was?
Do you Mozart, disavow violence towards Conservatives, violence that lefty's is needed because Conservatives are racist, fascist and homophobic?
President Trump is NOT taking his salary nor is writing a book, but you can bet for dammed sure after his term ends if he makes a nickel on a book you and the rest of the loonie left will be screaming to kingdom come how he only wanted to be President to make himself richer.
I'd like you to share the sources that supports your claims about the GOP and the KKK, that Pence and Bannon and President Trump's father were/are members of the KKK. But you won't. Because? The sources are fake news.
I think JG is gonna be upset with you over your 9-11 comment, since if you ask him, he is rational. And perfect, just ask him.
As for your "the rest of your rants are as usual, irrelevant, and infantile" comment, it only supports what I wrote to Mr. Paine about how the left treats those who disagree with them and their liberal positions. Thanks for proving my point.
"T. Paine, Trump will say anything to anyone. The only way you KNOW he was never REALLY a Democrat is that he identifies with MONEY and personal gratification.
I'm sure he and his family were Dems until 1964, like the rest of the KKK" ~ Mozart
If money and personal gratification are prerequisites for being a Republican, then I guess Bill and Hillary are the quintessential GOP members.
Give me a break, Mr. Mozart. You are so tied to a political party/ideology that you cannot even call out your "own side" when they are egregiously wrong on ANY issue or behavior.
Oh, and do tell how Pence is a racist KKK member too please. I understand the talking points of why you think that Trump is already.
Majormajor, you make a good point, sir. Rain is a very thoughtful and well-spoken lady with moderate left-wing views. Evidently the fact that she CAN see the errors of Democrats though and has the temerity to say so is an unforgivable sin to some folks that will seemingly always put party ahead of country.
Uh oh, it seems that Chuck, like his Dear Leader Don, is about to go into meltdown. ;-)
Mozart1220: "...no one rational calls 9-11 an 'inside job'..."
Mozart, it all depends upon your definition of "inside job". I see those two words thrown out there a lot, but until a clear and definitive understanding and consensus of what they mean can be agreed upon, I'll reserve comment.
One thing that's a certainty, and it was brought up by Woodenman1954 on Tom's previous post, never in the history of steel-framed high-rise buildings has one tumbled to the ground, in near free-fall, due to normal office fires. That is, not until September 11, 2001. Some may argue that the Twin Towers were not "normal office fires", and I'll cede that point -- for now. But WTC7 also fell, in almost complete free-fall that same day, at approximately 5:20 p.m. local time, after having sporadic and nonsustaining fires on only six of its forty-seven floors. Recall that WTC7 was never struck by an aircraft, and it only sustained partial damage to one corner due to fallen debris from WTC1.
Let me remind you, never in history has this happened -- neither before that historic day or since.
If you still believe the U.S. government's official conspiracy theory was the true synopsis of what occurred that day, then if I were you I'd be fighting for tougher building code requirements on all high-rise buildings. As a matter of fact, I'd never go into one again. They're just not safe. ;-)
You correctly observe reality in this statement. No wonder cons cannot accept it. Donald Trump ran as a Republican. He ran on Republican policies. He was supported by the Republican Party.
All facts.
Not to mention most conservatives voted for him. No wonder our cons are frantically embracing "alternative facts" and howling about "fake news".
Mr. Paine goes to absurd lengths to promote his “no true Scotsman” fallacy and disregard for reality. Trump’s racist birtherism, his far Right agenda, his Wall Street/corporate cabinet, and his appointment to the Supreme Court all tell us he is a conservative Republican.
Mr. Paine will ignore these facts because he believes conservatism is virtue itself, therefore Trump cannot be conservative. For conservatism is goodness and all that is great about America.
Just ask him. He'll absurdly tell you personal greed is a liberal value. Yeah, that's how detached from reality they must become. Greed, aka, tax cuts for the rich = Liberalism now.
Isn't that amazing?
Now that Trump is making a dangerous idiot of himself, obstructing justice, and embarrassing our nation, Cons have decided he must be a liberal democrat.
This is evidence that mental gymnastics, rationalization, denial and self-deception are the tools of a conservative mind.
And if that isn’t enough, how about simple stupidity?
We are “educated” on “-u-s-media-now-totally-trust-putin” yet oddly, “Meanwhile.... Putin offers transcript to prove Trump did not pass Russia secrets..”
So who really trusts Putin?
Useful idiots.
Ending the free market place of ideas allow liberals to demean those who do not agree with their theory and beliefs,
This drivel is from the angry, hateful, ignorant Trumpist who appears ONLY to demean liberals in a marketplace of ideas. Hypocrite all the way.
But there’s more:
The Communist Party USA supported Sanders 100%, what does that tell us?. after whining, “that the GOP is just code for the KKK, that Conservatives are Nazis,”
Did I say hypocrite? I can think of a more accurate and descriptive term, but unlike Trumpists, I have some basic decency.
You can shine light on their falsehoods and double standards all day and they will not see it. Willful blindness and a closed mind are con-servative tools needed to serve upward distribution of wealth, greed, self righteousness, and the arrogance of moral superiority.
Thanks Dave for proving my point...when a Conservative pushes back against the liberal lies of Mozart, it is called drivel, hateful and demeaning. Why, how DARE a Conservative call into question the sources of the loonie left.
Keep proving my point liberals, you can not compete in the free market place of ideas.
how DARE a Conservative call into question the sources of the loonie left.
Says the whiner, demeaning liberals again.
Says the liar and Trumpist who links to the words of Putin. LOL!
Racist Birther Trump lied about not knowing who David Duke is.
According to a New York Times article published in June 1927, a man with the name and address of Donald Trump's father was arraigned after Klan members attacked cops in Queens, N.Y.
The racists also had to ordered by a court to rent to blacks. Twice.
The con doesn't fly here.
I rest my case.
Once again, TP levels an accusation without evidence.
Look at the way a moderate called Rain was treated by Dave an JG for expressing her beliefs.
This is the dark soul and cold heart of conservatism.
Rain was "treated" with facts, just like TP has been. He has rejected all reason and facts by spewing gibberish about Trump being a liberal democrat.
He's lucky he's not "treated" like a hateful idiot, bestowing kudos while aiding and abetting his extremely hateful and dishonest Trumpist friend.
Just how low will they go? Trump tore the bottom out and cons have taken the lowest road with him. They have no respect for truth and honesty because it is counter to their ideology.
Exhibit A: "Trump the liberal democrat"
Fools. Dishonest fools. Dangerous fools. Con-servatism, racism, and authoritarianism has given us Trump.
For that alone, they deserve no respect.
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