It's Tax Day! Oh, and By the way....
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The Warden of Idiot Nation |

It's an entirely different story for the rest of us. Once we are able to have a peek at what this guy has been up to, the story is over. Not even these idiotic right wing politicians in the congress will be able to defend him - or most of them anyway (There will be a few holdouts). Once the truth is revealed, the American voters with IQs above a bag of moldy seaweed will demand that he be removed.
I'm not going to predict that Donald Trump will be remembered as the first president to go to federal prison. I made that same prediction about George W. Bush eleven years ago in the first piece I ever wrote on this site and wound up with egg on my face. There are two sets of rules, one set for the ruling elite, and another for the rest of us. The one percent only pays for their crimes when one of their own turns on them. Why do you think Bernie Maddow is one of the only one of his class to go to prison for his crimes of plunder? His victims were the one percent. Dwell on that one for a little bit.
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St. Dubya |
It's a fairly reliable barometer for measuring how completely weird things have gotten when one finds one's self nostalgic for the likes of Dubya. Can I get a witness?
Donald's excuse for the past year has been that he is unable to release his income tax returns because he is being audited by the IRS. Bullshit. There is no law on the books which states that a person being audited is forbidden from making the record public.
The people should demand that the House of Reprehensibles subpoena the Internal Revenue Service and make those returns known immediately. It is within their power to do this legally. If there is nothing there - as so many of them are implying - then just let it all hang out and be done with it. If there is nothing there, show us. Those of us who lean leftwards have been freaking out about Trump's taxes for over a year. This is the perfect opportunity to shut us up and also make us look quite foolish in the process. It would be such a political score for him that he would be foolish not to do so. That's how I am certain that he is covering something up. He could have made us all look like a mob of pompous crybabies months ago! Why didn't he? Think about it, kids.
Call your reprehensible in Washington. Let him or her know that the president of the United States is not above accountability.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
A short documentary on the history of the Beatles' Apple Records:
Very interesting.
I've never thought that the income tax returns should be required because they are so confusing and for someone like him, I can only imagine give the complexity of ours with only six sources of income and deductions. He might be trying to hide something like lack of acceptable corporate approved donations. But he tends to give gifts to someone by their story and that isn't deductible.
A professional politician like the Clintons will make sure their forms look right. Bring in anybody from outside and that's not the case. I have no idea if he's hiding some dark secret that his financial disclosures (required by law) don't show but have a question: Did you also want full disclosure on the Clinton foundation?
Personally, I thought the tax day protests were just plain silly given all else to worry about (wars, SS, environment, etc.) It did provide another opportunity for the professional anarchists to show up and ruin what could have been a peaceful event (Berkeley). None of this is making Democrats seem like they have an agenda on which to run other than anybody but Trump. Most recently I saw lefties whining that he made big profits from the missile strike and bombing-- that with his tiny investments (based on his disclosures) in Raytheon, who might profit from said bombings. Come on, let's get serious, there are things to be concerned over-- very real shifts that could fundamentally change how the country sees care of the poor, disabled, environment, social justice, etc.
And before I get stoned for heresy, I not only voted for Hillary but have concerns about GOP control and Trump. Just they're not about his tax forms.
This is what is wrong "according to IRS’s reports for 2014 “there were 54,291,649 tax filers—or about 36.5 percent of all filers—who filed taxable returns with adjusted gross incomes of $50,000 or more. These taxpayers paid total income taxes of $1,300,748,208,000—or 94.4 percent of the $1,377,797,136,000 in total income taxes paid that year.
The 148,606,578 filers included single individuals, married couples filing jointly, married persons filing separately, surviving spouses and heads of households.”
Rain, after 8 years of the Obama Cult, the failure of HRC to connect with middle America, their rigged primary defeat of Sanders and their drift to the FAR left, the Democrats have no agenda.
All they offer is more free stuff at the expense of the 94.4% of Americans who foot the bill.
Tom Degan: "I will say this, though: While Trump probably won't be dying in lockup, he will be the first chief-executive to be removed from office via the impeachment process."
You could be right. You're certainly not the only one who thinks so. (Once the interview concludes, the video afterwards will be when Trump promised, while on the campaign trail, he wouldn't have time to play golf when he becomes president. ;-) I guess he forgot that promise.)
It's Day 90. Ten more until the first 100 days. Still nothing...but I'd guess his golf game has improved.
Cluckie is still trying to convince us that the voters chose Trump.
And now he's ignoring the obvious TREASON by the Trump campaign, colluding with Russia. He's ignoring trumps obvious ineptitude (Who loses an entire carrier group?)
Go back you your Communist websites Cluckie. Putin has more instructions for you.
It's Day 91 of the Trump presidency. Still, there's no new legislation, no job initiatives -- nothing. Except, I suppose, sabre-rattling and the threat of thermonuclear war on the horizon.
Gee, isn't that what everyone feared about Hillary Clinton? ;-)
I find that the only solace in this "administration" is watching Trump's supporters (Like Clucky)doing Olympic quality verbal gymnastics trying to defend him. Unfortunately the damage that's being done to our environment, economy, national security, and worldwide reputation makes it a hollow joy at best.
"no job initiatives"?????
Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show.
JG, Trump has met with 224 business leaders, two or three at a time, to hand out favors and accept tribute like he is an emperor. He is working hard to get richer at the expense of the rest of us.
Have you over looked the Union presidents he's met with?
List the tribute he's gotten.
He want to get rich, that's why he doesn't collect his salary as President.
woodenman1954: "...Trump has met with 224 business leaders, two or three at a time, to hand out favors and accept tribute like he is an emperor."
That's, for all practical purposes, the very definition of corporatism.
Nothing has changed. The oligopoly remains intact, and as a matter of fact has gotten stronger. Those who sought change through a right-wing populist are only getting more of what we had already.
It's Day 92...
Maybe this will help you see the differences between the Trump and Clinton Foundation and their disclosures.
Did the Clinton Foundation
go 'above and beyond' in transparency?
They don’t have to disclose their donors, even if requested, but they do have to prove to the IRS that a third of their revenue comes from fundraising.
So the Clinton Foundation is not required by law to disclose its donors, as it does on its contributors page, and most other nonprofits don’t give this information, said David Callahan, editor-in-chief of Inside Philanthropy. (Friday of the Council on Foundations said this is to protect donor privacy.) Minassian referred us to the Clinton Foundation's Charity Navigator rating of four stars out of four stars and a 93 out of 100 in accountability and transparency. .
From the Wall Street Journal:
Compare to Dear Leader’s self-serving “foundation”.
President-elect Donald Trump’s charitable foundation engaged in self-dealing in 2015 and prior years, the foundation said in an Internal Revenue Service filing.
That self-dealing, which typically triggers additional taxes for anyone who got improper benefits, resulted from payments to “disqualified persons,” or foundation insiders, according to the document.
The reason, Dave, that her donors mattered was who also got access to her in the State Department. Did things like the uranium agreement get helped along by Russian oligarch donations? etc. That's the only reason it matters. We know the Clintons got benefits from having a foundation in travel, big salaries for supporters and Chelsea but what's new on charities! And i never cared about Trump's foundation but might be more interested now where he can do government favors. Many lefties are totally convinced he's doing that as President to benefit his businesses.
To add to that, did anyone outside look into the Romney foundation? I just think that's the name of the game. When it is pay for play though, that's different.
"That's, for all practical purposes, the very definition of corporatism."
Yes, our President must never meet with business, he can only meet with liberal approved groups, like Anti-fi
Chuck "Majormajor" Morre: "Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show."
Government employment figures are meaningless in this day and age, and low jobless claims only mean that people's benefits have expired and they've given up looking for work.
Even your orange president realizes this.
Tom Degan: "A full third of the inmates of Idiot Nation are so touchingly dense that they will stand by the Donald until the bitter end. They will sink to any depth to prove their loyalty to this corrupt sociopath who reflects their inexcusable racism."
Well said, Tom, and so true.
As far as "non-truth", or let's be honest and call it what it is -- a lie, Trump received, and richly deserved, the four Pinocchios The Washington Post awarded him for his outrageous claim that "no administration has accomplished more in the first 90 days'.
He's a sociopath with no conscience and no morals...and he's your president.
It's Day 93. "Where's the beef?"
"Government employment figures are meaningless in this day and age, and low jobless claims only mean that people's benefits have expired and they've given up looking for work."
Oh come on, get real... your alter ego Dave claims reports like this are only
due to the wonderful 8 years of Obama. And you talk about "non-truth".
Its day 93 and thank God we don't have to see Hillary in her Chairman Mao pantsuits anymore and her serial sexual predator husband.
The Democrats wasted over 8 million dollars hoping Jon Ossoff would win Georgia's 6th congressional district. What a waste of money spent in desperation fighting Barry Obama's tidal wave of liberal losses. That 8 million could have fed a lot of starving children.
JG, I like this day by day accounting thing you got going on, I suggest you keep it going as long as Trump is in office.
I wonder how day 234 will turn out.
ArchieBunker: "...and thank God we don't have to see Hillary in her Chairman Mao pantsuits anymore and her serial sexual predator husband."
First off, a "God" would never have allowed either in office -- unless it were a vengeful one. More appropriately, thank Robert Mercer. He's the one pulling all the levers behind the orange curtain.
So instead of pantsuits we got a moron with an orangutan comb-over and a sexual predator -- all in one!
"That 8 million could have fed a lot of starving children."
It's estimated that Trump's weekend trips to his Mar-a-Lago resort cost the taxpayer approximately $3.6M dollars each time. Considering he has taken seven trips so far, that has cost us about $25M -- which is a very conservative estimate.
That could have bought a lot of Tomahawk missiles to shoot at Iraq...ah, I mean Syria. LOL
woodenman1954: "I wonder how day 234 will turn out."
Oh, I don't know...maybe another false flag attack to try to legitimize another illegal war? The sky's not the limit.
By the way, did you know it's Day 94 already? Still nothing to report -- other than I believe he's down playing golf at his Florida resort again. Cha-ching!
Actually, I understand he's going to announce a new tax overhaul plan on Wednesday. I hear "it's a really great plan. Really great!" ;-)
Gotta do something, even if it's nothing, before next Saturday. LOL
Why doesn't Trump just release his taxes and make the Left look like a bunch of whining cry babies, asks Mr. Degan.
Good question. I don't pretend to know the answer with certainty though.
I would be surprised if anything "illegal" was listed on his taxes however. That would just be daring the IRS to nail Trump. I am curious why Trump's taxes are such a damned big deal to so many on the left when there are other really important issues to be concerned with regarding Trump instead.
Perhaps Trump wants to keep the issue alive for the Left rather than simply releasing his taxes and putting the issue to bed. It gives them one more thing about which they can all be ticked off.
Perhaps he is taking a page out of Obama's playbook with the whole birther fiasco. Obama could have come out and proved beyond all doubt that he was a U.S. citizen, but seemingly preferred to have the issue for the kooks on the right to gnaw over.
Thus far, there are a lot of scary things to be concerned with regarding Trump. His taxes are about number 10,782 on the list, as far as I am concerned.
Nothing will change if President Trump releases his tax returns, the Left will still hate him and will do all within their power to fight him tooth and nail.
After the returns, it will be something else.
T. Paine: "Thus far, there are a lot of scary things to be concerned with regarding Trump. His taxes are about number 10,782 on the list, as far as I am concerned."
Amen. As one on the Left, though, I'd position it at about 9,011 on the list. The preceding 9,010 items are associated with dangers to the environment, freedom of the press and peaceful assembly, civil rights, women's rights, essentially all human rights, and definitely all life on earth as we know it.
It's Day 95. He's done nothing except make the United States look foolish and dangerous, and hateful and prejudiced. He needs to step down. It's the only way to save all of humanity.
Why would anyone want to import cars from Japan? -- I know it may sound crazy to you why people are doing so when they can actually buy Japanese cars locally. It does not matter whether you are in US, UK, Australia or Canada to jual mobil bekas, you can surely get a Japanese car in where you are living. But there are good reasons why you should consider importing cars from Japan. Do not blink your eye as I explain to you in a flash.
Did things like the uranium agreement get helped along by Russian oligarch donations?
No, unless you have evidence it did. There's the entire Republican Party and their media seeking that proof, and they have not found it. It's easy to believe the worst about Hillary. No woman in history has been demonized for decades like she has. Trump admitted to a felony, but Hillary is presumed guilty. That's why she lost.
Show us the quid pro quo of the Clinton Foundation. Just show us. It's fine to be skeptical, but no quid pro quo has been shown. Educate yourself on the uranium timeline. And please don't pretend it was all her call.
Perhaps he is taking a page out of Obama's playbook with the whole birther fiasco. Obama could have come out and proved beyond all doubt that he was a U.S. citizen, but seemingly preferred to have the issue for the kooks on the right to gnaw over.
So now you blame the Black Guy for Trump's racist birtherism? How white of you.
Nothing will change if President Trump releases his tax returns
And just how would you know? So let's see them.
All these beliefs here trump facts. The inevitable Great American Tragedy unfolds.
Alifia's non sequitur makes far more sense than most of the fear-mongering and gripes coming from some of our brothers and sisters on the left.
Good God Dave. You are really a piece of work.
First, I said and intimated NOTHING about Obama's race. It is interesting how you always return to the race card though. You really should get new material. Is the DNC planning on putting out a new playbook any time soon that you could use for some NEW talking points?
If anything, I was praising Obama for playing that card correctly from a political standpoint. He could have put that issue to rest, but instead left it in tact for the nut jobs on the far right to anguish over. It detracted from the right's credibility.
Once again you go for the typical response though. I guess I should have expected no more from you.
My apologies to everyone else but I am sick of the adversarial bovine excrement constantly spewed by certain individuals that demonize anyone in disagreement with themselves and then whine that they are the ones being projected upon and offended. It is the reason why I seldom wish to even acknowledge, let alone interact with these type of individuals any more. For them, it is not about debate and the exchange of ideas, but rather about sophomoric name calling and whining. If I want to put up with that, I'll go back to college and engage any number of college professors that operate with the same modus operandi as they try to indoctrinate another generation with their bilge.
He could have put that issue to rest. Yes, it was the black guy's job to put the issue to rest, or he was "playing the card".
He suffered the indignity of Trump's RACIST birtherism, and the Zombies STILL think Obama is a foreign Muslim.
Amazing. Not racist, just amazing. How many birth certificates does it take? And WHY?
Race had nothing to do with birtherism? Is that your "exchange of ideas?" Bovine shit.
Good God, indeed.
Dave, did you ever look for info on the connection between Russian oligarch donations and the uranium deal? Sure there is no quid pro quo with handwritten admissions but the money flowed to the foundation ($29 million from one of their oligarchs) and they got the deals for the uranium. Check out this from the New York Times. It's ironic how one side can only see crookedness on the other but never look to their own and it works both ways. It's why so many, like me, no longer claim a party affiliation.
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