A Sean Spicer Wannabe
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Here is the transcript; I kid you not:
SEAN SPICER: We didn't use chemical weapons in World War II. You had someone as despicable as Hitler who didn't even sink to using chemical weapons....
REPORTER: Uh, quote "Hitler didn't even sink to the level of using chemical weapons.” What did you mean by that?
The real Sean Spicer |
SPICER: I think when you come to sarin gas, there was no — he was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing. I mean there was clearly ... I understand your point, thank you. I, thank you. I appreciate that. There was not ... in the ... he brought them into the, to ... to the Holocaust Center, I understand that, what I'm saying, in the way that Assad used them where he went into towns, dropped them down to innocents into the middle of towns, it was brought … so, the use of it, I appreciate the clarification, that was not the intent.
Wait, it gets worse.
A few minutes later he had to clarify things a bit further. Obviously the Jewish people of Germany who were murdered by the Germans during the thirties and forties were "innocent", were they not? Of course they were! Sean was back a few minutes later with yet another written clarification.
Incredibly, it gets worse still.
What Sean actually meant to say was that Hitler, unlike Syria's Bashar al-Assad, didn't use poison gas to murder the citizens of his own country. Apparently, all of the Jews who perished in the Nazi death camps were tourists on a jolly holiday with Adolf.
Where to begin....
Oh, it's a jolly holiday with Adolf |
Yesterday, April 11, 2016, was not a particularly grand day for the ongoing catastrophe that is known in polite circles as "The administration of Donald J. Trump". First there was an unfortunate incident on the golf course (which I need not go into here - that would be unnecessarily cruel). Then there was the revelation that one of his foreign policy advisors during the 2016 campaign, Carter Page, had been under investigation for treason. But during the afternoon briefing given by Sean Spicer, a gaffe was witnessed by the nation that stands out in an administration that is notable for its output of monumental gaffes. Comparing anyone with Hitler in the modern era is rarely a good idea. I am guilty of this and I have regretted it (sometimes). But what happened yesterday in the Jim Brady Press Room revealed such an appalling lack of historical perspective that it makes one shudder to try and come to grips with the idea that these extremist nincompoops are running the country.
In Idiot Nation, the halfwit is king.
Pretty good - but no Lincoln |
It bugs me when I encounter people who are ignorant of this country's incredible history. I once had a conversation with a high school-aged girl of otherwise above average intelligence. It took place in the café of a local bakery. When she noticed that I was reading a biography of Abraham Lincoln, she casually remarked that her dad could remember what he was doing when he learned that the great emancipator had been assassinated. When I gently informed her that she must be referring to John F. Kennedy, she insisted that, no, it had been Abraham Lincoln. Only when I was able to prove to her that Lincoln had been dead since 1865 was she finally convinced. Fortunately for all concerned, she was wise enough not to seek a career as a presidential press secretary.
As simultaneously comical and horrifying as anyone who bothered to pay attention during the campaign of '16 knew damned well it was going to be, it's twice as bad as even the most cynical of us would have dared to predict. Nearly eighty years ago, Charlie Chaplin skewered Hitler and his gang in a satirical masterpiece called "The Great Dictator". It would seem to me that the time is ever-so-ripe for a modern update - with Alec Baldwin taking on the part of the Donald of course. That would be really funny! And, like Chaplin's Dictator, pretty sad.
Yeah, this entire mess is both comical and horrifying - but at least it's not boring. As the old saying goes, behind ever dark cloud....Never mind.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Here is a link to watch yesterday's press conference in its entirety:
It must be seen to be believed.
A different point of view.
"The parameters of politically incorrect language keep expanding: now simply accusing somebody of being worse than Hitler is WORSE THAN HITLER!
Of course that only applies to Republican spokesmen (microaggression!) for the Republican (trigger warning!) President, Donald J. Trump. In normal situations using sarin gas on your own people would be the major transgression, but in the post-Obama world of Ted Baxter news reporting it’s the reporting on the use of sarin gas that comes under attack."
I don't know what's wrong with Spicer saying "Holocaust Center." I go to my own local Holocaust Center all the time for a workout and a swim. Sometimes there are good lectures there, too. And I learned to play learned squash there.
Sean, you ought to come visit my local Holocaust Center sometime. I can even arrange for you to take a refreshing shower there.
Yours very crankily,
The New York Crank
I don't know what's wrong with Spicer using the phrase "holocaust center." I go to my own neighborhood holocaust center all the time to swim and work out. They have pretty good lectures, too, and once I even learned to play squash there.
Sean let me take you for a visit. We could have a vigorous round of squash — and afterward you could even take a nice, refreshing shower.
Yours very crankily,
The New York Crank
I don't know what's wrong with Spicer using the phrase "holocaust center." I go to my own neighborhood holocaust center all the time to swim and work out. They have pretty good lectures, too, and once I even learned to play squash there.
Sean let me take you for a visit. We could have a vigorous round of squash — and afterward you could even take a nice, refreshing shower.
Yours very crankily,
The New York Crank
Chuck "Majormajor" Morre: "In normal situations using sarin gas on your own people would be the major transgression, but in the post-Obama world of Ted Baxter news reporting it’s the reporting on the use of sarin gas that comes under attack."
Yes, you are correct, using sarin gas on your own people would be a major transgression, but there's still a lack of indisputable evidence that Assad did this. The only claim is coming from the United States government, through its corporate mainstream media mouthpiece -- and its allied cheerleaders.
"Mad Dog" Mattis made this absurd claim, adding that he has the proof but can't show anybody. I'm still wondering, "Why not?" My instincts tell me -- mostly because Republicans are prone to resort to the most flagrant falsehoods -- he's lying through his ass.
Now, in the case of the huge boner committed by Sean Spicer, well...it was on national television and it was viewed by millions. To say something as idiotic as he did, and to be so egregiously misinformed of historical facts as he apparently is, is unconscionable and should very much be criticized and lampooned. We saw it. It's proven he said it. That's all that's needed. He's guilty as charged.
Now, let's see the proof that "Mad Dog" talks about. As the old Wendy's commercial from the 1980s said, "Where's the beef?"
"Would be", from the 9-11 was an inside job nut gang, LOL
Who's in love with Russia, why it's JG!
So much of how something is seen relates to how we feel about the speaker. I saw a clip where a few years back, Chris Matthews said the same thing, making clear it's about weapons and bombs, not about gas chambers. Spicer apparently does not have a good handle of words and it's odd he was chosen. But then where Trump also often misspeaks, maybe he likes those who do it.
The newspaper piece saying we might do a preemptive strike on North Korea seems far more deadly for its potential. Loose lips sink ships and all that goes with them...
Rain Trueax: "So much of how something is seen relates to how we feel about the speaker. I saw a clip where a few years back, Chris Matthews said the same thing..."
Ms. Trueax, selecting Chris Matthews for "compare-and-contrast" purposes probably wasn't your best choice. I view Mr. Matthews as also a highly paid stooge for the reigning corporate state.
Despite what this president's ardent followers believe, the corporate state never went away on January 20th. It actually received a shot of steroids.
Russia has been the manifestation of the Democrats grieving process since Nov 8th. Anger, denial, deflection, etc.
As you're seeing the Russia stories rapidly dry up, leftists and their lap dogs in the media are entering into the final grieving stage of acceptance.
I just hope you guys give Hillary one more chance at becoming President.
Jefferson, I wasn't trying to bring him up as a model but an example of how the media operates. They give some a pass because they 'know' what they meant. Spicer is not getting that pass. They want to drive him out by ridiculing what he looks like and how he says things. It's kind of ugly frankly especially where he's not an attractive man. It's not anything that makes me respect the media right now. I am no fan of Spicer or Trump but do recognize bias when I see it. Unfortunately, as it stands, each side picks on the other at any chance-- using anything no matter how pathetic. Incidentally, I can't stand to listen to Matthews and never watch a news conference as I'd rather read a transcript if something important was said... I did say if.
Yeah, Rain how dare you say anything counter to our resident Antifi's anti capitalism, 9-11 was an inside job, nut case beliefs.
Archie, I hope they run E. Warren. Would take a lot of Wampum for her to win.
Today is Day 88 of the Trump presidency. Historically presidents have laid out great vision linked to monumental legislative achievements during the first 100 days -- particularly when they have congressional partisanship in their favor.
So far there's nothing. Nothing at all. Healthcare reform blew up in his face. There are no new jobs -- which, if I'm not mistaken, net job growth has gone down. There is no tax reform on the horizon. Instead, "the swamp" keeps expanding, militarization is on the march, and he's inching us ever so closer to nuclear confrontation while his diplomatic surrogates come across as the amateurs they are.
So much for his supposed skills in negotiation and "the art of the deal". ;-)
It's Day 88, with just 12 days to go.
As I've said on so many occasions in the past, this president will end up being "the closer".
JG, you are always on the money.I wonder what enables us Liberals to clearly see and acknowledge reality while Conservatives fight tooth and nail to blame any body but the politicians responsible for what is going on.
When the headlines were screaming" 700,000 jobs lost this month" during the Bush presidency Conservatives promptly came up with the" Obama recession" as soon as he was elected.
I am interested in seeing how insanely blind and partisan Trump supporters can be when the shit really hits the fan.
Woodenman1954: "I am interested in seeing how insanely blind and partisan Trump supporters can be when the shit really hits the fan."
It's a foregone conclusion that they'll blame "the black guy", of course, just as they blamed him for the Great Recession upon his first day in office.
By the way, thank you for the compliment, but I call 'em as I see 'em. Both major parties are joined at the hip by big money, each paying homage to their elitist and corporate benefactors while totally ignoring their constituencies. We participate in a mock democratic republic. As the years go by, one-by-one, more people are starting to wake up and realize the uselessness of the broken and corrupt two-party system that politically enslaves us.
When I read people's comments on this blog or others, defending and standing up for their respective major parties -- and in most cases these party's respective candidates -- I have to wonder why they haven't also figured this out. But I also realize that great and meaningful change takes time. When political change takes place, proverbially overnight, it's usually in the form of revolution -- or civil war. Obviously America isn't immune from change as dramatic and sudden as this.
Enjoy the beauty of our natural spring season, for from a social and political perspective we're still in the dead of winter. How the rest of this "season" plays out is anybody's guess. Stay faithful and keep fighting...
Cluckie showing his complete lack of class and intelligence once again.
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