Ideological Idiocy

Idiot Nation.
Incredible as it may seem (at least for my purposes) the administration of Donald J. Trump has been a mixed blessing. While I'm fully aware that this is the worst thing that could have happened to a country as comically dysfunctional as the United States, it also has been oodles of fun to watch the clown car bursting into flames. It's no longer being discussed in whispers behind closed doors. Today on the Morning Joe program on MSNBC, more than one talking head was openly discussing the president's obvious "mental illness" and "instability" - something that has been apparent to me for decades. You could not have possibly missed it if you were paying attention. I was paying attention. You were, too, I'm sure.
It wasn't until about a week before Election Day that I was finally able to swallow the bitter pill of reality: The civic irresponsibility and recklessness of the American electorate, combined with the fact that the Democrats had nominated one of the weakest candidates in their nearly two-hundred year history, made a Trump victory - if not inevitable - highly probable. Our only choice was to make the best of an exceedingly bad outcome. Take those nasty-tasting lemons and turn them into a delicious pitcher of juicy lemonade! The fact is, when I was fifteen years old, I never believed that I would live to see the American political situation get as bizarre and as entertaining as it was during the age of Dick Nixon and Watergate. I stand thoroughly and modestly corrected: Say what you will about the Nixon Gang, no one - on their worst day - ever accused them of treason (or at least not in their lifetimes). The story of Nixon's covert sabotage of Lyndon Johnson's peace agreement with North Vietnam during the waning days of that long-ago 1968 campaign is another subject for another day. Despicable.
Every day - in every way - the situation is getting more-and-more untenable for the Donald and the Republican Party. The GOP finds itself stewing in the juices of their own mindless extremism. From the moment that "the party of Abraham Lincoln" realized that it could gain some cheap political points by exploiting the resentments of the racists in the predominantly Democratic South (Nixon's "Southern Strategy") they have been appealing to the very worst angels in the nature of the American people. It worked for a while, and it worked out quite well for them. The problem was that, quite simply, none of these assholes ever dreamed that the sun would rise upon a day that white people would no longer be the majority.
If you are a Caucasian, your great-grandchildren will more-than-likely have brown skin. It's not the end of the world. As Frank Sinatra once intoned, "Relax and don't you worry." We're the human race. Chill.
The week that is only beginning promises to be the most interesting of all. On June 8, fired FBI Director James Comey is set to testify in an open session. The White House was contemplating stifling him by claiming "executive privilege" but quickly realized that, since he is now a private citizen, that would have been a futile tactic on their part. My guess is that, as completely dysfunctional as things have become for Donald Trump at this late stage in the game, by this time next week it's going to be only a matter of time before his impeachment is a foregone conclusion.
It's not quite over - but almost.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

I've linked several articles in the past by my old friend and travelling companion, Kevin Swanwick. Here is his latest; a non-debatable essay as to why pulling out of the Paris Climate Accords was a horrible idea:
The guy is on the mountaintop.
On this day, forty-nine years ago, 6 June 1968, Robert F. Kennedy died. To tell you the truth, I don't feel so good myself.
Every day - in every way - the situation is getting more-and-more untenable for the Donald and the Republican Party. The GOP finds itself stewing in the juices of their own mindless extremism. From the moment that "the party of Abraham Lincoln" realized that it could gain some cheap political points by exploiting the resentments of the racists in the predominantly Democratic South (Nixon's "Southern Strategy") they have been appealing to the very worst angels in the nature of the American people. It worked for a while, and it worked out quite well for them. The problem was that, quite simply, none of these assholes ever dreamed that the sun would rise upon a day that white people would no longer be the majority.
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Deal with it |
The week that is only beginning promises to be the most interesting of all. On June 8, fired FBI Director James Comey is set to testify in an open session. The White House was contemplating stifling him by claiming "executive privilege" but quickly realized that, since he is now a private citizen, that would have been a futile tactic on their part. My guess is that, as completely dysfunctional as things have become for Donald Trump at this late stage in the game, by this time next week it's going to be only a matter of time before his impeachment is a foregone conclusion.
It's not quite over - but almost.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

I've linked several articles in the past by my old friend and travelling companion, Kevin Swanwick. Here is his latest; a non-debatable essay as to why pulling out of the Paris Climate Accords was a horrible idea:
The guy is on the mountaintop.
On this day, forty-nine years ago, 6 June 1968, Robert F. Kennedy died. To tell you the truth, I don't feel so good myself.
"by this time next week it's going to be only a matter of time before his impeachment is a foregone conclusion."
Be careful what you wish for. Do you really want Mike Pence to be President?
Yours very crankily,
The New York Crank
As you tripped down memory lane, were you surprised to find that Obama while in office, had been running an extensive surveillance operation through the federal government against some of its citizens, including Donald Trump and his team for the 2016 election?
Trump will not be impeached. Republicans are a cult and will stay with him until he melts down. American con-servatism is a plague on humanity and the planet.
The Party of Putin will wreak more destruction of the environment while stepping on the middle class, and stripping the poor of food stamps and health care. They will do this while they try everything they can to cut taxes for the rich promote corporate agendas.
Not to mention Trump's inevitable military debacle yet to come.
They are the servants of mammon and death itself. I'm quite serious about this.
Mike Pence is an imbecilic - but at least he's not insane....I think.
Clucky, you REALLY need to stop getting all your info from Alex Jones and Limbaugh. Your boy is up on collusion and possible TREASON charges. Obama had no real scandals in 8 years. Stop deflecting. This is about Trump.
BTW, the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT along with HOMELAND SECURITY monitors all calls to and from "hostile" governments as a matter of routine. It's not THEIR fault Trump got caught with his hand in the cookie jar they were watching.
If he doesn't want to be on their radar, maybe he should think at least ONCE about doing business with an enemy of our nation and allowing known SPIES into Trump Tower.
Just a thought.
Tell us again how tax cuts only benefit the rich.
Clucky, tell us again how your question is relevant to THIS conversation, but since you asked, when taxes are cut, revenue that helps the poor drops. Infrastructure is neglected, and the rich have the money to ride out economic crashes. The poor don't. a 2% tax cut is MEANINGLESS to me, but a guy making a few million a year can buy a third yacht.
Tell us again what Trump is doing for the poor and middle class.
And TRY to stay on subject, I know how embarrassing it must be to see your heroes look so bad.
"Tell us again what Trump is doing for the poor and middle class."
No Mozart, you tell ME what you want him to do.
BTW do a little research into who is employed to make the yacht.
Still deflecting there Clucky?
Maybe if Trump actually CARED about the poor and middle class, there would be more help for INFRASTRUCTURE (Obama's bill would have created over 100,000 new good paying jobs)which helps EVERYONE instead of a few jobs that only benefit the uber rich. How would YOU like to make low wages with no benefits to build toys for the uber rich?
Jeez, we all knew you were stupid, but do you have to constantly prove it?
"Obama's bill would have created over 100,000 new good paying jobs"
Which bill was that, the pipeline bill that he refused to sign and Trump did?
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