Hillary and Donald: The Inevitables
If you'll be kind enough to recall (or if you know your history) 1968 was the year when the American electorate were presented with a choice between Richard M. Nixon and Hubert H. Humphrey, which, to put it as mildly as possible, was really no choice at all. On Election Day '68, I was ten-years-old - too young to cast a ballot. Had I been of-age during that horrible year, I have little doubt whom I would have voted for. There were two comedians running as write-in candidates that year: Pat Paulsen (a featured player on the Smothers Brothers program) and Dick Gregory. Paulsen's candidacy was a perfectly sick, cynical (and brilliant) joke, while Gregory was in earnest. I probably would have voted for Greg over Pat - but it would have been a tough call, I assure you. 1968 was that kind of year. With respect to Nixon and Humphrey, what thinking person gave a damn?
That was the year that Bobby Kennedy was murdered in the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, minutes after winning the California primary. All hope died at that moment. Perhaps he would have been our political salvation; or perhaps he would have turned out to be the prototype of Bill Clinton. Shit! We'll never know.
Here's the grim choice we'll probably be presented with in 2016: Bill's power-obsessed wife or Donald Trump. It all comes down to that. I find it poignantly amusing that a few GOP politicians, all of whom had previously tolled the chimes of doom for this country if Trump ever made it to the White House, are now ready and willing to endorse him. Party before country as far as these jackasses are concerned. To hell with the American people. Once upon a more tranquil time, I was a loyal Democrat. In May of 1998 I bolted that spineless, incompetent party. The Clintons were the last straw. My loyalty was (and still is) to my country.
Here is (yet again) another example of the Democrats' genius for turning champagne into donkey piss. They were handed - on a silver platter - the most visionary candidate in their history (more than FDR even) and they have told him, in effect, to take a flying leap. Someone like Bernie Sanders comes around only once in a lifetime. Here's the good news: The next time a candidate of Bernie's vision comes down the pike, the Democratic and Republican parties will both have been consigned to history's garbage bin. There's a dandy thought for you.
Good riddance to them all.
And please don't mistake my trepidation regarding Ms. Clinton as sexism. My first choice as candidate (before any politician - including Bernie Sanders) would have been Elizabeth Warren. She chose not to run and I have no doubt she had perfectly good reasons not to. I hope she changes her mind in 2020. She's the best thing to happen to progressive politics in this warped country in a long time.
I might vote on Election Day. I might not. I'm seriously tempted to cast a write-in ballot for Bernie Sanders. I live in New York. Hillary Clinton will win this state handily. I would not be so careless if I lived in a so-called "purple state". A choice between Clinton and Trump is a choice between Tweedle Bad and Tweedle Badder. While it's a horrible thought to visualize her as chief executive, Trump would be a catastrophe, probably signifying the end of the United States as we once knew it. You think I'm being an alarmist? Fine. I've got a really nutty idea: Let's all vote for The Donald in November and see what happens.
Are you at least able to understand my exasperation? What's the point of believing in the system when so many so-called "liberals" are willing to cast their lot with a corporate shill like Hillary? Why bother caring when a plutocratic whore like The Donald is on the verge of receiving the nomination from a party that (at one time) was the ideological base of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Dwight D. Eisenhower? The people of this idiotic nation are going to deserve everything that happens to them.
Tonight I have a serious buzz. Desperate times require desperate measures, as they say. This country will only be saved by taking a hard turn to the left. Don't hold your breath waiting for the electorate to wake up. Americans don't get it. They never will. This is the place where, nearly forty years after the invention of photography, slavery was still a legal and cherished institution. In fact it still is. Just take a look at the Prison Industrial Complex. We have more people rotting in prisons than any other industrialized nation on this planet. We're about as much "the land of the free" as we are the land of the purple unicorn. Get a grip.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Thanks to Frances Ruth Harris for providing me with the Weekly Standard cover.
Blue Highways
By William Least Heat-Moon
In the late seventies, William Least Heat-Moon (it's a native-American name) lost his job as a professor at a Missouri college and took off in his van to discover America. What he did was quite interesting: During his journey he avoided the interstates and traveled only by back roads and two-lane highways. He encountered a great country filled with kind, thoughtful and hard-working people; a country that is worth saving in other words. This isn't a travelogue. This is great literature. In some ways it reminded me of Henry David Thoreau's Walden Pond, the difference being that, while Thoreau's observations were written within the confines of a pond in the New England wilderness, Heat-Moon covered a continent. Another difference is, to be completely frank, Blue Highways is a lot more readable. At times, Walden seemed the literary equivalent of drinking saltwater taffy out of a paper cup.
Blue Highways is still in print. If it's not available from your friendly, independently owned book store (like they really exist any longer) here's a link to order it off of Amazon.com:
Thanks to friend, Brian Sager, for making me aware of this one. I'm embarrassed to say that I had never heard of it.
Good riddance to them all.
And please don't mistake my trepidation regarding Ms. Clinton as sexism. My first choice as candidate (before any politician - including Bernie Sanders) would have been Elizabeth Warren. She chose not to run and I have no doubt she had perfectly good reasons not to. I hope she changes her mind in 2020. She's the best thing to happen to progressive politics in this warped country in a long time.
Are you at least able to understand my exasperation? What's the point of believing in the system when so many so-called "liberals" are willing to cast their lot with a corporate shill like Hillary? Why bother caring when a plutocratic whore like The Donald is on the verge of receiving the nomination from a party that (at one time) was the ideological base of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Dwight D. Eisenhower? The people of this idiotic nation are going to deserve everything that happens to them.
Tonight I have a serious buzz. Desperate times require desperate measures, as they say. This country will only be saved by taking a hard turn to the left. Don't hold your breath waiting for the electorate to wake up. Americans don't get it. They never will. This is the place where, nearly forty years after the invention of photography, slavery was still a legal and cherished institution. In fact it still is. Just take a look at the Prison Industrial Complex. We have more people rotting in prisons than any other industrialized nation on this planet. We're about as much "the land of the free" as we are the land of the purple unicorn. Get a grip.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Thanks to Frances Ruth Harris for providing me with the Weekly Standard cover.

Blue Highways
By William Least Heat-Moon
In the late seventies, William Least Heat-Moon (it's a native-American name) lost his job as a professor at a Missouri college and took off in his van to discover America. What he did was quite interesting: During his journey he avoided the interstates and traveled only by back roads and two-lane highways. He encountered a great country filled with kind, thoughtful and hard-working people; a country that is worth saving in other words. This isn't a travelogue. This is great literature. In some ways it reminded me of Henry David Thoreau's Walden Pond, the difference being that, while Thoreau's observations were written within the confines of a pond in the New England wilderness, Heat-Moon covered a continent. Another difference is, to be completely frank, Blue Highways is a lot more readable. At times, Walden seemed the literary equivalent of drinking saltwater taffy out of a paper cup.
Blue Highways is still in print. If it's not available from your friendly, independently owned book store (like they really exist any longer) here's a link to order it off of Amazon.com:
Thanks to friend, Brian Sager, for making me aware of this one. I'm embarrassed to say that I had never heard of it.
Tom, don't feel so down. It's always darkest before the storm.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. What isn't rigged, is fixed. The mainstream media aren't even touching this. Watch this opening bit from Lee Camp's show last night.
Without a clue.
The people of this idiotic nation are going to deserve everything that happens to them.
I've never seen that program before, Frank. Thank you!
Tom Degan: "I might vote on Election Day. I might not. I'm seriously tempted to cast a write-in ballot for Bernie Sanders. I live in New York. Hillary Clinton will win this state handily."
Than, by all means! Vote for Sanders!
"I would not be so careless if I lived in a so-called 'purple state'."
Tom, as a nation, we're way beyond "careless". The corporatocracy owns every one of us. Our nation, including our cherished rights and other democratic ideals, has been stripped down and sold for parts. What's left isn't even recognizable. It's sitting on blocks and is infested by rats.
I live in a so-called "purple state". I'll be choosing Bernie Sanders as my write-in selection. It's time to take a stand. There might never be another chance to do so.
"A choice between Clinton and Trump is a choice between Tweedle Bad and Tweedle Badder."
Or worse!
"While it's a horrible thought to visualize her as chief executive, Trump would be a catastrophe, probably the end of the United States as we once knew it."
It's already the end of the United States as we knew it! We are undergoing a slow-motion crash. "Electing" Trump only means the accelerator is pushed to the floor. Don't take my word for it. Read this and see whether you agree.
"The neoliberal ideology that is the engine of corporate capitalism spews its poison around the globe. Constitutions are rewritten by judicial fiat in a mockery of democracy. Laws and regulations that impede corporate exploitation are abolished. Corporations orchestrate legally sanctioned tax boycotts. Free-trade deals destroy small farmers and businesses along with labor unions and government agencies designed to protect the public from contaminated air, water and food and from usurious creditors and lenders. The press is transformed into an echo chamber for the corporate elites. Wages stagnate or decline. Unemployment and underemployment soar. Social services are curtailed or abolished in the name of austerity. The political system becomes a charade. Dissent is criminalized. The ecocide by the fossil fuel industry accelerates. State enterprises and utilities are sold to corporations. The educational system mutates into vocational training. Culture and the arts are replaced by sexual commodification, banal entertainment and graphic depictions of violence. Infrastructures crumble." ~~ The Mexicanization of the United States, by Chris Hedges (Mar. 13, 2016)
The choice to take the path to perdition was taken a long time ago. Our reaffirming this choice through staged elections, designed to feign and mock the free electoral process we grew up learning in school, only proves to those holding the reins of power that they can get away with anything. It emboldens them to take more. Let me ask you this. How bad does it need to get before you decide to take a stand?
"You think I'm being an alarmist? Fine. I've got a really nutty idea: Let's all vote for Trump in November and see what happens."
Don't think I haven't played with the idea. But, if I did, I wouldn't be following my conscience. By writing in Sanders, the net effect would be the same, I suppose, but so would staying home. But I will not stay home. I'll take a stand and vote for reasonableness, and human compassion and understanding. When it's all over, it'll be all we have left. The corporatocracy will have taken everything else. Everything.
Tom, every morning I wake up and wonder how the hell we let this happen. What's reported in that Lee Camp video has been reported in EVERY SINGLE PRIMARY STATE outside the south that Hillary has won. Of course the Hillbots are crowing about their candidate, but they are too fucking stupid to realize that the very same election fraud (which is a REAL problem, unlike "voter fraud", which isn't) that is helping their candidate now is going to make Donald Trump president in November, unless the Money Wing of the GOP decides to take their chances and throw in with Hillary. If I still lived in NJ, which is Hillary Central, I would write in Bernie Sanders. But I am in North Carolina now, a state where in theory at least, Hillary has a shot. So I have to be a good soldier and hold my nose and vote for Greedy and Evil over the unpredictable Crazy.
A recent ABC poll found that 34% of Bernie supporters will not vote for
Hilary in November no matter what, if she is the Democratic nominee. Half of them said it was because of her ties to Wall Street, 30% said it was because she is dishonest, the rest said it was because she had a double-wide ass.
Can you believe it?
We don't have free markets and capitalism now, we have a corporatist, crony capitalist system under which the Obama administration gave us a law that mandates we become customers of the insurance companies with limited choices.
Bernie couldn't answer the most basic of questions about his fanciful economic diktats, because he has no answers.
But the truth is that big government creates the environment where lobbyists and crony capitalism flourish - and only a useful idiot like Bernie would suggest that MORE and BIGGER government would fix the problem. Shrink the government, you shrink the opportunity for corruption, not vice versa.
We have royalty now, they are the corrupt weasels in Washington D.C and Hillary is the embodiment of the worst.
Leftism, whether Socialism or Communism is just rebranded Fascism where the state pulls the strings for the private sector and the little guy can't do squat because the connected hold all the cards - like what we have now.
You want to empower the people? Tear down these government walls.
This election is tragicomic in so many ways. But what can we expect from a country that re-elected the man who lied us to war in Iraq?
Tear down these government walls.
This Republican/militia "cry for freedom" misses the entire point of corporatocracy.
Either the government has constitutional power to tax and regulate commerce and provide for the general welfare, or it is all up to the corporations that have seized power over government.
We have royalty all right, and it aint the politicians. It's their owners.
NAFTA, TPP, etc, ARE the walls shielding corporate interests from constitutional regulation.
Hows that workin' out?
"NAFTA, TPP, etc, ARE the walls shielding corporate interests from constitutional regulation."
The Clintons have their paws all over these.
Happy May Day Comrades! Death to private property and personal wealth. Today we celebrate the power of the State to redistribute all that we need according to the wisdom of the state.
Enjoy your parades and riots!
This comment has been removed by the author.
That was stupid.
Jon: "We don't have free markets and capitalism now, we have a corporatist, crony capitalist system..."
"Bernie couldn't answer the most basic of questions about his fanciful economic diktats, because he has no answers."
You'll have to give examples of what you're referencing. That said, the campaign trail isn't the time or place for filling in the details; it's the time for painting broad strokes and setting an agenda.
"But the truth is that big government creates the environment where lobbyists and crony capitalism flourish..."
Whether "big government" or small government, crony capitalism (i.e., corporatism) flourishes when business and government are in bed together -- but they're screwing you. It doesn't matter the size of the government. What does matter is when corporations are given the same constitutional rights as individuals.
"Leftism, whether Socialism or Communism is just rebranded Fascism where the state pulls the strings for the private sector..."
Please familiarize yourself with the definitions of communism and socialism, because you're totally off base with your claim. But you understand fascism, it seems, because you've described it well within the context of the current American situation.
"Tear down these government walls."
How 'bout reeling in the military-industrial-surveillance complex?...and how 'bout declaring corporate personhood unconstitutional? Would these tear down enough walls for ya'?
Leftism, whether Socialism or Communism is just rebranded Fascism where the state pulls the strings for the private sector
This is the exactly the false thinking cultivated by the far Right. Corporate media does nothing to correct this. They have no word for corporations pulling the strings of government and overruling democratic representation.
This is how the corporate media/government complex shields its identity and purpose. The Right loves to say you can't fight "Islamic terrorism" without using the term to identify the enemy.
But there is a word for the threat to democracy and the planet.
There's the reason neoliberalism is an unfamiliar term to American public discourse. The corporate media, Republicans and corpo-dems will NEVER use the word.
They do not want the forces against freedom and democracy, their owners, defined and labeled, for that would put them in the spotlight. Most Bernie supporters, and even some Trump supporters, really do have a notion, un-articulated as it may be, of what the problem is.
Neoliberalism and inverted totalitarianism are the enemies of freedom and democracy, and they are vital concepts to understand.
Leftism, whether Socialism or Communism is just rebranded Fascism where the state pulls the strings for the private sector.
Is it true that leftism controls the private sector?
Is it true that Fascism controls the private sector?
So how does Davy get off saying this is "false thinking"? Maybe Davy wants "re-education camps" to correct this "false thinking"! How very leftist of him.
Without capitalism, socialism would have nothing to redistribute.
Who are you going to blame if Clinton wins in November, who are you going to blame if she loses?
That was stupid also, I am beginning to see a pattern here.
We get the leadership we vote for. The people are to blame.
Nixon won a landslide in 1972, yet it's hard to find anyone who will say they voted for Nixon in 1972. Watergate had been tied to the White House, before the 1972 election.
The 1968 Democratic convention was responsible for the Democrats creating the super delegates policy. Bernie has a good point about the super delegates.
I wish I had a nickle for every time I've heard someone say the country will be destroyed if a certain person is elected president. Most recent of course, were the Republicans saying that about Obama. They still say that, even though we are much better off than we were 7-1/2 years ago.
I'm not sure why you get so depressed, or cynical because idiot Americas elect idiot liars.
Another example of American voter idiocy: Bernie supporters will not vote for Hillary, or even worse, vote for Trump.
I voted for Nader, and not for a second do I accept that my vote caused Gore's loss. He couldn't even carry his home State.
A Trump presidency will be far more interesting than a Clinton presidency. The military have said they will not follow an illegal order by president Trump. That will be fun.
I can't wait to see either president Trump, or Clinton not get what they want. Both seem to have forgotten they have to get those pie in the sky promises passed through both the Senate and the House.
Upchuck More: "Is it true that leftism controls the private sector?"
"Is it true that Fascism controls the private sector?"
No (not exactly), and yes.
It depends upon what you're defining as "leftism". If your definition of "leftism" is communism, then "the state is the custodian of everything and it is the state that owns everything. On the other hand, in Fascism, the state has control over everything. In simple words, Communism means state ownership and fascism means state control." [bold font my own, for emphasis]
However, if your definition for "leftism" is socialism, then "[f]ascism is an authoritarian, nationalistic political ideology. On the other hand, socialism is an economic system in which the means of production are either owned by the state or owned commonly but cooperatively controlled. This is the main difference between the two terms. The difference that arises at the core idea of fascism and socialism makes them two whole different ideologies."
I've been over this countless times with you. Why doesn't it sink in?
If you own, don't you control? And if you control, don't you in effect own?
I've been over this countless times with you. Why doesn't it sink in?
Trumpie Chuckie's closed indoctrinated mind cannot accept information from sources other than what his Party accepts. It is a cult of con-servatism. Reality is willfully ignored.
Liberals will always be "Commie fascists" to the cult of con-servatism. They will always hate anyone who understands how toxic their extreme ideology and false beliefs really are.
And, yes, "stupid" is exactly how they appear to reasonable views.
Just notice how stupid Chuck was to quote the "failure of neoliberalism" with zero understanding of what he was quoting. Now he will avoid the term and ignore the fact he copy and pasted such a quote.
Chuck Morre posted at 2:03 AM March 10, 2016:
We cannot admit that we liberals bear some of the blame for its emergence, for the frustration of the working-class millions, for their blighted cities and their downward spiraling lives. So much easier to scold them for their twisted racist souls, to close our eyes to the obvious reality of which Trumpism is just a crude and ugly expression: that neoliberalism has well and truly failed."
Thomas Frank
He will flee from, and ignore, the word neoliberalism for the rest of his hateful, angry, and ignorant days.
There is such thing as neocon as well. For both neocon and neoliberal, the "neo" is really euphemistic for "bought and owned by global banking/finance interests"
I think this is why you see such support for both Trump and Bernie.
Political differences notwithstanding, most of us who are paying attention are sick of the oligarchs, and there is the sense that these two have some chance of actually not being "owned". The sad reality, though, is it won't matter... The "dark" bureaucracy has grown to the point that POTUS doesn't have influence over it anyway. My 2 cents...
If Democrats could get majority and the White House, this could all change quickly.
Anonymous (at 4:17 PM): "If Democrats could get majority and the White House, this could all change quickly."
I'm not sure what you're referencing when you say "this", but if it's the corporatocracy -- or as Dave Dubya references, above, neoliberalism and inverted totalitarianism -- than no, it doesn't matter whether Democrats or Republican dominate Congress or hold the White House.
Both parties are corrupt and beyond repair. Both serve corporate and elitist interests -- not yours. Until this is recognized and accepted by you, and you make clear to each that you know this and will cease to support their candidates, then the imagery and theater of "free elections" will continue; the corporatocracy will advance and continue to roll over you, unimpeded.
More than 60 percent of the American public has an unfavorable opinion of the Republican Party, an increase from last fall and the highest that the party’s negative rating has been since 1992.
Sixty-two percent of Americans have an unfavorable impression of the GOP compared to 33 percent who view the party favorably, according to a Pew Research Center study released Thursday. That’s a more negative image of the party than in October, when there was a split of 58 percent unfavorable to 37 percent favorable…
Pew found that the falling image of the GOP mostly came from people who identified as Republican, 68 percent of whom had a favorable view of their own party versus 79 percent in October.
In contrast, 88 percent of Democrats have a favorable view of their own party. And more independents – 37 percent to 28 percent – have a favorable image of the Democratic Party compared to the GOP…
"Both serve corporate and elitist interests -- not yours. Until this is recognized and accepted by you"
What an arrogant son of a bitch. Take your crystal ball about others and smash it, you don't know shit about my, or any strangers thinking. In fact you prove yourself to be quite an idiot if that's what you took from my comment. Geez, what a fuck head.
Anonymous (at 9:32 AM): "...you don't know shit about my, or any strangers thinking. In fact you prove yourself to be quite an idiot if that's what you took from my comment."
My, my, my...hit a nerve, did I? I believe I did prelude my comment with an "if, then" supposition. I guess you missed that.
Perhaps you'd like to be clear in what you meant by "this" in your statement above (at 4:17 PM), then I wouldn't have to guess what you were thinking -- and be the idiot you claim.
You have a wonderful day, also! ;-)
If's and then's don't get you off from being a real jackass. Enjoy
Anonymous (at 9:58 AM): "If's and then's don't get you off from being a real jackass."
Perhaps. However, I've proven I'm literate. I'm sorry to say the same cannot be said of you.
Anonymous at 9:32 AM and 9:58 AM can't seem to comment here without being insulting and abusive.
I'm guessing he's a very timid person in real life. Tom's blog (sorry... I mean ChuckSoreLoser's blog hosted by Tom) provides a way for him to blow off steam.
This comment has been removed by the author.
What am I missing? Do you agree with Anon's 2:06 post of "NO"?
Socialism controls the economy no matter how you try to dress it up with the term cooperation, as does fascism. Both pick the winners and losers in the economy. Both allow a certain amount of competitiveness , but for the benefit of the state first and consumer later. Both redistribute the wealth of the business to meet the needs of the population after the needs of the state is first met. The people are allowed to chose from the pool the state creates of goods and services, neither in a true free market place.
Control of the goods and services produced/offered is by taxes, regulations and tax credits by the state is our form of economic fascism/socialism. Example of this would be the federal min wage law. As it effects every business in every state, it controls the cost of the goods and services (g&s) the consumer must pay. (Side notes, the much talked about min wage of $15 over looks two important factors, does the worker's labor produce $15 worth of g&s, and will the new min wage come with a require min numbers of work?)
When price controls are put into effect, the state is controlling the amount of profit being made. If tarrifs are used to reduce the import of less expensive g&s that reduces competition for domestic g&s and again controls the price and chose of the consumer. The same could be said about the CoC's push for easier access to cheap labor by turning a blind eye to illegal immigration. Simply put, manufacturing will always seek out cheapest labor. We are being flooded with cheap labor with no thought being given to the effect it has on our legal labor force. Is this the cooperation between state and business you were talking about? Since the state controls who can be employed by its enforcement or lack of same, of our laws immigration/ citizenship laws it controls the labor pool.
Both socialism and fascism exists to control the econmics of a county. Both require the state be fed first, the people second. Both protect the state first by control of the economy while giving lip service to providing for its citizens. Crony capitalism is our form of socialism/facism. It was created when the state started to reduce the free market place. We see this now with the states anti Fossil fuel regulations and the pro alternative regulations for green energy. Tax dollars to the state approved business, higher taxation on the non approved business. We see this in NY who is running ads about lower taxes to business that move to their state. This produces unfair competion for the business ALREADY in NY who has to continue paying higher taxes than the new comer.
"This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector." -- Plato
Chuck asks, “What am I missing?”
Shall we be truthful here?
He’s missing the ability to reason, to read with understanding, to differentiate between fascism, communism and socialism. He’s missing the ability to agree on accepted definitions of terms. He’s missing the ability to question his Republican Party and their owners. He’s missing the willingness to consider dissenting opinions from his Party dogma. He’s even missing the ability to understand conflict of interest with his party’s owners and climate science. He’s missing the sense of understanding the differences and purposes between corporate PR and the scientific consensus.
Chuck's missing the ability to be free from absolutism, and fails to understand socialized programs are necessary because capitalism rewards the elites and leaves many behind.
He goes so far as to insinuate the Constitution promotes "fascism/socialism" by "Control of the goods and services produced/offered is by taxes, regulations and tax credits by the state is our form of economic fascism/socialism.
He is anti-Constitution and anti democracy. This is far closer to fascism than food stamps.
Most of all he’s missing the moral compass and reason needed to begin to understand what he’s missing.
"This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector."
It's like Plato understood Bush and Cheney "protecting us" from Saddam's "nukular" aluminum tubes and alliance with al-Qaeda.
It's like Plato understood the Trump promising to protect people from those of brown folks of different religions and nationalities.
I doubt he even understands his long winded copy and paste. Politics is a complicated subject, Chuck will never have a good under standing of what is going on in the world. He should change his focus to a simpler subject.
Dave Dubya: "Shall we be truthful here?"
By all means...but why were you so easy on him? ;-)
It's interesting, isn't it, that Chuck (posing as "Anonymous" at 9:32 AM and 9:58 AM) went into a rabid tirade this morning? The heavy drinking each night must be taking its toll. His bottle's empty, but the anger stays behind.
James Hansen: "I doubt he even understands his long winded copy and paste."
He doesn't.
Sorry, you haven't proven you are literate, especially if you misread my comment so badly. Now back to your childish bickering with the intellectuals on this comment section.
"Shall we be truthful here?"
By all means...but why were you so easy on him? ;-)
I couldn't resist.
I must apologize for stepping on the question addressed to you. The low-hanging fruit was much too tempting.
Fortunately there is such an abundance of what Chuck is missing. You still have the opportunity to answer to your heart's content.
Until you come to grips with the fact that I am not posting under any name but Chuck Morre, I will consider conversing with JG, Davy and Mozart as a waste of time. For all their crys of my not answering their inane questions, when I post my beliefs as I just did at 11:32 they resort to ad hominem and Rule # 5 instead of entering an adult like debate. For all their claiming I cut and paste, when I post as I just did they claim it is a monologue. Their whimpish elitism smacks of sane actions of the wealthy they so despise.
The socialist liberal of today is dishonest in their debate and corrupt in their attempt to take the moral high ground. They are in short, filled with hate and are pure Statists.
Yeah, we can come to grips with the fact that he's not posting under any name but Chuck Morre,....at 2:46 PM
Once again, he's whining because he got an answer he didn't like to a question. "What am I missing?"
He’s missing the ability to reason, to read with understanding, to differentiate between fascism, communism and socialism. He’s missing the ability to agree on accepted definitions of terms. He’s missing the ability to question his Republican Party and their owners. He’s missing the willingness to consider dissenting opinions from his Party dogma. He’s even missing the ability to understand conflict of interest with his party’s owners and climate science. He’s missing the sense of understanding the differences and purposes between corporate PR and the scientific consensus.
Chuck's missing the ability to be free from absolutism, and fails to understand socialized programs are necessary because capitalism rewards the elites and leaves many behind.
He goes so far as to insinuate the Constitution promotes "fascism/socialism" by "Control of the goods and services produced/offered is by taxes, regulations and tax credits by the state is our form of economic fascism/socialism.
He is anti-Constitution and anti democracy. This is far closer to fascism than food stamps.
Most of all he’s missing the moral compass and reason needed to begin to understand what he’s missing.
None of this is inconsistent with his past remarks, so he can't show where this is inaccurate.
And about that missing ability to reason. >>> Their whimpish elitism smacks of sane actions of the wealthy they so despise.
Then he whines, "Ad hominem", like a cry-baby. Hint: "Cry baby" is ad hominem.
"Hillary and Donald: The Inevitables".
Yep, Mr. Degan, I am afraid that you are probably right on this one. Sad to say that neither of these evil people are worthy of the office to which one of them will be elected. America will suffer greatly because of our incompetence and foolishness accordingly. I guess we will indeed get the government we deserve because we have continued to "educate" several generations of ignorant people in our schools and universities with leftist indoctrination. This is the inevitable result of that foolhardiness.
America: Born July 4, 1776
Died November 8, 2016
Rest in peace!
America: Born July 4, 1776
Died November 8, 2000
There, I fixed it for you.
No Davy it is you and your fellow liberals who believe that our Consitution promotes socialism or it's twin, fascism by govt contoling the economy.
It is who does not believe that the power to tax the power to regulate is the power to control our economy. And you and your fellow socialist / fascist demand more of both.
It is you who avoids dialog it is you who uses Rule # 5 it is you uses cut prepared posts and your most recent one is a perfect example of why you hate America.
It is who does not believe that the power to tax the power to regulate is the power to control our economy.
ChuckSoreLoser is incoherent tonight after Ted's concession speech. It'll take him a few days to calm down. I predict he'll be defending Trump by this weekend.
Meanwhile, t.Paine blames the rise of Trump on "leftist indoctrination."
What happened to the GOP being the party of personal responsibility? You blame leftists for Donald Trump? Really? Trump is the logical conclusion of the long strange trip you conservatives have been on since 1980. Own it.
Ever since Ronald Reagan announced his candidacy and invoked "states' rights" a few miles away from where civil rights activists were slaughtered, you've been on a long slide down to hell.
Well Cruz is out and Sanders won Indiana, two surprises in one night. Trump is now the Republican candidate for President of the United States. Make that three surprises in one night!
I would not vote for Hillary even if the world was going to end and it just might with her in the White House.
Nice post 9:31, keep it up.
Ha Ha, my post is nice but I meant 9:23!
Poor Trumpie Chuckie! At least he's there to warn us about those "American ISIS propaganda videos".
With all due respect, let’s see if we can learn anything about how the choice between Hillary and Trump happened.
I have some notions on this, but none of them are “because we have continued to "educate" several generations of ignorant people in our schools and universities with leftist indoctrination. This is the inevitable result of that foolhardiness.”
This unfounded and simplistic “blanket blame” from the far Right doesn’t even account for Bernie, NOT Hillary, getting the most support from the educated and academic communities. The young and poor are Bernie’s base. Hillary gets the older and higher income voters.
Even the Kochs are thinking corporatist Hillary is a safer bet than the thin-skinned, authoritarian, loose cannon.
Now, speaking of Republican candidate.
“I love the poorly educated”, proclaimed Trump.
He also loves the resentful, angry and disenfranchised. He has the Klansmen and militias. They love Trump because he tells them who to hate, who to blame, and who to fear. Rattle that sabre and open the torture chambers!
I’d love to hear how the far Right connects this with the “leftist indoctrination of our schools and universities”.
In fact, I’ll go out on a limb here and boldly assert the choice between Hillary and Trump has nothing to do with a far Right fantasy of “leftist indoctrination”.
Something tells me an explanation of this paranoid theory will make as much sense as trusting oil companies over scientists on the effects of greenhouse gasses.
Dogma over data. Belief over evidence. Blame the liberals, educators, journalists and scientists. Rightward, ho!
I am surprised even T.Paine is into the "Liberals are to blame for everything", I guess he was not around for 2000 to 2008. Those are the years we took a sharp down hill turn and set the stage of where we are today.
Eight years of Neo-Conservatism followed by eight years of Neo-Liberalism and you have a country ready to implode. If we do not change course I think we are doomed, Sanders Socialism is the only path forward. It is a no brainer if you look at it objectively.
No you are wrong, I and the majority of Americans are RIGHT
You have done nothing to deserve my respect, so regardless how you want to frame it it is YOU who believes the Constitution supports an economy controlled by socialist/fascists policy's so dear to you, so often you have posted that claim here. But like a Marxist when you are exposed you LIE. It is YOU who wants more govt control control of our economy, it is YOU who projects your hate on others it is YOU who wants to appear to be so swave, so adroit, so coy, with your use of Rule #5. I can see your smirking face as you dream of the authority you will have if socialism/ fascism controls our economy. Dream on fool, if that happens you will still be a corrections employee.
You are too stupid to even try to respond to the points I made about the min wage and your beloved half black man's failure to enforce our immigration laws, to protect our borders.
You are an elitist socialist. You have never been succesfully employed in the private sector. You never will be. You are the weakest link in your Union. Go back to abusing those under your control and care at your State funded job at the local corrections center, you fascist pig!
Chuckie oinks out, "you fascist pig!"
Upchuck More: "Until you come to grips with the fact that I am not posting under any name but Chuck Morre..."
You realize, don't you Chuck, that drunkenness doesn't absolve you from lying? One sin doesn't exonerate you from another. What would Rabbi Jesus think of this?
"...I will consider conversing with JG, Davy and Mozart as a waste of time."
Is that a promise?!
...and, from the same paragraph, these are my personal favorites:
"You are an elitist socialist." and "...you fascist pig!"
This is priceless! After some very concrete lessons in the differences between communism, socialism, and fascism, poor drunken Chuck still doesn't know the difference. Well, I tried. "Buy them books, send them to school, all they do is eat the pages."
Chuck doesn't like prison guards. Neither does Sore Loser or Harry. He forgets he writes the same bullshit under all of his aliases.
Best, deepest Republican field in recent memory….wiped out one-by-one by the host of Celebrity Apprentice.
Shouldn’t #TedCruz have been forced to carry his unviable campaign to term?
More reasons for Trumpie Chuckie and his alter egos to get mad, hit the bottle, and blame liberals and prison guards:
John McCain’s former campaign adviser and long-time friend Mark Salter, “ the GOP is going to nominate for President a guy who reads the National Enquirer and thinks it's on the level. I'm with her.”
On April 23, 2016, Charles Koch was briefly on air on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopolous. During that interview, ABC Correspondent Jonathan Karl asked Koch, “So is it possible that another Clinton could be better than another Republican this time around?"
Koch responded, “It’s possible. It’s possible.”
Trumpie Chuckie has his work cut out for him if he's going to convince anyone that Trump will "make America great again".
Let's start with making the National Enquirer the primary news source for an informed "Trump America", amirite?
Now comes the pick for the Republican VP, a very important choice if Trump wins. I have read four different articles that claim Trump is in the early stages of Dementia or Alzheimer's. They put some of his speeches and interviews into print and they are an incoherent word salad.
These are not slips of the tongue like Brush was prone to, whole paragraphs are void of any discernible meaning and grammar.
This is going to get interesting, it will be the first time a president will make speeches from the Oval Office handcuffed to the radiator!
Karl: So is it possible another Clinton could be better than another Republican?
Koch: It’s possible. It’s possible.
Karl: You couldn’t see yourself supporting Hillary Clinton, could you?
Koch: Well, we would have to believe her actions would be quite different from her rhetoric. Let me put it that way.
her actions would be quite different from her rhetoric
History shows this to be the case. Secret speeches for Wall Street, trade agreements, etc.
She will be a great Republican president, just like her husband.
Don't be fooled by Koch. He won't be voting for Clinton. He recently spent several million dollars on a public relations firm trying to make him look more reasonable and less scary. He's trolling. He's somewhat like ChuckSoreLoser, if ChuckSoreLoser had billions of $$ to toss around.
It's interesting to "look more reasonable and less scary" would be to consider Hillary.
Strange times.
I have no doubt the Kochs would neither vote, nor advocate, for Clinton, although the previous one didn't seem to hurt their interests. They probably won't openly support Trump.
I think they may suspect Clinton to be more stable, and therefor better for business than a hot-headed and impulsive Trump. If they see Trump is a threat to trade agreements, they know the Clinton clan will accommodate.
Presidential elections have been a win/win for them so far.
And I've read four different articles that say Hillary is a crook and a liar. And I've read 3 different articles that provided evidence that man caused climate change is a fraud, and I've read 5 different articles and have heard two speechs that say the prophecies made by Al Gore have failed to come about in the time he claimed they would, and is voodoo science.
And I've read 4 news reports about the failed socialism experiment in Venezuela, and how the Union of Socialist Soviet Union could not manage their economy with the socialism the wanted the rest of the world to follow. And I've read about how the socialist in America are no different than the socialist in Cuba and I've read that both fascism and socialism want the same thing, to control the private sector.
Wow !! Even Koch knows that the " progressive " Clinton is completely full of shit !! Now back to the point of Tom's post which I believe is whom to vote for ( if anyone ). Why do some folks still think after witnessing the Obummer fiasco that voting for the lesser evil is still a good plan ? I could never vote for Clinton just as I couldn't vote for our incumbent again in 2012. Too bad one of the choices on the ballot isn't a vote for a candidate but a vote to change a no longer working system of government. What if more voters chose that over the candidate choices ? That would be interesting wouldn't it ? Since that will never happen in our plutocracy I think since the whole thing is so obviously rigged anyhow my vote will be a write in for Bernie. The 99% are screwed with either Clinton or Trump but my gut feeling is screwed more with Clinton. See the key here is to get the assholes in Congress out and replace them with people intelligent enough to actually do their jobs. Talk about takers ? It's the shitheads in Congress who are the takers be it the dirty lobby money or their not earned salaries. The hard working Amerikans deserve much better !! Even Bernie would have a hard time getting any change to occur so long as these poor excuses for human beings are in Congress. THAT is where our focus should be. Start locally and work upward. Then maybe Amerika will no longer be such a fucking joke...
Wow, I'm so impressed. Speechless is the word.
Chuck has read 12 articles and 4 news reports, AND he heard two speeches to prove Hillary committed crimes and there's a global conspiracy of evil climate scientists.
Looks like we got us a ginyouwhine expert on all matters here.
More gin than wine I'd imagine !!
ChuckSoreLoser still hasn't calmed down. He's babbling. A bit more coherent but his words are tumbling out like he's in a manic phase. He really thought Ted Cruz would win the nomination.
Give ChuckSoreLoser time. In a few days he'll be saying stuff like "Well at least Trump is a businessman" and copypasting Vince Foster murder conspiracies.
Sirhan Sirhan could NOT have killed RFK. If RFK lives, Nixon does NOT get elected in 68. THink about those two FACTS for a minute. Clucky, don't bother, since you brought a note from your Mommy excusing you from thinking.
Besides, we are STILL waiting to find out what conservatives have done for the poor and middle class the last 45 years.
Clucky, I noticed you never named your SOURCES of these alleged "articles".
Dave, it looks like a lot of Conservatives are going to vote for Hillary because they do not like Trump. I guess they figure can not screw us with Trump so they will do so with Hillary.
This country will be toast by 2020 with Hillary as president.
You fool, I'm mocking Hansen's post of 12:07, being so stuck in your weak faux intellect it went right by you.
No wonder you believe man is causing climate change.
WTF are you talking about? Btw my last post was for you not Davy.
Chuck, I must of read 75 to 100 articles that were highly critical of Hillary on Liberal websites. On of the few things we are in agreement on!
Ol' Trumpie Chuckie certainly seeems to have been celebrating his leader's victory.
Right Wing Watch notes Chuckie's fellow Trumpies living it up.
The neo-Nazi site Daily Stormer, which endorsed Trump two weeks after his immigrant-disparaging campaign launch, is filled with posts celebrating the GOP candidate’s victory this morning. “White men in America and across the planet are partying like it’s 1999 following Trump’s decisive victory over the evil enemies of our race."
See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/hail-emperor-trump-white-nationalists-take-victory-lap-following-trump-win#sthash.u0H9OXq2.b99sXMuN.dpuf
James, according to Mozart you never list them. Better set him straight, again.
Davy, do you ever wish you could become relevant?
Ellis D., Esq.: "Now back to the point of Tom's post which I believe is whom to vote for (if anyone). Why do some folks still think after witnessing the Obummer fiasco that voting for the lesser evil is still a good plan?"
Whether it's the "Obummer fiasco", the G.W. Bush nightmare before, the Bill Clinton sell-out prior to that, the elder Bush's CIA expertise in front of Clinton, or the father of corporatism himself, Ronnie Ray-gun -- they've all been cut from the same cloth, only designed and fashioned differently to meet the immediate and expected needs of the powers that be.
Ellis, your question is a good one, and at one time there was a legitimate answer: To assure the nomination of preferential candidates to the high court. But that line of reasoning doesn't go far in this day and time. In an age of high corruption, such as now, the courts are as tainted and fraudulent as the legislatures and executive branches. The exploitation is pervasive and inescapable. We're experiencing an era of "high crimes and misdemeanors" -- which usually are unreported by the complicit and deceitful corporate media, and what does see the light of day are typically buried and never prosecuted or punished. It's everywhere.
As the old saying goes, voting for the lesser-of-two-evils is still voting for evil. Like you, I prefer not to be associated with the complicity.
Tom, don't worry, it is clear from the comment section that you are not the biggest jackass on planet earth...
Davy, do you ever wish you could become relevant?
Never been on my list or concerns, especially regarding irrelevant questioners.
Chuckie now hopes to be "relevant" for for one purpose, to help his Leader, and Klan favorite, to be elected president.
It's official. He is now our fully dedicated authoritarian follower Trumpie Chuckie.
Complete with an "American ISIS video" and every other lie the Donald feeds him and the cult.
At least we know Trumpie Chuckie has never wished to become an honest and rational man.
Interesting, seems Davy is projecting again..he so wants to be relevant. And he so wants to tell me who I'm voting for in Nov, like he knows.
Trump said he thinks the rich should pay more in taxes, right up Davy's alley, want a bet he's a secret Trump supporter for that reason alone.
Davy is playing the old liberal socialist trick of discrediting everyone running because they aren't fascist/socialist enough for him. He thinks we aren't aware of this ploy.
Wonder if Davy has a Bernie sticker on the lunch box he takes to work?
I bet Davy supports Governor McAluffife executive order giving 200,000 felons the vote. Wonder who those felons are going to vote for Davy?
”Davy is projecting again..he so wants to be relevant… discrediting everyone running because they aren't fascist enough for him.”
Classic Far Right projection. True Fascists like Chuckie love starting wars, torture, and demonizing dissent. It’s the “New Republican Order”. He will follow his Fuhrer.
Trumpie Chuckie is almost ashamed of being a Trumpie. Almost, for we all know he has no shame, no conscience and no grasp of truth.
"American ISIS" video, anyone?
JG, if we can get people in Congress to represent the 99% and enact laws and/or Constitutional Amendments that will serve the needs of WE THE PEOPLE and not their plutocratic, oligarchic corporate masters, it won't matter much who sits on the Supreme Court. We need to get the REPRESENTATIVE branch of government to represent the 99%. Presidential vetos can be overridden and Constitutional Amendments can be enacted IF the people in Congress actually respected the will of WE THE PEOPLE and not the needs and desires of their corporate masters. The executive and judicial branches of government would be of less significance if WE THE PEOPLE were really represented in Congress. Of course we would have to eliminate the cesspool of corruption in what we call " government " in Amerika... Just sayin !!
Now we get to play "Who will be the Vice President"? On the Republican side I say Ann Coulter. She can out insult Trump any day and be his attack dog against Hillary while he looks "Presidential".
Conservative "Christian" Republican leaves disabled woman on the side of the road:
Tow Truck Driver Leaves Woman With Disabilities On Side Of Highway Because She Supports Bernie Sanders
WASHINGTON — When 25-year-old Cassandra McWade got in a car accident on a highway in Asheville, North Carolina, on Monday, Ken Shupe drove his tow truck to the scene. But when he saw that McWade, who has disabilities, had Bernie Sanders signs on her Toyota Camry, he decided he wouldn’t help.
“He said, ‘I can’t tow you ... you’re a Bernie supporter,’” McWade recalled. “I was like, ‘Wait, are you serious? You’re kidding me.’”
Ken Shupe, a 51-year-old from Travelers Rest, South Carolina, was very serious. “I’m a conservative Christian, I’ve just drawn a line in the sand,” he said. “I’m not going to associate or conduct business with them.” (The incident was first reported by FOX Carolina 21.)
This is what Chuckie-style American fascism looks like. No service for the stinking Jews, er, Bernie supporters, or any non-Republican.
This is the country they want to "take back". And they think Jesus loves them, and wants to spend eternity with the bigoted jerks?
My computer models on man made global warming are blinking red!
Right now they are predicting that both polar ice caps will be completely melted by the end of May 2016 and the oceans will rise and AmeriKa will be gone.
I urge my fellow marxists on Tom's blog to buy a sturdy boat and a good supply of pot from a state store.
Well, well. "Harry James" Hansen makes an appearance to further represent cons as the dishonest jerks they are.
Better blame a liberal, amirite?
There you go again Davy projecting. I've never once said one word about starting a war or ending a war.
Me thinks you are grasping at straws. Or are you off your meds. again?
How long have you been crazy Davy?
This comment has been removed by the author.
If Hillary is not in jail for emailing classified material, I will be voting for her because she has a vagina.
Say Ellis, what exactly IS the will of the people?
Liberals have done a good job of making a couple of generations dependent on government largess, while brainwashing them with the notions that their grievances deserve redress and that they are entitled.
This is why only half of workers pay Federal Income Tax, and the top 20% as I recall, pays about 70% of all taxes.
This simply will not work forever. America was built upon work ethic and the idea of self sufficiency.
Liberals have destroyed a lot of this, have abandoned the middle class, and now have become the elites struggling to retain power
Chuckie is suspect number one as the only name stealer here. As he has been for years. Ask Charles Moor. It does not bother me at all any more, it is just dumb and juvenile. But if it makes Chuckie happy he can use my name anytime he wants.
Is it just me, or does "Smokey" sound exactly like Chuck and Harry?
True Fascists like Chuckie love starting wars, torture, and demonizing dissent. It’s the “New Republican Order”. He will follow his Fuhrer.
Funny how Chuck only denied the war part....He totally supported Bush's and Cheney's war of aggression for crony profit and political gain.
What a fascist.
Does Chuckie want to clear up his lyin' Trump claim of an American ISIS video? HA! Not our Trumpie Chuckie. He will be loyal to his fuhrer to the end. Chuck and the Klan have make their choice.
Nicht Wahr?
Better blame a liberal, amirite?
Right on cue:
Liberals have done a good job of making a couple of generations dependent on government largess, while brainwashing them...Liberals have destroyed a lot of this, have abandoned the middle class, and now have become the elites struggling to retain power
I'm always right about these deceitful hateful cons.
Dave is this your blog or Toms? How come you park your arse here 24/7 instead of that censored "Freedom Rant" blog that nobody visits?
Tom, why don't you just rename it "Dave Dubya's Foaming At The Mouth Marxist Rant"?
I stopped posting here for 4 to 6 weeks a while ago, Chuck could not stop posting for even 4 days or else he would get the shakes. Dave also took a break for some months a while back so you have some nerve to talk about 24/7 when you can not live with out this place.
Gee James, anything else you want to get off your chest? Feel better now?
I'd like to know what liberals/socialist/fascists think 99% of Americans want?
I asked Ellis, maybe you or Davy (who knows what everybody thinks, just ask him) can tell me?
P.S. No one missed you during your self imposed exile, out of sight out of mind.
You missed me, you just can not admit it.
All of us Fascists just want a cold beer and a hot woman. I that too much to ask?
James, I thought you were waiting for somebody else to pay your internet bill for a month.
Do you know what 99% of Americans want?
Congratulations to your republican presidential nominee.
Here's a headline:
Trump supporter — and former KKK leader — David Duke says Jews are the ‘reason why America is not great’
Are you voting for Trump? Or will you stay home this November?
Us socialist/fascists want to know!
Oh, I forgot. You don't answer questions here on your blog. You just ask them.
Thanks to Tom Degan for hosting.
Fear not, Trumpie Chuckie will vote shoulder to shoulder with the Klan for Trump.
Just don't expect him to openly support him. His Party is directing their members to follow their lead in not commenting on Trump for president. The RNC, Bush and Cheney are still his leaders.
Don't be surprised if Trumpie Chuckie follows orders and NEVER mentions Trump from now on.
He will do his best to deflect and distract from any mentioning of his fuhrer.
Look for more shrieks of "Benghazi!" (TM) and "criminal investigation!". Maybe even "Vince Foster!" and "Whitewater!". You know, all those horrors that have harmed and cost Americans more than 9-11, the invasion and destruction of Iraq, torture, the Great Bush Recession, and the spawning of ISIS.
Shmucky, the 99% want affordable socialized healthcare, gainful employment that pays a living wage and peace on Earth. What do the 1% want ? Obscene wealth, huge profit off keeping people alive and healthy and perpetual war. And these assholes claim to be good religious people ? YEAH RIGHT !! Ship of fools sail away from me...
LOL!! Cluckie doesn't even realize that "Socialists" and "Facsists" are two different things with dimaterically opposed ideals.
Maybe more time paying attention to his high school civics teacher and less on Communist websites.
Yes, I should have taken typing, but in the 70's WHO KNEW?
Cluckie doesn't seem to realize that Socialism and facsism are two different things.
Too much time on Communist websites no doubt.
Sorry Tom, delete my SECOND post.
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