POST #634: Random Observations

2. Donald and the Dumb-Down
The Donald, it seems, cannot piss off the halfwits who comprise the Tea Party base. His monumental gaffes only serve his ambitions - or so it would seem. So heart-breakingly dumbed-down have the overwhelming majority of conservatives in this country become in recent years, his candidacy was a disaster waiting to happen. It doesn't matter really who wins the nomination in Cleveland this summer: Trump or Cruz, the Republican Party is finished. The only thing that will save them at this point is a coup d'etat (and don't think for a minute they're not seriously considering one. Shh!)
3. Sarah's Meltdown

4. The Trouble with Kasich
Let me be as clear as possible: I would never vote for John Kasich for president; I don't particularly envy the good people of Ohio having him as their governor. Having said that, it's only fair that I point out that Kasich was the least reprehensible of all the candidates traveling in the GOP's 2016 Clown Car. For that reason alone, he doesn't stand a chance of being nominated by that party. Having watched him the other evening being interviewed at a town hall meeting by NBC's Chuck Todd, I had to concede that he's a fairly astute dude. Although he is definitely a right-winger, it has to be said that he's not an extremist (or at least, that's how he presents himself - Heaven knows what he's really thinking). That kind of politician no longer has a place within the Republican Party. That is why they will very soon disappear.
As Lenny Bruce once said in another context: "There's gonna be a lotta dues, Jim!" Indeed.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

The Comedians
by Kliph Nesteroff
This history of stand-up comedy covers the years from the early twentieth century to the present time. I couldn't put this one down; in fact I read the whole thing in about a day and a half. If you're half as passionate about comedy and comedians as I am, you won't regret investing in this one. Although they are the national treasure of any country, this book reinforces something I've known for a long time: Comedians tend to be among the most dysfunctional human beings on the planet (no state secret there). My only complaint was a handful of glaring omissions (Andy Kaufman, Steven Wright, and Martin Short in particular). Other than that, it's perfect.
It was a bit of a jolt for baby boomers who can remember "The Patty Duke Show" and "It's Gary Shandling's Show" to learn that both actors passed away this week at the age of sixty-nine. They're starting to fade away.
From "The Rant", April 9, 2013:
This is getting to be an awkward time for me, at least as far as memories are concerned. The teenage icons of my early childhood - not terribly far removed from me in terms of age - are beginning to fade into eternity. When I was a little boy they seemed eternally youthful and indestructible. They weren't, of course. They were (and are) as vulnerable as any of us in their grip on that brittle thread that binds us to this earth. For every soul who goes before me I fear it less and less.
Has anybody here seen my old friend Lennon?
Sanders off the DC primary ballot after Dems bungle paperwork
Accident or an inside "job"?
The "Bern" movement is not done yet and you deserved to be called on that.
The Republican party will not die because of Trump, or any other idiot this election. We can't even count on getting a majority in the Senate, or House even though these Republicans are chasing away American voters. Republicans may not vote for Trump if he is the nominee, but they aren't going to vote Democratic down the line.
Tom Degan: "It doesn't matter really who wins the nomination in Cleveland this summer: Trump or Cruz, the Republican Party is finished."
Not finished, just morphed. It'll still exist as the dominate corpo-fascist whore within the ever more prevalent Corporatist Party.
Stay turned and keep watchin'. Ya' ain't seen nothin' yet!...
(My vain attempt to write with a Missouri accent. Cam, did I get that right?...)
Nope Peeks you missed it by a country mile
Chuck "Cameron Tucker" Morre: " missed it by a country mile"
Cam, do ya' wawk a country mall to warsh ya' overalls out at the crick? Or do ya' stop at d'fillin station to air up ya' tars on d' pickup and jus' drive?
(Cam, is that closer?)
The Donald, it seems, cannot piss off the halfwits who comprise the Tea Party base.
As Chuck demonstrates with his unquestioning support for Trump's lie about a protester making an "ISIS propaganda video".
There are no true believers quite like authoritarian followers.
They are the ilk who insure the specter of fascism never goes away.
Without capitalism, socialism would have nothing to redistribute.
Any comments Comrade's Dubya, Peeks?
Didn't think so.
Sigh, again we see more of the weak attempts from our two resident Marxists to deflect from their true goal for America.
More yada yada yada yada, more concerned about a uncovering if I have a regional accent, more concerned about my sexuality (kind of perverted of them don't you think?) more lies about my support/lack of support for a candidate, more attempting to paint with a dirty paint brush, more Chicken Little behavior, more lies, half truths and pure speculations.
So ignorant. So radical.
Peeks, you are off by more that a New York mile.
Trumpie Chuckie either forgot to apologize for his "ISIS video" lie again, showing rudeness and sociopath behavior, or he is deliberately trying to deceive like a typical Satan worshiping, mammon serving, fascist propagandist.
Either way, it speaks of his character, or lack thereof.
Chuckie doesn't want us to know capitalism has a history of failure.
Without socialism, the effects of failed de-regulated capitalism in the Great Depression and Great Bush Recession would have been even harsher on working class Americans.
I don't think Chuck is gay, even though he and his party want to fuck the poor, middle class and minorities in service to the rich.
"Christian values" amirite?
On a friendlier note:
I must say Chuck has come a long way to finally agree with me that corporatist neoliberalism has failed American workers and the corporatist Democratic Party, unlike a socialist party, serves the 1%.
Thanks, Chuck, for your words at:
RE democrat party, simply put, the Democrat Party is lying when they claim to be a party of the poor, etc. Reality is they favor the 1%. It's a lie they have been pushing for years! You just can't come to grips with it.
And thanks for quoting this:
"So much easier to scold them for their twisted racist souls, to close our eyes to the obvious reality of which Trumpism is just a crude and ugly expression: that neoliberalism has well and truly failed."
Thomas Frank
I wonder if our propagandist shill cares to expound on this wisdom? He either knows what he's talking about, or he has no clue.
So I'll spell it out:
The Constitution requires the Senate to review nominations for the Supreme Court vacancies.
Republicans refuse to follow the Constitution.
They are also anti Constitutional taxes, anti Constitutional regulation of commerce and anti Constitutional providing for the general welfare.
It's pretty clear which party has the most contempt for the Constitution.
It's also just as clear that Chuckie has nothing but hate for others and contempt for the truth.
He would have made such a perfect "good German" in 1939.
This reminds me of a certain quiz...
Short history/current events quiz.
Republicans or Nazis...?
...Crushed unions and opposed minimum wages for workers.
...Demonized and scapegoated minorities.
...Invaded countries without provocation.
...Opened prison camps where inmates were incarcerated for indefinite time, had no legal counsel, no charges and no conviction.
...Suppressed voter rights.
...Sent mobs to obstruct vote counts.
...Openly scorned democracy.
...Embraced fanatic nationalism and war as the first resort.
...Pushed propaganda portraying their kind as a “master race”, or other claim of
...Denounced those who opposed their war of aggression as "siding with the enemy".
...Openly stated a desire for military dominance of the world.
...Expanded a security state and imposed warrantless surveillance on their own citizens.
...Allowed torture by government agencies.
...Promoted “Family values” while claiming God was on their side as they started wars and
embraced torture.
...Employed the “Big Lie” tactic in propaganda efforts.
...Elevated party loyalty over the general welfare of their country and citizens.
...Demanded Loyalty Oaths.
BOTH the Republican Party and Nazi Party are known for these acts of destroying democracy and their crimes against truth and humanity.
Dubya forgot to apologize for Obama's lies about Obama Care.
Anyway, it really feels great being the focus of your Marxist attention.
Who would think pointing our your lies and deceptions and putting words not my mouth would produce such a following and adoration. Thank you,thank you very much.
Without capitalism, socialism would have nothing to redistribute.
Any comments Comrade's Dubya, Peeks?
Didn't think so.
Chuck whines: "Any comments Comrade's Dubya, Peeks? Didn't think so."
See above.
Nothing gets by ol' Trumpie Chuckie...except the obvious reality and simple truth.
All those generous "thank yous" I extended for his words have been ignored apparently.
Imagine that, Chuckie ignoring willfully, displaying his willful ignorance.
Just for us! How special!
Proof of the anti-social core of the Right Wing authoritarian personality.
Bless his empty little heart.
Dave Dubya: "Short history/current events quiz. Republicans or Nazis...?"
As I'm reading through these I'm thinking, both!
No surprise...
Dave Dubya: "It's also just as clear that Chuckie has nothing but hate for others and contempt for the truth."
A soulless man, to say the least.
As far as the truth, Cam's afraid of the truth. It makes him uncomfortable, and he denies the existence of what makes him uncomfortable. It's easier that way. But, the truth will always be there, no matter how much he avoids it. The truth is going to bite him in the ass when he least expects it. Like for millions of Americans, that time isn't far off.
Here's to the corporatocracy!...and the fearful ones who look the other way and ignore it! As Tom Degan would proclaim, "Cheers!" ;-)
Cam, you might be livin' off the dole and enjoyin' a life of taxpayer-funded leisure -- and able to comment in the middle of a business day -- but I work for a living. Try this on for size.
"When cattle ranchers clear rain forests to raise beef to sell to fast-food chains that make hamburgers to sell to Americans, who have the highest rate of heart disease in the world (and spend the most money per GNP on health care), we can say easily that business is no longer developing the world. We have become its predator." ~~ Paul Hawken
Well said. Succinct, and so full of truth. Wouldn't you say? This small statement says so much. It tells a very profound truth -- like Jesus would have -- that capitalism has fallen down; that it no longer serves the many -- only a few.
Jesus wouldn't have been a capitalist. Why are you? Which would you rather serve? It's your choice, but make no mistake, it is a choice and you can't serve both.
I have never voted Republican (except for Charles Goodell) and don't intend to start now. Accordingly, I will not vote for Hillary Clinton under any circumstance. She is a deceptive, right wing Trojan Horse. And she has bad manners; witness her Trumpish (read false lies) treatment of Bernie Sanders. I am lucky enough to live in a blue State and my write in vote for Sanders will not hurt the Democratic cause.
Common sense says if the economy fails to generate sufficient jobs, that means capitalism, not socialism, is failing.
There is the true Christian way, rejected by Chuckie and the Republican Party, aka the Party of money changers and servants of mammon.
"The economy must serve people, not the other way around."
These words, from the USCCB's themes of Catholic social teaching, seemed to be at the heart of a letter the chairman of the U.S. Bishops' Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development wrote today (Dec. 12, 2011) urging Congress to continue unemployment compensation and protect the jobless and their families.
"The U.S. Catholic bishops have long advocated that the most effective way to build a just economy is the availability of decent work at decent wages," Bishop Stephen Blaire wrote to the House of Representatives. "When the economy fails to generate sufficient jobs, there is a moral obligation to help protect the life and dignity of unemployed workers and their families."
This appeal for compassion fell on cold-blooded Republican ears.
My heart tells me Jesus thinks Trumpie Chuckie is a hateful jerk, and liar for the servants of mammon.
“ISIS propaganda video” made in the US?? Really?
Of course not. This is a Trumpie Chuckie lie all the way.
No conscience + no truth = “Good Republican”
I feel honored to be the focal point for Comrades Dubya and Peeks.
Without capitalism, socialism would have nothing to redistribute.
Any comments Comrade's Dubya, Peeks?
Didn't think so.
Dave Dubya: "Common sense says if the economy fails to generate sufficient jobs, that means capitalism, not socialism, is failing."
Capitalism, as we we all taught it to be, doesn't exist any longer. There are still a few remnants remaining, but it's, for all practical purposes, in its dying throes and essentially over. Just as Soviet communism finally expanded beyond its viability in the late 1980s, capitalism in the United States and other western nations has evolved into a financial oligopoly that serves only a very few. Like a cancer, it's devouring itself and killing the host. Now it, ironically, relies on the socialism of the military-industrial-surveillance complex to exist.
It's the irony of ironies, wouldn't you say?
The next few years will be telling, because we certainly don't manufacture anything in this nation any longer -- well, except weapons of war. Maybe we'll all survive, but we'll have to be able to acquire a taste for derivatives. I'm hoping collateralized debt obligations or credit default swaps are edible. If so, maybe they'll taste better with ketchup.
Me: "ironically, [the dying vestiges of crony-capitalism] relies on the socialism of the military-industrial-surveillance complex to exist."
This is proof-positive. Just another example of the modern day Military-Industrial-Banking-Surveillance Complex resorting to socialism to stay afloat. Hey, if you're supporting both sides it's impossible to lose! ;-) Something new for the American military...
American-style capitalism at it's worst. May it die a horrible death...
Without capitalism, socialism would have nothing to redistribute.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Without the failures of de-regulated capitalism, there would be no need for socialism.
The remedy fro failed capitalism is in the Constitution. Regulation of commerce and providing for the general welfare are the only means of preserving equality and a democratic republic.
If we surrender our Constitutional remedies, we surrender control of our government to monopolistic private corporate interests.
One party is particularity opposed to our Constitution, be it regulation of commerce and providing for the general welfare, or the appointment of Supreme Court justices.
They are winning their war on our Constitution and working class Americans.
Vote Republican. Drink lead. It "saves money" not lives. But they don't really care. They are not pro-life after the womb.
“After all, what is the modern GOP? A simple model that accounts for just about everything you see is that it’s an engine designed to harness white resentment on behalf of higher incomes for the donor class.”
What we call the Republican establishment is really a network of organizations that represent donor interests because they’re supported by donor money. These organizations impose ideological purity with a combination of carrots and sticks: assured support for politicians and pundits who toe the line, sanctions against anyone who veers from orthodoxy — excommunication if you’re an independent thinking pundit, a primary challenge from the Club for Growth if you’re an imperfectly reliable politician.
- Paul Krugman
To a very casual observer, it may look as if this movement infrastructure engages in actual policy analysis and discussion, but that’s only a show put on for the media. Can you even imagine being unsure how a Heritage Foundation study on any significant issue will come out? The truth is that the right’s policy ideas haven’t changed in decades. Paul Ryan’s innovative idea on Medicare — let’s replace it with vouchers! — is the same proposal Newt Gingrich offered in 1995.
- Paul Krugman
Hilariously, RRBC members unwittingly let slip actual "yada, yada, yada".
"yada yada yada" = Truth that cannot be seen, heard, or recognized through the Radical Right Bubble Cult's willful ignorance. It must be countered with denial, deflection, and distraction. Those who speak these unrecognized truths to cult members are to be dealt the famously stupid RRBC "Red Card".
We've watched Trumpie Chuckie follow this definition to the letter when presented with his own "yada, yada, yada".
We know he won't recognize it.
On a friendlier note:
I must say Chuck has come a long way to finally agree with me that corporatist neoliberalism has failed American workers and the corporatist Democratic Party, unlike a socialist party, serves the 1%.
Thanks, Chuck, for your words at:
RE democrat party, simply put, the Democrat Party is lying when they claim to be a party of the poor, etc. Reality is they favor the 1%. It's a lie they have been pushing for years! You just can't come to grips with it.
And thanks for quoting this:
"So much easier to scold them for their twisted racist souls, to close our eyes to the obvious reality of which Trumpism is just a crude and ugly expression: that neoliberalism has well and truly failed."
Thomas Frank
This is the part I envision ol' Trumpie Chuckie emulating the three chimps covering their eyes, ears and mouths. He probably won't read this far.
Oh, don't worry. He'll soon open his eyes, ears, and mouth for Trump's "ISIS propaganda video".
“What is the modern GOP? An engine designed to harness white resentment on behalf of higher incomes for the donor class.”
Capitalism without socialism is fascism. Socialism without capitalism is communism. Capitalism produces wealth. Socialism maintains wealth. The two systems are co-dependent.
This guy's an interesting man. His name is Skidmark, which I understand is Cam's nickname in Hannibul. No, not because of the rubber he leaves on the road... ;-)
Mozart1220 said:
"Quacky, since when is ANYTHING "JG" says credible?"
LOL. JG is a quack. Either he did some real bad acid or fell from the top of WTC7 and landed on his head and somehow survived.
A Communist is now a Democratic Socialist. (Ask Bernie.) A criminal investigation by the FBI is now a “security review.” (Ask Hillary.) Letting male sex offenders loiter in women’s restrooms — gender equality. Outlawing gender equality — a hate crime. (Ask North Carolina.)
An earned income tax credit is a welfare payment for someone who doesn’t pay taxes, and thus cannot receive a “credit.” A subsidy is likewise a handout if it goes to any industry that actually produces something, in which case it’s “crony capitalism.” But if the subsidy goes to Democratic bundlers running bust-out “green” energy companies that produce no energy — that’s a “smart” investment.
Obamacare is the Affordable Care Act — and it’s unaffordable. And when your income-tax return is docked because you couldn’t afford affordable care, it’s not a fine, it’s a “shared responsibility tax.”
Boston Herald
Howie Carr
Without capitalism, socialism would have nothing to redistribute.
Does no one think that it is a little strange that Tom has a 9 by 12 picture of Bush on the cabinet and a life size dummy of Bush also? Is his house filled with Bush?
I agree with Anonymous at 10:38AM
We are seeing a very disturbed side of Tom Degan.
I think maybe the Secret Service should be contacted about Tom's obsession with GWB.
I bet Tom's favorite movie is "Taxi Driver" with Robert De Niro.
Lets hope for the best that Tom does not have a mohawk haircut in his next photo with GWB.
Con-servative behavior noted:
"yada yada yada" = Truth that cannot be seen, heard, or recognized through the Radical Right Bubble Cult's willful ignorance. It must be countered with denial, deflection, and distraction...
We've watched Trumpie Chuckie follow this definition to the letter when presented with his own "yada, yada, yada".
We know he won't recognize it.
Of course we knew. Happens every time. Nailed him again.
All he could sputter was some deflection by someone else's opinion, with a distraction from his Right Hand Man Smokey.
Couldn't come up with an original thought to save his foolish hide.
No truth. No conscience. No shame.
A "good Republican", he is.
Just stoipped in to read Tom's new offering and to see Cluckie make a complete ass of himself.
Neither one dissapointed.
Dave Dubya: "[Trumpie Chuckie] couldn't come up with an original thought to save his foolish hide."
Of course not. Remember, he's a follower...a foot-soldier. He knows this and is never in disagreement when I portray him as such. Conservatives rarely are original and novel in their approaches to solving humankind's problems -- only in creating them. In history, conservatives have never been associated with "renaissance men". Ever.
"No truth. No conscience. No shame."
As any obedient and loyal fascist wouldn't have. Germany was full of them during the 1930s. America is in the 2010s.
Anonymous: "Does no one think that it is a little strange that Tom has a 9 by 12 picture of Bush on the cabinet and a life size dummy of Bush also?"
Not at all. Isn't it obvious that Tom has a very keen interest in comedians? (See below.)
Tom Degan: "SUGGESTED READING: The Comedians by Kliph Nesteroff"
Anonymous: "Is [Tom's] house filled with Bush?"
Possibly, but most assuredly if his house is a bordello.
Liberals are Anti-America, ask any American.
"Liberals are Anti-America, ask any American."
That's it? This pathetic lie is all his hateful narrow mind can produce?
What defines America? What defines Americans?
I'll tell you what doesn't define America or Americans. It isn't nationalism, Trumpism, con-servatism or even capitalism. And most certainly not the liars and parrots like "ISIS Video Trumpie Chuckie"
Want to know what it is?
It's the Constitution, stupid.
Expanded voting rights, regulation of commerce and providing for the general welfare are the only means of preserving equality and a democratic republic.
If we surrender our Constitutional remedies, we surrender control of our government to monopolistic private corporate interests. (Corpo-Dem/Republicanism.)
Remember Chuck himself quoted, and then countered with denial, deflection, and distraction, the failure of neo-liberalism and informed us the Democratic Party is "lying when they claim to be a party of the poor, etc. Reality is they favor the 1%."
One party is particularity opposed to our Constitution, be it regulation of commerce and providing for the general welfare, expanding voting rights, or the appointment of Supreme Court justices.
It is the real "Anti-American party".
They are winning their war on our Constitution, democracy, and working class Americans.
Vote Republican. Drink lead. It "saves money" not lives.
Don't believe everything you think.
For the kickoff of the 40th annual Chittenden County United Way fund-raising drive in Burlington, Vt., the sponsors considered themselves fortunate to have as guests Mayor Bernard Sanders of Burlington and Gov. Richard Snelling of Vermont. . .
”I don’t believe in charities,” said Mayor Sanders, bringing a shocked silence to a packed hotel banquet room. The Mayor, who is a Socialist, went on to question the ”fundamental concepts on which charities are based” and contended that government, rather than charity organizations, should take over responsibility for social programs.
1981 New York Times
Has Bernie changed his position?
"Don't believe everything you think."
Very good advice, Chuck. The beginning of wisdom is realizing how little you really know.
Do you believe everything you post, or are you "just doing your job"?
I would add "Don't believe what corporate PR, Big Oil, corporate media, political parties and greedy billionaires want you to think."
Their agenda is only their bottom line, and it is not in the interests of most humans, or even the planet itself.
But then, you may not have much to say otherwise, wouldn't you? After all, SOMEONE has to defend and promote the rich and powerful against the interests of the public good. And someone has to support the dismantling of Constitutional regulation of commerce, expanded voting rights, and general welfare in order to maintain corporatist neo-liberalism's dominance of government.
Someone has to equate capitalism with corporatist neo-liberalism's dominance of government. Someone has to demonize those who dissent from the empty promise, rigged game, and anti-democratic inequalities of neo-liberalism.
Vote Republican. Drink lead. And above all, blame liberals, amirite?
Has Bernie changed his position?
Why should he? Charities are under no obligation or contract to continue their efforts. Charities have not done, and cannot do, all that is needed to help the victims of failed corporatism.
Of course Bernie still supports the Constitutional provision for the general welfare, as all Constitution supporting Americans do.
Thanks for further clarifying your anti American Marxist position Dave.
I'm sure you would exclude Planned Parenthood from your anti charity position.
Without capitalism, socialism would have nothing to redistribute.
You're welcome. And thanks for the thought-free response. Seen any good Trumpie "ISIS propaganda videos" made in America lately?
Yes, that darn US Constitution is so "Marxist", isn't it? No wonder the GOP wants to reshape America into a corporate controlled state with no minimum wage, no unions, and more voting restrictions.
"Liberty", amirtie?
Care to expound on the failures of neo-liberalism, or how the "Democrat Party" is "lying when they claim to be a party of the poor, etc. Reality is they favor the 1%."
Or are you hampered by limited capacity for reason and rigid extremist ideology, preferring blame, false accusations, denial, distraction and deflection over civil discussion?
Thought so.
Eggs are a very good source of inexpensive, high quality protein. More than half the protein of an egg is found in the egg white along with vitamin B2 and lower amounts of fat and cholesterol than the yolk. The whites are rich sources of selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron and copper.
"Without capitalism, socialism would have nothing to redistribute."
Little Chucky is so happy with his new slogan, too bad he did not make it up.
A Marxist must be "flexible" right Dubya? For a Marxist, there are no absolutists.
Without capitalism, socialism would have nothing to redistribute.
Without 😉, capitalism would have nothing to 😉.
I just want everybody to know on Tom's world famous blog that I knew about the lead problem in the Flint water supply for a year but did nothing since I didn't have to drink it.
After all it is the Republicans who don't want clean water, amirite?
Well, Gina we won't have to worry much longer. If Cruz or Trump becomes president, the EPA will be disbanded. Then politicians like Snyder will provide fresh, clean pure tap water for their grateful citizens, without the tyranny of any Environmental Protection Agency. It'll be the Trickle Down theory all over again!
Gina, please bring back Sore Loser. We miss him terribly.
Cluckie, I'm an American and I AM a Liberal, as are 65% of ALL Americans.
I gotta hand it to you though, when we expect ignorance from you, you never dissapoint.
So What have conservatives done for the poor and middle class the last 50 years? You were pretty quiet about that as I recall.
Dave Dubya: "Someone has to equate capitalism with corporatist neo-liberalism's dominance of government. Someone has to demonize those who dissent from the empty promise, rigged game, and anti-democratic inequalities of neo-liberalism."
That "someone" has to be the resident troll of "The Rant" by Tom Degan, who goes by Chuck Morre and a variety of pseudonyms and aliases.
He serves a useful purpose, for me anyway, in that he's a continual reminder of the fascist mindset of so many, if not most, conservatives. That fascism -- and concurrent racism -- is being poured from their caldron of hate and vileness more steadily and quickly than in the past. They've stopped ladling their concoction. Now they're serving up ample portions for everyone to see.
I wonder what their Rabbi Jesus would think about this? Do you think he'd be "puzzled"?
Random Observation #1: Are Corporate Gatekeepers Protecting Western Elites from the Leaked Panama Papers?
Is there any doubt?
Random Observation #2: This is the sort of corruption that the vast majority of conservatives condone or ignore. Instead, you'd think they'd be furious and enraged. But, unfortunately, they follow their masters' leads and attack the messengers.
Fascism is alive and well -- thriving, as a matter of fact -- in America.
"Cluckie, I'm an American and I AM a Liberal, as are 65% (LOL!!!) of ALL Americans."
Don't believe everything you think. Prove what you said about your self is true.
Without capitalism, socialism would have nothing to redistribute.
Supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders are unrealistic about what the independent Vermont senator can achieve if elected president, former Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) argued Monday.
“I think it is a lack of information, to be honest,” he said on “MSNBC Live with Jose Diaz-Balart” when asked why Sanders is resonating with voters.
“You have people, I believe, who do not understand how hard it is to make change. [It is] the importance of not just being idealistic, but being sensibly pragmatic and keeping their ideals. Sanders is getting their support.”
Frank said some of the voters who are frustrated with the Democratic establishment have unrealistic expectations about what a president can deliver.
“You have people who don’t understand, frankly, the nature of the American political system,” he said. "It’s the separation of powers.
“It takes — because of the Constitution, not because of any one individual — two elections to get a governing majority in America,” added Frank, who has endorsed Clinton.
“People are reluctant to blame themselves, [and] people like to find somebody else to blame, so now they’re saying, 'Sanders pointed out it’s the system’s fault.' I think that’s unfortunate.”
Random Observation #3: "There have been earthquakes long before we ever did fracking," [Peg Littleton, Republican candidate in Colorado for the U.S. Senate] said. "Let's be honest. You know God is kind of in control of those. And not by us drilling down in the ground and doing the fracking."
Hey Upchuck, is this what you believe? Do you also agree that fracking hasn't been a major contributor to earthquakes and that it's all God's "fault"? (No pun intended.)
Maybe Rabbi Jesus caused WTC7 to fall, unimpeded, into its footprint? It is miraculous, after all, wouldn't you say?
Prove what you said about your self is true.
Holy shit, I think we've achieved Peak Chuck Sore Loser. The troll who refuses to answer a single question put to him... he wants all the libruls here to prove ourselves.
Chuck, what happened to Sore Loser? Why the silence? He was my favorite of all your USO aliases. Even more entertaining than Smokey or Al Sharptoon.
Chuck, we know you're a Ted Cruz supporter, but I suspect you'll get behind Trump if he wins your GOP nomination. I hope Trump wins the nom, just so I can see ChuckJustTheFacts twist yourself into a pretzel to defend him.
Lets get the popcorn ready, this'll be good.
Upchuck More: Upchuck provided the following, apparently offered by Barney Frank: "People are reluctant to blame themselves, [and] people like to find somebody else to blame, so now they’re saying, 'Sanders pointed out it’s the system’s fault.' I think that’s unfortunate."
Well sure! Corporatists protect their own, and especially take great care to never bite the hand that feeds them. What else would you expect?
Because it worked so well LAST TIME!
Setting up the next President for economic failure?
"The Obama administration is engaged in a broad push to make more home loans available to people with weaker credit, an effort that officials say will help power the economic recovery but that skeptics say could open the door to the risky lending that caused the housing crash in the first place.
President Obama’s economic advisers and outside experts say the nation’s much-celebrated housing rebound is leaving too many people behind, including young people looking to buy their first homes and individuals with credit records weakened by the recession.
In response, administration officials say they are working to get banks to lend to a wider range of borrowers by taking advantage of taxpayer-backed programs — including those offered by the Federal Housing Administration — that insure home loans against default.
Housing officials are urging the Justice Department to provide assurances to banks, which have become increasingly cautious, that they will not face legal or financial recriminations if they make loans to riskier borrowers who meet government standards but later default.
Officials are also encouraging lenders to use more subjective judgment in determining whether to offer a loan and are seeking to make it easier for people who owe more than their properties are worth to refinance at today’s low interest rates, among other steps.
Obama pledged in his State of the Union address to do more to make sure more Americans can enjoy the benefits of the housing recovery, but critics say encouraging banks to lend as broadly as the administration hopes will sow the seeds of another housing disaster and endanger taxpayer dollars.
“If that were to come to pass, that would open the floodgates to highly excessive risk and would send us right back on the same path we were just trying to recover from,” said Ed Pinto, a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and former top executive at mortgage giant Fannie Mae."
As I've stated before, answering yours or for that matter any question posed to me by the Marxists who haunt this site has never brought about an adult conversation, much less a resolution to the question. So why bother?
As the good atheistic Marxist you are, I doubt this will mean anything to you, but
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap."
Enjoy your day.
Without capitalism, socialism would have nothing to redistribute.
Anonymous: "...I think we've achieved Peak Chuck Sore Loser. The troll who refuses to answer a single question put to him..."
No surprise. Upchuck More projects his usual banal and trite shortcomings in the feverish hope that something will stick. But, like most conservative diatribe that has no basis or believable foundation (i.e. propaganda), he persists in asking questions, but rarely, if ever, answers them. Why? Because he can't. He's a follower. He's not a thinker.
He's incapable.
"Supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders are unrealistic about what the independent Vermont senator can achieve if elected president, former Rep. (D-Mass (Corporatist?).) argued Monday.
“I think it is a lack of information, to be honest,” he said on “MSNBC Live with Jose Diaz-Balart” when asked why Sanders is resonating with voters."
You seemed to have over looked this part of the quote.
How very convenient of you.
Upchuck More: "...answering yours or for that matter any question posed to me by the Marxists who haunt this site has never brought about an adult conversation, much less a resolution to the question. So why bother?"
Why bother?! Upchuck, aren't you here to convert the masses?! Convert, little man, convert! Prove the thinkers to be wrong! How else, but by "adult conversation"? ;-)
" 'Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.' "
You're totally mistaken, Upchuck, I'm not mocking God. I'm mocking you. Unless, of course, your name is Rabbi Jesus.
Are you Rabbi Jesus?
(Now, go take off your robe and sandals, and put your little boy pants and shoes back on. Your proselytizing hour is over.)
Upchuck More: " 'Supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders are unrealistic about what the independent Vermont senator can achieve if elected president, former Rep. (D-Mass (Corporatist?).) argued Monday."
So being more realistic is to understand how much more a corporatist can achieve?
Sure! I agree!...achieve for the oligarchy, that is.
By the way, you didn't include Barney Frank's name (above). Too flustered? Sorry to do that to ya', but you're fun to mess with. ;-)
"You seemed to have over looked this part of the quote."
No, not at all. My response was to the totality of your copy-and-paste diatribe, but in the interest of saving bandwidth declined to copy-and-paste everything. There was no need to. I believe my response (and link) was sufficient in acknowledging the corporatist slant to everything he mentioned. Don't you?
Trumpie Chuckie quotes, "Do not be deceived,” Unless you are deceived by, or deceiving for, Trump about “ISIS propaganda videos”, amirite?
“…answering yours or for that matter any question posed to me by the Marxists who haunt this site has never brought about an adult conversation”
Still waiting for Chuck’s first effort at so-called “adult conversation”. Adults don’t call everyone they disagree with “Marxists” do they?
However, I am delighted, despite his intentions, Chuck did respond to my request to expound on his point that the Democratic Party represents the 1%.
First he showed us Barney Frank’s support for his fellow corporatist Wall Street friendly politician. Then he quoted a piece about what “President Obama’s economic advisers” are pushing.
Let’s have a look at Jim Parrott, who until January was the senior adviser on housing for the White House’s National Economic Council.
Jim Parrott is a senior fellow at the Urban Institute and owner of Falling Creek Advisors, a consulting firm to financial services companies which provides financial institutions with strategic advice on housing finance issues.
In 2013, the Urban Institute established the Housing Finance Policy Center, led by Wall Street analyst Laurie Goodman.
Before joining Urban in 2013, Goodman spent 30 years as an analyst and research department manager at a number of Wall Street firms. From 2008 to 2013, she was a senior managing director at Amherst Securities Group, LP, where her strategy effort became known for its analysis of housing policy issues. From 1993 to 2008, Goodman was head of global fixed income research and manager of US securitized products research at UBS and predecessor firms, which were ranked number one by Institutional Investor for 11 straight years. Before that, she was a senior fixed income analyst, a mortgage portfolio manager, and a senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Can anyone BE more banking/corporate friendly?
Don’t you just love it when Chuck accidentally spews some truth, or “yada, yada, yada” as he calls it?
Thank you, Chuck, for unwittingly supporting your “yada, yada, yada” (AKA truthful) claim that the Democratic Party does indeed represent the 1%.
More use of Rule Number 5 by Marxist exampled here.
Which rule mentions name stealing? Asking for a friend.
What rule is used to promote the Trumpie Chuckie lie about a made-in-USA “ISIS propaganda video”?
Far Right Con-servative Rule Number 1: Republicans MUST lie. Not an option. Party Line over truth, over science, over reality, over decency, over country, over humanity.
President Obama made a forceful case Tuesday for stopping corporations from moving their headquarters overseas in order to avoid U.S. taxes, saying they are taking advantage of the American economic system and saddling the middle class with the bill.
These companies “renounce their citizenship, but get all of the rewards of being an American company,” Obama said at a press conference Tuesday.
‘Panama Papers’ Reveal Hollywood Liberals Are Using Panama To Hide Money From The Tax-Man… Megastar Jackie Chan is among the big names celebrities named in the Panama files as using the controversial law form to invest their millions offshore.
Al Sharpton owes how many millions to the IRS??
How much have the Kennedy's voided in paying the IRS through the use of "trust funds"?
Has Kerry ever paid the tax due on his Super Yacht?‘Panama Papers’ Reveal Hollywood Liberals Are Using Panama To Hide Money From The Tax-Man…
Without capitalism, socialism would have nothing to redistribute.
Because it worked so well LAST TIME!
Setting up the next President for economic failure?
"The Obama administration is engaged in a broad push to make more home loans available to people with weaker credit, an effort that officials say will help power the economic recovery but that skeptics say could open the door to the risky lending that caused the housing crash in the first place.
President Obama’s economic advisers and outside experts say the nation’s much-celebrated housing rebound is leaving too many people behind, including young people looking to buy their first homes and individuals with credit records weakened by the recession.
In response, administration officials say they are working to get banks to lend to a wider range of borrowers by taking advantage of taxpayer-backed programs — including those offered by the Federal Housing Administration — that insure home loans against default.
Housing officials are urging the Justice Department to provide assurances to banks, which have become increasingly cautious, that they will not face legal or financial recriminations if they make loans to riskier borrowers who meet government standards but later default.
Officials are also encouraging lenders to use more subjective judgment in determining whether to offer a loan and are seeking to make it easier for people who owe more than their properties are worth to refinance at today’s low interest rates, among other steps.
Obama pledged in his State of the Union address to do more to make sure more Americans can enjoy the benefits of the housing recovery, but critics say encouraging banks to lend as broadly as the administration hopes will sow the seeds of another housing disaster and endanger taxpayer dollars.
“If that were to come to pass, that would open the floodgates to highly excessive risk and would send us right back on the same path we were just trying to recover from,” said Ed Pinto, a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and former top executive at mortgage giant Fannie Mae."
Even Chris Matthews gets it!
Chris Matthews is generally stupid and losing all his marbles, but even he is bright enough to know that there is no where to go to pay for Bernie Matthews idiotic socialist pipe dreams.
And that’s why he totally shut down former Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Babs Lawton when she failed to explain just how it is possible to pay for his promises.
I love how the idiot first says that they’ll just tax the rich, and even Matthews says there’s just not enough money there, and when he presses her some more, she admits that she just trusts Bernie. Not strong on math these people.
The question is when will the the Marxist whom haunt this blog get it?
Upchuck More: "Even Chris Matthews gets it!"
Upchuck, in addition to being a corporate shill, Chris Matthews's nose is so far up Hillary Clinton's ass he's suffocating. Yeah, he "gets it" all right.
By the way, the quoted sentence (above), and the last one, were yours. Everything in between you copied and pasted.
Want to know where the money will come from? Let's start here.
Problem solved!
"Even Chris Matthews gets it!" is posted immediately after Chuck re-posted his confirmation that the Democratic Party works for the 1%.
"Even Chuck gets it!". LOL!
Thanks again, Chuck.
Neither party represents working class Americans, except Bernie and those who agree with him.
What projected "rule" covers re-posting your confirmation? How about some more on the failure of neo-liberalism?
By the way, the quoted sentence (above), and the last one, were yours. Everything in between you copied and pasted.
Wait, you mean Chuck was less than honest here on his blog? (Thanks to Tom Degan for hosting it.)
Which rule mentions plagiarism? Asking for a friend.
Also, what does Baby Jesus say about stealing things like comments and names?
Now Chris Matthews is a "corporate shill" (are you sure he isn't a Nazi as well?)
because he dare ask a Bernie supporter where the money will come from to pay for all the "free" stuff being promised. Then Matthews has the guts to say the truth when he tells her, there isn't enough money. Peeks finds fault with my quoting this event as if by doing so it lessens the truth and historical impact of what was said. Only in the radical Marxist mind, is the belief of "free stuff" and "9-11 was an inside job" is believed as the "truth".
It never dawns on the Marxist that the question and his inability to answer it is more important that the person doing the asking. Instead, he uses an ad hominem to deflect from the truth being exposed about Uncle Bernie's plan for "free stuff" is rolled out. Just as there isn't enough toilet paper in Nicaragua, THERE ISN'T ENOUGH MONEY fo0r UNCLE BERNIE'S promised "free stuff"!.
Like the endless parade of failed Five Year Plans under the failed Socialist USSR, Peeks believes there is a pot of gold under the Socialist rainbow.
Without capitalism, socialism would have nothing to redistribute.
"The question is when will the the Marxist whom haunt this blog get it?"
My bet is on never!
Yure idease are intreeguing to me and Eye wish tu subscribe to yure newsletter
“Even Chuckie gets it!”
Thanks, Chuck, for your words at:
RE democrat party, simply put, the Democrat Party is lying when they claim to be a party of the poor, etc. Reality is they favor the 1%. It's a lie they have been pushing for years! You just can't come to grips with it.
And thanks for quoting this:
"So much easier to scold them for their twisted racist souls, to close our eyes to the obvious reality of which Trumpism is just a crude and ugly expression: that neoliberalism has well and truly failed." - Thomas Frank
As I correctly noted, Chuckie and other extremists accidentally let an occasional truth, what Chuckie calls "yada, yada, yada".
My thanks have been ignored, of course, following the accurate prediction Con-servative behavior noted:
"yada yada yada" = Truth that cannot be seen, heard, or recognized through the Radical Right Bubble Cult's willful ignorance. It must be countered with denial, deflection, and distraction...
We've watched Trumpie Chuckie follow this definition to the letter when presented with his own "yada, yada, yada".
We know he won't recognize it.
Now we have an open admission of their war on democracy:
Voter ID Admission:
When asked about a Republican nominee’s chances in a general election, Wisconsin Republican Glenn Grothman didn’t hesitate to give credit where it was due: His party’s efforts to make it harder to vote.
“Well, I think Hillary Clinton is about the weakest candidate the Democrats have ever put up and now we have photo ID. I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well.” - Wisconsin Republican Congressman Glenn Grothman
The evil far Right forces against democracy and the Constitution are winning. America is losing.
I guess this means Dubya will not be voting for Bernie if he wins the Democrat party nomination.
Without capitalism, socialism would have nothing to redistribute.
Yure idease are intreeguing to me and Eye wish tu subscribe to yure newsletter
Upchuck More: "Now Chris Matthews is a 'corporate shill' (are you sure he isn't a Nazi as well?)"
I don't know whether he's a Nazi. Have you seen him at any of your meetings?
Upchuck More: "THERE ISN'T ENOUGH MONEY fo0r UNCLE BERNIE'S promised 'free stuff'!."
I believe my link provided an appropriate answer -- at the tune of over $54 billion -- about where the funding for your perceived "free stuff" could come from. Kick in a good portion of the $700 billion war budget, raise the marginal tax rate on the most wealthy Americans, heftily, and cease and desist all subsidies and corporate welfare.
Presto!...the answer! You see, it's really quite simple.
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