Just Say Whoah! Nixon's War On Blacks
"You want to know what this is really all about? The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the anti-war left and black people. You understand what I'm saying?"
John Ehrlichman
Aide to President Richard M. Nixon
Yeah, we understand, Johnny; all too well.
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Ehrlichman |
In the forty-two years since Dick Nixon resigned from the presidency in complete and utter disgrace, his apologists have held up the hope that, with the passing of the decades, historians would begin to revision him. Delivering the eulogy at his funeral in May of 1994, President Bill Clinton declared that the time had come to judge Nixon by his entire career, not merely through the jagged prism of the Watergate scandal. Indeed, we no longer view Nixon through the same lens with which we viewed him on August 9, 1974, the day he was sent packing. That's the good news. Are you ready for the bad? It was worse than any of us ever imagined in our wildest, most demented dreams. As more and more tapes and hidden memoirs are made public, it becomes clearer with the passing of each year: This was one despicably evil son-of-a-bitch.
This undeniable fact was brought home to me, yet again, when I scanned the front page of Wednesday's New York Daily News:
The so-called "war on drugs" was nothing more than a pogrom developed for no other reason than to persecute African Americans and the counter-culture. Now that we know the motivation behind the "war", do you think this might be as good a time as any to end it? I'm just putting the thought out there.
Ehrlichman, who died in 1999, was interviewed five years earlier by writer, Dan Baum, for a book called, "Smoke and Mirrors: The War on Drugs and the Politics of Failure". At the time, Mr. Baum thought that this little bombshell was not pertinent to his thesis, and, for reasons known only to him, he inexplicably chose to delete it from the manuscript. Nixon's handmaidens are, at the moment, beside themselves in a desperate attempt to explain away this major - and quite scandalous - revelation. Their spin is that this is merely a case of rancid grapes, that poor old Johnny never forgave the Trickster for not granting him full and unconditional pardon (he would serve eighteen months in prison for his crimes). Ehrlichman was usually pretty candid about his role in the Nixon administration. He kindly elaborated further:
"We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be against the war - or black - but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana, and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities....Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did,"
None of this has surprised me a bit. Anyone possessing even a cursory knowledge of the life of the old bastard knows full well that, in addition to Jews and "lefties", Dick Nixon had a serious problem with minorities in general and black people in particular.
During the campaign of '68, Southern resentment toward Lyndon Johnson and the Democrats was festering. For over a century Dixie had been solidly Democratic. They just couldn't bring themselves to ally with the party of "that bearded bastard that freed our slaves". That all changed when LBJ signed into law the Civil Rights Act of 1964, followed by the Voting Rights act of 1965. The hostility of the Dixiecrats gave Nixon the political opportunity of the millennium. He and his henchmen cooked-up what came to be known as "the Southern Strategy".
In the aftermath of the nationwide urban riots following the assassination of Martin Luther King, Nixon let it be known, in a not-too-subtle way, that "law 'n' order" would be the order of the day in his administration, and that the good, God-fearin' folks south of the Mason-Dixon line would no longer be jolted by uprisings from these filthy, ill-mannered negroes - forget the fact that the riots were almost exclusively limited to Northern cities.
The scam worked. "The Solid South" has been solidly Republican ever since. Don'cha just love politics? I do. I really do!
I've read enough biographies of Richard Milhous Nixon to know that he was a really smart guy - one of the smartest men to hold that office in the twentieth century. Even his most ardent detractors concede that he wasn't stupid - arrogant, yes - but very intelligent. I also know that he was psychologically unbalanced and that he never should have gotten within ten feet of the Oval Office. To think that for over four decades, generations of Americans, most of them African American or Hispanic, have suffered needlessly under our insanely punitive drug laws for no other reason than Dick Nixon's desire to score some cheap political points and win re-election in 1972. It defies any and all senses of human decency. We need to stop apologizing for this vile, contemptible bigot.
When Harry S Truman's presidency expired on January 20, 1953, his popularity among the American electorate was lower than any chief-executive in modern American history. It was even lower than George W. Bush's rating when he left the White House (which is an achievement in itself when you think about it). By that time, the right wing SCREAM MACHINE, in the person of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, was just finding its voice. Posterity's judgment has been kinder to Harry than his contemporaries were. I'll never forget the final sentence of David McCullough's biography of the man:
"He stands like a rock in history."
The Trickster won't be one/tenth as lucky. He stands like a turd. Richard Milhous Nixon needs to be consigned to history's dust bin - immediately.
I'll close this with a quote from the late Hunter Thompson, the most outspoken Nixon critic of them all:
“It is Nixon himself who represents that dark, venal and incurably violent side of the American character that almost every country in the world has learned to fear and despise. Our Barbie-doll president, with his Barbie-doll wife and his boxful of Barbie-doll children is also America's answer to the monstrous Mr. Hyde. He speaks for the Werewolf in us; the bully, the predatory shyster who turns into something unspeakable, full of claws and bleeding string-warts on nights when the moon comes too close…”
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Witness to Power
by John Ehrlichman
A very interesting political memoir to say the least. Ehrlichman was there at the scene of the crime, and is as candid as any insider ever was about the corruption of the Nixon Mob.
Ehrlichman, who died in 1999, was interviewed five years earlier by writer, Dan Baum, for a book called, "Smoke and Mirrors: The War on Drugs and the Politics of Failure". At the time, Mr. Baum thought that this little bombshell was not pertinent to his thesis, and, for reasons known only to him, he inexplicably chose to delete it from the manuscript. Nixon's handmaidens are, at the moment, beside themselves in a desperate attempt to explain away this major - and quite scandalous - revelation. Their spin is that this is merely a case of rancid grapes, that poor old Johnny never forgave the Trickster for not granting him full and unconditional pardon (he would serve eighteen months in prison for his crimes). Ehrlichman was usually pretty candid about his role in the Nixon administration. He kindly elaborated further:
"We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be against the war - or black - but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana, and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities....Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did,"
None of this has surprised me a bit. Anyone possessing even a cursory knowledge of the life of the old bastard knows full well that, in addition to Jews and "lefties", Dick Nixon had a serious problem with minorities in general and black people in particular.
During the campaign of '68, Southern resentment toward Lyndon Johnson and the Democrats was festering. For over a century Dixie had been solidly Democratic. They just couldn't bring themselves to ally with the party of "that bearded bastard that freed our slaves". That all changed when LBJ signed into law the Civil Rights Act of 1964, followed by the Voting Rights act of 1965. The hostility of the Dixiecrats gave Nixon the political opportunity of the millennium. He and his henchmen cooked-up what came to be known as "the Southern Strategy".
In the aftermath of the nationwide urban riots following the assassination of Martin Luther King, Nixon let it be known, in a not-too-subtle way, that "law 'n' order" would be the order of the day in his administration, and that the good, God-fearin' folks south of the Mason-Dixon line would no longer be jolted by uprisings from these filthy, ill-mannered negroes - forget the fact that the riots were almost exclusively limited to Northern cities.
The scam worked. "The Solid South" has been solidly Republican ever since. Don'cha just love politics? I do. I really do!
I've read enough biographies of Richard Milhous Nixon to know that he was a really smart guy - one of the smartest men to hold that office in the twentieth century. Even his most ardent detractors concede that he wasn't stupid - arrogant, yes - but very intelligent. I also know that he was psychologically unbalanced and that he never should have gotten within ten feet of the Oval Office. To think that for over four decades, generations of Americans, most of them African American or Hispanic, have suffered needlessly under our insanely punitive drug laws for no other reason than Dick Nixon's desire to score some cheap political points and win re-election in 1972. It defies any and all senses of human decency. We need to stop apologizing for this vile, contemptible bigot.

"He stands like a rock in history."
The Trickster won't be one/tenth as lucky. He stands like a turd. Richard Milhous Nixon needs to be consigned to history's dust bin - immediately.
I'll close this with a quote from the late Hunter Thompson, the most outspoken Nixon critic of them all:
“It is Nixon himself who represents that dark, venal and incurably violent side of the American character that almost every country in the world has learned to fear and despise. Our Barbie-doll president, with his Barbie-doll wife and his boxful of Barbie-doll children is also America's answer to the monstrous Mr. Hyde. He speaks for the Werewolf in us; the bully, the predatory shyster who turns into something unspeakable, full of claws and bleeding string-warts on nights when the moon comes too close…”
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Witness to Power
by John Ehrlichman
A very interesting political memoir to say the least. Ehrlichman was there at the scene of the crime, and is as candid as any insider ever was about the corruption of the Nixon Mob.
This is why it was sad that Ford pardoned Nixon. We never got to all the crimes Nixon did, but worse; it let Nixon people get off and infest our politics for decades. Example: Dick Cheney, Pat Buchanan, and many more.
Agreed, Tom.
Ford might have strangled the "Reagan Revolution" in its cradle. knowing how much he detested the man, he might have gladly done so. To history's eternal regret, he didn't. Pity.
Ford's pardoning of Nixon and Obama's "looking forward", instead of at the war-mongering lies and torture from the Bush Cartel are the two worst mistakes that sent the US down the path of darkness for decades to come.
"It's not illegal if the President does it".
This is now practically the law of the land.
The icon of leftist community activism, Saul Alinsky, praised Lucifer in the opening remarks of Rules For Radicals.
"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
You are fighting a very cunning Dave Dubya who tries to convince everyone he is not a marxist.
Keep up the good work of exposing readers of this blog that Dave Dubya is a marxist. Of course the majority of readers here are marxists.
PS Connecticut under Socialist Rule is in a death spiral. Its credit rating has recently been downgraded to one of the worst for a state. We are slowly "progressing" to becoming Greece.
Well, well. For some reason it seems I'm living in "Harry's" head in addition to Chuck's.
Imagine that. "Harry" is so obsessed with me, that he had to ignore the post topic to make his comment about me.
PS Connecticut under Socialist Rule is in a death spiral. Its credit rating has recently been downgraded to one of the worst for a state.
Democratic National Convention Schedule
Saturday, 27 August 2016
11:15 AM
Free lunch, medical marijuana, and free bus ride to the Convention.
Forms distributed for Food Stamp enrollment.
2:30 PM
Group Voter Registration for Undocumented Immigrants.
4:00 PM
Opening Flag Burning Ceremony
Sponsored by CNN
4:30 PM
“How to Bank $200 Million as a Public Servant and Claim to be Dead Broke”
Hillary Clinton
4:45 PM
“How to have a successful career without ever having a job, and still avoid paying taxes!
Seminar Moderated by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson
5:30 PM
Invitation-only $10,000 donation Autograph Session
Souvenir photographs of Hillary and Chelsea dodging Sniper Fire in Bosnia
6:00 PM
Floor Vote on praising Baltimore rioters and using the terminology:
“Alternative Shoppers” instead of “Looters”
8:30 PM
The White House “Semantics Committee” Meeting
General vote on re-branding “Muslim Terrorism” as “Random Acts of Islamic Over-Exuberance”
lol, lol, lol
"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference... I'll have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years".
Tom, I agree that Nixon was a very bad and corrupt man who never should have been president. That said, you have admitted that you are willing to vote for an equally corrupt and very bad woman for president if she gets the nomination from the Democrats. Smells like rank partisan hypocrisy to me.
As for Nixon's racism, it is indeed disgusting and vile. That said, so was LBJ's, but I guess he gets a pass for signing the voting rights act and more importantly, for being a Democrat.
God help us if we don't stop voting for evil people and putting party above country. And that goes for ALL Americans of every political affiliation.
T. Paine said,
"to vote for an equally corrupt and very bad woman"
HRC is as corrupt and bad as Nixon? Please prove that ridiculous lie.
WOW, you have no clue.
Remember the Nixon slogan: "You don't change dicks in the middle of a screw, so go with Nixon in '72". Now that said...Hilliary Clinton in hypocrisy actually tried to outdo Nixon at that time. Yep...she was so fired-up to get rid of tricky dicky that she decided to tricky dicky the tricky dicky. Who could blame her? But alas, a leading democrat saved her butt by firing her. She was trying to deny due process to Nixon...hence the outdo the tricky dicky. Now as a lawyer she should have known better but its Hilliary and not Bill...the latter it was said rivaled Nixon for smarts. Anyway, IF Hilliary would have filed her paperwork, it would have gotten her dis-barred and we would never have heard from Hilliary again. But alas a leading democrat fired her before that happened...saving Hilliary in all her...err....glory.
Thanks, good to hear from you. How was breakfast this morning?
Have you read Thomas Sowells article regarding socialism and fascism? Really peels back the covers on how alful today's progressive, et al is.
Of course like all good Marxist, when they are exposed they will claim it's a lie like Dubya did regarding your statement about the state you live in, CT.
He knows better cause he lives in MI
I was at the Colony Diner as usual for Saturday breakfast. I've been waiting for a guy with a "Hope and Change" or "Che Guevara" T-Shirt and Michigan plates to show up so that we can resolve our differences.
lol to Dave Dubya,
The Socialists running Connecticut are destroying it.
What Saul Alinsky rule will you apply to the following?
Rating Action: Moody's assigns Aa3 to $342 million University of Connecticut's GO bonds; outlook negative
Global Credit Research - 21 Mar 2016
New York, March 21, 2016 -- Issue: General Obligation Bonds, 2016 Series A; Rating: Aa3; Rating Type: Underlying LT; Sale Amount: $300,000,000; Expected Sale Date: 04/04/2016; Rating Description: General Obligation;
Issue: General Obligation Bonds, 2016 Refunding Series A; Rating: Aa3; Rating Type: Underlying LT; Sale Amount: $42,000,000; Expected Sale Date: 04/04/2016; Rating Description: General Obligation;
Summary Rating Rationale
Moody's Investors Service has assigned a rating of Aa3 to the University of Connecticut's $300 million General Obligation Bonds 2016 Series A and $42 million General Obligation Bonds Refunding 2016 Series A. The university plans to sell the bonds the week of April 4.
The Aa3 rating is derived from the strong legal security provided by the state debt service commitment (pursuant to the UConn 2000 program) which is deemed appropriated in amounts sufficient to pay debt service from the State of Connecticut's general fund (general obligation bonds rated Aa3 with a negative outlook). Additional security is provided by the university's full faith and credit pledge of assured revenues, defined as tuition, fees, and other resources for repayment of the bonds.
Rating Outlook
The negative outlook reflects the recent weakening state demographics that have led to budgetary strain. While we expect the state to solve the budgetary gaps with recurring solutions, we believe that the weakening demographics will continue and place negative pressure on the state's economy and finances in the next few years, while the very high fixed costs reduce flexibility and present additional challenges.
This comment has been removed by the author.
“Harry” and Chuck both have a keen interest in Alinsky rules that nobody’s ever heard of. What a coincidence.
“Harry” and Chuck both seem to be thinking more about me instead of the topics of discussion. What a coincidence.
“Harry” and Chuck both decided to write about me instead of the topic. What a coincidence.
Harry Chuck says, “Connecticut under Socialist Rule is in a death spiral. Its credit rating has recently been downgraded (It’s been Aa3 for years) to one of the worst for a state. We are slowly "progressing" to becoming Greece.”
Greece? He means Louisiana. Aa3 happens to be the same rating as Republican Louisiana.
Socialist rule? LOL. Fascist Assholes love to lie.
Nasdaq says:
Aa3 is the fourth highest rating in Moody's Long-term Corporate Obligation Rating. Obligations rated Aa3 are judged to be of high quality and are subject to very low credit risk. Rating one notch higher is Aa2. Rating one notch lower is A1
Where did Moody’s say “Socialist Rule” has sent any state into a “death spiral”?
Nowhere. Harry Chuck is a Republican LIAR, and likely stalker. “Values”, amirite?
Dave Dubya: "'Harry' and Chuck both [fill in the blank]."
It's classic schizophrenia, which is, not surprisingly, more prevalent among those steadfast in their hate and unacceptace of others' rights and privileges.
But...he could also have repressed sexual feelings for you, Dave, as you previously surmised. I'd guess that's why he has to continually remind us, but even more so himself, that he's the consummate "family man".
Dave can you repost what you deleted at 12:40PM. It was you. amirite?
So Moody's report of CT on 21 Mar 2016 was a good thing instead of bad, kind of like Gina McCarthy and the Federal EPA knowing about Flint Michigan's lead water problem for a year but doing nothing was a good thing instead of bad? amirite?
Jefferson can you run the math by me about how fast WT7 collapsed had to be an inside job? By the way you look really handsome in your buffed up photo.
I am a member of the LBGT community by the way.
Oh, oh.
Now I've attracted the attentions of Confused Harry Chuck. For some reason all THREE of him wants to whine about CT having the same rating as Louisiana. I bet it's 'cause of "Socialist Rule", amirite?
What. An. Idiot.
Regarding Confused Harry Chuck's interest in the deleted edit, "No wonder the Republican Shill wants to distract us from the topic of the 50 year history of Republican racism and hate. Better make it about Dave, amirite?"
We can update it to:
"So now for some reason all THREE of him are also distracting from the 50 year history of Republican racism and hate. Better make it about Dave, amirite?"
Better distract from evil Michigan Republicans forcing Flint to drink lead.
More "Snyder who?" from the shill. Snyder's minions openly said the water was safe. It's documented.
So who told Confused Harry Chuck about my large hands, anyway? ;-)
I hope you're watching today's caucuses...
Chuck Morre (aka Confused Progressive): "Jefferson can you run the math by me about how fast WT7 collapsed had to be an inside job?"
I could, but it wouldn't mean much. It would be too complicated for you to figure out. Without a basic understanding of the physical laws of nature, any explanation would go right over your head. You're better at being told what to believe. You're a foot-soldier. Remember? ;-) Your government counts on people like you to believe in miracles.
"By the way you look really handsome in your buffed up photo."
You said in Tom's last post to "butt out" -- that you "don't have time for [me]" because you're visiting family in Texas for Easter. What happened, "family man"? Did they get sick of you already? ;-)
"I am a member of the LBGT community by the way."
Did you decide to come out of the closet on Easter weekend?
Here are a few questions for you: What do you think of John Ehrlichman's revelations about Richard Nixon? Do you think Dick Nixon did the right thing? Do you think Nixon was a corrupt Dick?...and are you ashamed of the Dick?
Isn't it funnny how the more liberal progressives are exposed as the Marxist they are, the more angry and desperate they become?
Could it be they don't want to be connected to the 120 million people murdered by Maxism in the last century?
Of course Family Man JG (named after the great Democrat slave owner, Thomas Jefferson, talk about white privilage!), still can't come to grips with his failure in social work .
Day at Fire Island might be just what he needs to succor his pain.
Chuck Morre: "Of course Family Man JG (named after the great Democrat slave owner, Thomas Jefferson, talk about white privilage!)..."
Nice try, but you've gotten it wrong again. Thomas Jefferson was a member of the Democratic-Republican Party, an American political party in the 1790s of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison formed in opposition to the centralizing policies of the Federalist party. It was essentially the forerunner to the later Republican Party. As I said, nice try.
But why would I expect you to know this? You can't possibly know because you're a follower. Remember? You're told what to know, and told what to believe.
"...still can't come to grips with his failure in social work ."
You've got me there! Not that I've ever worked in the field, but that you think I did. I haven't a clue what you're talking about. You're always grasping at straws, aren't you? Always...
"Day at Fire Island might be just what he needs to succor his pain."
Is that where you vacation to get away from the dowdiness and hew-haw of Missouri? You know what? I'm going to start calling you Cameron...after the out-of-the-closet swishy gay guy on the Modern Family sitcom. Like you, he likes the coast, he's a "family man", and he's from Missouri. ;-) Fits you perfectly!
Not that there's anything wrong with that...Cam.
By the way, Cam, what did you think of John Ehrlichman's revelations?
Cam is doing his best to deflect and distract from the entire post about the racist Nixon and his henchmen promoting a failed and racist war on drugs. IOKIYAR.
Isn't it funny how the more cons are exposed as the fascists and racists they are, the more angry and desperate they become?
He's desperate to avoid the post topic for some reason, amirte?
Could it be they don't want to be connected to the 50 years of GOP racism in the last century?
No wonder Missouri Cam is dancing further away from reality with every sashaying step he takes in his tiny pointe shoes, that are probably way too small to fit my large hands. ;-)
Its amazing that Dave Dubya can look at the following Moody's outlook for CT and spin it into something positive. Dave is a man of reason? lol on that!
You would also think that he has "progressed" that maybe there is more than 1 person on this blog who is not a marxist.
Rating Outlook
The negative outlook reflects the recent weakening state demographics that have led to budgetary strain. While we expect the state to solve the budgetary gaps with recurring solutions, we believe that the weakening demographics will continue and place negative pressure on the state's economy and finances in the next few years, while the very high fixed costs reduce flexibility and present additional challenges.
I just knew mentioning my hand size would bring Harry Cam out on Easter Sunday. He prefers to lie and deflect from the history of Republican racism.
So Connecticut has the same rating as Louisiana. This is "spin"?
No. It's fact. For cons, facts must be countered with distraction. What? No mention of "Socialist Rule" from Moodys? Of course not.
I have a suggestion. If Harry hates "Socialist Rule" so much, why doesn't he leave? Or at least move in with Missouri Cam.
Oh, they already live together? How sweet. And they share an obsession with me as well.
Shall I send photos of my hands?
"Shall I send photos of my hands?"
why don't you show your hands when you are checking a new inmate for contraband between his cheeks?
Ford was a"Manchurian candidate" with no will of his own. Nixon resigned on paper , but ran the country through Ford.
Ever see an interview where Ford is asked about the Warren Commission? His eyes glazed over and he went into a monotone (more than usual)...
"Oswald killed Kennedy alone, the facts prove that" (even though the facts avctually said otherwise)
T.Paine, LBJ gats a "pass" for being a racist because he did not ACT like one when President. He SAID some bad things, but DID great things.
LOL! Now Anonymous joins the "club of men" fantasizing about my hands and other men's butts!
Looks like we got us a tight little gathering of "Log Cabin" Republicans. Every one of them would rather talk about me than Tom's post on Nixon and his Republican War On Blacks.
They just love to distract from the post's topic of 50 years of GOP racism in the last century.
I'm guessing it's an all-white Log Cabin for our creepy little Republicans.
Tom, gotta love the picture of Nixon, in full stride, shaking hands with an admirer (Cam from MO?) while staring at his watch.
If it were 2016, we could give him the benefit of the doubt and say he was checking his calories burned with his Fitbit...or following GPS directions with his "iWatch". ;-)
Either way, what a Dick...
T. Paine: "...you have admitted that you are willing to vote for an equally corrupt and very bad woman for president if she gets the nomination from the Democrats."
...and a rebuke by Anonymous (at 9:32 PM): "HRC is as corrupt and bad as Nixon? Please prove that ridiculous lie. WOW, you have no clue."
I've referred to the "criminal Clinton family" on some very recent posts, on this blog, but never saw a retort, much less a questioning of why I wrote such a thing. There's ample evidence that Bill Clinton, during his years as governor of Arkansas, hobnobbed and vacationed with drug lord and Mexican banker Roberto Hernandez Ramirez at his lavish estate in Yucatan. Clinton's complicity with the international drug trade began about this time when one of the original investors in AIG's shell entity, Coral Re, was the Arkansas Development and Finance Authority (ADFA) which was created by then-governor Clinton to promote job creation in his state, but which is known to have laundered hundreds of millions of dollars of drug money during Reagan's Contra war against the Nicaraguan Sandinistas.
The story of the CIA's arms pipeline through the small town of Mena in western Arkansas is no secret and has been public knowledge for many years. Although this operation was only a small part of the broader Contra war effort, the Mena story continues to be political dynamite because of its direct linkage to Clinton and also George H.W. Bush. There were planeloads of arms going out from a secret airstrip north of Mena and cash coming in and airdropped in duffel bags at a ranch outside of Little Rock. Some of the cash originated from the sale of arms, but most of it came from the drug trade.
Clinton cronies and insiders laundered the dirty money through ADFA, whose legal work was handled by...surprise!...the Rose Law Firm, which employed Hillary Clinton. Ya' gotta love it...one big, happy, narcotrafficking family -- including slow and dimwitted Roger. Remember him? He was later convicted for cocaine possession and spent time in prison before being pardoned by his then-president half-brother on his last day in office.
So, Anonymous, yes -- Hillary Clinton definitely has ties to corruption at the very highest levels. If you want more of the same, sure, go ahead and cast your vote for her. It's your right. But is that what you really want?
Oh, Tom, you mentioned that if Hillary Clinton were the Democratic nominee, you'd "hold your nose" in the voting booth and go with the lesser of the two evils. Can I assume that's because you'd be snorting a line of the white stuff that she's undoubtedly helped millions to have access to all over the country? Are you sure she's the "lesser"?...or you're just trapped in the mindset of two political parties?
Shall I say, reluctantly..."cheers!"
Typical BS from lying partisan hacks. None of what you stated has been proven. But you keep believing tabloid trash. Don't miss the next installment of the Kardashian family exploits.
Nixon was Machiavellian like the whole lot of them. Grow up. Sheesh...
The Democratic-Republican Party was the American political party in the 1790s of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison formed in opposition to the centralizing policies of the Federalist party
Does this mean T Jefferson supported States rights?
"The party was strongest in the South and weakest in the Northeast. It demanded states' rights as expressed by the "Principles of 1798" articulated in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions that would allow states to nullify a federal law.[4] Above all the party stood for the primacy of the yeoman farmers. Republicans were deeply committed to the principles of republicanism, which they feared were threatened by the supposed monarchical tendencies of the Hamiltonians/Federalists. The party came to power in 1801 with the election of Jefferson in the 1800 presidential election."
Gssp, he was conservative, not a liberal?
"Alinsky rules that nobody’s ever heard of."
What a bold face lie, but we have come to expect nothing less from Duyba.
Hey Mozart,
Did you read what JG said about your woman?
Here I'll let post it for you here.
The story of the CIA's arms pipeline through the small town of Mena in western Arkansas is no secret and has been public knowledge for many years. Although this operation was only a small part of the broader Contra war effort, the Mena story continues to be political dynamite because of its direct linkage to Clinton and also George H.W. Bush. There were planeloads of arms going out from a secret airstrip north of Mena and cash coming in and airdropped in duffel bags at a ranch outside of Little Rock. Some of the cash originated from the sale of arms, but most of it came from the drug trade.
"Clinton cronies and insiders laundered the dirty money through ADFA, whose legal work was handled by...surprise!...the Rose Law Firm, which employed Hillary Clinton. Ya' gotta love it...one big, happy, narcotrafficking family -- including slow and dimwitted Roger. Remember him? He was later convicted for cocaine possession and spent time in prison before being pardoned by his then-president half-brother on his last day in office.
So, Anonymous, yes -- Hillary Clinton definitely has ties to corruption at the very highest levels. If you want more of the same, sure, go ahead and cast your vote for her. It's your right. But is that what you really want?"
Quacky, since when is ANYTHING "JG" says credible?
And Hillary is not "my woman" she's a VIABLE and CREDIBLE candidate for POTUS and while Bernie Sanders is my first choice (actually I'd LOVE to see Liz Warren or Corey Booker) I'll vote for Hillary just to keep the GOP out of the WHite House. She's certainly a better choice than Trump or Cruz.
I also noticed you never answe to the TREASON coming from the GOP side in congress and many governors.
Go figure. Once a COWARD always a COWARD.
Chuck "Cameron Tucker" Morre: "Does this mean T Jefferson supported States rights?"
He advocated for the shared power between the national and local governments. He also was asked by Madison what he thought should be included in the Bill of Rights, and two that weren't -- which is tragic, considering the position we're in today -- are "no standing armies" and "no monopolies".
"...he was conservative, not a liberal?"
From today's perspective, neither. He was, by all accounts, a "Renaissance man", which would heavily discount any of today's conservatives. He even wrote the Jeffersonian Bible, which excluded -- among other things -- the miracles of Jesus. Certainly not something you'd associate with a "conservative". Don't you agree? ;-)
So tell me, Cam, what do you think of John Ehrlichman's revelations about Nixon? Was Nixon a hero to you? Is that why you're not answering?
Mozart1220: "Quacky, since when is ANYTHING 'JG' says credible?"
Mozart, by writing this you're actually stating that nothing I have to say is credible. Why do you think this?
"The so-called "war on drugs" was nothing more than a pogrom developed for no other reason than to persecute African Americans and the counter-culture."
Growing up living under the "War on Drugs", and seeing the devastation it caused to so many lives, not to mention the huge waste of resources, I always believed the people behind it were the one percent, who had a need for a steady stream of wage slaves and cubicle dwellers. The "War" kept these people in line with their nose to the grindstone every day, as well as providing a steady income stream to the prison industry.
More police... More jails... More judges... All to keep the worker bees chained to their desks.
You notice the "war", just like all other wars, never seemed to touch the wealthy. Think of a gathering of "Wall Street Wonders" doing a line of coke with their evening meal at a fancy restaurant. No one bothered such upstanding citizens. Not for them the police, judges, and jails that haunted the lower classes.
So now I find out that African Americans and hippies were the target. Oh well... the prison industry still prospered, and was able to deliver substantial kickbacks... oops, "Campaign Contributions" to our ruling class.
So tell me JG, was that you last night peeking through my bedroom window?
Seems you have an Abby Normal interest in my sex life. I think I'm going to call you
"Peeking Tom JG" or just Peek for short. If that's what it takes to pull your chain, so be it, but beware of my dog, he is not "politically correct" when it comes to prowlers
BTW, in order to eliminate your guessing as to my sexuality, and in an attempt at full disclosure I am a Male Lesbian.
Just a note regarding your exchange with Mozart, do you now see why James Hanson described him as not being the sharpest pencil in the box?
JG, it's because I have read your posts.
You might as well cut and past from "The Blaze"
The entire "hillary-Watergate" thing was debunked years ago.
Mozart1220: "JG, it's because I have read your posts."
Can you be more specific? Certainly you're not going to resort to obscure generalizations like Chuck "Cameron Tucker" Morre does, are you?
"You might as well cut and past from 'The Blaze'"
You'll never get right-wing commentary from me, so how do you interpret a similarity?
"Chuck" here's what you said:
Hey Mozart, Did you read what JG said about your woman? Here I'll let post it for you here.
Not a very christian thing to do, is it Chuck. What would your Jeebus say? Would he approve of your behavior here?
"Oh! What A Tangled Web We Weave When First We Practice To Deceive" ~~ Walter Scott (1808)
The Crimes of Mena offer a sobering reality to those who believe the Clinton political machine is above reproach.
From The Ozark Gazette in early 1992: "Suspecting that Governor Bill Clinton had reason to hide such state involvement, the Committee decided to go public. Up to this point the Committee had been treated fairly and on occasion, even praised by the local media. However, now that the Committee was pointing an accusing finger at the local hero, the media began to turn against the people who were asking for simple justice."
It would seem justice is blind.
Interestingly, Universal Pictures is distributing a firm about Barry Seal, appropriately titled, Mena, which is due to be released January 6, 2017 -- after the "election" of Hillary Rodham Clinton to the highest and most incorrigible office in the land, and just prior to her inauguration. Timely, huh?
"Timely, huh?"
Yes, very.
Last year, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, made a similar statement.
“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution,” she said in anticipation of last year’s Paris climate summit.
“This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.”
The plan is to allow Third World countries to emit as much carbon dioxide as they wish — because, as Edenhofer said, “in order to get rich one has to burn coal, oil or gas” — while at the same time restricting emissions in advanced nations. This will, of course, choke economic growth in developed nations, but they deserve that fate as they “have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community,” he said.
Last year, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, made a similar statement.
“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution,” she said in anticipation of last year’s Paris climate summit.
“This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.”
The plan is to allow Third World countries to emit as much carbon dioxide as they wish — because, as Edenhofer said, “in order to get rich one has to burn coal, oil or gas” — while at the same time restricting emissions in advanced nations.
Me: "...Universal Pictures is distributing a firm about Barry Seal, appropriately titled, Mena..."
Sorry, that should be "film"...
Chuck "Cameron Tucker" Morre: "Marxism."
Cam, you've egregiously made a total misrepresentation of what Ms. Figueres said by interlacing her quotations with that of another.
You're always caught in a lie. Why is that?
By the way, "capitalism" is dead. It has been for a long time. What is practiced today is not how capitalism was defined. Adam Smith is turning over in his grave.
"Marxism" = Denial, deflection and distraction from the 50 year history of Republican racism and their failed, wasteful, destructive war on drugs. The con in con-servatism is clear.
No wonder idiot shills want to clumsily and falsely point and screech "Marxism!" and "Alinsky!"
Nice examples of Rule 5 by the two closet Marxist, Peek and Duyba.
"Climate policy has almost nothing to do anymore with environmental protection, says the German economist and IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer. The next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economy summit during which the distribution of the world’s resources will be negotiated."
But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole."
– Ottmar Edenhofer
Last year, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, made a similar statement.
“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution,” she said in anticipation of last year’s Paris climate summit.
“This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.”
The plan is to allow Third World countries to emit as much carbon dioxide as they wish — because, as Edenhofer said, “in order to get rich one has to burn coal, oil or gas” — while at the same time restricting emissions in advanced nations. This will, of course, choke economic growth in developed nations, but they deserve that fate as they “have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community,” he said.
There Peek, is that all better for you?
Without capitalism, socialism would have nothing to redistribute.
Thesis: No wonder idiot shills want to clumsily and falsely point and screech "Marxism!" and "Alinsky!"
Proof: “Nice examples of Rule 5 by the two closet Marxist, Peek and Duyba.”
Thanks Chuck. Now, what was it you have to say about the posted topic on the 50 year history of Republican racism and failed war on drugs?
Do you still stand by your Trumpie lie about an “ISIS propaganda video”?
On a friendlier note:
Chuck Morre 2:03 AM March 10, 2016:
We cannot admit that we liberals bear some of the blame for its emergence, for the frustration of the working-class millions, for their blighted cities and their downward spiraling lives. So much easier to scold them for their twisted racist souls, to close our eyes to the obvious reality of which Trumpism is just a crude and ugly expression: that neoliberalism has well and truly failed." - Thomas Frank
Chuck Morre 2:04 PM March 10, 2016:
RE democrat party, simply put, the Democrat Party is lying when they claim to be a party of the poor, etc. Reality is they favor the 1%.
I must say Chuck has come a long way to finally agree with me that neoliberalism has failed American workers and the corporatist Democratic Party, unlike a socialist party, serves the 1%.
Dubya, as Peek has said to me, this is an open form.
I see once again you are attempting to put words onto my mouth. Other to call you out, I will not respond to something you CLAIM I said.
Get over it.
Without capitalism, socialism would have nothing to redistribute.
Chuck Morre 2:03 AM March 10, 2016:
We cannot admit that we liberals bear some of the blame for its emergence, for the frustration of the working-class millions, for their blighted cities and their downward spiraling lives. So much easier to scold them for their twisted racist souls, to close our eyes to the obvious reality of which Trumpism is just a crude and ugly expression: that neoliberalism has well and truly failed." - Thomas Frank
Chuck Morre 2:04 PM March 10, 2016:
RE democrat party, simply put, the Democrat Party is lying when they claim to be a party of the poor, etc. Reality is they favor the 1%.
Chuck's own words can be found here:
What. A. Liar. Not to mention, what a major asshole.
No conscience. No truth. No shame. A "good Republican".
Get over it.
As long as we're looking at the observable record, I just have to include this gem from our Republican liar:
When you present facts I will dispute them
No conscience. No truth. No shame. A "good Republican".
Gee, when is chuck going to die already!
He has not said anything worth reading in years.
No truth,
no shame,
just lies,
like a "good Marxist"
"Page not found
Sorry, the page you were looking for in the blog "The Rant" by Tom Degan does not exist."
Bernie is a product of the FDR Democratic social generation. The country was in such bad condition almost any political direction would have worked. And historical facts tell us FDR Democratic socialism worked. That doesn't mean another political strategy would have worked better, but Coolidge and the Republicans then, had nothing that worked. There is an old saying, "Every once in a while socialism has to step in to save capitalism." That's a reflection of the failures and excesses of capitalism to provide for all. FDR's programs should have been temporary, and the figures alone (on an ongoing future basis) should have told FDR his fix could only be temporary. Capitalism is not a guarantee of the Constitution, but only of a Democratic Republic. Capitalism and capitalists have to prove their superiority by providing for the masses. They failed in the 1920's and are failing again now. That's a failure of capitalism/capitalists to be flexible enough to meet the current economic conditions, not because capitalism is not a superior strategy to provide a better lifestyle than any other economic process.
Works fine for me, ChuckSoreLoserJustTheFacts
What would your baby jesus say about your behavior on this blog?
Aww, not only does Chuck kindly prove my thesis: No wonder idiot shills want to clumsily and falsely point and screech "Marxism!" and "Alinsky!"
Proof: “Nice examples of Rule 5 by the two closet Marxist, Peek and Duyba.”
Not only has Chuck come a long way to finally agree with me that neoliberalism has failed American workers and the corporatist Democratic Party, unlike a socialist party, serves the 1%.
Now he flatters me by imitation. "Duyba, No truth, no shame, just lies,"
I'm his obsession, filling his head with rage and confusion, while he fantasizes so much about me.
Thanks Chuck.
What, no explanation for posting the wrong URL???
Typical Marxist, will never admit they are wrong!
"And historical facts tell us FDR Democratic socialism worked"
Without capitalism, socialism would have nothing to redistribute.
Oops. Although I posted the correct URL showing Chuck quoting the failure of neo-liberalism, and my quoting Chuck saying the Democratic Party represents the 1%, The other link, the "wrong URL", featured this:
"Has anyone else noticed the deleted comment from 1:17 AM from "Just The Facts" was the same as Chuckie's post at 1:19? "
And Chuck's:
"Davy claiming that I agree with Trump is another example of his ad hominem method of debate"
Chuck openly declared his agreement with Trump, demonizing a liberal with a lie about an "ISIS propaganda video". Typical fascism.
Who wouldn't think Chuckie disagrees with Trump on Mexicans and Muslims? Or anything really?
Chuckie is a total Trumpie. He can't admit it though. His party has become frightened by the monster they created.
Again Dubya assumes he knows how I will vote. Since he seems to know my sexual preference I can only surmise he, like Peek, is a criminal perverted peeking Tom. As it has been said before birds of a feather, flock together and as Peek in his own words claimed to agree with Dubya over 90% of the time, they are two Red winged Marxist.
All,if us have seen this type of behavior from Dubya before and as he can not deny he is a Marxist, we will see more of sameness all know that man caused climate change is just a ruse and cover for one world Marxist Goverment I've provided quotes to support same.
We all know that communism is socialism, we all know that with out capitalism there is nothing for socialism to distribute.
Democratic socialism can not function with out free enterprise. We know that.
It is becoming clear that liberalism is a failure in keeping its promises .
Dave Dubya: "Now he flatters me by imitation. 'Duyba, No truth, no shame, just lies'."
Remember, Dave, that Cam is a follower. He's unable to relate to, and unequipped to perform, the traditionally higher order rational and reasoning skills which include critical, logical, reflective and creative thinking. That's why he parrots you...and me. This is what makes him, and millions like him, fodder or clay in the hands of demagogues. Hitler recognized this; as does Trump.
He's a follower. He's at his best when told what to think, and told what to perform. He's a foot-soldier.
Chuck "Cameron Tucker" Morre: "Again Dubya assumes he knows how I will vote. Since he seems to know my sexual preference..."
There was no assumption by either of us. You claimed, and made it very clear, that you're "a member of the LBGT community..." (see time-stamp at 7:11 PM, above), so naturally, we respect your choice.
So tell me, what do you think of John Ehrlichman's revelations about Richard Nixon? You haven't answered me yet. How come? I answer all of your questions. How come you will not afford the same courtesy to me? Are all people living in "fly over country" as discourteous as you? (I ask, because I noticed the same silence from Mozart1220 when confronted with uncomfortable topics.)
Have a great day, Cam!
Remember that Peeks is a follower and protector of a slave owner.
It was Confused Progressive you are quoting. I have proudly stated that I am a Male Lesbian. Is that a part of the LBGT minority?
"fodder or clay in the hands of demagogues". Says the man who believes 9-11 was an "inside job"!
"what do you think of John Ehrlichman's revelation's about Richard Nixon?"
I believe the effort to control the use, sale, and mfg of illegal drugs is proper but in the case of Nixon, if we can believe John Ehrlichman, as it was used by Nixon for the wrong reasons.
I do not believe it is healthy for a nation to increase the legal use of more behavior altering drugs or substances by it's population.
I'm pleased that Chuckie will at least admit he supports the failed and wasteful war on drugs.
Proving he is indeed "fodder or clay in the hands of demagogues" whether drug war demagogues, or Iraq war demagogues, or any war demagogues apparently.
And questions arise surrounding these issues.
I do not believe it is healthy for a nation to increase the legal use of more behavior altering drugs or substances by it's population.
So he is opposed to the repeal of alcohol prohibition, or does he have double standards?
What about when alcohol was illegal? Was prohibition a success? Does he think the failed war on drugs is a success? If not, why continue it?
As he often scurrilously questioned, "If the war on poverty was successful, why do we still need it?"
Is it reasonable to then ask him, "If the war on drugs was successful, why do we still need it?"
He won't address these questions, of courese. The drug war, as with all wars, need unthinking followers.
Does he support imprisoning victim-less crimes of drug possession? Why should users of safer substances that alcohol and tobacco be criminalized?
Here's a twist. So this man who scorns corrections officers wants to pay more of them from his tax dollars to house and feed drug users in prison, but not for those who's jobs were offshored by multi-national corporations.
I see. Finding a rational person holding these beliefs is difficult. It is a belief system of followers, not thinkers.
This explains why racism, Trumpism, neocons, FOX, Limbaugh, corporate PR, and the Republican Party have continued their destructive effect on the US economy and foreign policy.
Dubya, there you go again putting words in my mouth.
I never said I supported a "failed and wasteful war on drugs".
I said:
"I believe the effort to control the use, sale, and mfg of illegal drugs is proper",
"I do not believe it is healthy for a nation to increase the legal use of more behavior altering drugs or substances by it's population."
You are a word twisting Marxist!
Chuck's "clarification" is rather contradictory. As he accuses me of "word twisting" he engages in nullification of definitions.
Isn't "the effort to control the use, sale, and mfg of illegal drugs" itself the war on drugs?
What exactly is "control", apart from actions by legislation and law enforcement?
Is there a secret difference only Chuck knows?
"I do not believe it is healthy for a nation to increase the legal use of more behavior altering drugs or substances by it's population."
Chuck is either pro or anti repeal of alcohol prohibition. This statement appears to be anti repeal of alcohol prohibition. (He exhibits the characteristics of a dry drunk authoritarian personality, not unlike his war hero and creator of ISIS, GW Bush.)
Gonna take some word twisting to pull that off.
Or Chuck could be different and just be honest for a change.
Nice Try Dubya, but you are wrong, again.
I will not engage in debate with you when you dishonestly frame the subject, as you have done again.
"Chuck is either pro or anti repeal of alcohol prohibition." Booze is not, was not and will not be the subject we were talking about. You know and all the rest of us know it. You simply didn't like my answer so you try to find somersetting to be disagreeable about. Have you always been this much of an ass?
This is a great example of why answering anyone's question (in this case Peek's) is done understanding that Marxist Dubya is waiting in the wings to re frame the answer.
The truth is Dubya is is NOT in the best interest of nation to increase the "legal use of MORE behavior altering drugs or substances by it's population."
How you twist that into the Volstead Act is a further example of how desperate you really are to be relevant. Is any wonder that you start new threads on your blog about every 60 days? Totally irrelevant!
You should take your own advise and be honest, just once.
Without capitalism, socialism would have nothing to redistribute.
So Chuck thinks alcohol is NOT a "behavior altering drug or substance"???????
Pro drug war fascist Assholes, and Republicans, just can't be honest or trusted.
I never said I supported a "failed and wasteful war on drugs".
I said:
"I believe the effort to control the use, sale, and mfg of illegal drugs is proper",
"I do not believe it is healthy for a nation to increase the legal use of more behavior altering drugs or substances by it's population."
In other words he supports a failed and wasteful war on drugs. He could have been honest and admitted it or he could have clarified "Control" to mean regulated and taxed like alcohol.
He didn't. He got mad at me and called me a Marxist instead, like a fascist asshole.
Note Chuckie has NOT denied supporting the failed and wasteful war on drugs. Prison guards can thank him for job security. Amirite? LOL!
Say isn't "Peek" a better name for a stalker like Chuckie? Poor Chuck is desperate to know where I live and work for some reason.
What. A. Loser.
I can feel the love.
Nice Try Dubya, but you are wrong, again.
I will not engage in debate with you when you dishonestly frame the subject, as you have done again.
"Chuck is either pro or anti repeal of alcohol prohibition." Booze is not, was not and will not be the subject we were talking about. You know and all the rest of us know it. You simply didn't like my answer so you try to find somersetting to be disagreeable about. Have you always been this much of an ass?
This is a great example of why answering anyone's question (in this case Peek's) is done understanding that Marxist Dubya is waiting in the wings to re frame the answer.
The truth is Dubya is is NOT in the best interest of nation to increase the "legal use of MORE behavior altering drugs or substances by it's population."
How you twist that into the Volstead Act is a further example of how desperate you really are to be relevant. Is any wonder that you start new threads on your blog about every 60 days? Totally irrelevant!
You should take your own advise and be honest, just once.
Without capitalism, socialism would have nothing to redistribute
Chuck "Cameron Tucker" Morre: "It was Confused Progressive you are quoting."
Oh, sure, of course!... ;-)
"Says the man who believes 9-11 was an 'inside job'!"
Actually, it's evidence that indicates it was an inside job. Unless, of course, you're one to believe that three buildings, on the same day, collapsed in free-fall due to divine intervention. Otherwise, and unless "Jesus did it", it couldn't have happened any other way.
Cam, do you think Jesus did it?
"I believe the effort to control the use, sale, and mfg of illegal drugs is proper..."
Sounds awfully "anti-free market" to me! What would Adam Smith think?
"[It}is NOT in the best interest of nation to increase the 'legal use of MORE behavior altering drugs or substances by it's population.' "
So you agree, then, that the federal government should control the use, the manufacturing, and the sale of "behavior altering drugs or substances" by the population? As a conservative, wouldn't you agree that whatever is in the best interest of the individual, is collectively in the best interest of the nation?
By "substances", would you include alcohol in that category?
"Without capitalism, socialism would have nothing to redistribute."
Without capitalism, people would be free of cancer and other diseases caused by the pollution of our air, our water, our land -- and our bodies. Additionally, obesity, diabetes, and a whole host of other chronic disorders would be abated.
"I can feel the love."
That's probably because you're confused about your sexual orientation. Believe me, nobody here feels the same way about you.
Without capitalism, socialism would have nothing to redistribute.
Wrap your head around that truth yet Peeks, as in Peeking Tom?
History has shown the more capitalism is de-regulated, the more socialism is needed for the victims. De-regulated capitalism utterly failed, and brought the Great Depression and Great Bush Recession.
The Republicans and Corpo-dems are working hard to prove this pattern correct yet again.
There is good reason the Constitution demands regulation of commerce and the general welfare.
But the enemies of democracy and the Constitution are wealthy and powerful.
Republicans and Corpo-dems allow Commerce (COC. Kochs, Oil, Wall Street, Pharma, etc.) to regulate our government for their corporate general welfare, over the health and well being of the people.
It is Inverted Totalitarianism.
Inverted totalitarianism is different from classical forms of totalitarianism. It does not find its expression in a demagogue or charismatic leader but in the faceless anonymity of the corporate state. Our inverted totalitarianism pays outward fealty to the facade of electoral politics, the Constitution, civil liberties, freedom of the press, the independence of the judiciary, and the iconography, traditions and language of American patriotism, but it has effectively seized all of the mechanisms of power to render the citizen impotent.
Inverted Totalitarianism is doomed to fail. And it will be humanity and the planet that are failed, and doomed.
Cam, you forgot to answer my questions above (at time-stamp 8:45 PM). Don't you want to answer?
Hmm, maybe in Missouri that don't teach what an interrogative sentence is. Here, let me help you...it ends with one of these: ? So, any time in the future that you come across one of these (and again, the sentence will end with this: ?), it means you're being asked a question. Got it, Cam? (See, that last one was an interrogative sentence, too!)
Okay, now that the hard part's over, go back to my comment with time-stamp 8:45 PM and answer those sentences that end with a ? ;-)
Your questions, listed here for all to read to see how many times you are using Rule 5, 4, 6, and 8. Nice work.
"do you think Jesus did it?" No
"What would Adam Smith think?" Since I dont think he would recognize today's' America, I think he would be a puzzled with the America liberals today are trying to create.
Anything else? Good.
My sexual orientation seems to be a major problem for you. A concern that is "unusual" to say the least.
To be clear, I am a proud Male Lesbian.
What's yours?
Without capitalism, socialism would have nothing to redistribute.
Chuck "Cameron Tucker" Morre: "No"
Cam, I asked you whether you thought Jesus caused the three buildings -- the north and south towers of the World Trade Center in the morning, along with Building 7 in the afternoon -- to free-fall and collapse into their footprints. Why do you think it wasn't Jesus who caused it? After all, Jesus was capable of performing miracles, right?
"Since I dont think [Adam Smith] would recognize today's' America, I think he would be a puzzled with the America liberals today are trying to create."
Cam, why would Adam Smith be puzzled about a system that was created by capitalists and fascists, not liberals? Do you think Adam Smith would be puzzled by the oligarchy that we've become?
"My sexual orientation seems to be a major problem for you."
Cam, you're wrong. It's not a problem for me, at all. I'm a liberal, remember? Your sexual orientation is of no concern to me.
Is your sexual orientation creating a problem for you? That's the real question that needs to be asked.
How very Marxist of you, you cry that I dont answer your question, I do so and then you cry about something else.
"Is your sexual orientation creating a problem for you? That's the real question that needs to be asked."
I don't, I am a Male Lesbian, what are you?
You really do have major deep seated unresolved issues don't you?
Without capitalism, socialism would have nothing to redistribute.
Chuck, you keep repeating that unoriginal line, but it's nonsense.
Please bring back your alias "Sore Loser" as he was our favorite of all your names.
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