Making America Hole Again
The Uber Tuesday Hangover
I'll be brief this morning....
I'll be brief this morning....

As expected, Governor John Kasich and Dr. Ben Carson barely managed a half-a-blip between them.
Reports you might have read on this site about the death of Bernie Sanders' campaign have been greatly exaggerated. The guy is going to go the distance. Good for him. Bernie is the most decent man to seek the office since George McGovern took on the monumentally corrupt Nixon administration in 1972. Like George's quest forty-four years ago, Bernie's is probably doomed as well. When this is all over, he'll be the only one in this race with his integrity intact. I'll be supporting the guy until the bitter end. I'm a sucker for lost causes, what can I tell you....
But the biggest non-surprise of the evening were the victories of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Money and name-recognition: it will never fail in the long run. Generally, most Democrats are delighted with Secretary Clinton's showing last night. Their glee may be a tad misplaced. Although an intelligent woman, she is (and I'll put this as gently as possible) a jaw-droppingly awful candidate. (Sorry, I couldn't help myself). When compared to Bernie, Hillary's progressive credentials are paper thin. Her presence on the ticket as standard-bearer for the Democratic Party could very well be enough to make liberals like myself stay home on Election Day. Her victory last night is yet another personal reminder that I did the right thing leaving that party in 1998.
For the record: I'll be voting on Election Day 2016, come heck or high water - you'd better believe it - but I'll be holding my nose.
Last night, the bells of doom tolled for the GOP. This is the 630th piece I have written on The Rant. The very first one I ever wrote on this site almost ten years ago was called, "George W. Bush: The Last Republican President". The outcome of the Super Tuesday primary might, in the end, prove me to have been prescient. From Lincoln to Trump. This unsettling fact proves only that Darwin was wrong.
This is not a proud day for America in general - and the Republican Party in particular. We'll just leave it at that.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
A few months ago someone put me on the mailing list of the Ted Cruz Campaign. I still cannot figure out if this person was being spiteful or funny. Whatever his or her motivation, I get a real kick out of these daily updates - which always solicit donations. Less than five minutes ago, I received this amusing message:
"Tom, we won huge victories in Texas, Oklahoma, and Alaska last night, and the campaign is now down to a two person race -- me vs. Donald Trump. Heidi and I owe you a debt of gratitude....Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
Sure, Ted. Don't mention it.
Democracy is Coming
Get the fuck out of the way.

This is not a proud day for America in general - and the Republican Party in particular. We'll just leave it at that.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
A few months ago someone put me on the mailing list of the Ted Cruz Campaign. I still cannot figure out if this person was being spiteful or funny. Whatever his or her motivation, I get a real kick out of these daily updates - which always solicit donations. Less than five minutes ago, I received this amusing message:
"Tom, we won huge victories in Texas, Oklahoma, and Alaska last night, and the campaign is now down to a two person race -- me vs. Donald Trump. Heidi and I owe you a debt of gratitude....Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
Sure, Ted. Don't mention it.
Democracy is Coming
Get the fuck out of the way.
The New York Times: Republicans in Disarray
Democrats are falling in line. Republicans are falling apart.
The most consequential night of voting so far in the presidential campaign crystallized, in jarring and powerful fashion, the remarkably divergent fortunes of the two major parties vying for the White House.
The steady and seemingly inexorable unification of the Democratic Party behind Hillary Clinton stands in striking contrast with the rancorous and widening schisms within the Republican Party over the dominance of Donald J. Trump, who swept contests from the Northeast to the Deep South on Tuesday.
Now, as the parties gaze ahead to the fall, they are awakening to the advantages of consensus and the perils of chaos.
“If the Republican Party were an airplane, and you were looking out a passenger window, you would see surface pieces peeling off and wonder if one of the wings or engines was next,” said Tim Pawlenty, the former governor of Minnesota and a Republican candidate for president in 2012.
i wish i didn't care so much. This all is killing me ..Weird i know.
You're not alone, Carol Krafter. These are some sick, bitter days....
But at least they're not boring, ay?
The predictions of the demise of the GOP remind me of the predictions made by the Church of Man Caused Climate Change.
1. Around 1970 Harvard biologist George Wald estimated that “civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.”
2. “Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make,” Paul Ehrlich confidently declared in the April 1970 Mademoiselle. “The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years.”
3. “It is already too late to avoid mass starvation,” declared Denis Hayes, the chief organizer for Earth Day, in the Spring 1970 issue of The Living Wilderness.
4. . In 2007, 2008, and 2009, Al Gore, the high priest for a movement described by critics as the “climate cult,” publicly warned that the North Pole would be “ice-free” in the summer by around 2013 because of alleged “man-made global warming.”
I attended the Bernie rally in Burlington, VT last night.
Lots of mostly college students and a packed house for sure with the usual blue "future to believe in" signs and all that. It was fun. But the best sign I saw was a hand written scrawl on a scrap of cardboard held high above the crowd that read, "PATRICK LEAHY-WHY AREN'T YOU HERE?" Pretty much sums up the reason for the likely (s)election of Clinton.
I hope Bernie keeps some heat on Clinton. That will cause her to make more promises she won't try to keep if she is actually elected. Promises stemming from the phony progressive image she tries to put on. I bet most conservatives would rather Clinton were to win than Trump. They know she is really one of them, a hack for the 1%. I tend to agree with the folks that think the GOP is throwing the election and will be quite happy with a Clinton presidency. That would mean 4 more yrs. of no change for the better and she is sure to continue endless wars for the MIC. What a sick joke Amerika's politics have become !!
Haven't heard from you in a while, Ellis!
And, yes, I agree: An utterly sick joke.
Man trapped in burning house wants everyone to know smoke is coming from his neighbor’s chimney.
WASHINGTON – Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus released the following statement on Super Tuesday:
“While Democrats have seen turnout drop across the board, the record number of Republicans who have gone to the polls in each state shows the country is ready for change after eight years of failed leadership from President Obama. Democrats simply aren’t being energized by Hillary Clinton’s calculated campaign to maintain the status quo or Bernie Sanders’ fringe calls for a socialist ‘revolution.’
“The Democrat Primary has become a race to the far left between an embattled frontrunner facing an FBI investigation and a self-avowed socialist who continues to win states and outraise the Clinton machine. At the end of the day, Democrats are saddled with two fundamentally flawed candidates destined to fail in a general election and a message that isn’t resonating or in line with the majority of Americans.”
Best. Primary. Ever.
Mr. Degan, I think the title of your post is an unintended Freudian slip tipping its hat to the truth. If Hillary, Bernie, or Trump were to win the general election, we would indeed be "hole again"; DEEP in the hole again.
However, if we do choose as a nation someone like Cruz who would be far more apt to follow the United States Constitution, then we could conceivably make the United States WHOLE again, sir.
So Cluckie misquotes some decades old stuff about Climate change (which is a FACT supported by 98% of the world's CLIMATOLOGISTS) but still wojn;t address his party shitting on the constitution and the frontrunner being a Hitler clone?
And T. Paine, the ONLY thing worse fr America than a Trump presidency would be Cruz, who is just "Trump, with RELIGION"
Obama has been digging us OUT of the HOLE left by your hero Bush, and it's bigots like Trump and the feces throwers on Fox entertainment that have denied the country of being "whole".
Bull Shit!
Yes Cluckie.
You can't use uber conservative sites for sources because they only give you the bits of the story that fit their agenda.
"You didn't build that"
"What difference does it make"
I could go on for several pages.
Tom Degan: "I'll be supporting [Bernie Sanders] until the bitter end. I'm a sucker for lost causes, what can I tell you....
I've been a supporter of everything Bernie Sanders has campaigned for and championed, but I've never felt he stood a "snowball's chance" against the powers-that-be who will stop at nothing to make sure the criminal Clinton family is in the White House again. My final disappointment will be when he ultimately drops out of the race and lends his support and endorsement to Clinton. At that point he'll be telling me that he's truly a Democrat (i.e., a corporatist). At that point, I'm "anti-Bernie" and will push for a true progressive candidate. Millions of other true believers in progressive values will do the same.
Unlike you, Tom, I'm not a "hold-my-nose" type while I vote. I do have my principles.
From Truth Out:
One cannot get a majority of voters – who are decidedly non-rich – to knowingly pull the lever for a party that nakedly says “our platform is further enrichment of the wealthy, and, oh, by the way, we’re also going to make your retirement benefits take a hit.” That’s where deep psychological insight comes into play.
Most people, even when they have a sneaking suspicion that they are being shafted economically, are not well attuned to the complexities of credit default swaps, the London Interbank Offered Rate, or quantitative easing. And the media are definitely not interested in wising them up, especially when they can instead supply celebrity interviews, singing contests, or commercialized orgies like the opening ceremonies of the Olympics
Since the GOP is loath to tell the public in straightforward terms what their economic agenda is, and the media are not exactly forcing the GOP’s hand, and, finally, the people are operating in a knowledge deficit, Republicans respond by sleight of hand: “We’re more American than that Kenyan socialist in the White House!” Or “The Obama administration is riddled with Muslim extremists.” Or “Planned Parenthood is taxpayer-subsidized murder.” Or “Obama wants to take away your guns.” Even “Obama raised your taxes,” when in fact he lowered them.
Stuff that is not terribly persuasive to well-informed people, but a lot of republican voters are surprisingly ill-informed, and very few institutions – the corporate media least of all – have any interest in their being well-informed.
"You are wrong".
Mr. Mozart, you may dislike Cruz for many reasons. That said, he is nothing like Trump. Trump's core values are himself and what furthers his cause. Cruz may take stances on issues with which you disagree, but he can at least make a constitutional case for his stances. Trump pays lip service at best.
If you really think Trump and Cruz are essentially the same, that simply tells me that you have once again only been listening to the talking points from hyper-partisan left wing sources, sir.
At least you acknowledge how stupid you are about politics.
The only way Bernie could win is to create the revolution of voters to come out and vote for him. Hasn't happened. in fact, Democratic vote turnout is down and that favors Trump for president.
McGovern got killed at the polls by Nixon, even though the reports of Nixon's involvement in Watergate were known and printed in newspapers before the election. You don't get the high ground by insisting the Democrat was more moral than the Republican. That's why Carter lost to Reagan, but you Dem's (who know nothing about winning presidential elections) never learn from history. Dem's are weak, they couldn't even beat GB the second time. Kennedy/Nixon was one of the closet elections in history, even though Nixon had all the "red bait" baggage from the 1950's. Call Carter moral, or intelligent all you want, but he will go down in history (already has) as one of our weakest presidents; so will Obama.
"We have to keep spending money to keep from going bankrupt" - Joe Biden
I wish it was not so, but you are simply wasting your time trying to convince Mozart of anything except that which comes from the hyper liberal progressive socialist democrat Ministry of Propaganda.
He lumps anyone to the right of him into one category, IE extreme far right, without any consideration of the effects of the programs he supports. The closest he will every acknowledging a liberal policy has failed is to say, the GOP prevented us from spending the enough money.
Tax increase are so good for the economy that NY State is reducing taxes to attract corporations to move their manufacturing to their State. He does NOT understand that the RICH are NOT responsible for his financial situation, but that he is.
Being Mozart is easy. You get to blame someone else for your failures, you dont have to take any personal responsibility for your actions and their results, you get to believe you are entitled to the hard earned money of others, and you get to feel good about yourself because you care enough to take from one to give to another.
Who was it who said "we can not drill our way to $2.00 a gallon gas"? Don't know where you live, but here gas hasn't been over $2 for weeks.
The war on the payers of federal income tax is amazing stupid. Currently 45% of those eligible to pay federal income taxes, don't. Is that a good thing? Does he ever ask himself, "how much can we tax them before they just stop trying"?
I say no.
With the presidential race coming down to a choice between Clinton and Trump, I'm left with a lose-lose choice: do I write in Bernie's name, or vote for the Donald? There is just no way in hell I can look at myself in the mirror if I vote for Hillary, Cruz, Rubio, Carlson, Kasich, or Jeb! And you can add Bloomberg and "Mittens" Romney to that list.
GOP congress shitting on the constitution
GOP congress comitting TREASON by takiing brobes to undermine a peace treaty by the POTUS.
GOP fruntrunner throwing Blacks out of his rallies, not to mention getting a huge endorcement from the KKK
GOP states shitting on the constitution AND poisoning poor people.
And Clucky still obsesses on me, and still uses Limbaugh and Beck as sources because he can't come up with original ideas.
"You get to blame someone else for your failures, you dont have to take any personal responsibility for your actions and their results, you get to believe you are entitled to the hard earned money of others"
Sounds like GOP corporate heaven to me.
Now Mitt "I don't care about the poor half of the country" Romney has stepped in to call Donald Trump a "Fraud"
Now, Romney certainly has no room to call others "frauds" being a Mormon and all, but I STILL can't find ONE trump supporter that can name ONE SPECIFIC PLAN Trump HIMSELF has proposed! Not to mention he has the full throated support of the KKK and he openly LIED about knowing about them or David Duke. HIS FATHER WAS KKK!!!! The GOP congress is wantonly and openly taking a great steaming dump on the constitution and the office of the President. Earlier they committed TREASON by siding with a foreign leader over the President AND accepting bribes from that same "leader" to undermine a PEACEFUL soultion to a very delicate and complicated problem in Iran. HOW CAN ANYONE SANE VOTE REPUBLICAN?
Watch now as Cluckie deflects with some inane, irrelevent, (and probably misrepresented) comparison.
> Don't mention it, Ted...
...this put my into hysterics...
> My final disappointment will be when he ultimately drops out of the race and lends his support and endorsement to Clinton...
I think all Bernie supporters should be research Jill Stein. Not only that, they should be encouraged to switch their vote to her if Bernie does not become the nominee. The democratic party leadership has intended to betray his supporters since the beginning. They have used this bait and switch technique for many voting cycles. Think about Howard Dean, Kucinich, Jessie Jackson...
After the DNC drives out Bernie, they intend to argue 'she is better than ?rump (or whoever)'. But is she? Hillary is the status quo - and how are we being treated or represented now? People should never forget why they support Bernie - and that is because he is not the status quo. Jill Stein is not either.
Occupy the DNC! If not Bernie, Jill!
Did I say ?rump? I should have said d-rump.
"Colored people are like human weeds and need to be exterminated."
Margaret Sanger
"I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision."
Hillary Clinton
When is Ms. Clinton going to disavow Margaret Sanger?
Kevin Drum
The Tax Policy Center has analyzed Hillary Clinton’s various tax proposals, which means we now have data for the top three Republican candidates and the top Democractic candidate: Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Clinton. Click the links for details. Or just look at the charts below for the nickel summary.
You don’t need to look very hard, do you? One of these things is not like the others. The Republicans all give middle-income taxpayers a tiny benefit as a sop to distract them from the humongous payday they give to the rich. Clinton basically leaves middle-income taxpayers alone and makes the rich pay a little more.
On the cost side, all of the supposedly fiscally conservative Republicans would blow a massive hole in the deficit. Clinton would actually make the deficit smaller.
Former Democratic presidential candidate Jim Webb won’t be voting for Hillary Clinton, but he hasn’t ruled out casting his ballot for Donald Trump.
1966 Winner of the Margaret Sanger Award:
The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. sparked the conscience of the nation as he courageously and selflessly gave direction to the early civil rights movement in the United States. Resisting bigotry, inspiring women and men worldwide, and advancing social justice and human dignity, he also lent his eloquent voice to the cause of worldwide voluntary family planning. Both he and Margaret Sanger challenged unjust laws, cruel social customs, and blind prejudice that still hold people in ignorance, poverty, and despair. Mrs. Coretta Scott King delivered her husband’s acceptance speech on his behalf, saying, “There is a striking kinship between our movement and Margaret Sanger’s early efforts. … Our sure beginning in the struggle for equality by non-violent direct action may not have been so resolute without the tradition established by Margaret Sanger and people like her."
Quote of the day from the GOP:
“We can’t let this dangerously incompetent con man take over the party of Lincoln and Reagan! But oh yeah, I’ll support him if he’s the nominee.”
Among the quotations frequently and incorrectly credited to Sanger is, “More children from the fit, less from the unfit—that is the chief issue of birth control.” It is so widely misattributed to her that it appeared on the wall of an International Center for Photography exhibit on eugenics. Another common offender showed up in a recent fundraising letter from Priests for Life: “Colored people are like human weeds and have to be exterminated.” The historian Esther Katz, director of the Margaret Sanger Papers Project at New York University, explains that Sanger never said anything of the sort.
I'm shocked, shocked I tell you that ChuckJustTheFactsMorre would spread misinformation on Tom's blog. Shocked, I tell you.
"Polls consistently show that Republicans are more likely to hold racial prejudices, and not just in the South. Nationally, almost one in five Republicans opposes interracial dating, compared to just one in 20 Democrats, according to the Pew Research Center. While 79 percent of Republicans agree with negative statements about blacks such as the one about slavery and discrimination, just 32 percent of Democrats do, the Associated Press has found."
Doesn't the Washington Post understand that if you reveal the racism in con-serative Republicans, that means the Post is the real racist?
At least this is the Right has always reacted when called out for their racism. Blame the "liberal media" and insist only liberals are racists, amirite?
"Colored people are like human weeds and need to be exterminated."
Chuckie's projection illustrates this SOP.
Cruz who would be far more apt to follow the United States Constitution
Except when his party brazenly defies the Constitution and refuses to hear SCOTUS nominees.
In a December 10, 1939 letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble of the Eugenics Society, in the context of discussing the Negro Project, which she (Margaret Sanger) developed in concert with white birth-control reformers, Sanger wrote: “We do not want word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out the idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”
Margaret Sanger May 1926 gave a speech to the women’s chapter of the KKK in Silverlake, New Jersey.
The Negro Project was initiated in 1939 by Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. It was a collaborative effort between the American Birth Control League and Sanger’s Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau. For a eugenist, it wasn’t controversial, it was integral to the implementation of eugenics to eliminate the ‘unfit’. Eugenics is “a science that deals with the improvement (as by control of human mating) of hereditary qualities of a race or breed”. Negative eugenics focused on preventing the birth of those it considered inferior or unfit. This was the foundation of Sanger’s Birth Control Policy and advocated throughout her writings, speeches, and her periodicals including “Pivot of Civilization”, “Plan for Peace” and countless Birth Control Review articles. The pseudo-science (racial hygiene theory) of negative eugenics influenced social policy and eugenics-based legislation (Immigration Act of 19243, segregation laws, sterilization laws) and led to the racial hygiene theory adopted by the Nazis. Noted eugenist, Eugen Fischer, who was funded by The Rockefeller Foundation (one of many same organizations that also financially supported Sanger’s work), was responsible for the Nazi adoption of racial hygiene theory at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute that led to the eugenics implementation of the holocaust. The connections between American Eugenics and the horrors of Nazi Germany are irrefutable.
The Negro Project, instigated in 1939 by Margaret Sanger, was one of the first major undertakings of the new Birth Control Federation of America (BCFA), the product of a merger between the American Birth Control League and Sanger's Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau, and one of the more controversial campaigns of the birth control movement. Developed by white birth control reformers, who consulted with African-Americans for help in promoting the project only well after its inception, the Negro Project and associated campaigns were, nevertheless, widely supported by such black leaders as Mary McLeod Bethune, W. E. B. DuBois, and Rev. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Influenced strongly by both the eugenics movement and the progressive welfare programs of the New Deal era, the Negro Project was, from the start, largely indifferent to the needs of the black community and constructed in terms and with perceptions that today smack of racism.
Lies about Sanger are so pervasive that many people who are not even involved with the Evangelical Christian Fundamentalist movement believe them. This is because of a very-well financed campaign by Evangelical Fundamentalist groups to spread these lies about Sanger, through the promotion of books, websites, and other media. All of these lies stem from a series of books written by anti-abortion activist George Grant. Grant wrote several books about Sanger and Planned parenthood that are full of invented facts, misquotes from books, articles, and letters by Sanger, and falsely-attributed quotes. The books are literally a collection of clever lies that have numerous footnotes, to make them appear to be legitimate.
ChuckSoreLoserJustTheFactsMorre, every argument you attempt to make is based on falsehoods.
Here's a real quote: A board member of the NRA called our first Black president a "sub-human mongrel" and recently tweeted some vicious anti-semitic stuff:
Nugent, an outspoken Second Amendment advocate, posted a photo on Facebook earlier this week calling Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), “Jew York City Mayor Mikey Bloomberg,” former senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, among many others, “punks” who would “deny us the basic human right to self defense and to keep and bear arms while many of them have paid hired armed security.”
The Israeli flag appears over or next to each of the 12 faces in the photo, which is the same one that has been shared many times in white supremacist circles...
So I guess your GOP candidates should "disavow" Nugent and the NRA?
Do ever get tired of spreading falsehoods?
Cluckie the Troll loves to copy and pastes lies without sourcing them, when he's not pulling carp out of his ass.
If he's half the "Christian" he claims to be, he should figure out his hateful lies will send him to hell with all the other liar Republicans.
Feelin' warm, yet Cluckie?
Some "Christian". Even Jesus knows he's liar and complete jerk.
He can run like a chicken, but he can't hide from the truth.
Here's showing what a liar Chuckie and his fellow con-servative Republicans are.
If Cluckie was an honest man he'd apologize and retract his LIE.
We know that will never happen. IOKIYAR, amirite?
No conscience. No brain. No soul. Pure Republican.
"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." - God
"You shall bear false witness against your neighbor." Republican Party and Shill Chuckie.
Who are you Duyba to criticize my Christianity?
You like to quote the Bible a lot, tell me what makes you an expert on the Bible and Christianity?
What do you think is a Christian?
Do you believe what Jesus said about himself?
As Hillary calls herself a Christian, do you think it is very Christ like for her to praise Sanger? A person who spoke to the KKK?
Who promoted Eugenics? What do supporters of Eugenics and Nazi German have in common?
Why isn't Hillary distancing herself from the racist founder of Planned Parenthood?
Is it because she is a racist?
Do you support federal funding of a NEO-Eugenics racist business named Planned ParentHood? Why dont you disavow Planned Parenthood? Are you a racist? How much have you contributed to Planned Parenthood? What is the difference in the beliefs of Sanger, Eugenics and Hitler? Are all liberals racists because they support Planned Parenthood?
How do you know what Jesus knows or thinks about me, you talk to him often?
Have you ever broken God's law? You bring it up a lot, so what's your reason?
Do you believe what Jesus said about himself?
Now let's see how fast the chicken Dubya runs.
"Lies about Sanger are so pervasive that many people who are not even involved with the Evangelical Christian Fundamentalist movement believe them. This is because of a very-well financed campaign by Evangelical Fundamentalist groups to spread these lies about Sanger, through the promotion of books, websites, and other media. ALL of these lies stem from a series of books written by anti-abortion activist George Grant. Grant wrote several books about Sanger and Planned parenthood that are full of invented facts, misquotes from books, articles, and letters by Sanger, and falsely-attributed quotes. The books are literally a collection of clever lies that have numerous footnotes, to make them appear to be legitimate."
Hey Dubya, you gonna say anything about quotes not giving sources?
Didn't think so.
Run chicken Dubya run.
Touch a nerve, there, false Christian, hypocrite, and liar?
Here's showing what a liar Chuckie and his fellow con-servative Republicans are.
If Cluckie was an honest man he'd apologize and retract his LIE.
We know that will never happen. IOKIYAR, amirite?
No apology, no retraction. No honesty. No conscience. No brain. No soul. Pure Republican.
Jesus hears your lies, sport. He's got your number and knows the darkness, deception, and hate within your heart. Jesus knows you are deflecting from you lies too.
I can almost hear Chuckie's prayer:
"Thank you Lord Jesus for allowing only "Good Christians" like me to lie and spew hate. For in my heart I know IOKIYAR.
In Jesus' name, Amen."
No shame, No humility, No honesty, no decency. Just like they see "Repoublican Jesus" in their sick little black hearts of darkness.
Chuck, since Ted Cruz is a christian, do you think it's wrong for him to defend the confederate flag and call it "our flag"?
You know, the confederate flag that was waved by the KKK? The flag that dylann roof posed with before he murdered those Black churchgoers?
And since "Chuck" you're so fascinated with the 1920s, do you think Ted Cruz should call "our flag" the flag that was most likely the last thing some Black men saw in the 1920s before they were hanged from trees?
Not my flag, asshole. Not my flag.
LOL! Fuck Ted Cruz and fuck you. Each and every one of your aliases.
it's Bernie Sanders
not Colonel Sanders
you blathering buffoon
he doesn't cook chickens
he calls them out
plucks their feathers
their lies naked
to the world
it's beautiful really
a campaign symphony
roiling for change
this symphony
needs a chorus
if everyone could just
Feel the Bern!!
are you worried
possibly terrified
flutter in your gut
fear in the distance
bearing down
bereft of soul
covered in hair
beseech your heavens
pray to god in vain
decency asunder
normalcy laid to rest
democracy is messy
this is a shit storm
for your consideration
I give You, Donald Trump!
Dave Dubya: "If he's half the 'Christian' he claims to be, he should figure out his hateful lies will send him to hell with all the other liar Republicans."
Dave, paraphrasing a little bit about what Jung touched upon, I've always thought that Christianity -- not unlike the other major monotheistic religions -- tends to be the convenient hiding place for many people suffering from neuroses. Far too many find it a comfortable place to harbor their distresses without having to adequately face them. They can "offer it up to Jesus" to handle, without taking the personal responsibility of delving within and facing and solving their particular compulsive tendencies.
I view Christianity as an "outward religion" -- that exists purely for show, and that does nothing to sanctify the turmoil within unless there's a personal commitment to do so.
I would amend Samuel Johnson's, "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel" to include religion. Most politicians drape their slimy narcissistic facades with both religion and patriotism. No one does it more than the cult of con-servatism.
As I thought, Fubya has no answers but still wants to sit in his self appointed chair of judgment.
Does he ever think?
Let's see. Maybe he or some other liberal progressive socialist democrat who claims the DNC is the party of the common man, the little guy, can explain who their party's Super Delegates are and how they are selected?
Do you believe what Jesus said about himself?
Anonymous 5:04
You still French kissing your sister with that mouth?
Nothing to say about Ted Cruz and "our confederte flag" or Ted Nugent and his antisemitic posting? I didn't think so.
Have another diet soda.
Enjoying this primary season? Best deep bench ever.
Did you use your mothers tooth brush this morning?
Nothing to say about YOUR gutter mouth?
Can't find the liberal high road in the gutter can you?
Anything you want to say about the party of the little guys Super Delegates selection process? Party of Jefferson, FDR and Byrd now Hillary, lol.
Chuck Morre: "Do you believe what Jesus said about himself?"
Okay, I'll bite. What did Jesus say about himself?
How many commandments have you broken on this blog? Stealing, lying, false witness.
Nanny State Puerto Rico going broke!
The most obvious manifestation of the island’s financial problems is a staggering $73 billion public debt. This has been caused by the usual suspects—and some unusual factors, as well. Invariably, it includes the burden imposed on taxpayers by bloated local and state governments, along with absurdly generous public employee pension programs. It also includes shortsighted governance going back years. The profligate policies were of the bipartisan variety, although the office of the current governor, Democratic Gov. Alejandro Garcia Padilla, can’t provide basic financial information to Capitol Hill about where the money has gone.
Just The Facts is plagiarizing again. He stole the words from Carl Cannon.
Never an original thought from his narrow mind.
I thought you were smart enough, well read enough to know what Jesus said about himself.
I'm surprised that you don't.
If you like I can give you the titles of a few books that will answer your question.
Let me know.
Is what was posted about Puerto Rico true? If not, will you please site sources showing the post to be wrong? And no, I did not make that post, I only want to know if it is the truth.
While you are at it, can you explain how the DNC, the Party of the little guy, the fair play Party, the level the playing field Party, the equality for all Party, the Party of every vote counts, the diversity Party, use Super Delegates to keep Bernie from becoming their Presidential nominee?
As stated before, I believe Bernie to be honest, unlike MS. Clinton, even though I feel he is wrong on so many issues (like "Free", remember our discussion about that?). I want him to be the DNC nominee, for reasons I've also stated here before.
It strikes me that the claims and accusations made by the DNC regarding the GOP are nothing but a canard, used to deflect from their own hypocrisy, as typified in their having white only, non diverse, supported by the rich and Wall Street (in the case of Clinton, their apparent nominee, if she isn't indicted) candidates. Is their tactic one of smear the other Party with the same stuff they are doing in an effort to deflect from their own actions (like the cheating spouse who accuses the other spouse of cheating) becoming known?
Anyway, its a nice, sunny day here in STL. Cardinal's spring training games are being broadcast, the snow is gone and the grass doesn't need cutting. Stream fishing is just around the corner and my new granddaughter in Texas is healthy and beautiful and I can't wait to see her again.
Life is too short to waste any more time here today.
And no, I did not make that post,
He can lie all he wants to us, but Jesus knows he's a liar too.
If Chuck would of left off the last word in his last post it would of been the best of his long sordid infestation at the The Rant.
Since Just The Chuck is so concerned about Puerto Rico, he surely would be interested in the utter failure of GOP rule in Louisiana.
Battered by drop in oil prices and Jindal’s fiscal policies, Louisiana falls into budget crisis
BATON ROUGE, La. — Already, the state of Louisiana had gutted university spending and depleted its rainy-day funds. It had cut 30,000 employees and furloughed others. It had slashed the number of child services staffers, including those devoted to foster family recruitment, and young abuse victims for the first time were spending nights at government offices.
And then, the state’s new governor, John Bel Edwards (D), came on TV and said the worst was yet to come.
Edwards, in a prime-time address on Feb. 11, said he’d learned of “devastating facts” about the extent of the state’s budget shortfall and said that Louisiana was plunging into a “historic fiscal crisis.” Despite all the cuts of the previous years, the nation’s second-poorest state still needed nearly $3 billion — almost $650 per person — just to maintain its regular services over the next 16 months. Edwards gave the state’s lawmakers three weeks to figure out a solution, a period that expires March 9 with no clear answer in reach.
Louisiana stands at the brink of economic disaster. Without sharp and painful tax increases in the coming weeks, the government will cease to offer many of its vital services, including education opportunities and certain programs for the needy. A few universities will shut down and declare bankruptcy. Graduations will be canceled. Students will lose scholarships. Select hospitals will close. Patients will lose funding for treatment of disabilities. Some reports of child abuse will go uninvestigated.
Isn't it also comforting to know one-party Republican rule is also forcing people to drink lead in their water?
Vote GOP. Make American dysfunctional again.
Chuck Morre: "I thought you were smart enough, well read enough to know what Jesus said about himself. I'm surprised that you don't."
Chuck, you're correct -- I am. I know a lot about what the man known as Jesus supposedly said. But...I sense there's something specific you're after.
Puerto Rico is still blaming others, and wants to avoid making the changes they have to make. If the island wants Congress to help, maybe they should come up with a plan better than just letting the island discharge their debt and not change a thing that led to the problems they have.
As more and more liberal experiments fail, from Detroit to Flint to Puerto Rico and Illinois, hopefully our country will wake up and get our nation in better financial shape. But we still think we are too big to fail, just like Detroit and the others once did. But math doesn't believe in too big to fail.
PS Tom Degan. There are 100+ FBI agents investigating Hillary Clinton over sending classified email on an unsecured email system. Queen Hillary thought she was exempt from the rules that the little people have to follow. Will she have that big smile when she is in prison wearing an orange jumpsuit? What say you Tom Degan?
Poor Just the Chuckie,
He can't face the reality of GOP FAILURE in Louisiana and needs to deflect to cities that capitalism failed.
Now Detroit and Flint are under Republican dictatorships , forcing the latter to drink lead.
Just the facts.
Have a drink of Republican leaded water, sport. It's the "Right thing" to do.
Everywhere the Republicans rule, disaster follows. From the collapse of de-regualted Wall Street to wars based on lies for crony profit.
GOP ideas? All out war on Constitutional taxes, Constitutional regulation of commerce, and Constitutional providing for the general welfare.
The definition of insanity is repeating the same failed efforts.
Vote GOP. Drink lead while letting the rich rape our economy and off-shore jobs.
Puerto Rico is the future of the US - large mass of Hispanic poor, lots of welfare dependency, no economy to speak of. The Democrats eagerly look forward to ruling these peasants in exchange for their vote forever. It doesn't matter if they know english, just have people like Tom Degan put them in his van on election day to vote for the free stuff! amirite?
Louisiana, like Mississippi, Detroit and Flint, is the future of the US under Republican rule.
Picher, Oklahoma is what happens to communities under corporate/Republican rule.,_Oklahoma
More than a century of unrestricted subsurface excavation dangerously undermined most of Picher's town buildings and left giant piles of toxic metal-contaminated mine tailings(known as chat) heaped throughout the area. The discovery of the cave-in risks, groundwater contamination, and health effects associated with the chat piles and subsurface shafts resulted in the site being included in 1980 in the Tar Creek Superfund Site by the US Environmental Protection Agency. The state collaborated on mitigation and remediation measures, but a 1996 study found that 34% of the children in Picher suffered from lead poisoning due to these environmental effects, which could result in lifelong neurological problems. Eventually EPA and the state of Oklahoma agreed to a mandatory evacuation and buyout of the entire township. The similarly contaminated satellite towns of Treece, Kansas and Cardin, Oklahoma were included in the Tar Creek Superfund site.
More “Vote Republican. Drink lead”.
And the Republicans HATE the EPA, don't they? Better give more tax cuts and incentives to corporations so they can freely dump their toxic waste, and then blame the evil gubmit, amirite?
Vote Republican. Drink lead.
Have a "Picher" of lead water, boys! Drink to the glories and fruits of de-regulated capitalism. Bottoms up!
lol Dave Dubya.
Billions of dollars have been pumped into the Inner Cities (aka the "War on Poverty") with disastrous results. The DemocRATs have ruled the Inner Cities for 50 years.
The experiment has been a failure. Take off the rose colored glasses Dave Dubya and stop blaming everybody else for the failure of "Democratic socialism".
The silent majority has had enough of your Fidel Castro/Ernesto "Che" Guevara kind, Dave Dubya.
LOL? So Chuckie thinks lead in the water is funny.
Figures. Hate is all he has in his black little, false Christian heart.
"Silent majority"
What a beautiful day it's been, thought I'd check in to see if Fubya is still putting words into my mouth.
No surprise here, he's still at it. Poor guy, I really feel sorry for such a little man who thinks he is important and can't get anyone to agree with him.
But hey, since he is too embarrassed or maybe just too stupid to find out how to become a Democrat Super Delegate, I did a little research on my own. Since I've just said that I can't be accused by Dubya of doing a Joe Biden, you know plagiarism.
Here's what I found out.
Sally Kohn (an American lawyer, liberal political commentator, community organizer, and founder and chief executive officer of the Movement Vision Lab, a grassroots think tank. Kohn WAS IE no longer, a contributor for the Fox News.)
In 1982, the Democratic Party adopted superdelegates, who today control 15% of the final nomination process
Democratic Party superdelegates exist to preserve the power and influence of the Democratic Party's ELITE, says Kohn
"The Republican Party has superdelegates, too, but they have a lot less power. GOP superdelegates are only about 7% of the nominating vote, and according to Republican convention rules, superdelegates must vote in accordance with their state primary outcomes.
It's in the Democratic Party that the outsized power and lack of accountability of superdelegates is supremely, well, undemocratic."
Sooo it looks like the fix is in for Ms. Hillary unless there are criminal charges filed against her. Bernie never had a chance, after all he was an Independent not a Democrat until he declared himself candidate for the DNC nomination for President.
Such is inclusiveness in the DNC. Makes me wonder if the entire primary is rigged for Hillary. The question not answered much less asked is, what happens if she has charges filed against her and has has won the nomination?
Oh and JG,
my question was not directed toward you and since you know the answer I see no reason to answer you question. I choose to use the Dave Dubya Official Wimp clause and not answer you.
Have a wonderful Sunday to all!
Dave Dubya: "Vote GOP. Drink lead while letting the rich rape our economy and off-shore jobs."
"Louisiana, like Mississippi, Detroit and Flint, is the future of the US under Republican rule."
"Picher, Oklahoma is what happens to communities under corporate/Republican rule.
"Vote Republican. Drink lead."
I have to agree, totally, with you Dave. The irony is that it was the EPA that mandated the phasing out of leaded gasoline in 1973 -- one of those agencies on the hit-list of Republicans and most conservatives. Well, maybe there's no irony here. Republicans have always been in the background when it comes to preserving or bettering people's health. They've always viewed it as a "personal responsibility" -- even when factories, mines, and refineries are belching out carcinogens into our air, our water, and everywhere else in the commons.
The 20th century and current GOP has always been a handmaiden to multinational corporate and banking interests. Now with the equally-bought Supreme Court ruling that free speech equates to money, the traditional mainstay of the working- and middle-class -- the Democratic Party -- has succumbed to the greed and power-lust also. Both parties are full charter-members of the Corporatocracy, with all the inherent perks and privileges of such membership.
Anyway, while Democrats effectively took the lead out of gasoline, Republicans fought to put it back into our water.
Maybe there's an irony here, after all.
Chuck Morre: "Poor [Dave Dubya], I really feel sorry for such a little man who thinks he is important and can't get anyone to agree with him."
In all fairness, I've always found Dave Dubya's viewpoints thoughtful and clever, and meaningful -- and I agree with his writings probably one-hundred percent of the time. He's a great thinker, and I admire that quality in people. When people search for the truth, no matter where it may take them, I'm gratified that there are still people "out there" who give a damn and can't be fooled.
Now you, on the other hand, as I've told you before, would make a great foot-soldier. You're a good follower. You can be fooled, and most assuredly are, because you limit yourself to living in a face-value world. I think that's why you're attracted to simple politics and a simple religion, because they don't require you to think for yourself. Each allows you to follow, and that's where you find the most comfort -- even when it's to your own detriment.
Don't you think it's time to leave your comfort zone?
"Oh and JG, my question was not directed toward you and since you know the answer I see no reason to answer you question."
Yes, your question most assuredly wasn't directed toward me, but this being an open forum provided by both Google and Tom Degan, it's my privilege to respond to any posted comment -- assuming it's within the policies of Google and/or Mr. Degan. Otherwise, you would have privately emailed the person you "directed" this to.
That said, I may know the answer, but I'm still not sure of the intention of your question. It's a pretty broad and open question, "Do you believe what Jesus said about himself?" The person named Jesus, supposedly said many things. What exactly were you referencing?
"Have a "Picher" of lead water, boys! Drink to the glories and fruits of de-regulated capitalism. Bottoms up!"
"He can lie all he wants to us, but Jesus knows he's a liar too."
"slimy narcissistic facades with both religion and patriotism. No one does it more than the cult of con-servatism."
-- "and I agree with his writings probably one-hundred percent of the time"
And you are telling me I need to step out of my comfort zone? Are you comfortable with the DNC "Super Delegates", made up of Party Elites?
ChuckSoreLoserJustTheFactsMorre is really grasping at straws. He finds the democratic primary process unfair. He breaks the "false witness" commandment by accusing Hilary Clinton of being a racist for saying nice things about Margaret Sanger (I guess that makes Coretta Scott King a racist; she had nice things to say about Sanger as well). ChuckTheChristian uses a phony quote to prove his lie.
He ignores the fact that Hillary went undercover in the deep south to investigate civil rights violations when she was a 24-year-old law student. That took some guts, because if she'd been discovered, she could have ended up like James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner. Remember them? They were murdered and left in a ditch. Years later, Ronnie Reagan kicked off his presidential campaign in the same town they were murdered in. He gave a speech about "state's rights" to much applause.
But according to ChuckSoreLoserJustTheFactsMorre, Hillary Clinton is the racist.
I expect ChristianChuck's comments to become more and more outlandish as his republican party gets crazier and crazier. How long before someone gets killed at a Trump rally?
It's your privilege to respond to any posted comment.
Do you still believe 9/11 was an inside job?
Have you investigated Area 51?
Why won't Chuck clear this up for us?
Chuck reports that, "Black voters have rejected socialism in favor of crony capitalism".
Obviously Chuck is an expert on the Democrat Party.
I hope he can clarity something that's really bothering me. If the establishment Democrats reject a democratic socialist in favor of a crony capitalist, how can the Democrat Party be the Socialist Party? This contradicts everything Chuck has taught us about the Democrat Party.
I'm confused.
Only Chuck Morre truly understands, so I hope he can help me.
When he's cornered like a rat, he returns under a different name.
Like the way the republican party returned as "the tea party"
ChuckSoreLoserConfusedJustTheFacts, why do you require so many aliases to comment here? Not a very christian thing to do. Sneaky. Jesus weeps every time you leave a comment here.
"her trip to Dothan took her far out of her comfort zone" NYT
Yea, like she had to draw her own bath.
Are you comfortable with the DNC "Super Delegates", made up of Party Elites?
ChuckConfusedSoreLoserFacts, are you comfortable breaking the lord's commandments on Tom's blog? Stealing, false witness, etc.
I don't understand why Chuck Morre ignores my question, and then asks if someone is comfortable with super delegates.
Since only Chuck is an expert on the Democrat Party, he's my only hope for understanding how the Democrat Party is socialist, but backs a crony capitalist instead of Bernie.
Could he really be as uninformed and ignorant as the liberals make him out to be?
Come on, Chuck. Show us how smart you really are.
"And you are telling me I need to step out of my comfort zone? Are you comfortable with the DNC "Super Delegates", made up of Party Elites?"
Chuck has asked a fine rhetorical question which I would like to elaborate on.
Typically both the republican and democratic candidates are primarily funded by the monied class. Of course nearly all party elite are beholding to these same powers. The run of d'Rump also could be said to be funded by the monied class although odd in that to date, he has paid much of his campaign.
The truly unusual aspect of this election cycle is Sander's campaign, which is funded by small donations from American citizens. This resembles democracy - no wonder the DNC is freaking out!
You over looked a few of the finer differences between the GOP and DNC Super Delegates.
1. GOP has fewer of them, hence their impact is less.
2. GOP delegates MUST vote as reflected by their states primary/caucus, reflecting the true wishes of the voters.
3. DNC Super Delegates do NOT have the same restrictions as GOP does as found in #2, which screws Sanders, making their primary's less representative of the voters.
Bottom line, in the DNC Primary their Party Elite have more impact on the finally outcome of who the nominee is, hence it is the DNC which favors the "monied class" the most, which gives the RICH more say in selecting their party's candidate and has become the party of the rich elite.
Just look at the sources of Hillary's war chest, Wall Street. It should be a clear indicator that the party of the working stiff, has become the party of the Crony Capitalist, monied party Elite.
"You over looked a few of the finer differences between the GOP and DNC Super Delegates."
...not at all. Both parties and nearly all elected officials above the local level are under control of the moneyed class. The 'finer differences' are insignificant.
it is the DNC which favors the "monied class" the most, which gives the RICH more say in selecting their party's candidate and has become the party of the rich elite.
Just look at the sources of Hillary's war chest, Wall Street. It should be a clear indicator that the party of the working stiff, has become the party of the Crony Capitalist, monied party Elite.
Obviously Chuck is an expert on the Democrat Party.
I hope he can clarify something that's really bothering me. If the establishment Democrats, “the party of the rich elite”, as taught by Chuck, reject a democratic socialist in favor of a crony capitalist, how can the Democrat Party be the Socialist Party? This contradicts everything Chuck has taught us about the Democrat Party.
I'm confused.
How can the party of the rich elite be the Socialist Party?
Only Chuck Morre truly understands, so I hope he can help this very confused conservative.
No John, that is not true. Read the post in which I give the article fron CNN's by Sally Kohn at 7:59 about the DNC Super Delegate vs the GOP
Surely you can understand the difference between the two if you read
If not I guess you are what JG calls a good foot solder
CLuckie still can't tell us ONE thing conservatives have done for the poor and middle class the last 40 years
Won't talk about the GOP Senate shitting on the constitution
Won't talk about Tom Cotton and his buddies comitting treason
Won't talk about GOP governor poisoning people in Michigan to save a few bucks
Won't talk about The KKK endorsing the GOP frontrunner for POTUS
But he sure can nitpick Hillary's campaign even though she is playing the same game as the GOP and has brokem NO LAWS.
I'll try again. This time a metaphor...
Elections in the United States amount to being a stage curtain hiding the plutocracy running the show. This curtain has become so threadbare is is like gauze that you can see right through. Super Delegates are just another prop on the stage.
It is very difficult for someone to get on the stage if the producers don't put them there.
That said, a president still wields considerable power - also large numbers of people have power - if they can become organized. The producers of the show know this and work to keep people disorganized.
Good one, Johnny. Perfect!
GOP delegates only have to vote for their candidate on the first ballot, after that, they are free to vote for whoever they want. The push is on to stop Trump from getting a majority before the convention, then the party can pick their nominee and dump Trump.
well said! The DNC has more producers than the GOP, hence fewer of the working class have a say in the outcome of their "play".
You need to beg me if you want m to answer you.
Bernie said,
white people just can't know what it means to be poor in America.
How can that be when there are more white people receiving welfare than black people?
Is this his solution? If white people don't understand poverty, the gov''t should take away their earnings and tax them into oblivion.
Point conceded, Chuck. I happened to catch that slip of Bernie's as well. Bad choice of words - no doubt about it.
But when one compares it so some of the things that the other side of the debate says as a matter of habit, it was fairly low-key.
Still, you make a good point.
CLuckie still can't tell us ONE thing conservatives have done for the poor and middle class the last 40 years
Won't talk about the GOP Senate shitting on the constitution
Won't talk about Tom Cotton and his buddies comitting treason
Won't talk about GOP governor poisoning people in Michigan to save a few bucks
Won't talk about The KKK endorsing the GOP frontrunner for POTUS
But he sure can nitpick Hillary's campaign even though she is playing the same game as the GOP and has brokem NO LAWS. And he sure can BEG me to submit to him.
No one wxpects you to anser me Cluckie. Thats's the beauty of it. WE KNOW THE ANSWERS, it's just fun watching YOU avoid them.
Should we call you QUACKY now becuse you DUCK the important issues?
Just like the GOP candidates!
You're still begging me aren't you?
I love it when you beg!
If you consider LAUGHING at you until my eyes water "begging".
Seems like YOU are the one "begging" for attention.
Like I said, you don;t have to answer, because your refusal to do so made every point we have ever said about you. Besides, we knew the answers anyway.
BEG you? I wouldn't change a thing. Thank you for proving us right about you AGAIN.
"Bernie Sanders fired back at Hillary Clinton today, telling crowds and reporters during a whirlwind day of campaigning in Michigan that what Clinton said about his voting record with regards to the automobile industry bailout was “categorically untrue.”
Is Bernie calling Hillary a liar?
Is Rubio saying Trump has a little dick? Is Trump saying Cruz is a horrible person and that everyone hates him? Is Kasich saying they're all crazy?
Anything to say about your deep bench ChuckChristianJustTheFacts? Any thoughts on your front runner?
Sanders and Clinton are rivals so there is going to be some "Back and forth". But at least they are debating the ISSUES and not having some playground prickfight.
I don't blame you for yawning though. I realize the GOP violates the constitutin so often it must get boring hearing about it.
But the rest of us CARE when the constitution is being shit upon, se we'll keep bringing it up.
Quacky, untill you address the subjects I posted you have no credibilty. You can't name ONE "unconstitutinal" tjhing Obama has done. I gave you seceral from the GOP.
No one is "begging" you to answer to them, in fact it helps us when you don't.
But answering to them would help your own cause.
Chuck Morre (aka Confused Progressive): "Do you still believe 9/11 was an inside job?"
I don't "believe", as in having faith that something occurred -- such as making wine from water, or walking on water, or even believing that someone can return back to life, incarnate, after being buried in the ground for three days. Now that takes faith in something not provable.
No, I don't "believe". I know...because the available evidence proves that 9/11 was an "inside job". If it occurred according to the official narrative, than it means certain known and verifiable laws of physics were circumvented that day. If that's the case, the way in which those three towers collapsed could only have happened due to miracles. If they were, in fact, miracles, than we'll have to place that day's events within the realm of those such as walking on water, making wine out of water, and raising from the dead after three days. All are physically impossible, but within the possibilities of miraculous supernatural events. I guess.
"Have you investigated Area 51?"
No, because Area 51 doesn't involve the intentional and premeditated murder of thousands, while at the same time immediately deceiving the public and masquerading that the guilty ones responsible were a few inept Muslims armed only with box-knives. Area 51 doesn't involve treason at very high levels of government, and outside of government, nor does it involve the committing of high crimes and misdemeanors.
Are you going to hold your breath until I do what you demand I do?
Better call 911, you are turning blue!
Chuck says: OBAMA and the rest of the radical dangerous liberals progressive socialist democrats really "care" about our Constitution!
it is the DNC which favors the "monied class" the most, which gives the RICH more say in selecting their party's candidate and has become the party of the rich elite.
Just look at the sources of Hillary's war chest, Wall Street. It should be a clear indicator that the party of the working stiff, has become the party of the Crony Capitalist, monied party Elite.
Obviously Chuck is an expert on the Democrat Party.
I hope he can clarify something that's really bothering me. If the establishment Democrats, “the party of the rich elite”, as taught by Chuck, reject a democratic socialist in favor of a crony capitalist, how can the Democrat Party be the Socialist Party? This contradicts everything Chuck has taught us about the Democrat Party.
I'm confused.
How can the party of the rich elite be the Socialist Party?
I'm beginning to think Chuck is not a true conservative, but just a Republican liar.
Can we believe ANYTHING he says anymore?
Help me believe, Chuck.
Are you there, Chuck?
Well, since Chuck refuses to explain his contradictions about the Democrat Party, let's see what an honest Republican has to say about their candidates:
“To stand there and do junior high school tricks on one another I think is belittling the country and belittling the office to which they are striving to gain.” Former Secretary of State Colin Powell
Chuck is not a true conservative at all, I'm afraid. He is simply a Republican liar. This means he is also not a true Christian.
I'll pray for you Chuck. May the Lord open your eyes to the truth and open your heart to the least among us, if the words of Jesus have any meaning to you.
Anonymous Confused Conservative
"How can the party of the rich elite be the Socialist Party?"
Great question for Dubya or Mozart.
If Former Secretary of State Colin Powell was the GOP's nominee would you vote for him instead of Bernie or Hillary?
Thanks for your prayers Confused Conservative.
Who are you praying to?
"This means he is also not a true Christian." According to who?
No, it means that like every human I have fallen short of the glory of God. Do you believe that you have fallen short of the glory of God? Do you believe Christians are perfect?
Thank you for responding.
"How can the party of the rich elite be the Socialist Party?"
But this is your claim. I don’t recall Mozart or Dubya saying the Democrat Party is socialist. Please explain your contradiction. Your words either have meaning or they don’t. At this point I don’t know what the meaning is. Also, doesn’t the GOP have the support of the rich elite, like the Kochs and Adleson and the Chamber of Commerce? Does this mean they are socialist too?
I have heard that many Republicans are progressives. Is this true? If so, are you concealing facts about the GOP? Do they pay you?
I trust Powell over Hillary. No contest. Bernie is the most honest candidate though. He has nothing to hide, but I believe Powell would make a better Commander in Chief. He is not an option though. Do you agree or disagree with his assessment of the Republican candidates?
Do you believe Christians are perfect?
No, we are not. Jesus is our role model, though. I do believe true Christians value honesty over deception, and God over political party. Without explanation, your contradictions are confusing at best and deceptive at worst. I don’t sense Christian values from your words. I see Republican values. I don’t know what is in your heart, all I know are your words. And they are confusing.
The only sense I can get from your words is you are a Republican more than you are a Christian. Have you ever made false statements in support of your party? You never acknowledge any fault with the Republican Party, as if they were perfect and worthy of our faith. I guess it’s safe to assume they pay you.
Would you please clear this up for me? I won’t demand answers to all my questions. Just the one that confuses me most. "How can the party of the rich elite be the Socialist Party?"
Thank you.
Duckie dea not seem to realize that I do not expect him to answer anything, and I'm not holding my breath.
He, by his words and action, is proving everything we say about him. He's got no facts, no original thoughts,and no credibility. He can't post umtil Limbaugh gives him something to regurgitate.
Meanwhile, his heroes are shitting on the constitution, running entire states into the ground, and no,minating soemone for the Presidency who has the full throated support of the Ku Klux Klan.
But he's worried about whether Hillary knows the difference between "progressive" and "Liberal".
Dear Confused,
I am sorry you are confused. I'm sorry you feel I have lied. But I would remind you of what Jesus said in John 8:7.
Think about this for a minute with me.
The objective of a political party is to win elections.
To do so they must convince 51% of those voting that in return for their vote the Party will do something for them.
Today's democrat is telling the voters if they are put into power, they will get more "free" stuff.
In order to get this message out they need money.
In order to give out this "free" stuff, they must be in power.
Securing power requires money.
Remember, money is the milk of politics. You need money to get the word out to the voters about all the "free" stuff they will get if they vote for your party. Money does not come from those that need "free" stuff but from those that want the power.
In exchange for this money the rich elite expect to not be effected by the cost of the "free" stuff. Do not the socialist countries of Europe have a wealthy class?
Conservatives or at least this one views this differently. I support the candidate who wants to, if elected, take less of my hard earned money to give "free" stuff to those who CAN work, but choose NOT to because they can vote for the DNC and get more "free"stuff. 2 Thessalonians 3:10
Do me a favor Confused Conservative, would you please tell Mozart that he has become totally irrelevant?
"Chuck" do you remember who else used to call Mozart1220 "Mofart"? That's right, Sore Loser used to call him that.
"Chuck" stop stealing Sore Loser's material or he'll sue.
My favorite part of the "Chuck Morre Show" here on Tom's blog is when Chuck momentarily puts aside his misrepresentations, his lies, his twisted logic and his abusive behavior, and then looks up from his bible (as the violins and heavenly choir swell), and with a beatific smile says in a sonorous voice: "Like every human I have fallen short of the glory of God."
There is a brief pause while his audience wipes their eyes and blows their noses. So moving! Then the music dies down. He clears his throat and returns to his name-calling, sock-puppeting and false accusations.
This comment has been removed by the author.
"Fascism, communism and national socialism all share in common the explicit premise that the individual must subordinate himself to society's needs, or as Hitler would phrase it: 'Society's needs come before the individual needs.' "
From a Race of Masters to a Master Race.
A. E. Samaan
Isn't this what Bernie is talking about?
"the explicit premise that the individual must subordinate himself to society's needs"
And here he goes! Comparing Bernie Sanders to Hitler! Welcome folks, to the ChuckMorreSoreLoser Show!
I won't "sue" anyone, that's Trumps schtick.
I just laugh at Ducky because he can't answer simple questions and he has never had an original thought.
He's comparing Sanders to Hitler because Trump has been emulating "der Fuhrer" and it embarrasses the old coward.
This is ChuckSoreLoserJustTheFactsMorre's blog. Tom Degan just hosts it.
"Chuck" (as he likes to be called) doesn't have much to say about the GOP debates or primary. He prefers to comment on topical subjects like Margaret Sanger. Anything to take his mind off his deep bench.
Isn't this what Bernie is talking about?
"the explicit premise that the individual must subordinate himself to society's needs"
Jim Fouts, mayor of Warren, Mich., claims that the DNC threatened to remove him from Sunday’s Democratic debate in Flint because he was cheering for Sen. Bernie Sounders.
“There is a great contrast between the Democratic Debate and the Republican,” Fouts posted on Facebook Monday. “The Democratic debate is totally controlled by Hillary’s good friend DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz
“In the Republican Debate anything goes and the audience is free to speak, shout, boo and say whatever they want to. It’s almost pure democracy mixed in with a little anarchy,” he continued. “No commentary is allowed by the audience. Particularly if you are cheering Bernie Sanders. Persons who do not adhere to Hillary’s rules are threatened with expulsion.”
“That’s not very democratic. That borders on totalitarian control.”
Do you believe what Fouts claims?
So, what is it about the Trumpster kicking out just another one of his 'paid off' protesters at each one of his (paid for) rally show? Oh I get it - it's supposed to be a reality show.
Only the RNC is real - I get it.
Who said it: "There's a sucker born every minute"?
Why Yellowstone since according to Mozart, the GOP will not win the 2016 election.
Tom has posted several threads in which he states the GOP is going to self destruct.
So why should I care about what the GOP is doing? I'm focusing on what's going on with the party predicted to win by the experts on this blog.
I do hope you can understand the difference the Mayor is pointing out between the GOP and DNC debates. I mean it wouldn't be like you were trying to deflect attention from his experience and put the focus on the GOP in order to not have to think how the party of equality, fairness, diversity, etc?
You wouldn't do that would you?
I never said the GOP WON'T win the 2016 election, I said they CAN'T win a natinal election WITHOUT CHEATING. Subtle difference, but how typical of you to misrepresent my words.
But you keep focusing on who's got the Whitest people or the difference between "Progressive" and "Liberal"
Meanwhile, the GOP is shitting on the constitution on many levels, GOP governors are poisoning the population and running their economies into the ground, and the front runner for the GOP nomination for POTUS has the full throated support of the Ku Klux Klan.
Nice to know you have your priorities in order.
A "threat to remove him if . . ." is a heck of a lot different than the Grand Dragon of the GOP frontrunner rudely shouting in a rally "Get him outta here!"
Deflection indeed - just watching the real reality show!
Name the last party who elected a Senator that was a member of the KKK.
" Grand Dragon of the GOP frontrunner", that is a lie.
The Mayor was at a debate of two candidates vs a candidate's rally.
Subtle difference.
Washington Post
It’s been one year since it was learned that Hillary Clinton had set up a private email system when she was secretary of state — a revelation that has dogged her campaign for the presidency.
The Fact Checker has run 10 fact checks on the issue, mostly regarding dubious statements that Clinton had made to defend her actions. (We also had one fact check each on the Democratic spin and the Republican spin on the issue.) Reviewing our conclusions again, it appears Clinton often used highly technical language to obscure the salient fact that her private email setup was highly unusual and flouted existing regulations.
But that's ok, shes a democrat.
How reprehensible can Republicans get? There’s no limit to their hate and evil.
National Republican Senatorial Committee tweeted:
“Tammy Duckworth has a sad record of not standing up for our veterans.”
A Major in the Illinois Army National Guard, Tammy served in Iraq as an Assistant Operations Officer and a Black Hawk helicopter pilot. During a mission north of Baghdad in 2004, the aircraft she was co-piloting was ambushed and struck by a rocket-propelled grenade. The crew successfully landed the aircraft but as a result of the attack, Duckworth lost both of her legs and partial use of one arm. She received decorations for her actions, including the Purple Heart, the Air Medal, and the Combat Action Badge.
Since her recovery at Walter Reed, Duckworth has dedicated her life to public service, advocating on behalf of disability rights and Veterans. She served as the Director of Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs where she implemented many first-in-the-nation, programs for Veterans, especially in the areas of health care, mental health, housing and employment. She also initiated a new grant program, awarding lottery funds to non-profits working on Veterans disability, homelessness, long-term medical care and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
“Tammy Duckworth has a sad record of not standing up for our veterans.”
This kind of outright evil sliming of a brave veteran tells us the true “Values” of the Republican Party.
Quacky still obsessing on the irrelevent, while the GOP shits on the constitution and promotes a man for POTUS that has the full throated support of the KKK.
If Hillary's e-mail is such a danger to natinal security, WHY are Rice and Powell NOT being investigted since they did the SAME THING?
Plus, as it turns out, while Clinton was Sec of State, the GOVERNMENT server got HACKED.
Hillary's didn't. So who's server was safer?
The DNC doesn’t allocate delegates by simply heeding the will of the voters. Instead they calculate their tallies from a combination of “pledged delegates,” which are earned from the actual votes of real people, and “unpledged delegates,” better known as “superdelegates.”
Superdelegates consist of Democratic officeholders, as well as 21 “distinguished members,” a group made up of former presidents, vice presidents, DNC chairs, etc.
In non-political speak, “distinguished members” are really Democrat political insiders and D.C. powerbrokers, not the everyday voters Democrats claim to represent. ABC News recently reported that, “dozens of the 437 delegates in the DNC member category are registered federal and state LOBBYISTS (!), according to an ABC News analysis. In fact, when you remove elected officials from the superdelegate pool, at least one in seven of the remainder are former or current lobbyists.” (Can you say BIG MONEY interests?)
To put the influence of these insiders in stark context: in 2016, there are 712 superdelegates up for grabs, making up nearly 30 percent of the magic number."
Keep drinking the DNC kool-aid of being the party for the little guy. LOL
"Hate and evil"?
You should read what liberals twitted about Justice Scalia when his passing was announced. Want an example look back and see was anonymously poster here on this self admitted cesspool of liberal propaganda.
We told the truth about Scalia. His decisions were based upon corruption, racism and Homophobia.
Meanwhile, after COWERING from megyn Kelly, NOW trump is COWERING from a debate with Bernie Sanders.
Maybe he should stop bragging about the size of his dick.
Read what was said about Scalia on this blog. And as to your claim of knowing the truth, I refer you to a couple of quotes about you from James Hansen.
You know what they are.
"Maybe he should stop bragging about the size of his dick."
Still keeping it classy Mozart..
Republicans get Sick From de-regulated Raw Milk
Anonymous tip claims raw milk caused illnesses at Capitol
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) -- In the weeks after passing a bill, allowing West Virginians to drink raw milk, one delegate brought the drink in to celebrate and, eventually, several lawmakers have gotten sick.
Instant Karma, stupid bastards.
Vote Republican, drink lead and raw milk, get sick.
I grew up on a farm drinking raw milk. No one in my family ever got sick from it. But then, my Grandpa didn't have 10,000 cows per acre either. Healthy cows, healthy milk.
Hey Quacky,
I'm not the one measuring my dick during a political debate.
I'm also not the one shitting on the constitution or poisoning the people of my state to save a few bucks.
I certainly am not supported by the Ku Klux Klan.
I also did not make fun of a DOUBLE AMPUTEE WAR VETERAN.
Maybe YOU need to rethink the definition of "classy".
Chuck Morre, whatever happened to Sore Loser? I miss him. :)
Oh, are the little democrat liberal progressives socialists having a bad campaign day as their candidate gets CHEATED out of the nomination?
Blame Bush!!
We cannot admit that we liberals bear some of the blame for its emergence, for the frustration of the working-class millions, for their blighted cities and their downward spiraling lives. So much easier to scold them for their twisted racist souls, to close our eyes to the obvious reality of which Trumpism is just a crude and ugly expression: that neoliberalism has well and truly failed."
Thomas Frank
Tom Lewandowski, the president of the Northeast Indiana Central Labor Council in Fort Wayne, puts it even more bluntly when I asked him about working-class Trump fans. “These people aren’t racist, not any more than anybody else is,” he says of Trump supporters he knows. “When Trump talks about trade, we think about the Clinton administration, first with Nafta and then with [Permanent Normal Trade Relations] China, and here in Northeast Indiana, we hemorrhaged jobs.”
Wow. Quacky must be spending ALL of his time, obsessing over how to find ANYTHING negative about Liberals, while ignoring the fact that the GOP is shitting on the constitution, and it's frontrunner for POTUS is a neo Nazi with a hungarian porn star for a wife.
I can just see him getting more and more frustrated knowing we are all laughing at him.
Poor, poor desparate little man he is.
Chuckie should read more Thomas Frank.
From the same article:
The man is an insult clown who has systematically gone down the list of American ethnic groups and offended them each in turn. He wants to deport millions upon millions of undocumented immigrants. He wants to bar Muslims from visiting the United States. He admires various foreign strongmen and dictators, and has even retweeted a quote from Mussolini. This gold-plated buffoon has in turn drawn the enthusiastic endorsement of leading racists from across the spectrum of intolerance, a gorgeous mosaic of haters, each of them quivering excitedly at the prospect of getting a real, honest-to-god bigot in the White House.
And the clincher:
“…the obvious reality of which Trumpism is just a crude and ugly expression: that neoliberalism has well and truly failed."
Thank you. From our neo-liberal Chuck Morre himself.
"Neo-liberalism" is a set of economic policies that have become widespread during the last 25 years or so. Although the word is rarely heard in the United States, you can clearly see the effects of neo-liberalism here as the rich grow richer and the poor grow poorer.
What is 'Neoliberalism'
Neoliberalism is an approach to economics and social studies in which control of economic factors is shifted from the public sector to the private sector. Drawing upon principles of neoclassical economics, neoliberalism suggests that governments reduce deficit spending, limit subsidies, reform tax law to broaden the tax base, remove fixed exchange rates, open up markets to trade by limiting protectionism, privatize state-run businesses, allow private property and back deregulation.
Neoliberal “Free Trade” agreements are seen by more Americans on both the left and right as being a primary reason for our loss of jobs and shrinking middle class.
From the Washington Post:
Most Michiganders feel like they are victims of trade deals, going back to NAFTA under Bill Clinton, and they’re deeply suspicious of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Outsourcing has helped hollow out the state’s once mighty manufacturing core.
Trump and Sanders both successfully tapped into this.
Six in 10 Michigan Democratic primary voters said international trade takes away U.S. jobs, and Sanders won these voters by roughly 20 points, according to preliminary exit poll data reported by CNN. Only 3 in 10 thought trade creates jobs; Clinton won that group.
One-third of voters said Clinton is too pro-business. Sanders won more than four in five of them.
On the Republican side, 55 percent of primary voters said trade takes away U.S. jobs. Trump won 45 percent of this group, 23 points more than Ted Cruz.
MOST Democratic and MOST Republican primary voters understand the failure of neoliberalism’s so called “free trade” agreements.
Our own Chuck is either glimpsing reality or showing his ignorance.
How's Bernie doing in the delegate count Dubya?
A former federal employee union president is wracked with regret because veterans likely died at a time when she knew about gross misconduct within her Department of Veterans Affairs facility but didn’t tell congressional leaders because they were Republicans.
“If I would’ve gone to him two years ago, who knows what kind of lives could’ve been saved,” Germaine Clarno told a radio interviewer Monday, referring to the Republican leader of a VA subcommittee. Clarno, a lifelong Democrat and social worker at the Hines Veterans Affairs Hospital in Hines, Ill., was president of the union representing doctors at the hospital as the deadly wait-time scandal unfolded.
Dozens of veterans have died in recent years while waiting for appointments with doctors at multiple VA hospitals and care centers around the nation. But VA staffers systematically manipulated records to make it seem like they didn’t have long waits. The problems became so severe by 2013, that as many as 40 patients died at just the Phoenix facility.
"Hate and evil?"
How's Bernie doing in the delegate count Dubya?
He's behind the neoliberal Clinton, of course.
Which reminds me of a question Chuck has been dodging:
If the establishment Democrats reject a democratic socialist in favor of a crony capitalist, how can the Democrat Party be the Socialist Party? This contradicts everything Chuck has taught us about the Democrat Party.
Care to enlighten us?
NPR and Harvard Say: Obamacare Is a Complete Failure
National Public Radio collaborated with Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to survey Americans’ recent experience with health care. As to the Affordable Care Act, the survey’s findings are damning. They suggest that Obamacare has been worse than a complete waste of money.
This is the survey’s only question directly on Obamacare. Most respondents say that Obamacare hasn’t affected them; where it has affected them, most say the law’s impact has been harmful.
Over the past two years only 4% of those polled said their premiums had decreased while 46% said they stayed the same and 45% said they had gone up.
Remember how we were all supposed to save $2,500 a year in health insurance premiums? Only 4% say they have saved anything, and those respondents are probably wrong. For the vast majority, Obamacare has either done nothing, or has increased the cost of health care, counting premiums, deductibles and co-pays. Good going, Barry!
All part of the scheme to destroy the private health care industry and replace it with single payer socialist sub standard health care program. Like the system of The healthcare system cf communist terrorists in Nicaragua that Bernie praised in 1985.
And no Mozart I don't spend all day searching for liberal failures, it only takes about 15 minutes a day since there are so many.
I know, blame conservatives, the GOP and GWB, but never the socialist liberal progressive democrat program
Chuck was asked a simple civil question. He responded with lies.
The truth:
A series of polls in key states by NPR and its partners finds that more than half of adults in the U.S. believe the Affordable Care Act has either helped the people of their state or has had no effect. Those sentiments are common despite all the political wrangling that continues over the law.
About a third (35 percent) of adults say the law has directly helped the people of their state, while a quarter (27 percent) say it has directly hurt people.
If the establishment Democrats reject a democratic socialist in favor of a crony capitalist, how can the Democrat Party be the Socialist Party? This contradicts everything Chuck has taught us about the Democrat Party.
Cluckie the chicken must flee his own dishonesty and stupidity.
Let's discuss the failures of neoliberalism, shall we? LOL.
Run, Cluckie, run.
Yea Dubya, you must have over looked this in the report.
"In terms of health care costs, most adults in the U.S.
view these as reasonable, but getting less affordable over time. Survey results also indicate that
Americans are more positive about the health care they personally receive than about the functioning of
their state’s overall health care system. Where most rate their own health care positively, FAR MORE Americans rate their
state and the nation’s overall health care system AS FAIR OR POOR than rate it as EXCELLENT.
Why don't you be honest enough to link to the site I quoted from vs one that you drug up. Hmmm?
What are you spending your $2500 health care savings on this year?
RE democrat party, simply put, the Democrat Party is lying when they claim to be a party of the poor, etc. Reality is they favor the 1%. It's a lie they have been pushing for years! You just can't come to grips with it.
Why don't you be honest enough to link to the site I quoted from
You mean the one you DIDN”T link?
We notice there was no link to this LIE:
NPR and Harvard Say: Obamacare Is a Complete Failure
Now we’re getting somewhere:
the Democrat Party is lying when they claim to be a party of the poor, etc. Reality is they favor the 1%
So it is just another lie that the Democratic Party is socialist. Got it.
Bernie is the only candidate telling the truth. The Democratic Party is just the junior corporatist party.
You just can't come to grips with it.
Chuckie can't help but lie, can he?
Chuck must have a daily quota of lies he needs to fill. How much per lie does the Republican Party pay him, I wonder.
On a friendlier note:
I must say Chuck has come a long way to finally agree with me that neoliberalism has failed American workers and the corporatist Democratic Party, unlike a socialist party, serves the 1%.
Thanks, Chuck.
You are a bold face liar, who will promote any lie in af effort to advance the cause of his handlers.
Go to the link I provided and take it all in.
Aww, Chuckie wants to call me a liar, but can't show the lie. Why's that?
At least he agrees neoliberalism has failed American workers and the corporatist Democratic Party, unlike a socialist party, serves the 1%.
Whadayaknow? More Republican terrorism.
Police, Texas Rangers investigating shooting of Democratic state senator's Houston office
DD's last post and take on economics, is delusional and totally false. A LIE!!
Well if it isn't "TOM Morre", clucking more pointless chickenshit.
Chuck Morre: "[T]he Democrat Party is lying when they claim to be a party of the poor, etc. Reality is they favor the 1%. It's a lie they have been pushing for years! You just can't come to grips with it."
Chuck, your reading and comprehension skills need a brush-up. Dave Dubya has been espousing this for years, and so have I.
In reality, there's one single and dominant political party in the United States, and it has been this way for a few decades. The G.O.P. and the Democratic Party are separate wings of the unnamed "Corporatist Party", where probably 85% of policy is identical. True, there are minor differences in thought regarding a few social issues, but for the most part both "parties" are identical and support the ruling regime.
The remaining 15% of policy is the raw meat they throw to the masses to keep them distracted, while they manipulate the important 85% that screws all Americans (well, except for the top 1%) and destroys our democracy. I consider you part of that group that gets distracted and refuses to connect the dots and think.
That's why you'll always be a foot-soldier. That's why you'll always be a follower.
DD's typical childish name calling come back HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Chuck has proven repeatedly that he fails to read or comprehend what we say.
All that matters to him is to smear democrats, and distract from the Republicans adolescent behavior, by displaying HIS adolescent behavior.
Why else would he dodge the fact he presented the opinion that neoliberalism is a failure for Americans?
Oh, yes, ignorance and stupidity have an unintended comic effect.
We see his "ally" TOM isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, too.
They don't want discussion at all. They are here to slime, nothing more.
What we should all fear more than anything is what is happening in the Republican corner right now. That the will of the people may very well be squashed is a scary and very real scenario. Putting aside Trump's fitness or not for the job, the reality of the likely neocon response is even worse. Dems feel that the Repubs stole elections from them... well, they may be stealing it from conservatives this time. And, worse, giving it to the Dems. You can't make this stuff up.
The comments regarding a single party are fairly accurate I think. When the Rep powers had rather see Hillary than Trump, how can you argue with it?
Anon: That the will of the people may very well be squashed is a scary and very real scenario.
Good point. Studies have shown this has been the case for some time.
This Princeton study indicates who is really represented:
Testing Theories of American Politics:
Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens
Despite the seemingly strong empirical support in previous studies for theories of majoritarian democracy, our analyses suggest that majorities of the American public actually have little influence over the policies our government adopts… When the preferences of economic elites and the stands of organized interest groups are controlled for, the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy."
Understand this fact and it will all become clear:
The American corporate media does not serve the truth. It serves the government and the interest groups that empower the government." – Paul Craig Roberts
Welcome to America, land that democracy forgot.
Average Joe citizen has been pushed to the end of the line by illegals, affirmative action, and economics. He paid the bills, the taxes, obeyed the law and is now told he's the problem! He's told to shut up and take it, otherwise he's a bigot or racist! amirite?
You call your name calling childish crap discussion? What a fucking idiot! Your false interpretation of the economy shows what childish thinking you have. What a fucking joke you three are!
Thank you TOM Morre for keeping your "contribution" classy!
"Police, Texas Rangers investigating shooting of Democratic state senator's Houston office"
Dubya sites this as an example of "More Republican terrorism." Dubya is a liar!
Read the article he provides the link to. Nothing is said about who is suspected of doing the shooting. BUT if Dubya wants to use this tactic then I will claim that since 93% of all blacks voting voted for Obama, and that during the 2012/2013 period, blacks committed an average of 560,600 violent crimes against whites, whereas whites committed only 99,403 such crimes against blacks. This means blacks were the attackers in 84.9 percent of the violent crimes involving blacks and whites. This figure is consistent with reports from 2008, the last year DOJ released similar statistics. Perhaps not coincidentally, that was the year Mr. Obama was elected president, so that means 93% of all black violent criminals are Obama voters.
Just more Obama supporters terrorism against whites!
According to the latest data available on all homicides from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Reports data, for 2014. The 2015 data won’t be released publicly until the fall of 2016.
In cases when the race of the perpetrator and victim were known, among the 3,021 white victims of murder in 2014, 2,488 of them were killed by white offenders, and 446 were killed by black offenders. Among the 2,451 black murder victims in 2014, 187 of them were killed by white offenders, and 2,205 were killed by black offenders.
I've been thinking about the term of Corporate Welfare and want to get your thoughts on something.
The definition of corporation states is a group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law.
If welfare is given to individuals, one person at at time, with no requirement for their paying back the welfare or broadening the tax base or creating jobs in exchange for receiving the welfare, then why is giving a tax break (IE corp welfare) to a corporation (legally a single person or entity) a bad thing?
I ask you this and you alone because you have not proven to be a liberal who is more interesting in personal attacks vs an honest exchange of ideas and will respond to this as such.
Chuck, when are you going to disavow Ted Nugent's racist comments about our President and anti-semitic comments against our Democratic lawmakers of the Jewish faith?
When are you going to disavow your GOP presidential frontrunner for posting phony crime statistics about black-on-white crime? From a graph that originated on a white-supremacist website?
And will you disavow Ted Cruz for calling the confederate flag "our flag" when it has been used as a hate symbol by the KKK and flown someone who killed Black worshippers in their church?
when you are you going to grow a set of balls and use a name?
Chuck, when are you going to grow a set of balls and stop posting under multiple aliases?
And also, since you said "balls" should I now ask you if you kiss your mother/sister/other female family member on the mouth for violating your arbitrary "bad words" rule?
And will you ever answer a question here? Or do you just ask them.
Chuck, when are you going to disavow Ted Nugent's racist comments about our President and anti-semitic comments against our Democratic lawmakers of the Jewish faith?
When are you going to disavow your GOP presidential frontrunner for posting phony crime statistics about black-on-white crime? From a graph that originated on a white-supremacist website?
And will you disavow Ted Cruz for calling the confederate flag "our flag" when it has been used as a hate symbol by the KKK and flown by someone who killed Black worshippers in their church?
Chuck Morre: "If welfare is given to individuals, one person at at time, with no requirement for their paying back the welfare or broadening the tax base or creating jobs in exchange for receiving the welfare, then why is giving a tax break (IE corp welfare) to a corporation (legally a single person or entity) a bad thing?"
Chuck, aside from the fact that corporations receive several of the same constitutional rights as real flesh-and-blood human beings -- under the legal travesty called "corporate personhood" -- and there's nothing in the Constitution, or specifically the Bill of Rights, that alludes to legal fictions having these rights, I'm going to let the following summary paragraph from a linked article provide you with another excellent reason:
"The combined cost of [the] 10 corporate welfare programs is $1.539 trillion per year. The three main programs needy families depend upon — Temporary Assistance for Needy Families ($17.3 billion), food stamps ($74 billion), and the Earned Income Tax Credit ($67.2 billion) — cost just $158.5 billion in total. This means we spend ten times as much on corporate welfare and handouts to the top 1 percent than we do on welfare for working families struggling to make ends meet."
My question to you: Why do conservatives (like yourself) become outraged about the government spending around $160 billion on "promoting the general welfare of the people", yet they look the other way when corporate welfare exceeds this amount tenfold? It seems to me that their reasoning is biased and hypocritical, and from my viewpoint I see the slanted reasoning as stemming from racism -- since the perceived welfare recipient is generally portrayed as being African-American or some other dark-skinned race.
I'd also like to mention that you're making an assumption that corporate welfare comes with strings attached. Your beliefs about corporations returning the government's money, broadening the tax-base, or creating jobs -- in exchange for the subsidies (i.e. welfare) -- are, again, beliefs. They're not telling the real story.
Remember, they're not loans -- it's "free stuff" for corporations. There rarely are promises to increase revenue-streams for the sizable corporate giveaways, or create additional taxable assets -- because when there are, they're more likely revenue-streams or increased asset values made in foreign countries, or jobs created in third-world nations with little or no environmental laws in place to protect the land, water or air, and nothing to protect the workers.
Fair enough you gave me your thoughts.
Now to Yours,
"Why do conservatives (like yourself) become outraged about the government spending around $160 billion on "promoting the ", yet they look the other way when corporate welfare exceeds this amount tenfold? It seems to me that their reasoning is biased and hypocritical, and from my viewpoint I see the slanted reasoning as stemming from racism -- since the perceived welfare recipient is generally portrayed as being African-American or some other dark-skinned race."
First of all, I know that the majority of those on welfare are not black but white. So please, put the race card back into your deck.
Also, the general welfare usage of the Constitution as it is used today was only after the SCUSA under FDR stretched it to where it is now the basis of the entire Federal Welfare system. Just as liberals argue the writers of the 2nd Amendment could not have foreseen the current design and development of firearms so it should not apply, I would argue those same writers did not foresee the "general welfare of the people" clause being used as it is today and therefore it should not apply.
So it is not an issue of $160 billion being spent it, is the Constitutional authority to do so that concerns me. The general welfare clause was I believe meant for commerce and trade between the individual States, who were designed to operate as individual Nations under the protection of their Union and protection from Federal govt through the Constitution. I understand that if the commerce between States was not interfered with by either State or Fed law, then the general welfare of the citizens will be provided for.
Of the programs you listed the one that causes me the most dismay is the Earned Income Tax Credit. Maybe this is an over simplification, but if 49% of us do not pay Federal income tax and the Earned Income Tax Credit is designed for those who do not earn much and therefore are a part of that 49% then how can they be given a tax credit for income they didn't earn?
Anyway, nice to have a civil conversation.
I think Bernie should go to Cuba or Venezuela to improve the Standard of Living that Socialism/Communism has failed to provide and Hillary the Liar should be wearing an orange jumpsuit in Prison.
I have decided to vote for Trump to make AmeriKa Great Again!
Got to love the liberal view of freedom of speech that is being shown at Trump's rally tonight in Chicago.
Well what do you know, Jim Jones has been reincarnated!
If you're interested in how Australia views the US elections have a look at this broadcast on our national broadcaster.
Favorability among Hispanics, according to Gallup:
Clinton +33
Sanders +19
Rubio +6
Kasich +1
Cruz -4
Trump -65
Chuck Morre: "First of all, I know that the majority of those on welfare are not black but white. So please, put the race card back into your deck."
No race card in my pocket, Chuck. Just callin' it like I see it. Obviously the vast majority of people receiving public assistance are white, but I would bet you a copy of the newspaper headline, "Dewey Beats Truman!", that most conservatives wouldn't see it that way. Maybe I'm wrong.
"Just as liberals argue the writers of the 2nd Amendment could not have foreseen the current design and development of firearms so it should not apply, I would argue those same writers did not foresee the 'general welfare of the people' clause being used as it is today and therefore it should not apply."
Chuck, you may be right, but we'll never know. Since the Supreme Court was established by our forefathers primarily as a means for future generations to interpret the intent of the Constitution that they established, it's legal. I have the same argument about several Court rulings allowing the misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment to justify the legalizing of constitutional rights toward corporations ("Corporate Personhood"). Kicking in the head-notes of a court clerk from the famous case of Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad, and future courts using those notes as precedence to justify additional constitutional rights for corporations, has had ramifications that we live with to this day. Speaking of cards -- all present-day corporate personhood decisions are built on a house of 'em.
I wish you'd find the unfairness in this as you do interpretations of 2nd Amendment rights.
"Of the programs you listed the one that causes me the most dismay is the Earned Income Tax Credit."
The whole tax code is improper and needs an overhaul. Like you, I get frustrated, however my frustration results from the billions of dollars that corporations underpay each year because of this.
So you see, my pet peeves are similar, only directed toward those who use their power and influence to hire the best corporate attorneys and corporate accountants to find loopholes in a tax-code that allows them to pay effective tax rates far below the established rate -- if they pay taxes at all.
Amazing how the interfering of political rally is draped in the cloak of "we are the victims by liberals
Amazing how black violence is excused due to built up anger towards the "man", but conservatives have no right to be angry when blacks committed an average of 560,600 violent crimes against whites, whereas whites committed only 99,403 such crimes against blacks.
Amazing how BLM members shutting down Bernie's speech in Seattle August 2015 in is rarely mentioned.
Amazing how the entire WI Democrat congress can run away from their duties, shutting down the State's govt is ok, but let a Conservative do that to the Federal Congress, and it's the end of the world.
Got to love the liberal view of freedom of speech that was shown at Trump's rally tonight in Chicago. Always have an excuse, a justification, a victim mentality. Here is a link to photos and reports of the violence towards police and Trump supporters (of which I am not one).
Trump Rally In Chicago Postponed After Hundreds Of Protesters Crash The Rally, Throw Bottles At Police…Update: Four Police Officers Hurt In Clashes With Disruptors…Update: MoveOn, Bernie Sanders Supporters Behind It, Even Bill Ayers Gets In…Update: Bernie Organizers Celebrate Action…Update: More Video From Inside The Venue…
Here is another source
Correct me but I thought the SCUSA was put into place to prevent the Constitution from being violated by State, and Federal law makers. Not to interpret the Constitution based on the political climate of the day.
If, as you inferred corporations are not paying federal income taxes, and as I stated 49% of our citizens don't pay federal income taxes, it would seem to me that the 51% of us who are paying federal income taxes should be applauded for humping the tax load, instead of more being expected from us. With record amount revenues are pouring into the Federal Treasury, and still there is not enough to cover the spending, I would argue the problem is not that taxes are not high enough, but that spending is too high.
QUacky is worried about "freedom of speech".
No, so his 1st amendment rights are intact. Trump just found out that WORDS HAVE CONSEQUENCES.
Yes, spending is too high. Stop giving nillions in subsidies to billion dollar corporations and cut the military budget in HALF.
Oh, and Quacky, instead of cut and paste, how about an ORIGINAL thought?
Chuck Morre: "Correct me but I thought the SCUSA was put into place to prevent the Constitution from being violated by State, and Federal law makers. Not to interpret the Constitution based on the political climate of the day."
You're first clause is correct; your second clause is half correct. The Constitution was designed to be a living document, hence the provision for Amendments. Amendments, our forefathers understood, would be necessary from time-to-time to change or update the Constitution. The Supreme Court's duty was/is to make sure those changes/updates were/are constitutional.
I said your second clause was "half correct", not knowing what you meant, exactly, by "political climate of the day". Your viewpoint may be different than mine, but I think everything's "political" in some form or fashion.
"With record amount revenues are pouring into the Federal Treasury, and still there is not enough to cover the spending, I would argue the problem is not that taxes are not high enough, but that spending is too high."
Agreed. However, I'd bet a "Dewey Beats Truman!" t-shirt that what you believe the government spends too much on, and what I believe the government spends too much money on are mutually exclusive. I'll even go out on a limb and bet a case of t-shirts...
Black Lives Matter to the Democrats who throw them just enough bread and circuses to get their votes.
After 50 years of the "War On Poverty" in the Inner cities, its time to take off the Rose colored glasses and admit it is a failure. The Dems own this failure 100 percent.
It really has been a policy of "Breeding Poverty". When blacks have 72 percent of births out of wedlock, never mind Chuck's valid point about black on black murder, poverty is being breed and this behavior is being subsidized by the vast Democratic Liberal Plantation. amirite?
CNN's Don Lemon (black man) hit the nail on the head:
Another Trump rally, filled with violence and hate.
Looks like that's going to be par.
Quacky will cut and paste more irrelevent nonsense as a distraction.
My apologies. My sentence should have begun with, "Your first clause is correct..."
I'm curious, Chuck, why you didn't comment about corporate personhood, and the ramifications of this legal fiction that we are forced to live with because of a continuing and repeating total misinterpretation of the Constitution based upon some court clerk's head-notes previewing a Supreme Court decision in the late 19th century. I'm wondering why the injustice resulting from this hasn't resonated with you.
Any thoughts? Any thoughts at all?
Every dictionary defines corporation the same. It would appear that your argument
about about corporate personhood should start with Websters.
I do not agree with your view of the Constitution as a living document, subject to change. It's quit difficult to Amend the Constitution, something that I do not believe is an accident. I believe the Constitution is designed to restrict what the Federal and States govt can do to restrict the freedom of the citizens of the States in the Union. Not expand the power of the Federal Govt over the States and their citizens, as was done under FDR.
That JG is where we really differ, your understanding of the role of the Federal Govt and mine.
WORDS HAVE CONSEQUENCES, tell that to Louis Farakam, Rev Wright, Rev Sharpton League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA), and National Council of La Raza (La Raza).
It's only "irrelevent nonsense" if it exposes something you don't like.
Chuck, when are you going to disavow Ted Nugent's racist comments about our President and anti-semitic comments against our Democratic lawmakers of the Jewish faith?
When are you going to disavow your GOP presidential frontrunner for posting phony crime statistics about black-on-white crime? From a graph that originated on a white-supremacist website?
And will you disavow Ted Cruz for calling the confederate flag "our flag" when it has been used as a hate symbol by the KKK and flown by someone who killed Black worshippers in their church?
Chuck Morre: "Every dictionary defines corporation the same. It would appear that your argument about about corporate personhood should start with Websters."
Chuck, Webster's is only the purveyor of legal definitions -- not the creator. Successive Supreme Court rulings since that infamous and horrendous mistake of 1886 have given the constitutional rights enjoyed by humans, to corporations. Corporations never enjoyed these rights prior to that year, and as a matter of fact, during our nation's founding -- and well into the 19th century -- corporations had limited charters. Our founders realized the problems associated with infinite corporate charters (i.e. East India Corporation), so the states were reticent to issue them for the first fifty or more years of our republic.
"I believe the Constitution is designed to restrict what the Federal and States govt can do to restrict the freedom of the citizens of the States in the Union. Not expand the power of the Federal Govt over the States and their citizens, as was done under FDR."
Believe all you want, but you're way off topic. (No surprise.) So, if you believe as you just said, you should reject the legal fiction of corporate personhood -- especially since the Supreme Court in 1896 began the series of successive rulings granting personhood to legal fictions such as corporations. Right? I'll let it sink in. C'mon Chuck, it's not rocket science.
"That JG is where we really differ, your understanding of the role of the Federal Govt and mine."
Maybe so. If your belief that the role of the Federal Government should be minimal, and should be subservient to states' rights, than would you agree that a proper investigation and prosecution by New York state should have been paramount in the crimes committed against the victims of the demolished World Trade Towers on September 11, 2001? Apparently you don't. You're totally accepting of the 9/11 Commission's findings, and haven't questioned their authority to take this role away from local jurisdictions. Why is that?
Chuck, your unusual silence regarding my last comments directed to you speaks volumes (see time stamp at 4:48 PM). My initial thoughts about you have been confirmed. You're a "path of least resistance" type of fellow who needs to be led and told what to believe.
You're a follower -- not a thinker. You're a foot-soldier.
Chuck is the kind of Right Wing Authoritarian that has been well documented.
[2006] The Authoritarians” by Bob Altemeyer
Conservatives Without Conscience by John Dean
Quotes by Bob Altemeyer
Probably about 20 to 25 percent of the adult American population is so right-wing authoritarian, so scared, so self-righteous, so ill-informed, and so dogmatic that nothing you can say or do will change their minds. They would march America into a dictatorship and probably feel that things had improved as a result. … And they are so submissive to their leaders that they will believe and do virtually anything they are told. They are not going to let up and they are not going away.
Experiments show that high RWAs are so defensive and so unaware of themselves that when you tell them what high RWAs are like, they almost always think you're talking about somebody else. So I predict most authoritarian followers would sail right through this book and compartmentalize, misinterpret, rationalize, and dogmatically deny it had anything to do with them personally. If you tried to force this self-awareness on them, they would probably run away, run away, as fast as they could. So good luck if you passed on this URL to your fascist Uncle George. (Or Chuck Morre)
.......I similarly think you'll likely be wasting your time trying to convince authoritarian followers that they are being systematically misinformed and played for dopes by their leaders. It's too important to them to believe otherwise, and just your raising the question will likely put you into their huge out-group and make them suspicious of you. p.239 [2006] The Authoritarians”
And while most Americans came to realize what a mistake the war in Iraq has turned out to be, high RWAs lagged far behind. They listen to the news they want to hear.
(“Saddam has ties to al-Qaeda”, has aluminum tubes for a “nukular” weapons program and “biological labs” etc.)
"The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth."-H. L. Mencken
"A foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of truth." -- Albert Einstein, letter to a friend, 1901
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