The Next Phase Begins
Although 2016 is turning out to be the most depressing political year since the uber debacle of 1968, we might at least console ourselves with this fact: It certainly hasn't been boring - that's pretty obvious. In fact, in terms of pure political theater, this primary season is an unparalleled delight. One political party has lost its mooring, the other its sanity. These are interesting times to be alive.

"And something is happening but you don't know what it is
Do you, Mr. Jones."
Bob Dylan
Although most "professional" Republicans are in an absolute panic regarding their prospects for Election Day, your average, rank-and-file primary voter is utterly clueless concerning the direction this is headed. They seem to be in a state of utter denial. On Inauguration Day next year, for the first time in one-hundred and sixty years, one Democratic administration will follow another one into the executive mansion. That's the good news. The bad news is that the next president will more-than-likely be Hillary Rodham Clinton. It's incredible to think that so awful a candidate should be a shoe-in to be elected. That's how bad things have gotten for the Republicans.
Here's something you can take to the bank: Political conventions have become so scripted and antiseptic in the last forty years that they're too boring to watch anymore. Donald Trump has predicted that if he is denied the nomination there will be riots. Since the movers and shakers on the RNC are working overtime at this very moment to make sure that he, in fact, does not receive the nomination, and given the general instability of your average Trump mob, the Republican laugh fest in Cleveland this summer will be the first political convention since the Democrats' disaster in Chicago in '68 that will be worth watching - gavel to gavel. That is just gonna be oodles of fun.
It's hard to say what Bernie Sanders will do now that his candidacy is all-but-doomed. I hope he sticks it out for no other reason than to keep Hillary from moving back to the center. His existence in the race has forced her to take stands on a few issues she would no-doubt have preferred to remain silent on. She has taken positions that she'll be hard-pressed to back track on if she is finds herself living in the White House in ten months. We can thank Bernie Sanders for that. In the final analysis his quest for the presidency will not have been in vain.
It's okay to still feel the Bern.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
President Obama has just nominated Chief Judge of the DC Circuit Court of appeals, Merrick Garland (no relation to Judy I'm sure) to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left with the passing of Antonin Scalia last month. Neither a liberal firebrand nor a conservative extremist, Garland is apparently as middle of the road as it is possible to be. The Republican "brand" is so badly damaged these days, they would be smart to confirm him as soon as possible.
Wishful thinking, I know.
AFTERTHOUGHT. 3/18/16, 1127 AM:
A few months ago, some anonymous person - whether trying to be funny or spiteful (I'm not sure) - put me on the mailing list of the Ted Cruz For President campaign. I received a note from Ted just a few minutes ago, soliciting a contribution:
"Tom....[me 'n' Ted are on a first-name basis - ain't that a riot?] Because you have been one of my most loyal supporters -- I'm reaching out to you first. This could be a huge boost for my campaign -- even the difference between winning and losing. Will you help?"
Sure, Ted. The check's in the mail.
It's hard to say what Bernie Sanders will do now that his candidacy is all-but-doomed. I hope he sticks it out for no other reason than to keep Hillary from moving back to the center. His existence in the race has forced her to take stands on a few issues she would no-doubt have preferred to remain silent on. She has taken positions that she'll be hard-pressed to back track on if she is finds herself living in the White House in ten months. We can thank Bernie Sanders for that. In the final analysis his quest for the presidency will not have been in vain.
It's okay to still feel the Bern.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
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Judge Merrick Garland |
President Obama has just nominated Chief Judge of the DC Circuit Court of appeals, Merrick Garland (no relation to Judy I'm sure) to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left with the passing of Antonin Scalia last month. Neither a liberal firebrand nor a conservative extremist, Garland is apparently as middle of the road as it is possible to be. The Republican "brand" is so badly damaged these days, they would be smart to confirm him as soon as possible.
Wishful thinking, I know.
AFTERTHOUGHT. 3/18/16, 1127 AM:
A few months ago, some anonymous person - whether trying to be funny or spiteful (I'm not sure) - put me on the mailing list of the Ted Cruz For President campaign. I received a note from Ted just a few minutes ago, soliciting a contribution:
"Tom....[me 'n' Ted are on a first-name basis - ain't that a riot?] Because you have been one of my most loyal supporters -- I'm reaching out to you first. This could be a huge boost for my campaign -- even the difference between winning and losing. Will you help?"
Sure, Ted. The check's in the mail.
Republicans have no intention of following the Constitution, or backing off their obstructionist stance. Sad, such a good man will be fodder for Republican sick politics.
As for Hillary Clinton, it is obvious to me that she is the anointed Queen who has bought her way to the head of the Democratic Party. That's not to imply that she's an idiot - or, at least, she's not a complete idiot. Money talks, bullshit walks.
Of all of the contenders in this political season, she's the most nauseating. That is what is known as "telling it like it is".
There is no doubt that I would lose a lot of sleep if she is elected, after all do you really trust her in a crisis at 3AM in the morning?
We'll deserve everything that happens to us if we're naive enough to go down this road again of electing someone like Obama who had achieved nothing prior to being POTUS. Maybe Hillary drops dead before the election!
The fact of the matter is that I'm too old to pull up stakes and go into exile. Given the worst-case-scenario, I'll be forced to rough it out with the rest of you. If Bernie somehow ends up in Cuba or Venezuela, I may follow him there!
Did you ever dream you would live to see a day when so huge a segment of the American electorate would lose all sense of reality?
I laugh at these Chicken Little's who claim the world will end if a certain person gets elected president. All the liberals who said they would move to Canada if Bush was elected, or the clowns who said they would leave the country if Obama was elected. The claims that Obama has destroyed America are laughable. Partisan hacks always come off as funny, but stupid. I'll buy your plane ticket to.....Russia....China.....Syria....or wherever you think is better than America no matter who is president.
cynical, but made me smile! better head back to Tennessee Jed.
cynical, but made me smile! better head back to Tennessee Jed.
Tom Degan: "It's hard to say what Bernie Sanders will do now that his candidacy is all-but-doomed. I hope he sticks it out for no other reason than to keep Hillary from moving back to the center."
One thing he shouldn't do is throw his endorsement to Clinton. That would be a travesty. But, I think that's what he'll do.
"We can thank Bernie Sanders for that. In the final analysis his quest for the presidency will not have been in vain."
It will have been if he endorses Clinton. Otherwise, it was all for naught. My best hope: He endorses Jill Stein...and she welcomes him as her vice presidential running mate.
Thanks for the Bob Dylan quote, I went and read the lyrics. And posted on my FB feed! Worth thinking about.
Who are the racists?, BLM, LaRaza, LGBT, CAIR and the universities are fascist organizations that want to shut down free speech.
The average person is respectful and tolerant of divergent points of view. The radical leftists not so much. Those leftist groups are the fascists who want to take away the personal ownership of guns and define speech. They are the ones who want to have the federal government criminalize speech except speech that furthers their movement. Who did that in history? They were Mussolini, Hitler, Lenin, and Stalin. These people cannot be allowed to bully their way to change the country.
I think I need to point out to another anonymous poster that Fascism is a far right ideology, not far left. Fascism is NOT Socialism, and neither of them are Communism. Before you open your mouth, learn about the topic you wish to speak so as not to make yourself look stupid.
As for free speech, it's only the government that's not allowed to infringe upon that right, not the general public. Also, you seem to think only people you agree with should have that right. I'll refer to the last sentence in the previous paragraph for my suggestion to you.
To your ridiculous comments about taking away guns and criminalizing speech, I posit that you can't provide a single piece of evidence to back up your allegations without quoting some right-wing blog, who also can't back up their statements with actual (credible) pieces of legislation. I won't hold my breath, because there aren't any for you to cite.
Racists and fascists are of the same ilk:
“The next time we see him, we might have to kill him,” Trump thug McGraw said of the black man he sucker punched.
Yeah, it's pretty clear who the racists and fascists really are.
PUD (Progressive Utopian Dreamer): "Did you ever dream you would live to see a day when so huge a segment of the American electorate would lose all sense of reality?"
Yes...on November 4th, 1980. That's when American "reality" took a turn for the worst. It's been on mega-doses of corporatism ever since.
so now that lil' Marco is out - does the GOP now represent Groucho_Chico_Harpo or Larry_Curly_Mo ???????????
He has to endorse her, or else some of his supporters will decide it's better to cut off everyone's nose to spite their face and stay home that November Tuesday.
And liberal voters staying home is part of the path to President Trump (in fact it's probably the ONLY path - you don't think the morons and yahoos who are slavering at the chance to Take Back America are going to stay home when they've finally got a chance to elect someone who's as big an asshole as they are, do you?).
Daveawayfromhome: "He has to endorse her..."
No, not really. Like Teddy Roosevelt did in 1912 when he started the Progressive Party -- he could endorse Jill Stein, get on her ticket, and totally blow up the existing paradigm.
"...or else some of his supporters will decide it's better to cut off everyone's nose to spite their face and stay home that November Tuesday."
No, not the real believers in the need for an overhaul. They'll move with a heartbeat.
"And liberal voters staying home is part of the path to President Trump..."
I disagree, since true liberals are not democrats. Democrats will stay home. Liberals would follow him.
It's probably a mute point. The system's rigged, and where rigging the system isn't enough, it's fixed. Clinton is the person the powers-that-be want in the Oval Office. That being the case, they'll get what they want. (That's why it's time to throw in a monkey wrench. Desperate times call for desperate measures. The old way of doing things isn't working anymore.)
Couldnt of put it better myself. I wasnt a Trump supporter to begin with,i figured let it play out. Then the circus began. Listening to attacks on trump at the very beginning of this cycle. It was daily. Then Im watching 2 other politicians,sit and claim they'll fight for us if the vote them into presidency. One bragging about how well he gets along with the establishment,but is an outsider. Then we had Rubio,who i actually did like at first. That was until i saw him do a personality two-step. Go from being himself,to wanna be trump.
I am now looking at it this way. After some paying close attention,and some searching,have come to a startling fact. Out of the six candidates on the stage,(repub `&Demo sides)4 of them are partially or fully funded by the same communist Billionare. Coincidentally,so are about 4 establishment republican senators. And bout 14 in the house. As well as several Governors &State Senators.(aka.. superdelegates) The very ones trying anything to stop Trump.
Now some of those same Repub's,that would never vote cruz or trump,are now rallying behind cruz.
Now this is just me(and everybody I know), but they're rallying behind cruz because they can still have some leverage thru his donors. Whereas with Trump,like him or hate em,IS the only one on that stage who is not working for donors. Or actually one big donor(the real pres),and a bunch of little ones. You've prob heard of this particular billionaire,he's the one thats been sending his groups out to protest for the past 4yrs. He formed like 40 diff groups. For only purpose of causing divide. Why else,would you almost entirely fund, The new black panther party,black lives matter & the kkk. As well as catholic and jewish org,and the Athiest groups that go after them. We will be seeing them in the next cpl days
No problems with having a moderate but Garland voted to reconsider the Heller case that guaranteed an individual right to possess a firearm in the home (a modest assumption of the 2nd amendment). I can't tolerate someone who has the capacity to ignore even one Amendment in the bill of rights.
Chuck Morre: "If as you say, true liberals are not democrats, would you say that true liberals are socialists?"
No, of course not. No more than you'd concede that true conservatives are fascists.
I will say this, however, in order to build upon my case that we live in an age of corpo-fascism. When dyed-in-the-wool democrats willingly support the current paradigm of government -- one whose policies support and advocate permanent and ongoing wars, corporate welfare, and the rights of corporate entities over the rights of human beings -- than they're not liberals by any stretch of the imagination. They're only corporatists -- just as the vast majority of republicans and conservatives are.
"Say what you want about the poor schlub, at least he was smart enough to see the writing on the wall. "
When will that old fart Barnie Sanders see the writing on the wall? It been there from day 1. The Democratic Elite want a crony capitalist 1 percenter in the WH.
The wife of Ted Cruz works for Goldman Sachs:
" 2012, Cruz used a loan that his wife took out from Goldman to help to finance his successful Senate campaign, during which he honed his reputation as a critic of bank bailouts and corporate cronyism. The Goldman loan, which was for between two hundred and fifty thousand and half a million dollars, wasn’t disclosed to the Federal Election Commission, as it should have been. Rather than publicly acknowledging its existence, Cruz subsequently told reporters that he and his wife had liquidated practically all of their personal savings to help pay for the campaign.
Heidi Cruz joined Goldman in 2005 and ran its Houston wealth-management unit, which, the report said, “handles portfolios for clients with an average net worth of $40 million.” Last spring, she took an unpaid leave of absence from Goldman to work on her husband’s campaign."
- the New Yorker
Vote for Ted Cruz! He is NOT a crony capitalist!
The Democratic Elite want a crony capitalist 1 percenter in the WH.
Just like the Republican elite.
I must say Chuck, er, I mean Smokey, has come a long way to finally agree with me that the corporatist Democratic Party, unlike a socialist party, serves the 1%.
Thanks, Chuck, er, I mean Smokey.
"No mercy for these enemies of the people, the enemies of socialism, the enemies of the working people!
War to the death against the rich and their hangers-on, the bourgeois intellectuals; war on the rogues, the idlers and the rowdies!"
"War to the death against the rich and their hangers-on, the bourgeois intellectuals; war on the rogues, the idlers and the rowdies!""
Sounds like a quote from Smokey Lagumski.
"Smokey, why do you have a problem with a crony capitalist 1 percenter? Are you a socialist?"
Yes lol! I believe we should have roads, schools, post offices, fresh water, and clean air - therefore I am a Socialist!
"Legal plunder can be committed in an infinite number of ways; hence, there are an infinite number of plans for organizing it: tariffs, protection, bonuses, subsidies, incentives, the progressive income tax, free education, the right to employment, the right to profit, the right to wages, the right to relief, the right to the tools of production, interest free credit, etc., etc.
And it is the aggregate of all these plans, in respect to what they have in common, legal plunder, that goes under the name of socialism."
"But how is this legal plunder to be identified? Quite simply.
See if the law takes from some persons what belongs to them and gives it to other persons to whom it does not belong.
See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime."
ChuckJustTheFacts laid low for a few days. He was recalibrating, and now he's back with a bunch of new names and googled quotes from centuries-old french philosophers.
Well, I'm convinced! Thanks for opening my eyes! The progressive income tax is a bad thing! So is free education!
"We have to grasp, as Karl Marx did, that corporations are not concerned with the common good. They exploit, pollute, impoverish, repress, kill, and lie to make money. They throw poor people out of homes, let the uninsured die, wage useless wars for profit, poison and pollute the ecosystem, slash social assistance programs, gut public education, trash the global economy, plunder the U.S. Treasury and crush all popular movements that seek justice for working men and women. They worship money and power."
I would say all Republicans are not conservatives.
But I have to ask you since you said "No more than you'd concede that true conservatives are fascists" would true liberals identify more with the goals of socialism or communism or capitalism ?
As a conservative first I want less federal govt control in my life but am willing to accept more State control.
As a liberal do you want more federal gov control and less State control?
Do you believe that corporat cronyism that TR put the breaks on, has under liberalism got a new start under the New Deal? Think about the rules and regs passed under FDR and a congress under democrat control for 40 years, has cronyism grow or shrunk?
I realize that the reason given is that uncontrolled capitalism is bad.
I believe as a anti big federal govt. the path to cronyism, socialism and fascism is full of good intended regulations.
As a side note, not that you personally care, this is my my 2nd post on this thread. I'm in Texas this week watching my grandson pitch for his high school team. Regardless of what the the crazies who stalk me say.
"Modern society is hypnotized by socialism. It is prevented by socialism from seeing the mortal danger it is in. And one of the greatest dangers of all is that you have lost all sense of danger, you cannot even see where it's coming from as it moves swiftly towards you."
"Do you believe that corporat cronyism that TR put the breaks on, has under liberalism got a new start under the New Deal?"
Which is why FDR was so popular with the monied interests of his day?? Is this what you're trying to imply?
The corporate crony types hated FDR with a passion, and he welcomed their hatred. Now you're just making shit up.
Chuck, you just embarrass yourself when you try to twist history around to justify your reactionary beliefs.
Instead of asking who pulls the strings of state and federal government, Chuck limits his question to "control" by governments. Let's look through that narrow field of vision for a second.
As a liberal do you want more federal gov control and less State control?
Ask the slaves before the Civil War.
Ask the long time voters who were stuck in long lines to comply with ID requirements that North Carolina Republicans unilaterally imposed.
Ask the women forced by state Republicans to have ultrasounds if they want an abortion.
Ask the residents of Flint who were forced to drink lead in their water because Michigan Republicans wanted to save a few thousand dollars.
Ask the people who breathe the air and drink water that carries pollution from state to state. This is why it is bad if corporations write our laws. This grants them power over the federal government and suppresses any democracy we have left. Government MUST have more power than corporations if the Constitutional regulation of commerce is to be implemented.
Why do cons have a problem with our Constitution that they want to reverse that power structure?
The Constitution says the National Federal Government is the ultimate authority of the nation. Federal law must supersede state law, just as state law supersedes local ordinances.
This is America. Leave, if this is not what you want. Or stay and witness the demolition of democracy and representative republic.
"February is when you first arrived on the scene, and it wasn't until January of the next year that you actually did something. That's the problem," Rep. Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said to EPA administrator Gina McCarthy. "You didn't take action. You didn't. You could have pulled that switch."
"Wow. You just don't get it. You just don't get it. You still don't get it," a furious Chaffetz said, and asked her why she hasn't resigned over the public health emergency.
"You didn't take action. You didn't. You could have pulled that switch."
McCarthy said the agency "took action from that point forward," adding it shouldn't have been "so trusting of the state."
Rep. Brendan Boyle, D-Pa., called Flint "possibly the largest and most glaring failure of government since Hurricane Katrina" and asked Snyder why he didn't act sooner, either.
Just look at the face of this incompetent Environmental NAZI Gina McCarthy. What a fuking incompetent c*nt. But lets follow the Socialist herd and put on our rose colored socialist glasses like AmeriKa's smartest prison guard and pretend its all the fault of GOP Governer Snyder!
Lets chug the Socialist Kool Aid!
Ask the residents of Flint who were forced to drink lead in their water because Michigan Republicans wanted to save a few thousand dollars.
Not the troll.
He quotes, "asked Snyder why he didn't act sooner" but cut it off before the next paragraph.
Who cares, amirite?
At this point the troll needed to play the NAZI card to distract blame from the Koch-sucking Snyder.
Environmental NAZI Gina McCarthy. What a fuking incompetent c*nt.
Now THAT is what goosestepping looks like in the printed words of a con-servative Republican extremist.
You cannot be a socialist and an imperialist. You cannot, as Bernie Sanders has done, support the Obama administration’s wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen and be a socialist. You cannot, as Sanders has done, vote for military appropriations bills, including every bill and resolution that empowers and sanctions Israel to carry out its slow-motion genocide of the Palestinian people, and be a socialist. And you cannot laud, as Sanders has done, military contractors because they bring jobs to your state. Sanders may have the rhetoric of inequality down, but he is a full-fledged member of the Democratic Caucus, which kneels before the war industry and their lobbyists. And no genuine grass-roots movement will ever be born within the bowels of the Democratic Party establishment, which is currently attempting to shut down Sanders to make sure its anointed candidate is the nominee. No elected official dares to challenge any weapons system, no matter how costly or redundant. And Sanders, who votes with the Democrats 98 percent of the time, steers clear of confronting the master of war.
Sanders, of course, like all elected officials, profits from this Faustian pact. The Vermont Democratic Party leadership, in return for his deference, has not supported any candidate to run against Sanders since 1990. Sanders endorses Democratic candidates, no matter how much they push neoliberalism down our throats, including Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. And Sanders, carrying water for the Democrats, is the primary obstacle to the building of a third party in Vermont.
There is a reason no establishment politician, including Sanders, dares say a word against the war industry. If you do, you end up like Ralph Nader, tossed into the political wilderness. Nader was not afraid to speak this truth. And it is in the wilderness, I am afraid, that real socialists must for the moment reside. Socialists understand that if we do not dismantle the war industry, nothing, absolutely nothing, will change; indeed, things will only get worse.
Chuck Morre: "I would say all Republicans are not conservatives."
Okay, I concede your point. Maybe two or three of 'em aren't.
"...would true liberals identify more with the goals of socialism or communism or capitalism?"
I would say it would be wrong to frame liberals under any specific economic or political system, as you're asking me to do. Liberals can't be pigeon-holed under any single category, simply because all liberals are free thinkers -- each forming his or her own opinion about important matters, which include economics, politics, religion, etc., instead of automatically accepting what others, including authorities, believe (or say to believe). Liberals don't march lockstep to any particular economic, religious or political philosophy.
That said, liberals tend to favor reform, they're tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others (assuming it doesn't infringe upon the rights of others), and they're open to new ideas. Liberals are not bound to traditional ways of thinking. They're very broad-minded.
All the attributes that make you not a liberal. ;-)
"As a liberal do you want more federal gov control and less State control?"
As a liberal, I want less control. Period. But I also want justice and equality for all, so therefore I recognize the need to regulate in order to protect the few from the many, and to protect those originally recognized by the Founders as rightfully protected by the Constitution from legal fictions that have been granted constitutional protections by wayward conservative courts.
"As a side note, not that you personally care, this is my my 2nd post on this thread. I'm in Texas this week watching my grandson pitch for his high school team. Regardless of what the the crazies who stalk me say."
I'm sorry to hear that Texas doesn't have Internet service...which does beg the question... ;-)
So Gina McCarthy, head of the EPA, knew about the Flint Michigan water problem for about 1 year but did absolutely nothing about it.
That sounds like a good thing done by Gina and the Federal EPA Dave Dubya. amirite?
We must stop looking for our salvation in strong leaders. Strong people, as Ella Baker said, do not need strong leaders. Politicians, even good politicians, play the game of compromise and are too often seduced by the privileges of power. Sanders, from all I can tell, began his political life as a socialist in the 1960s when this was hardly a bold political statement, but quickly figured out he was not going to have a seat at the table if he remained one. He wants his seniority in the Senate. He wants his committee chairmanships. He wants his ability to retain his seat unchallenged. This was no doubt politically astute. But in this process he sold us out.
Confused Cluckie wants to deflect blame away from Snyder and the Republicans. THEY are the ones who did the deed.
Dave Dubya,
Are you saying Snyder and the Republicans intentionally wanted the Flint people to drink lead and Gina McCarthy knew about it and did nothing? isthatrite?
Jesus, every article I've ever read of Chris Hedges follows the same pattern: Tell us how bad things are and embellish the facts that only the naive would believe like the 9/11 truthers, then shit on everyone who's trying to make things better. Perhaps in your estimation they are proceeding naively, but they are trying nonetheless. Dammit, you're just as much a tool of the establishment for tearing everyone down like that. How about you try being helpful for a change? He also has plenty of books for sale doesn't he? I guess there is a capitalist in all of us.
This kitten is just to get your attention. The post itself is actually more dire.
Confused Chuck, Are you saying Snyder and the Republicans had nothing to do with Flint's water crisis and are blameless? Are you saying the EPA caused the Flint crisis? Really?
If so you are a Republican liar, and nothing else you say can be taken as true.
Why not report the fact Snyder knew of the disaster he created with his corporate managers, and failed to take action when alerted to the problem?
All to save a few dollars per person affected. It's a damn good thing we have the EPA to finally step in to deal with the Republican made disaster.
In fact Susan Hedman the former director of the EPA's Midwest regional office, resigned in February.
Note that there is NO acceptance of accountability from the "personal accountability" party.
But we all know IOKIYAR. Better blame liberals. Amirite?
Money is their only real "value". Human beings can drink lead. And they did. Thanks, Governor Snyder. At least you have Republican shills and idiots like Confused Chuck to deflect blame and defend the indefensible.
The true Con-servative "values" are always on display, thanks to Confused Republican Chuck.
"All to save a few dollars per person affected. It's a damn good thing we have the EPA to finally step in to deal with the Republican made disaster."
lol on the effectiveness of the EPA!
Gina McCarthy knew about the Flint Water problem for a year but did nothing.
Gina said "NoNeedToRushAndFixTheProblemImNotTheOneDrinkingTheWater." AmIRite?
Coward and liars like Anonymous flee from the fact that Republicans, not the EPA, caused the crisis.
Snyder? Snyder who? Amirite?
Sorrow, sickness and poisoned children testify to the effectiveness of Republican mis-leadership, dereliction of duty to the public, and denial of responsibility.
"Values", amirite?
Con-servative reaction to Flint and pollution in general.
"Not my problem".
"Christian Compassion", amirite?
Who would Jesus poison?
"As a liberal, I want less control."
You understand JG, that is the classical liberal view that ended with the progressive movement under President Wilson?
You understand that Dubya does not speak well of classical liberalism?
Texas does have internet service, I just choose to not waste my time while there on a liberal blog whose owner freely admits it is a cesspool of liberal propaganda, when I could spend that time with my family. I'm sure as a family man yourself you completely understand.
"So Gina McCarthy, head of the EPA, knew about the Flint Michigan water problem for about 1 year but did absolutely nothing about it."
Is this true??? I thought Big Federal Govt existed to prevent this from happening?
Read the papers . . . The Feds placed restrictions on the EPA allowing all states to determine their own fate. As a matter of consequence, the EPA did not become aware until after the water was switched back. Interestingly, now to see those 535+ bad asses scold the EPA after they voted to nueter Gina. Regards.
Facts don't matter with neo-liberal Chuck the Republican shill. His leaders demand the blame be deflected from those who caused the problem. He is loyal unthinking follower.
Snyder? Snyder who?
Aww. Another hateful angry Republican. Is there any other kind?
I love it when they show what they really are.
Trump uber alles! Nicht wahr?
At least I'm no coward and post under one identifiable name. Amirite, Anonymous fearful Republican?
A "Bernie liberal" that sounds like a Trumpie?
Best laugh of the day. Thanks, sport.
"the EPA did not become aware until after the water was switched back."
So the EPA did or did not know about the problem for close to a year?
Switched back to what from what?
Not to long ago, when we first started to experience the "surge" of aliens crossing illegally into our country, I expressed a concern that these non-citizens would end up voting illegally. I was told not to worry, that would not happen, that I was a racist for even broaching that concern, that I needed to stop watching FOX and listening to Rush.
Now I will be told to stop reading Bloomberg!
Soros Board Member Chairs Firm Running Online Voting for Tuesday’s Utah Caucuses.
Smartmatic Group, an electronic voting firm whose worldwide headquarters is located in the United Kingdom, will be running the online balloting process in the Utah Republican Open Caucuses on Tuesday.
The chairman of Smartmatic’s board, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, currently serves on the board of George Soros’s Open Society Foundation and has close ties to the billionaire.
Wall Street Journal
My point in bringing this up YStone is which papers would you suggest I read in order to view the world as you do?
time for a diaper change, Aunty Chuck.
So the EPA did or did not know about the problem for close to a year? Switched back to what from what?
Proof that low information voters don't pay attention to anything, other than FOX and their Right wing echo chamber.
But he wants Gina fired because...his leaders say so.
Ignorance is bliss, amirtie?
Chuck still has no clue about that Snyder guy and his corporate bean counters acting like dictators who decided to save a few bucks and let them drink lead.
Snyder who, amirite?
So Dubya, are you admitting that YOU don't know "So the EPA did or did not know about the problem for close to a year? Switched back to what from what?"
Are you admitting you don't know what papers I should read?
YStone and I are in an adult conversation, not an argument, but a conversation. You can't stand that can you? So feeling left out you jump in uninvited. How lacking in self confidence you must be.
You see Dubya, you and the other liberals who post on this blog of self proclaimed naughty liberal propaganda use Uncle Saul's rule number 5 all the time, IE:
RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
Sucks to be exposed for whop you are, doesn't it? And that is Great Aunt Sally.
Chuckie's "papers" apparently don't mention "Snyder who?"
What's up Chuck? Too chicken to even acknowledge "Snyder who?" Some "adult conversation".
LOL! Reminds me of "Bush who?" in 2008.
Better deflect from Republican accountability and accuse Gina and me of something instead.
How's life without a conscience anyway?
No guilt. No shame. No truth. A "good Republican" all the way.
Good little sociopath, loyal to his masters.
Speaking of "Bush who?", Maybe Chuck should have a look at these polls:
Or he'll cover his eyes to flee from the truth he hates so much.
Obama Approval/Disapproval %
March 2016
Gallup 51 – 46
Rasmussen 51 – 49
ABC News/Washington Post 51 – 43
CNN/ORC 50 – 46
George W. Bush Approval/Disapproval %
March 2008
Gallup 32 – 64
Did you peak, Chuck?
Better blame ISIS propaganda videos, amirite?
Dubya, I see you posted in two different places just now. Looks like once in your mom's basement and the other at work. LOL
“Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” But never live up to your own rules.
Another great example of Dubya following Saul's rules for radicals.
Here's another one Duyba loves to do as he has been taught to never prevent his opposition to gain the initiative.
"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”
But Dubya forgets when he (YAWN) calls his opposition Nazis, racists, and blames GWB (for the one millionth time that,
"A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”
Saul would be unhappy with your failure to follow his radical handbook.
Since you are so excited and may I say, breathless, to rudely interrupt my conversation with YStone, why dont you figure how to turn this around or dodge it.
Liberals support
Support a big, powerful government
Support govt control of individuals
Support gun control
Support limits of freedom of religion
Support restrictions on speech
Support censorship
Centrally planned economy
Redistribution of wealth
Conservatives support
Kind of sucks when you're discovered doesn't it Dubya
Wow, the Cluckster has really gone off the deep end again hasn't he? You can always tell when he's off his meds.
Meanwhile, his hero for President continues to openly and unabashedly LIE< while employing Hitleresque tactics in his rallies.
The GOP congress continues to shit on the constitution because they don't like the Black President.
Red states nationwide are passing ridiculous laws like "people on welfare can't own cars"
But Clucky is worried about someone not even Liberals give a shit about (Alinsky)
You seem to spen a LOT of time on Communist websites Clucky.
There goes Chuckie again. Using ignorance and stupidity to deflect from "Snyder who?"
He sputters pointless words with no meaning to deflect from Republican mis-rule.
Maybe he can tell us how Alinsky made Flint drink lead in their water.
Come to think of it, Trumpie Chuckie never did retract his Trump LIE about an ISIS video.
How's life without a conscience anyway?
No guilt. No shame. No truth. A "good Republican" all the way.
Chuckie's stupid "Check list" of bigotry and ignorance inspired this:
Short history/current events quiz.
Republicans or Nazis...?
...Crushed unions and opposed minimum wages for workers.
...Demonized and scapegoated minorities.
...Invaded countries without provocation.
...Opened prison camps where inmates were incarcerated for indefinite time, had no legal counsel, no charges and no conviction.
...Suppressed voter rights.
...Sent mobs to obstruct vote counts.
...Openly scorned democracy.
...Embraced fanatic nationalism and war as the first resort.
...Pushed propaganda portraying their kind as a “master race”, or other claim of
...Denounced those who opposed their war of aggression as "siding with the enemy".
...Openly stated a desire for military dominance of the world.
...Expanded a security state and imposed warrantless surveillance on their own citizens.
...Allowed torture by government agencies.
...Promoted “Family values” while claiming God was on their side as they started wars and
embraced torture.
...Employed the “Big Lie” tactic in propaganda efforts.
...Elevated party loyalty over the general welfare of their country and citizens.
...Demanded Loyalty Oaths.
BOTH the Republican Party and Nazi Party are known for these acts of destroying democracy and their crimes against truth and humanity.
Meanwhile front runner of Mozart's party is a liar, and a crony capitalist thief. His party's runner up is a "socialist" you know the kind who claim this:
"A better and peaceful world is possible — a world where people and nature come before profits. That’s socialism. That’s our vision. We are the Communist Party USA."
Well here's a tip for both of you. You are being called out to "live up to your own book of rules." Tell the world how allowing non citizens to vote is making democracy stronger? Because your fellow liberal radical progressive socialists are trying to do just that. Liberals like you two have been using Rule 10 to cover the ILLEGAL SURGE the President has allowed at our borders. Tell us how allowing illegals to work in our country makes Unions stronger and wages to grow?
The answer is clear as that mole over your eyebrow, you can't.
It is clear that when confronted with the true facts that liberals Nazis and Commies all share the same goals, the only way they can reply is to spread more of the same old lies.
(see Rule 7) YAWN LOL!!!
YStone said;
"the EPA did not become aware until after the water was switched back."
Is YStone trying to take the focus off Snyder? Or was he simply telling the truth?
Funny how irate both Dubya and Mozart become when you start identifying them for they are and where they get their tactics. Look how they both resort to Rule 5
Doesn't it suck to be exposed for what you two really are, IE anti American democracy?
Here are the rules to the liberal progressive socialist democrat game of Monopoly, that Dubya loves to play:
Every trip around the board you pass GO.
If you're the leader, you must give one piece of property the player with the least property.
Same goes for houses, hotels, etc .
Instead of collecting $200, you pay income tax of 35% to be split between the other players.
Soon no one is buying property, houses or hotels.
Eventually everyone quits trying and just waits for their handout when someone else passes GO.
It's an anti-American thing, the MAJORITY of Americans understand ti all to well.
Chuck Morre: "'As a liberal, I want less control.' You understand JG, that is the classical liberal view that ended with the progressive movement under President Wilson?"
Chuck, it appears you took my first sentence out of context. Here...I'll provide the whole paragraph again for you:
"As a liberal, I want less control. Period. But I also want justice and equality for all, so therefore I recognize the need to regulate in order to protect the few from the many, and to protect those originally recognized by the Founders as rightfully protected by the Constitution from legal fictions that have been granted constitutional protections by wayward conservative courts."
I hardly believe my thoughts coincide with "classical liberalism."
You understand that Dubya does not speak well of classical liberalism?"
No, I disagree. I believe that Dave Dubya and I agree 99% of the time.
You are not going to believe this. Just saw on our local 6 p.m. news (WSAZ-TV, Huntington, W.Va.) that a Thomas Deegan (note the spelling) has been found guilty in Wood County Circuit Court in Parkersburg, W.Va., for making terroristic threats to overthrow West Virginia's state government (given the shape it's in, not much of an accomplishment, lol). Thought I'd let you know before one of your fans tries confusing your name with this guy's
Thanks for the clarification on your position.
Waiting for the hate filled dangerous radical far left liberal progressive socialist democrats to blame the extremist terrorist peaceful Muslim bombing attacks in Brussels on hate speech from conservatives in the USA!
Any time there is an attack anywhere, Chuck says LOL!
Any time there is an attack anywhere, Chuck says LOL!
A trait of an anti-social character disorder of a sociopath. Complete with Right Wing Persecution complex.
No guilt. No shame. No truth. A "good Republican" all the way.
I wonder how he did on the quiz? ;-)
I wonder how he likes the fact Obama has a higher approval rating than Bush in his last year?
Time to deflect and distract from truth, and throw some more blame at liberals of course.
"A trait of an anti-social character disorder of a sociopath."
Look in the mirror Dave. Your comments prove the same about you.
To Anonymous 1:17 PM
You're the asshole who calls himself a liberal and then spouts right wing talking points? Or are you Sore Loser?
"No guilt no shame", like the Duyba's radical anti-American support for Obama's unlawful enforcement of our legally passed immigration laws.
Note how Dubya again tries to make the popular of GWB vs Obama an issue. Now that deserves a LOL!!! What a joke.
Note how happy the anti-American democracy far liberal left is with the worse President in our history taking a family vacation to prop up the failed socialist economy of Cuba.
Ignoring how Cuban's opposed to living under the murderous dictatorship have been imprisoned before he got there.
Ignoring the FACT that record numbers of Cubans are fleeing to this capitalist, racist, freedom hating country.
Classic use of Rule 5, but a failure to follow Rule 2.
David M. Dubya, doesn't drink beer often but when he does,
it's someone else's!
No surprise there.
Chuckie's so desperate to deflect from his dishonesty he's pretending I said stuff about immigration and Cuba!
Time to deflect and distract from truth, and throw some more blame at liberals of course.
Nailed it. Chuckie always unwittingly proves me correct.
No guilt. No shame. No truth. A "good Republican" all the way.
Anonymouse 4:28,
Nope. You're the same person. You said you were a liberal, then started calling everyone here "an asshole" including the blog host.
You're not a liberal but you obviously have issues.
Hey Quacky,
MAYBE if Obama opens up relations with Cuba, we can influence them and help the human rights issues, and THEN they won't NEED to come here.
And why are Cubans "refugees" when they crash the border, but Mexicans are "illegals"?
Also, it's not a "family vacation" when Obama is doing the nation's work. He took his family, MAYBE he actually likes having them around and wants to TEACH his girls something?
Bush would have taken HIS daughters, but all that rum would have been in jeopardy.
Maybe it's time for Quacky to stop letting Limbaugh do his thinking for him.
Blame Liberals? Not a problem, all you have to do is:
Just once tell us again how wonderful the USA would be if it were socialist.
Tell us again about the great foreign policy's under Obama and his Secy of State Clinton.
David Michael Dubya do you support the violation of our Southern borders and the ignoring our immigration laws as has happened under this Administration?
Tell us again how under Obama we are safer from ISIS terrorism.
Is ISIS really JV and under control?
Should Obama draw any more lines in the sand?
Arab Spring, a good or a bad thing?
Do you support the normalization of relations with Cuba as we are being led to by Obama? What should we get from Cuba for changing our relations? What has Obama gotten?
I know, it is all so confusing when you can't claim racism or blame GWB or call conservatives Nazis. But you did say blame Liberals.
Hey, I'm using Rule 5 against a radical, LOL!!!!
Hey Mozart,
You need to start using the 12 Rules, oh and BTW if Cubans cross the border illegally, they are illegals and breaking the law. Just like Mexicans, it is you that made up the difference, not me.
Gosh, I just realized Mozart used his favorite Rule, that being Rule 9.
I didn't listen to Limbaugh, sounds like you must have, what did he say?
Look at the number of "maybes"in your post, used in a futile attempt to defend Obama.
LOL Mozart, you are a joke.
BTW if Cubans cross the border illegally, they are illegals
How ignorant can a Republican shill be?
Cubans are NOT treated the same as Mexicans or any other immigrants.
Those hoping to live in the U.S. legally need only show up at a port of entry and pass an inspection, which includes a check of criminal and immigration history in the U.S. After a year in the country, they may apply for legal permanent residence.
Cluckie again brings up ISIS, the organization spawned by George W. Bush's treasonous war of aggression, and forgot to apologize for his Trump-ed up lie about an ISIS "propaganda video".
No guilt. No shame. No truth. A "good Republican" all the way.
LOL Chuckie. You are a joke.
Chuckie want to know, "Tell us again about the great foreign policy's under Obama"
Regarding relations with Cuba, the great majority of Americans support him.
So how was Bush doing in his last year?
George W. Bush Approval/Disapproval %
March 2008
Gallup 32 – 64
Did you peak, Chuck?
Better blame ISIS propaganda videos, amirite?
When Cubans land in Florida, they get "refugee" status".
And there is nothing to "defend" Obama over, he's done nothing wrong.
You still can't name One specific plan Trump himself has proposed. (no one can)
You still won't answer for the GOP senate shitting on the constitution. '
You still won't answer for Tom Cotton and his 46 buddies committing TREASON
But you obsess on Hillary not wanting to answer a stupid question like "What's the difference between Liberal and progressive"
You provide no facts, just whatever Limbaugh tells you to say.
Or is it Glenn beck?
And of course, his hero Trump STILL has the full throated support of the Ku Klux Klan.
How ignorant can David M Dubya be?
Only God knows the answer to that question.
Wonder why in the world the Cuban illegals are crossing our borders?
Why would they want to leave the workers paradise of Cuba, where health care is single payer free and education is free. And there is no racism? And no GOP and KKK, LOL!!! But still they are leaving in droves.
Liberals, a regular laugh a minute. When confronted with the true FACTS of how dumb it is to put their faith in a central government, they bring up GWB. Must be out of having nothing to say how stupid they are.
Der Socialists, what are those ungrateful Cubans fleeing from? Why it's socialism,
the same crap that you want the USA to embrace.
"Those who were interviewed by the Herald have little hope for any meaningful change in Cuba leading to more freedom. “Everybody who leaves Cuba knows that nothing is going to change there,” said one migrant. “And if there is going to be change, it will take 30 or 40 years. Perhaps longer.” Miami Herald. Did you read that Mozart, Obama is going to change Cuba, he's just going to prop it up with USA dollars.
Life under socialism
"In Cuba, there's nothing. There's no freedom. We came from Cuba because the pressure that we have there.... Like all the Cubans did. I came from Ecuador. I walked for 27 days on the road." Giovanni Acosta
Better brush up on your 12 Rules comrades, you seem a bit out of step with reality.
A lie posing as ignorance : what are those ungrateful Cubans fleeing from? Why it's socialism, the same crap that you want the USA to embrace.
Republican liars like to say democratic socialism is the same thing as Cuban Communism or even Stalinism.
Chuckie (ISIS Propaganda Video) Morre is such a liar.
Maybe Chuckie can alert us to all those illegal hordes of Norwegians, Finns, Swedes, and Danes fleeing socialism to find freedom in Trump America.
Socialist Denmark is rated by their own citizens as the happiest country in the world.
No Republicans could be one reason.
"A federal appeals court spanked the IRS Tuesday, saying it has taken laws designed to protect taxpayers from the government and turned them on their head, using them to try to protect the tax agency from the very tea party groups it targeted.
The judges ordered the IRS to quickly turn over the full list of groups it targeted so that a class-action lawsuit, filed by the NorCal Tea Party Patriots, can proceed. The judges also accused the Justice Department lawyers, who are representing the IRS in the case, of acting in bad faith — compounding the initial targeting — by fighting the disclosure.
The case stems from the IRS‘ decision in 2010 to begin subjecting tea party and conservative groups to intrusive scrutiny when they applied for nonprofit status.
An inspector general found several hundred groups were asked inappropriate questions about their members’ activities, their fundraising and their political leanings."
Who was it who said Republicans couldn't win unless they cheated?
Notice how David M Dubya is trying to change the term socialism into something he thinks is more palatable.
How does he sleep at night when he knows the Communist Party of the USA says,
" That’s socialism. That’s our vision. We are the Communist Party USA."
He is a Anti-American, he will defend and lie in anyway to bring about socialism and its destructive effects on what was once (before Obama) the greatest country on the planet.
He hates liberty and the freedoms from the Federal govt promised us in our Constitution.
Liberalism, policy's so wonderful they have to be mandated.
Hey Dave,
Did you notice how much time Quacky seems too spend on COMMUNIST websites?
No "tea party groups" were "targeted" any more than anyone else. Stop your WHINING, and come with us into the NOW, where...
GOP senators are shitting on the constitution
GOP governors are poisoning people to save the price of a snow blower in the budget.
And the GOP frontrunner for POTUS not only has no actual PLANS, but he DOES have the full throated support of the Ku Klux Klan
And you STILL can't tell us what conservatives have done for the poor and middle class the last 40 years. You'd think that would be an easy list to make.
Dave Dubya: "Socialist Denmark is rated by their own citizens as the happiest country in the world. No Republicans could be one reason."
Dave, I'd have to say you're probably right. Other reasons could be (which would be symptoms, I'm sure, of having no Republicans) no crony capitalism, no military-industrial-surveillance complex (meaning no permanent and on-going wars exclusively for profit motives -- and no false-flag events to propagandize the citizenry that these wars are justified and to "keep America free"), no legal preferences and bias afforded corporations over human citizens, and no poisonous "flinty" water. The list could go on.
Democrats are well on the road to learning the finer points of corrupt behavior and maligning with dark interests, but the Republicans are truly the champions. They've been doing it a lot longer. Corruption and darkness are in their DNA. It comes second nature to them. It's their natural talent.
He hates liberty and the freedoms from the Federal govt promised us in our Constitution.
Dubya is trying to change the term socialism
From the party that ignores the Constitution on Supreme Court Justice replacement and denies the president the fourth year of his Constitutional term.
Hypocrites to the core. Big Lie Fascism incarnate. Good "Christian" liar to boot. Even Jesus knows he's a hateful asshole, liar, and hypocrite.
Some projection added as well. Since when is democratic socialism Cuban Communism or Stalinism? Lies are all they have.
No guilt. No shame. No truth. A "good Republican" all the way.
Hey Mozart, you gonna tell us what Limbaugh, and Fox news told you today? You sure seem to know a lot about what they say.
Denmark still has a King, how's that for progressive?
Good to see Davie M Dubya is trying to get back on track with the 12 Rules. I was afraid for a while he had lost his way.
Classic use of Rule 2 but again he is overlooking Rule 7
Community Organizer Obama is smiling upon you.
Chuck, and England has a queen. Not sure what point you're trying to make here. Should we hate Denmark and England? Tell us who we should hate.
I love how you point to the miserable conditions in Cuba and say "LOL!!! Socialism fail!" without acknowledging the effect of decades of the economic embargo.
Have you heard of the Cato Institute? This is what they said about the embargo:
The embargo has been a failure by every measure. It has not changed the course or nature of the Cuban government. It has not liberated a single Cuban citizen. In fact, the embargo has made the Cuban people a bit more impoverished, without making them one bit more free. At the same time, it has deprived Americans of their freedom to travel and has cost US farmers and other producers billions of dollars of potential exports.
Now what is your argument against President Obama lifting the embargo (other than the fact he's a democrat)? Is it because you object to human rights abuses? President Obama met with Cuban dissidents. The dissidents are happy to open relations with the U.S.
The computer you type your comments on: most likely it was assembled in China, by very poorly paid Chinese. Possibly slave labor. You're aware of the human rights abuses in China, aren't you? Should we begin an economic embargo of China? How about Saudi Arabia? How many citizens of that country are allowed to speak up against their government? You know they hold public beheadings, right? There are no progressive bloggers over there.
If you were a citizen of China or Saudi Arabia, and you said the things about your leaders that you've said here about President Obama, you'd be sitting in prison right now. (China) Or you'd have your head chopped off. (Saudi Arabia)
Denmark and England allow all sorts of dissent and progressive blogs, despite their monarchies.
And on a different topic, when are you bringing back Sore Loser? He was my favorite of all your aliases.
Since Chuckie likes to invoke some obscure “rules”, let’s show a couple rules he violates every day in shilling for the Party of Mammon, Party of tax cuts for the rich, and Party of taking food stamps from children.
You shall have no other gods before Me.
Chuckie’s god is the Republican Party. He dares not criticize them in any way. He will deflect, deny, and distract from their dishonesty, corruption, lust for war and torture and greed. He serves this evil over his fellow man, and openly scorns the “least among us” as “takers”. He will violate any rules of decency and honesty in service to his Party.
“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”
This rule is for suckers. IOKIYAR to lie.
This means “Don’t lie”, of course. Trumpie Chuckie refuses to retract any of his lies about socialism and the Trump lie about an ISIS video. Truth is not his priority. He serves his masters’ agenda with lies and hateful demonization of those with true compassion for the least of us.
Finally Chuck represents everything and everyone opposed to this rule:
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
He seems far more familiar with “Alinsky rules” than those of his alleged faith. He is a false Christian, full of Satan’s hate and lies.
“Values”, amirite?
Trumpie Chuckie will have lots of Republican hypocrites with him in Hell. The Great Deceiver welcomes his fellow deceivers.
No guilt. No shame. No truth. A "good Republican" all the way.
Neat to see David is again quoting Christ and the Bible, I wonder if he would quote what Christ said about himself and believe that as well? I wonder what he thinks "If a man does not choose to work, neither shall he eat"? Didn't say he couldn't work, but if he chose NOT to work. I wonder if the current immigration policy's under Obama are increasing or decreasing our wages? I wonder if those policy's are growing Labor Unions? Ever wonder how those illegals are going to provide for their family's with out using the social safety net we have for our citizens? Got any clues?
"some obscure “rules”
"Alinsky rules”
It's odd since I never used Alinsky's name that David knew who wrote those "obscure rules”. Kind of blew your radical cover there Mr. Dubya. Good to see you're still following the Rules, with your use of Rules 2 & 4. But you are ignoring Rule & and is that due to your failure to obey under Rule 7.
Socialist Communist USSR collapsed, was there an embargo that caused that? What should be clear by now is there can be no socialism if there isn't first capitalism. Socialism stymies the productivity of the people as exampled by the Socialist Monopoly game. Capitalism by its very nature creates competition, winners and losers and innovation that socialism comes along and then shares. No capitalism, limited stuff for socialism to "share".
David M Dubya, he doesn't often drink beer, but when he does, it's someone else's.
Okay Chuck, you didn't really address any of my points. But I didn't expect you to.
If you read back a few comments, you mentioned the name "Saul" with your "rules" so again, another lie.
I feel like you think this is 1956 and you're Senator Joe McCarthy, waving an empty sheet of paper of known communists, telling Dave he's blown his cover. Like you think Dave's career is ruined or something with you exposing him as a socialist. Your comment history is weird performance art. I'm not completely convinced you're being serious here.
But bring back Sore Loser! Quite entertaining!
My favorite!
We see Trumpie Chuckie is still standing by his lies.
He still believes Trump's story about an ISIS video. What a willful idiot.
He's spouted about "Alinsky Rules for years. Now he wants us to think he never mentioned him. LOL
Liar to the core. And not a good Christian at all. Trumpie Chuckie is a hypocrite.
No guilt. No shame. No truth. A "good Republican" all the way.
Copied and pasted from one of Chuck's comments in this thread:
You see Dubya, you and the other liberals who post on this blog of self proclaimed naughty liberal propaganda use Uncle Saul's rule number 5 all the time
And then a few comments later he says:
It's odd since I never used Alinsky's name that David knew who wrote those "obscure rules”. Kind of blew your radical cover there Mr. Dubya.
Chuck is gaslighting us. Google "online gaslighting" to see Chuck's tactics.
I'm still not convinced ChuckSoreLoserJustTheFacts is being serious on this blog. I still think it's performance art, like something Andy Kaufman would do.
Just go back and read his comments. It's comedy gold.
In fairness, Trumpie Chuckie got this part correct, "Capitalism by its very nature creates competition, winners and losers". Yeah, but it also creates gross inequality, corrupt government by "Corporate persons", pollution of air and water, and the destruction of representative democracy.
As we have learned, de-regulated capitalism made losers of most Americans in 2008. Five Trillion Dollars in pensions, 401ks, home values, and savings were wiped out by de-regulated Wall Street capitalism.
It makes losers when they off-shore jobs. The swindler banksters are like Republicans. IOKIYA A Banker. They got bailed out and were never held accountable. In fact Republicans want to de-regulate Wall Street even more, as they cut taxes for their elite masters.
How will that work out?
They don't care. They win because their losses are socialized while their profits are privatized. They get to have their cake and eat it too. It's what crony capitalism and corporatocracy look like.
What about America? We know what they think about Americans. Chumps. And they are half correct about that. There are always enough chumps to keep Republicans in power.
Look at Trumpie Chuckie. Prime example of someone who hates all Americans who think differently than his cult indoctrination.
No guilt. No shame. No truth. A "good Republican" all the wa
Since Trumpie Chump Chuckie's lies have been exposed, I expect to hear from Smokey Chuck, or Harry Chuck, or Sore Loser Chuck, or Just the Facts.
Distraction time.
"Gaslighting or gas-lighting is a form of mental abuse in which information is twisted or spun, selectively omitted to favor the abuser, or false information is presented with the intent of making victims doubt their own memory, perception, and sanity."
The Great Deceiver is proud of his protege.
Anonymouse 2:40, your mom is calling you. Go upstairs and see what she wants.
Responding to Ted Cruz’s proposal to “patrol and secure” Muslim neighborhoods in the US, President Obama replied, “I just left a country that engages in that kind of neighborhood surveillance…Which, by the way, the father of Sen. Cruz escaped for America.”
An independent panel investigating the Flint, Michigan, water crisis laid blame directly on Gov. Rick Snyder’s office, concluding that inept state employees in charge of supervising water quality and state-appointed emergency managers ignored mounting problems with the city water supply and stubbornly disregarded signs of widespread contamination.
The task force, which described the effects of the crisis as “long-lasting,” also concluded that environmental injustice had contributed to the government’s slow-footed response to complaints from Flint residents about the foul and discolored water that was making them sick.
“Flint residents, who are majority black or African-American and among the most impoverished of any metropolitan area in the United States, did not enjoy the same degree of protection from environmental and health hazards as that provided to other communities,” the report concluded.
The task force was appointed by the governor, and its report, which was released in Flint on Wednesday, set off a discussion at a news conference about whether race was a factor in the cascade of government missteps that caused and then prolonged exposure to the contaminated water in Flint.
“Environmental injustice is not about overt acts of racism,” said Ken Sikkema, a panel member and former state senator, at the news conference. “It’s not about motivation. It’s not about deliberate attacks on a certain population group. It’s not about overt violations, attacks on civil rights. It’s about equal treatment.”
For at the least time 2nd time, I do not respond to posts made by those who lack the moral courage of their convictions to post under a name, a name with a hyper link.
eat to see David is again quoting Christ and the Bible, I wonder if he would quote what Christ said about himself and believe that as well? I wonder what he thinks "If a man does not choose to work, neither shall he eat"? Didn't say he couldn't work, but if he chose NOT to work. I wonder if the current immigration policy's under Obama are increasing or decreasing our wages? I wonder if those policy's are growing Labor Unions? Ever wonder how those illegals are going to provide for their family's with out using the social safety net we have for our citizens? Got any clues?
David M Dubya, by not dealing with this, is showing us an example of how to use Rule 2.
David M Dubya, by not dealing with this, is showing us an example of how to use Rule 2.
LOL!!! Nobody knows what Rule 2 is except Trumpie Chuckie.
Besides, what could possibly be more important to be "dealing with" than ISIS making propaganda videos in the US?
Only Trumpie Chuckie can help us with that one, amirite? Does he think Jesus will forgive his unrepentant evil lies and burning hate because IOKIYAR?
By all evidence, he must either believe this, or he's another godless atheist, lying for the servants of Mammon.
No guilt. No shame. No truth. A "good Republican" all the way.
For at the least time 2nd time, I do not respond to posts made by those who lack the moral courage of their convictions to post under their own name, rather than a variety of pseudonyms, and a stolen name spelled wrong. But in your case ChuckSoreLoserJustTheFacts, I'll make an exception.
Democratic National Convention Schedule
Saturday, 27 August 2016
11:15 AM
Free lunch, medical marijuana, and free bus ride to the Convention.
Forms distributed for Food Stamp enrollment.
2:30 PM
Group Voter Registration for Undocumented Immigrants.
4:00 PM
Opening Flag Burning Ceremony
Sponsored by CNN
4:30 PM
“How to Bank $200 Million as a Public Servant and Claim to be Dead Broke”
Hillary Clinton
4:45 PM
“How to have a successful career without ever having a job, and still avoid paying taxes!
Seminar Moderated by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson
5:30 PM
Invitation-only $10,000 donation Autograph Session
Souvenir photographs of Hillary and Chelsea dodging Sniper Fire in Bosnia
6:00 PM
Floor Vote on praising Baltimore rioters and using the terminology:
“Alternative Shoppers” instead of “Looters”
8:30 PM
The White House “Semantics Committee” Meeting
General vote on re-branding “Muslim Terrorism” as “Random Acts of Islamic Over-Exuberance”
Neat to see David is again quoting Christ and the Bible, I wonder if he would quote what Christ said about himself and believe that as well? I wonder what he thinks "If a man does not choose to work, neither shall he eat"? Didn't say he couldn't work, but if he chose NOT to work. I wonder if the current immigration policy's under Obama are increasing or decreasing our wages? I wonder if those policy's are growing Labor Unions? Ever wonder how those illegals are going to provide for their family's with out using the social safety net we have for our citizens? Got any clues?
Well, well. Trumpie Chuckie is using rule 5 (Ridicule).
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery", or with Republicans, it just shows lack of imagination, amirite?
But IOKIYAR? If Jesus says so...or so Trumpie Chuckie believes. About as many Republicans get to Heaven as camels that pass through eyes of needles.
No guilt. No shame. No truth. A "good Republican" all the way.
Hi David, how's the weather in Harrison Township tonight?
Neat to see David is again quoting Christ and the Bible, I wonder if he would quote what Christ said about himself and believe that as well? I wonder what he thinks "If a man does not choose to work, neither shall he eat"? Didn't say he couldn't work, but if he chose NOT to work. I wonder if the current immigration policy's under Obama are increasing or decreasing our wages? I wonder if those policy's are growing Labor Unions? Ever wonder how those illegals are going to provide for their family's with out using the social safety net we have for our citizens? Got any clues?
Chuck Morre: "Neat to see David is again quoting Christ and the Bible, I wonder if he would quote what Christ said about himself and believe that as well?"
Okay, with bated breath I'm dying to hear the answer. ;-) What did the King of the Jews say about himself?
I'm listening...
Not talking to you JG, you've already said you knew, so butt out.
As a fellow family man, I'm sure you understand.
Chuckhole's version of family is having a twelve year old girl tied up in his dirt dudgeon behind the house! LOL
David, watch out!!! Chuck knows where you live!!!
ChuckSoreLoserJustTheFacts, your Democratic convention schedule was very amusing! Now please do one for the Republican convention. I'm really looking forward to it!
Let's see, what's the latest from the GOP primaries? Oh yeah. The TedCruz campaign put a nude photo of your front runner's wife online! Excellent slut shaming from the party of family values. And how did your front runner respond? With a tweet!
Wow Sen. Ted Cruz, that is some low level ad you did using a picture of Melania in a G.Q. shoot. Be careful or I will spill the beans on your wife
ChuckSoreLoserJustTheFacts, I'm LOVING your GOP primary! I can't wait for the republican convention! Will it be an "open carry" convention? Or will republicans' second amendment rights be infringed?
Please post a schedule when you get a chance. You can use the name "Chuck" "Just The Facts" or "Sore Loser" (whichever makes you most comfortable).
I'd like to say now how much I admire your comedy stylings here, Chuck. Thanks to Tom Degan for hosting your blog.
David, watch out!!! Chuck knows where you live!!!
As proven repeatedly and hilariously, what Trumpie Cluckie thinks he "knows" never corresponds with reality.
Isn't it cute that he's stalking me? He even gave me a middle name.
How personal.
Perhaps he entertains some forbidden gay fantasy that includes me.
Or maybe he's pretending that I'm John Lennon and he's Mark Chapman and he'd just like to shoot me. It's not inconceivable he's come unglued like those numerous other Right Wing terrorists he supports. He has shown us he is that kind of hateful thug.
But I'm not worried. He's a fool and a coward, and I am armed. I'm his nightmare, a Second Amendment liberal.
Either way, he's obviously my #1 fan.
"Values", amirite?
Remember Trumpie Chuckie's lie about the protester being in an "ISIS Propaganda video"?
Perfect projection. Now Trump is in an ISIS propaganda video.
ISIS release Brussels attack video showing Donald Trump in flames saying 'It's an absolute horror show'
Not the last time, either, I bet.
Chuck Morre: "Not talking to you JG, you've already said you knew, so butt out."
I thought we were friends, Chuck. Why the harsh reprimand? ;-)
Anyway, and because this is a public forum where anybody is free to jump in and comment -- as long, of course, that it's within the policies that Google and Mr. Degan have set forth -- I'm still curious about what Jesus said about himself. What did the King of the Jews say that's so important for Dave Dubya to recite to you? I told you two posts ago that I knew lots of things that he supposedly said, but I asked you to be more specific.
You didn't answer me then, either. Why Chuck? Why won't you answer me?
Chuck Morre: "As a fellow family man, I'm sure you understand."
No, Chuck, I don't -- primarily because I haven't a clue what you mean by "family man". Secondly, whether I fit your definition of "family man" or not, I can't tell you that I do understand why you demand that I "butt out".
Is Dave on to something? Do you have gay fantasies about him? Is that why you want me to butt out? ;-)'re making me wonder Chuck. Did Jesus say he was gay? I don't recall this being mentioned, but it's entirely possible. Wouldn't you say?
Just because Jesus associated with men, didn't marry, and never spoke ill of gays doesn't mean he was gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that. :-)
I seem to be living in Chuck's head so much, he's trying to track me down. I have to wonder how, and how often, he thinks about me.
IF Chuck humbly seeks spiritual enlightenment, counselling on human compassion, or solace in dealing with Madame President Clinton, Rev. Dave is always here.
Paul Ryan’s momentary lapse into compassion.
“But as I spent more time listening, and really learning the root causes of poverty, I realized I was wrong. ‘Takers’ wasn’t how to refer to a single mom stuck in a poverty trap, just trying to take care of her family. Most people don’t want to be dependent. And to label a whole group of Americans that way was wrong. I shouldn’t castigate a large group of Americans to make a point.”
After a quick dip into his cult savior’s “morality of capitalism”, in their bible of greed, Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, he should be back to his old self.
I’m sure Chuck can straighten him out. He’s the expert on the “takers”, amirite?
Dave Dubya: "I seem to be living in Chuck's head so much, he's trying to track me down."
It would seem so. He's even gone so far as to give you a middle name...and call you by your -- supposedly -- given first name. Yeah, the "family man" is making a great effort to find you.
As for your "surname", the ignorance he portrays is more bewildering than the irony.
"I have to wonder how, and how often, he thinks about me."
No, you probably wouldn't want to know. ;-) It is apparent that he's obsessed with you. My question, though, is he a closet-gay...or a closet-socialist? LOL
Not that there's anything wrong with that... :-)
Whether Chuck is aroused by being intellectually dominated, or perhaps by his thoughts of how big my hands are, he must be an emotional basket case. His primitive amygdala has him torn between "Fight or flight" or "attraction/repulsion".
As they say, it's a fine line between love and hate, especially in the absence of reason.
Republicans are so repressed. I almost pity them.
It sure is fun watching the GOP disintegrate right before our eyes. They finally get their dream date in Trump (with Cruz as closing time back up)and it's tearing them apart. You reap what you sow. They brought the "religious" right and now the tea baggers to the dance and now they have to actually dance with them. Cherry picking the bible and the constitution. Have a nice long slow dance. Buh bye GOP.
Dave Dubya: "Republicans are so repressed. I almost pity them."
They are definitely repressed -- in thought and understanding. But I'd never go so far as admitting I feel pity for them. It's difficult to extend compassion to those who willingly choose ignorance, egoism, hatred and self-righteousness over enlightenment, selflessness and humility, forgiveness and sympathy, and justice to those who are oppressed, exploited and persecuted.
But it's the cross I bear, and I'm working on it. Maybe one day I'll be able to feel that same empathy that you do.
Why JG , you have no kids, no brothers or sisters or parents, no wife or mother of your kids?
If you do, then you know what it means to be a family man.
Playing stupid doesn't become you.
"I seem to be living in Chuck's head so much, he's trying to track me down."
Get a clue DD, you are both lonely, worthless, children just looking for a place to be name calling children everyday. Thanks to Tom's shit blog, you have a place.
Yeah Anonymous, you're so right. We would appreciate a serious adult setting an example for us to follow.
Get a clue DD, you are both lonely, worthless, children just looking for a place to be name calling children everyday.
Well, dang it. He hasn't shown up yet. Welcome to the mirror, buddy.
Chuck Morre: "Why JG , you have no kids, no brothers or sisters or parents, no wife or mother of your kids?"
Whether I do or don't, how would being "a family man" allow me to understand why you wanted me to butt out of your supposed private conversation with Dave Dubya (as you insinuated in your comment that's time-stamped 7:08 AM)?
"If you do, then you know what it means to be a family man."
Based upon your definition, I guess your qualifier would apply to about 95% of the male population.
"Playing stupid doesn't become you."
I'm trying to communicate with you on your level, but I'm finding it particularly difficult. I'm sorry.
Sorry JG , but you are begging the question.
Rather manipulative of you
Nice use of Rule 5
Celebrating Easter in Texas with family, have little time for you, as a family man I'm sure you understand, or do you?
Maybe your just not playing stupid.
Chuck, you have no family. Why do you insist on putting on a show for us? We don't care.
Bring back Sore Loser!
Chuck Morre: "Sorry JG , but you are begging the question."
If that's the case, why don't you give me the answer?
"Rather manipulative of you"
The pot calling the kettle black.
"Nice use of Rule 5"
Since I'm not familiar with "Rule 5", I decline to comment. (Which, I'll add, you might consider this cue on so many subjects presented on this site.)
"Celebrating Easter in Texas with family, have little time for you..."
Should I give thanks and sing praises to Allah, Yahweh, or Jesus?! If this were the secret all along, maybe you'd consider moving in with your Texas relatives? ;-) This could be a true win-win proposition. I say "could", because it's possible they wouldn't want you.
" a family man I'm sure you understand, or do you?"
Family man? What an antiquated and colloquial term -- must be used frequently in the "Show Me" state. What's your real name?...Ward Cleaver?
Chuck Morre: "Maybe your just not playing stupid."
Maybe, but it's clear you're showing stupid...
Is that how it's written in Missouri? Seems like a good defense for more power to the Department of Education. What do you think? After all, don't want the good people from the "Show Me" state to be considered uneducated bumpkins, right?
Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, why guard him JG?
Chuck Morre: "Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, why guard him JG?"
Considering that slavery was a cultural norm in the late 18th century, and Jefferson was not unlike many well-to-do landowners of his day, I hesitate to throw the “baby out with the bathwater”. Since Jefferson exemplified the best-of-the-best of our country’s founders, there’s plenty to be guardian over.
Once again, you’re proving to be the premier deflector provocateur. What rule is that?
By the way, how come you never answer my questions – in particular those I’ve posed regarding corporate personhood? Is it ignorance of the subject, or is it because, in your heart, you know I’m right?
Self-deception is the cruelest form of rationalization. It eats at the soul until none is left. Think about this as you revel in your savior’s celebratory rising from death tomorrow morning.
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