Bad Days Here in New York
I'm resigned to the (almost) inevitability that Hillary Clinton is going to be the Democratic nominee this summer. If that turns out to be the case, if I'm forced to make a choice between her or Donald Trump - or Ted Cruz - I won't even bother voting on Election Day. That statement is not as irresponsible as it might seem. I live in New York, a decidedly blue state. It won't take a smidgen of effort for Hillary Clinton to win the place she's called home for the last fifteen years. It would be a different story if I were living in Florida or Michigan. If that were the case I would work overtime for her. The fact of the matter is simply that she doesn't inspire me, and, to be blunt about it, I just don't trust her. She's about as much of a progressive as her husband is. Translate that to read: Not very progressive at all.
I'll have better things to be doing on November 8, I'm sure.
I know that most Liberals would like to see the first woman follow the first African American into the White House (and if she is inaugurated in January that will be the only silver lining) but she wasn't quite the woman I had in mind.
Politically speaking, Elizabeth Warren is the love of my life. She is one of the depressingly few politicians out there telling the American people what they desperately need to hear (Bernie Sanders is another). I'm sure she had dandy reasons for not running. One of those reasons may have been that she saw all of the obstruction (call it "treason" if you wish) that the Republicans threw in Barack Obama's path for all of the last seven years and decided - the hell with it. Who could blame her if that is, indeed, the case? And what's the use of trying to govern a nation where so many of the population sincerely believe the old Reagan mantra that "government is the problem"? At least she's making a difference where she is.

"Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me—and I welcome their hatred."
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
31 October 1936
On Election Day 2008, I really was naïve enough to believe that Obama would practically be the second coming of FDR. That didn't turn out to be the case. That being said, I have never regretted voting for the man, and as we near the end of his tenure, I have to concede that he's been a pretty good president. But I wanted more. You see, I was pining for greatness. Considering all of the nonsense he was forced to put up with, I suppose we ought to cut the guy some slack. When the history of these times is written in the not-too-distant future, Obama's legacy will stand fairly tall, while his detractors - the McConnells, the Boehners, the Palins, et. al. - will all end up looking like psychologically deranged little squirrels. No amount of revisionism will be able to white wash their legacies. For the past sixty years, the extreme right wing has been trying to do just that with Joe McCarthy. You will be kind enough to notice that it hasn't worked out too well for them. Old Joe still languishes at the top of history's scrap heap where he belongs - and where he'll remain.
So that's where we stand. The New York primary is Tuesday, and there's little doubt that Hillary is going to walk away with it. Perhaps she'll surprise us by magically transforming herself into the type of politician we've been praying for, but I'm not going to hold my breath. I'm also not giving up on Bernie. Where there's life there's hope, you know?
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
AFTERTHOUGHT, 4/18/16, 5:27 AM:
Don't let the polls (or me) discourage you. If you're a resident of New York State, and you're a supporter of Bernie Sanders, get out there and vote in tomorrow's primary like your life depended on it. I'm ineligible to partake in the process because I bolted the Dems in May of 1998. I'm making up for it by trying to get out the vote. Bernie can still win this thing, but it involves getting as many people to the polls as possible. Don't stop feeling the Bern, baby!
Song of India by Rimsky-Korsakov
Just sit back and let this piece overtake you. It's one of the most beautiful compositions I've ever heard.
31 October 1936
![]() |
Squirrelly Man |
So that's where we stand. The New York primary is Tuesday, and there's little doubt that Hillary is going to walk away with it. Perhaps she'll surprise us by magically transforming herself into the type of politician we've been praying for, but I'm not going to hold my breath. I'm also not giving up on Bernie. Where there's life there's hope, you know?
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

Don't let the polls (or me) discourage you. If you're a resident of New York State, and you're a supporter of Bernie Sanders, get out there and vote in tomorrow's primary like your life depended on it. I'm ineligible to partake in the process because I bolted the Dems in May of 1998. I'm making up for it by trying to get out the vote. Bernie can still win this thing, but it involves getting as many people to the polls as possible. Don't stop feeling the Bern, baby!
Song of India by Rimsky-Korsakov
Just sit back and let this piece overtake you. It's one of the most beautiful compositions I've ever heard.
Well, I never!
I AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY. We voted for President Obama twice. No way could we have envisioned how those stupid Republicans
could and would obstruct every single thing he tried to do. All the things he was elected to do. Yes, those people will live with their legacies. He has done the best he could, given the circumstances. I think Bernie has many good ideas, but I don't think he has such a dependable chance in the general election. He keeps talking about all the changes that need to be made. But he would be facing many of the same obstacles Obama has faced. I agree so much about Elizabeth Warren. Maybe she feels she is getting more done where she is??
Meanwhile, it is incredible watching the Republican establishment trying to disown their own front runner! And their second runner is scarier still. So looks like we are left with Hillary. The best we can choose, given the alternatives.
You think living in NY is a problem? You should try being a Democrat in the state of TX! It is the ignorance of the masses. Imagine Sarah Palin clones all over?!
Thank you for posting. The title got me.
...if I'm forced to make a choice between her or Donald Trump - or Ted Cruz - I won't even bother voting on Election Day.
This is actually the proper attitude, in fact you should improve upon it.
A: You will commit to cast your vote for an alternative like Stein or a Sanders write-in.
B: You will contact each of the electable superdelegates in your region and tell them how you feel - not only that you will let them know they have betrayed you by destroying the first chance in a long time to make a difference and that you will be committed to make them pay in their next election cycle. In your case it is Andrew Cuomo, Kirsten Gillibrand, Sean Patrick Maloney and Chuck Schumer. These so-called 'democrats' are contributing to bypassing democracy!
If you want Sanders, cut & paste this to your blog post and commit to this. It may be the only way to beat back the unfair and undemocratic advantage that the DNC has bestowed on Clinton. Also every Sanders supporter should do this - and it is even better if you are not a registered democrat - because a couple of million Sanders supporters committed to this path will have a true impact on the super delegates incumbency.
Our numbers have power - it is time to wield it!
Speaking of psychologically deranged little squirrels, thank you Tom Degan for hosting Chuck Morre's and Harry from Wallingford's blog here.
Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders on Sunday said Sandy Hook victims should be able to sue gun manufacturers for the 2012 elementary school shooting that killed 20 students and six adults, backtracking on previous comments.
“Of course they have a right to sue, anyone has a right to sue,” the Vermont senator said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
Sanders in an interview with the New York Daily News last week initially said the Sandy Hook family members should not have the right to sue gun manufacturers for damages…
He said he opposes the sales of assault-style weapons in the U.S., such as the one used at Sandy Hook.
“That’s the kind of weapon that caused the horrible tragedy in Sandy Hook,” Sanders said. “Those weapons should not be made in the United States of America. So in that sense, I agree with the Sandy Hook parents.”…
Tom, there is a couple of missing punctuation marks... missing in the previous post. If you choose to use it, you should touch it up.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Texans I'm sure, were crushed when they learned of your leaving
Tom Degan: "If that turns out to be the case, if I'm forced to make a choice between her or Donald Trump - or Ted Cruz - I won't even bother voting on Election Day."
Tom, that's entirely the wrong answer. John, above, at 7:07 PM has the right approach. Don't fall into the trap that the powers-that-be have set. Don't not vote. That's what they want. Instead, vote third party (or write-in, if available in New York).
Tom Degan (responding to very first comment): "Well, I never!"
No, I believe the proper response should be, "I do declair!" ;-)
If I'm not mistaken, that's how they react to brazen verbal attacks in Missouri.
Upchuck More to RunNRose: "Texans I'm sure, were crushed when they learned of your leaving"
I'm pretty sure RunNRose is still there. Apparently your comprehension skills are rusty. No surprise.
Would you like me to send you the names and contact information for some excellent reading tutors?
I do not understand this love affair with Jill Stein. This woman is Ralph Nader's mini-me -- another one who comes out from under a rock every four years to stir shit up and then does NOTHING in between to further any kind of progressive cause.
brilliantatbreakfast: "I do not understand this love affair with Jill Stein. This woman is Ralph Nader's mini-me -- another one who comes out from under a rock every four years to stir shit up and then does NOTHING in between..."
Who claimed a "love affair" -- well, besides you? It is more, appropriately, a rejection of the corporatocracy. It's the platform of the Green Party that's attractive, not specifically the person running to implement and uphold that platform.
"She is an organizer, physician, and pioneering environmental-health advocate. She has helped lead initiatives promoting healthy communities, local green economies and stronger democracy - including campaign finance reform, green jobs, racially-just redistricting, and the cleanup of incinerators, coal plants, and toxic-pesticides. She now helps organize the Global Climate Convergence for People, Planet and Peace over Profit, an education and direct action campaign beginning Spring 2014 with an "Earth Day to May Day" wave of action, across the US and beyond."
What else would you like her to be doing between presidential runs?
I acknowledged and replied to your non-understanding of the appeal of Jill Stein. Now, please respond honestly to my uncertainty. Why do you feel such an affinity toward Hillary Clinton? Are you beholden to, and a believer in, the ruling corporatocracy? If you support Hillary Clinton, then by default you are.
If things are so" bad" in Texas as RunNRoses claims I'm sure his leaving will not upset Texans. In fact having one less liberal will make it a better place.
In other words, don't let the door hit you as you leave.
Upchuck More: "If things are so' bad' in Texas as RunNRoses claims I'm sure his leaving will not upset Texans."
I'll still be happy to provide you with a list of some excellent tutors versed in the English language. They could help you with your tenses of verbs. It's not surprising, though, that you have challenges with past and present usage. It shows in your understanding of politics and economics. You relate to our current dilemma as though it were still the 1950s.
Jefferson's Guardian, if you mock Chuck's grammar and spelling, Harry will get angry. Have you noticed that? It's almost like... like... they're the same person!
Remember everybody. This is Chuck's blog. So if anyone new like RunNRose dares to wander in here and express an opinion that Chuck doesn't like... look out!
Anonymous=(slave owner) Jefferson Guardian.
The question everyone needs to be asking Clucky is,
And the SECOND question we need to ask him is,
Why is that such a tough question for him to answer?
Mozart, you should know by now Chuck doesn't lower himself to answer questions here on his blog. He ASKS the questions. And if you refuse to answer, he'll ruin your career by calling you a communist. This is 1953, after all.
You are wasting my time, I've already answered your question. And just as I predicted, no liberal socialist will answer mine.
uhhhhhhhhm Tom, you ARE off key..........Nov 4 2016 is a Friday! Is the new age way to rewrite history just to alter the calendar?
Speaking of Texas, I'm sure Trumpie Chuckie would love to deflect from reality. They "lead" the nation in lowest life expectancy for the poor. Con-servative paradise Texas should be proud indeed.®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
Missouri is also on the low end with Texas.
Cons couldn't care less.
U.S. Life Expectancy Ranks 26th In The World, OECD Report Shows
Socialism contributes to longer lives. The "pro-life" hypocrites couldn't care less. Profit over people, amirite?
Speaking of Missouri, does Chuck have kids at this Missouri college? Certainly seems like it.
"Player Calling Obama a "Watermelon Eating Baboon" Triggers Investigation into Saint Louis University Baseball Team"
A group of Saint Louis University baseball players won’t be punished after an insanely racist conversation they had amongst themselves became public. One player suggested the “KFC in the White House” — you know, because all black people eat fried chicken (har har). Another helpfully added that “They got rivers of the grape kind there,” another reference to a popular African-American stereotype among stupid people.
“I heard they got a colored running the country,” someone else said. “This Tru?” Another player replied, “Unfortunately.. It is.” The asker responded, “F*cking watermelon eating baboon.”
Republican Con-servative "values" on display.
There was a reason I named the super-delegates in my earlier comment. The people I named were Andrew Cuomo, Kirsten Gillibrand, Sean Patrick Maloney and Chuck Schumer. I have voted for each of these people. I have emailed or called all of them with various concerns. They have each addressed some issues in ways that I appreciate. Andrew Cuomo banned fracking in New York – a move that I totally approve of and in fact am grateful for - but here is the thing - every one of these individuals is aware that New Yorkers, like most citizens of the country, prefer Sanders over Clinton. Yes, they are all part of the democratic establishment and need to participate in that roll. However, their responsibility is to the citizens of the state (and beyond). Their commitments to the party elite is immaterial to me. If they are participating in the DNC's overruling of the will of us citizens, they have betrayed us.
I recently spoke to Sean Maloney in one of his town hall meetings. I know he shares key concerns with me about the dangers we face from genetically modified foods and many environmental issues.
Bill Clinton was the best friend the biotech industry (which brings us GMO technology) has ever had – the threads that bind the Clintons to their financial backers are clearly intact. Hillary's denials - that connections to financial and fossil fuel companies are immaterial - amount to nothing. The relationship between big-money and most politicians and the policies they implement is visible to nearly everybody. Now we have a chance to try a different approach. It might amount to government gridlock – but even this would likely be an improvement over the corporate interests having their way on every issue. The super-delegates standing in our way of trying this approach are doing just that – standing in our way.
Sean Maloney is betraying his own issues. He is betraying himself, his family, New Yorkers, Americans and me. If he understands the risks of climate change, and does not attempt to pursue the most rapid path to reduce greenhouse gasses entering the atmosphere, he is the problem. Having a president who understands this issue - and Sanders does, is extraordinarily important. Clinton's does not get this – or is paid not to, which is even worse. Her half measures, of conditionally opposing fracking, simply don't cut it.
So Tom, don't feel like you are betraying politicians you support by lighting a fire under their ass with an ultimatum. We are actually giving them a opportunity to to the right thing in several ways. One of these ways is to help level the playing field so that there is a nominee selection process that more resembles democracy (by nullifying the super-delegate advantage) allowing the will of the citizens prevail (or at this time, supporters of democratic candidates). If these people persist in circumventing democracy, it is our DUTY to work to remove them from office. If these people let politics slow the response to what has emerged as an existential threat, we can't get rid of them fast enough!
So, I think I have mapped out the path I am committed to and why, and I hope you all will join me. I also hope we can force the super-delegates to do the right thing and join us as well...
John Harragin
Funny how having all the illegals in Texas has effected its economy badly.
You asking me a question? Until you hold yourself to the same standards as you hold me, hell will frees over before I ever answer one of your asinine questiones.
PS. St. Louis U is a private catholic university, next false comparison.
Socialism permotes longer life yet is pro abortion, nice oxymoron that I doubt you would ever see.
John H
Here's the thing I don't get, why is NY lowering taxes on BIG corporations to entice them to move to NY?
"Socialism permotes longer life"
Anger fit at the keyboard again?
It is certainly not "pro-abortion", as much as idiots want to believe it. Cons want women to have less rights than men. They want to force women to bear the child of their rapist, even at risk of their lives. "Compassion" for the pre-born trumps all other life.
This is their idea of "pro-life". After birth, you're on your own, amirite?
The Supreme Court and law of the land accepts abortion. It isn't "socialism" from the government. The Hyde Amendment forbids it.
PS. St. Louis U is a private catholic university, next false comparison
Trumpie Chuckie comes to the defense of his fellow "not racists".
You asking me a question?
You don't know? LOL!
"Well, I never".
Anonymous: "Jefferson's Guardian, if you mock Chuck's grammar and spelling, Harry will get angry. Have you noticed that? It's almost like... like... they're the same person!"
Harry is to Chuck, like Vickie was to Sybil. ;-)
"Chuck doesn't lower himself to answer questions here on his blog. He ASKS the questions. And if you refuse to answer, he'll ruin your career by calling you a communist. This is 1953, after all."
That's another personality coming out of the schizophrenic mind of Chuck. Although he hasn't introduced himself, as such, that personality's name is "Joseph".
Upchuck More: "...just as I predicted, no liberal socialist will answer mine."
Aw, Chuck, are we ignoring you? Well, I'll tell ya' what, I'll answer any question you like, but first you're going to have to answer just one of mine -- one, of many, that you've ignored since way back in Tom's previous post. Here, in case you missed the specific question I'm referring to (time-stamped at 8:30 AM and 8:50 AM), I'll copy-and-paste it for you:
"Because the military-industrial-surveillance complex is the largest publicly-funded program in the world, would you be in agreement if the proposal was put forth to fund the [U.S.] military purely by charity?"
John Harrigin: "So, I think I have mapped out the path I am committed to and why, and I hope you all will join me. I also hope we can force the super-delegates to do the right thing and join us as well..."
John, you've expressed very sincere thoughts and words, and at one time I think your ideas would have resulted in beneficial maneuvering and influence by not only the citizens of New York, but in the country at-large. However, I truly believe that train pulled away from the station many years ago.
This country's politicians have sold out to, and are in bed with, the banking cabal and other multinational corporate interests. The election processes we all experience these days -- if we can legitimately still refer to them this way -- are all theater. They're all for show. Almost all -- especially at the national level -- are rigged in one form or another, and what are not rigged, are fixed.
The pent-up anger by the citizens of this country is growing by leaps and bounds, with each new year, and justifiably so. Seeing their elected politicians doing nothing to address the growing inequities, doing nothing to stop the hemorrhaging of sustainable and good-paying jobs, and instead doing everything to benefit their own corporate overlords, has resulted in the rejection of the status quo. People want change -- real change.
But, change isn't going to happen. The real people who run things are going to make sure of that. In reality, they already have. Unfortunately, we've come to the fork in the road. What happens next is anybody's guess. My guess is it "ain't" going to be pretty.
Do you realize that we are not the only county to fund and have a military industrial surveillance complex? Of course you do, so do you really think if America funds ours by charity that other countries will play nice and do the same?
That's the crux of your question, and it goes back to the 60's Commuist organized and supported Ban the Bomb movement that worked to disarm the USA while leaving those socialist counties who were our enemy's, fully armed.
Laugh and mock all you want but doing so will not change the hard cold truth that the world is a very dangerous place. Has Obama's promised withdrawing from the Middle East reduced the Islamic terrorist threat to America?
No it has not.
Would you allow contibutions to fund the " Complex" be tax deductible?
Is the expansion of China's military strength in the China Sea a threat to us?
Is the recent Russian display of military disdain towards America military a problem for you?
Are you disturbed that Cuba has cracked down on those who want to reform and allow liberty in their country?
Is the failed socialist economy of Venezuela caused you any pause in your support of socialism here?
Do you hate your country so much that you want to disarm it in the face of those who want to kill you?
Do you believe the only threat to world peace is a Captialist America?
Here is my answer , No I would not be in agreement with your proposal method of funding.
Now you can mock or make fun in an effort to deflect and avoid answering my questions, or you can man up and and answer the above.
Experience has taught me not to hold my breath waiting for a thoughtful adult reality based answer from you or for that matter any liberal socialist.
I have a different take. I think that Bernie will come within 8 points of Hillary and he will get maybe 42-45 delegates. That's enough to deny her a sweep at the convention. It ain't over yet. BTW, I too am a New Yorker, and I'll NEVER vote for Clinton. I won't stay home though; I'll write in Bernie.
JG: > You are sounding a bit pessimistic – maybe you have caught Tom's malady.
You make very good points, however, you should remember that we live in a complex society. Not all of the rich people are bad, and not all of them are idiots. Some of these people understand the consequences of simply continuing to burning fossil fuel – which is likely extinction of a large fraction and perhaps all of humanity. If that is true, then it is safe to assume there are some very powerful people on our side. In addition, these enlightened individuals are just as likely to understand the intractable problems associated with the government–industry relationship and may be equally receptive to the Sanders experiment as a means of addressing it. This must be preferable to the status quo - which is to let the problem worsen.
>>What happens next is anybody's guess.
Spot on! Keep the faith friend...
Bernie Sanders released his 2014 tax return this weekend, revealing that he and his wife took $60,208 in deductions from their taxable income. These deductions are all perfectly legal and permitted under the U.S. tax code, but they present a morally inconvenient, if delicious, irony: The Democratic socialist from Vermont, a man who rages against high earners paying a lower effective tax rate than blue-collar workers, saved himself thousands using many of the tricks that would be banned under his own tax plan.
With all of his itemized deductions, Sanders’s taxable income was significantly lower than it would have been if he had taken the standard deduction. The deductions left Sanders and his wife paying $27,653 in federal income taxes in 2014, on a joint income of $205,271 — an effective federal tax rate of 13.5 percent.
Bernie says "I know whats best for you! Do as I say, not as I do!"
James Hansen,
lol, there is a himey in all of us!
Trumpie Chuckie's imaginary anonymous and fake "James Hanson", not the real James Hansen, share a tingle of racist hate.
JG, One more point, there is likely to be a split amongst the super delegates, just as there is within the general population, as to who they would like to vote for. An onslaught of demands to super delegates to cast their vote for Sanders may give those who have this as a personal preference the ability to do so.
Consider a master bridge player, He may do a series of inexplicable plays – those that do not follow convention. The reality is he has already seen the likelihood of a poor outcome with standard play, and imagines the hand that his partner or opponents might hold that would enable his team to score a win and plays accordingly. I believe we must proceed in a similar fashion.
Yeah, you caught me dead-to-rights. I made an error on when election day is. I have corrected it. I hope you're happy.
Upchuck More: "Do you realize that we are not the only county to fund and have a military industrial surveillance complex? Of course you do..."
Although the military-industrial-surveillance complex is obviously here, my county doesn't fund it -- well, other than the taxpayers.
" do you really think if America funds ours by charity that other countries will play nice and do the same?"
Thank you for agreeing that "socialism" is needed, and that the free-market idea of charity -- to solve major problems -- doesn't work.
"That's the crux of your question, and it goes back to the 60's Commuist organized and supported Ban the Bomb movement that worked to disarm the USA while leaving those socialist counties who were our enemy's, fully armed."
It is?...and it does? I lived during the 60s and I don't remember that. It must be because I lived on the coast. Could you be more specific?
"Laugh and mock all you want..."
Believe me, I do. ;-)
"...but doing so will not change the hard cold truth that the world is a very dangerous place."
Only because United States foreign policy has made it that way...
"Has Obama's promised withdrawing from the Middle East reduced the Islamic terrorist threat to America? No it has not."
Oh, blaming the "black guy" again, eh? Realistically, it was his predecessor who's responsible for the unrest in the Middle East. You know that...
"Would you allow contibutions to fund the ' Complex' be tax deductible?"
Sure!...why not?!...
"Is the expansion of China's military strength in the China Sea a threat to us?"
Less so than United States expansionism everywhere in the world.
"Is the recent Russian display of military disdain towards America military a problem for you?"
Not at all. American warships have no business patrolling the Black Sea so near Russian territory. I'd feel the same way if Russian warships were patrolling off the coast of this country. You would too.
"Are you disturbed that Cuba has cracked down on those who want to reform and allow liberty in their country?"
Baby steps. Give it time. It'll happen.
"Is the failed socialist economy of Venezuela caused you any pause in your support of socialism here?"
Not any more than the failed capitalist economy of this country has created concern for you.
"Do you hate your country so much that you want to disarm it in the face of those who want to kill you?"
I don't hate this country, however I believe you do. Otherwise you wouldn't be supportive of the corporatocracy that has overridden our democratic processes. Your backing of this is treasonous and unforgivable.
"Do you believe the only threat to world peace is a Captialist America?"
I believe the bigger threat to world peace are people that think like you.
"Here is my answer , No I would not be in agreement with your proposal method of funding."
Thank you for admitting that you support socialism.
"Now you can mock or make fun in an effort to deflect and avoid answering my questions, or you can man up and and answer the above."
Man enough for ya'?...
"Experience has taught me not to hold my breath waiting for a thoughtful adult reality based answer from you or for that matter any liberal socialist."
Liberals only answer thoughtful questions. Perhaps that's why you've been passing out so often.
John: "You are sounding a bit pessimistic – maybe you have caught Tom's malady."
I prefer to believe I'm more realistic -- much more so than Tom. ;-)
"Not all of the rich people are bad, and not all of them are idiots."
Of course they're not, but whether they are or not doesn't retract from the fact that we're now living in an oligarchy. They, the rich and powerful, have all the power -- and they know it. To believe our democratic processes are fully intact and alive-and-well is either being overly optimistic or naive. Both are dangerous in these critical times.
"...these enlightened individuals are just as likely to understand the intractable problems associated with the government–industry relationship and may be equally receptive to the Sanders experiment as a means of addressing it."
The oligarchy works well for them. They know this. They also know Hillary Clinton's the one who will maintain the status quo in their favor. They're not going to upend the apple-cart. If the problems associated with the cozy government-industry relationship has been a problem for a few of the enlightened ones, there certainly hasn't been any indication of this during the last couple of decades.
"Spot on! Keep the faith friend..."
Always...despite the odds. And you also...
Tom > ...If you're a resident of New York State, and you're a supporter of Bernie Sanders, get out there and vote in tomorrow's primary like your life depended on it. I'm ineligible to partake in the process...
Like Tom, I also investigated registering as a democrat a couple of months ago in order to support Sanders, and also found I was unable to. New Yorkers were disenfranchised and headed to taking this one on the chin. The count posted on wikipedia has Clinton at 1,037,349 vs Sanders' 752,744. The irony is that these numbers are not that large for a state as populous as NY. I am sure that the restrictive registration rules here stole the day from Sanders.
I wonder how many disenfranchised voters there were in NY. From the environment here, you would know that Sanders is the clear favorite. You could probably determine this fairly accurately from things like the age profile of democratic primary voters.
The only reason the world is a dangerous place is because of Americas foreign policy.
That explains all I need about you.
Can you imagine, if what you believe about America is true, how disappointed those illegals entering American are going to be.
Makes you wonder why they risk so much to cross our borders.
Tom, NOT voting BLUE is a vote FOR Trump or Cruz. But I must admit, Cluckie is RIGHT about one thing. 99% of the danger in the WORLD is because of America's foreign policy. NOT Obama trying to bring PEACE but from Bush (and other conservative warmongers) going over and attacking the Middle east for money. We get out of there and let things settle (It's a religious civil war folks, we are only making it worse)and within a decade we will see less "terrorism" worldwide.
But as yet Clucky STILL can't tell us ONE THING conservatives have done for the poor and middle class the last 40 years.
Cluckie, you never answered my question. You waited unbtil a few hindred posts had gone by and THEN said "I already answered it"
So if you DID, you MUST remember the answer.
Remind us please.
You're wasting time asking Trumpie Chuckie for answers. Authoritarian personalities resent being questioned, just like their leaders. The far Right's loathsome Cruz won't even answer to one of their own at Fox (R).
Hannity blows up at Cruz: 'I’m getting sick of it'
Every time I have you on the air and I ask a legitimate question, you try to throw this in my face. I’m getting sick of it. I’ve had you on more than any other candidate on radio and TV. So if I ask you, senator, a legitimate question to explain to the audience, why don’t you just answer it?”
They have no answers, only blame.
Chunky needs water boarding, that is the only way to get answers out of him.
Look who's talking about authoritarian personalities, projection much?
Conservatives only answer thoughtful questions
New rules of engagement.
At issue: How authoritarian personalities resent being questioned, just like their leaders.
Deflection, distraction and dictatorial tactics are needed to be employed by authoritarian personalities.
It is their game.
“projection much?”
“Conservatives only answer thoughtful questions”
Ding! Ding!
“New rules of engagement.”
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
Authoritarians are all about dictating and imposing their own rules, definitions, and double standards.
We have the perfect case study in Chuck.
Dave Dubya: "We have the perfect case study in Chuck."
True. He's definitely on the ding-a-ling side. ;-)
Anonymous: "Chunky needs water boarding, that is the only way to get answers out of him."
Being the true conservative that he is, I'm sure he'd approve.
lol DD
ding, ding, ding for AmeriKa's smartest prison guard!
How come Bernie took so many deductions on over $200,000 of income. Why didn't he spread the wealth like a good socialist should? amirite?
Upchuck More: "That explains all I need about you."
Yes, that I'm willing to fight against the slow-motion coup d'état that has occurred in this country over the last number of decades -- chiefly through the prevailing military-industrial-surveillance complex, funded and cheered on by a criminal international banking cabal that reaps immense financial returns playing both sides against the middle.
You recognize that I'm a patriot in the truest sense of the word.
John: "The count posted on wikipedia has Clinton at 1,037,349 vs Sanders' 752,744. The irony is that these numbers are not that large for a state as populous as NY. I am sure that the restrictive registration rules here stole the day from Sanders."
John, as I previously lamented, it's a rigged electoral process. And what isn't rigged, is fixed. Enjoy the theater.
I would say we can expect to see a very "raucous" summer (and beyond).
Dave, I realize that Clucky is NEVER going to HONESTLY andswer that question because he knows the conservatives have done NOTHING for the poor and middle class for going on 50 years.
I just like to see all the excuses he uses for NOT answering.
He's just so desparate it's sad...but then also fun.
Notice how Mozart has not answered what he is doing with the $2500 in savings we were promised by Obama due to Obamacare
Notice how he never answers anything honestly, like all Marxists he just lies.
He believes that the only reason for the world being a dangerous place is America.
He like JG and Dubya hates America.
Yet if America is the source of all evil in the world they can not explain why thousands risk life and limb to cross our borders illegally.
They can not explain the failure of socialism in Venezala, yet swoon for socialism here.
They turn a blind eye to the human right violations in Cuba, and support it's anti-American govt by pleaded for more time. As if 50 years wasn't enough.
Mozart attempts to use Rule 5 like his fellow anti-Americam Marxists but falls short due to his IQ.
Mozart supports Tran's Gender public restrooms for his grand kids to use.
Mozart ignores the truth that the top 1% of earners pay 48 % of federal income taxes, and yet demands they pay their "fair" share.
Mozart and his fellow Marxists believe that socialized medicine is the key stone of the socialist state, that the goal of socialism is Communism. They hate America so much they support the immigration of those who have vowed to kill them in their bed.
They are the face of liberalism today, they are it's apostles.
Notice Trumpie Chuckie is really feeling his Orwellian "two-minute hate" this morning, isn't he?
All Right Wing Authoritarians can do is push blame, distraction, deflection and lies to support their agenda of a corporate controlled military/police/surveillance state. It ain't about freedom for the little guy. It's about giving economic elites the power to subvert our democratic republic into a neoliberal Orwellian hell.
He is very angry even though his side is winning. The more they win, the more they crave totalitarian one-party dictatorship.
His tirade of the Big Lie wrapped in smaller lies, false accusations, demonizing, and open scorn for dissent from his extreme ideology qualify him for the Joseph Goebbels Award in fascist hate mongering.
Ol' Chuck can goose-step with the worst of them. Imagine people like him in power...That's why we have ISIS and more enemies than ever.
That's why we have eternal war. That's why we have racism. That's why unions are being crushed by Koch/Republican legislation. That's why voting rights are being suppressed.
That's why we are losing good jobs while corporations and the rich get tax cuts.
Good little fascist authoritarians should be happy to have their way with all these cruelties and injustice, but still need someone to blame for their failures, wars, and destruction of democracy.
Cluckie, I would like to keep making a fool of you, but there are more important things to worry about.
Prince has died. :(
Projecting much Dubya? How very Marxist hate America authoritarian of you.
How are you going to explain to your grandkids why you support transgender using the same bathroom as they
How's that $2500 savings in health care from obamacar helping you?
Cluckie, my kids don't worry about other people's bathroom habits. The REAL question is, WHY DO YOU?
I would be willing to bet that you have been in the same restroom with a Gay man or a transgender AND NEVER KNEW IT.
I'd be more worried about your own GOP politicians, that always seem to be getting caught soliciting sex in public restrooms, or "sexting" teenage pages from the floor of congress.
I would also be embarrassed to be a conservative, seeing as how they have done NOTHING for the poor and middle class for going on 50 years.
But that's just me. I'll worry about the economy, the environment, terrorism, healthcare and our infrastructure. YOU worry about people's restroom habits.
Upchuck More: "Can you imagine, if what you believe about America is true, how disappointed those illegals entering American are going to be.
Makes you wonder why they risk so much to cross our borders."
Most illegal immigrants come from Mexico (62%), and they come here because the corporatists have done to them what they're doing to us. In a word (or, more appropriately, an acronym), it's because of NAFTA. If you liked NAFTA, you'll love the TPP.
I've told you before, Chuck, that you need to start reading books and educating yourself. When are you going to do this for yourself?...and all of us? ;-)
You really can't fix stupid.
It is not Chuck who is 'worried' about 'bathroom habits'. Chuck, like 99% of the rest of the world was/is (I'm guessing) just fine with the self-evident and prevailing customs of using the restroom. Not even something any of us gave one iota of thought to. No, on the contrary, it is perverted individuals in concert with bullied and indifferent bureaucrats who have made it an issue and have forced their perversion on the rest of us. It is they who are 'worried about bathroom habits'.
It is they who have forced their "rights" to be upheld while the rights of the 99% have been violated. The rights of those who self-identify as people who prefer not to have people of the opposite sex in the restroom with them have been violated.
It is the pinnacle of insanity.
Fortunately for Bruce Springsteen, he gets a pass and is allowed to decide with whom to do business. He is allowed to cancel a business transaction that goes against his private convictions. Unfortunately, not all in this country are afforded the same rights in that arena.
NAFTA, you mean the Act signed by our first black president, Bill Clinton? Oh yeah that act.
And TPP that trade Act Obsma is pushing for passage? Oh yeah, that Act.
Democrats both of them, and Mozart thinks Obama has done a great job. Hahahaha!
Did you know Mozart that Obama said today he was leaving America in as good shape as he got it 7 plus years ago?
And Mozart has the nerve to ask his stupid meaningless question over and over, like he thought it up, LOL!
I wonder how democrats feel about their party founder President Andy ( slave holder) Jackson being removed from the front of the $20 bill?
Mozart, YOU are worried about terrorism? Why, aren't you the fool who said Obama had everything under control? That terrorism wasn't a threat to our homeland? Waking up kind of late to reality aren't you fool!
Sending your grandkids into a public transgender approved liberal required restroom by themselves, have at it fool.
JG, yup those mean corporatist in Mexico drove out their cheap labor to the USA , then Mexico drove it's mfg to Red China.
Just think how wonderful the world would be if there was no America
Upchuck More: "NAFTA, you mean the Act signed by our first [Democratic corporatist] president, Bill Clinton? Oh yeah that act. And TPP that trade Act Obsma is pushing for passage? Oh yeah, that Act."
You got it!... See, that wasn't so hard, was it? Keep reading...
"I wonder how democrats feel about their party founder President Andy ( slave holder) Jackson being removed from the front of the $20 bill?"
It doesn't matter. It will be introduced about the same time currency, in any form, will be void and prohibited. Gotta make it even easier for the surveillance part of the military-industrial-surveillance complex to spy on its citizens.
Leave no stone unturned.
"yup those mean corporatist in Mexico drove out their cheap labor to the USA , then Mexico drove it's mfg to Red China."
Oh, no, you started acting stupid again! Get the books out...
"Just think how wonderful the world would be if there was no America"
Ships would be able to sail straight from China to Europe, bypassing the Panama Canal...and people would ask, "Columbus...who?!?"
"NAFTA, you mean the Act signed by our first [Democratic corporatist] president, Bill Clinton? Oh yeah that act. And TPP that trade Act Obsma is pushing for passage? Oh yeah, that Act."
Notice Chuckie lacks the intellectual capacity, and balls, to openly agree with TPP and NAFTA, which his masters do. Hedging his support for Trump, of course.
But after all, he DID mention the failure of neoliberalism, and the Democrats, like his party, represent the 1% over the people.
Chuck Morre 2:03 AM March 10, 2016
We cannot admit that we liberals bear some of the blame for its emergence, for the frustration of the working-class millions, for their blighted cities and their downward spiraling lives. So much easier to scold them for their twisted racist souls, to close our eyes to the obvious reality of which Trumpism is just a crude and ugly expression: that neoliberalism has well and truly failed."
Thomas Frank
Chuck Morre 2:04 PM March 10, 2016
RE democrat party, simply put, the Democrat Party is lying when they claim to be a party of the poor, etc. Reality is they favor the 1%.
Note how Dubya is trying to deflect from the facts
Project much Davy?
Is this the best your Marxist friends can give you to respond with?
Amazing simply amazing the lengths Marxist go to avoid having to face the consequences of their actions.
Do you still claim the democrat party doesn't favor the 1%? After all who benefits the most from NAFTA and TPP?
It's not the poor.
Speaking of growing a set, when are you going to vow out of the closet and admit you're a Marxist?
When are you going to admit you hate America?
When are you going to admit that transgender bathrooms are wrong?
When are you going to admit you can never speak against any socialist liberal policy?
Comedy gold:
Note how Dubya is trying to deflect from the facts Project much Davy?”
I quote Chuck’s own accidentally true words and he says I “deflect from the facts”.
Priceless projection AND deflection.
Do you still claim the democrat party doesn't favor the 1%? After all who benefits the most from NAFTA and TPP?
Chuck proceeds to deflect from my frequent referrals to “corpo-dems” and “Junior corporatist party”. And he still cowardly evades taking a position on trade agreements hedging his subservience to both Trump and Cruz.
Priceless straw man distraction. Can Chuck cite one instance of that being my position? No. He is a liar, of course. His fact-free hate is revealing.
Besides his tendency towards far Right extremism and scorn for truth, I have a theory why Chuckie is so stupid, angry and willfully ignorant.
He is an alcoholic. Likely a dry drunk at his advanced age, but the brain damage has been done.
Cheers, Chuckie!
We know why Trumpie Chuckie gets a tingle up his leg over Trump's authoritarian divisiveness. We also know he gets big tingle over Cruz's theocratic neoliberalism.
Now we have evidence why he does NOT get a tingle from Kasich:
See, I am a fundamental believer in ideas. If you don’t have ideas, you got nothing. And frankly, my Republican Party doesn’t like ideas. They want to be negative against things…But you talk about most of them, most of them – the party is kind of a knee jerk against. Maybe that’s how they were created. I don’t know. - John Kasich
He's too honest. He's on to something else. They were genetically programmed as Right Wing Authoritarian Personalities.
They cannot change, nor open their minds and hearts.
Share your evidence, or is it just another lie from the Marxist in chief?
Are Obama and Bill Clinton corporatist?
Tell us you didn't vote twice for each of them.
Oh, BTW, are you a "friend of Bill" like Tom is?
"Share your evidence"?
Evidence of what?
I probably have anyway. You miss a LOT...Intentionally.
Upchuck More (to Dave Dubya): "Share your evidence..."
Okay, admittedly it's not "evidence", but rather thoughtful perspectives by a writer who identifies with neither right or left. People capable of nuance and introspection, and see things for what they are -- untainted or blurred by rabid ideology -- and more importantly, see clearly where we're heading.
After reading this, Chuck, would you agree we live under corporatism...or, as the writer expresses, fascism?
Would you agree that man caused climate change is a fraud?
Would you agree allowing transgender men to use women's restroom is great?
Thoughtful perspectives would indicate you should.
Would you agree that man caused climate change is a fraud?
Where's the evidence? None?
Oh, we know, IOKIYAR.
It was predicted by 2005 the ice cap would be melted due to the war mined of the atmosphere. Fraud
2007 UN scientists said only 8 years left to to avoid worse effects of climate change. Fraud
In 2000 Senator John Kerry said the Arctic would be ice free by summer of 2013. Fraud
In 2007 it was predicted 4.5 billion would die from global warming by 2012. Fraud
Dr George Wald warned in 1970 that civilization would end with in 15 or 20 years unless immediate action was taken. Fraud
Einstein said if your theory is contradicted by observation, your theory is wrong. The theory of man caused global warming or as it's called now, climate change is a FRAUD.
But tell us Dear Marxist Davy, where is the evidence you claim to have supporting you comments about me, or do you lack the man parts to do so.
You see Davy in the world outside your work place you can not control people like you do there, which makes your blubbering about fascist authoritarians a joke. Your a perfect example of what you claim others are.
Speaking of growing a set, when are you going to vow out of the closet and admit you're a Marxist?
When are you going to admit you hate America?
When are you going to admit that transgender bathrooms are wrong?
When are you going to admit you can never speak against any socialist liberal policy?
I'm confused.
Bernie Sanders and his wife earned over $200,000 in 2014 which is in the top 5 percent in AmeriKa.
Yet the Sanders only paid federal taxes that amounted to 13.5 percent.
I'm sorry fellow marxists here on Tom's blog, but Bernie and his wife are not paying their fair share. If they did there would be less starving children.
just say'n whats on my confused progressive mind people.
Bernie and his wife make far less than all the other candidates. Yet they are willing to pay more in taxes.
So who's greedy now?
You don't worry about those starving children, Chuck. In fact, your party loves cutting their food stamps. Sends a real tingle up their legs.
Thank you for your fraud, presented as “evidence”. None of what you claim is sourced, therefore cannot be evidence. It is hearsay.
Random predictions do not represent the data and scientific consensus. The data and consensus are peer-reviewed and cannot be a fraud or hoax. It is based on observable evidence. (You’re no Einstein)
You have offered no evidence disputing the data and consensus, and have not proven your false claim.
You didn’t even quote Kerry. Is that too difficult for you too?
where is the evidence you claim to have supporting you comments about me
Your words are all the evidence anyone needs.
Kerry’s words were, "Scientists project that the Arctic will be ice-free in the summer of 2013."
This is technically as true. But in the twisted sense as the Kochs saying there are scientists (Whom they pay handsomely) who say there’s no global warming. No effect on our atmosphere by the greenhouse gasses spewed from their products. Oil corporate scientists say there’s no concern. Trust them.
Kerry got his data from Wieslaw Maslowski, a researcher from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif., who as early as 2007 predicted the Arctic would be ice-free by the summer of 2013. Similar projections have been trumpeted by a handful of other scientists, including Warwick Vincent, director of the Center for Northern Studies at Laval University in Quebec.
Kerry was not citing the consensus. Just like you. Gee, could a Democrat and a Republican have an agenda here?
Now about that ice.
This is what evidence looks like:
Date: April 21, 2016
Source: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Summary: Sea ice physicists are anticipating that the sea ice cover in the Arctic Ocean this summer may shrink to the record low of 2012.
The scientists made this projection after evaluating current satellite data about the thickness of the ice cover.
So is the Aritic ice free, have billions died? What predictions about man caused climate change have come true?
Does zero work for you?
So the predictions I cited where not the consensus when they were made? How convenient. If the predictions don't happen just stretch out the time line. What a fraud, what a ponsey game!
Typical of you Davy, can't answer my questions can't do much but throw out more " chicken little the sky is falling" we must have socialism or else!!!!
You and tyour socialists Marxist are frauds.
Did you vote for Clinton and Obama? Of course you did, but back then corporatist wasn't a code word for liberals to use.
What a FRAUD!
Do you support higher taxes on the rich? Silly question, of course you do and so does Trump, that makes you a Trumpie doesn't it Davy.
Upchuck More: "Would you agree that man caused climate change is a fraud?"
No. The preponderance of data show it to be true. We're already seeing the evidence. "Earth's global temperatures in March 2016 were the most abnormally warm on record for any month, according to NOAA. This is the second month in a row that this remarkable feat has occurred." Yeah, the evidence seems to indicate so. I'll stick with the scientific evidence over the hearsay of the naysayers. Until the evidence proves otherwise, I'm a believer.
"Would you agree allowing transgender men to use women's restroom is great?"
I have no idea what you're referring to, and honestly don't really think I care to know. Your abnormal fascination with toilet subjects is disturbing. But, no surprise.
Chuck, you must have missed the question I asked of you (see time-stamp: 5:50 PM, above). Here it is again for you: Would you agree we live under corporatism?...or, as the writer expresses (in the linked article I provided), fascism?
If not, why not?
Below is a list of dire predictions made 46 years ago on Earth Day…
1. “The air would be so polluted by the 1980s that city dwellers will all have to wear gas masks.”
2. “Civilization would end in 15-30 years if immediate action is not taken.”
3. ” Between 1980-1989, some 4 billion people, including 65 million Americans would die from food shortages.”
4. “All of the oxygen will disappear from America’s rivers because of pollution, killing all the freshwater fish.”
5. “People’s life expectancy by 1980 will only be 42 years old.”
6. “By the year 2000, we will run out of crude oil.”
7. “The world has been chilling sharply for about 20 years and if it continues, the worldwide temperatures will drop by 11 degrees by the year 2000, twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.”
The sky is falling!, The sky is falling!, bwaack buck buck
More deflection and distraction from un-sourced random predictions.
Fools think repeating the same failed tactic will work somehow.
Wanna play predictions?
Glenn Beck Predicted The Affordable Care Act Would Be The “Nail In The Coffin Of America,” “The End Of America As You Know It.”
Rush Limbaugh: Obamacare Will Be “A Life-Threatening Bill” And “Human Beings Will Die Earlier Than Normal” Because Of It. “All Of Us Will Be Slaves” Under The Affordable Care Act.
Chris Baker: Under Obamacare, Overweight People Would Have To Go To Jail And Undergo “End Of Life Counseling” If They Don’t Lose Weight.
Beck: Under Obamacare, The Government “Can Have Their People Come In” If They Think Someone “Maybe Shouldn’t Have A Baby.”
CNBC’s Jim Cramer Predicted “Obamacare Will Topple The Stock Market.”
Fox’s Cal Thomas: “Euthanasia Is Coming.”
Meanwhile in the real world:
Gallup: Uninsured Rate Hits Record Low.
CBO Study Found That Obamacare Frees Workers From “Job Lock.”
LA Times: Number Of States With More Than 20 Percent Uninsured Has Dropped Since ACA Was Implemented In 2013.
Gallup: People With ACA Plans “Are More Satisfied … With The Cost Of Their Health Coverage.”
Bloomberg: Economic Experts Say The ACA Is "Trimming The Nation's Medical Bill."
What Chuckie is desperate to ignore is:
Arctic Ice was at a record low in 2012 and is headed that way this year.
We have seen the warmest years on record in the last decade.
These are NOT "predictions" like we see from Republicans, and their paid Koch shills at Forbes.
Even Chuck's gods in his sacred temple the Pentagon know climate change is real.
Willful ignorance demands that Trumpie Chuckie deflect and distract from this reality as well:
"Navy Admiral Destroys Ted Cruz's Climate Myths"
"I'm just a simple sailor, but it's hard for me to see the pause on that chart."
—By Jeremy Schulman
"Your abnormal fascination with toilet subjects is disturbing. But, no surprise."
Again (and I'm not a Chuck Morre "defender" per se) but to be clear, it is not he who is "fascinated" with toilet subjects. It is the minority of perverts who are. He is reacting with sensible and perfectly understandable concern and confusion like the rest of the country - those who are not brainless lemmings following after spineless bureaucrats who cow-tow to an insignificant cabal of social perversion.
And no one has (or can) provide a coherent answer to the loss of sanity we are experiencing. They just falsely accuse him of being fascinated with the subject. It is a fascinating subject when you think about the level of insanity to which a culture must sink to be discussing the things we are.
Anonymous notes the "concern and confusion" over public restrooms.
It is a puritanically reactive government that is showing the concern and confusion.
Why not simply allow those dressed like men use the men's room and those dressed like women use the ladies' room? If we can't decide what they have between their legs, why not let them choose? What difference does it make?
The one with a penis in ladies garb would use a stall anyway. The one with a vagina in a man's suit wouldn't stand at a urinal either. There is nothing confusing here.
So, what's the big problem? Puritanism, shame, misunderstanding, politics, and bigotry I would imagine.
Would the world end if all facilities were unisex? I highly doubt it. They work fine elsewhere.
I wonder if any Republican here can tell us if the "Hastert Rule" is still in effect?
Does the Party follow the values of Dennis "Groin Rub" Hastert, or have they turned to Joe Biden for guidance?
Anonymous: "And no one has (or can) provide a coherent answer to the loss of sanity we are experiencing."
It's all part of a Fourth Turning. Read the book. Things start making more sense afterwards. Not acceptable -- just understandable. (By the way, have you finished reading the David Ray Griffin book, yet?)
"[Upchuck More] is reacting with sensible and perfectly understandable concern and confusion like the rest of the country..."
I respectfully disagree. He's acting like a moron -- as he usually does. He doesn't contribute anything with the slightest hint of sincerity or benefit. It's all about creating an atmosphere of lunacy with him. If he were a guest in your home, you'd throw him out on his ass. You know this, and I know this.
If he were a guest in your home, you'd throw him out on his ass. You know this, and I know this.
Chuckie is the obnoxious crazy drunk at the party. He's an alcoholic, and now a mean-spirited dry drunk, feeling morally superior and intolerant of others.
We all know the type. Our previous president is another great example.
The Fourth Turning is a good account of historical trends. We can only hope for a delay of the inevitable collapse into neo-feudal neoliberal tyranny.
Dave Dubya: "The Fourth Turning is a good account of historical trends. We can only hope for a delay of the inevitable collapse into neo-feudal neoliberal tyranny."
We've definitely taken that path. Where it ends, and exactly when, is undetermined. The next dozen-or-so years, or much sooner, will not only prove pivotal, but decisive. We either come out whole...or something else entirely. Let's hope for the former. I'm afraid the latter will be unlivable.
Both Davy and JG over look one very critical part of my statement about climate change and that is
There is no evidence of man caused global warming or climate change and the dire predictions of doom if mankind doesn't do something are a FRAUD.
I suggest Chuck frame a certificate of this statement to pass on to his grandchildren.
There is no evidence of man caused global warming or climate change and the dire predictions of doom if mankind doesn't do something are a FRAUD.
So help me God, (Actual name of) Chuck Morre
If they pay attention, Chuck's grandchildren may learn this year that Arctic Sea ice will be at the lowest level recorded, for the SECOND time within just the past 4 years. As years go by, temperatures and sea levels will rise, as will the shame and disappointment they will feel at ol' Gramps, and his incredibly closed mind, limited according to the dictates of his Republican Party.
Now watch Chuck post a corporate rag Forbes "climategate" article written by a guy named James Taylor, paid by the Kochs and Heartland Institute.
It has no bearing on the data and scientific consensus. Just like everything he has posted so far.
The Pentagon knows climate change is real. Why do Republicans disagree with both the scientific consensus and Pentagon on what is real?
How can that be sane, let alone reasonable?
They are paid by Big Oil and the Kochs to reject reason and science, and to deny climate change.
This corruption is a threat to the nation, humanity and the planet.
This lack of intellect and honesty clearly disqualifies them to lead any country anywhere.
Upchuck More: "Both Davy and JG over look one very critical part of my statement about climate change and that is MAN CAUSED There is no evidence of man caused global warming"
All of these scientific bodies agree that it is. The correlation between the rise of the modern industrial age with the rapid increase and escalation of greenhouse gases is unmistakable. Sure, it could be a coincidence, but are you willing to place your grandchildren's lives at risk because you believe that it is? That's the question you need to ask yourself.
Evidence please, use the scientific method please to support your religious like belief that climate change is man caused and therefore man has power to control the Earth's climate
Tell us where the scientific body's get the money to perform their research, why its from the Govt. What does Govt want to do, it wants to grow in power and control. Name a better way of doing same than convincing people that they are doomed if they don't do as Govt says
And I do find it interesting that instead of ten to thirty years from now like was originally the time line of doom it's now fifty or more years. Why the change in timeline?
Only one reason, the same as the change from global warming to man caused climate change, the predictions did not happen!
That should make someone as skeptical of govt as you JG to wonder why? Why doesn't it?
"Evidence please?"
Chuck ignores it.
Chuck was given evidence of record low Arctic ice. Record high temperatures are more common. There's even evidence that oil company scientists warned about climate change, but it was suppressed of course.
Instead Chuck has a cult-like dark fantasy of an international conspiracy of evil climate scientists, so he trusts only the ones paid by the Kochs and Big Oil.
There's his case.
He was probably one of those same idiots saying smoking had no connection to cancer. Those evil gubmit scientists were out to make the evil gubmit more powerful by cancer "fraud".
Upchuck More: "Evidence please..."
Dave Dubya: "Chuck was given evidence of record low Arctic ice. Record high temperatures are more common. There's even evidence that oil company scientists warned about climate change, but it was suppressed of course."
That's a good enough correlation for me, Chuck. Go back to the link I provided at 9:08 PM and read the segment titled "Evidence". "The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is very likely human-induced and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented in the past 1,300 years."
Upchuck More: "That should make someone as skeptical of govt as you JG to wonder why? Why doesn't it?"
I'll tell you what, Chuck. If you refer me to a book (name and author) that you've read that supports the premise that global warming is not a human-induced activity and that it's a false premise based upon the "government wanting to grow in power and control" (your words), I promise to search for it and read it. In return, however, you agree to read a book, that I suggest, which is based upon the premise that the attacks on 9/11 were not by Al-Qaeda, but rather by rogue elements within the United States government that needed to coalesce public support to attack Afghanistan and Iraq.
You see, I'm a reasonable and open-minded man. Is it a deal?
Three themes are emerging from the newly released emails:
(1) prominent scientists central to the global warming debate are taking measures to conceal rather than disseminate underlying data and discussions;
(2) these scientists view global warming as a political “cause” rather than a balanced scientific inquiry and
(3) many of these scientists frankly admit to each other that much of the science is weak and dependent on deliberate manipulation of facts and data.
Regarding scientific transparency, a defining characteristic of science is the open sharing of scientific data, theories and procedures so that independent parties, and especially skeptics of a particular theory or hypothesis, can replicate and validate asserted experiments or observations. Emails between Climategate scientists, however, show a concerted effort to hide rather than disseminate underlying evidence and procedures.
“I’ve been told that IPCC is above national FOI [Freedom of Information] Acts. One way to cover yourself and all those working in AR5 would be to delete all emails at the end of the process,”writes Phil Jones, a scientist working with the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in a newly released email.
What's a hockey stick temperature graph?
Some assholes hacked into the Climate Scientist computer, stole a bunch of emails, changed the wording to make like there was a conspiracy and Conservatives are all good with that.
A lie is as good as the truth to Conservatives, as long as it serves their purpose.
"Now watch Chuck post a corporate rag Forbes "climategate" article written by a guy named James Taylor, paid by the Kochs and Heartland Institute."
Wow. I must be psychic.
A lie is as good as the truth to Conservatives, as long as it serves their purpose.
Our case study proves this statement correct.
Notice CHuckie the Troll offered no evidence disputing the climate data and consensus, failing to substantiate his false claim.
All he contributes is provocation for its own sake, deliberately seeking a reaction from a position of bad faith.
They have the leaked emails from Exxon in 1988 that stated they knew the fossil fuel industry was going to bring about Global Warming. Now Big Oil is worried that G. W. will start affecting their business in a big way.
Here is a paragraph from an Alternet article
" However, Exxon’s public position was marked by continued refusal to acknowledge the dangers of climate change, even in response to appeals from the Rockefellers, its founding family, and its continued financial support for climate denial. Over the years, Exxon spent more than $30m on thinktanks and researchers that promoted climate denial, according to Greenpeace.
Exxon said on Wednesday that it now acknowledges the risk of climate change and does not fund climate change denial groups".
Poor Chucky is left on the street corner yelling FRAUD while Exxon is going "Oh Shit we have a big problem here! He fell for their propaganda and now looks like a fool.
All I am asking for is evidence supported by the use of the scientific method that climate change is man caused.
So far all that's been offered are a lot of insults with no proof to support the theory of man caused climate change
If man can change the climate why doesn't man have the ability now to end a drought, or the effects of El Nino?
Instead we are being told the end is near if mankind doesn't return to a third world existence. A doomsday time line that keeps expanding past it deadlines. Whose solution is more authorative government control on what we eat, what we use for energy, how we transport goods and services, etc. In other words a one world govt that controls the world
Alternative energy sources never have produced what they promise, a fact that is found out AFTER Crony Capitalism has wasted billions of dollars that could have been GIVEN to the lowest 40% of earners. Where are the jobs promised us if we invested in renewable energy? There are none. It's all a FRAUD.
Until it is produced I remain a non believer in the Church of Man Caused Climate Change. It is a FRAUD and the fact that Davy feels compelled to degrade any "alternative view" and JG's admission that all the problems in the world are because of Amerca should open the eyes of any member of their Church. This alone should make people wonder what is really the goal of this Church that is followed by people who hate America
PolitiFact Rhode Island rated the statement True. Our colleagues noted that at the time, the number of green jobs as estimated by BLS exceeded the number of oil and gas jobs estimated by the petroleum institute.
Our rating
Baldwin said: "Over 3 million Americans are employed in the growing green-collar workforce," which is more than the number "of people working in the fossil fuel industry."
The latest estimates are for 2011. The federal government says there were 3.4 million green jobs, while a national oil and gas trade group says there were 2.59 million oil and gas jobs.
We rate Baldwin’s statement True.
Upchuck More: "...and JG's admission that all the problems in the world are because of Amerca should open the eyes of any member of their Church. This alone should make people wonder what is really the goal of this Church that is followed by people who hate America"
Jesus Christ, you're brutal! ;-) Say, aren't you lying through your teeth -- at least a little bit? I don't recall saying that "all the problems in the world are because of 'Amerca'". (Is that how it's pronounced in Missouri?) Nope, I actually responded to your statement: "...but doing so will not change the hard cold truth that the world is a very dangerous place.", with this: "Only because United States foreign policy has made it that way..." Never said, ever, what you mentioned. Please cite (with time-stamp) where I did. I'll apologize if I did. If I didn't, I expect an apology from you.
As I mentioned before, I don't hate America. I also mentioned that surely you must, since you support the corporatocracy. If you don't support the corporatocracy, please let me know. Maybe I'm wrong.
In other words a one world govt that controls the world
Chuck learned all about this at his meetings.
This is the paranoia of the Militia conspiracy nut cases, and of course, Chuck.
Chuck has a cult-like belief of an international conspiracy of evil climate scientists, so he trusts only the ones paid by the Kochs and Big Oil.
See above. Who ya gonna believe?
Better blame those "socialist thermometers", amirite?
Dave Dubya: "Better blame those 'socialist thermometers', amirite?"
Dave, I believe global temperatures are always measured using thermometers made in Cuba...they're special "communist" thermometers calibrated so they always measure at least a couple of degrees higher than actual. I heard a new one's coming out this year that only calculates degrees Celsius in the red. ;-)
Those communists! They think of everything! They'll have those global-warming naysayers true believers in no time!
Upchuck More: "If man can change the climate why doesn't man have the ability now to end a drought, or the effects of El Nino?"
Uh, Chuck...both of those are symptomatic of climate change -- whether human-induced or not.
Are you implying that human beings are not capable of altering their environment?
Are you implying that human beings are not capable of altering their environment?
He's implying all kinds of falsehoods, lies, accusations, and paranoia.
How about that international conspiracy of evil climate scientists out to establish global rule by one world government?
Dry drunk militia members need to keep to their cult and out of the national dialogue. They contribute nothing but hate, fear, lies, and the absurd idea that air pollution from greenhouse gases has no consequences.
Waiting for the evidence that the actions of mankind caused Climate Change, evidence resulting from the use of the scientific method.
Not Computor models.
Can man stop the changes in climate caused by sun spots, volcanism, earth quakes, and variations in the earth orbit and tilt?
Did mankind start or stop any of the ice ages? Those are climate change examples. Can man do so now? Show the evidence man can do either.
Davy, glad you are back on your 12 step program. I'm sure your fellow friends of Bill are glad to see you again.
Next time you meet with your sponsor ask him if there is a step to deal with your projecting your "sickness" on others. It really is not a good sign. Oh, and what does your sponsor say about your authority abuse? Does he think you might want to find less stressful work?
Chuck has a cult-like belief of an international conspiracy of evil climate scientists, so he trusts only the ones paid by the Kochs and Big Oil.
See above. Who ya gonna believe?
We can thank Chuck for doing as I predicted.
Can Chuck explain how his source at the Independent Petroleum Association of America has no conflict of interest or bias on their product pouring greenhouse gasses into our air?
Why bother? He trusts them. He reveres and serves them. All he has to do is parrot them.
I really touched a nerve on Chuck's alcoholism, didn't I?
He must be quite busy with all his AA, Klan, militia, and party meetings.
A well balanced and rounded guy, amirite?
"Today’s rate of CO2 increase is more than 100 times faster than the increase that occurred when the last ice age ended."
~ NOAA Media Release (2013)
Rising CO2 levels:
2005 - 2014
2.11 ppm per year
1995 - 2004
1.87 ppm per year
1985 - 1994
1.42 ppm per year
1975 - 1984
1.44 ppm per year
1965 - 1974
1.06 ppm per year
1959 - 1964
(6 years only)
0.73 ppm per year
Better blame those “Socialist” CO2 detectors, amirite?
Nothing to see here, folks. Drill, baby, drill! Say, isn't about time for more tax breaks and government incentives for Big Oil?
To Chuck, THEY are the real victims. His pickled and withered brain will believe anything they tell him.
I'd love to meet his grandkids and learn what they think about ol' Gramps funny ideas about letting oil companies dictate our pollution laws.
Actually Davy, I think I touched your nerve on your alcoholism, See your sponsor before you fall off the wagon again.
Funny how you trusted a govt led by a guy who promised you could keep your Dr.
Dave Dubya: "They are paid by Big Oil and the Kochs to reject reason and science, and to deny climate change."
The good news, if one could believe there is good news, is that it was easier for Charles and David to buy Republican influence. Now they're in uncharted waters. Buying Democrats results in a lot of uncertainty.
Lee Camp said, when he opened his show last Friday night, the New York primary "was a big win for plutocracy". The facts are inescapable. The establishment will go to any length to ensure that their corporarist-of-choice, Hillary Clinton, is "elected" president.
What isn't rigged, is fixed.
And don't forget, all you nose-holders: If you love the corporatocracy, you'll love Hillary Clinton.
There's no shame in voting for the lessor of evils, if that can even be sorted out these days.
Clinton, Trump, and Cruz have definitely demonstrated their danger to peace, justice, freedom and equality. At least one of them isn't suppressing women's and voters' rights like the other two would. I totally understand voting against those who would appoint the worst Supreme Court justices.
But as far as Wall Street and the Military industrial complex go, there's little difference. The plutocratic power of wealth rules as democracy loses.
The Corporate States of America will have it's puppet in the White House, just like it has for most of the last half century.
Oh how wonderful it would be if we were like Venezuela.
Chuck, how about your beloved Israel? Can we be like Israel? You know, with unionized fast food workers and mandatory universal healthcare?
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