Bernie Sanders in 2016
"Finally, let's understand that when we stand
together, we will always win. When men and women stand together for
justice, we win. When black, white and Hispanic people stand together
for justice, we win."
Bernie Sanders
Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! IT'S SUPER JEW!!!
Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! IT'S SUPER JEW!!!
I plan on voting for the Democratic ticket next year. For all their faults and perfectly hideous flaws, the Dems are light years more palatable than anything the GOP has to offer these days. Just look at the mob of knuckleheads and psychos that are today seeking the nomination of what is still laughably referred to as "the party of Abraham Lincoln". For the first time in many decades, a statesman is seeking the presidency of the United States. His name is Bernie Sanders, senator from the state of Vermont. He's the one I'm supporting.
Yeah, I know what some of you are thinking:
Are you progressives going to cut off your noses to spite your faces like you did fifteen years ago with Ralph Nader???

Bernie Sanders has an uphill battle to be sure. Certainly he's not the most telegenic candidate ever to make his bid for the White House. His suits are not custom-tailored, his manner is just a bit gruff, and in a nation where only a generation ago, some "respectable" hotels were known to have signs posted that said, "No Jews or Dogs Allowed" - he has a lot of road to cover in order to get his message across.
But he IS getting that message across. People are responding to Bernie - and the crowds he draws are more impressive than anyone else seeking the office. He's the only politician (and I use that word cautiously) who has the courage to say exactly what needs to be said: that America is in desperate need of a political revolution; not political "change" or political "house cleaning" - but "a political revolution" - his exact words. Is it any wonder why I'm supporting this guy?
Whatever happens between now and Election Day 2016 (and Heaven knows anything can happen) now is the time to just sit back and come face-to-face with the inescapable reality that this country is worth saving. That's only going to happen if we take a decided turn to the left. We're not going to be saved by the alleged "moderation" of Wall Street stooge Hillary Clinton - and shame on us if we're naive enough to entrust our future to the likes of Jeb Bush.
As I said, I'll be voting for the Democratic nominee in 2016. I hope that it's Bernie Sanders. And let's be honest: It's high time we had a Jewish guy living in the White House, don'cha think? Oy!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
a film by David Grubin
I'll let you in on a little secret: I'm a frustrated Jew. Although a proportionately tiny minority in the American landscape, their contribution to our culture is as incalculable as it is undeniable. I've always been partial to the comedians. Can you imagine a world without Sid Caesar, Jack Benny, Lenny Bruce, Zero Mostel, The Marx Brothers, The Ritz Brothers, Robert Klein, Joan Rivers, Sheckey Greene or Jerry Lewis? I can't. And while we're on the subject, let's not forget Uncle Bobby Zimmerman!
Here is a link to purchase a DVD of this excellent, three-part series from
This one is a keeper.
Whatever happens between now and Election Day 2016 (and Heaven knows anything can happen) now is the time to just sit back and come face-to-face with the inescapable reality that this country is worth saving. That's only going to happen if we take a decided turn to the left. We're not going to be saved by the alleged "moderation" of Wall Street stooge Hillary Clinton - and shame on us if we're naive enough to entrust our future to the likes of Jeb Bush.
As I said, I'll be voting for the Democratic nominee in 2016. I hope that it's Bernie Sanders. And let's be honest: It's high time we had a Jewish guy living in the White House, don'cha think? Oy!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
a film by David Grubin
I'll let you in on a little secret: I'm a frustrated Jew. Although a proportionately tiny minority in the American landscape, their contribution to our culture is as incalculable as it is undeniable. I've always been partial to the comedians. Can you imagine a world without Sid Caesar, Jack Benny, Lenny Bruce, Zero Mostel, The Marx Brothers, The Ritz Brothers, Robert Klein, Joan Rivers, Sheckey Greene or Jerry Lewis? I can't. And while we're on the subject, let's not forget Uncle Bobby Zimmerman!
Here is a link to purchase a DVD of this excellent, three-part series from
This one is a keeper.
Love your "rant" - besides his being of a Jewish background and educated at the University of Chicago, he is also a self-professed SOCIALIST - so we have another uphill battle against Neanderthals in America who think that SOCIALISM is the bastard-brother to COMMUNISM. They do not understand that ALL "-isms" when ADHERED TO and crusaded with fanatic zeal can and often do create more harm than good, and that also includes CAPITALISM.
Dandy comment, Ron. Keep 'em coming!
"A better and peaceful world is possible — a world where people and nature come before profits. That’s socialism. That’s our vision. We are the Communist Party USA."
Looks like the Communist Party USA are Neanderthals. Thanks for bringing that to our attention.
"They do not understand that ALL "-isms" when ADHERED TO and crusaded with fanatic zeal can and often do create more harm than good, and that also includes CAPITALISM."
Does that include LIBERALISM?
yeah... sure tax the 1%, 90%.... To bad the 1% include people making only $500,000 a year. THe guy is a stupid Marxist, only a retard would vote for him
We know that Bernie Sanders’ “radical left wing progressive views”, as portrayed by corporate media, are in fact mainstream views.
How Mainstream is Bernie Sanders?
MOST Americans agree with Bernie Sanders on all his major policy positions, but the corporate media doesn’t want us to know this. Their corporate sponsors prefer to label Bernie as an outsider on the fringe.
Most Americans agree with Bernie on wealth distribution, Citizens United, education, student debt, climate change, etc.
This is incomprehensible to the two fanatics of the far Right above.
Looks like someone just had his garter snapped. LOL!
I must say the reality-impaired "RealityExposer" is another hilarious right wing fanatic, all too eager to prove my statement that, "This is incomprehensible to the two fanatics of the far Right"
He is so far gone he thinks Cole is the source of the polls he cites.
Obviously the little goose-stepper is too full of hate and fury to actually read the sources.
Hey, Reality-Impaired, thanks for proving me correct.
And don't forget to share your hate and ignorance about us at your next Klan and John Birch meetings.
(Watch him spew about the Klan being "Democrat"... in the previous centuries.)
These simple minded fanatics are soooo predictable.
They are the unwitting epitome of stooges and shills for the anti-American far Right.
They HATE all notions of equality and a level playing field, and above all, they HATE our Constitutional regulation of commerce and providing and promoting the general welfare. Not even a commie can be more un-American than they are.
Not that these buffoons know anything about Marx or communism.
They are too stupid to see Obama is really a corporatist pushing a secret corporate-written TPP trade agreement.
Obama is for it, therefore Rush is against it. Which side do you suppose our Reality-Impaired goofball is on? I bet he hasn't a clue, and will ignore the point entirely.
He will prove me correct again, of course.
Their ignorance shines for the world to see.
You sell Ralph short. Maybe those who voted for him would not have voted at all if he were not on the ballot. I'm tired of liberals blaming Nader for Gore's loss. Just as I got tired of Republicans blaming Perot for Bush's loss. Grow up, take responsibility for your own parties mistakes.
Here's how mainstream Bernie is.
He is a socialist. He admits it. OK?
"A better and peaceful world is possible — a world where people and nature come before profits. That’s socialism. That’s our vision. We are the Communist Party USA."
Now tell us, who's garter is getting snapped?
Well at least the troll admits profits should come before people.
No surprise.
Nuff said.
"A horrible and war-torn world is possible — a world where profits come before people and nature. That’s BoyTrollism. That’s our vision. We are the Wingnut Internet Troll Party USA."
- SoreLoserBoyTroll
Now if Dumbya and the east coast liberal prick would admit what the CPUSA says in it's banner is the same thing Bernie calls himself, we can get back to talking about the reality of what Uncle Bernie's odds are to win the nomination.
How do you like your crow served.
The "Profits over people" troll is too stupid to know the differences between socialism and communism.
He is also too stupid to know he is neo-liberal zombie.
We all know only corporatists are allowed the nomination. "TPP" Obama is proof of this reality.
Then there is this reality:
MOST Americans agree with Bernie Sanders on all his major policy positions, but the corporate media doesn’t want us to know this. Their corporate sponsors prefer to label Bernie as an outsider on the fringe.
Most Americans agree with Bernie on wealth distribution, Citizens United, education, student debt, climate change, etc.
This is incomprehensible to the fanatics of the far Right.
The corporatocracy cares little for we the people, and they have almost all the free speech money.
Say Dumbya, sounds like you're getting your garters all up in a bunch. It's not me who doesn't know the difference, it's the CPUSA who says they are socialist, the same thing Uncle Bernie says he is.
The question that needs to be answered is what is difference between what you and Uncle Bernie subscribe to and those of the CPUSA?
You see Dumbya you can have your little fits of anger all you want in an attempt to deflect from this salient truth, you nor Uncle Bernie have yet to distance yourselves from the the position of the CPUSA. You nor Uncle Bernie have yet to disavow the support the CPUSA has offered to you to defeat the GOP.
I know from past experience with you that you will now counter with demands that the GOP disavow support from the Go ahead, but doing so ignores the very basic problem and need of your wing of the DNC. It's called H. Clinton. You do not want her to win, you want Bernie to win.
The DNC has only one candidate at this time and if your claim that most Americans agree with Uncle Bernie's positions, IE Socialism, is correct, then Ms.Clinton will not be the next President. So your problem is not Fox News, KKK, the Koch's, GOP, libertarians and the Tea Party. Your problem is how do you separate Uncle Bernie from positions he shares with the Communist Party USA?
Do you think most Americans would favor the positions held by Uncle Bernie if they were told his positions were in lock step with those of the CPUSA?
Since the troll wants to bring the CPUSA into the discussion, he may be disappointed that MOST Americans would agree with them that profits over people is an immoral neo-liberal corporatist position.
The troll clearly agrees that profits should come before people and this is why socialism is gaining in popularity.
What the CPUSA thinks is irrelevant. They are correct on agreeing with most Americans. What MOST Americans think IS relevant. If most Americans agree with the CPUSA on certain issues then that ought to be reflected in a democratic representative republic. All that is reflected now is neo-liberalism in a militarist/corporate state.
Neo-liberals like the troll don't care and will keep shouting "Commie, commie" to frighten the uninformed.
If the troll were to actually debate, he would attempt to explain why profits over people is better than people over profits. He won't. He can only make unfounded accusations and red bait.
A communist is a socialist, but a socialist is not necessarily a communist. Nobody I know of wants government ownership of all business, manufacturing and agriculture. THAT is communism. The troll thinks taxes, the regulation of commerce and provision of general welfare is communism.
If you support Constitutional (and socialistic) regulation of commerce and provision for the general welfare you are not a communist. but you have a socialist leaning.
Even the founders had a socialist streak. THEY understood people over profits is a better system of government than that of profits over people.
Not the anti-American neo-liberals.
What the troll is afraid of is our understanding that his "profits over people" ideology is disastrous to our country. Corporate profits are sky high. And why not? Corporations are writing out laws and regulations and so-called trade agreements.
The neo-liberal rigged system is anti-American. Regulation of commerce and promoting and providing for the general welfare is as American as the Constitution. Corporations owning politicians and writing laws is un-American and plainly counter to the Constitutional requirement to regulate commerce and provide for the general welfare of WE THE PEOPLE.
That reflects people over profits, not the neo-liberal profits over people.
This is the debate the chicken troll avoids at all costs.
All he can do is red bait and whine about CPUSA. He can't even make a rational argument against them.
This is all too reasonable for the troll to engage in polite discussion.
He will continue his typical pattern and likely get personal again.
What else can he do?
Hi folks I'm back !! I hope you all have realized by now that my prior comments have turned out to be quite prophetic. See what happens when you trust the establishment ? So yeah, let's give Bernie a try, what the hell !!
Tom, about you voting for the Democrat in the next Presidential election...if Hillary gets the nomination ( like that hasn't been decided already ) I don't think I could vote for her even while holding my nose and puking. She is one of " them " and things will get no better for the 99% if she is elected. This champion of the people thing she is trying to pull off is total bullshit. She is an establishment hack just like all the other phony politicians out there. Shit, her son in law is a Wall Street guy for crying out loud !!
Dumbya, I'd think if you really wanted Uncle Bernie to win, you would be working on ways to separate him from the CPUSA, instead of being critical of people who see a connection.
Maybe you can start by listing what differences there are between the two. That is what you should be doing instead of chest pounding.
There's the CPUSA red-baiting again. LOL!!
He always gives me the pleasure of saying, "I told you so". He can't seem to make a point without red-baiting.
I'm open to the Neo-liberal Troll educating me why profits over people is better than people over profits.
Is that too much to ask?
I think he's terrified that more Americans agree with Bernie the socialist than those who agree with his radical anti-democracy neo-liberalsim.
Just the facts.
Time for more red-baiting, doncha think? Maybe a prison reference? Anything to avoid fair discussion.
Compassionate Conservative Exhibit 48,982: Ted Cruz
You know, Vice President Joe Biden," he said as a few chuckles emerged from the crowd, setting up the joke for him.
"You know the nice thing. You don't need a punchline. I promise you it works. At the next party you're at, just walk up to someone and say, 'Vice President Joe Biden,' and just close your mouth. They will crack up laughing."
When asked why he joked about Biden so soon after the death of his oldest son, Ted the compassionate one said nothing and turned away.
The cruel face of the far Right on display.
Not baiting Dumbya, just pointing out to you what the CPUSA website says. It's you that has the problem in separating Uncle Bernie's positions from those of the CPUSA.
Trying to deflect by asking me questions and "right wing baiting" really will not solve this problem for you and Uncle Bernie.
Surely you don't believe I am the only person who is going to read the mission statement of the CPUSA and Uncle Bernie's positions and wonder what is the difference?
Maybe your just hoping no one will.
"Time for more red-baiting, doncha think?"
Not baiting Dumbya, just pointing out to you what the CPUSA website says.
There's the CPUSA red-baiting again. LOL!!
Told you so.
How many more times will the neo-liberal stooge do this? He hasn't the intellect to discuss points rationally so he indulges in fascism's favorite tool, repetitive red-baiting.
He's terrified that more Americans agree with Bernie the socialist than those who agree with his radical anti-democracy neo-liberalsim.
Just the facts.
Time for more red-baiting, doncha think? Maybe a prison reference? Anything to avoid fair discussion.
Tom Degan is the biggest jackass on the planet earth.
He is going to vote next year, along with progressive utopian dreamers and the LIFs, for the Socialist who gives out the most free stuff.
So what if Bernie thinks women fantasize about being penetrated by 3 men at once. What a sick and perverted man. The media threw that under the rug because he is a progressive. He makes Todd Akin look like an angel.
Chuckie's back!!
And he claims he knows what Bernie thinks? How about how the "Good Republican" American Family Association's Josh Dugger's REAL perverted behavior?
Yeah, we know, a liberal's thoughts are far worse than a real child molester and pervert's actions.
Thank God we have the Republican Party as our guardians of decency and pillars of 'family values" morality.
If I understand the history correctly, in the late 1990s, the President was impeached for lying about a sexual affair by a House of Representatives led by a man who was also then hiding a sexual affair, who was supposed to be replaced by another Congressman who stepped down when forced to reveal that he too was having a sexual affair, which led to the election of a new Speaker of the House who now has been indicted for lying about payments covering up his sexual contact with a boy.
- Orin Kerr
Projection, the Right's favorite brand of hypocrisy.
Thanks for bringing up perversion, Chuckie!
We can only imagine what's in his sick little head.
The media threw that under the rug because he is a progressive.
Chuckie's such an idiot, he doesn't know it was the liberal Mother Jones that broke the clumsy 43 year old essay on gender roles.
There's no fool like Chuckie the neo-liberal stooge.
Dumbya, you really dont get it do you?
If Uncle Bernie is a socialist and the CPUSA says they are socialist why can't you make the connection?
It's like you claiming it's racist to point out that 52% of murders as reported by the Holder(Black) DOJ are committed by African Americans. You just cant deal with facts.
Surely you don't believe I am the only person who is going to read the mission statement of the CPUSA and Uncle Bernie's positions and wonder what is the difference?
Dumbya, you left out the part about Clinton being impeached for lying under oath and that the Arkansas Bar Association disbarred him... You forgot that tried to deflect again.
He did it again!! LOL!
That's our Chuckie, the Neo-Liberal Stooge.
If Uncle Bernie is a socialist and the CPUSA says they are socialist why can't you make the connection?
What connection is that?
I still don't get how neo-liberalism's "profits over people" is better than socialism's "people over profits".
This Chuckie's big chance to convert more followers for his neo-liberal masters.
....Or, he'll repeat his stupid inference that socialism is communism.
Just pay no attention as his neo-liberal masters repeal anti-pollution laws, suppress labor rights, suppress voter rights, allow global corporations to dictate our laws, destroy democracy, and ultimately create a neo-feudal system of lords and serfs. Corporate "persons" shall have dictatorship over human persons.
There's your profits over people. Bernie and MOST Americans prefer people over profits.
But, I'll be darned if I can make the connection how neo-liberalism's profits over people is better than socialism's people over profits. I guess only Chuckie can make this connection for us.
Oh, well. What else can we expect from a person called "Dumbya" by a Neo-Liberal Stooge?
Oh, that part about Clinton is important? The part that's OK if you're a Republican?
Yes, and what did Clinton do that was worse than piling up the debt, overseeing pre-911 failure, falsely linking Saddam to al-Qaeda, starting a war for crony profit and political gain, killing over 4,000 Americans, triggering civil war in Iraq, disbanding the Iraqi army( who later formed ISIL), and building a massive surveillance state?
I guess you left out those parts.
The man who proved that you could be too dumb to win the Republican presidential nomination is back for another bite at the apple, brought to you once again by Ambien and Tito’s Vodka, America’s favorite pre-debate cocktail. So it’s worth remembering that he believes that virtually the entire 20th century welfare and regulatory state is unconstitutional. (In fairness, his constitutional vision would at least prevent the scariest extreme of jack-booted government tyranny, large-scale commercial farmers who want to take advantage of federal price supports to sell large quantities of wheat at far-above-market prices but are required to comply with federal regulations of the interstate market in wheat.)
What’s scarier than Perry believing this stuff, of course, is the extent to which some of these ideas are creeping closer to the Republican mainstream. If taken seriously, the federalism holding in Sebelius would effectively overrule not only Wickard but McCulloch v. Maryland. And while repealing the Sixteenth Amendment may seem like classic made-in-Texas wingnuttery, well, I bring to you the national platform of the 2012 Republican Party:
In any restructuring of federal taxation, to guard against hypertaxation of the American people, any value added tax or national sales tax must be tied to the simultaneous repeal of the Sixteenth Amendment, which established the federal income tax.
Perry believes all manner of incredibly nutty stuff — and if he were capable of speaking English sentences could well have been the Republican nominee for president in 2012.
The speech that Hillary Rodham Clinton gave at Texas Southern University on Thursday regarding the right to vote even was better than I expected it to be. It was a thwacking, name-checking jeremiad that took for granted the obvious fact that the Republican party, and the conservative movement that is its only real energizing force, has embarked on a systematic campaign to disenfranchise those voters unlikely to vote for Republican candidates, and that the campaign has been abetted at the highest levels of conservative politics which, in this case, happen to include the Supreme Court of the United States. She talked about how Rick Perry had worked to restrict the franchise in Texas, and how Scott Walker had done so in Wisconsin. Then, she said this.
"And in Florida, when Jeb Bush was governor, state officials conducted a deeply flawed purge of voters before the presidential election of 2000."
Yeah, she went there.
That purge–which is estimated to have eliminated over 12,000 eligible voters from the rolls in a primary that Bush's dim brother won by a margin of 537–was central to the Republican effort to keep the election in Florida within the margin of shenanigans, thereby enabling the Supreme Court to hand the White House to C-Plus Augustus and thereby inaugurate eight full years of utter calamity. That HRC tracks the campaign of voter-suppression back to that ur-event is not merely faithful to history, but also a remarkably shrewd maneuver. From the moment that the Nine Wise Souls of the time cinched The Big Heist, Democratic politicians have been shamefully lax in using that grotesque episode to their advantage, not even when the administration that the Court installed brought so many things to ruin. (The most anger-making segment in Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 remains watching all those Democratic senators hide under their desks rather than stand with the likes of John Lewis to contest the results of the 2000 election.) Now, though, HRC has found a way to use it, casting it as an assault on our most fundamental right, while subtly reminding all of us that Jeb (!) was one of the getaway drivers in 2000.
Dumbia, duuh
Both Uncle Bernie and the CPUSA say they are socialists. If they are different, explain where and how.
I'm not inferring anything I'm just quoting the CPUSA says on their website and what Uncle Bernie says he is. YOU need to explain why the are not the same.
Amazing how quoting what people say they are upsets Cousin Dumbya so much.
TWO more repetitions of his favorite example of red-baiting.
I get to say I told you so... twice this time.
I told you so.
Utterly predictable idiocy.
YOU need to explain why the are not the same.
Poor Chuckie the Neo-liberal Stooge Troll.
His mental and emotional disorders are beyond his apprehension. His Attention Deficit Disorder is the latest on display.
A communist is a socialist, but a socialist is not necessarily a communist. Nobody I know of wants government ownership of all business, manufacturing and agriculture. THAT is communism.
If you support Constitutional (and socialistic) regulation of commerce and provision for the general welfare you are not a communist. but you have a socialist leaning.
Even the founders had a socialist streak. THEY understood people over profits is a better system of government than that of profits over people.
Not the anti-American neo-liberals.
I still don't get how neo-liberalism's "profits over people" is better than socialism's "people over profits".
This is Chuckie's big chance to convert more followers for his neo-liberal masters.
....Or, he'll repeat his stupid inference that socialism is communism
I'll just say it in advance because I have a concert to attend this evening.
I told you so.
Nuff said. (Thanks, Stan Lee)
Dumbya, somebody getting their panties in a wade?
Bernie Sanders
Socialism is a social and economic system characterised by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy, as well as a political theory and movement that aims at the establishment of such a system.
Socialism is a social and economic system characterised by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy, as well as a political theory and movement that aims at the establishment of such a system.
Both of the above say they are socialists, if they are not the same, maybe you can share with us the differences. Instead you talk to an empty hall with terms like I told you so, as if a great group is waiting on the edge of their seats for every word of wisdom to drop like pearls from your mouth.
Again I ask the supporters of Uncle Bernie, since Cousin Dumbya seems ill equipped to do so, how are you going to distant Uncle Bernie from the CPUSA mission statement about socialism? What is different between Uncle Bernie's socialism and the socialism of the CPUSA? I think that is a fair question any serious candidate should be able to answer.
THREE more repetitions!!!
I now owe TWO more "I told you so's"
Chuckie the Neo-liberal Stooge Troll needs mindless repetition and copy and pastes from who knows where.
How many more times will the neo-liberal stooge do this? He hasn't the intellect to discuss points rationally so he indulges in fascism's favorite tool, repetitive red-baiting.
He's terrified that more Americans agree with Bernie the socialist than with his radical anti-democracy neo-liberalsim.
Just the facts.
And I told you so.
Like most Vermonters, I like Bernie.
I don't always agree with him and I don't even mind that he is Jewish, or that he's a New Yorker, or kinda grumpy, or a Progressive for that matter.
But let's get one thing straight. In order to win a national election he is going to have to appeal to a much broader swath of the electorate. He ain't gonna make it in a place like Texas, 'cept maybe Austin.
The other day Rand Paul was sounding pretty darn smart with all that anti surveillance talk. Lots of lefties, me included, like some of the stances that Paul has taken. Sure there is a ton of stuff to not like about him too. Kinda like Bernie.
This brings me to the conclusion that both Bernie and Paul are making a big mistake because they are bowing to the status quo of the two party system that I think most Americans are pretty disgusted with. As I see it the only viable team of the dozen or so idiots that have thrown their hats in would be to pair Rand Paul AND Bernie Sanders and run them on an independent ticket. Paul for President and Sanders for Vice President. So far all the right wing people I have suggested this to have said...after thinking about it...yeah, they'd vote for that. All the left wing people, unless they are feminists who want Hillary, have also said they would vote for that.
Imagine, first time in a long time the two party oligarchy would be given a run for its money.
Rand Paul will do whatever the Kochs tell him to do. He can talk all he wants but in the end we all know who his masters are.
All this bullshit from OrphanBoyTrollSoreLoserHarrySharptoon about Sanders being a.. (gulp!) communist.
Is Germany a communist country? Is Sweden a communist country? Norway?
How about Iceland? You never hear much about Iceland from the corporate media sunday morning talk shows. Why not?
How did Iceland fix it's economic troubles? Raised taxes on the rich, expanded the social safety net.
Iceland holds some key lessons for nations trying to survive bailouts after the island’s approach to its rescue led to a “surprisingly” strong recovery, the International Monetary Fund’s mission chief to the country said.
Iceland’s commitment to its program, a decision to push losses on to bondholders instead of taxpayers and the safeguarding of a welfare system that shielded the unemployed from penury helped propel the nation from collapse toward recovery, according to the Washington-based fund.
"He's terrified that more Americans agree with Bernie the socialist than with his radical anti-democracy neo-liberalsim."
Uncle Bernie supporters are terrified that he can't explain the differences between his positions and those of the CPUSA. That no one has done so tells me there may not be a difference.
We're not scared at all.
But you're shitting in your pants. I can tell from your stupid posts.
CPUSA again??
I told you so.
What terrifies the crap out of Chuckie the Neo-liberal Stooge Troll is the fact most Americans agree with Bernie, and the troll thinks that would mean most Americans are now commies.
Yes, he is an ideological idiot and right wing fanatic.
He fails to grasp that both Chinese Communism and his neo-liberalism crush worker rights to unionize and bargain for safer conditions and better wages.
Both Chinese Communism and his neo-liberalism result in a system of lords and serfs.
Democracy is out of the question in both systems.
Constitutional taxation, regulation of commerce and provision for the general welfare are all targets of neo-liberlism.
His masters like the Kochs and "super person" corporations are the ones he wants to have the power of governing.
And they are taking that power more and more with each corrupt congress and corporate written trade agreement.
What are the differences between the positions of the CPUSA (5 times) and those of Uncle Bernie?
Seems like a simple enough question for the self proclaimed brightest poster on Tom's blog. One that will be asked by others.
Here's what I find interesting, Uncle Bernie's supporters can list his differences from Obama and Clinton in a NY second. But they can't/won't his differences from the CPUSA (6times), and at the same time, get all defensive and upset (and revert to labeling those who do ask), if anyone asks them to explain those differences.
It seems odd that the so called right wing media (MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX) haven't asked the about the differences in an attempt to derail Uncle Bernie's campaign.
After all the red-baiting we're still waiting to learn how profits before people is better than people before profits.
After all, the Neo-liberal Stooge Troll quoted this for us.
"A better and peaceful world is possible — a world where people and nature come before profits. That’s socialism. That’s our vision. We are the Communist Party USA."
So why can't he enlighten us how terribly wrong this is? If he can't explain how this is so wrong, why should we listen to him?
He's dodging a point he introduced. That's our Chicken Chuckie, the Neo-liberal Stooge Troll.
He's terrified that more Americans agree with Bernie the socialist than those who agree with his radical anti-democracy neo-liberalsim.
Just the facts.
"A better and peaceful world is possible — a world where people and nature come before profits. That’s socialism. That’s our vision. We are the Communist Party USA."
Never said that was good or bad, just wanted to know how Uncle Bernie's policy's differ from the CPUSA. Sorry that gets your garters all wadded up Dumbya.
Must be desperate times for Dumbya, he's now reverted to name calling instead of dealing with a very real issue.
Uncle Bernie supporters are terrified that he can't explain the differences between his positions and those of the CPUSA. That no one has done so tells me there may not be a difference.
Told you so.
Never said that was good or bad...
Actually, he never said ANYTHING.
How about I state a fact, just for the record.
He's terrified that more Americans agree with Bernie the socialist than those who agree with his radical anti-democracy neo-liberalsim.
Actually I asked a question that has you chasing your tail.
What are the differences between the positions of the CPUSA and those of Uncle Bernie?
Here's what I find interesting, Uncle Bernie's supporters can list his differences from Obama and Clinton in a NY second. But they can't/won't his differences from the CPUSA , and at the same time, get all defensive and upset (and revert to labeling those who do ask), if anyone asks them to explain those differences.
Anonymous: "'A better and peaceful world is possible — a world where people and nature come before profits. That’s socialism. That’s our vision. We are the Communist Party USA.' Never said that was good or bad, just wanted to know how Uncle Bernie's policy's differ from the CPUSA."
I personally agree with more of the CPUSA's platform than either of the platforms offered by the Republican or Democratic Parties, and I'm fairly confident that if polled, a vast majority of Americans would too -- especially if the "spooky" word "communist" were redacted or omitted.
What you're centering on is a word -- that word being "communist". The word, for you, apparently conjures up images of Stalinist repression, authoritarian and totalitarian control of everything, which is totally "20th century" in its definition. You're obviously ignorant of the fact that the word derives from the root word "commons", which anybody with a modicum of understanding of early American colonial life knows refers to areas of the town or village where the people gathered and marketed and shared their lives socially. Have you ever been to the Boston Common? Have you ever been on the grounds of a major university? The term "commons" is as prevalent as the term co-ed, dorm, or library. Since the rise of communism in the early part of the last century in what became known as the Soviet Union, the word "commons" to describe the social areas I described were gradually replaced by the more socially acceptable word "parks". (And, as a sidebar, the same word transformation occurred with the word "negro", or even worse,"nigger", to "black" and "African American". But I digress.)
Have you ever been to a park? Did you enjoy yourself? If so, you enjoyed the "commons". Pat yourself on the back -- you're now a communist!
In answer to your question, Bernie Sanders' proposals fall short of most that the CPUSA proposes. But I won't begrudge the man for that. Putting profits before people and the environment is what makes capitalism unsustainable and fatalistic. Ultimately, the myopic way capitalism is practiced today places all of humankind in jeopardy.
I think it's funny that the Boy Troll knows so much about CPUSA. He sure seems to hang out on a lot of "Commie" websites.
NEWS FLASH! Communists have been seen breathing oxygen and eating food! Bernie Sanders is also known to do these things! He MUST be a "Commie"
JG what part of the CPUSA platform don't you agree with?
Do you know what part that Uncle Bernie doesn't agree with?
Told you so.
Hey, does anyone else wonder why Chicken Chuckie the Neo-liberal Stooge Troll hasn't even told us where HE disagrees with the CPUSA? What's up with that?
Of all of us, HE is the one that visits their site and copy and pastes from it.
If Chicken Chuckie the Neo-liberal Stooge Troll can't tell us what's wrong with them, who will?
Or could it be he's just too stupid to think for himself and too lazy to read what they have to say in order to reach an informed opinion?
We do know he's terrified that more Americans agree with Bernie the socialist than those who agree with his radical anti-democracy neo-liberalsim.
“All this while no supply was heard of, neither knew when they might expect any. So they began to think how they might raise as much corn as they could, and obtain a better crop than they had done, that they might not still thus languish in misery. At length, after much debate of things, the Governor (with the advice of the chiefest amongst them) gave way that they should set corn every man for his own particular and in that regard trust to themselves; in all other things to go on in the general way as before. And so assigned to every family a parcel of land, according to the proportion of their number for that end, only for present use (but made no division for inheritance) and ranged all boys and youth under some families. This had very good success; for it made all hands very industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been by any means and the Governor or any other could use, and saved him a great deal of trouble, and gave far better content. The women now went willingly into the field, and took their little ones with them to set corn, which before would claim weakness and inability; whom to have compelled would have been thought great tyranny and oppression.”
“The experience that was had in this commons course and condition, tried a number of years, and that amongst godly and sober men, may well convince the vanities of the conceit of Plato and other ancients, applauded by some of later times; that taking away of properties, and bringing in community to common wealth, would make them happy and flourishing; as if they were wiser than God. For this community (as far as it was) was found to breed much confusion and discontent, and retard much employment that would have been to their benefit and comfort. For the young men that were most able and fit for labor and service did complain that they should spend their time and strength to work for other men’s wives and children, without any recompense. The strong, or man of parts, had no more in division of victuals and clothes, than he that was weak and not able to do a quarter that the other could; this was thought injustice. The aged and graver men to be ranked and equalized in labors and victuals , clothes, etc, with the meaner and younger sort, thought it some indignant and disrespect unto them. And for men’s wives to be commanded to do service for other men, as dressing their meat, washing their clothes, etc., they deemed it a kind of slavery, neither could many husbands well tolerate it. Upon the point all being to have alike and all do alike, they thought themselves in the like condition and one as good as another; and so, if it did not out of those relations that God had set amongst men, yet it did at least much diminish and take of the mutual respect that should be preserved amongst them. And would have been worse if they had been men of another condition. Let none object this is men’s corruption, and nothing to the course itself. I answer, seeing all men have this corruption in them, God in his wisdom saw another course fitter for them.”
As you can see from the writings of William Bradford at Plymouth Plantation, one of America's first experiments with communism was a complete failure. You won't read about this by that buffoon Howard Zinn in any of his history books.
You see JG, people have not changed in thousands of years. Why should I work hard or even work when I can get free stuff from somebody else?
There were people back then at the Plymouth Plantation, like now, who would rather ride their boogey board made of birch bark like you or smoke pot (grown by the Indians) like Tom than work.
So let's see here. Lazy colonists were given land and the corn to plant in order to encourage them to contribute to a greater harvest.
Hey, isn't that the "free stuff" neo-liberals whine about?
Sounds like socialism to me. From each according to his ability and to each according to his need.
If lazy white men were good enough to be granted land and seed, why is it terrible to have unemployment compensation for people whose jobs were off-shored by corporate written trade agreements? Why is it terrible for people to contribute to and then draw social security?
Why is it terrible that health care is a right in so many countries but OK to force Americans into bankruptcy due to previous conditions?
So are we to believe Chicken Chuckie the Neo-liberal Stooge Troll would agree to give land and seed to poor Americans?
The issue is not what I agree or disagree with,I'm not running for President. It's what Uncle Bernie agrees or disagrees with the CPUSA, that counts.
As a voter, I'm seeking clarification of Uncle Bernie's policy's based his self proclaimed admission that he is a socialist and the mission statement of the CPUSA:
"A better and peaceful world is possible — a world where people and nature come before profits. That’s socialism. That’s our vision. We are the Communist Party USA."
Dave, it is a good thing SL has not come across the name of the Nazi party because that also has the word Socialist in it. Other wise we would have 20 requests to explain the difference between Nazism and Bernie Sanders.
By the way I do not think SL is a Neo anything,he is just an idiot.
Other wise we would have 20 requests to explain the difference between Nazism and Bernie Sanders.
This is another favorite neo-liberal deflection. They want people to think Hitler was a socialist, instead of an extreme Right wing nationalist and fascist. Back in the day Hitler branded real socialists as commies too.
He didn't like them at all.
The troll is very much a tool of neo-liberalism in this sense:
Neoliberalism is a form of economic liberalism whose advocates support laissez faire, free trade and open markets, privatization, deregulation, and enhancing the role of the private sector in modern society.
In one of the most explicitly union-friendly speeches of her young presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton called in to a convention of low-wage workers Sunday morning to deliver a message of support and solidarity.
Before a ballroom full of mostly young, African American workers from across the country — virtually echoed the language that the Service Employees International Union has used in its campaign for a $15 minimum wage. Along with the fast food workers who have been at the core of scattered protests over the past could of years, Clinton’s short speech called out home care workers and adjunct professors, who make up a substantial part of the SEIU’s membership base and have joined in the call for higher wages.
James Hansen,
There wouldn't be 20 requests if someone was able to determiner the difference between Uncle Bernie's version of socialism and the CPUSA's version. Heck I would have thought this is something the vast right wing controlled news media (NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN FOX) would have asked in order to derail Uncle Bernie's campaign.
Since anyone dares to ask this question is an idiot, you would think one very smart liberals could answer? So far all that has happen is deflection and name calling, not very tolerant or liberal minded of you.
Yes, James,
Chicken Chuckie the Neo-liberal Stooge Troll has made his demands clear. We are to obey his authoritarian personality and answer to only him.
And he doesn't answer any questions, got it? He is too ideologically pure to others to question. He is better than us. The rest of us are unpure. We are commies to his ignorant hate-filled radical view.
After all, who's on trial here? The commies, that's who.
Let this be a lesson about the radical Right. They are authoritarian to the core. They demand, everyone else obey. Their way is the neo-feudal corporate police state. No unions. No public education. No environmental laws. No government of, by, and for the people.
Corporations are super persons and the Kochs are their masters. They are putting a BILLION DOLLARS in the next election. They and their ilk own the Republican Party.
The ant-American, anti-Constitutional, scourge that is killing the planet, its people and democracy is Neoliberalism
...So far all that has happened from Chicken Chuckie the Neo-liberal Stooge Troll is deflection and name calling, or I'm not "Dumbya".
The Swedish government has submitted a new proposal to extend paid paternity leave for fathers from two to three months, about equal to the 14 weeks provided to mothers, while the U.S. remains last among OECD member countries in offering government-supported time off for new parents.
A question for BoyTrollSoreLoserSharptoonChuck: Is Sweden a communist country? Is Germany? How about Iceland?
How about Israel with it's universal healthcare system? Another communist country?
We really need a better troll. SoreLoser is an old guy, but he writes like a teenager who just discovered an ayn rand novel in a dumpster.
"Chuck": "As you can see from the writings of William Bradford at Plymouth Plantation, one of America's first experiments with communism was a complete failure. You won't read about this by that buffoon Howard Zinn in any of his history books."
The hardships endured by those early settlers must have been difficult, and most certainly required an "unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno" commitment to survive. It was hardly an "experiment" with communism -- it was the will to make it through harsh conditions that they probably didn't anticipate. This concept is instilled into each individual in the military. Does that make everyone in the military a communist?
But I have to ask: Why are you equating one of the first English settlements in this hemisphere with the commons?
"Why should I work hard or even work when I can get free stuff from somebody else?"
How does this relate to Bernie Sanders and his message? More importantly, why do you think Bernie Sander's message equates to the platform of the CPUSA? Please be specific.
Oh, by the way, it's obvious that you haven't read Zinn's A People's history of the United States.
"There were people back then at the Plymouth Plantation, like now, who would rather ride their boogey board made of birch bark like you or smoke pot (grown by the Indians) like Tom than work."
I don't own a "boogie board". If I did, I wouldn't necessarily want to ride it instead of work. I enjoy working, and enjoy what I do. Some of the time I even do it for free. I also have benefits, like health insurance, and vacation and holiday time. I also believe every working person in America should enjoy these benefits. I like living in civilization. It works better for everyone that way.
You have no proof that Tom smokes pot. But even if he did, why do you believe he'd rather do that than work? And if he doesn't need to work, or would rather not work, why is that a concern to you? Shouldn't each individual have the right to find their own concept of happiness in any way they desire?
According to the Boy Troll, it's fine when billionaires and corporations get "handouts" but a serious threat to national security if poor people get any help.
It's also fine when GOP congressmen commit TREASON, and GOP governors pass laws that hurt working people and deny women basic human dignity.
It's OK when GOP states flush the 1st and 4th amendments, as long as the 2nd continues to be holy.
What this site needs is a couple of intelligent Conservatives to do some posting here. SL has poisoned the well so to speak and has created rancor and disharmony here. The Liberals here would like to debate Conservatives rather than preach to the quire but we only have one regular Conservative poster to interact with. And you would be hard pressed to find a less deserving candidate than SL in the whole damn Internet.
I would argue the troll is not conservative. He is neo-liberal. I can't think of a thing he wants to conserve. If anything, his reactionary views indicate a desire to go back to a time of pre-civil rights white supremacy and resistance to what has already changed for the better in our society.
The neo-liberal agenda is change, radical change, and not conserving our Constitutional rule of law and representative democracy. I'm a conservative on these matters.
International banking and global corporate interests, Kochs included, are served over the people that are supposed to be represented.
Individual rights are now subordinated to the superior rights of corporate persons.
The neo-liberal agenda has co-opted so much of the conservative perspective that now a "conservative" is often the tool of a global corporate agenda. Even Obama is a neo-liberal corporatist. Don't let his bending to a few social issues after being elected distract from what he is and has been doing.
Only neo-liberals are funded enough to win the White House. Note how the corporate media declare Bernie Sanders is "un-electable", despite the fact MOST Americans agree with him on major issues.
Remember the hysteria over the "new world order" as represented by the UN? Conservatives were warning the threat to our sovereignty was a UN one-world-government "New World Order".
What they didn't see coming was the global corporate takeover of governments.
Many of the same "conservatives" who feared a UN New World Order are now on the bandwagon of neo-liberal de-regulation and corporate written "trade agreements" that shift power from sovereign governments to corporate entities.
Our troll is a stooge of this corporate new world order. Wealth is virtue and the rich deserve to govern in his world view. Reinforcing the idea that this is all a "conservative" position has led many astray from the purpose of a democratic republic being of, by and for the people.
Their ideology is an open invitation to the very new world order they once feared.
Our conservative friend Harley appears to be one of the exceptions.
Golly, I can feel the hate and fear directed at me asking one very simple question.
I really don't care Sweden, Iceland, German, Israel are socialist or not.
I dont live there, I don't vote there.
This thread is about Uncle Bernie and I'm simply asking a question that should not take this much effort on my part to get answer.
Uncle Bernie says he is a socialistic.
The Communist Party of the USA mission statement says,
"A better and peaceful world is possible — a world where people and nature come before profits. That’s socialism. That’s our vision. We are the Communist Party USA."
What are the differences between the positions of the CPUSA and those of Uncle Bernie?
I'm simply asking a question that should not take this much effort on my part to get answer.
You're right, BoyTrollHarrySharptoonChuck. It shouldn't take you much effort at all. Why don't you visit "uncle" Bernie's website, check his positions, do some research on statements he's made, and then compare them to the communist party platform.
You certainly have the free time, since you don't work. Those liberal government checks you collect will sustain you while you do your investigation.
"There were people back then at the Plymouth Plantation, like now, who would rather ride their boogey board made of birch bark like you or smoke pot (grown by the Indians) like Tom than work."
Would you like a shovel with a more comfortable grip?
"A better and peaceful world is possible — a world where people and nature come before profits."
Sounds like a plan to me, I don't care who's behind it.
My question to the Boy Troll is, why does HE have a problem with it?
Oh, and why does he spend so much time on a Communist website? I'm a Liberal and I've never intentionally even thought to look one up.
What are the differences between the positions of the CPUSA and those of Uncle Bernie?
Thousands of American kids are getting free university education in Germany
German higher education is essentially free, even for foreign students, and many courses are conducted entirely in English.
US student debt now stands at $1.3 trillion. A full semester at a top German university costs $120 -- and your student card gets you unlimited free public transit. Full health insurance is $87/month. Germans welcome foreign students in the hopes that they'll settle in the country and start businesses and provided a skilled workforce. Admission generally requires a 3.0 GPA or better.
Bernie Sanders proposes something similar for the U.S. and he is a member of the CPUSA?
So Germany must be a communist country...
Hey Mozart,
That's not this threads subject, what is the subject is Uncle Bernie's run for the White House.
Not your best effort at deflection, losing your touch?
I have never ever said that Uncle Bernie is a communist or a member of the CPUSA, those are your words Anonymous @ 8:24, not mine.
I have only asked this question,
"What are the differences between the positions of the CPUSA and those of Uncle Bernie?"
"What are the differences between the positions of the CPUSA and those of Uncle Bernie?"
Let's ask the person most familiar with the CPUSA website...
Oh, that's right, he never answers questions or does research.
His masters must be telling him to repeat the question.
He has nothing to add.
Anonymous...for the umpteenth time: "What are the differences between the positions of the CPUSA and those of Uncle Bernie?"
Here are Bernie Sander's positions as given at a recent speech in Vermont. Very much so that he recently garnered 41% of the vote in a straw-poll in Wisconsin. Obviously, the rank-and-file are listening and are hungry for meaningful change.
Now, here is the CPUSA platform as articulated from their website:
"The Communist Party stands for the interests of the American working class and the American people. It stands for our interests in both the present and the future. Solidarity with workers of other countries is also part of our work. We work in coalition with the labor movement, the peace movement, the student movement, organizations fighting for equality and social justice, the environmental movement, immigrants rights groups and the health care for all campaign.
But to win a better life for working families, we believe that we must go further. We believe that the American people can replace capitalism with a system that puts people before profit - socialism.
We are rooted in our country's revolutionary history and its struggles for democracy. We call for 'Bill of Rights' socialism, guaranteeing full individual freedoms.
Until we win enough support to change the system, communists call for radical reforms under capitalism. We call for nationalization of the banks, railroads, and industries like steel and auto. Everyone who wants to work should be guaranteed a job or get unemployment payments until she/he can find a job. We say put the unemployed to work at union wages on massive public works programs to rebuild our cities, provide affordable housing for the homeless, build mass transit, and clean up the environment!
Our outlook is based on the social science of Marxism-Leninism. We study history, politics and economics in order to change the world."
Now, please!...stop asking the same inane question over-and-over again, and figure it out for yourself. I've spoon-fed you as much as I can -- the rest is up to you.
Personally, I find both viewpoints impressive.
Boy Troll, when you answer some of the DOZENS of questions that have been put to you over the last few months, maybe we will address your inane meaningless questions.
I don't go to Communist websites so I have no idea what they are about. But if "A better and peaceful world is possible — a world where people and nature come before profits." is what they are about I'm with them on that point.
And what of the Duggars? Most of the GOP presidential "hopefuls" have been seen supporting them.
Oh, and then there are the red states that are flushing the 1st and 4th amendments.
The primary difference between Sanders' platform and the CPUSA platform is that Bernie's is at least coherent and reasonably well-articulated. The CPUSA platform appears to have been written by an 8th grader with no concept of history or understanding of the terms they are throwing around.
Sanders is not (openly, at least) a Communist - rather a Social Democrat, a traditional liberal.
Some of Sanders' platform is reasonable and I could get behind it. Some of it I'd need clarification on (is debatable), while some I'd disagree with.
Seems to me there are a few basic points that most sound-thinking, informed individuals (which represents probably 10% of the population at best, sadly) could rally around and focus on. We need a viable third party.
Free-market capitalism is not a silver bullet solution for everything, nor is nanny-state socialism. Statesmen with general good will and good intentions for the country could probably compromise and get pretty close to defining solution(s) that are well-reasoned, though not perfect.
Harley, you said what I have always said
PURE Capitalism doesn't work
PURE Socialism doesn't work
We need ideas from each depending on the situation.
Conservatives LOVE Socialism they just want people afraid of the WORD.
Follow the money and it will always tell you the real story.
Scott Walker has approved $250 million in budget cuts for the University of Wisconsin system.
Now it comes to light that public funds have been pledged for the construction of a posh new arena for the Milwaukee Bucks.
The amount?
$250 million.
Duggars hired Huckabee’s political guru to manage PR for Josh's sexual molestation scandal
Why are the Duggar family's salacious tales worth following? Their ties to political power. Out this week, news that shows just how deep the connections between the Duggars and 2016 Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee really are.
thanks for having the guts to answer my question, can we now stop spoon feeding Mozart?
(Like, where did he come up with this gem,
"Conservatives LOVE Socialism they just want people afraid of the WORD."?)
I want Uncle Bernie to the Democrats nominee. I want the election to be between a far left socialist (would you not say that is what he is?) and a Conservative from the GOP.
If the illegals/non citizens who have invaded us via our southern boarder are stopped from voting, I think it will be a very interesting telling race regardless of the outcome. Anything would be better than a Ms. Clinton vs Jeb Bush contest.
Conservatives LOVE Socialism they just want people afraid of the WORD.
Corporate welfare is absolutely enjoyed by corporate cons.
Corporations LOVE free public money to help them make more money.
See the Milwaukee Bucks scoop up the FREE taxpayer cash for an arena, stripped from higher education.
Private profit as public expense is how they operate. Ask Dick "Halliburton" Cheney.
Boy Troll, do you support the police and fire departments?
Roads, bridges, the power grid?
Do you support the MILITARY?
Anything we all pay into for the common good is SOCIALISTIC.
Now watch as the Boy Troll tries to weasel out of it.
And I'm not conservative so I don't need things "spoon fed" to me.
Anonymous: "JG, thanks for having the guts to answer my question..."
There wasn't any bravery required. I never felt I was going out on a limb, or taking a risk. As I already mentioned (further above), I wasn't going to begrudge Bernie Sanders for not approaching the radical stance of the CPUSA.
"I want Uncle Bernie to [be] the Democrats nominee."
I also do, but I'm not holding my breath. The powers-that-be will never let it happen.
"I want the election to be between a far left socialist (would you not say that is what he is?) and a Conservative from the GOP."
I wouldn't characterize Bernie Sanders to be a "far left socialist" at all. If his platform was identical to that of the CPUSA, I'd agree -- but it's not.
I'd be more inclined to characterize an election between Bernie Sanders, and any of the current field of potential and current GOP candidates, as an election between a democratic socialist and a corporatist fascist. Of the two, I'm absolutely positive about who has both my economic and my social interests in mind -- and it wouldn't be the latter.
"Anything would be better than a Ms. Clinton vs Jeb Bush contest."
Amen to that...
Good News everybody! EPA says fracking does not pollute water supply!
Maybe Cuomo will allow fracking to create some jobs for the all the hicks in upstate NY!
(NaturalNews) All that underground blasting by corporations to release natural gas and oil from deep within the earth, a relatively new energy-harvesting technique known as "hydraulic fracturing," is of no concern to the nation's drinking water. This is the politically charged opinion of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), anyway, which -- backed by the Obama Administration -- recently announced to Americans: drink up!
The EPA report, which took about five years to compile, claims that so-called "fracking" poses no "widespread, systemic impacts on drinking water," countering data presented by environmentalists and independent researchers over the years showing that fracking is causing major damage to water systems. The report claims to have identified several "potential vulnerabilities" but insists that drilling pollution is not a significant threat to water supplies.
Learn more:
The state of New York, which lost 122,000 private sector jobs last decade, has botched its latest attempt to subsidize growth. After months of foot-dragging, the Empire State Development Corporation released a report last week about Start-Up NY, a program that it began under Governor Andrew Cuomo to attract tech innovation. Despite Cuomo’s promises, the report found that Start-Up NY spent millions in marketing dollars, while creating laughably small returns. Thus, it fits into the ESDC’s broader culture of failure, and should be a rebuke for someone who has presidential ambitions, yet reinforces the policies that have contributed to economic decline throughout New York.
The report summarized the first year of a program that Cuomo launched in 2014 to create tech clusters in the state, giving tax breaks to tech-related businesses that open near college campuses. The state has already spent $47 million on advertising, and overall public expenditures for the program’s first three years are expected to be $323 million. Total job creation figures after five years are expected to be 2,085, but so far that figure stands at a whopping 76 jobs.
"Free-market capitalism is not a silver bullet solution for everything, nor is nanny-state socialism. Statesmen with general good will and good intentions for the country could probably compromise and get pretty close to defining solution(s) that are well-reasoned, though not perfect."
Maybe a President who at least successfully ran something. I don't think the man who is so brilliant, who had his brilliant academic records sealed, could run a McDonalds. Look at all the "brilliantly" Democratically run urban hell hole Liberal Plantations like Baltimore Chicago and Detroit. These people are thrown crumbs by their masters in exchange for their vote.
The only skill the Socialists have is finding ways to tax us. When will bowel movements be taxed for revenue?
Maybe a President who at least successfully ran something.
Obama ran a successful campaign for the presidency...twice.
What has "Harry" run....
Obama hired people who ran a successful campaign for the presidency...twice.
Harry, YOUR academic records are "sealed" as are mine and everyone else's, didn't you know that? And Obama's FIRST executive order was to make it EASIER to get the records on Presidents, which actually rescinded one by Bush making it nearly impossible.
Your argument that Democratic mayors of large cities are responsible for crime and poverty is bullshit as well, because first off, large industrial cities that lose industry are GOING to have more crime and poverty, and the jobs left because conservatives outsourced them, and then foreclosed on the homes of the people who lost their jobs. Plus, when minorities are continually treated like second class citizens, they are going to start rebelling against it. Go figure.
And taxes are how we PAY FOR STUFF The ONLY way the debt is going to go down is if we PAY IT DOWN and that can't be done on the backs of the poor and middle class who only have access to 2% of the nation's wealth.
You may not be a communist but you very well could be an apostle. Acts 4:32-37
One cannot be a conservative and a TRUE "Christian" at the same time. The ideals are diametrically opposed. by today's political standards, Jesus was a Liberal.
So where are Obama's school records if his first EO is as you say? Amazing, just when you thought it couldn't be done again GWB has to be brought up to justify Obama's behavior.
Sounds like Mozart is ginning up the class envy warfare again.
Mozart, who are you to tell Christians how they should or should not behave? You are a self admitted agnostic at the least and an atheist at the most. What do you know about the Christian faith if you don't have a faith in Christianity?
Interesting take on the evolution of large cities in an attempt to deflect from the truth that their Democrat leadership was not capable to deal with the change, yet they ran for office on the promise to the voters that if elected they could make effective change and stop the evolution.
Either they lied or are incompetent.
His school records, like yours and everyone else's are off limits to the public. look up Obama
s first EO if you don't believe me. Until then, stop making scandals out of the mundane.
From Wikipedia:
"Executive Order 13233 limited access to the records of former United States Presidents to a higher degree than the previous Order 12667, which it superseded. It was drafted by then White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales and issued by George W. Bush on November 1, 2001. Section 13 of Order 13233 revoked Executive Order 12667 which was issued by Ronald Reagan on January 18, 1989.
Executive Order 13233 was partially struck down in October 2007. The order was revoked on January 21, 2009 by Barack Obama's Executive Order 13489,which essentially restored most of the wording of Order 12667 with some modifications."
You do understand WHY there has to be SOME security around the President and their families right? However, Like I said You can't even get access to your OWN official school records, so shut up about it already.
As for "Christian faith" I have been an active member of several different denominations, read the bible cover to cover several times, and at one point in my late teens considered becoming a minister in the 1st Baptist Church (NO connection to the Westboro Loonies) As I GREW UP and LEARNED THINGS I realized that there was no evidence whatsoever that any "god" exists, and that I could be a good person without the religion that seemed to be hurting so many Americans (not to mention people worldwide) I still think that minus the supernatural nonsense, whoever wrote the words attributed to Jesus had the right idea.
Now if you want to talk "Class warfare" yes, it's real, but it's the rich attacking and persecuting the poor. That much is clear.
As for Democratic mayors, they can only do what the GOP GOVERNORS or congressmen allow. They are not omnipotent. NATIONAL economics are much more powerful than local.
Once again you expose your ignorance for all to see, and STILL have not answered for the TREASON committed by 47 GOP members of congress, or the FACT that several RED States are defying the constitution of the United States, by flushing the first and 4th amendments.
One only has to read Jesus words and actions, and then compare them to the conservative agenda. Tell us all how they are NOT diametrically opposed.
The man who called 911 to complain about a group of black teenagers at a pool party in Texas, and defended the controversial police response as a “good amount of aggression”, is a convicted felon who spent time in jail for violent behaviour and torturing animals.
Sean Toon was sentenced to more than nine months in jail after pleading guilty to killing and maiming prize farm animals and covering them in paint, according to court records in Texas. He was separately sentenced to two and a half months for an assault.
In November 1999, aged 18, Toon and three high school friends were arrested and expelled from school after vandalising the agricultural centre of a rival high school district and attacking animals housed there, many of which were owned and cared for by school children.
“Cows and pigs were cut and bruised, apparently beaten with wooden boards. And baby turkeys were slain, their limbs torn apart,” the Dallas Morning News reported at the time. Dale Gardner, a teacher in the school district’s agriscience and technology program, told the newspaper: “It was brutal. There’s no way to describe it. I’ve never seen anything like it.”
About a dozen prize turkeys, which were reportedly being bred by a student aiming to win money for his scholarship fund, were feared killed.
Animals and buildings were covered in green and gold paint, according to reports. These were the colours of Toon’s high school, Newman Smith, whose football team rivalled that of RL Turner High, whose students used the agricultural centre.
...those animals he tortured were no saints.
Great play on Meghan Kelly's blaming the girl victim of police thuggery, as she bought into every word from her heartless thug guest, Sean Toon.
I bet Toon and the cop thug are also not only "Good Americans", but "Good Republicans" as well.
These are classic Right Wing authoritarian personalities on display.
And you can bet your last dime they hate and blame liberals, as well as blacks, for everything. Just like their fellow Right Wing authoritarian Chuckie the neo-liberal stooge troll.
Looks like we finally know what happened to John Galt.
He banged his head really bad and became a Progressive and landed an executive job at the Empire State Development Corporation with its "Start-Up NY" program. He now gets to spend other peoples money!
The Empire State Development Corporation has already spent $47 million on advertising, and overall public expenditures for the program’s first three years are expected to be $323 million. Total job creation figures after five years are expected to be 2,085, but so far that figure stands at a whopping 76 jobs.
Thats what I call Progressive Leaning Forward Results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL
And John Galt can cook the books just like Enron but not go to jail like those who cooked the books for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac because he works for the gubmint!
"Great play on Meghan Kelly's blaming the girl victim of police thuggery, as she bought into every word from her heartless thug guest, Sean Toon."
What about Al Sharptoon and the phoney Tawana Brawley case?
Al destroyed the reputation of Tawana Brawley's supposed rapist and hasn't paid the man for damages. Wasn't that lie heartless?
Only a liberal buffoon like Dave Dubya would defend a waste of skin like Al Sharptoon.
Rich attacking and persecuting the poor, sounds almost like our government's treatment of Christian bakery who doesn't want to bake a gay wedding cake.
So tell me Mozart as the atheist agnostic expert on Christianity since you make the claim that conservatives were diametrically opposed to the words of Jesus, give me some examples and while your at it support with verses.
I do find it amusing that you want to use Jesus of the New Testament to attack conservatives, while using the Old Testament to attack conservatives on abortion and homosexuality and woman's rights for just a few examples. You do understand that Jesus said "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." Matt5:17.
Only an IDIOT would defend the Rev Al.
Boy Troll, not even Liberals take Sharpton very seriously. Why do you? I have to admit he's toned it down quite a bit of late, but still.
Ok, Jesus championed the poor and admonished the rich, does that sound CONSERVATIVE or Liberal to you?
Jesus fed the masses for FREE liberal or conservative?
Jesus healed the sick FOR FREE liberal or conservative?
Jesus forgave instead of punished Liberal or conservative?
Now YOU tell us all why you think I'm wrong.
This is going to be good, I can tell.
BTW Boy Troll, Jesus was NEW Testament. The OLD testament was the JEWISH book and they do not believe Jesus was the "messiah"
You get into a debate with me over the bible you better bring more than a verse you looked up on some conservative website to justify your stupidity. Hint: I wasn't ALWAYS an Atheist.
How many books of the new Testament were written by Gentiles?
Ever met a Jewish Christian?
Odd, are you saying Dumbya is not a liberal, because he's taking the Rev Al seriously?
Boy Troll, The New Testament is about Jesus, It's highly doubtful Jews would write it. Of course there are no Jewish Christians. Have you ever met a Muslim Buddist?
We all realize you are a few ants short of a picnic, but are you THAT stupid?
And now, how about you answer to the "treasonous 47" and the red states that are flushing the constitution.
"It's highly doubtful Jews would write it."
Was Paul a Jew, was Peter a Jew, was James the brother a Jesus a Jew, was Jesus a Jew. Give me the name of the Gentiles authors of the New Testament books.
Boy Troll, if they thought Jesus was the Messiah, which they OBVIOULSLY did because they WROTE THE FUCKING BOOKS SAYING HE WAS, they clearly were no longer following the Hebrew faith. JEWS FO NOT BELIEVE JESUS IS THE MESSIAH.
Again I ask...ARE YOU REALLY THAT STUPID? I guess you answered that.
Now, tell us about "Tehran Tom" and the Treasonous 47, and the FACT that red states are completely disregarding the US Constitution in an effort to persecute the poor. I think we all know why you avoid those subjects, and it's because you KNOW what they are doing is TREASON and you have no excuse.
Jeez, you are so afraid of the subject you don't even try to deny it, and that says a lot right there. You do realize this entire board is laughing at you right?
Oh, and what about the FACTS (well, assuming Jesus actually existed)stating that by today's political standards, JESUS WAS A LIBERAL.
I'm not laughing at him... he's right.
All of the authors of the NT were Jews in the ethnic sense. The Jewish faith of the OT (the Law and the Prophets) predicted a Messiah, which Jesus (a Jew) fulfilled as He was the prophesied Messiah. The ethnic Jewish people (en masse, though not all) generally rejected Him - as predicted in the OT. By this time in history, the Jewish people had been very much Hellenized and the religious fabric was not near as strong as it had been in previous times. So, to be Jewish, was more an ethnic identity (as it is today). Also, all of the early apostles, who wrote the NT scriptures taught first to the Jewish worshipers in the synagogues. In fact, there are recorded in the NT passages about early disputes between the Jewish and the Gentile believers. So, absolutely there were (and are) Jewish Christians.
Technically, pre-NT Jewish faith (per se) no longer exists (as of 70AD) when the temple was fully and finally destroyed by the Roman government. Without the temple, it is difficult to adhere to it. And that, not by accident. Jesus Himself predicted this in the Olivet discourse.
The fact that Jesus existed is not a topic of any serious debate, though certainly not everyone believes He is the Son of God. Many extra-biblical sources testify to His existence.
As for His political leanings, His kingdom far transcends our petty politics.
He would have plenty to correct for both parties.
How is the existence of Jesus NOT a serious debate? There is really no evidence other than The Bible(which has been proven mostly fiction)of his existence
No, actually, there are extra-biblical references to Jesus of Nazareth. Flavius Josephus to name one. Also, several other Roman sources.
Also, logically, it would be rather a stretch to imagine a movement the size of Christianity to have occurred sans the actual existence of Jesus of Nazareth. Much like Islam w/o the existence of Mohammed.
Please let me know which part of the Bible has been proven to be fiction from a historical standpoint, realizing its faith-based claims are up for debate (notice I was careful to say that not everyone believes He is the Son of God). I'm not aware of a documented, PROVEN historical error, even though I've studied it in some depth. So, to say, maybe there are a handful of debated or unsubstantiated historical issues would be fair, but to say it has been "proven mostly fiction" is an enormous overreach.
Harley, are you serious? Adam and eve, the great flood, come ON! Both 100% impossible! There is NO evidence for a "worldwide flood" and in fact there is not now, nor has there EVER been enough water on the Earth to cover ALL the land masses, even if you condensed al the moisture from the air!
And why COULDN'T a religion as large as Christianity be based on a mythical figure?
There is ZERO evidence that ANY "god" exists.
Jeez man, you sound like the Boy Troll. (I wonder why THAT is?)
Oh, and BTW, I never said Jesus WAS political, I said that by TODAYS STANDARDS
he was a "LIBERAL based upon his deeds and actions as written in the Bible.
Does no one know how to READ anymore?
Tom's blog has sunk to a new low.
Mozart is accusing Harley of being Sore Loser. Geeeez.
He also said:
"There is NO evidence for a "worldwide flood""
But he believed the New Messiah's campaign speeches when he said he would stop the ocean's from rising to heal the planet. What a dud Obama turned out to be.
Internet IP
Mozart. I think you comparing Harley to SL is idiotic. Harley is the most intelligent poster on the Rant and he never insults anyone, even when they are insulting him and his religious beliefs.
In this instance you are the one looking most like SL!
Mozart, I am dead serious.
You told me there was no evidence of Jesus other than the Bible. I corrected you. That was a false statement.
You now say "There's NO evidence for a worldwide flood."
I'll give you one piece of evidence for a worldwide flood. Not only the account in the Bible, but actually MANY ancient civilizations (even those not in the ancient near east) have recorded flood epics. Not all agree, but there are a compelling number of independent records of an ancient, massive and devastating flood. And, even Christian, biblical scholars debate the extent of the flood event - whether "worldwide" or a more limited, but massive geographic area.
Mozart has moved on to other subjects where he can show how little he knows.
Every time Tom post something that sets off the childish, insulting, vulgar, name calling, ridiculous debate. Tom obviously enjoys that. He rarely enters the debate, but loves to read the children fighting. He likes to start the fight, but then runs away and hides to watch the punches thrown. He's not interested in what others think about what he has written, he just enjoys reading the idiots. He must get great fun out of it since that's the way his blog has operated for a long time. I have no respect for a guy who won't debate his own writings and just stands back to get a laugh out of the children sparing.
Anonymous (12:45)....
I do try to read every comment that is posted on this site. Unfortunately, my schedule doesn't afford me the time to referee and moderate the verbal food fight that often ensues. Unlike you - quite obviously - I have a life.
Tom Degan
PS - And please, kindly explain to me how I should proceed to debate myself?
Funny Tom. Simple, there are settings to stop the garbage, but obviously garbage is what you want.
Frankly, I will NOT vote for Hillary if Bernie is not the candidate for the election. I'll just throw away my vote by writing in Bernie.
Why? Because I live in Texas. When I hear a rattle coming from the grass, I get away from it; it is a rattle snake politely telling me that it is near me. That is more than Hilary will do. I need to know her positions on Keystone and the TPP. I need to know why she is married to Wall Street. I need to know a hell of a lot more about her but I'll have to vote her in before I get the answers.
Bernie is HONEST to a fault. He is running a CLEAN campaign. Either he wins or I give up on America.
Decades ago, as a young working mother with a long commute, I would frequent a bookshop opposite my office. I became probably the only young Australian familiar with Mordecai Richler, Henry Wouk, Joseph Heller, Erica Jong, Philip Roth, Norman Mailer... all of whose books I bought at that bookshop.
In the years since, I have occasionally wondered why when I was young I read only Jewish authors.
It was only recently that I remembered that the bookshop was practically underneath Melbourne's main synagogue.
In any event, I count myself privileged.
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