Scott Baio and the Nugent Playbook
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Erin Moran |
"My thing is, I feel bad because her whole life, she was troubled, could never find what made her happy and content. For me, you do drugs or drink, you're gonna die. I'm sorry if that's cold, but God gave you a brain, gave you the will to thrive and you gotta take care of yourself."
The only problem with this utterly reckless statement was the embarrassing fact, later revealed from her autopsy, that Erin didn't die of a drug overdose. The poor woman had been quietly (and by all accounts bravely) battling throat cancer since the middle part of 2016. She was a troubled woman who had struggled with emotional issues for her entire life. Scott could not resist kicking dirt on her still-warm body. Nice guy.
I have always associated Scott Baio with the demise of the Happy Days program. I don't know if you remember this, but for the first two or three years of that show's existence it was excellent. Sometime in around 1976 or so, the format changed. Instead of being shot within the thoughtful confines of a film studio, the producers moved it to a studio audience. Gone forever were the thoughtful scripts. From that moment on, the program focused on the muggings of "DAH FONZ!", an interesting and sympathetic character in the beginning. It was around this period that a new character appeared: Fonzie's teenaged nephew, "Chachi". From that moment on, Happy Days became unwatchable as far as I was concerned. I never again wasted another minute of my time on it. Although I never had a chance to watch it, I have it from good sources that the spin-off series, Joanie Loves Chachi, was even worse. Mind you, I'm not blaming any of this dreck on Scott Baio, he was just some innocent kid given the break of a lifetime. He would have been foolish not to take advantage of it. I'm merely pointing out that Chachi's fingerprints are just one of many on the Happy Days corpse.
The final nail in the coffin of his career as a sit-com star came a couple of years later in something that was called, Charles In Charge. I am not in a position to comment on the quality of this one. I can only assume that it was as bad - probably much worse - as most of the televised "comedy" of the dreadful era I always refer to as The Dark Ages of American Television Comedy.
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Vicky Soto |
I feel no anger in my heart for Scott Baio. Truth be told I feel sorry for the pathetic little twit. He obviously longs for the days when his star shined bright; when he was on top of the world. He is not the first child star to have the spotlight elude him as an adult. The pages of film history are littered with the sad, often tragic examples of others. In this respect, Scott is lucky. He didn't end up being shot to death before his thirtieth birthday as was the case of Carl "Alfalfa" Switzer of Little Rascal fame; He avoided ending his life from an overdose of heroin and being buried in a Pauper's grave as did Bobby Driscoll - best remembered today for being the voice of Peter Pan in the Disney film of the same name; and he certainly didn't languish in poverty before dying too soon of cancer like his old friend, Erin Moran. By all accounts, Scott Baio's life these days is contented and comfortable. He should consider himself fortunate - but for reasons known only to himself - he does not.
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Ted |
I suspect that Scott Baio has taken Ted's playbook and run for the hills with it. To his credit, Scott's public pronouncements are not half as vile and idiotic as Nugent's - that would take quite a bit of effort - but they can be pretty mean-spirited nonetheless.

Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
I tried to offer this sage advice to Scott Baio via Twitter, but he has blocked me from using his site. At least I made the effort.
Feel all better now Tom?
Odd, but I don't recall this, do you Tom?
Antifa Classified as Domestic Terrorists by DHS
The Department of Homeland Security in 2016 formally classified the actions of the anarchist group Antifa as "domestic terrorist violence," Politico reported.
Federal authorities have been warning state and local officials of Antifa's increasingly dangerous tactics — including attacks on the police — since early 2016 but were widely ignored long before Charlottesville and while Barack Obama was still president, Politico reported.
Happy Days is from where we get the phrase "jumped the shark" when Dah Fonz jumped a shark on water skis. I, along with most viewers, stopped watching after that episode. Ah, 70's tv.
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