As usual these during this period of my life, I was snoozing away when last night's only vice-presidential debate of this campaign season got under way. I was only able to watch it in the wee small hours of this morning on YouTube. Thank goodness for YouTube. I don't know how I managed to survive the first forty-plus years of my life without it.
`It didn't turn out to be the earth-shattering event that I had anticipated it to be. Although he didn't quite come off as the jabbering twit that he normally is, Mike Pence was able to, more-or-less, hold his own - that is, if one discounts the numerous bald-faced lies he spewed throughout the course of the evening. Kamala Harris was poised and prepared during the ninety minute debate. The most memorable thing about last night was when a fly landed on Pence's head and stayed there of a solid two minutes. Since flies are known to be attracted to manure, it seemed all-the-more apropos. Finally the little bugger flew off - either out of embarrassment or disgust. This morning I am told that the fly has signed a six-figure book deal with Simon and Schuster.
`Unfortunately, the matchup will be changing few minds. Biden might receive a barely perceptible jump in the polls from a few undecided voters but not much else. How anyone, at this late date, can be “undecided” about the catastrophic administration of Donald Trump is the mystery of our age. When Pence refused to answer the question of whether-or-not he will concede defeat if (when) Trump loses was yet another red flag - as far as I am concerned - that these bastards have a plan in the works to overthrow the government. They won’t succeed - but that matters little at this stage. The fact that they think they can do it is alarming enough.
The most disturbing thing of all regarding the outcome is Donald Trump. Over dinner with Richard Branson, he once told the founder of Virgin Records and Airlines that, more than anything, his favorite think in the world is "getting even" with anyone and everyone who crosses him. Branson once told an interviewer that he said there words with a passion that was disturbing. When Trump is finally sent packing on Election Day, he'll have nearly two-and-a-half months to get even with the American people. That is when he will be more dangerous than he ever has been.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Just think, someone who slept her way to the top will be just a heart beat away from the Oval Office if Biden, who BTW, failed ROTC, wins. Sleep well America and hope the Red Phone doesn't ring at 2:a.m. in a Biden/Harris administration.
Mozart dreams of the day when his "democracy" will allow the muting of conservative voices. First Amendment? Who needs it, right Mozart? Is it just me but does this sounds rather liberal authoritarian to you? Hey Mozart, list for us the lies Pence said in the debate.
Kamala is qualified. The Trumps were born rich and privileged.
Jared Kushner slept his way to the top.
"Kamala is qualified." Just ask Willie Brown, LOL, he'll tell you what she's good at doing. Behind closed door negotiations with foreign leaders. LOL!!!
She is an inspiration to young girls by showing that if you sleep with the right powerfully connected men then you too can play second fiddle to a man with dementia. It's basically a Cinderella story.
I wonder if she thinks Joe's still a racist, any word on that?
Nice try with the false equivalency's.
Kamala Harris jailed 1500 black men for possession of weed and withheld evidence on 2 black men that were on death row. She released the evidence after they were executed.
Kamala herself who said she liked to smoke pot because she's Jamaican.
She's qualified alright.
Putin says he wants to work with Joe Biden, cites "shared values" between Democrats and communism
Biden is a Russian agent, we must investigate Biden.
See how that works?
Keith Olbermann Threatens Trump, Says His Enablers Must Be Prosecuted, ‘Removed From Society’
OLBERMANN: “Terrorist Trump must be defeated…. and his enablers, and his supporters… and the Mike Lees, and the William Barrs… and the Kyle Rittenhouses and the Amy Coney Barrett’s must be prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society"pic.twitter.com/7oaYHfUoS1
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) October 9, 2020
These are the actual fascists they claim Trump is. Reason number 567,889 to vote Trump.
But it's ok it's liberals doing it.
Anonymous is full of shit.
Olbermann calls for Trump to be defeated at the polls. Stop clutching your pearls.
"These are the actual fascists they claim Trump is."
No. The Nazis who wave swastikas are Trump lovers. Every right wing terrorist is a Trump lover. And Trump loves them. They are his base. They are his civilian SS and Brownshirts.
The Daily Caller is a voice of white supremacy.
Nazis are defined by their hate.
How is the Trump cult different from Nazis? They hate the same people. Minorities, liberals, educators, scientists, journalists, and socialists are the targets of their hate.
If they quacks like a duck and step like a goose...
Don't you love how conservatives like JTF/Anonymous/ Clucky (yeah we know it's you) know what we all want?
I don;t want conservative voices silenced, I want domestic terrorists and their enablers arrested and imprisoned after a fair trial.
To date NO ONE Has shown that the "Harris slept her way to the top" is anything more than some sick innuendo designed to anger the GOP base, because there is NO WAY a strong intelligent woman makes it there on her own, right? Just like the was no way a BLACK man got into Harvard, right?
And you WHINE about Olberman, have you heard the way Limbaugh talked about Obama? Of course you have.
Which leads me to wondering who Ivanka had to sleep with to get HER government position? (Makes me want a shower just thinking about it.)
CLEARLY she's not qualified,not strong or overtly intelligent and not one person had the opportunity to see her name on a ballot and make a CHOICE. She's like having Paris Hilton advising the President on national security.
Dave Dubya and Mozart are pathological liars.
Just a few of Kamala's lies from debate....Oh yea, shes' qualified, and a real role model for young girls everywhere. Why the DNC picked here instead of a real American Hero, Tulsi Gabbard who WORKED, her way to the top is beyond me. Could it be they knew Gabbard wouldn't like like Kamala would?
HARRIS: “The president said [coronavirus] was a hoax.”
FACT: Harris repeated a frequent lie from the Biden campaign that has been debunked by at least 8 fact checkers; President Trump never called the coronavirus a hoax.
The Washington Post gave Biden’s campaign 4 Pinocchios for making this claim.
The Associated Press: “Biden distorts Trump’s words on virus ‘hoax.’”
CNN: “Biden ad misleadingly suggests Trump called Covid-19 a ‘hoax’.”
PolitiFact: “Biden’s video is inaccurate. We rate it False.”
FactCheck.org: “Trump said that when he used the word “hoax,” he was referring to
Democrats finding fault with his administration’s response to coronavirus, not the virus itself.”
Check Your Fact: Trump “did not refer to the coronavirus itself as a hoax.”
Lead Stories: “Trump Did NOT Call Coronavirus A ‘Hoax’ Or ‘Political Conspiracy.”
Snopes: “Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.”
HARRIS: “And in spite of all of that, today, they still don’t have a plan. They still don’t have a plan” on coronavirus.
FACT: President Trump and his Administration have taken swift action on the coronavirus from the beginning, leading a whole of government response to the pandemic.
In January, President Trump formed the Coronavirus Task Force and suspended travel with China.
According to Dr. Fauci, the Trump Administration “acted very, very early” to combat the spread of the virus and did not delay in putting in place mitigation strategies.
On February 11, top Biden coronavirus advisor Ron Klain admitted the Trump Administration was “far from doing nothing.”
Even Democrat governors like Andrew Cuomo praised the Trump Administration’s response: “What the federal government did, working with states, was a phenomenal accomplishment.”
The Trump Administration completely overhauled the old and outdated testing system and replaced it with an innovative new testing strategy to meet the country’s needs.
The United States leads the world in coronavirus testing, with more than 100 million tests completed and more than three million available per day.
“We needed a significant amount of the supply chain from the administration to allow us to at least double testing in New Jersey,” said New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D). “We got it… they’re helping us out.”
President Trump used the Defense Production Act dozens of times to expand coronavirus testing technologies and capacity.
President Trump launched Operation Warp Speed to guarantee that the American people are first in line for a safe, effective coronavirus vaccine—at no cost—as soon as one is developed.
The Trump Administration announced an historic deal with Pfizer to secure 100 million doses of a vaccine—with nearly half a billion more to potentially follow—as soon as it is successfully approved and manufactured.
Multiple coronavirus vaccines are now in their final stages of development—an “impressive” accomplishment, according to NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins.
More lies from "qualified "Kamala
HARRIS: “And the truth and the fact is, Joe Biden has been very clear, he will not raise taxes on anybody who makes less than $400,000 a year.”
FACT: Biden’s $4 trillion tax hike will raise taxes on 82 percent of Americans, including those making less than $400,000.
Biden’s $4 trillion tax hike is the largest proposed tax increase in half a century.
Five independent analyses have concluded that Biden would reduce after-tax incomes for those making under $400,000.
The Tax Policy Center concluded Biden’s “proposals would increase taxes on average on all income groups.”
The Tax Foundation concluded Biden’s plan would lead to higher taxes “across all income groups.”
The American Enterprise Institute concluded that “households at every income level” would see higher taxes.
A Penn Wharton budget model analysis concluded that taxes would go up across all income levels.
The Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget concluded that taxes would go up across all income levels.
HARRIS: “The American people know that Joe Biden will not ban fracking. That is a fact. That is a fact.”
FACT: Biden repeatedly expressed support for wiping out fracking, the fossil fuel industry, and the jobs they support.
Biden admitted during a debate last year that there would be “no place” for fossil fuels, including fracking, in a Biden presidency, and that fossil fuels would be “eliminated.”
Biden agreed with a supporter in January that fracking needed to be “stopped.”
Biden said in February that he wants to “phase out” fossil fuels such as fracking.
In March, Biden exclaimed “so am I!” after Bernie Sanders said he was campaigning on “stopping fracking as soon as we possibly can.”
Last year, Biden pledged to a supporter that he would “end” fossil fuels.
Biden said he would “sacrifice” “hundreds of thousands” of fossil fuel jobs in pursuit of his anti-energy agenda.
Kamala Harris wants to eliminate all fracking, saying “there’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.”
HARRIS: “Joe Biden is the one who, during the Great Recession, was responsible for the Recovery Act that brought America back. And now, the Trump-Pence Administration wants to take credit when they rode the coattails of Joe Biden’s success for the economy that they had at the beginning of their term.”
FACT: Biden oversaw the slowest economic “recovery” since the Great Depression, leaving behind millions of hard-working Americans.
Joe Biden’s economic recovery was a once-in a century failure: he’s even said so himself.
Biden has admitted that many Americans “were left behind” during his recovery.
The New York Times even rated this claim “false” when Biden made it, saying “the economy was not ‘booming’ in the final year of Mr. Biden’s time as vice president.”
Isn't that just like a authoritarian, egotistic liberal that when faced with the truth, he ignores it, because he is so invested in the lies of the left.
Not at all. Thank YOU for your classic radical right "projection card".
Your C&P projection card was great too.
"FACT: Biden oversaw the slowest economic “recovery” since the Great Depression, leaving behind millions of hard-working Americans.
Joe Biden’s economic recovery was a once-in a century failure"
Check the unemployment rates lately, sport? LOL!
More facts:
6.6 million jobs were created in the first three years of Trump.
8.1 million jobs were created in the last three years of the Obama administration.
The Black president did the heavy lifting and got no credit from the racist Birther or his cult.
JTF/Anonymous/Clucky calls us "pathological liars" but as yet cannot disprove a thing we have posted.
You think that if Moscow Mitch hadn't vowed to block everything Obama proposed the recovery would have been faster?
JTF is the kind of person that would buy a brand new car, pour sugar in the gas tank, scratch up the paint and tear up the tires, then then blame the dealership for selling him a lemon.
Anonymous, will you please post a source for your nonsensical post abnout Bidens raisiing taxes?
Or did you just cut and paste that from Infowars again?
FACT: Biden’s $4 trillion tax hike will raise taxes on 82 percent of Americans, including those making less than $400,000.
Biden’s $4 trillion tax hike is the largest proposed tax increase in half a century.
Five independent analyses have concluded that Biden would reduce after-tax incomes for those making under $400,000.
The Tax Policy Center concluded Biden’s “proposals would increase taxes on average on all income groups.”
The Tax Foundation concluded Biden’s plan would lead to higher taxes “across all income groups.”
The American Enterprise Institute concluded that “households at every income level” would see higher taxes.
A Penn Wharton budget model analysis concluded that taxes would go up across all income levels.
The Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget concluded that taxes would go up across all income levels.
LOL, Mozart's response ought to be good. "Those sources are all right wing Nazis" LOL Unless MSMBC or CNN says it, Mozart calls it "right wing"...
Boy, this would be a wonderful time to drop a citation with where that information was obtained.
Prior to 1983, social security payments were not taxable. In 1983, Joe Biden voted in favor of taxing 50% of social security payments - and it passed.
In 1993, Joe Biden doubled down and was the deciding vote in raising the percentage taxed on social security from 50% to 85%.
Joe Biden is not a friend to working folks - and certainly not to retirees. His voting record on social security over the years is one slap in the face to retirees after another.
Now he wants to tax our 401k's and IRA's (it's on page 78 of the Dems' platform, (LOOK IT UP YOURSELF MOZART)) and he also wants to introduce a 3% annual tax on our homes. The record of Joe Biden shows he never misses an opportunity to raise a tax or introduce a tax to hurt the middle class and retirees.
The point of taxing social security payments is that it's because those SS benefits getting taxed are not retired and have other income.
Jesus Tap Dancing Christ, do a modicum of research before you take these "conservative" talking points as gospel.
"Now he wants to tax our 401k's and IRA's (it's on page 78 of the Dems' platform, (LOOK IT UP YOURSELF MOZART))"
Know how to prove that you don't actually look into things you are told about? Cause you say something like this. Take your own advice and LOOK IT UP YOURSELF JTF, cause page 78 of the Democratic platform is all about the military and nothing to do with retirement or 401ks and the only mention of taxes is about extending tax credits. Furthermore, I challenge you to actually point someone to where Joe Biden intends to implement this 3% property tax. It doesn't exist. It's a figment of the imagination of some propagandist spreading misinformation on social media so that they can fool gullible fools like JTF. It takes a minute, JTF. A minute to look up some of these claims. Just because you want them to be true or that they feel like they should be true so you don't have to contort your identity to some new reality, doesn't mean it's true.
It really takes a lot of energy to be this intentionally ignorant, doesn't it? It'd be sad if you didn't try so hard.
Did you know conservatives are 70% more likely to be child molesters?
Did you know conservatives are 99% more likely to cheat on taxes and golf?
Did you know conservatives are 95% Christians, but want the rich to have more wealth and the poor to have less public benefits and healthcare?
Did you know conservatives are 84% more likely to approve of torture and the death penalty?
All of these FEEL right to me, so they must be true.
Or pretty damn close.
The World Health Organization has back-flipped on its original COVID-19 stance after calling for world leaders to stop locking down their countries and economies.
Dr. David Nabarro from the WHO appealed to world leaders yesterday, telling them to stop “using lock-downs as your primary control method” of the corona virus.
He also claimed that the only thing lock downs achieved was poverty – with no mention of the potential lives saved.
“Lock-downs just have one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer,” he said.
And that's why BLUE State governors want to keep their States in lock down, to make poor people an awful lot poorer, and slow the Nations recovery because a healthy economy would help Trump.
Hey Guys, did you see this, Biden's tax plan will increase taxes on everybody, poor middle class and rich! Didn't he say it wouldn't on incomes under $400,000?
ABC News’ Jonathan Karl confronts Biden campaign co-chairman Democrat Rep. Cedric Richmond: "Sen. Harris said that she wanted to repeal the Trump tax cuts on day one…that does raise taxes on middle income earners"pic.twitter.com/vuOj0FWMAw
Golly, how are you gonna spin this?
See? This is a live example on why getting your news primarily through social media is detrimental to having an informed electorate.
You mean ABC is social media? Sorry, I forgot, you don't follow twitter, oh wait that was Mozart, it's so easy to get the two of you mixed up.
You didn't reference or cite ABC. You referenced and cited a tweet from decidedly not ABC that referenced and cited a YouTube video that was also decidedly not ABC. Strong arguments are made with Primary sources, not tertiary. Maybe just post a video from ABC instead?
Maybe just admit you are clueless.
More importantly is how you dodge the fact that "Biden's tax plan will increase taxes on everybody, poor middle class and rich!"....Because Mozart JR., reinstalling the individual ACA mandate is a TAX INCREASE.
Admit it.
I am not going into the nuances of the tax cut more than saying the tax brackets changed which afforded people lower tax brackets, however the elimination or reduction of various deductions enjoyed by many middle income earners offset the benefits of a lower tax bracket.
All the perpetual talk of tax cuts... just curious how we are supposed to pay off the largest debt ever by cut cut cutting.
Higher taxes? Oh, the horror! You sadistic libs think Trump can afford that $750 as it is?
What is the matter with you?
And JTF/Anonymous doesn't realize that it's actually paying for healthcare,without which many people would DIE.
Mozart's smartest thought of the day:
"healthcare, without which many people would DIE."
Which seems ignorant of the fact that most people die in spite of having healthcare.
JTF might have a revised opinion on abortion, now that his beloved leader was treated with a stem-cell antibody formula that saved his life.
Trump would have died without it, and now he promises to make it available for everyone.
Would JTF take the same treatment his leader took, or would he prefer to die from covid?
Maybe he'd prefer hyroxychloroquine that Trump DIDN'T take for his treatment.
Did God make an exception for Trump....again?
Dave Dubya
"I'm not going to bother addressing your as always highly inaccurate and broad generalizations"
Clucky seems to think that healthcare is irrelevant.
Dave Dubya
"I'm not going to bother addressing your as always highly inaccurate and broad generalizations"
Someone can't face the reality that an aborted fetus saved his Dear Leader's life.
Now Dear Leader has promised it for everyone.
Poor JTF should bury his head in the sand a little deeper. Facts hurt his head.
Here's my reply to Rev. Dave:
"It is usually futile to try to talk facts & analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance."
Thomas Sowell.
In case you didn't know, an American black man.
Gotta love it. Trump's life saved by fetal tissue, administered by Socialist medicine.
Correct, Mozart. "Trump's life saved by fetal tissue, administered by Socialist medicine."
Someone can't face the reality that an aborted fetus saved his Dear Leader's life.
Now Dear Leader has promised it for everyone.
Poor JTF should bury his head in the sand a little deeper. Facts hurt his head.
Now he thinks Sowell's remark is a reply to the facts I stated.
Abortion saved Trump. This fact hurts his head a lot. He can't even produce his reply.
Look! Here it is again.
Abortion saved Trump.
Is that a fact?
Yes it is. Abortion saved Trump.
Wonder what Sowell has to say about that? JTF is stricken dumb.
Dave Dubya
"I'm not going to bother addressing your as always highly inaccurate and broad generalizations"
Poor JTF should bury his head in the sand a little deeper. Facts hurt his head.
Now he thinks my remark is a reply to the facts I stated.
Abortion saved Trump. This fact hurts his head a lot. He can't even produce his reply.
Look! Here it is again.
Abortion saved Trump.
Is that a fact?
Yes it is. Abortion saved Trump.
JTF is stricken dumb, so he quotes me on a different subject.
Abortion saved Trump. Imagine that.
Yes. indeed. Abortion saved Trump.
Does this mean Jesus approves, since He sent Trump to make American great?
Seems so.
It's a good thing abortion is NOT murder. Never was.
Dave Dubya
"I'm not going to bother addressing your as always highly inaccurate and broad generalizations"
Are you deflecting from this again?
Poor JTF should bury his head in the sand a little deeper. Facts hurt his head.
Now he thinks my remark is a reply to the facts I stated.
Abortion saved Trump. This fact hurts his head a lot. He can't even produce his reply.
Look! Here it is again.
Abortion saved Trump.
Is that a fact?
Yes it is. Abortion saved Trump.
JTF is stricken dumb, so he quotes me on a different subject.
Abortion saved Trump. Imagine that.
Yes. indeed. Abortion saved Trump.
Does this mean Jesus approves, since He sent Trump to make American great?
Seems so.
It's a good thing abortion is NOT murder. Never was.
Dave Dubya
"I'm not going to bother addressing your as always highly inaccurate and broad generalizations"
JTYF Said : I cannot back up my ridiculous claims so I'm going to hide behind a stupid excuse"
Just like his orange hero.
Abortion AND Socialized medicine saved trump.
Another FACT. One more abortion in June of 1946 would have saved the USA.
If abortion is not the murder of a human being why would "One more abortion in June of 1946 would have saved the USA"?
Beacuse trump would not have grown up to sell us out to Putin.
Justifiable, and not murder because there was no "baby" to kill. Just a parasitic blob of cells.
OK, you want sources. Well, unlike YOU I have a bunch of em
You want more? These are just the "greatest hits" as it were. Now, Imagine it was Obama or Clinton doing this. Would you think it was OK?
Say pretty please.
"Pretty", as in you are pretty stupid. LOL
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