The Ongoing Constitutional Crisis

And now we have the spectacle of the president of the United States - in flagrant violation of the Constitution - is ordering that members of his administration (current or former) ignore congressional subpoenas requiring them to testify about what they may or may not know regarding this administration's behavior since taking office. This would seem to me to be an impeachable offence in itself. After all, on January 20, 2017 Donald Trump took an oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States". This is all fairly straightforward as far as I'm concerned. What part of that oath are some people unable to comprehend?
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Palmer |
The national train-wreck is still in motion. The untenable situation that the United States currently finds its poor self in is only going to get much worse before it gets half-a-molecule better. I often try to speculate how long-lasting the damage done by Donald Trump to this country will be. Coming as relatively soon as he did following the disastrous era of George W. Bush, between the two of these psycho-clowns, one would have to concede that the bitter fruits of their incompetence will still be felt generations from now. This is as it should be, I guess. The voters who sent these corrupt jackasses to the Executive Mansion will get what they deserve. It's their children that I feel bad for.
It's always the children. Have you ever noticed that?
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
The Man Who Sold the World:
Ronald Reagan and the Betrayal of Main Street America
by William Kleinknecht
This excellent critique of the fiasco of the Reagan Revolution was first published ten years ago. How it possibly evaded my attention then is anybody's guess. As good a book on the subject as I've ever read. Here's a link to order it off of Amazon:
Happy reading!
"The sweeping Mueller investigation ended with zero indictments of zero Americans for conspiring with Russia over the 2016 election. Both Donald Trump, Jr. and Jared Kushner – the key participants in the Trump Tower meeting – testified for hours and hours yet were never charged for perjury, lying or obstruction, even though Mueller proved how easily he would indict anyone who lied as part of the investigation. And this massive investigation simply did not establish any of the conspiracy theories that huge parts of the Democratic Party, the intelligence community and the U.S. media spent years encouraging the public to believe."
Glenn Greenwald
Even CNN's Jake Tapper admits that President Donald Trump condemned neo-Nazis and white supremacists: “He’s not saying that the neo-Nazis and white supremacists are very fine people”.
312,000 Jobs Added In December, Manufacturing Growing 714% Faster Under Trump Than Obama
Which Democrat candidate will save the Obama economy?
Some interesting thoughts throughout your blog.
It's odd that dave dubya would be worrying about the loss of Democracy on his blog while he restricts the freedom of speech, the very hall mark of democracy, on the very same blog.
Yeah, Trump was...
He said they're "very fine people".
Everything's been sent over to SDNY. Once the timing is right, the hammer's gonna fall.
When Trump loses in 2020, he and his criminal family best stay out of New York.
Mueller Put his own ___ in a vice. He will be releasing the total MEULLER report to Congress.
Can he save his credibility?
"...we have the spectacle of the president of the United States - in flagrant violation of the Constitution - is ordering that members of his administration (current or former) ignore congressional subpoenas..." ~~ Tom Degan
No worries. They have to go home sometime.
Serve 'em all with arrest warrants and throw 'em in the pokey. They'll be ready to testify in their orange jumpsuits after a few days.
How would have HRC improved the "Obama Economy"? Did she have a magic wand or something?
"...on January 20, 2017 Donald Trump took an oath to 'preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States'. This is all fairly straightforward as far as I'm concerned. What part of that oath are some people unable to comprehend?" ~~ Tom Degan
Don't forget, Tom, that the vast majority of Trump's deplorable base is functionally illiterate. They've never read the U.S. Constitution, have no idea what "constitutional" means, and see no interconnection with the "rule if law".
They adore Donald Trump -- love his abject disregard for governmental processes and procedures, his anarchist viewpoints and intentions of creating a dictatorial presidency they wrongly believe will benefit them economically and socially.
Of course cultists will always revere authoritarian personalities. The drinking of the kool-aid is a prerequisite for entry and participation. Like a toddler's sucking of a binky, their sense of security and belonging is intrinsically connected to their authoritarian hero-worship.
The U.S. Constitution plays second fiddle when competing for their attention of the dictator-to-be. As we're seeing now, a very distant second.
This comment is totally off-topic, and definitely falls within the definition of trolling. But, the truth be known, read the following excerpt:
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, unemployment is low and the stock market is high. But skyrocketing stocks benefit only the top 10 percent of wealthy Americans who own 84 percent of stocks. And while more people are employed now than during the Great Recession, the vast majority of Americans haven’t had a real raise since 1979." ~~ Truthdig, "The Untold Story of Trump's 'Booming' Economy", by Leo Gerard/Media Institute, May 3, 2019
Trump's "booming" economy:
"Would you like fries with that?"
"May I super-size your lunch order?"
"Don't forget, Tom, that the vast majority of Trump's deplorable base is functionally illiterate." JG
Sigh, just another JG lie.
Out of everything that I enumerated, that's the only disagreement you have?!
Truth, which is foreign to your deplorable lot, is stranger than fiction.
I find it laughable that JG would quote from the Media Institute which per their website is "working for a strong First Amendment", while he has closed my posts to his blog and continues to support dave Dubya's blog where censorship is practiced daily.
Typical leftist authoritarianism.. isn't that right dave and JG?
it's more than enough.
"...while he has closed my posts to his blog and continues to support dave Dubya's blog where censorship is practiced daily." ~~ Timothy L. Trueblood V (or, simply, "Vern")
Feeling singled out, are ya' Vern? LOL
Your racist off-topic remarks don't fly well, I guess. They sure won't get any flight time on my blog, that's for sure.
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