The End of the Beginning
“Donald Trump is a man who ran for office to make his brand great, not to make our country great. He had no desire or intention to lead this nation – only to market himself and to build his wealth and power. Mr. Trump would often say, this campaign was going to be the ‘greatest infomercial in political history'".
Michael Cohen, 2/27/19

The hearings which are being chaired by Democrat Elijah Cummings just recessed a few minutes ago for an hour or so. It was quite an informative four-and-a-half-hours. Aside from expressing to Cohen that black people in American are "too stupid" to cast their ballots for an unhinged imbecile like Trump, he also expressed the opinion that every country on earth with a dark-skinned head of state was a "shithole" - a phrase we're more than familiar with.
It's clear that, if Michael Cohen's testimony is to be believed, that the president of the United States may very well have participated in felonious conspiracy. Cohen related to the committee that he was present in the summer of 2016 when Trump's administrative secretary informed him that he had an incoming call from Roger Stone. Trump turned on the speaker phone and Stone informed the president that Julian Assange was about to drop about 60,000 hacked emails from the Clinton campaign out into the public domain - something that Trump has always denied, but never under oath - at least not yet.
Cohen also informed the committee that Trump told him to "indirectly" lie to congress about the Trump Tower Moscow project. He also bragged about "cheating" the IRS and said that he couldn't believe how stupid the government was to give him a ten million dollar refund; a statement which I agree with wholeheartedly.
The Republicans were obviously desperate to save Trump by trying to tear down Michael Cohen's reputation at every level. Can't they see that, by protecting this president, they're only going to do serious damage to their reputations in the long run? Is it political courage or is it just plain old stupidity on their parts. Any takers?
This promises to go on for several more hours so I need to get back to the tube. This is truly an extraordinary thing to witness.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Cohen also informed the committee that Trump told him to "indirectly" lie to congress about the Trump Tower Moscow project. He also bragged about "cheating" the IRS and said that he couldn't believe how stupid the government was to give him a ten million dollar refund; a statement which I agree with wholeheartedly.
The Republicans were obviously desperate to save Trump by trying to tear down Michael Cohen's reputation at every level. Can't they see that, by protecting this president, they're only going to do serious damage to their reputations in the long run? Is it political courage or is it just plain old stupidity on their parts. Any takers?
This promises to go on for several more hours so I need to get back to the tube. This is truly an extraordinary thing to witness.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Cohen said under oath that Trump did not want to win in 2016.
Kind cuts the knees off of the last two years of Russia collusion disillusion. Cohen admits he has no evidence Trump colluded with Russians. Cohen claims it was he who inspired Trump to run for office back in 2011. So it wasn't the Russians.
Cohen lied under oath today. CNN Panel: Cohen lied when he told Congress he never wanted White House job.
So, there is no treason, no collusion with the Russians, Trump didn't hit his wife in an elevator, Trump didn't order the DNC server to be hacked by the Russians, there was nothing new today nothing that would support impeachment other than Trump defeated HRC.
And that is what this is all about, as you say "idiot nation", you elected Trump instead of HRC who TOM, you yourself admitted is a liar. The left can not accept being rejected by the voters, so they try to remove a legally elected president from office for no legal reason.
What the left is doing, what the left has become, is scary.
Per Cohen:
No Trump love child
No Trump use of illegal drugs
No Trump abuse of spouse
No Trump collusion with Russians
No Trump paying for abortions
NO TRUMP false financial information to hide hush payments
NO Trump collusion with WikiLeaks leaking of HRC's emails
So what's the beef?
The red tide is turning against the CON man.
A moment to be treasured' Clay Higgins
How did Donald Trump get tricked /taken for a ride into attending the second nuclear summit talks in Vietnam?
Donald Trump's red tide will eventually turn on him.
How did KJU con the CON man DJT to travel to Vietnam for the demilitarization summit.
The red tide wearing MAGA crowds will start disappearing.
Other than learning a southern GOP Congressman is not a racist there were other interesting things learned. From Cohen we found out:
Been to Prague? NO
Russian collusion? NOPE
Trump physically assaulting Melania? NO
Love child? NONE
Paid for any abortions? NEGATIVE
Drugs? NEVER
Any racist comments on tape? NONE
From Cohen we learned.
Congressman Glenn Grothman(R): “Do you expect, anytime, using this testimony, other testimony, after you get done doing whatever you are going to do this week. Do you ever expect to go back and ask for any sort of reduction in sentence?”
Michael Cohen: “Yes”
Isn't odd that the left who has been claiming President Trump has committed impeachable crimes are now reduced to accepting the word of a convicted liar that Mr. Trump said racist things? What does this say about the Democrats and what they said about Mr. Obama before he became President?
Since saying racist things are bad, is wearing black face bad? Like the Democrat leadership of Virginia has been proven to have done.
This even made the headline on BBC News here in the UK. Fascinating stuff. Keep us informed Tom, your take on these historical events is crucial.
"I am ashamed that I chose to take part in concealing Mr Trump’s illicit acts rather than listening to my own conscience. I am ashamed because I know what Mr Trump is. He is a racist. He is a conman. He is a cheat." ~~ Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer and fixer, in testimony before House Oversight committee, February 27, 2019
"The country has seen Mr Trump court white supremacists and bigots. You have heard him call poorer countries shitholes. In private, he is even worse." ~~ Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer and fixer, in testimony before House Oversight Committee, February 27, 2019
Kamala Harris, a prosecutor in California before her election to the U.S. Senate, lied about a policy she supported that required reporting to ICE any juvenile illegal aliens in custody in San Francisco, according to CNN.
you have selective hearing
The beginning on Trump's own demise.
He does show signs of starting to listen to some of his advisers, but his narcissistic obsession ... Will Donald Trump's double-edged tongue be his own downfall?
JTF, now reduced to accepting the word of a convicted liar, has no problem believing Cohen:
Been to Prague? NO
Russian collusion? NOPE
Trump physically assaulting Melania? NO
Love child? NONE
Paid for any abortions? NEGATIVE
Drugs? NEVER
Any racist comments on tape? NONE
From Cohen we learned.
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