Two Very Long Years

"Brace yourselves for the most unhinged administration
in American history."
in American history."
Was that merely a lucky guess on my part? Nah! The simple fact of the matter is that I was paying attention. In fact, most of us were paying attention. But for the goddamned Electoral College, a constitutional snafu that was put in place over two-hundred years ago for no other reason than to appease the slave-holding states, this nightmare would have been avoided. We need to understand and come to terms with the fact that, as long as it continues to exist within America's voting process, imbeciles like George W. Bush and Donald Trump are virtually inevitable.
I only realized only a week before Election Day 2016 that a Trump administration was almost a foregone conclusion. Before that moment, I had been of the opinion that his victory over Hillary Clinton would never happen; that we would overcome this blight upon our political landscape. It was at that moment that I was reminded of this sage advice from the great journalist of the early twentieth century, H.L. Mencken:
That was the moment I knew we were screwed. What made it all the more depressing was the fact that I knew a number of intelligent people - far smarter than I - who were conned into voting for this jackass. How could they not have seen this catastrophe coming? How could they not have perceived the chaos and turmoil that would undoubtedly have come to fruition? We now have - sitting in the White House - an agent of a hostile foreign government. Isn't this amusing?
Idiot Nation
I lost a few friends on Inauguration Day 2017. Three people, in particular, whom I had known and loved my entire life (and still do) gave me the old heave ho. That's okay as far as I'm concerned. What's the point of living if you can't risk alienating a few loved-ones? You've got to stand for something.
This is where we are. This is where we belong. The fact that we could possibly find ourselves in this mind-fuckingly, impossible situation is dark comedy at its finest. We should have seen this coming. We didn't. Shame on us. We should have known better.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Trump Must Be a Russian Agent. The Alternative is Too Awful:
From the Wired website
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H.L Mencken |
"NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the American public".
That was the moment I knew we were screwed. What made it all the more depressing was the fact that I knew a number of intelligent people - far smarter than I - who were conned into voting for this jackass. How could they not have seen this catastrophe coming? How could they not have perceived the chaos and turmoil that would undoubtedly have come to fruition? We now have - sitting in the White House - an agent of a hostile foreign government. Isn't this amusing?
Idiot Nation
I lost a few friends on Inauguration Day 2017. Three people, in particular, whom I had known and loved my entire life (and still do) gave me the old heave ho. That's okay as far as I'm concerned. What's the point of living if you can't risk alienating a few loved-ones? You've got to stand for something.
This is where we are. This is where we belong. The fact that we could possibly find ourselves in this mind-fuckingly, impossible situation is dark comedy at its finest. We should have seen this coming. We didn't. Shame on us. We should have known better.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Trump Must Be a Russian Agent. The Alternative is Too Awful:
From the Wired website
Got to love your FAKE NEWS/BUZZ FEED sources Tom.
"This is where we are. This is where we belong. The fact that we could possibly find ourselves in this mind-fuckingly, impossible situation is dark comedy at its finest." ~~ Tom Degan
"Dark comedy"...or tragedy? Given there's a clown in the WH, Shakespeare may have labeled it both.
This is truly where we belong. You cited the essential reason we've allowed the totalitarianism of the corporate state to slowly encroach upon and extract our democratic rights, one-by-one, over the last forty years:
"NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the American public."
This, my friend, is the primary reason a hooligan know-nothing like Donald Trump ascended to the highest office in the land. It'll also be the main reason we descend into the hellish nightmare of full-blown fascism.
The tragic freak-show now consumes every aspect of our lives. Be sure to thank your three alienated loved-ones for their contribution to the collective stupidity.
I'm sure you already have...
It looks like a second Kim-Trump summit is in the making and scheduled for next month.
After the first one, Trump announced he was "in love with" Kim Jung Un. I understand the pre-nuptial engagement will be announced at the second.
Truly, a match made in totalitarian heaven. 😉
It has just been confirmed that on this national holiday commemorating the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, the Trump White House has no events planned to recognize this historical figure who led the fight for equal and civil rights.
Once again, the racist Trump silently appeals to his bigoted and racist base.
As mentioned, Trump plans to continue his love story in late February -- the same time-frame when Mueller's final report is said to drop.
Possible asylum-seeker, anyone?
Hey Lefties, looks like more fake news has appeared to fit in with Buzz Feed, do you feel buzzed yet? LOL
Apologies Roll In For Catholic School Protesters As Fuller Picture Of Events Emerges..
It was the hate crime of the century.
Or so some in the media appeared to think, judging by the condemnations and mass hysteria that followed initial footage of a group of Covington Catholic High School students — some of whom were wearing MAGA hats — supposedly harassing an older Native American man.
Except, what may have seemed to be one thing at first turned out to be something else altogether.
When will the left admit their actions are based on fake news? Must be they are incapable of cognitive thinking.
So completely right on! It has been two long years!
Rudy Giuliani is certainly the proverbial "burr under the saddle" for Trump and his handcuffed and inept White House staff.
Gee, when did Trump's personal attorney go to work for Robert Mueller's team? ;-)
I wonder if any portraits still hang on the walls at the 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue address? LOL
"As Giuliani’s unforced errors pile up, former West Wing officials and 2016 campaign veterans are privately debating what’s gone wrong with Rudy. Why, they ask, is he making statements that so obviously damage his client? A former White House official speculated that maybe Giuliani 'has lost his mind.' But there are other, more charitable ways of interpreting Giuliani’s interviews. As I’ve previously reported, the Trump-Giuliani relationship hasn’t been good for weeks. Giuliani has said privately that he 'hates the job' and that Mueller’s final report will be 'horrific' for Trump. Facing these challenges and pressures, it’s understandable he would make mistakes, the thinking goes. 'Everyone who works for Trump screws up because there’s no way to please the guy,' an outside Trump adviser said." ~~ "TRUMP IS SCREAMING. HE'S SO MAD AT RUDY": GIULIANI'S FATE IS UNCERTAIN AFTER BOTCHED INTERVIEWS, by Gabriel Sherman, Vanity Fair, January 22, 2019
Could you imagine this kind of ineptness and incompetence occurring during the previous Obama administration?...or the previous Clinton administration?. I can't either.
I hereby nominate Trump, and his looney-bin administration, as most incompetent, inept and undisciplined ever**.
(**This, to go with previously awarded "most corrupt and unethical", ever.)
"If you ever needed proof as to how out of touch the Trump administration is with the American people, just look no further than Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, who said Thursday that he doesn’t understand why federal workers are turning to food banks during the partial government shutdown.
During an interview with CNBC’s Squawk Box, a confused Ross stated that he didn’t understand why some federal workers, who’ve already missed one paycheck and will most likely miss a second one come Friday, have gone to food banks for meals instead of taking out loans.
'I know they are and I don’t really quite understand why,' said Ross, who’s reportedly worth roughly $700 million, The Hill reports.
'So the 30 days of pay that some people will be out, there’s no real reason why they shouldn’t be able to get a loan against it, and we’ve seen a number of ads of financial institutions doing that.'" ~~ The Root, "Trump's Commerce Secretary, Who's Worth $700 Million, Doesn't Understand Why Federal Workers Need Food Banks During Shutdown", by Stephen Crockett, Jr.
Wilbur Ross is an his boss.
Wilbur Mills echoes Marie Antoinette's command, "Let them eat cake."
The French people in the early 19th century ultimately knew how to deal with her flippant remark. It's my hope the American people of the 21st century know how, also.
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