Have a Holly Jolly Shutdown
If this president was not so blatantly transparent it would be a lot easier to take him seriously. We're now threatened with a government shutdown on Friday if Trump doesn't get his five billion for the wall on the border of Mexico. That money will not be forthcoming and it's a cinch to predict that the Christmas Shutdown of 2018 is going to happen. Why would the Donald do something so stupid and reckless? I'm sure I'm not the only person to have figured this out, but by shutting down the government Trump believes he will be able to shut down the investigation that is currently being done on the conspiracy to corrupt the election of 2016. This is what the despicable little thug is up to - count on it.
Between now and New Year's Day, the rolling constitutional crisis, which has been growing since Inauguration Day 2017, is going to explode like nothing we've seen since the Saturday Night Massacre of October 1973. As gut-bustingly stupid as Donald Trump undoubtedly is, he at least was able to take away the example of Dick Nixon. He couldn't just fire the Robert Mueller team outright, he needed a sneaky and backhanded way of doing it. By shutting down the United States government - indefinitely - he has seemingly had all of his prayers answered in one fell swoop....or has he?
This is merely speculation on my part; but what do you think would happen if Robert Mueller continues his investigation in spite of der Donald's shutdown? What do you think might happen if - paychecks be danged - the Mueller team continues on its quest to expose the truth? My opinion is that we need to keep the light shining bright. They're trying to shut down this investigation. This is obstruction of justice. You have to be a fool not to see it. American democracy is at the edge. Wake the fuck up.
One thing is certain about Team Mueller: they are a disciplined and dedicated bunch. For the life of me, it is difficult to imagine them collectively an shrugging their shoulders on Friday and walking for the exit door. They know they are taking part in an extraordinary historical moment. Keep your eye on Washington. This is going to get interesting.
Tom Degan
Goshen, Y
Between now and New Year's Day, the rolling constitutional crisis, which has been growing since Inauguration Day 2017, is going to explode like nothing we've seen since the Saturday Night Massacre of October 1973. As gut-bustingly stupid as Donald Trump undoubtedly is, he at least was able to take away the example of Dick Nixon. He couldn't just fire the Robert Mueller team outright, he needed a sneaky and backhanded way of doing it. By shutting down the United States government - indefinitely - he has seemingly had all of his prayers answered in one fell swoop....or has he?

One thing is certain about Team Mueller: they are a disciplined and dedicated bunch. For the life of me, it is difficult to imagine them collectively an shrugging their shoulders on Friday and walking for the exit door. They know they are taking part in an extraordinary historical moment. Keep your eye on Washington. This is going to get interesting.
Tom Degan
Goshen, Y
Buddy, if you think this type of vainglorious commentary serves the Democratic Party, you are mistaken. If you are a writer, examine the party's stated goals and hold them accountable unless preaching to the choir is your sole capability.
I read this and it made me remember working for the Navy as a civilian many decades ago when I was a kid. People lined up at the exit door at 3:59 so they could RUN out of the building at 4pm precisely. Perhaps since there were rats (literally) where we worked at 18th and Constitution in DC where the old Navy hq used to be (it was subsequently torn down).
Gotta love a "President" who threatens to hold his breath until he turns blue like a 5 year old. LOL
He's had two years with complete control of the government. Where's the wall? Our "Amazing" Healthcare system? He's pulling out of Syria and ISIS still roams free.
Where's the "winning"?
I'm not a democrat.
Trump's tantrum shutdown is not supported by his own party. He has shifted to declaring victory over ISIS in Syria. After all, he "knows more than the generals about ISIS". That is vainglorious personified.
I don't think "Unknown" understands the basic truth that Trump, not our host, would be the walking definition of "vainglorious". "So much winning". "I'm the ONLY one!" "MAGA". Need I say more? There is SO much more.
He makes Obama look very humble, humane, and wise. And I'm no democrat either.
Tom is merely flawed in some of his predictions, like the rest of us.
Tom has made it very clear over the years that he's neither a corporate-Democrat or psycho-Republican.
Neither am I...
but you already knew that.
Hmm, I'm looking for where the Whacko Right will find solace in a government shutdown. Perhaps, if despite a shutdown Muller and his folks keep on working, Trump's lawyers will move in court that all indictments are null and void, because information for them was gathered while the government was closed. Its no less logical than, say, the latest lower court decision on Obamacare.
Yours crankily,
The New York Crank
"We're now threatened with a government shutdown on Friday if Trump doesn't get his five billion for the wall on the border of Mexico. That money will not be forthcoming and it's a cinch to predict that the Christmas Shutdown of 2018 is going to happen." ~~ Tom Degan
It's probably a sure bet we'll have a shutdown. But as surely as the mobster-in-chief will veto anything sent to him without the $5B for the "steel slates", everyone living within G.O.P. controlled states/districts can certainly put pressure on their senators/representatives to vote to override the veto.
It'll take two-thirds from each chamber, but if they want to keep their seats and not go down the drain with Trump, they'll do it.
Now I see The secretary of defense is calling it quits -- a day after the mobster-in-chief says the U.S. is pulling completely out of Syria.
Putin's certainly happy, saying he "completely agrees with Donald." Chummy good friends, wouldn't you say? Can you spell c.o.l.l.u.s.i.o.n.?
As you and I completely agree...the proverbial s#*t is hitting the fan.
Stay tuned...it's going to get even better!
"unknown" is not an American. Clearly he supports Trump and therefor, Putin.
Sorry Tom, you're wrong this time (one of few I might add). The Special Prosecutor is fully funded as of 12-22-18. The full investigation goes on. Although I'm not certain if all the "aides" would qualify for said funding.
At any rate, have yourself a happy holiday, secure in the knowledge that Mr Mueller is digging up more dirt even as the Jolly Old Elf is making his yearly rounds.
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