Them ol' Whitaker Blues
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"These are no ordinary times."
Eleanor Roosevelt

Which brings us to Mathew Whitaker. For the past fourteen months he has been serving in the Department of Justice as Sessions' chief-of-staff. During that same period he's been unethically putting himself out in the public as a regular contributor to CNN. Several times he has come out publicly, not only on television, but in print against the Bob Mueller inquiry, at times referring to it as "a witch hunt". This is not something a paid employee of the justice department should be doing. He has already made his hostility to the investigation into the 2016 campaign quite public. The very fact that he's been chosen to replace Sessions is, in itself, an act of obstruction of Justice on Trump's part. It's the same reason he appointed a hapless stooge like Brett Kavanaugh to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court. Brett had said in an article he wrote for some law review that a president has the right to pardon himself. His selection was a foregone conclusion - as was Whitaker's.

Whitaker potentially has the has the power to sweep the crimes of the Trump Mob under the historical rug for generations - although not forever (you can't escape the cold and objective judgment of history). It's being said that we have entered a constitutional crises. That's incorrect. We've been in a constitutional crises since twelve o'clock noon on January 20, 2017 when this unhinged jackass entered the house that was once occupied by Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt. The only difference is that this week, that crises went up a notch - a huge fucking notch.
Ain't this something?
Tom Degan
First Lady of the World
From The Rant, 11/14/12
This week marked the fifty-sixth anniversary of the passing of Eleanor Roosevelt. She shouldn't be forgotten. Sometimes I get the sinking feeling that she is. I wrote this one six years ago:
We let her go to our own detriment.
This week marked the fifty-sixth anniversary of the passing of Eleanor Roosevelt. She shouldn't be forgotten. Sometimes I get the sinking feeling that she is. I wrote this one six years ago:
We let her go to our own detriment.
"...he gave Sessions the old heave ho because he is, in non-debatable fact - the most incompetent, racist attorney general in a century or more." ~~ Tom Degan
Yes!...despite T. Paine's embracement of the little ass-kisser.
Of course, we're all familiar with his racist sympathizing - so it's no surprise to those of us who "know and love him".
"I wrote this one six years ago [about Eleanor Roosevelt]:" ~~ Tom Degan
I couldn't help but notice, even six long years ago, "Majormajor" - then copying-and-pasting under the unique moniker of Anonymous - was trolling this blog with his lies, untruths and ultimate evilness.
"The inner workings of the Mueller investigation are a total mess. They have found no collusion and have gone absolutely nuts. They are screaming and shouting at people, horribly threatening them to come up with the answers they want. They are a disgrace to our Nation and don’t..." ~~ Donald J. Trump, Twitter, January 15, 2018
Inner workings? Gee, I wonder how the mobster-in-chief would know This? Oh, that's right! Matthew Whitaker...his inside mole.
Can you spell obstruction?
And "screaming and shouting"?!...sounds more like a Trump White House in pathetic turmoil, doesn't it, than a Robert Mueller investigation? Yeah, I think so too.
Unhinged, perhaps? ;-)
And look where it got him in life. Ineffective addition to conversation. Such a waste.
And that's how you plan to improve our economy, raise taxes on the group who pay over 50% of the income taxes collected right now??
Bless his heart, JG is really upset over wasting his money on the Beto campaign.
"...raise taxes on the group who pay over 50% of the income taxes collected right now??" ~~ Just the Facts! (aka Majormajor, or in Fort Worth as Timothy L. Trueblood)
Do you think this fictional "group" includes your cult leader, Donald Trump? LOL
What will be your retort when it's revealed he didn't pay any?
Start working on your backpedaling excuses now, Timmy, while you have the chance.
"...JG is really upset over wasting his money on the Beto campaign." ~~ Just the Facts! (aka Majormajor, and files his taxes and votes under his birth name of Timothy L. Trueblood)
Beto O'Rourke was one of the best investments in sanity and reality I've ever made. He gave Lyin' Ted a run for his money, and at least gave a large percentage of the previous deplorables in Texas a good look at the corruptness of the Trump Administration and the Government Of Putin. My objectives were met, and then some.
This: "... he doesn't give a shit about the United States Constitution."
In order to have absolute power, the Constitution and democracy must be suppressed by the corporate elite and their Party of Trump.
So far, they are still winning, and the former democratic representative republic is still losing.
The fusion of corporatism and white nationalism is a match made in Hell. Human suffering and the destruction of democracy are the inevitable results of rule under this cruel monstrosity.
Timmy thinks he's on a mission from God - like Elwood in The Blues Bros., I suppose.
He hasn't taken the very evident cues, though, that his life force doesn't want his "help" - but only to shut up and sit down.
Saul wasn't needed, either, but like Donald Trump (and Hitler, during another time of uncertainty), he was a great opportunitist and knew how to manipulate and take advantage of ignorant people's worst fears.
"Bring up Hitler, bless your heart JG." ~~ Just the Facts! (aka Majormajor, or behind the scenes as Timothy L. Trueblood)
I did? I thought our host did...well admittedly indirectly, of course, with his caption under the mobster-in-chief's latest henchman.
Didn't you see it? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot, you never read Tom's posts. You've made that very clear.
By the way, Timmy, I've never you prefer going by "Timmy", or "Vern"?
And Mozart you know this because you can read minds?
Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez revealed this weekend that she has no idea what the three branches of the U.S. government are during a conference call with prospective far-left political candidates.
"If we work our butts off to make sure that we take back all three chambers of Congress — uh, rather, all three chambers of government: the presidency, the Senate, and the House," Ocasio-Cortez said on Saturday while on a call with Justice Democrats.
Did you cast a vote in 2016 because Putin persuaded you to do so?
Have you ever in the past two years met anyone, anywhere, who cast his or her 2016 vote based on Putin’s recommendation?
The creator of Godwin's Law now agrees with JG, and white nationalist JTF: Bring up Hitler.
First, let me get this Donald Trump issue out of the way: If you’re thoughtful about it and show some real awareness of history, go ahead and refer to Hitler or Nazis when you talk about Trump. Or any other politician.
"Have you ever in the past two years met anyone, anywhere, who cast his or her 2016 vote based on Putin’s recommendation?" ~~ Just the Facts! (aka Majormajor on this blog, and Timothy L. Trueblood at his home in Tex-ASS)
Even support Trump even after it has become evident he's Putin's lap-dog.
Timothy? What an unmanly name, no wonder he became a Conservative!
Is the Mayor of Tijuana is a white nationalist?
He vows not to spend the city’s money on the 5000 strong migrant horde from Honduras, saying Tijuana doesn't have enough money to take care of them and the money belongs to the citizens of Tijuana.
Timmy, that's because Mexico isn't the cause of the hostile and unlivable conditions for these asylum-seekers - the United States is.
These innocent people, who fled what the United States created, know this. They realize the causes, and seek safety from the perpetrators.
You've seen the signs in retail stores that say, "You broke it, you bought it."
The irony is inescapable. ;-)
Merry Christmas James.
Merry Christmas to you Chuck. I hope I made you laugh.
Jeffy, deflection noted.
"Timothy? What an unmanly name, no wonder he became a Conservative!" ~~ woodenman1954
If I'm not mistaken there's a book from the Bible attributed to Timothy. But I'll make a wager that Timothy's mama called him "Timmy". Cute, huh?
It might be why he goes by "Vern", instead. It beats what the "L" stands for as his middle initial. I'm guessing it's "Leslie". ;-)
What do you think?
More deflection from Jeffy.
"These innocent people, who fled what the United States created, know this. They realize the causes, and seek safety from the perpetrators."
Stupid comment, it's like a rape victim seeking comfort from their rapist. Going to the country which is the source of their "perpetrators". Stupid post.
Timmy, projection noted...
Leslie, those seeking asylum realize the country responsible for and behind their own country's political coups and economic uncertainty, is also the country with more economic opportunity and relative safety.
Your making analogous comparisons to a woman seeking the same kind of safety from their rapist is stupid.
I agree, a woman most probably would never seek solace from her attacker - although I suspect Bret Kavanaugh's own wife probably did.
Bless your heart Jeffy, is that the best your handlers could come up with? Even more stupid than last post.
You're getting pretty lazy with your bait, JTF. Running out of steam?
Next most stupid post ever.
Right. Out of steam. Moving on.
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