Post #838: Random Observations
The following are merely a series of random, unrelated observations that have not-a-freaking-thing to do with normal life. Normal life ended a couple of years ago. We now live in a new and unsettling reality. This is the new normality. Get used to it. America is fucked is beyond anyone's worst imagination.
This is a bombshell. The Rachel Maddow team have unearthed documents which prove that, seven years after leaving office in disgrace, former vice-president Spiro Agnew sought financial aid from the royal family of Saudi Arabia (to the tune of $200,000 per year) to assist him in waging "war" on "the Jews" and "Zionists" in America who were trying to destroy America. We always knew that old Spiro was as contemptible a piece of shit as it was possible to scrape off the history books, but this nasty bit of information only further seals his reputation.
2. Another Step Into the Abyss
According to the NY Times, this disgusting administration is on the verge of providing Saudi Arabia with sensitive nuclear technology in strict violation of international law. That the Trump administration could do something as insanely reckless as that shouldn't surprise anyone. The "government" of that country (such as it is) is one of the most corrupt on the planet and is almost as unstable. Don't forget that nineteen of the twenty hijackers on September 11, 2001 were from that country - and America ended up invading Iraq. The possibility of someone from within going on a jihad to end all jihads is something that cannot be dismissed lightly. If the Times is correct (and they're usually fairly astute) This could lead to a king-hell nightmare somewhere down the line. Let's hope cooler hears prevail. Wishful thinking, I know.
Idiot Nation
3. Not Quite Mueller Time

Let Bob and company do what needs to be done. Thoroughness is next to godliness. you may quote me on that.
Take your sweet time, Mr. Mueller!
Mike Pence went to Germany this week to address the Munich Security Conference. It didn't go over very well. Apparently the veep thought he could score points with the boss by giving him a plug before a crowd that is, for reasons too numerous to mention, hostile to the Trump Mob. To hardly anyone's surprise, Pence's little ploy backfired spectacularly:
"[O]n behalf of a champion of freedom and of a strong national defense, I bring greeting from the forty-fifth president of the United States, President Donald Trump."
Poor old Mike paused, waiting for the applause he was certain was coming....
NOTHING. You could almost hear the crickets chirping. It was the funniest thing this year thus far - a year that promises to deliver untold thousands of knee slappers. That's what I love about the vice-president: he never fails to deliver the goods.
NOTHING. You could almost hear the crickets chirping. It was the funniest thing this year thus far - a year that promises to deliver untold thousands of knee slappers. That's what I love about the vice-president: he never fails to deliver the goods.
Keep 'em coming, Mike!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
This is the first piece I've posted on this site in a little over two weeks. I apologize or the wait - I mean, that is if there's anyone out there who gives a damn. Aww, c'mon! There must be at least one of you! I've been having some health issues that sapped my strength - and, no, I am not dying - CHILL! Back to business as unusual!

In memory of Peter Tork
I make no apologies: I was (and still am) a stone-cold fan of The Monkees. When they came on the scene in the autumn of 1966, I was eight-years-old and ripe for the picking. While some of their music is quite dated, a lot of it holds up quite well across the decades. I had the pleasure of meeting him in March of 1980. his band was performing at a long-gone venue in Middletown, NY called The O & W Station. He was kind enough to sign my LP of The Monkees Greatest Hits.
To the Tom Deegan Expressway
Peter Tork
I didn't even mind that he spelled my name wrong. I introduced my date that night to the bartender. A year later they were married. John and Michele Bernieri are married still. They have Peter Tork to thank for that. God rest his soul.
I'm a weekly reader and seldom poster. I'm always pleased to see your by-line.
Are any of the readers and posters of this blog socialists?
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Tom, of course people noticed the gap in posting. I am glad you are back posting and wish you a speedy recovery to full health. Your posts are enlightening, funny and depressing at the same time, but always welcome.
What weird time we live in.
Sorry for your ills Tom, good to see you back in fine form.
I can never express the thoughts as you do.
Stay well.
The founder(Sean McElwee), of Data for Progress, a far-left think tank that endorses socialism and the Green New Deal, wants the next Democrat president to silence Fox News.
Adolf Hitler and Mozart nod their head in agreement.
Democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) suggested on Sunday night that people should consider not having children due to climate change because there is a “scientific consensus” that life will be hard for kids.
Mozart agrees that this long with ending cow farts must be done.
NY Post Was Right: Ocasio-Cortez Isn’t Living At Declared Address In Bronx..Mozart responds "who cares if she lied, TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP."
Thank you, Joanne!
“Under capitalism, man oppresses man. Under socialism it’s the other way around.”
Alexandria Ocacio-Cortez.
"We now live in a new and unsettling reality. This is the new normality. Get used to it. America is fucked is beyond anyone's worst imagination. ~~ Tom Degan
I hope this isn't the "new normality", although given the massive income and wealth inequality, lack of family- and life-sustaining jobs, and ever-increasing healthcare costs, there's never a guarantee another authoritarian demoguage will not be swept into the White House -- the danger being the next one might be even more brutal and divisive.
"...for every day that this investigation goes on, the president of the United States becomes more and more unhinged - always a jolly fun thing to watch." ~~ Tom Degan
Always fun! I agree!
"Poor old Mike paused, obviously waiting for the applause he was stupidly certain of coming....NOTHING. You could almost hear the crickets chirping." ~~ Tom Degan
A uniquely priceless moment! Agreed! LOL Like a clueless comedian bombing in front of his audience!
"This is the first piece I've posted on this site in a little over two weeks." ~~ Tom Degan
Welcome back, Tom. Was concerned the alt-right assholes may have messed with you again.
"...people should consider not having children due to climate change because there is a 'scientific consensus' that life will be hard for kids." ~~ Just the Facts! (aka Timothy L. Trueblood V, from Fort Worth TX)
Throughout history, occurrences of war, famine and pestilence are notably harder on children. That's a fact!
Increasingly higher global temperatures will greatly increase the probability of these consequences.
But you already knew this...
"...wants the next Democrat [sic] president to silence Fox News." ~~ Just the Facts! (aka Timothy L. Trueblood V, or simply as "Vern")
If the complicit GOP in the Senate, and the partisan Supreme Court, goes along with Trump's faux national emergency to divert funds for his wall, then, yes, I think the next Democratic president would have a legitimate, and apparently legal, recourse to shutting down the propaganda-arm of the Government Of Putin.
But you already knew this, Vern, didn't you?
I wonder when JG and Mozart will post something that is not a personal attack on someone they disagree with? Maybe it is all they have.
"I wonder when JG...will post something that is not a personal attack on someone they disagree with?"
Vern, you'll need to be more specific as to what, exactly, you consider "a personal attack"...and towards whom?
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