A Bad Day for Trump and the GOP
"I am ashamed because I know what Mr. Trump is. He is racist. He is a conman. He is a cheat."
Michael Cohen, 2/27/19
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Jordon, Cohen and Meadows ` |
The testimony of Michael Cohen on Wednesday lowered the bar even further for a political party whose credibility is practically nonexistent. Just yesterday on his MSNBC program, former Republican congressman Joe Scarborough proclaimed that his party was headed for political oblivion. The behavior during the hearings of these people - particularly Jim Jordon of Ohio and Mark Meadows of North Carolina - was imbecilic at best. Both men our now in the process of recommending that the Department of Justice file more perjury charges against Trump's one-time attorney. Cohen had everything to lose and nothing to gain by coming before these people and lying. Far be it from me to want to make a hero out of this fellow, but I believe what he had to say.
Throughout the entire fiasco (which lasted almost seven hours by the way) the Republicans did not seem interested a bit in trying to ask serious questions. All they did for the entire time was insult and slander Cohen. They're so hell-bent on protecting Trump that the question is screaming to be posed: Do they fully understand the eventual and lasting damage that they are doing to their political careers - not to mention their historical legacies? Is Donald Trump really worth it? This is something that every one of them should sit down and think long and hard about. If I had been a member of the body, I would want to be remembered for something noble - not for shielding an unhinged and corrupt knucklehead like The Donald.
Hats off and a raising of the glass to Congressman Elijah Cummings, the man who chaired the festivities. He was somehow able to keep things moving along despite the attempts of Jordon and Meadows to sabotage the hearings early on. He reminded me of the teacher of a class of first graders dealing with rowdy children. Next time you're surfing YouTube, do a search for the Army/McCarthy hearings of 1954. Sixty-five years later and the behavior of Joe McCarthy and his assistant Roy Cohen (Trump's mentor) is at the same time laughable and obscene. Are these modern-day politicians aware of the fact that their antics on Wednesday are now a permanent part of America's audio/visual record? Do they understand that in the year 2084 their buffoonery will be just as accessible and appalling to generations unborn? Do they honestly believe that their heirs will be showing these clips to their friends and bragging, "Hey, check out my great-grandpa!" I rather doubt it. I am a descendant of Chief Justice Roger Taney, the author of the Dred Scott decision. It's not something I've spent much time bragging about - trust me.
Historical parallels aside, each of these people will be up for reelection in November of 2020. It was obvious by the performances they gave that they were "playing to the base". The problem they face - whether they realize it or not - is that twenty long months from now, Donald Trump's reputation will certainly be in the toilet, even among their constituencies. How will they explain to the voters their defense of the most corrupt and incompetent president in the history of corruption and incompetency? There won't be any way for them to avoid their roles in this. 2020 promises to be on heck of an interesting political year - we'll just leave it at that.
I'm almost at the point of feeling pity for Donald J. Trump. This hasn't been a particularly good week for the poor old bugger, that's for sure. His summit with North Korea's Kim Jong Un in Vietnam fizzled out before it was off the ground. He couldn't walk away a molecule of good news. Not that it would have made much of a difference. I watched the entire hearings on the tube and not once did they cut to the two goofy sociopaths with the bad haircuts. We can only imagine what must be going through Trump's mind at this point. With his life (and the lives of certain members of his family) about to implode, he must be looking back on his decision to seek the office of the presidency as the worst blunder of his entire life. If only I could turn the clock back, he must be thinking. Yeah, a lot of us wish that Trump had never gone down this road. But the fact of the matter is that he did, and now everyone needs to deal with the consequences - especially Donald Trump.
2019 is turning out to be the most tumultuous political year of my life - and we're only two months into it. Ain't that something?
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Elijah Cumming's closing remarks on Wednesday:
It was the most memorable part of the day.
Throughout the entire fiasco (which lasted almost seven hours by the way) the Republicans did not seem interested a bit in trying to ask serious questions. All they did for the entire time was insult and slander Cohen. They're so hell-bent on protecting Trump that the question is screaming to be posed: Do they fully understand the eventual and lasting damage that they are doing to their political careers - not to mention their historical legacies? Is Donald Trump really worth it? This is something that every one of them should sit down and think long and hard about. If I had been a member of the body, I would want to be remembered for something noble - not for shielding an unhinged and corrupt knucklehead like The Donald.

Historical parallels aside, each of these people will be up for reelection in November of 2020. It was obvious by the performances they gave that they were "playing to the base". The problem they face - whether they realize it or not - is that twenty long months from now, Donald Trump's reputation will certainly be in the toilet, even among their constituencies. How will they explain to the voters their defense of the most corrupt and incompetent president in the history of corruption and incompetency? There won't be any way for them to avoid their roles in this. 2020 promises to be on heck of an interesting political year - we'll just leave it at that.
I'm almost at the point of feeling pity for Donald J. Trump. This hasn't been a particularly good week for the poor old bugger, that's for sure. His summit with North Korea's Kim Jong Un in Vietnam fizzled out before it was off the ground. He couldn't walk away a molecule of good news. Not that it would have made much of a difference. I watched the entire hearings on the tube and not once did they cut to the two goofy sociopaths with the bad haircuts. We can only imagine what must be going through Trump's mind at this point. With his life (and the lives of certain members of his family) about to implode, he must be looking back on his decision to seek the office of the presidency as the worst blunder of his entire life. If only I could turn the clock back, he must be thinking. Yeah, a lot of us wish that Trump had never gone down this road. But the fact of the matter is that he did, and now everyone needs to deal with the consequences - especially Donald Trump.
2019 is turning out to be the most tumultuous political year of my life - and we're only two months into it. Ain't that something?
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Elijah Cumming's closing remarks on Wednesday:
It was the most memorable part of the day.
What no Russia Russia Russia? Now what will those suffering from TDS hang their hate on?
Just twenty months of slogging on.
In news you most likely don't want to hear..
Man Arrested In Attack On Conservative Activist At UC Berkeley( he wasn't wearing a MAGA hat)
"suspect Zachary Greenberg and UC police arrested him Friday, booking him into jail at 1 p.m."https://t.co/AeCI0Dn9aT
— Darren McPhilimy (@DMcphilimy) March 1, 2019
WaPo Admits Inaccuracies In Reporting About Covington High School Students After $250 Million Lawsuit Filed...when will you ole DUKE of Deflection?
Bill De Blasio's wife can't account for $850m of taxpayer money that he gave her for a mental health project https://t.co/51dxqBaLol
— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) March 1, 2019
Bernie Sanders Hires Illegal Alien Who’s Been Arrested At Least Twice To Be Press Secretary
Bad week for socialists..
While bashing Trump you may have missed this
Rate of Hispanic poverty in America has fallen to a record low 18.3% - and the overall rate of poor Americans has declined three years in a row, new Census data reveals
Hispanics account for 18.3% of the population and 18.3% of them live in poverty
The 1.1% year-on-year decrease in their rate poverty of in 2017 was also the largest single decline that the U.S. Hispanic population has ever experienced
The rate of poverty among all Americans declined slightly in 2017 to 12.3%, the third year in a row that the numbers have gone down, Census data shows
Hispanic households also saw their median household income increase 3.7% to $50,486 in 2017, the third year in a row that the population saw a rise in pay
Fake polls...
"I'm almost at the point of feeling pity for Donald J. Trump." ~~ Tom Degan
Is "almost" a tiny step...or a huge leap?
I'm hoping it's the equivalent of, say, jumping the width of the Grand Canyon. In other words, something that's an impossibility.
Donald Trump's an evil man. Evil never deserves pity. Ever.
JTF is tagging you with his fellow Klansman's name. He did this numerous times with me, but I refused to publish his racist dog-whistles.
He will continue as long as you let him.
"The rate of poverty among all Americans declined slightly in 2017 to 12.3%, the third year in a row that the numbers have gone down, Census data shows"
Notice how white nationalists won't credit Obama for what happened before Trump in 2015 and 2016. Why is that?
More blaming. Don't forget, it's the modus operandi of fascists...
"Donald Trump has blamed the timing of his former lawyer Michael Cohen’s testimony to Congress last week for the collapse of his talks with the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un. 'For the Democrats to interview in open hearings a convicted liar & fraudster, at the same time as the very important Nuclear Summit with North Korea, is perhaps a new low in American politics and may have contributed to the "walk",' the president tweeted on Sunday, despite previously claiming the summit ended due to a disagreement over sanctions." ~~ The Guardian, "US Morning Briefing" by Tim Walker, March 4, 2019
One of the unique "qualities" of fascists, although not limited to this group, is its inability to accept responsibility when its clearly their own -- both as a group and individually. This is especially prevalent with Donald Trump -- both as a citizen and also as president.
When have you ever heard this president take responsibility -- except in the Oval Office around mid-December when he told Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, in front of the world, that he would take full responsibility for the pending government shutdown. Of course, just like his walk-back about the collapsed North Korean summit (above), he still tried to pin it on the Democrats.
It's the fascist way. Don't believe me, watch the video titled White Fascists on YouTube. Know your enemy, and resist your enemy -- before it's too late to do anything about it.
"I watched the entire hearings on the tube and not once did they cut to the two goofy sociopaths with the bad haircuts." ~~ Tom Degan
Throw in Mussolini, or maybe Matt Whitaker, and we'd have a reprise of the three stooges.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's (D-NY) chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabart, allegedly created multiple LLCs to funnel campaign contributions from various political action committees (PACs), a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint from the National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) said.
According to the NLPC, Chakrabarti's entity, Brand New Congress LLC, 'served as a “cutout,' for at least $885,735 received from Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign and two federal political action committees, Brand New Congress PAC and Justice Democrats PAC."
Under the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, all expenditures of $200 or more are required to be reported to the FEC. It appears that this structure was established to skirt FEC requirements on PAC donations, which are limited to $5,000 per election cycle.
Anytime a PAC cuts a check to a candidate's committee, they're required to report that to the FEC and go into detail about what the money is being used for (marketing, fundraising, etc).
"These are not minor or technical violations. We are talking about real money here. In all my years of studying FEC reports, I’ve never seen a more ambitious operation to circumvent reporting requirements. Representative Ocasio-Cortez has been quite vocal in condemning so-called dark money, but her own campaign went to great lengths to avoid the sunlight of disclosure," Tom Anderson, director of NLPC’s Government Integrity Project, said in a statement.
So tell me, Vern, from where did you lift this article? ;-)
More fake alt-right news, perhaps?
It amazes me the effort Clucky makes to spam this site.
Of course nothing he posts is true, and he's never got any thoughts of his OWN...
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