"Let no one be mistaken: Donald Trump's candidacy is a cancer on conservatism, and it must be clearly diagnosed, excised and discarded."
Talk about your WTF moment!
The most DEE-lightful thing (to paraphrase Teddy Roosevelt) about observing and commenting on the utter train-wreck of the modern-day conservative movement is the utter cluelessness of its main participants; Rick Perry is a noted case in point. In an attempt to coin a phrase, he called "Trumpism", "a toxic mix of demagoguery, mean-spiritedness and nonsense that will lead the Republican Party to perdition if pursued." Well, yeah, he's off to a good start. As the ancient Chinese used to say, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step".
But if Dr. Rick is serious about treating the patient, he would be wise to focus on the big picture which is the disease itself, not the symptom. Donald Trump is merely a symptom of a much more potentially fatal ailment - as, by the way, is Rick Perry. The "party of Theodore Roosevelt" has lost its freaking marbles. Can I get a witness?
Why is Trump ahead of everyone in the polling of potential GOP primary voters? That question is such a no-brainer that I'm almost embarrassed to pose it. The reason he is ahead of the pack at the moment is simply because he is spewing out every one of the idiotic talking points (and inventing a few new ones in the process) that appeal to the half-witted "base" of that party. I'm fairly certain he doesn't believe three-quarters of what he says; he just knows exactly which buttons to press. Donald Trump is not an idiot - he merely plays one on TV.
Personally, I'm loving The Donald carnival. If the Democrats had recruited a double agent to go out into the world in order to inflict as much political carnage on the Republican party as possible, they could not have succeeded more sweetly than what Trump has done and will continue to do in the fifteen months between now and Election Day 2016. As I've noted in previous postings, the last time one Democratic administration succeeded another one via the electoral process was on March 4, 1857; it hasn't happened since. So for people like me, who pine for the day that that disgusting party is permanently relegated to the shit pile of history, these are heady days indeed. Donald Trump is sort of our anti-hero, the political equivalent of Bluto Blutoski, the character played by the late John Belushi in Animal House.
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The Party of TR? |
But if Dr. Rick is serious about treating the patient, he would be wise to focus on the big picture which is the disease itself, not the symptom. Donald Trump is merely a symptom of a much more potentially fatal ailment - as, by the way, is Rick Perry. The "party of Theodore Roosevelt" has lost its freaking marbles. Can I get a witness?
Why is Trump ahead of everyone in the polling of potential GOP primary voters? That question is such a no-brainer that I'm almost embarrassed to pose it. The reason he is ahead of the pack at the moment is simply because he is spewing out every one of the idiotic talking points (and inventing a few new ones in the process) that appeal to the half-witted "base" of that party. I'm fairly certain he doesn't believe three-quarters of what he says; he just knows exactly which buttons to press. Donald Trump is not an idiot - he merely plays one on TV.
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John Belushi |
That sums things up fairly nicely, Don'cha think? The fact that The Donald is now the front runner among those whom are likely to vote in the primaries next year is further evidence - as if anymore were really needed - that the Republican party will not be rehabilitating itself anytime soon. The only thing that will prevent the Democrats from retaining control of the executive next year will be a right wing coup d'etat.
They're working on that.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
The Romanov Sisters
by Elaine Rappaport
This is a biography of the four daughters of the last Tsar of Russia. Finding themselves innocent victims of one of the great tragedies of the twentieth century, how these extraordinary gals might have fared but for the shortsightedness of their father and mother is one of the great "what ifs" of history.
I read this one in a single weekend. Here's a link to order it off of Amazon.com:
A great read.
They're working on that.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

The Romanov Sisters
by Elaine Rappaport
This is a biography of the four daughters of the last Tsar of Russia. Finding themselves innocent victims of one of the great tragedies of the twentieth century, how these extraordinary gals might have fared but for the shortsightedness of their father and mother is one of the great "what ifs" of history.
I read this one in a single weekend. Here's a link to order it off of Amazon.com:
A great read.
Isn’t “cancer on conservatism” redundant?
It’s a Venn diagram consisting of two completely overlapping circles.
Trump is a true Republican just like Hillary is a Constitutional Democrat. Trump has largely been very supportive of progressive ideals in the past. He was for the disastrous stimulus deal for instance. Further, he has previously proposed in years past to tax people’s bank accounts as a way to reduce the national debt and fund the country. Those are hardly conservative Republican ideals.
Trump is all in for himself. He is a laughing stock. While he is currently making news, just like any major train-wreck would, his day in the sunshine will be short. He keeps shooting himself in the foot and is hardly a serious candidate. His stock and corresponding ratings in the polls will soon start declining when more people start looking beneath the surface and see what Trump is really for… himself.
He may actually be a double agent too… for the Democrats. He has already pouted that if the RNC doesn’t treat him better and give him the respect he thinks he deserves, that he might consider running as a third party candidate. While there is slim to no chance of him ever being the Republican nominee, he is narcissistic enough to still think he can win as a third party, or at least act as a spoiler to exact his revenge. Indeed, all that will do is siphon off just enough votes to allow the other disgustingly corrupt and narcissistic Hillary to win the presidency. That is all we need is another president following the egregiously unconstitutional Obama administration that is so corrupt and self-serving that it would make us pine for someone better… like Richard Nixon or Jimmy Carter by comparison.
NBC’s John Harwood just tweeted, re Hillary’s “criminal” email investigation story at NYT:
Justice Dept official says “referral” related to Hillary Clinton’s email is NOT for a criminal investigation – contradicting earlier reports
So to recap:
The New York Times publishes a story saying that the inspector general recommends a “criminal” investigation of Hillary related to her emails.
Turns out that Hillary is NOT the target, and that the investigation is not for “criminal” activity.
Other than that, bang-up job, NYT.
T. Paine,
When you focus on the Democrat's leading candidate, Ms. Clinton, you can better understand why they want to focus on Trump, Bush, Walker, or Cruz. (none of which have near the commanding lead for the nomination as Ms. Clinton does.)
Posters on this website have stated they will hold their nose if need be and vote for her, all the while pinning for Uncle Bernie to be their party's candidate. How strong of an endorsement is that!
Polls show Ms. Clinton is starting to implode, not unlike 2008, yet Ms. Clinton has taken most of the air out of the room, and has left little for any opponents in the DNC's primary's. What this means is she will not be the favorite of the vast majority of her party's voters, and can therefore only win in the 2016 election if the DNC paints every GOP candidate as flawed and dangerous. That is exactly what they are doing and if you read Tom's threads, you will see that is what he is doing.
Vote for Clinton,
she's not as bad as (you fill in the blank).
Now that's real hope and change we can believe in!
"Vote for Clinton, she's not as bad as (you fill in the blank). Now that's real hope and change we can believe in!"
You absolutely nailed it. That is one heck of a cynical campaign strategy though; especially because it is likely their actual mindset.
The New York Times dramatically changed a report that initially stated -- based on anonymous sources -- that federal investigators were seeking a criminal probe into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's use of personal email while at the State Department. The Times walked back their statement that the requested probe would target Clinton with no acknowledgement of the correction. This is the latest in a long series of cases of media outlets walking back initial sloppy reports on Clinton's email use.
After publication, the Times changed their report to remove the statement that Clinton is the target of the requested criminal probe, offering no notification or explanation for the alteration. The new report said:
Two inspectors general have asked the Justice Department to open a criminal investigation into whether sensitive government information was mishandled in connection with the personal email account Hillary Rodham Clinton used as secretary of state, senior government officials said Thursday.
The updated report is currently headlined "Criminal Inquiry Is Sought In Clinton Email Account."
Senior Democrat On Benghazi Committee: State IG Said "He Never Asked The Justice Department To Launch A Criminal Investigation. The Hill reported July 24:
Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) is rebutting reports that the State Department has formally requested federal investigators to launch a criminal probe into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of State.
"I spoke personally to the State Department Inspector General on Thursday, and he said he never asked the Justice Department to launch a criminal investigation of Secretary Clinton's email usage," Cummings, the top Democrat on the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said Friday in a statement.
Instead, Steve Linick, State's Inspector General "told me the Intelligence Community IG notified the Justice Department and Congress that they identified classified information in a few emails that were part of the [Freedom of Information Act] review, and that none of those emails had been previously marked as classified."
Neither Version Of Times Article Identifies The Inspectors General Reportedly Seeking Probe. While the Times reports that "The request follows an assessment in a June 29 memo by the inspectors general for the State Department and the intelligence agencies that Mrs. Clinton's private account contained "hundreds of potentially classified emails," it does not specifically name which inspectors general their anonymous sources claim have requested a criminal probe.
Just because Republicans may not take the White House, they have control of most of the states. There are plenty of crazy servants of the elites to be found doing their worst to subvert and dismantle our Constitutional regulation of commerce and general welfare.
Two questions pop into my view. How was the "disastrous stimulus deal" worse than the financial collapse that Bush left us? Many Republican governors voiced their appreciation for stimulus funds. (My road was paved by the stimulus).
Secondly, can you name a Republican candidate that is not also "so corrupt and self-serving" as Clinton? If by corrupt we mean serving the interests of the few over the many.
Perhaps like Barack "TPP" Obama, they all serve the same masters in the end.
Time for me to bring back The Woodstock Nation Party !!
Trump isn't working for the Dems, at least not intentionally. I think he'sbeing paid by the Kochs to appear SO batshit nuts that the rest of the GOP clown car will appear sane by comparison.
The problem is, not even Trump can make the GOP candidates palatable to a national audience, which is why the GOP still has to cheat through voter suppression and gerrymandering.
In other news, it looks like another illegal Mexican Muslim has crossed the border and shot up a theater in New Orleans. HWEN ARE WE GOING TO CLOSE THE BORDER?
Oh wait, it was an anti-Obama white supremicist. Never mind.
I guess I was just thrown because only brown people commit crimes in America.
"I think he'sbeing (TRUMP) paid by the Kochs to appear SO batshit nuts that the rest of the GOP clown car will appear sane by comparison."
Now there's a weak mind at work if there ever was one.
The problem is, not even Trump can make the GOP candidates palatable to a national audience, which is why the GOP still has to cheat through voter suppression and gerrymandering.
Very true, Mozart. And even the "smart one" Jeb! Bush seems confused. Republicans have known this since Goldwater; you don’t announce your intention to dismantle the safety net when you’re still running for office. You campaign on bullshit, avoid these issues altogether, and after you’re in office, then you go to work. Even iJeb!’s idiot brother knew that much. If iJeb! is too dumb for that, well, shit, is he asking for trouble.
LAFAYETTE, La. — The gunman who killed two women and wounded nine people in a theater here Thursday night had a history of mental illness and financial trouble, officials said, and reportedly vented hatred of liberals and the government online, predicting the collapse of the United States.
"He (TRUMP) may actually be a double agent too… for the Democrats."
Now there's a weak mind at work if there ever was one.
"Just because Republicans may not take the White House, they have control of most of the states. There are plenty of crazy servants of the elites to be found doing their worst to subvert and dismantle our Constitutional regulation of commerce and general welfare."
Uh...yeah..., because the Democrats like Hillary are not in the pocket of foreign nationals and (progressive special interests) whom she helped as Secretary of State in quid-pro-quo arrangements for favorable State Department decisions in exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation. Instead of the Koch Brothers, the Democrats are sponsored and supported by the likes of billionaire George Soros. There is disgusting corruption on both sides. That said, you are deceiving yourself if you don't think President Obama and the progressives are not the biggest perpetrators against the U.S. Constitution.
"Two questions pop into my view. How was the "disastrous stimulus deal" worse than the financial collapse that Bush left us? Many Republican governors voiced their appreciation for stimulus funds. (My road was paved by the stimulus)."
The disastrous stimulus deal was "paid" for with money we don't have by further printing money out of thin air by the federal reserve with their quantitative easing measures. (Those quantitative easings will come back to bite us very soon, I suspect.) Senator Obama rightly criticized Bush for his unpatriotic spending as president. Now instead of the $9 trillion in debt that Obama inherited, it is close to $19 trillion now. I guess it is only unpatriotic if Republicans act fiscally irresponsible. After all, we expect as much from Democrats. The stimulus was supposed to go to all of these "shovel ready jobs" that even Obama later acknowledged did not exist. It also went to all sorts of boondoggles and progressive special interest too. Remember the now defunct Solyndra? It was nothing more than pay off for supporters. And I don't care is progressive Republicans supported it too.
"Secondly, can you name a Republican candidate that is not also 'so corrupt and self-serving' as Clinton? If by corrupt we mean serving the interests of the few over the many."
All of the Republicans, with the possible exception of Trump, are nowhere near as corrupt and self-serving as Clinton. Granted, there are quite a few that are egotistical and corrupt, but they certainly do not rise to her level of egregiousness.
"The problem is, not even Trump can make the GOP candidates palatable to a national audience, which is why the GOP still has to cheat through voter suppression and gerrymandering."
Really? I think gerrymandering is a phenomenon that has been abused by both parties whenever they were in the majority. And if making people show ID to vote is "suppression", then common sense is truly dead in America. How about we address the real voter fraud which is perpetrated by the Democrats. Hell, Chicago (Obama's adopted home town) is so corrupt that they came up with the saying, "Vote early, vote often" out of pure cynicism. It is truly interesting how many dead people vote "Democrat".
Last, Anonymous, if you are going to accuse me of having a "weak mind", why don't you at least have the decency to come in out of the shadows and name yourself? If someone is not confident enough in their opinions to even attach a name to themselves, then it becomes hard to take anything they say with any degree of seriousness.
"Now there's a weak mind at work if there ever was one."
Yes well, the Boy Troll has proven he has a weak mind many times over. OH! You meant TRUMP! Well, jhe's smart enough to know he'll never be president, so he might as well take the money.
T. Paine,
How do you gerrymander a Senate or Governor seat?
More Governors and Senators are GOP than Democrats can you explain that to me?
"GOP still has to cheat through voter suppression and gerrymandering."
Interesting claim, it seems that if this were true, there would be no Black Congressional Caucus.
Can you name the last Black democrat member of congress who was defeated by a white Republican? If the claim that the GOP has to cheat to win, how come being black congressman is a job for life?
Look at the Clay dynasty in Missouri.
Boy Troll, you take th SEnate and Gov mansions through voter suppression, and yes, voter apathy on the part of Dems during mid term years.
PLus, there are places like Kansas and Arizona where the stupid is thick.
Some info on the original Thomas Paine:
He became notorious because of his pamphlet The Age of Reason (1793–94), in which he advocated deism, promoted reason and free thought, and argued against institutionalized religion in general and Christian doctrine in particular. He also published the pamphlet Agrarian Justice (1797), discussing the origins of property, and introduced the concept of a guaranteed minimum income. In 1802, he returned to the U.S. where he died on June 8, 1809. Only six people attended his funeral as he had been ostracized for his ridicule of Christianity.
"Trump has largely been very supportive of progressive ideals in the past."
lol. T. Paine has lost his marbles!
THE SOCIALIST PARTY strives to establish a radical democracy that places people's lives under their own control - a non-racist, classless, feminist socialist society... where working people own and control the means of production and distribution through democratically-controlled public agencies, cooperatives, or other collective groups.; where full employment is realized for everyone who wants to work; where workers have the right to form unions freely, and to strike and engage in other forms of job actions; and where the production of society is used for the benefit of all humanity, not for the private profit of a few. We believe socialism and democracy are one and indivisible... From Socialist Party USA Statement of Principles "Socialism As Radical Democracy" read the full document!
WOW, Mozart if it weren't for cheating and suppression and gerrymandering the GOP wouldn't win an election for anything! Thanks for the National Inquire like investigative like reporting. You do realize that you have rather clumsily swept under the rug the historical sized loss of power experienced by the DNC by claiming the other side cheated? Talk about a bubble cult.
Amazing for all the GOP does to win elections they can't unseat a black democrat congressman. How do you explain that Cry Baby Mozart?
Just like John Myste hoped for,
Seattle’s $15 minimum wage law is supposed to lift workers out of poverty and move them off public assistance. But there may be a hitch in the plan.
* Evidence is surfacing that some workers are asking their bosses for fewer hours as their wages rise – in a bid to keep overall income down so they don’t lose public subsidies for things like food, child care and rent.
Full Life Care, a home nursing nonprofit, told KIRO-TV in Seattle that several workers want to work less.
“If they cut down their hours to stay on those subsidies because the $15 per hour minimum wage didn’t actually help get them out of poverty, all you’ve done is put a burden on the business and given false hope to a lot of people,” said Jason Rantz, host of the Jason Rantz show on 97.3 KIRO-FM.
The twist is just one apparent side effect of the controversial — yet trendsetting — minimum wage law in Seattle, which is being copied in several other cities despite concerns over prices rising and businesses struggling to keep up.
The notion that employees are intentionally working less to preserve their welfare has been a hot topic on talk radio. While the claims are difficult to track, state stats indeed suggest few are moving off welfare programs under the new wage.
Despite a booming economy throughout western Washington, the state’s welfare caseload has dropped very little since the higher wage phase began in Seattle in April. In March 130,851 people were enrolled in the Basic Food program. In April, the caseload dropped to 130,376.
BEST OF BOTH WORLDS, the liberals view of perfection, as long as someone else is paying for it.
The Boy Troll has one thing right. If not for cheating the GOP could not win an election.
The rest of his diatribe is not worth commenting on.
Corrupt Republicans serving the elite more corporate welfare:
Oak Flat: The Latest Land Grab From Native Americans
Sacred Land Given To A Foreign Corporation In A Sneak Law
Another example of this (Sneak law) happened in last year’s National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015. On page 1,103 of the 1,648-page bill is a provision giving more than 2400 acres of land in Arizona’s Tonto National Forest to Resolution Copper, which is part of London-based Rio Tinto and Melbourn-based BHP Billiton, giant mining companies. This was done by Arizona Republican Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake and Arizona Republican Rep. Paul Gosar.
It belongs to the public, under the multiple-use mandate of the Forest Service, and has had special protections since 1955, when President Dwight D. Eisenhower decreed the area closed to mining — which, like cattle grazing, is otherwise common in national forests — because of its cultural and natural value. President Richard M. Nixon’s Interior Department in 1971 renewed this ban.
Yes, this is “an impressive new low in congressional corruption.”
Production For Use, Not For Profit
In a socialist system the people own and control the means of production and distribution through democratically controlled public agencies, cooperatives, or other collective groups. The primary goal of economic activity is to provide the necessities of life, including food, shelter, health care, education, child care, cultural opportunities, and social services.
These social services include care for the chronically ill, persons with mental disabilities, the infirm and the aging. Planning takes place at the community, regional, and national levels, and is determined democratically with the input of workers, consumers, and the public to be served.
I'm really confused. The Socialist Party of AmeriKa says that the people will own and control the means of production when the glorious and radical revolution occurs. Isn't that communism? Why do people like Dave Dubya tell people they don't know the difference between Socialism and Communism when the leaders of these "isms" don't even know?
I witnessed the police escort of the return of Marine Thomas Sullivan from Bradley Airport to Springfield MA on I-91 Friday.
Thomas was killed by a Muslim in Tennessee.
I would like to thank Thomas for his support of our freedoms including the right of those to spew forth marxist ideology which is the majority of the opinion on this blog.
RIP Thomas.
I'm really confused. The Socialist Party of AmeriKa says that the people will own and control the means of production when the glorious and radical revolution occurs. Isn't that communism? Why do you liberals tell people they don't know the difference between Socialism and Communism when the leaders of these "isms" don't even know?
You liberals all wanna turn America into Denmark, we conservatives want to turn it into Somalia. Now who's the real racist?!!
I'd also like to thank Texas governor Abbott for keeping "an eye on" those Jade helm training exercises. Because our young service men and women attempting to train are highly suspicious.
Who says we conservatives aren't pro-military?
Anybody know if you still can't buy toilet paper in that Socialist/Communist nirvana Venezuela?
lol Confused Progressive!
Sort of like how Bernie the Bolshevik would reduce deodorant available on the market from 23 brands to 1? LOL!
Central Planners know best!
the last time one Democratic administration succeeded another one via the electoral process was on March 4, 1857; it hasn't happened since.
FDR- Truman?
Kennedy- Johnson?
In both cases of FDR-Truman and JFK-Johnson, the preceding president died in office and his VP assumed the presidency. The successors weren't elected by the people of the United States.
Dear Mr. Paine:
Truman was indeed elected by the people in 1948. Johnson was elected by the people in 1964, by a landslide, I might add. What do you mean they weren't elected by the people of the United States? Don't they teach history anymore?
Production For Use, Not For Profit
In a socialist system the people own and control the means of production and distribution through democratically controlled public agencies, cooperatives, or other collective groups.
Looks like we will hear crickets from the Old-Fashioned American Dave Dubya about whether the above is Socialism or Communism.
To make it simple that even cave men and prison guards can understand, http://socialistparty-usa.net and cpusa.org are basically the same and want a radical democracy called Marxism.
Anonymous, this will be the last time I answer a question put forth by someone that doesn't even have the courage to attach a name to his statement. Either there are several people offering diametrically opposed viewpoints under the name "Anonymous", or you are horribly schizophrenic. It is vexing to try and follow the dialogue of the debate accordingly, regardless.
Yes, Truman and Johnson were both re-elected; however, they were not initially elected to the office of the president. Whether they would have been elected on their own merits rather than having to succeed prior presidents as their VP's can be reasonably debated. The fact is they were not elected to the office in the first place, but only subsequently re-elected after the misfortune of their predecessors.
And yes, I am well versed in History... Thank you.
Smokey, why do you hate prison guards so much?
With alll the pious conservative bullshit you spout, it would seem someone who works in a prison would be at the top of your list of heroes. I mean, someone has to guard all the people this country locks up. All the non-violent drug offenders, as well as the armed robbers and rapists. You'd think someone like you would idolize prison guards. At the very least, it takes courage to work in an environment like that. A tough job.
And yet you constantly belittle prison guards. Would YOU have the balls to do that work?
I understand you hate lazy welfare-collecting moochers. You know, those people. "Blah people" as our good friend Santorum called them. But what's the deal with you and prison guards? Do you know that many of our men and women soldiers become police and prison guards after serving our country overseas?
I get the impression it's a personal thing with you.
What is the source of your hatred of prison guards? Are you a former inmate? Did you do hard time for possession of some of the porn you used to share on this site? Were you subjected to a humiliating strip search? You can be honest. You're among friends here.
T. Paine: Obviously, you never mastered reading let alone history. Your qualifiers were not stated in the original statement. Try again.
Mr. Degan, I wonder if you ever bother to read the comments on your blog, sir? If so, I hope you come across mine here and take my well-meant advice. Please change your blog settings to restrict "anonymous" commenters from doing so on your site. They really do distract and detract from your blog. Thanks so much for your consideration.
Tom seems to like having the pernicious troll and identity thief(Harry, Smokey, Confused Progressive, Anonymous, etc.) here for some reason. (He hates prison guards because he thinks I'm one.) He does exemplify the mean spirited hate from the fringe. For that he is a constant reminder.
That said, he is not behind all the anonymous posts, but often pretends to be others.
There is no chance of fair discussion with him.
I was curious if this would count as corruption from Scott Walker. That is, serving the interests of the few over the many, the rich over the poor and working class, etc.
Is "dark money" in public elections a corrupting force?
There is a mining company CEO that secretly donated $700,000 to a group working with the Walker (recall) campaign. After the election, Walker prioritized the mining bill that the company wanted. But at the time that the bill was being debated in the Wisconsin legislature, the public had no idea that the company had donated $700,000 to a group working directly with the Walker campaign.
There was also an example of a chain hardware store owner who gave $1.5 million to this group working with the Walker campaign and in turn, he received $1.8 million in tax credit from the jobs agency that Walker chairs; as well as a significant drop-off in enforcement by the Department of Natural Resources, which enforces environmental laws.
Brendan Fischer of the Center for Media and Democracy
What a circus of welfare-chiseling, race-obsessed, work-averse, baby-shredding freaks the Democrat party is.
T Paine, your "Could they have gotten elected" question is interesting, but irrelevent abcuse they did get re elected.
Now Gerald Ford (Republican)on the other hand, wasn't even elected as VP Letalone POTUS. But given that he was part of the Warren Commission the GOP knew he'd keep his mouth shut about Nixon continuing to pull the strings even after he "Resigned".
And Tuco (Boy Troll) If all you have to contribute is nonsense like that, why don't you just go away and let the adults talk?
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