Post #550: Random Observations
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I should have been a teacher! ` |
The following assortment of spastic commentary are selected from various things I had posted here and there out in the Facebooksphere or illegibly scribbled in my notebook.
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Benny, don't be that way! |
I have this peculiar quirk in my personality: When I see a dead child, I don't label the body as a dead Muslim or a dead Jew or a dead Christian or a dead Seventh Day Adventist - I see a dead child. Israel didn't do itself any favors this week with its assault on the people living within the Gaza Strip. Please, spare me the propaganda line that tries to get me swallow the nonsense that they were defending themselves against Hamas terrorists. They blindly bombarded the place, killing hundreds of innocent people who didn't have to die. Benjamin Netanyahu is not only a bloviating hothead, he's a goddamned war criminal. The Obama administration should cut Israel off until it rids itself of the bastard. Seriously.
2. The War Against White People
“This is a part of the war on whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party. And the way in which they’re launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else. It’s part of the strategy that Barack Obama implemented in 2008, continued in 2012, where he divides us all on race, on sex, greed, envy, class warfare, all those kinds of things.”
Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama
As a white person I am sick and tired of the constant persecution.
Why can't I eat at the lunch counter of my local Woolworths? Why am I denied my right to cast a ballot for those who represent me? Why do I have to sit at the back of the bus? Why am I always referred to as "boy"? Why is my woman never referred to as ma'am? Why are my children forced to travel many miles to inferior schools? Why do I have to work twice as hard to be thought of as half as good as any black man?
I'm sorry, I'll stop.
3. A Really Neat Idea from the NRA
The front page of the New York Daily News a couple of days ago said it all. They ran a photograph of the late Ray Charles holding a gun (a scene from the film, The Blues Brothers). The story that accompanied the photo said that Dom Raso, an online commentator from the National Rifle Association's website, is advocating a campaign to arm blind people. I swear to you I didn't even bat an eye when I read that one. I've come to expect that their ideas are going to get dumber by the day. Wait and see - next they'll be advocating the arming of toddlers. I almost hope the NRA has their way. Carnage is the mortal enemy of writer's block - and it's great copy to boot.
4. Murder in Goshen
Something dreadful happened in the village of Goshen, NY this past Saturday; something that hadn't happened in the memory of any living person: A human being was murdered in cold blood. The victim's name was Helen Ann Mills. She was an eighty-one-year-old grandmother. The little house she lived in at 84 Green Street was then set aflame.
Having been born in Goshen nearly fifty-six years ago, having spent most of my adult life here, and having grown up a mere two minute walk from where Mrs. Mills died, I can say, without a moment of hesitation, that this is indeed the most horrific thing that has ever happened in this village.
I did not know Helen Mills personally, but I do recall her kind and gentle smile in chance encounters with her on the streets of the village. To her family I offer my sincerest sympathies.
Here is what needs to be said: Much wrath has been dispensed in the social media directed at the two young people who have been charged in this awful crime. Indeed, we would be less-than-human not to be outraged - even ashamed - by the hideous brutality of such a deed. But please, let's not forget that Devin Giordano and Jennifer Molyneaux have yet to be tried by a jury of their peers. They deserve a fair hearing. We deserve it, too.
5. All Sarah All the Time
So help me Mitch Miller I could scarcely believe it. SARAH PALIN HAS HER OWN TELEVISION NETWORK. Isn't that a scream? All Sarah all the time. The only thing more hilarious than the fact that this blubbering twit believes that there are people out there stupid enough to pay the $9.95 monthly fee is the fact that she's correct. It appears that they're signing up by the thousands! It's so amusing being a citizen of this troubled nation these days. It really is!
There are three things that do not make for a good combination: A low IQ, a beer gut, and a semi-automatic weapon. This past week, some of the Cliven Bundy crowd, the clowns that threatened to shoot it out with US marshals in Nevada two months ago, have made their way down to the Mexican border. These cowardly assholes want to "protect" this grand and glorious land of ours from the children that are now fleeing for their lives from ultra-right wing dictatorships in Central America. Isn't that something? Most of them proclaim to be "Christian". I'm sure Jesus is just brimming with pride.
Something to think about: If the Tea Party jackasses ever have their way, a lot of us will be fleeing to Canada.
8. The Further implosion of Michele Bachmann
Speaking of children seeking political asylum, our gal Michele this week said that President Obama wants them in America so he can use them for "medical experimentation". To paraphrase the late Molly Ivins:
If this woman gets any dumber we're gonna have to start watering twice a day.
Strange days indeed.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
The photograph at the top of this piece was taken on June 5 inside of Mr. John Swanwick's high school class in Red Hook, NY. He asked me to give the kids a lecture on the life and career of Charlie Chaplin. I had more fun than the law should allow. I really should have been a teacher!
The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt
by Edmund Morris
This first volume of a three part biography of TR is the best book on the man ever put to paper. Theodore Roosevelt was a force of nature: incorruptible as the rising moon, and our most brilliant president (I would give him a slight edge over Thomas Jefferson even). Old Teddy is a sad reminder of the lamented history of the once-admirable Republican party. The book covers the years from his birth on October 27, 1858 to the moment he became the 26th president of the United States on September 14, 1901 at the assassination of William McKinley. If you're half the admirer of Theodore Roosevelt that I am, Morris' trilogy is essential reading.
My own little homage to TR written six years ago:
He was as good as they get.
2. The War Against White People
“This is a part of the war on whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party. And the way in which they’re launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else. It’s part of the strategy that Barack Obama implemented in 2008, continued in 2012, where he divides us all on race, on sex, greed, envy, class warfare, all those kinds of things.”
Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama
As a white person I am sick and tired of the constant persecution.
Why can't I eat at the lunch counter of my local Woolworths? Why am I denied my right to cast a ballot for those who represent me? Why do I have to sit at the back of the bus? Why am I always referred to as "boy"? Why is my woman never referred to as ma'am? Why are my children forced to travel many miles to inferior schools? Why do I have to work twice as hard to be thought of as half as good as any black man?
I'm sorry, I'll stop.
3. A Really Neat Idea from the NRA
The front page of the New York Daily News a couple of days ago said it all. They ran a photograph of the late Ray Charles holding a gun (a scene from the film, The Blues Brothers). The story that accompanied the photo said that Dom Raso, an online commentator from the National Rifle Association's website, is advocating a campaign to arm blind people. I swear to you I didn't even bat an eye when I read that one. I've come to expect that their ideas are going to get dumber by the day. Wait and see - next they'll be advocating the arming of toddlers. I almost hope the NRA has their way. Carnage is the mortal enemy of writer's block - and it's great copy to boot.
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Suspects only |
Something dreadful happened in the village of Goshen, NY this past Saturday; something that hadn't happened in the memory of any living person: A human being was murdered in cold blood. The victim's name was Helen Ann Mills. She was an eighty-one-year-old grandmother. The little house she lived in at 84 Green Street was then set aflame.
Having been born in Goshen nearly fifty-six years ago, having spent most of my adult life here, and having grown up a mere two minute walk from where Mrs. Mills died, I can say, without a moment of hesitation, that this is indeed the most horrific thing that has ever happened in this village.
I did not know Helen Mills personally, but I do recall her kind and gentle smile in chance encounters with her on the streets of the village. To her family I offer my sincerest sympathies.
Here is what needs to be said: Much wrath has been dispensed in the social media directed at the two young people who have been charged in this awful crime. Indeed, we would be less-than-human not to be outraged - even ashamed - by the hideous brutality of such a deed. But please, let's not forget that Devin Giordano and Jennifer Molyneaux have yet to be tried by a jury of their peers. They deserve a fair hearing. We deserve it, too.
5. All Sarah All the Time
So help me Mitch Miller I could scarcely believe it. SARAH PALIN HAS HER OWN TELEVISION NETWORK. Isn't that a scream? All Sarah all the time. The only thing more hilarious than the fact that this blubbering twit believes that there are people out there stupid enough to pay the $9.95 monthly fee is the fact that she's correct. It appears that they're signing up by the thousands! It's so amusing being a citizen of this troubled nation these days. It really is!
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On American soil |
Something to think about: If the Tea Party jackasses ever have their way, a lot of us will be fleeing to Canada.
8. The Further implosion of Michele Bachmann
Speaking of children seeking political asylum, our gal Michele this week said that President Obama wants them in America so he can use them for "medical experimentation". To paraphrase the late Molly Ivins:
If this woman gets any dumber we're gonna have to start watering twice a day.
Strange days indeed.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
The photograph at the top of this piece was taken on June 5 inside of Mr. John Swanwick's high school class in Red Hook, NY. He asked me to give the kids a lecture on the life and career of Charlie Chaplin. I had more fun than the law should allow. I really should have been a teacher!

The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt
by Edmund Morris
This first volume of a three part biography of TR is the best book on the man ever put to paper. Theodore Roosevelt was a force of nature: incorruptible as the rising moon, and our most brilliant president (I would give him a slight edge over Thomas Jefferson even). Old Teddy is a sad reminder of the lamented history of the once-admirable Republican party. The book covers the years from his birth on October 27, 1858 to the moment he became the 26th president of the United States on September 14, 1901 at the assassination of William McKinley. If you're half the admirer of Theodore Roosevelt that I am, Morris' trilogy is essential reading.
My own little homage to TR written six years ago:
He was as good as they get.
Good morning, Tom. It's obvious that Israel's government is one of the leading state-sponsored terrorist organizations on the planet -- possibly only second to this country's.
Of course, one can only expect this. When Israel shouts, "Jump!", the United States always replies, "How high?"
I believe it's called the tail wagging the dog.
"They blindly bombarded the place, killing hundreds of innocent people who didn't have to die."
You're talking about Hamas, right?
I bet the the Palestinians would LOVE to be as "oppressed" as the White American "victims" of the Great Democratic War On Whites.
Poor "white Americans"...they have it so much worse than being caught in US made missiles and artillery fire, crammed into the Gaza Ghetto.
Crybabies. Hysterical, hateful, pig-headed, brainwashed crybabies.
And those are some of their better qualities.
"Why can't I eat at the lunch counter of my local Woolworths? Why am I denied my right to cast a ballot for those who represent me? Why do I have to sit at the back of the bus? Why am I always referred to as "boy"? Why is my woman never referred to as ma'am? Why are my children forced to travel many miles to inferior schools? Why do I have to work twice as hard to be thought of as half as good as any black man?"
Maybe that's the way it is in Goshen but in the rest of the USA that stopped decades ago. Sounds to me like a lot of white guilt for wrong dongs you never committed. Or did you?
Woolworth still has a store open in North America and it's in Goshen, NY? Be still my beating heart.
I think it should be repeatedly pointed out that the countries those children are fleeing from were recipients of American largess in resisting the menace that was communism. Interestingly enough, you never seem to hear about kids coming here from Nicaragua, do you.
Anonymous not only didn't know the Senate was part of congress, but apparantly he can't name his congressmen.
And yet he wants to be taken seriously in a political discussion.
As for "White guilt" that's just another term conservatives use when anyone critisizes conservative hypocricy and racism. The SCOTUS shooting down most of the Voting Rights Act means we are on opur way back to the "glory days" of Jim Crow.
In a speech at Ft. Bragg, NC on December 14, 2011, President Barack Obama said the United States was “leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people.”
“Iraq’s future will be in the hands of its people. America’s war in Iraq will be over” he remarked. And “Iraq is not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people. We’re building a new partnership between our nations.”
Today, CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer reported that Iraq is “falling apart.” The White House is currently debating dropping in aid or engaging in airstrikes against Iraq while stating “there could be a humanitarian catastrophe” inside Iraq.
Or MAYBE it means the (Voting Rights)law was not Constitutional?
No, the reason given by the cons on the Court was essentially "Racism is in the past". Shortly after this "post-racial America" nonsense was spewed, Republican racists Cliven Bundy and Donald Sterling provided a picture of the real story.
The far Right is loaded with racists.
They also act like the rich are too poor and the poor are too rich.
And they want a no-compromise dictatorship.
Anonymous still can't seem to find out who his congressmen are, but he's managed the old standby deflectin tactic of being the spelling police.
He's also trying to use my words (credibility) against me like he did "whining".
But none of that can make people forget that all he does is WHINE about Obama, he didn't know that the Senate is part of congress, and now he either doesn't know, or won't admit who his congressmen are.
Here's betting he's not an American citizen. Probably here illegally.
And the whole "Magic negro" thing is so ridiculous I can't believe even he brought it up.
I'm glad Jefferson's Guardian has finally come out of the closet instead of posting as James Hansen.
No matter how many girls are denied education, women treated as slaves, and suicide bombers there are in the Middle East, you can always count on JG to defend Muslim slime. Never mind how Muslims destroy the culture in the countries they move to, like in England.
JG, Have you finally concluded your research on WTC7? Can you give us just the facts on how it came down?
Anonymous at 5:18 PM
How can you expect Iraq to become stable with Obama's leadership when that shithole of a city Chicago he came from has not been stable for years?
Can you expect somebody to run a country when they haven't even run a McDonalds?
Oh, my, our "not racist" is having fits of anger for both Blacks and Muslims in this thread. So many to hate, so little time.
Harry, posting under several names is a conservative thing as is doing a lot of C&P. Liberals are more informed that's why our posts come off as intelligent and literate.
As for building 7, the close up videos on the TV that day showed several small fires that could of been put out with a couple of fire extinguishers. And it fell at 32ft per sec per sec. Nothing unusual there, right?
Anonymous thinks that if a person CAME FROM a city, they are responsible for everything that happens there. Does that mean every speeding ticket and drunken fight in Crawford Texas is Bush's fault?
Also I notice he is hiding from telling us his congressmen like the COWARD that he is.
Jeez, the guy didn't even know the Senate was part of congress, so how can we take him seriously in any other subject?
Give me examples of where "the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy."
U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Peter Kirsanow urged President Barack Obama not to grant temporary amnesty and work permits to millions more illegal immigrants via executive action, asserting Obama’s timing could not be any worse for American workers, especially black Americans.
In a Tuesday letter to Obama, Kirsanow emphasized “the disastrous effect of illegal immigration on the employment of all Americans, but particularly black Americans.” He also said that the “proposed executive order is unfair to people who are attempting to immigrate legally.”
Peter Kirsanow is a Republican. Go figure he would say something that makes Obama look bad, no matter how ridiculous and inaccurate it is.
Anon,Give me examples of where "the many achievements and contributions of Republican politicians to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy."
"Why can't I eat at the lunch counter of my local Woolworths? Why am I denied my right to cast a ballot for those who represent me? Why do I have to sit at the back of the bus? Why am I always referred to as "boy"? Why is my woman never referred to as ma'am? Why are my children forced to travel many miles to inferior schools? Why do I have to work twice as hard to be thought of as half as good as any black man?"
So, this is still going on in Goshen? Good to know. We'll send freedom fighters your way - this hasn't gone on for quite some time where I live...
"Peter Kirsanow is a Republican."
"SO" as a republican, it wouldn't matter what Obama did, he'd be against it, even if it was something he would otherwise support. Therefore his statement, like yours, has no credibility. Now,
Obviously you don't know.
I answered YOUR question, answer mine. Are you too stupid, too scared , or both?
Mozart, who a person's Senators and/or Representatives are is an easily searchable fact on Google.
It's a dumb question to ask in the first place.
Drop the Congressman thing for crying out loud. The guy misspoke or tripped over terminology. Not everyone is capable of error-free posts like you.
That horse is a bloody pulp.
Senate is my favorite fast food restaurant! Wait... Part of congress? Who knew? Certainly not me.
Jefferson's Guardian,
I'm so glad that you are posting again on Tom's blog. I have missed you so much and just want to say that I love you.
We both hate corporations just like Karl Marx. CORPORATIONS ARE NOT PEOPLE!
Will you continue to post as James Hansen and do you wear a tin foil hat when researching WTC7?
Delete the troll!
The Troll said
Delete James Hansen!
June 12, 2014:
"[T]he truth of the matter is that for all the challenges we face, all the problems that we have, if you had to be — if you had to choose any moment to be born in human history, not knowing what your position was going to be, who you were going to be, you’d choose this time. THE WORLD IS LESS VIOLENT THAN IT HAS EVER BEEN. IT IS HEALTHIER THAN IT HAS EVER BEEN. IT Is MORE TOLERANT THAN IT HAS EVER BEEN. It is better fed then it’s ever been. It is more educated than it’s ever been."
Barrack H.Obama
Harry: "I'm glad Jefferson's Guardian has finally come out of the closet instead of posting as James Hansen."
Sorry to burst your bubble (which you, and many other conservatives, contain yourselves within), but no, I'm not James Hansen. As Mr. Hansen very accurately pointed out, only conservatives find the need to hide in the shadows of their demented and judging minds. People with open and nurturing minds don't have to hide from others -- or themselves.
Nonetheless, I've been gone, but obviously not forgotten. I sense that you've missed the truth, and light, I provided for you.
All it takes is a few dozen years of 100% Democrat control and ANY city can be the next Detroit.
Chicago is next.
The democrat party is looking more and more like the Fascist partys of the 1930s and 40s Secretive, totalitarian, intolerant, punitive, and flat out dangerous. Only a progressive sends someone to prison to help facilitate a political lie. Only a progressive would militarize the bureaucracy and use it against it's citizens. Only a Progressive would allow thousands of weapons to go to dangerous criminals knowing and hoping hundreds would die.....for domestic political purposes. Only a progressive and union control of the IRS would threaten the the First Amendment. Only a progressive would destroy a country and remake it in his own image. Only a progressive thinks it's ok to be an anti Semite. Only a progressive would align with the Fascist Muslim Brotherhood. Only a progressive would look you right in the eye and with malice lie. Only a progressive believes "they are the ones they have been waiting for"...mmmm...mmmmm...mmmm! Only a progressive would think it's OK for obamas rule of law to mean he writes his own laws. There is little doubt this administration is controlled by malicious, vindictive criminal thugs.
What, it's not the fault of the previous administration?
Saturday from the White House South Lawn, President Barack Obama blamed "intelligence estimates" for not anticipating the speed in which ISIS would capture large sections of Iraq.
The president,who has been under harsh media criticism for likening ISIS to an Al-Qaeda JV basketball team in January said, "There is no doubt that their advance their movement over the last several of months has been more rapid than the intelligence estimates and I think the the expectation of policy makers both in and outside of Iraq."
The president also made clear no troops would go into Iraq during this operation of humanitarian aid and military airstrikes on ISIS.
Not to worry, after the President's 16 day vacation on Martha Vineyard, I'm sure he will get caught up by reading the newspapers, since he no longer can trust his OWN intelligence organizations.
Now about his failure to secure our southern borders,,,,,,?
Harley, the guy CERTAINLY "Misspoke" but "Tripping over termanology"? REALLY? Truth is, he didn't know the Senate was part of Congress.
And he asked ME who MY congressmen were FIRST,and if it's so easy to answer (I didn't have to Google) WHY CAN'T HE ANSWER?
Because he's an ignorant coward that's why.
He's also not an American citizen, and therefor has no right to crtisize OUR president.
He can spam every blog with his constant WHINING about Obama, but he can't ever provide any facts or answer any questions (even his own)
He's WHINING about vacations now, as if Bush didn't take a RECORD NUMBER of them, usually during a national crisis like hurricane Katrina.
But you keep defending him. Hell, you've got less credibility tha HE does, and that's going some.
"as if Bush didn't take a RECORD NUMBER of them"
The difference is Bush went to either his home in Texas or his family's vacation home in Maine, NOT to some 1 percenter hang out, like Obama does.
Mean while in really important news, the world is safer and healthier than ever before in human history. Cause the ONE has said so, just like when the ONE said if you like your insurance and Dr, under Obama Care, you could keep them.
"Give me examples of where "the many achievements and contributions of Republican politicians to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy."
How about Abraham Lincoln for starters Hansen?
Now "Give me examples of where "the many achievements and contributions of Muslims to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy.?
To my knowledge, there was never a Woolworth's in Goshen. However, there was one (and a second in the mall which doesn't count) in neighboring Middletown, NY that was open at least into the eighties and stepping across the threshold conclusively proved the existence of wormholes, time travel, portals into other dimensions and the like. The women all donned their beehive 'dos manning the endless soda-bar (complete with genuine fountains) were certainly from a different time if not place. Every-time I was in there it was a 'Twilight Zone' experience.
If life doesn't get strange enough sometimes, now we are living in a George Orwell novel - although oddly it feels almost real...
You have mentioned it literally probably 30 times. My point was IT IS GETTING OLD.
As to my credibility... my credibility with you matters not one iota to me. In fact, if you thought my ideas credible, I'd worry.
Well, I'll be mentioning it again more than 30 times. I notice that Anonymous doesn't have the sack to bring it up,(and one wonders why YOU care so much), he'd rather reply with elementary school sass, and more WHINING baout things that everyone esle moved past months ago.
Unless YOU are "anonymous"...
Who are YOUR congressmen Harley?
Do you know? Did YOU know the Senate was part of Congress?
What part of Russia do YOU come from?
And Anonymous, Lincoln, by todays standards would be a LIBERAL.
Think about it. Imagine slavery still in force today and a President trying to free them.
He'd be attacked on Fox News and AM radio for "Trying to destroy Capitalism".
Anonymous using Lincoln...the irony knocks me out.
"The difference is Bush went to either his home in Texas or his family's vacation home in Maine, NOT to some 1 percenter hang out, like Obama does."
Uhh yeah, because all of us regular folks have a 1500 acre non working ranch and a family compound featuring a central house with "nine bedrooms, four sitting rooms, an office, a den, a library, a dining room, a kitchen, and various patios and decks. Next to the main house are a four-car garage, a pool, tennis court, dock, boathouse, and guesthouse'
Only them hoity toity uppity types just visit those "1 percenter" places while on vacation.
Mozart, I have to agree with Harley, you have become a one trick pony. I do not care to read the same comment endlessly either.
You should also respect that Harley never talks down to you or anybody else here so try to return the favor to him.
Blogger De_Bill,
Blogger Mozart1220
If there were ever better examples of class warfare than those shown in your posts about where GWB went on his vacations, I can not think of them. Pure hatred, Pure Class warfare, finally, the true foundation of liberalism is exposed. ENVY!!
Bush bought, and paid for the property he vacation on, not the American tax payer! And because he did so you HATE him. BUT it's ok in your book for Obama to spend millions of YOUR tax dollars vacationing where you and I could never afford to go. When he has a pretty nice home in his home state in his home city, Chicago.
True O-Baggers.
Hansen asked for one name of a Republican that would be an example of where "the many achievements and contributions of Republican politicians to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy." You got one, and what happens you throw an hissy fit over the FACT, THE TRUTH that his question can be and was answered.
"Anonymous using Lincoln...the irony knocks me out" Sorry hope you regain your senses soon.
How about T. Roosevelt? Or Ike? When polled Americans hold Reagan up with FDR as a great President. Get the duct tape and wrap you head up tight so it doesn't explode!
In the mean while, the claim made by Obama that "the many achievements and contributions of Muslims to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy" is still lacking even one example.
The truth about Mozart and his fellow liberal's has finally been exposed for what it really is.
Envy, pure and simple.
"Only them hoity toity uppity types just visit those "1 percenter" places while on vacation."
"SO"?" So what if they vacation their on their own nickel, on their own property? What skin is it off your nose, what business is of yours how large the house THEY paid for and bought BEFORE they were elected President? But when your taxes are spend on a 16 day vacation that's not a problem is it?
Tell US how one person becoming wealthy takes money from or prevents another person from doing the same thing? Tell me how a rich person keeping more of their money makes a less rich person suffer? Explain how the poor is only poor because there are rich?
Anonymous has been a "one trick pony" from the start with his inane WHING about Obama.
You might start attacking HIM and while you are at it, convince him to take a high school civics class.
Then ask him to stop being such a childish coward (read :conservative) and answer the questions put to him.(Who are your congressmen?") I answered him swiftly and honestly. It would be nice if he were held to the same standard.
Mozart has been a "one trick pony" from the start with his inane WHING.
You might start attacking HIM and while you are at it, convince him to take a high school typing and spelling class.
No, it wasn't "envy" it was mocking derision of the halfwit that said:
"The difference is Bush went to either his home in Texas or his family's vacation home in Maine, NOT to some 1 percenter hang out, like Obama does."
Wait a minute.......wasn't that you?
Mozart, I went overboard with the pony comment, sorry about that.
Sarah Palin has her own network?
Isn't that "DogTV"?
You forgot to count this finger pointing:
You want to talk about the white guys great recession, but oddly enough you dont want to talk about the black guys great recession recovery. Sounds to me like you DD, ARE A BLACK RACIST.
That's fine. It's OK if you're a Republican.
We ALL got that memo.
Hansen wants you to keep posting, since you make him and DD look good.
Random Observation 551
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy; its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
Anonymous, I don't make them look good, I make YOU look BAD. Not that you need my help.
I notice you didn't cite your "quote". Go figure.
It's a misquote of Winston Churchill who said,
"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries."
Once again, go figure you left out the part where he critisized capitalism. He was actually supporting Socialism.
Again, I think a high school civics class would benefit you greatly.
Capitalism produces faster growth than socialism.
Capitalism works in concert with human nature while socialism works against it. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."
Capitalism rewards merit. Socialism rewards mediocrity.
Capitalism is freedom while socialism is slavery. Socialists often use envy to trick people into becoming angry at successful people instead of the ones who are really taking away their freedom.
The marketplace does a much better job of allocating resources than socialism's central planning.
Why is "Growth" so important? Must everything ALWAYS expand and get bigger? If something workes, why not just maintain the status quo?
Sometimes "human nature" is not a good thing. Greed and avaris are also "human nature".
Capitalism also rewards corruption Socialism also rewards kindness.
Capitalism is "freedom" only if those with all the money allow it, but since capitalism also rewards greed and corruption there is only "freedom for those at the top, and slavery is because those at the top do not want to do the work for themselves. Socialism has nothing to do with slavery.
The "marketplace" is at the mercy of those with all the money and power, and thus only serves them.
Agian, I think a high school civics class wouold serve you well.
PURE anything is BAD. PURE Capitalism doesn't work any better than PURE Socialism. We need ideas and solutions to problems from BOTH ares depending on the situation.
"The "marketplace" is at the mercy of those with all the money and power, and thus only serves them."
Marxist theory
"Socialism has nothing to do with slavery." Except being a slave to the State. Hence the requirement for mandates.
Maybe our "Slave to the state" would be happier elsewhere? How about that "Iraqi Freedom" they built? Perhaps he should go their to be free.
Generalizations and simplistic slogans at work again.
Capitalism produces faster growth than socialism…Growth for the elites, that is. Wall Street is booming. Main Street and most of us are stagnating or losing. The Great Depression and the Great Bush Recession are what happens when the rich have it their way.
Capitalism works in concert with human nature while socialism works against it. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." …Capitalism rewards greed and lower labor wages. Since when is it NOT human nature to care for others?
Capitalism rewards merit. Socialism rewards mediocrity….Capitalism rewards greed. Socialism provides safety nets for people in need.
Capitalism is freedom while socialism is slavery….Just don’t ask them to raise the minimum wage.
Socialists often use envy to trick people into becoming angry at successful people instead of the ones who are really taking away their freedom… Who’s buying the politicians and writing legislation for public policy? Can you say ALEC? Who’s writing international trade agreements? Can you say multi-national corporations? If corporations are people, they are not very patriotic are they? Who’s “freedom” are they protecting?
The marketplace does a much better job of allocating resources than socialism's central planning.…Ah, the sacred and infallible god of mammon, the holy “Marketplace” will fix everything…except it doesn’t. It fails spectacularly when de-regulated. See Great Depression and the Great Bush Recession.
It says something that the propaganda points of the Right can fit on a bumper sticker. Perfect for consumption by resentment-filled narrow minds.
DD -
Live by the sword, die by the sword...
Mozart -
You're right, I don't know who my Congressmen are. Because, in fact, as you rightly deduced, I am from Russia. Far eastern Russia to be specific. Your level of insight is astounding.
"Generalizations and simplistic slogans at work again." Would that include these slogans?
"Growth for the elites." The Obama's?
"Just don’t ask them to raise the minimum wage." Ask who?
"Great Bush Recession." Followed by the Great Obama Recovery?
"Who’s buying the politicians and writing legislation for public policy?" Can you say the ACLU, NAACP, Geo Soros, labor unions?
"Capitalism rewards greed. Socialism provides safety nets for people in need." Capitalism rewards those who are willing to take risks with their money and time. Socialism lowers the bar to a point where all people are in need.
Explain how in order for a person to become wealthy, another person must become poorer?
No envy in liberalism? It is the engine of liberalism, fueled by hate of those who have been willing to take the risks to increase their wealth.
"It says something that the propaganda points of the Right can fit on a bumper sticker". Like "No justice, no peace", "visualize world peace", "Give peace a chance", "Hope and Change"?
"Since when is it NOT human nature to care for others?"
Ok Dave here you go, an answer to your question. If you have kids did you have to teach them to be selfish? Did you have to train them not to hit others? Did you have to teach your kids to lie?
Why not?
Did you have to teach your kids to share?
Did you have to train your kids not to hit others?
Did you have to teach your kids to tell the truth?
The answers to these will explain why it is not human nature to care for others. It is either a taught or a mandated behavior.
It's great that Chuckie regards peace and hope as those "evil liberal values" as he informs us conservative human nature doesn't care for others.
We thank him once again for the lesson supported by John Dean's book, "Conservatives Without Conscience".
Gee, since when did the ACLU, NAACP, Geo Soros, and labor unions write any of our laws and trade agreements?
And guess who writes laws for tax cuts for the rich. Crickets from Chuckie.
Corporations are doing it NOW. Wake up.
Live in your sleep, die in your sleep, right, Harley?
OK Harley, Who are YOUR Congresmman? Anonymous is too ,uch of a hypocritical COWARD to answer up, so maybe you can check Wikepedia and come up with an answer.
And Anonymous, if we are "slaves to the state" at least the state tries to help us out once in a while. You prefer to be a slave to the corporations who take more and more and continue to WHINE about not having enough.
You really believe that given the chance these corporate monsters wouldn't rather have us do ALL the work for NOTHING? Isn't that the ultimate end of PURE capitalism... 100% profit with no overhead?
The question was "Who’s BUYING the politicians and writing legislation for public policy?"
"Corporations are doing it now" was your response.
To which, since you dont like my original one, I will borrow your answer "So"?
"It's great that Chuckie regards peace and hope as those "evil liberal values" as he informs us conservative human nature doesn't care for others."
What you said Dave was:
""Since when is it NOT human nature to care for others?"
To which I replied
"If you have kids did you have to teach them to be selfish? Did you have to train them to hit others? Did you have to teach your kids to lie?
Why not?
Did you have to teach your kids to share?
Did you have to train your kids not to hit others?
Did you have to teach your kids to tell the truth?
The answers to these will explain why it is not human nature to care for others. It is either a taught or a mandated behavior."
What, if any, is the relationship between what you asked, my answer and then your reply? Try to get your story straight, focus, focus, focus.
"peace and hope" another liberal bumper sticker solution?
Your response's are inane at their best, stupid at their worst. No better than Mozart's failure to reply when questioned on his claim that 99% of anybody on anything believe as he does, or Hansen's failure to back up Obama's claim of how "Muslims are woven into the very fabric of America", or your failure to answer
Do you Believe Jews Slaughter Christians to Make Matza with Their Blood!? A claim made by a leader of Hamas in Gaza.
Or to describe Obama's policy for the Middle East? What it it?
Are you really that stupid or is it just an act?
"if we are "slaves to the state" at least the state tries to help us out once in a while. You prefer to be a slave to the corporations who take more and more and continue to WHINE about not having enough."
Pure Marxist theory, again.
I'll live the Whining up t you as you are the expert on that subject. But you sure are whining a lot about corporations, aren't you?
"at least the state tries to help us out once in a while" Do you realize that you are admitting we ARE slaves to the state under socialism? Where does the state get the funds needed to "help us out once in a while"? Since there is no such thing as a free lunch, what do we have to do in return for the help from the state?
Since Obama's recovery, there are currently 92 million Americans no longer working but not collecting help, some help from the state. How do you rationalize this?
Oh boy here we go, you are taking the gloves coming off now. Because I wont do as you tell me to (a bit authorization of you don't you think?) and tell you who my elected officials are, (it really is none of your business, and I asked you, who yours were, I didn't DEMAND you tell me) you believe you can just ignore what I've said with more ad hominems.
Like your brother in socialism, Dave does.
Poor Chuckie. His entire grasp on human nature is that of emotionally, intellectually, and physically immature children.
He sees human nature as only negative, cruel, and selfish.
And Chuckie's reaction to a corporate owned dictatorship?
Yup. We get it.
This indicates better than anything the major differences in world views between the authoritarian Right and the rest of us.
We thank him once again for the lesson supported by John Dean's book, "Conservatives Without Conscience".
Hey Dave,
Remember you post racial statement, claiming it was the GOP and Conservatives who came up with the term?
NPR Senior News Analyst Daniel Schorr observes the ascendance of Barack Obama as a presidential candidate and wonders whether the U.S. is entering a new, "post-racial" political era.
Hey Dave,
Remember you post racial statement, claiming it was the GOP and Conservatives who came up with the term?
Yes, I do. You neglected the context, of course. The Republicans on the Supreme Court declared no further need for the Voting Rights Act.
NY Times:
“Our country has changed,” Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote for the majority. “While any racial discrimination in voting is too much, Congress must ensure that the legislation it passes to remedy that problem speaks to current conditions.”
The current coverage system, Chief Justice Roberts wrote, is “based on 40-year-old facts having no logical relationship to the present day.”
There you have it. A conservative decides a case on a mythical "post racial America".
And as I noted, soon after this high court pronouncement, Republican racists like Bundy and Sterling hit the news. Do you remember that?
Schorr's going to be "wondering" for long time. He didn't invent the term. It has become popular on the Right to eliminate racism from any discussion.
I never see liberals claim a "post racial" America.
During a fundraiser on Martha’s Vineyard on Monday, President Obama told the guests all about his afternoon on a nearby beach — which included playing with some seals.
“I found, as somebody from Hawaii, the water is still a little cold,” he said as the crowd laughed, although he acknowledged that the weather was nice.
“It’s really wonderful to be at Martha’s Vineyard, especially when the weather is this good,” he said.
More whining from the can't blame the black guy president.
"He sees human nature as only negative, cruel, and selfish."
That's why we have all these useless laws and mandates!!
"I never see liberals claim a "post racial" America."
Oh golly gee wiz, that means it can't exist because a liberal never claimed it. Why didn't I think of that?
Your mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work unless you open it.
Mozart, I don't even know what a Congressman is to be honest. Or Wikipedia... I am far less informed than your wildest dreams. We are going to need the likes of you to step up and take the reigns or this country is in seriously trouble.
Also, as it turns out I'm a bit of a coward, too, like Anonymous. To answer a question like "who are your Congressmen" takes a level of bravery and guts I simply don't have. There's too much at stake in such a question.
Anaonymous and Harley, proving that if they aren't the same person, they probably share a bed.
Mozart, who are YOUR Congressmen?
That's what I want to know and right now!
By the way, Tom, this is FAR more interesting than the random posts. That the sad reality of all this.
Are you a racist if you...
No, but we do wonder about the person who always needs to ask.
Dave Dubya,
I agree that there is not economic equality in our society. The sad fact is there never will be. Hatred of those who have succeeded by the low information people, who vote for the liberals who will give them free stuff, is stirred up by the Progressives. They pit us against each other because they know that it is human nature. "Divide and conquer" is a very old saying.
They pit blacks against whites, whites against hispanics, men against women, gays against straights, employers against employees, consumers against corporations, etc. etc. There is this constant marxian need for STRUGGLE. That is the heart of the Left - struggle and discord. Because when there is struggle and discord, they can provide "solutions", which means more central planning by the "elite" in government.
Our self-proclaimed "elite" say we need to pass laws to find out what is in them. How sad for our country to elect such incompetent people. Would the founders of the US have signed the "Declaration of Independence" without reading it? Would you sign a contract to buy a house without reading it?
Google "bottom up, top down inside out" and Van Jones. Google "Cloward and Piven strategy".
The Left is about destruction; we are witnessing the attempted destruction of the world's best healthcare system, but there is a good chance it is has backfired. If ObamaCare was so good, why would the Employer Mandate be pushed out past the next election? BECAUSE THE POLLS SHOW OBAMACARE IS A DISASTER AND THE DEMOCRATS BIGGEST "STRUGGLE" IS NOW TO KEEP THEIR LYING ASSES IN THE HOUSE AND SENATE. The fault of the right, both politicians and citizens, is that too many of us believed that the Left was arguing from good intentions. They were not and are not (unless you are talking about real wide-eyed naive youngsters who are in the lower echelons of the Left, i.e. the LIFS (Low InFormation voters who believe in lots of free stuff).
There's hope against the Socialist/Communists and their unicorn dream of utopia. The People have spoken and say the big bullshit artist Obama has been the worst President since WWII. Hopefully they will get out to vote this November to end this failed experiment in central authoritarian planning of society and the economy!
Chuckie Thompson,
Thanks for your “Liberals equal commies” far Right propaganda nonsense.
“Hatred of those who have succeeded” is Right wing bullshit, of course. We appreciate and encourage success on a level playing field with fair practices. We have no problem with corporations and rich people who mind their own business and let democracy work.
Have you ever considered the notion if corporations or rich people didn’t buy and corrupt our democracy there would be no problem with corporations or rich people? Have you ever considered the notion if corporations or rich people didn’t pollute our air and water there would be no problem with corporations or rich people? Have you ever considered the notion if corporations or rich people didn’t off-shore our jobs, there would be no problem with corporations or rich people? We think not. All you believe is “liberals hate those who have succeeded”
There are such corporations and rich people. Liberals admire successful corporations and rich people with respect for democracy, with environmental and social accountability, and display good citizenship.
Your masters work to insure we never have that. Look how they eviscerated the Inheritance tax. They put their lobbyists in regulatory positions. Yes even the “GOP Lite” Dems do that. They buy politicians and write legislation that grows their wealth. Your masters will do everything to enrich themselves, no matter the consequences for America.
Corporations are not patriotic. Are you stupid enough to believe that they are? I see no evidence that you’d even consider the concept.
Your Party is of primary party of the rich, by the rich and for the rich. The other major party follows on their coattails. They chase the same money. Just who do you think benefits the most from “divide and conquer”, if not for those with established economic, and therefore political, powers?
Enlighten us please. I’m happy to discuss it, if you dare to enter civil discourse. Yeah, we don’t expect that.
And this “ liberals who will give them free stuff” BS is your parroting of indoctrination, intended to instill hate and resentment for safety net users. That hate and resentment is clear for all to see.
The Left is about destruction; we are witnessing the attempted destruction of the world's best healthcare system ..THE POLLS SHOW OBAMACARE IS A DISASTER.
Really? Disaster you say? Shall we compare body counts? You reek of moral relativism, as well as far Right indoctrination.
Explain to us how expanded health care is worse than sacrificing thousands of Americans and trillions of dollars in Bush’s war based on lies for crony profit and political gain. Tell us how Obamacare is worse than what has happened after “Iraqi Freedom”, after Bush agreed to Iraqi demands for withdrawal? Care to enlighten us on that?
You cannot and won’t of course. And yeah, you blame the black guy for that too.
There's hope against the Socialist/Communists and their unicorn dream of utopia. So let ‘em die! Let ‘em starve! There’s your hope. The rich are too poor and the poor are too rich for your masters’, and therefore your, liking.
We all know your “final solution” for your problem. You believe exactly what they want you to believe. You bow to an economic dictatorship. Only the powerful can “divide and conquer”. And thanks to your far Right media and indoctrination, they are succeeding. Check out Wall Street profits and compare them to Main Street. Look at income inequality, the ratio of CEO to employee, and see the “trickle up” wealth. Production is rising and pay is stagnating. You can’t blame the economic elites or their Party of the Rich for anything, so you blame the workers and advocates of better democracy. You tell lies about “free stuff” and “hating the rich”.
Little do you really care that safety nets are needed because when your servants of Mammon have their way, your deregulated marketplace and god Mammon fail the people and collapse our economy,..
Yes, we’ve seen your idea of “hope” before. Tax cuts for the rich and deregulation of Big Money interests have led us to depression and financial collapse in 1929 and 2008. And YOU want them to do it again, or you suffer from such low information that you cannot see what happened the last times they had their way. You’re too brainwashed with hate, and blame liberals for what your masters caused. Fascism needs scapegoats.
What hope is there that these proven disasters can’t happen again? Does Obamacare present a larger disaster than financial collapse and pointless permanent war? You want to argue that? Be my guest.
When your servants of Mammon take over, financial collapse, wage suppression, austerity, and pointless permanent war will be all they give us. And that’s the “free stuff” you want, and they will be happy to offer just that for our country.
"Corporations are not patriotic. Are you stupid enough to believe that they are?"
You sound like a marxist.
Patriotic - Your Usage of that word connotes a human quality.
Sounds to me like you are the one who is stupid. Its not my fault you didn't graduate college and ended up with a blue collar job in prison.
We already tried things the Republican way, it was a huge fucking disaster. And this guy wants to do it again!
I am not saying you have to love Obama because I do not, but another round of Republican madness will be great for the few, misery for the majority.
"We already tried things the Republican way, it was a huge fucking disaster."
Really? How about some evidence to back up that claim? Or is that straight from today's DNC talking points email?
Were 92 million Americans no longer in the work force because they stopped looking for work under a Republican?
Guess what, there are today under a Democrat President and a Democrat controlled Senate who will not allow bills passed by the House to come to their floor for a vote.
Has the price of a gallon of gas been this high for this long under a Republican President? Guess what, NEVER this long at this high a cost until this Democrat President.
In Reagen's first term the Democrats controlled the Congress, yet he was able to get bills passed. Why can't this President get bills passed even with a Democrat controlled Senate?
Are there more homeless today than there were under GWB?
Are more American's hungry today under a Democrat President than there were under GWB?
You O-baggers are long on believing THE ONE'S promise's but short on finding promises that THE ONE has kept.
Like when in 2008 when he promised he wouldn't take vacations while in office, or the average saving in health care insurance under his plan would be $2500.
Liberals believe that corporations have a private supply of clean air and water that only they can access while they poison the rest of us with pollution.
Envy is the fuel of the class warfare engine of liberalism. They must keep it pumped up in order to have a reason for people to vote for them.
Democrats need victims to rescue, and if there aren't any, they will change the standards to create some. It is striking that Democrats measure success by the number of people who receive benefits from the government, as opposed to the number of people who no longer need help from the government.
"We already tried things the Republican way, it was a huge fucking disaster."
Really? How about some evidence to back up that claim? Or is that straight from today's DNC talking points email?
Were 92 million Americans no longer in the work force because they stopped looking for work under a Republican?
Guess what, there are today under a Democrat President and a Democrat controlled Senate who will not allow bills passed by the House to come to their floor for a vote.
Has the price of a gallon of gas been this high for this long under a Republican President? Guess what, NEVER this long at this high a cost until this Democrat President.
In Reagen's first term the Democrats controlled the Congress, yet he was able to get bills passed. Why can't this President get bills passed even with a Democrat controlled Senate?
Are there more homeless today than there were under GWB?
Are more American's hungry today under a Democrat President than there were under GWB?
You O-baggers are long on believing THE ONE'S promise's but short on finding promises that THE ONE has kept.
Like when in 2008 when he promised he wouldn't take vacations while in office, or the average saving in health care insurance under his plan would be $2500.
Liberals believe that corporations have a private supply of clean air and water that only they can access while they poison the rest of us with pollution.
Envy is the fuel of the class warfare engine of liberalism. They must keep it pumped up in order to have a reason for people to vote for them.
Democrats need victims to rescue, and if there aren't any, they will change the standards to create some. It is striking that Democrats measure success by the number of people who receive benefits from the government, as opposed to the number of people who no longer need help from the government.
"Corporations are not patriotic. Are you stupid enough to believe that they are?"
You sound like a marxist....said the fascist to the liberal, to the teacher, to the scientist, to the journalist, to the union worker, to...everyone who is not a fascist.
Patriotic - Your Usage of that word connotes a human quality.
Well, well, look who suggests a corporation is not a person. LOL!
Chuckie just wants them to have personhood in our elections and government, although they cannot be patriotic. He wants us all to obey and live under corporate written laws. Chuckie proves to us once again he would prefer a dictatorship by his economic elite masters over our democratic republic.
How patriotic.
What amuses me is Chuckie's arrogant sense of superiority for being an "educated" bean counter. His Podunk U. associates degree empowers his ego to no end.
Meanwhile his reading, writing and comprehension are at the middle school level. His emotional development is at about that level too.
In his narrow mind that is "education". That mix of arrogance and ignorance allows him to think he knows more about climate science and pollution than real scientists.
That mix of arrogance and ignorance allows him to think he knows best for all of America. He believes in a dictatorship by economic elites over a democratic republic. He is a fascist.
His is the hate that fuels fascism.
Mozart, clearly I am an idiot. And, my apologies. Congratulations on correctly identifying your Congressmen.
I'm still looking... I'm not sure my state has Congressmen - is that possible?
Unemployment numbers are NOT the same as the number of Americans not working
I knew it was going to be over your head
Of course, I should have know that, how did that get by me? lol
Really, how can there be so many on food stamps under a Democrat President?
TONS OF Stuff, how about listing two pounds of stuff?
If the plans, laws, policy's, that liberals and democrats keep putting into effect worked as they say they will, would their be any need for them? Of course not. Would there be any need for liberalism, of course not. Therefore, the question becomes do liberal really want Americans to succeed, or do they need Americans to think they need liberal govt to exist so they continue to vote for them?
I guess you didn't watch the interview that I provided from youtube where
THE ONE PROMISED on camera, not to take a vacation if elected president.
Here it is again for you.
Harley, I never knew a Conservative could be so damn funny!
James, I don't know what I am. A malcontent and iconoclast more aptly. Most "conservatives" wouldn't like much of what I have to say.
And, while I disagree with some of the conclusions that many out here come to, I share their concerns over the problems.
I try to laugh - because we are all a laughable and pathetic lot... me included.
I thought of you when I saw this article. This is the fruit of "divide and conquer". When more conservatives and liberals understand this is how it works, maybe democracy will survive. But that is only a dream. The economic powers have convinced many that democracy is best abandoned so they can run the show.
Who rules America?
A shattering new study by two political science professors has found that ordinary Americans have virtually no impact whatsoever on the making of national policy in our country. The analysts found that rich individuals and business-controlled interest groups largely shape policy outcomes in the United States.
The new study, with the jaw-clenching title of "Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens," is forthcoming in the fall 2014 edition of Perspectives on Politics. Its authors, Martin Gilens of Princeton University and Benjamin Page of Northwestern University, examined survey data on 1,779 national policy issues for which they could gauge the preferences of average citizens, economic elites, mass-based interest groups and business-dominated interest groups. They used statistical methods to determine the influence of each of these four groups on policy outcomes, including both policies that are adopted and rejected.
The analysts found that when controlling for the power of economic elites and organized interest groups, the influence of ordinary Americans registers at a "non-significant, near-zero level." The analysts further discovered that rich individuals and business-dominated interest groups dominate the policymaking process.
"The public be damned!"
— William H. Vanderbilt, railroad magnate, 1882
And that's how corporate personhood and "free speech" money have overturned our fragile democratic republic.
Can't disagree.
History teaches us that democracy, while a sound ideal, is fragile in practice and given to abuse and subtle overthrow. Democracy got us here - or allowed us to get here.
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You are correct on the vulnerabilities and flaws of democracy.
The blame for its destruction is not so much on democracy itself, but on those who subverted it, and to a somewhat lesser degree, those who fail to defend it.
Democracy was used, abused, co-opted, bought, and betrayed.
Only a Constitutional amendment, and election/campaign laws that define a citizen as a human being and rights are for human citizens, and distinguish "free speech money" from corruption, can save our democratic foundation.
Again, a dream.
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