Revisionism Cheney Style
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Not Burton and Taylor ` |
Sickie Dickie and Dizzy Miss Lizzie
It must be a difficult thing being Dick Cheney. Think about it: He must know that he will be remembered down though the ages as (next to J. Edgar Hoover) the most disgusting, reprehensible fool to ever accept a paycheck from the government. In fact, the comparison to Hoover is perhaps a bit unfair. For all of Edgar's faults, he and his boyfriend, Clyde Tolson, ran a pretty efficient ship over there at the FBI. When all the dust is settled, historians will have no problem identifying a few positive contributions from Hoover's reign of paranoia. Not so with Dick Cheney. He knows this and it's driving him to some sort of a psychotic breakdown. So desperate the silly old sociopath is to rewrite history that he seems to have gone even further over the edge than previously. I'm getting such a kick out of watching this. I really am!
There's a special place in the halls of Shame and Infamy for the likes of Dick and Liz (not to be confused with Burton and Taylor). There might even be a custom-made place in the pit of hell. But who am I to judge - sinner that I am. The pair of them must be, at the very least, smart enough to understand that Daddy Dick won't possibly be able to escape the ultimate wrath of future historians. There is nothing that can humanly be done to alter all of the nasty facts - particularly this one:
Invading the sovereign nation of Iraq in March 2003 was - beyond the malnourished shadow of a molecule of doubt - the STUPIDEST military blunder in American history. Vietnam doesn't come close to comparing to it. That conflict evolved, over a period of years, into an untenable quagmire. In Iraq we jumped - headfirst and smiling - into the catastrophe. To make matters all-the-more pathetic, we jumped in with a shit-eating grin on our clueless national face. "Bring 'em on!" said the half-witted president. It backfired. Operation Iraqi "Freedom" is America's ultimate tragicomedy.
'Twas all about an ocean of oil
Flowin' 'neath the Iraqi soil.
There is a lot of blame to be shared for the utter implosion that is now occurring in the birthplace of civilization. What happened would not have been possible without more-than-a-few cowardly and enabling Democrats - chief among them Hillary Clinton. I'll probably be supporting her if the Dems are stupid enough to hand her the nomination, but I'll be holding my nose during the entire process. She could have done the right thing and stood up to the warmongers and plutocrats who were just itching to do some economic plundering in a land that contained some of the largest oil reserves on this troubled planet. She didn't. She just had to prove - for the basest, most transparent political reasons - that she was as much of a warrior as any man. I'm praying that Elizabeth Warren changes her mind and throws her hat into the ring. Wishful thinking, I know.
But to blame the tragedy that is now transpiring in Iraq (as Dick and Liz are doing) on President Barack Obama is beyond ludicrous. That country's disintegration was predicted a long time ago by people who knew what the they were talking about. When Obama made his run for the White House six years ago, he promised to do exactly what he did, which was to get American forces out of there. Iraq is broken. The Bush administration broke it irreparably. We have no other choice than to live with our electoral stupidity. It was obvious to anyone paying a smidgeon of attention during the campaign of 2000 that George W. Bush had the IQ of a half-eaten box of MilkDuds. At the time people were saying that they voted for the hideous little thug because they would prefer to have a beer with him than the smarty-pants, policy wonk, Al Gore. We got what we deserved. Deal with it as best you can.
"Remember when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace."
George W. Bush
Won't you come home George Orwell? Won't you come home?
I'll say this for Bush: his reticence since leaving the White House five-and-a-half years ago has been admirable. Quite possibly he is ashamed of himself and his participation in what is, without a doubt, the most reckless and incompetent administration in the history of human mediocrity - which would be perfectly understandable. Dick Cheney, on the other hand, is without a tenth-of-an-ounce of shame. In fact, it is my opinion that the man is a textbook sociopath. Whatever his psychological profile might be, it's obvious that we'll have to live with him until the disgusting old freak drops dead - which is fine 'n' dandy by me. Let's face it; the guy is so much fun to watch! Cheney and Cheney are the greatest unintentional comedy team in the annals of American humor.
Dick Cheney may try to run from history, but he can't hide from it. It staggers the soul to think that he believes he'll be able to do just that. Is he in complete denial - or is it merely gargantuan arrogance? That subject would make a good college thesis for a psych major.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Build We Won't
by Paul Krugman
New York Times, July 4, 1014
Why did America gave up on the future and cave-in on investing in building and maintaining our highways? That's an easy one: Tax cuts for a class of people who already have more money than they'll be able to spend in three lifetimes. GIT 'EM, PAUL!
There's a special place in the halls of Shame and Infamy for the likes of Dick and Liz (not to be confused with Burton and Taylor). There might even be a custom-made place in the pit of hell. But who am I to judge - sinner that I am. The pair of them must be, at the very least, smart enough to understand that Daddy Dick won't possibly be able to escape the ultimate wrath of future historians. There is nothing that can humanly be done to alter all of the nasty facts - particularly this one:
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The First Fool |
'Twas all about an ocean of oil
Flowin' 'neath the Iraqi soil.

But to blame the tragedy that is now transpiring in Iraq (as Dick and Liz are doing) on President Barack Obama is beyond ludicrous. That country's disintegration was predicted a long time ago by people who knew what the they were talking about. When Obama made his run for the White House six years ago, he promised to do exactly what he did, which was to get American forces out of there. Iraq is broken. The Bush administration broke it irreparably. We have no other choice than to live with our electoral stupidity. It was obvious to anyone paying a smidgeon of attention during the campaign of 2000 that George W. Bush had the IQ of a half-eaten box of MilkDuds. At the time people were saying that they voted for the hideous little thug because they would prefer to have a beer with him than the smarty-pants, policy wonk, Al Gore. We got what we deserved. Deal with it as best you can.
"Remember when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace."
George W. Bush
Won't you come home George Orwell? Won't you come home?

Dick Cheney may try to run from history, but he can't hide from it. It staggers the soul to think that he believes he'll be able to do just that. Is he in complete denial - or is it merely gargantuan arrogance? That subject would make a good college thesis for a psych major.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

Build We Won't
by Paul Krugman
New York Times, July 4, 1014
Why did America gave up on the future and cave-in on investing in building and maintaining our highways? That's an easy one: Tax cuts for a class of people who already have more money than they'll be able to spend in three lifetimes. GIT 'EM, PAUL!
Lots of blood on this mans hands. Also Bush, all the neo-CONS, and the "supreme" court members that got this evil person in to the White House in the first place. All cowardly wusses with their skin, but brave, tough talking, warriors with lesser peoples children. Keep that heart ticking Dick. You know where you're going when it finally stops.
“Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many.”
Classic Radical Right authoritarian personality projection.
From FOX(R online:
Megyn Kelly came at Cheney hard in that Wednesday night appearance. She did not let him off the hook for what happened in 2003. It was an important moment for her, as a relatively new prime-time anchor, and for Fox.
Kelly began by quoting liberal Washington Post columnist Paul Waldman:
“‘There is not a single person in America who has been more wrong and more shamelessly dishonest on the topic of Iraq than Dick Cheney, and now as the cascade of misery and death and chaos, he did so much to unleash raises anew, Mr. Cheney has the unadulterated gall to come before the country and tell us that it's all someone else's fault.’ The suggestion is that you caused this mess, Mr. Vice President. What say you?”
Cheney responded with his standard defense: “I think we went into Iraq for very good reasons. I think when we left office, we had a situation in Iraq that was very positive… What happened was that Barack Obama came to office, and instead of negotiating a stay behind agreement, he basically walked away from it.”
Kelly came back hard: “But time and time again, history has proven that you got it wrong as well in Iraq, sir. You said there were no doubts Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. You said we would greeted as liberators. You said the Iraq insurgency was in the last throes back in 2005. And you said that after our intervention, extremists would have to, quote, ‘rethink their strategy of Jihad.’ Now with almost a trillion dollars spent there with 4,500 American lives lost there, what do you say to those who say, you were so wrong about so much at the expense of so many?”
We all know the futility in asking any questions of the far Right hate club.
Cheney stuck to his guns: “We inherited a situation where there was no doubt in anybody's mind about the extent of Saddam's involvement in weapons of mass destruction. We had a situation where if we -- after 9/11, we were concerned about a follow-up attack, it would involve not just airline tickets and box cutters as the weapons, but rather something far deadlier, perhaps even a nuclear weapon.”
Except there were no WMDs or nuclear weapons.
No, just war criminals walking free to spew their excuses.
Notice how the "liberal" corporate media allow such voices on the air and ignore the voices of sanity like censored talks show host Phil Donahue.
Some "liberal" media, eh?
Rumsfeld, Rove and Cheny.
I have a theory that really old people who refuse to die are terrified to go through the door and then realize their entire belief system is a lie. So, add Dub, and I predict four very old men. Sigh.
I think the big thing with Cheney is he wants his daughter to have a huge political career which demands that he justify and make himself look good. These people have always called something clean air when they mean more pollution or patriot act when they mean it will be gutting the Bill of Rights. Whatever they said, it was the opposite and here we go again. What gets me is why do we have to listen to him?
It's a shame they were not charged in a criminal court for what they did but Obama didn't want that as Presidents protect each other and he knows someday it could be him facing a new political power machine. The irony for Obama is the right might try to go after him anyway. He could have just as well gone after charges on torture and so much else because it won't protect him that he didn't.
I hold Cheney a lot more accountable than I do even Bush. And worse we still have to listen to him ramble on with his know it all way hoping he can get his daughter into power :(
I'm wondering what FOx is up to with the Kelly interview. They cannot be sincere. Clearly they are trying to look "Rational" with the midterms coming up.
Whinefest from Anonymous to follow. His excuses and rediculous accusations on this one should be entertaining. Watch now as he attacks me and brings up completely unrealted subjects.
Told ya. ;)
I am impressed when a person can debate without insults because it is difficult.
It is easy to get frustrated and pissed off in a debate and very hard to control yourself, the master of control is Harley on this blog. I try to emulate him.
The anonymous way of debate. Deflect from the original subject by saying "But THIS GUY DID THIS!
Anonymous, thank you for proving me right once again. Now, stop deflecting and defend Cheney on his own words and actions, and without BLAMING Obama. Bet you can't.
It must be the Koch Brothers or Faux News who have manipulated the data for the new Quinnipiac Poll that says Obama is the worst President since WWII. Just like the East Anglican scientists who manipulated the data for the climate warming "hockey stick". just sayin.
If you only look at older people, then yes, you will get that result,which is still misleading but younger people overwhelmingly support Obama. You can't just look at the surface. You have to loo at the ENTIRE POLL and see how the questions are worded. It's kind of a "push poll", but admittedly fairer than some I have seen.
Do you think the questions were worded by the Koch Brothers?
Chuckie, I think the questions were misleading. But it's not the questions, but the misleading representation of the results that's the problem. The Koch Bros are still the most dangerous people in America right now, whetehr they had anything to do with the pollor not. I'd say stop being such an idiot, but one cannot fight nature.
The People of America have spoken. Obama is the worst President since WWII.
Dave Dubya hasn't argued with the results of the Quinnipiac Poll stating that Obama is the worst President since WWII because he knows it is true.
ObamaCare is even more unpopular as disapproval has gone up to 55% according to the June 30 Quinnipiac poll.
Do you think the questions were also misleading? If so, which ones?
Do you think the Koch Brothers are targeting Quinnipiac like the IRS targets people who are not marxists?
I just want to apologize to Dave Dubya who did argue about the results of the poll stating Obama is the worst President since WWII. I did not see his post above.
Ok Mozart,
Lets see your list of my attacking you as you claim I've done.
I've given in my defense your actions, now support your claim of being attacked and mistreated by me. If not you need to take your own advise and stop whining.
I'd like you to compare the Middle East policy's of Bush/Chaney to the policy of the Obama Administration.
I'd like to KNOW what is the Obama Middle East policy in order to draw that comparison.
We have had the Monroe Doctrine, Truman Policy and the Bush Policy, do we have an Obama Policy? If so what is it.
With that info we can intelligently discuss the success/failures of the Cheney designed Bush Policy in the light the actions the USA has taken since 2008 in the middle East.
Or we can base this debate on the the belief that "We ALL KNOW the futility in asking any questions of the far Right hate club."
Let the Ad hominem attacks begin. Or let the adult debate begin, the ball is in your court Mozart.
Progressives have no intention of letting you live your life in peace, according to the dictates of your conscience. They will never stop. They will continually try to force their agenda, take your money, and control your thoughts until the entire country is a carbon copy of every Progressive hell hole of a city in this country. Worse than no knowledge, they have misinformation, think freedom is forcing other people to buy you stuff, and tolerance is forcing other people to think like you.
The Takers in our society have been pampered and the Makers mocked.
Progressives have no intention of letting you live your life in peace,….The Takers in our society have been pampered and the Makers mocked.
We assume Chick Chuckie believes the makers are NOT the workers who actually make things, but those who exploit and profit from the labor of others. For Chuckie, the spoiled and pampered type who inherits wealth and lives off investments is the “maker”. All he “makes” is money, of course.
But it is a good example of fascist sloganeering. Just substitute “Jews” for takers and progressives, and "Good Germans" for makers, and there you have it. American fascism raising its hateful head while fueling class warfare.
Bottom line: Chick Chuckie thinks the poor are too rich and the rich are too poor. Chuckie forgets the rich are doing BETTER THAN EVER. Meanwhile the middle class and poor are taking a hit. He calls it “socialism”.
Yeah, that’s some pampering for most of us and such suffering for the elites. Meanwhile the elites keep buying politicians and writing our laws.
Democracy is what is being mocked. Authoritarian elites are the truly pampered and privileged. Just the facts.
Chuckie doesn't read and has shown us how much he thinks.
The article's point:
Wages for working people, not the wealth of the rich, corporate income, or banking profits are what both drive and sustain an economy. As long as those wages remain stagnant or falling, there will not be sufficient demand to keep an economy from collapsing under the weight of its own high-end gamblers and the growing debt of its young and working-class people just trying to get by.
Turns out the real "job creators" are, and have always been, people earning enough money to buy things produced.
Even Henry Ford knew this. Today's radical Right will never learn.
Dave, I posted that to take the high road, highly uninformed,angry partisan posters rarely read or respond to anything. but it was fun winning the debate.
Progressives like to accuse conservatives of going back to an old frontier "every man for himself!" mentality.
But when you read the history of western settlement there was tremendous cooperation between neighbors, extended families, ranchers and towns people. Spontaneous organizations and associations flourished.
It just wasn't run by the government.
But when you read the history of western settlement...
It just wasn't run by the government.
That comparison to today is not exactly valid, except for perhaps this. The government kindly cleared the land of those pesky natives, so good white Americans could profit.
Am I right?
This is still the government's job, as it passes corporate written trade agreements and other laws.
Let's also remember that many settlers benefited from cheap, or free, land stolen by the government.
Yeah, that happened.
"the makers are NOT the workers who actually make things, but those who exploit and profit from the labor of others."
Why, how very Karl Marx of you.
Yes, Chuckie thinks the conservative Southern slave owners were "makers" too.
The truth goes back much further before Marx was born.
We see no rebuttal to the facts.
They stand, and Chuckie's guilt by association fallacy fails.
Say, didn't he mention something about how terrible that form of ad hominum fallacy was? LOL!!
Yeah, he's a hypocrite, among other things. Fact, not fallacy.
I can't tell you how pleased I was to see that 40 veterans died waiting for health care from their government controlled Veterans Affairs Health Care system.
Can a government incapable of managing health care for veterans manage health care for the entire United States population? Of course not!
I can't wait until I die while waiting for my government controlled health care. What fun that will be. THANK YOU PRESIDENT OBAMA! THANK YOU DEMOCRATS. YOU'RE SIMPLY THE BEST!
The deaths and delayed treatment of veterans are tragic and inexcusable. The guilty should be punished.
These are symptoms of an overburdened and under-funded system.
How did that happen? Perhaps it has something to do with the war that killed over 4,500 (counting suicides) Americans and wounded over 32,000.
40 deaths are tragic, but 4,500 needless deaths are even more so, especially because they were sent to their deaths over lies, in a war for crony profit and political gain.
The con-servatives are only angry about the 40. This is moral relativism at its worst. I hear no outrage over the 4,500 sacrificed for war-mongers' re-election and oil corporation profits.
Remember the war propaganda fooled 70% of Americans into believing Saddam and Iraq were involved in 9-11. Both Bush and Cheney lied about Saddam and al-Qaeda being in cahoots. They are guilty for these deaths, yet they walk free, as their supporters blame the black guy for everything.
Moral relativism is too weak a term. It is closer to fascism. They glorify war and the evil that led us to war.
We can fix the VA, but we can't fix the growing number of dead and the ongoing mess in Iraq.
That mess is entirely the fault of the Bush/Cheney cartel.
May they rot in Hell. And may their hateful true believers follow them there.
Maybe if he would disappear like dubya we'd have a chance to forget about that abject failure of an administration. Especially since he's attributing his fuck ups to the President when all he did was follow the agreement that Bush made with the Iraqis to leave.
Plus Obama won the election... Twice... Twice! Rmoney might wish the polls were skewed, but they weren't.
"That mess is entirely the fault of the Bush/Cheney cartel."
Wow, didn't see that coming.
My questions is what mess isn't their fault?
A Veterans Affairs whistleblower from Atlanta will testify before Congress next Tuesday about widespread destruction of applications and retaliation against whistleblowers. His testimony will not negate the claim that the V.A. scandal was indeed a “mess” that Barack Obama inherited from previous administrations, but it will demonstrate that this administration exacerbated the problem. How? By shifting workers from the task of processing V.A. applications last summer to work on Obamacare enrollment.
cott Davis is a program specialist at the V.A.’s national Health Eligibility Center in DeKalb County, Georgia. His story was published in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution this past Sunday and appeared on the Neil Cavuto program on Fox News Wednesday. As opposed to previous whistleblower reports, which focus V.A. hospitals and getting to see doctors, Davis’ revelations are about the processing of applications by V.A. offices.
Davis told the Journal-Constitution that health benefit applications for more than 10,000 veterans may have been improperly purged from the Health Eligibility Center’s national data system. He began filing complaints in January 2014, revealing that managers were focused more on meeting goals linked to the Affordable Care Act than processing V.A. applications. Their bonuses were held out as “carrots.”
Veteran health applications were left in pending status, were not given the appropriate amount of attention, veteran health programs such as the Veteran Health Identification Card was disastrous in its deployment nationwide so that VA Health Eligibility staff could focus on doing promotional material for the Affordable Care Act.”
We don’t discuss veterans. We do not work for veterans. That is something that I learned after working there. Our customer is the VA central office, the White House and the Congress. The veterans are not our priority. So whatever the initiatives are or the big ticket items, that is what we focus on.
Davis expanded on his revelations to Cavuto on Wednesday, explaining that 17,000 applications for V.A. Healthcare were destroyed, and they’re “also looking into a backlog of over 600,000 pending applications for V.A. Healthcare.” The applications were purged as a way to deal with pressure from Washington D.C.
"The deaths and delayed treatment of veterans are tragic and inexcusable. The guilty should be punished." Can we start at the top of the food chain with the punishment?
Still think Susan Rice deserves an apology?
Court documents filed by the U.S. Justice Department in the criminal case against Benghazi attack suspect Ahmed Abu Khatallah provide unprecedented details about the evolution of the assault and further shatter the Obama administration’s initial claim that it sprouted from protests over an anti-Islam film.
The narrative that the video played a role continues to live on, with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton saying recently that some of the attackers may indeed have been influenced by the online video.
But the Justice Department’s court filings make clear that at least those spearheading the attack were part of a “conspiracy,” one that involved several members of the Ansar al-Sharia “Islamic extremist militia.”
A government motion filed Tuesday seeking Khatallah’s detention provides some of the greatest detail to date on the suspect’s alleged role.
The motion says that in the days preceding the attack, the defendant “voiced concern and opposition to the presence of an American facility in Benghazi.” According to the motion, a group of 20 or more “armed men,” including militia members, assembled outside the U.S. compound at 9:45 p.m. the night of Sept. 11, 2012, and “aggressively breached” the gate.
They carried rifles, handguns and rocket-propelled grenade launchers.
Can you give me a "Blame Bush"?
Anonymous, avoiding the defense of Cheney as I challenged him to do, has once agaon gone off the reservatiuon in a desparate attempt to save face.
His face is beyond saving.
Jeez, even Fox news is telling Cheney what an asshat he is.
Chuckie, why don';t you ask WHY people are "dissapointed" in OBamacare
Those who have access to it and actually use it love it, but wish it did MORE. Those who are dissapointed in Obama WISH HE COULD GET MORE DONE.
But you don't want to talk about WHY SOME PEOPLE are on the "dissaprove" side do you? You just like the word "dissaprove", and THAT is what skews the poll. It does not allow for that explaination.
Climate alarmism is "the biggest fraud in the field of science" and the 97% consensus claim is nonsensical, Apollo 7 astronaut Walter Cunningham tells MRCTV in a preview of his presentation at the upcoming Heartland Institute climate conference, July 7-9.
"Since about 2000, I looked farther and farther into it," Col. Cunningham (USMC, Ret.) tells MRCTV in an exclusive interview. "I found that not one of the claims that the alarmists were making out there had any bearings, whatsoever. And, so, it was kind of a no-brainer to come to the conclusion."
Cunningham rejects the notion of man-made climate, not only as fact - but also as even qualifying as an actual "theory":
"In the media, it was being called a theory. Obviously, they didn't know what it means to be a theory."
"If we go back to the warmist hypothesis - not a theory, but, a hypothesis - they've been saying from the very beginning that carbon dioxide levels are abnormally high, that higher levels of carbon dioxide are bad for humans, and they thought warmer temperatures are bad for our world, and they thought we were able to override natural forces to control the earth's temperature. So, as I've looked into those, that's the problem that I've found, because I didn't find any of those to be correct - and, they certainly were not a theory, it was just their guess at what they wanted to see in the data they were looking at."
Cunningham urges Americans to look at the data and decide for themselves, instead of taking anyone else's word for it:
"You go out and take a look at it and you find out that a lot of it is pure nonsense and wishful thinking on the part of the alarmists who are looking for more and more money to fall into their hands."
"Don't believe it just because your professor said it. You gotta go take a look at it. Go back and look at the history of temperature and carbon dioxide, and you look at the value of carbon dioxide, and how it's a benefit today."
Astronaut Walter Cunningham
Astronaut Walter Cunningham in the Apollo era.
Cunningham notes that, while climate alarmists are concerned that the atmosphere currently contains 400 parts per million of CO2, that's only a tenth of the level his spacecraft had to reach before causing concern. In his Apollo craft, an alarm would go off when CO2 reached 4,000 parts per million and, in today's space shuttle, the trigger is 5,000. And, in submarines where crewmen may be on three-month missions, CO2 has to reach 8,000 parts per million before the alarm is activated.
"In one area after another, we find these people overly concerned about, one, the danger they're trying to push on us and, secondly, the claim that we can somehow or other control the earth's temperature by affecting it," Cunningham says.
"I can't say we don't have any impact, at all, but it'd be so miniscule and so tiny, that it wouldn't be worth any effort."
So, what does dictate the Earth's temperature? Cunningham says it's well-established that "principle controllers" are natural forces like sun, ocean temperature, and even volcanic activity.
Thus, he calls climate alarmism "the biggest fraud in the field of science":
"The case is, to me, really, it's laughable to find somebody who claims to be a serious scientist - that he would buy into this. So, I would really question anybody who claims to be a scientist doing this - so, what they do is try to control the nomenclature."
"To me, it's almost laughable, it's the biggest fraud in the field of science, certainly in my lifetime, maybe the biggest one in centuries."
Page III
"If you go back and you look at the data that has been well-documented over the years, you can look and see, for example, that right now both carbon dioxide and temperature are simultaneously at one of the lowest levels in at least the last 600-800 million years. The last time they were both together at this low a level, more or less, was 300 million years ago, and if you go back go back about 500-600 million years ago, carbon dioxide was 15 times higher than what it is now. So, what I'm getting at is this, the history shows you that most of this is just plain nonsensical today."
"And, the amazing thing to people like me... is that there are people that believe the nonsense they're being fed."
The media are largely to blame for public misconceptions - not because they're intentionally misleading the public, but because they "just don't want to go into the time and trouble to find out." "If they do go into it and look at it for themselves, they become a lot more neutral in their presentation," he says.
Worst of all, Cunningham says, media are promoting the "nonsensical" claim that there's scientific consensus accepting the hypothesis of man-made climate:
"When they're out propagating this so-called 97% of scientists believe we're controlling the temperature - I mean, that's the most nonsensical, stupid number in the world - and all they have to do is do a little research on Google - I'm not going to do it for them - go in there and take a look and you find out that's a ridiculous statement that people are making - and even the president makes a statement like that."
"If you have a totally anonymous survey of real scientists involved in this field, I would almost guarantee you that you going to have a majority that are not going to agree with the alarmists."
"I can only tell you that, even back in the days of Apollo, we didn't have to face this kind of nonsense," Cunningham concludes.
What mess is not GWB/Chaney's fault?
Ignore Chuckie the Troll's inconsiderate copy and paste frenzy.
"When they're out propagating this so-called 97% of scientists believe we're controlling the temperature - I mean, that's the most nonsensical, stupid number in the world - and all they have to do is do a little research on Google - I'm not going to do it for them - go in there and take a look and you find out that's a ridiculous statement that people are making - and even the president makes a statement like that."
Thank you, Walter “I don’t claim to be a climate scientist” Cunningham.
97% of scientists believe we're controlling the temperature
Bullshit! Pure Authoritarian RRBC Bullshit.
Follow the oil...I mean money...well yeah, follow the oil.
May 21 - 23, 2012
Cunningham was a speaker at the Heartland Institute's Seventh International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC7).
May 16 - 18, 2010
Cunningham was a speaker at the Heartland Institute's 2010 International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC4).
February, 2010
The Heartland Institute published an article by Cunningham titled “Global Warming Fact Versus Faith: One Astronaut's Views”
DeSmogBlog researched the co-sponsors behind Heartland's ICCC7 and found that they had collectively received over $67 million from ExxonMobil, the Koch Brothers and the conservative Scaife family foundations
"Liberals are idiots" can't stay on subject any better than anonymous, and as for anonymous, there are very few problems faced currently that were not either caused or increased by Bush/Cheney.
But I'll CHALLENGE you again. DEFEND CHENEY BY HIS OWN WORDS AND ACTIONS. Stop deflecting, stop acting like a five year old (I realize you will have to fight muscle memory)
Were WMD's found? NO
Were we greeted as liberators? NO
Did the oil pay for the war? NO
Did Iraq have anything to do with 9-11? NO
Was the war over in 6 months? NO
I could go on as the list of his LIES is long, but you have enough to start with.
Cunningham states many facts about the climate and the composition of the greenhouse gases in the past going back millions of years ago.
Since he contradicts all current scientific consensus about these issues where does he get his facts?
He pulls them out of his ass and cashes the check!
Dave Dubya:
"Let's also remember that many settlers benefited from cheap, or free, land stolen by the government.
Yeah, that happened."
Stolen by the Government? You mean stolen from a few hundred thousand American Indians who had owned all the land of the mid West and West?
What greedy pigs those Indians were. They were AmeriKa's first 1%.
I wasn't aware Walt Cunninghame was a climateologist. I just thought he was a disgruntled astronuat who got rolled out of flight status for insubordination.
Now, what does all this have to do with Dick Cheney?
Opinions mean more to Chuckie than facts.
He ignores them all, from record CO2 levels, too retreating glaciers, to ocean warming, to thawing permafrost, to Arctic erosion, to...well, all facts not tolerated by Big Oil and their shills.
The opinion Chuckie values:
97% of scientists believe we're controlling the temperature
Bullshit! Pure Authoritarian RRBC Bullshit.
So who's at the control panel? He forgot to say.
I bet Chuckie values Cheney's "opinion" over mine, too.
He's just too Chicken to admit it. The Bubble has even allowed FOX(R) to confront the Big Dick.
Run, Chicken Chuckie, run.
Why hasn't Chuckie mentioned Cheney yet?
Bwaack, buck, buck, buckaww!
Deflect, deceive, and deny. The three "D's" of the RRBC.
I'd like you to compare the Middle East policy's of Bush/Chaney to the policy of the Obama Administration.
I suppose this could count as sort of a mention, intended to blame the black guy, of course.
Let's compare.
Bush/Cheney policy: Hundreds of thousands of dead "liberated" Iraqis, ongoing civil war, 4,500 dead Americans, 32,000 wounded Americans, and an ongoing unfinished war in Afghanistan.
Obama policy: Continues Bush/Cheney war in Afghanistan, and 4 dead in Libya.
Then we could compare the LIES...
Shall we? The ratio would be similar to the body count.
I believe it was Rummy who decided how we would deploy in Iraq. A rookie military mistake if there ever was one. Spearheading to the capital leaving our enemy (with their weapons) behind us, and then they turn and attack. DUH!
It's no wonder most of these guys are wanted war criminals in many countries throughout the world. But the first order Obama gives his AG, is not to investigate, or prosecute wrong doing by the Bush administration. Now there's the practice of justice and law!
And Democrats stumble over each other trying to bow to this new messiah of freedom. HA HA
One of Obama's reasons for running was to change the way Washington does business. How's that going? Not that he could do it alone, but what did he expect? Republicans would do whatever he wanted? How naive. But as the saying (true) goes it would have been worse if McCain had won and Palin would have been our VP. A sad choice and no better between Romney and Obama, or the choice we will have in 2016. Clinton is no "shoe in" for 2016 and even if she wins what real change will that bring?
Ignore the whining and threats and Ad hominem attacks coming from the radical far left rants spewing from DD would be my advise.
What mess is not GWB/Chaney's fault?
What is Obama's Middle East policy?
And the believers in the man caused GW/climate change are working for free?
"Intended to blame the black guy", Oh no we cant do that, we all hired him knowing he had no experience, remember? It's the voters fault!
Obama's policy is what? Is it drawing meaningless lines in the sand? Is that it?
"authoritarian personality" You mean like telling us we will get to keep our Dr if we like them, knowing full well that it's a lie?
"97% of scientists believe we're controlling the temperature" Where is the poll, who ran the poll, who were the scientists?
"blame the victims" liberalism needs victims in order to exist. Without victims who would need liberalism? Liberalism creates the victims it needs to continue to exist. If liberal programs are so successful, why do they still exist? Wouldn't by now these programs have the cured the problems that were created for the victims and would have ended?
Explain what the victory in the war on poverty would look like?
Mozart, I did try to discuss Dick Cheney (BTW Dave calling VP Cheney the "Big Dick" sounds a lot like penis envy on your part, just saying) but that failed and has turned into the typical liberal Ad hominem debate you and DD are famous for.
Further what's there to discuss? You believe Bush/Cheney are the antichrist incarnate, what could anyone say to change your views? That they are not? Wow, that's enlightening. It's like a cult for you guys in which that is the foundation of all your beliefs. I know that now after questioning the theory of man caused GW/climate change, the futility of being an agnostic to a cornerstone of liberalism. NO dissent is allowed! This is liberalism after all, you can not question it or you will be called authoritarian! LOL.
Honestly, all the subject of this thread is doing is diverting the liberal mind from the failure by this Administration to defend our borders from invasion. The invasion of future victims for liberals to take care of and of future voters for the DNC to ensure Democrats will stay in power.
And that's what "fundamental change of American" is under this President. Our country's future largest minority will not be black Americans but Hispanic Americans. They will determine who gets to be saved from victim hood, and I'd be surprised if it is the Black American. They will be the majority and they will control the purse strings of America. And if you oppose them YOU will be the Conservative, you will be the oppressor, you will be the racist. And when the spending on social programs stops because of the crushing debt and the taxes have punished the producers & the job creators, and when China calls in their markers, what will liberalism have won?
A fundamentally changed American.
So have your hate orgy over Bush/Cheney, over the rich owners of business, the Tea Party, the skeptics of the theory of man causing GW and climate change, over Supreme Court decisions, over past racism. Work to make your prediction of another Democrat President, come true. Ignore the only possible outcome of your actions. Enjoy now for I fear the taste of your victory will turn bitter very soon. What country then will you move to that will allow you to have your current standard of living?
American will have been "fundamentally changed". And not for the better.
Let the Ad hominem attacks begin.
Look, look, look. See Chicken Chuckie run. See Chicken Chuckie run from discussing Cheney. Bwaack!
Cult Koolade time:
Liberalism creates the victims it needs to continue to exist. If liberal programs are so successful, why do they still exist? Wouldn't by now these programs have the cured the problems that were created for the victims and would have ended?
Liberalism provides safety nets for those whose jobs were off-shored by cutthroat American capitalists. This is the failure of de-regulated capitalism, not liberalism. Liberalism is the cure, not the disease.
The disease is enriching the elites and robbing the rest of us.
the failure by this Administration to defend our borders from invasion.
Invasion? Hysteria and paranoia. More illegal immigrants came here before the Bush crash of ’08 than after. How about that? Better blame the black guy, of course.
How to scare a racist:
Our country's future largest minority will not be black Americans but Hispanic Americans.
Our largest minority will be whites.
Run, Chuckie, run, run, run. LOL!
What country then will you move to that will allow you to have your current standard of living? American will have been "fundamentally changed".
Our current standard of living has been declining or stagnating since Reagan surrendered our government to the rich.
Thanks to corporate personhood, and coddling the rich, wage stagnation is already here, sport. Guess who’s doing great. Guess who’s NOT doing so great.
Only a willfully blind arrogant fool will ignore that reality.
Let the Ad hominem attacks begin.
Playing the victim again.
So what was that you say about Cheney, Chuckie?
It’s not ad hominem to call Chuckie a chicken when he keeps running from the topic.
Will Chuckie be a man for a change?
Let’s hear him cluck his answer,.
Our current standard of living has been declining or stagnating since Reagan surrendered our government to the rich
LIE, try Jimmy Carter!
Ya gotta love those "sound arguments" from the Chuckie Gallery.
Keep running, Chicken Chuckie.
What. A. Cult.
Let's make it easy for Chuckie to stay on topic. All he needs to do is fill in the blank:
"Dick Cheney was correct about_____."
While this could be very difficult for an informed person, this should be easy for a true believer..
Let's see if he's up to it. Or will he keep running?
Pleas vote to award Dave Dubya with the
Hero of Socialist Labor award.
go fuck your self
LOL! Anonymous, I assume by your response you cannot back up your hero?
It's what everyone expected. Thanks for being consistant.
You may now return to your usual baseless Obama whinefest.
Speaking of revisionism liberal kook style
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s most accurate, up-to-date temperature data confirm the United States has been cooling for at least the past decade. The NOAA temperature data are driving a stake through the heart of alarmists claiming accelerating global warming.
Responding to widespread criticism that its temperature station readings were corrupted by poor citing issues and suspect adjustments, NOAA established a network of 114 pristinely cited temperature stations spread out fairly uniformly throughout the United States. Because the network, known as the U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN), is so uniformly and pristinely situated, the temperature data require no adjustments to provide an accurate nationwide temperature record. USCRN began compiling temperature data in January 2005. Now, nearly a decade later, NOAA has finally made the USCRN temperature readings available.
According to the USCRN temperature readings, U.S. temperatures are not rising at all – at least not since the network became operational 10 years ago. Instead, the United States has cooled by approximately 0.4 degrees Celsius, which is more than half of the claimed global warming of the twentieth century.
Of course, 10 years is hardly enough to establish a long-term trend. Nevertheless, the 10-year cooling period does present some interesting facts.
Source: National Climatic Data Center, NOAA
Source: National Climatic Data Center, NOAA
First, global warming is not so dramatic and uniform and alarmists claim. For example, prominent alarmist James Hansen claimed in 2010, “Global warming on decadal time scales is continuing without letup … effectively illustrat[ing] the monotonic and substantial warming that is occurring on decadal time scales.” The word monotonic means, according to Merriam-Webster Online, “having the property either of never increasing or of never decreasing as the values of the independent variable or the subscripts of the terms increase.” Well, either temperatures are decreasing by 0.4 degrees Celsius every decade or they are not monotonic.
Second, for those who may point out U.S. temperatures do not equate to global temperatures, the USCRN data are entirely consistent with – and indeed lend additional evidentiary support for – the global warming stagnation of the past 17-plus years. While objective temperature data show there has been no global warming since sometime last century, the USCRN data confirm this ongoing stagnation in the United States, also.
Third, the USCRN data debunk claims that rising U.S. temperatures caused wildfires, droughts, or other extreme weather events during the past year. The objective data show droughts, wildfires, and other extreme weather events have become less frequent and severe in recent decades as our planet modestly warms. But even ignoring such objective data, it is difficult to claim global warming is causing recent U.S. droughts and wildfires when U.S. temperatures are a full 0.4 degrees Celsius colder than they were in 2005.
Even more importantly than the facts above, the USCRN provides the promise of reliable nationwide temperature data for years to come. No longer will global warming alarmists be able to hide behind thinly veiled excuses to doctor the U.S. temperature record. Now, thanks to the USCRN, the data are what the data are.
Expect global warming alarmists, now and for the foreseeable future, to howl in desperation claiming the USCRN temperature data are irrelevant.
Of course, to global warming alarmists, all real-world data are irrelevant.
"Now let me be clear -- I suffer no illusions about Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal man. A ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power. He has repeatedly defied UN resolutions, thwarted UN inspection teams, developed chemical and biological weapons, and coveted nuclear capacity. He's a bad guy. The world, and the Iraqi people, would be better off without him."
State Senator Barack Obama (Democrat, Illinois)
Speech at Federal Plaza, Chicago, Illinois
October 2, 2002
I sure get a kick out of Dave Dubya's rebuttals.
Arguing with Dave is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over all the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around the table looking victorious.
The guy acts like a climate scientist, political scientist, and a lawyer. The fact is he is still paying his student loans for that crappy liberal arts degree that landed him with that crappy low skilled job at the prison.
Dave and his fellow marxists are now foaming at the mouth defending their Messiah who was going to bring Amerika to the land of Unicorns and Rainbows where everyone crosses the economic finish line at the same time.
The foaming at the mouth has reached its highest point with the poll by the independent Quinnipiac University that indicates The People of America have declared Obama the worst Presidents since WWII.
Note that no link was given for the Right Wing copy and paste about NOAA. Chuckie thinks we should just trust him, like his unquestioning belief in radical Right propaganda.
What NOAA really says:
March–May 2014 was the second warmest such period across global land and ocean surfaces, behind only 2010, since record keeping began in 1880, at 0.74°C (1.33°F) higher than the 20th century average.
I'm still waiting to learn what Cheney got right.
Crickets... and hen clucking.
We are still waiting for Obama's foreign policy for the Middle East.
Is it called "RUN AWAY"?
What is Obama's energy policy?
What is Obama's economic policy]?
What mess is not the fault of GWB/Chaney?
Is DD really a prison guard in Easterner MI? The only prison I could find there was a women's prison. Does he get to conduct cavity searches? Is that were he was awarded the Hero of Socialist Labor award? Will the big prize money that comes with that award help him to pay down his college loans? What did he major in, Criminal Justice or the Unfairness of the American System. Did Bill Ayers teach any of his classes?
Inquiring minds would like to know and you seem to be the source to go to about our comrade Dave Dubya, winner of the Hero of the Socialist Worker award.
Don't fail us Harry.
P.S. Cheney got it right when he said that the war against terrorism would be a long hard one, that we would have "distasteful" allies in the war, that the goal to this day, even after the election of Obama and his removal of our troops from the Middle East, of terrorist is to kill Americans. That the first CIA report he got BEFORE being sworn in, said Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.
There DD, Mozart, I answered your inane, useless question about Cheney. Inane because he hasn't been in power for 6 years, useless because it is nothing more that an attempt to buy time while the new "democrat voters from south of the border" get their illegal citizenship rights granted to them by Executive Order by the most transparent, Constitutional "expert" (even thought SCOUS keeps finding his actions as UN-Constitutional, LOL) president in our history.
Oh, my.
Harry Chuckie Anonymous is getting quite unhinged now.
He seems to be stalking me! I'm delighted to see I have such an affect on him, but he really isn't my type.
So bravo, Harry Chuckie Anonymous! He thinks Cheney was right about wanting an endless war on terror.
So how's that brilliant strategy working out for us? How about for Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc.
Talk about Revisionism! Look at what our very own Hero of Socialist Labor Dave Dubya has revised.
His question:
"Dick Cheney was correct about_____."
The answer:
Cheney got it correct when he said that the war against terrorism would be a long hard one, that we would have "distasteful" allies in the war, that the goal to this day, even after the election of Obama and his removal of our troops from the Middle East, of terrorist is to kill Americans. That the first CIA report he got BEFORE being sworn in, said Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.
Guard Dubya's response to the answer:
"He thinks Cheney was right about wanting an endless war on terror."
There is no, none, zero, Nada, zilch, zip relationship between the original question the answer and our Hero's final response. A clear case of "Revisionism Dubya Style"
Now let's see if Hero Dubya has what it takes to answer these:
We are still waiting for Obama's foreign policy for the Middle East.
Is it called "RUN AWAY"?
What is Obama's energy policy?
What is Obama's economic policy]?
What mess is not the fault of GWB/Chaney?
The "War against terrorism" didn't exist until Bush/Cheney failed to prevent 9-11, and then created it by invading countries that didn't attack us.
The war on Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11, despite the fact they fooled 70% of Americans into believing so.
So sure, he was correct. The war and mess they created will last a long time.
Was it the right thing to do? No. Did it increase, rather than diminish terrorism? Yes.
In other words, Cheney was wrong.
"until Bush/Cheneyfailed to prevent 9-11"
More revisionism from our very own Hero of Socialist Labor.
How come if the Clinton intel, as you claim, warned Bush of 9-11 they didn't do anything to stop it while Clinton was still in office?
How come Clinton CIA told Bush Cheney that Iraq had WMD's before they were sworn in?
How come Clinton didn't act on HIS own intel while still in office?
Are you really trying to say that the terrorist 9-11 attack was in response to something Bush/Cheney did? After being in office a little over 6 months? Or was 9-11 in response to something Clinton did during his 8 years of office?
Obama has been in office for 6 years, is there more terrorism now that there was in 2008?
Pull out our troops when advised to not do so from Iraq. How's that working out?
Falsely blamed a video trailer as the reason for the attack on our Ambassador and murder of 4 Americans?
Accepted the surrender of al Qaeda?
Surrendered to al Qaeda?
Drew lines in the sand. (Be still my beating heart, I live in fear of those lines in the sand. LOL)
Your hate of Bush/Cheney has blinded you so much that you can not see the danger Obama is putting our country in. Or is it you chose to look the other way cause you don't want to blame the black guy?
We are still waiting for Obama's foreign policy for the Middle East.
Is it called "RUN AWAY"?
What is Obama's energy policy?
What is Obama's economic policy?
What is Obama's immigration policy? (Let them in, we will need all the votes we can get, legal or otherwise, in 2016)
Are our borders more secure now than the were 8 years ago?
Do our friends (Do we still have any?) trust us and an enemy's fear us?
What mess is not the fault of GWB/Chaney?
Where can I get an autographed CD of Dave Dubya and the Neo-Cons-Liars? Barnes and Noble doesn't have it.
"Friday during former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's interview with The Guardian's Phoebe Greenwood, Clinton was confronted by one of the misguided goals of the Obama administration.
Greenwood asked, "You thought that it was absolutely necessary to restore America's standing, its reputation in the world, damaged in the Bush administration and yet according to a Pew Research figures, um, actually during your period, your tenure as Secretary of State some of the approval ratings in countries that were focuses of your foreign policy such as Pakistan, Egypt, China even the UK, approval ratings to the U.S. actually fell."
Clinton countered by complaining about the "inherent contradiction" saying "of course when America acts in furtherance of our values, our interests, and our security that is not going to be universally popular." Then defiantly the unpopular former Secretary of State still blasted "Bush's unilateralism."
Clinton is spending the holiday weekend in the United Kingdom promoting her new book "Hard Choices."
AHHHH, Blame Bush?
Here's the link you asked for DD.
Thanks for the link. Since I want to be proven wrong, I went there to see. So Forbes Magazine got their info from a Right Wing blog. I linked to NOAA. Forbes did not. Period.
Obama has been in office for 6 years, is there more terrorism now that there was in 2008?
Three thousand Americans dead by terrorism during Bush’s watch. How many Americans died under Obama and under Clinton combined? More or less?
In 2001 Richard Clarke, the nation's top counterterrorism official under former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush was shut out of Bush cabinet meetings.
August 6, 2001, presidential daily briefing entitled “Bin Laden determined to strike in US”.
Bush’s response: “Your ass is covered”.
And then they lied and lied and lied.
History, not revision. Period.
as expected you used to respond a As hominem:
Ad hominem circumstantial constitutes an attack on the bias of a source. This is fallacious because a disposition to make a certain argument does not make the argument false; this overlaps with the genetic fallacy (an argument that a claim is incorrect due to its source). To blow off the Forbes Article.
Did you follow the links provided in the article to the NOAA charts and website? I r dont think you are trying very hard to become at least an anthropogenic agnostic when it comes to GW.
"Obama has been in office for 6 years, is there more terrorism now that there was in 2008?" As expected you chose to answer with a question and a statement. I guess your overwhelming hatred of GWB makes it impossible for you to do anything but Blame Bush!
If Richard Clarke was the nation's top counterterrorism official under former President Bill Clinton, how come Clinton didn't do anything to stop the 9-11 attack?
Clarke told GWB on August 6th that Bin Laden was determined to strike in the US.
That's just 40 days before 9-11! Why didn't Clarke tell GWB sooner?
Clarke tells GWB 40 days before 9-11 that Bin Laden determined to strike in US. Does that mean that Clarke had just found out or had he known for a longer period of time?
What would Obama do if he was told Bin Laden was determined to strike in the US? Open our borders to invasion from Mexico? Draw a line in the sand? Do a twitter hash tag "don't attack us dude!"
Had Clarke told Clinton that Bin Laden determined to strike in US? Did Clarke believe that Iraq had WMD's? We know Hillary Clinton did.
We are still waiting for Obama's foreign policy for the Middle East.
Is it called "RUN AWAY"?
What is Obama's energy policy?
What is Obama's economic policy?
What is Obama's immigration policy? (Let them in, we will need all the votes we can get, legal or otherwise, in 2016)
Are our borders more secure now than the were 8 years ago?
Do our friends (Do we still have any?) trust us and an enemy's fear us?
What mess is not the fault of GWB/Chaney?
How is Obama not guilty of "transporting minors across a state line for illegal purposes"?
Did you follow the links provided in the Forbes article to the NOAA charts and website? It appears you did not. Did you even look at the charts and see who made them?” DID YOU???
The Forbes links DID NOT go to NOAA. Your “ad hominem” is nothing but a manifestation of your paranoia or ignorance.
Telling lies will not convince us that you are correct, and air pollution is harmless and has no effect on climate. Did you see the photos of all the receding glaciers? Try reality-based facts if you want to make your case.
Show us the link to NOAA. I already gave you info and links to NOAA, but you ignored them. Now, instead of your cult historical revision, falsehoods, misinformation and evasions, please show us the NOAA link you claim to have seen.
It’s the very least you can do to convince us you are honest and leading us to the truth. Not that anyone expects it of you, for many reasons. Surprise us, why don’t you?
Clarke told GWB on August 6th that Bin Laden was determined to strike in the US.That's just 40 days before 9-11! Why didn't Clarke tell GWB sooner? Clarke tells GWB 40 days before 9-11 that Bin Laden determined to strike in US. Does that mean that Clarke had just found out or had he known for a longer period of time?
Pure ignorance.. The ignored PDB was from the CIA.
What would Obama do if he was told Bin Laden was determined to strike in the US?
Irrelevant, evasive, and hypothetical. Obama ordered his death, though.
You are running from reality again.
More Americans died from terrorism under Bush than any other president.
Inconvenient truth, Chuckie?
Terrorist attacks have more than quadrupled since 2001, with top targets Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan: survey
The number of annual deaths in attacks, however, peaked in 2007 and has been falling ever since.
The number of fatalities, including dead suicide bombers, totaled 7,473 in 2011, down 25 percent from 2007.
The Global Terrorism Index - published on Tuesday by the U.S.- and Australia-based Institute for Economics and Peace think tank - ranked countries based on data from the Global Terrorism Database run by a consortium based at the University of Maryland, a commonly used reference by security researchers.
The U.S. military interventions pursued as part of the West's anti-al Qaeda "war on terror", the researchers suggested, may have simply made matters worse - while whether they made the U.S. homeland safer was impossible to prove.
There you go. You're welcome.
I find it hard to believe anybody in politics believed there were WMD in Iraq. All you needed to know the truth was a internet connection and a little time. By reading Truthout I knew almost all the WMD were destroyed after the first gulf war and they only had a four year shelf life.
Cheney had to make 11 trips to convince George Tenet change the NIE because the original said there were no WMD in IRAQ.
Cheney is in a small special group of people who have caused the deaths of over one million people, I am sure he is very proud to be a genocidal manic.
It is clear by now that the religion of the left is Global Warming/climate change caused by anthropogenic.
They will go to their frozen, ice cold graves demanding an end to modern civilization to stop something from happening that man is not causing.
Quoting from Truth Out while dissing any info from any source right of the far left sure has swayed my beliefs.
DD, I give up trying to get you to answer simple questions. You are so fixated on GWB you have lost your mind. Go back to work, do some cavity searches, tase a few of your customers, come home kick your dog, play the CD of your band, claim posts you disagree with are "Irrelevant, evasive, and hypothetical", all the while answer questions with questions, dodge questions with Ad hominem's, and live in fear that the world will find out that liberalism doesn't work and it take no guts to be a liberal, home to your poor bubble cult of the far left, surrounded by headlines from Truth Out and MSNBC.
If Clinton had taken care of Bin Laden, there wouldn't have been ANY Americans killed under Bush! You realize that don't you? Can you admit it? Doubtful.
"the researchers SUGGESTED, MAY HAVE simply made matters worse".
What kind of proof is that! It's as bad as your "WHAT IF" response.
James,"Cheney is in a small special group of people who have caused the deaths of over one million people". Are you sure it's not 999,999 or 1,000,001 people? Your sure its over a million and you are sure because you found that data where?
I heard Obama is breaking the law by transporting minors across a state line for illegal purposes. And he has transported over 10 million minors. I read that on the internet so it has to be true.
Not that you will recognize these much less answer them.
We are still waiting for Obama's foreign policy for the Middle East.
Is it called "RUN AWAY"?
What is Obama's energy policy?
What is Obama's economic policy?
What is Obama's immigration policy? (Let them in, we will need all the votes we can get, legal or otherwise, in 2016)
Are our borders more secure now than the were 8 years ago?
Do our friends (Do we still have any?) trust us and an enemy's fear us?
What mess is not the fault of GWB/Chaney?
Responding to widespread criticism that its temperature station readings were corrupted by poor siting issues and suspect adjustments, NOAA established a network of 114 pristinely sited temperature stations spread out fairly uniformly throughout the United States. Because the network, known as the U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN), is so uniformly and pristinely situated, the temperature data require no adjustments to provide an accurate nationwide temperature record. USCRN began compiling temperature data in January 2005. Now, nearly a decade later, NOAA has finally made the USCRN temperature readings available.
According to the USCRN temperature readings, U.S. temperatures are not rising at all – at least not since the network became operational 10 years ago. Instead, the United States has cooled by approximately 0.4 degrees Celsius, which is more than half of the claimed global warming of the twentieth century.
The decline in the US matches what we know about the temperature stagnation occurring all over the planet for the last 17 years:
Second, for those who may point out U.S. temperatures do not equate to global temperatures, the USCRN data are entirely consistent with – and indeed lend additional evidentiary support for – the global warming stagnation of the past 17-plus years. While objective temperature data show there has been no global warming since sometime last century, the USCRN data confirm this ongoing stagnation in the United States, also.
Third, the USCRN data debunk claims that rising U.S. temperatures caused wildfires, droughts, or other extreme weather events during the past year. The objective data show droughts, wildfires, and other extreme weather events have become less frequent and severe in recent decades as our planet modestly warms. But even ignoring such objective data, it is difficult to claim global warming is causing recent U.S. droughts and wildfires when U.S. temperatures are a full 0.4 degrees Celsius colder than they were in 2005.
Even more importantly than the facts above, the USCRN provides the promise of reliable nationwide temperature data for years to come. No longer will global warming alarmists be able to hide behind thinly veiled excuses to doctor the U.S. temperature record. Now, thanks to the USCRN, the data are what the data are.
It should go without saying that this data will change no one's mind or deter the administration from trying to implement their CO2 policies anyway. They ignore inconvenient facts and spout their hysteria anyway. In that sense, it doesn't matter what the science is. Politics is driving this debate now and the goal will be to marginalize skeptics with ridicule and name calling.
According to the RSS satellite data, whose value for May 2014 has just been published, the global warming trend in the 17 years 9 years since September 1996 is zero (Fig. 1). The 213 months without global warming represent more than half the 425-month satellite data record since January 1979. No one now in high school has lived through global warming.
Figure 1. RSS monthly global mean lower-troposphere temperature anomalies (dark blue) and trend (thick bright blue line), September 1996 to May 2014, showing no trend for 17 years 9 months.
The hiatus period of 17 years 9 months is the farthest back one can go in the RSS satellite temperature record and still show a zero trend. But the length of the pause in global warming, significant though it now is, is of less importance than the ever-growing discrepancy between the temperature trends predicted by models and the less exciting real-world temperature change that has been observed.
The First Assessment Report predicted that global temperature would rise by 1.0 [0.7, 1.5] Cº to 2025, equivalent to 2.8 [1.9, 4.2] Cº century–1. The executive summary asked, “How much confidence do we have in our predictions?” IPCC pointed out some uncertainties (clouds, oceans, etc.), but concluded:
“Nevertheless, … we have substantial confidence that models can predict at least the broad-scale features of climate change. … There are similarities between results from the coupled models using simple representations of the ocean and those using more sophisticated descriptions, and our understanding of such differences as do occur gives us some confidence in the results.”
That “substantial confidence” was substantial over-confidence. A quarter of a century after 1990, the outturn to date – expressed as the least-squares linear-regression trend on the mean of the GISS, HadCRUT4 and NCDC monthly global mean surface temperature anomalies – is 0.34 Cº, equivalent to juar 1.4 Cº/century, or exactly half of the central estimate in IPCC (1990) and well below even the least estimate (Fig. 2).
Figure 2. Medium-term global temperature projections from IPCC (1990), January 1990 to April 2014 (orange region and red trend line), vs. observed anomalies (dark blue) and trend (bright blue) as the mean of the RSS and UAH monthly satellite lower-troposphere temperature anomalies.
Figure 3. Predicted temperature change since 2005 at a rate equivalent to 1.7 [1.0, 2.3] Cº/century (orange zone with thick red best-estimate trend line), compared with the observed anomalies (dark blue) and trend (bright blue).
Remarkably, even the IPCC’s latest and much reduced near-term global-warming projections are also excessive (Fig. 3).
In 1990, the IPCC’s central estimate of near-term warming was higher by two-thirds than it is today. Then it was 2.8 C/century equivalent. Now it is just 1.7 Cº – and, as Fig. 3 shows, even that is proving to be a substantial exaggeration.
n the RSS satellite data, there has been no statistically-significant global warming for more than 26 years. None of the models predicted that, in effect, there would be no global warming for a quarter of a century.
New attempts to explain away the severe and growing discrepancy between prediction and reality emerge almost every day. Far too few of the scientists behind the climate scare have yet been willing to admit the obvious explanation – that the models have been programmed to predict far more warming than is now likely.
The long Pause may well come to an end by this winter. An el Niño event has begun. The usual suspects have said it will be a record-breaker, but, as yet, there is too little information to say how much temporary warming it will cause. The temperature spikes caused by the el Niños of 1998, 2007, and 2010 are clearly visible in Figs. 1-3.
El Niños occur about every three or four years, though no one is entirely sure what triggers them. They cause a temporary spike in temperature, often followed by a sharp drop during the la Niña phase, as can be seen in 1999, 2008, and 2011-2012, where there was a “double-dip” la Niña.
The ratio of el Niños to la Niñas tends to fall during the 30-year negative or cooling phases of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, the latest of which began in late 2001. So, though the Pause may pause for a few months at the turn of the year, it may well resume late in 2015.
Either way, it is ever clearer that global warming has not been happening at anything like the rate predicted by the climate models, and is not at all likely to occur even at the much-reduced rate now predicted. There could be as little as 1 Cº global warming this century, not the 3-4 Cº predicted by the IPCC.
Key facts about global temperature
The RSS satellite dataset shows no global warming at all for 213 months from September 1996 to May 2014. That is more than half the entire 425-month satellite record.
The fastest measured centennial warming rate was in Central England from 1663-1762, at 0.9 Cº/century – before the industrial revolution. It was not our fault.
The global warming trend since 1900 is equivalent to 0.8 Cº per century. This is well within natural variability and may not have much to do with us.
The fastest warming trend lasting ten years or more occurred over the 40 years from 1694-1733 in Central England. It was equivalent to 4.3 Cº per century.
Since 1950, when a human influence on global temperature first became theoretically possible, the global warming trend has been equivalent to 1.2 Cº per century.
The fastest warming rate lasting ten years or more since 1950 occurred over the 33 years from 1974 to 2006. It was equivalent to 2.0 Cº per century.
In 1990, the IPCC’s mid-range prediction of the near-term warming trend was equivalent to 2.8 Cº per century, higher by two-thirds than its current prediction.
The global warming trend since 1990, when the IPCC wrote its first report, is equivalent to 1.4 Cº per century – half of what the IPCC had then predicted.
In 2013 the IPCC’s new mid-range prediction of the near-term warming trend was for warming at a rate equivalent to only 1.7 Cº per century. Even that is exaggerated.
Though the IPCC has cut its near-term warming prediction, it has not cut its centennial warming prediction of 4.7 Cº warming to 2100 on business as usual.
The IPCC’s prediction of 4.7 Cº warming by 2100 is more than twice the greatest rate of warming lasting more than ten years that has been measured since 1950.
The IPCC’s 4.7 Cº-by-2100 prediction is almost four times the observed real-world warming trend since we might in theory have begun influencing it in 1950.
Since 1 January 2001, the dawn of the new millennium, the warming trend on the mean of 5 datasets is nil. No warming for 13 years 4 months.
Recent extreme weather cannot be blamed on global warming, because there has not been any global warming. It is as simple as that.
Chuckie's copy and paste from con-servatve sources are a distraction.
All I asked was for a link to NOAA to substantiate the claim.
He couldn't do it. He failed.
WOW more stupid climate GW deniers
Don't they know the change in climate 2000 years ago was caused by man and all the CO2 we released into the air?
By Alister Doyle
OSLO (Reuters) - Swathes of the Amazon may have been grassland until a NATURAL shift to a wetter climate about 2,000 years ago let the rainforests form, according to a study that challenges common belief that the world’s biggest tropical forest is far older.
The arrival of European diseases after Columbus crossed the Atlantic in 1492 may also have hastened the growth of forests by killing indigenous people farming the region, the scientists wrote in the U.S. journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
"The dominant ecosystem was more like a savannah than the rainforest we see today," John Carson, lead author at the University of Reading in England, said of the findings about the southern Amazon.
The scientists said that a shift toward wetter conditions, perhaps caused by natural shifts in the Earth’s orbit around the sun, led to growth of more trees starting about 2,000 years ago.
And guess what it is funded in part by contributors, not the GOV.
Chuckie has lots of links that lead back to the Kochs and big oil "contributors".
Yes, there are scientists paid to spew corporate PR. No peer review is done, nor needed, when sanctioned by the corporate directors. And they are the only ones Chuckie trusts. After all, how could they possibly have an agenda?
In June 2009, the first full NIPCC report was published by The Heartland Institute.
The Heartland Institute reeks of both oil and the Koch Brothers. That's how objective and unbiased corporate PR can be, right, Chuckie?
STILL no link to the alleged NOAA chart.
Once again, a REAL link to NOAA:
What NOAA really says:
March–May 2014 was the second warmest such period across global land and ocean surfaces, behind only 2010, since record keeping began in 1880, at 0.74°C (1.33°F) higher than the 20thcentury average.
Chuckie doesn't understand that he needs to show us peer reviewed science, as required by govt. studies, NOT corporate PR.
We are not all true believers.
Teach us how to trust corporate PR over visible documented evidence, Chuckie.
How do you do it? What part of the brain do we need to remove in order to trust the servants of mammon?
I wonder if Chuckie can explain how his trustworthy and honorable Heartland Institute is excused of its horrible guilt by association fallacy. They put up a billboard with a picture of the Unabomber, saying, "I still believe in global warming. Do you?"
That's pretty classy, eh?
What's Chuckie gonna tell his beloved Heartland Institute?
We know. It's OK if you're a corporate "person" or a Republican.
When will he show us the link to NOAA supporting his article and claim.
He could STFU and stop the distractions and dodges, but a troll has to do what a troll has to do.
Right, Chuckie?
( – In a speech near the U.S.-Mexico border in El Paso, Texas on May 10, 2011, President Barack Obama noted the steps taken by his administration to strengthen border security, but said Republicans in Congress were never satisfied and mocked that they will want a “higher fence” and then “a moat,” and then “alligators in the moat.”
“So, here’s the point,” said Obama, speaking outside to a crowd in El Paso. “I want everybody to listen carefully to this. We have gone above and beyond what was requested by the very Republicans who said they supported broader reform as long as we got serious about enforcement. All the stuff they asked for, we’ve done.”
“But even though we’ve answered these concerns, I’ve got to say I suspect there are still going to be some who are trying to move the goal posts on us one more time,” said the president.
He continued, “You know, they said we needed to triple the Border Patrol. Or now they’re going to say we need to quadruple the Border Patrol. Or they’ll want a higher fence. Maybe they’ll need a moat. (Laughter.) Maybe they want alligators in the moat. (Laughter.) They’ll never be satisfied. And I understand that. That’s politics.”
“But the truth is the measures we’ve put in place are getting results. Over the past two and a half years, we’ve seized 31 percent more drugs, 75 percent more currency, 64 percent more weapons than ever before,” he said. “And even as we have stepped up patrols, apprehensions along the border have been cut by nearly 40 percent from two years ago. That means far fewer people are attempting to cross the border illegally.”
Can you give me a BULL SHIT?
Say Dave, when you going to answer these questions, or are you too chicken? Afraid to blame the black guy? Or are you still trying to figure how to spin how Al Qaeda is now on the run?
We are still waiting for Obama's foreign policy for the Middle East.
Is it called "RUN AWAY"?
What is Obama's energy policy?
What is Obama's economic policy?
What is Obama's immigration policy? (Let them in, we will need all the votes we can get, legal or otherwise, in 2016)
Are our borders more secure now than the were 8 years ago?
Do our friends (Do we still have any?) trust us and an enemy's fear us?
What mess is not the fault of GWB/Chaney?
"I still believe in global warming. Do you?"
Well, do you?
Wow this is getting serious, bringing up the Koch Brothers. From past experience this means Dave is starting to lose his grip on reality.
Ad hominem circumstantial constitutes an attack on the bias of a source. This is FALLACIOUS because a disposition to make a certain argument DOES NOT make the argument false; this overlaps with the genetic fallacy (an argument that a claim is incorrect due to its source)
"The Heartland Institute reeks of both oil and the Koch Brothers. That's how objective and unbiased corporate PR can be."
What is Obama's energy policy?
What is Obama's economic policy?
What is Obama's immigration policy? (Let them in, we will need all the votes we can get, legal or otherwise, in 2016)
Are our borders more secure now than the were 8 years ago?
Do our friends (Do we still have any?) trust us and an enemy's fear us?
What mess is not the fault of GWB/Chaney?
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Iraq said the Islamic State extremist group has taken control of a vast former chemical weapons facility northwest of Baghdad, where 2,500 chemical rockets filled with the deadly nerve agent sarin or their remnants were stored along with other chemical warfare agents.
Iraq’s U.N. Ambassador Mohamed Ali Alhakim said in a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in a letter circulated Tuesday that “armed terrorist groups” entered the Muthanna site on June 11, detained officers and soldiers from the protection force guarding the facilities and seized their weapons. The following morning the project manager spotted the looting of some equipment through the camera surveillance system before the “terrorists” disabled it, he said.
The Islamic State group, which controls parts of Syria, sent its fighters into neighboring Iraq last month and quickly captured a vast stretch of territory straddling the border between the two countries. Last week, its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, declared the establishment of an Islamic state, or caliphate, in the land the extremists control.
Alhakim said as a result of the takeover of Muthanna, Iraq is unable “to fulfil its obligations to destroy chemical weapons” because of the deteriorating security situation. He said it would resume its obligations “as soon as the security situation has improved and control of the facility has been regained.”
Alhakim singled out the capture of bunkers 13 and 41 in the sprawling complex 35 miles (56 kilometers) northwest of Baghdad in the notorious “Sunni Triangle.”
The last major report by U.N. inspectors on the status of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction program was released about a year after the experts left in March 2003. It states that Bunker 13 contained 2,500 sarin-filled 122-mm chemical rockets produced and filled before 1991, and about 180 tons of sodium cyanide, “a very toxic chemical and a precursor for the warfare agent tabun.”
"Iraq is unable “to fulfil its obligations to destroy chemical weapons”
What chemical weapons? Everybody knows that Bush lied and there were no chemical weapons.
Must be a plot by the Koch Brothers to make the black guy look bad, like the president would need any help.
I guess Bush was just not lucky, 300,000 men looked for WMD for a decade and never found anything. Eleven years later they find hundreds of tons of the stuff, I don't think so. LOL
Anonymous get completely Pwned and comes right back with even more nonsensical whining.
The "Bubble" is particularly strong with him.
Come on Anonymous...defend Cheney. Stay on topic just this once. Or you can resort to childish insults again. Your choice.
I have to laugh at the WMD hysteria that has never died in the raving minds of authoritarian Bush/Cheney true believers.
The RRBC still gets a tingle up their leg over their old news and lame “proof” of “WMD”. The Iraqi ambassador to the UN was shrugging off responsibility to clean up a mess of degraded remnants, not weapons. Remnants that were accounted for BEFORE the invasion, mind you.
Chuckie probably didn’t read the original article, or he selectively edited out certain significant words. Either way, it’s about character, right?
Did Chuckie, or his Right Wing authoritarian leader, read these words?
there are no intact chemical weapons… degraded chemical rockets filled decades ago…saying the material dates back to the 1980s and was stored after being dismantled by U.N. inspectors in the 1990s.
Why would someone leave that part out? I ‘d guess maybe his leg was twitching too much for him to focus on his jittery copy and paste work.
Anyway the tingle up his leg had him chortling, “What chemical weapons? Everybody knows that Bush lied and there were no chemical weapons. Right?”
YES! Everyone knows; everyone except the paranoid authoritarian Bush/Cheney true believers in Chuckie’s Radical Right Bubble Cult out there.
Right, Chuckie?” LOL!!
Must be a plot by the Koch Brothers to make the black guy look bad, like the president would need any help.
I also have to laugh at the Obama Derangement Syndrome hysteria that has never died in the raving minds of authoritarian Bush/Cheney true believers. The cult blames Obama for everything bad in Iraq. It matters not that Bush’s war for crony profit and political gain destroyed the country, and left them a government that planted the seeds of civil war.
Chuckie doesn't want to know that Iraqis demanded Bush get the hell out of Iraq. Bush complied by treaty. This is clearly all Obama’s fault to the Radical Right Bubble Cult. (RRBC)
And the RRBC hates Obama for it.
They hate and blame Obama for anything, or for nothing, he says and does. They hate Obama for breathing. This RRBC kind of radical hate is the same hate that fuels fascism. This is the face of fascism in America.
UNITED NATIONS said it James, not Bush.
The last major report by U.N. inspectors on the status of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction program was released about a year after the experts left in March 2003. It states that Bunker 13 contained 2,500 sarin-filled 122-mm chemical rockets produced and filled before 1991, and about 180 tons of sodium cyanide, “a very toxic chemical and a precursor for the warfare agent tabun.”
AP reported it Mozart, not Fox News.
"partially destroyed or damaged." ABC said it Dave not some right wing blogger..
You forgot this part didn't you Dave.
"According to the report, Bunker 41 contained 2,000 empty 155-mm artillery shells contaminated with the chemical warfare agent mustard, 605 one-ton mustard containers with residues, and heavily contaminated construction material. It said the shells could contain mustard residues which can't be used for chemical warfare but "remain highly toxic."
They had WMD's or there wouldn't still be residues which "remain highly toxic." Unless the Koch Brother flew over there and planted the residues.
And as expected Dave continues with his use of the Ad hominem attacks any time the radical left wing position is challenged. As predicable as using the Race Card huh Dave?
All three of you need to take this report up with the AP for releasing it and ABC for reporting it. I know it shatters your deeply engrained beliefs but that's what happens when you put hate before reason, dogma before truth.
What is Obama's energy policy?
What is Obama's economic policy?
What is Obama's immigration policy? (Let them in, we will need all the votes we can get, legal or otherwise, in 2016)
Are our borders more secure now than the were 8 years ago?
Do our friends (Do we still have any?) trust us and an enemy's fear us?
What mess is not the fault of GWB/Chaney?
None of you wizards of the dangerous radical far left (DRFL) will answer the above.
Now who's chicken?
President Barack Obama will speak in Denver’s Cheesman Park on July 9, and Senator Mark Udall (D-CO), Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper (D), and congressional candidate Andrew Romanoff (D-CO), will not be there.
All three will be on the ballot this November and all three say “prior commitments” will prevent them from attending the event with Obama.
According to The Denver Post, Udall, Hickenlooper, and Romanoff are all three “in the fight of their political careers.”
For example, Udall’s pro-amnesty position is receiving more and more press with each passing day. And Hickenlooper’s false statements on gun control, his fumbling of questions on gun control from Weld County Sheriff John Cooke, and his admission that he would sign gun control again if given the chance, sparked a firestorm in the media in early June.
Blame man caused global warming.
Still waiting for Anonymous to stop WHINING about Obama and defend Cheney's actions and words.
He know's he can't so he deflects. Typical.
It's time Mozart reads the posts where his question about Cheney was answered instead of telling anybody else what they should be doing.
Just another authoritarian liberal.
"Dick Cheney was correct about_____."
The answer:
Cheney got it correct when he said that the war against terrorism would be a long hard one, that we would have "distasteful" allies in the war, that the goal to this day, even after the election of Obama and his removal of our troops from the Middle East, of terrorist is to kill Americans. That the first CIA report he got BEFORE being sworn in, said Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.
Now ABC and the AP have BOTH reported that ISAS is in control of WMD's that Iraq says they have not yet destroyed. NOT Fox News Mozart, but ABC & AP. Not some blog, but ABC & AP
Now Mozart you need to stop your whining and acknowledge you were wrong.
Are you man enough to do so?
I'm not holding my breath.
Democrat Henry Cuellar who lives near the border is calling on the president to meet with leaders of the border community and to see first hand what’s going on at the border. He argues that Obama could be at the border in a little over half an hour after his fundraiser is over.
At the end of the interview Cuellar is asked if he has gotten a call from the White House, and while he won’t say much about it, he admits he got one but said he is still talking and doesn’t care who gets ‘angry’ with him at the White House.
And Mozart says stop whining.
And Dave says, blame the black guy.
About the FORMER (Another key word censored) weapons plant:
there are no intact chemical weapons… degraded chemical rockets filled decades ago…saying the material dates back to the 1980s and was stored after being dismantled by U.N. inspectors in the 1990s.
Why would someone leave that part out? I ‘d guess maybe his leg was twitching too much for him to focus on his jittery copy and paste work. The RRBC still gets a tingle up their leg over their old news and lame “proof” of “WMD”. Remnants that were accounted for BEFORE the invasion, mind you.
I have to laugh at the WMD hysteria that has never died in the raving minds of authoritarian Bush/Cheney true believers.
Chuckie thinks the US Occupation missed these??? Really? They were documented as dismantled weapons. The US military didn't even bother to dispose of them.
Chuckie probably didn’t read the original article, or he selectively edited out certain significant words. Either way, it’s about character, right?
So why did Chuckie leave that important information out?
I'll tell you why. It doesn't fit his cult LIES.
Now ABC and the AP have BOTH reported that ISAS is in control of WMD's
LIE! Period. No link. No source. No fact. The article I linked to, censored by Chuckie, is at ABC with AP source.
Chuckie desperately wants to blame the black guy for non-WMDs that Bush's invasion force ignored.
Chuckie's so fearful and ignorant he thinks "residues, and heavily contaminated construction material" are WMDs.
It must be terrible to live with all that hate, ignorance and fear.
But he still gets such a tingle up his leg over Obama "giving WMD's to terrorists".
Let's help him out.
Obama, the racist, Muslim, Kenyan, commie president has now surrendered WMD's to terrorists.
This is what they cling to so desperately. Simply believing it makes it true to their cult.
Their facts, logic, information and arguments are fabricated of course, but their hate is real.
They hate and blame Obama for anything, or for nothing, he says and does. They hate Obama for breathing. The same goes for liberals, Democrats and anyone who disagrees with their cult.
This RRBC kind of radical hate is the same hate that fuels fascism. This is the face of fascism in America.
Dick Cheney and his minion Shrub treasonously lied and sent thousands of Americans to their deaths over remnants and residues.
Now their authoritarian cult of true believers want to blame the black guy for Iraq. But they're "not racist", right? LOL!
BTW Obama just requested more funding for the border.
But he's still a "racist, Muslim, Kenyan, commie president" who surrendered WMD's to terrorists and is to blame for everything in Iraq. Well, to SOME, he is. And THEY want to run our country.
Stop it already, a Democrat blaming the black guy on MSNBC, not Fox news.
"Democratic congressman Henry Cuellar ripped President Obama for being "aloof" and "detached" by not visiting the Texas border to see first hand the immigration crisis. Cuellar made the comments on MSNBC."
Obama said In a speech near the U.S.-Mexico border in El Paso, Texas on May 10, 2011, President Barack Obama noted the steps taken by his administration to strengthen border security, but said Republicans in Congress were never satisfied and mocked that they will want a “higher fence” and then “a moat,” and then “alligators in the moat.”
Alligators, might not be enough anymore.
OOPS. Obama was wrong about that and now has to ask for money that he said two years ago wasn't needed. He had it all under control. HA!
Looks like the smartest President in our history didn't see this one coming. Must have read about it in the papers, like he did with the IRS scandal, the VA scandal , the ISIS uprising, the Arab Spring, the actions of Russia in the Ukraine LOL
" treasonously(sp)lied" repeating this is not going to make it the truth, but if it makes you happy, keep on keeping on.
"They hate Obama" Really? You know that because? Maybe it's Democrats Senator Mark Udall (D-CO), Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper (D),congressional candidate Andrew Romanoff (D-CO), and Henry Cuellar who hate Obama?
I suspect you ignored or want us to ignore the fact that the CIA told GWB before he was elected that Iraq had WMD... that was the Clinton CIA.
Still think Susan Rice deserves an apology?
How is Obama not guilty of "transporting minors across a state line for illegal purposes"?
Remember this?
Talk about Revisionism! Look at what our very own Hero of Socialist Labor Dave Dubya has revised.
His question:
"Dick Cheney was correct about_____."
The answer:
Cheney got it correct when he said that the war against terrorism would be a long hard one, that we would have "distasteful" allies in the war, that the goal to this day, even after the election of Obama and his removal of our troops from the Middle East, of terrorist is to kill Americans. That the first CIA report he got BEFORE being sworn in, said Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.
Guard Dubya's response to the answer:
"He thinks Cheney was right about wanting an endless war on terror."
There is no, none, zero, Nada, zilch, zip relationship between the original question the answer and our Hero's final response. A clear case of "Revisionism Dubya Style"
Now let's see if Hero Dubya has what it takes to answer these:
We are still waiting for Obama's foreign policy for the Middle East.
Is it called "RUN AWAY"?
What is Obama's energy policy?
What is Obama's economic policy?
What is Obama's immigration policy? (Let them in, we will need all the votes we can get, legal or otherwise, in 2016)
Are our borders more secure now than the were 8 years ago?
Do our friends (Do we still have any?) trust us and an enemy's fear us?
What mess is not the fault of GWB/Chaney?
None of you wizards of the dangerous radical far left (DRFL) will answer the above.
Now who's chicken?
DD, have you not more tie to change the subject on your blog that you posted in APRIL?
Been to busy being hall monitor of liberal blog sites?
Or has the Hero of Socialist Labor award keep you too busy giving interviews on your local commercial non for profit radio station?
Anonymous, Cheney didn't say that until the war had been goiong on MUUUUCCCHHHH longer than the "six months" he'd predicted in 2003. And once again, CAN YOU DEFEND CHENEY IN ALL THE TIMES HE'S BEEN WRONG?
Not the couple times he's backtracked AFTER the fact.
And PLEASE try to stay on subject, your WHINING about Obama on every post is getting pathetic. Even your thiord grade attempt to use the word "whining" to me is pretty sad.
there are no intact chemical weapons… degraded chemical rockets filled decades ago…saying the material dates back to the 1980s and was stored after being dismantled by U.N. inspectors in the 1990s.
So why did Chuckie leave that important information out? He won't say, because he's a coward and a liar.
Why would someone leave that part out? Maybe his leg was twitching too much for him to focus on his jittery copy and paste work. The RRBC still gets a tingle up their leg over their old news and lame “proof” of “WMD”. Remnants that were accounted for BEFORE the invasion, mind you.
I have to laugh at the WMD hysteria that has never died in the raving minds of authoritarian Bush/Cheney true believers.
Chuckie probably didn’t read the original article, or he selectively edited out certain significant words. Either way, it’s about character, right?
So Chuckie needed to tell ANOTHER LIE.
Now ABC and the AP have BOTH reported that ISAS is in control of WMD's
LIE! Period. No link. No source. No fact. The article I linked to, censored by Chuckie, is at ABC with AP source.
Chuckie desperately wants to blame the black guy for non-WMDs that Bush's invasion force ignored.
Chuckie's so fearful and ignorant he thinks "residues, and heavily contaminated construction material" are WMDs.
Bush and Cheney lied. Hundreds of thousands died. We are still paying tax dollars for those lies and the war for crony profit and political gain.
The war criminals still walk free.
This is why Chuckie desperately wants to blame the black guy for Iraq.
This RRBC kind of radical hate is the same hate that fuels fascism. This is the face of fascism in America.
Famous Presidential Lies Contest
LBJ: We were attacked (in the Gulf of Tonkin)
Nixon: I am not a crook
GHW Bush: Read my lips - No New Taxes
Clinton: I did not have sex with that woman... Miss Lewinski
I will have the most transparent administration in history.
The stimulus will fund shovel-ready jobs.
I am focused like a laser on creating jobs.
The IRS is not targeting anyone.
It was a spontaneous riot about a movie.
I will put an end to the type of politics that "breeds division, conflict and cynicism".
You didn't build that!
I will restore trust in Government.
The Cambridge cops acted stupidly.
The public will have 5 days to look at every bill that lands on my desk
It's not my red line - it is the world's red line.
Whistle blowers will be protected in my administration.
We got back every dime we used to rescue the banks and auto companies, with interest.
I am not spying on American citizens.
Obama Care will be good for America.
You can keep your family doctor.
Premiums will be lowered by $2500.
If you like it, you can keep your current healthcare plan.
It's just like shopping at Amazon.
I knew nothing about "Fast and Furious" gunrunning to Mexican drug cartels.
I knew nothing about IRS targeting conservative groups.
I knew nothing about what happened in Benghazi.
I have never known my uncle from Kenya who is in the country illegally and that was arrested and told to leave the country over 20 years ago.
And, I have never lived with that uncle. He finally admitted (12-05-2013) that he DID know his uncle and that he DID live with him.
If elected I promise not to renew the Patriot Act.
If elected I will end the war in Irar and Afghanistan within the 1st 9 months of my term.
I will close Guantanamo within the first 6 months of my term.
I will bridge the gap between black and white and between America and other countries.
And the biggest one of all:
"I, Barrack Hussein Obama, pledge to preserve, protect and defend
the Constitution of the United States of America."
Look Hero of Socialist Labor,
Here's the freaking article you falsely claim was censored.
The Islamic State extremist group has taken control of a vast former chemical weapons facility northwest of Baghdad, where remnants of 2,500 degraded chemical rockets filled decades ago with the deadly nerve agent sarin are stored along with other chemical warfare agents, Iraq said in a letter circulated Tuesday at the United Nations.
The U.S. government played down the threat from the takeover, saying there are no intact chemical weapons and it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to use the material for military purposes.
Iraq's U.N. Ambassador Mohamed Ali Alhakim told U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in a letter that "armed terrorist groups" entered the Muthanna site on June 11, detained officers and soldiers from the protection force guarding the facilities and seized their weapons. The following morning, the project manager spotted the looting of some equipment via the camera surveillance system before the "terrorists" disabled it, he said.
The Islamic State group, which controls parts of Syria, sent its fighters into neighboring Iraq last month and quickly captured a vast stretch of territory straddling the border between the two countries. Last week, its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, declared the establishment of an Islamic state, or caliphate, in the land the extremists control.
Alhakim said as a result of the takeover of Muthanna, Iraq is unable "to fulfil its obligations to destroy chemical weapons" because of the deteriorating security situation. He said it would resume its obligations "as soon as the security situation has improved and control of the facility has been regained."
Page two
Alhakim singled out the capture of bunkers 13 and 41 in the sprawling complex 35 miles (56 kilometers) northwest of Baghdad in the notorious "Sunni Triangle."
The last major report by U.N. inspectors on the status of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program was released about a year after the experts left in March 2003. It states that Bunker 13 contained 2,500 sarin-filled 122-mm chemical rockets produced and filled before 1991, and about 180 tons of sodium cyanide, "a very toxic chemical and a precursor for the warfare agent tabun."
The U.N. said the bunker was bombed during the first Gulf War in February 1991, which routed Iraq from Kuwait, and the rockets were "partially destroyed or damaged."
It said the sarin munitions were "of poor quality" and "would largely be degraded after years of storage under the conditions existing there." It said the tabun-filled containers were all treated with decontamination solution and likely no longer contain any agent, but "the residue of this decontamination would contain cyanides, which would still be a hazard."
According to the report, Bunker 41 contained 2,000 empty 155-mm artillery shells contaminated with the chemical warfare agent mustard, 605 one-ton mustard containers with residues, and heavily contaminated construction material. It said the shells could contain mustard residues which can't be used for chemical warfare but "remain highly toxic."
U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki expressed concern on June 20 about the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant seizing the complex, but played down the importance of the two bunkers with "degraded chemical remnants," saying the material dates back to the 1980s and was stored after being dismantled by U.N. inspectors in the 1990s.
She said the remnants "don't include intact chemical weapons ... and would be very difficult, if not impossible, to safely use this for military purposes or, frankly, to move it."
The Muthanna facility, south of the city of Samarra, was Iraq's primary site for the production of chemical weapons agents. After the end of the first Gulf War, U.N. weapons inspectors worked there to get rid of chemicals that could be used in weapons, destroy production plants and equipment, and eliminate chemical warfare agents. The U.N. inspectors left just before the U.S. invasion of Iraq in March 2003 and never returned. The U.S.-led Iraq Survey Group then took over the search for Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and found none.
News of the facility's takeover came amid continued political uncertainty in Iraq as leaders must agree on a new government that can confront the militant offensive that has plunged the country into its WORST CRISIS since the last U.S. troops left in 2011.
Iraq's parliament on Tuesday officially rescheduled its next session for Sunday after it was criticized for earlier plans to take a five-week break."
Censorship is a tool of the left, just ask a conservative who has had a speaking engagement at a college canceled. Just ask Senator McCann about how he was prevent from taking photos at the federal govt run illegal immigrant camps. Just ask the Congressional Committee trying to get information from the IRS, you know that federal govt group who takes the 5th and then has computers crash, all at once.
Obama lied, nobody died as a consequence.
The list contains lies made up by the Right as well as Obama.
"If elected I promise not to renew the Patriot Act." Ask Chuckie when Obama said that. You won't get an answer because it is a RRBC LIE.
"You didn't build that!" was referring to roads and infrastructure. THE liars say he meant "You didn't build your business". Ask Chuckie for context when Obama said that. You won't get an answer because it is a RRBC LIE.
"The Cambridge cops acted stupidly." Yes, a man was arrested for breaking into his own home, AFTER he proved he lived there. But he was black, soooo....well you know.
I could go on, but it is clear the liars club contains more than politicians. It has the entire RRBC.
Bush/Cheney lied exponentially more than Obama, and hundreds of thousands died.
Which is worse? The racist RRBC will blame the black guy more than the war criminals before him.
Amazing. This hate is how fascism takes root.
"Even your thiord gradez"
This from the former Iowa State Spelling Bee Champ.
Harry Reid Doesn’t Know Clarence Thomas Is Black? Slams “Five White Men” On SCOTUS For Hobby Lobby Ruling…
Is the best the liberals can do?
Censorship is a tool of the left,
This is called projection, from the RRBC person who dishonestly copy and pasted a censored article. I posted the link to the one he finally relented to post.
there are no intact chemical weapons… degraded chemical rockets filled decades ago…saying the material dates back to the 1980s and was stored after being dismantled by U.N. inspectors in the 1990s.
What would Chuckie do if he hadn't been called out for his dishonesty?
Why, the "Right" thing, of course.
If Chuckie is so worried about residue and remnants, why doesn't he blame Bush for leaving them there?
Because he wants to blame the black guy, of course.
This RRBC kind of radical hate is the same hate that fuels fascism. This is the face of fascism in America.
And there's this bit censored by Chuckie from his edited post:
The U.S.-led Iraq Survey Group then took over the search for Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and found none.
But don't tell the the paranoid authoritarian Bush/Cheney true believers in Chuckie’s Radical Right Bubble Cult. They will get angry and upset.
You'll be called a socialist if you tell them the truth. Better a truthful socialist than a neo-fascist liar like Chuckie.
This RRBC kind of radical hate is the same hate that fuels fascism. This is the face of fascism in America.
Dave, in the spirit of good sportsmanship and fairness, when debating the Conservatives here, I think you should tie one hand behind your back.
Anonymous has never heard of a "typo", but it did provide him with another excuse to avoid answering the question.
No deflection too ridiculous for Anonymous, or any conservative for that matter.
"The U.S.-led Iraq Survey Group then took over the search for Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and found none."
Really, did you read the entire article cut and pasted from ABC website. If what you claim was censored, it wasn't by Chuckie. Maybe you that sentence in?
In any case, you seem to be unable to grasp the significance of the statements from the Iraq govt about those about chemicals still being dangerous. Still in Iraq. Chemicals from WMD that were claimed to not exist.
We are still waiting for Obama's foreign policy for the Middle East.
Is it called "RUN AWAY"?
What is Obama's energy policy?
What is Obama's economic policy?
What is Obama's immigration policy? (Let them in, we will need all the votes we can get, legal or otherwise, in 2016)
Are our borders more secure now than the were 8 years ago?
Do our friends (Do we still have any?) trust us and an enemy's fear us?
What mess is not the fault of GWB/Chaney?
None of you wizards of the dangerous radical far left (DRFL) will answer the above.
Now who's chicken?
DD, have you not more tie to change the subject on your blog that you posted in APRIL?
Been to busy being hall monitor of liberal blog sites?
Or has the Hero of Socialist Labor award keep you too busy giving interviews on your local commercial non for profit radio station?
The spirit of good sportsmanship and fairness is totally alien to the liars and true believers of the RRBC. They wouldn't know it if they saw it.
On the other hand, I can be quite inebriated and still retain a "spirited" spirit of fairness and sportsmanship in calling out their unhinged cult dogma.
So yeah, even with half my brain tied behind my back, it's no sweat to expose their brainwashing.
Still quite fun, in fact.
If what you claim was censored, it wasn't by Chuckie. Maybe you that sentence in?
More projection. Classic. Let him keep it up! We can read them like a book.
A Moonie is a Moonie. An RRBC cult member is an RRBC cult member.
It is impossible for them to believe anything, or anybody, but their masters. Corporate PR and GOP propaganda is their reality.
And their radical hate for anyone outside their bubble is the same hate that fuels fascism. This is the face of fascism in America.
So now it's "dangerous chemicals" that has them upset and blaming Obama?
Dangerous to the handler, but not a weapon of mass destruction. Big Difference.
Chuckie can find something just as toxic under his kitchen sink.
But leave it to Chuckie to justify war for "dangerous chemicals".
I wonder why dangerous chemicals dumped into our water and air don't bother him so much.
Probably because he hasn't figured out how to blame the toxic waste of capitalism on Obama yet.
Chuck, you ask a lot of questions but if you had read Truthout, Alternet or Salon regularly for the past 15 years or so you would know the answers to all those questions.
Unfortunately you are at least 20,000 political articles in deficit and you will never catch up. Sorry.
Why is it ok for liberals to hate Bush but wrong for conservatives to hate Obama?
James humor me, bring me up to date, after all a mind is a horrible thing to waste.
Have your sources of news told you how much of the $3.9 billion Obama wants for the problem on our border is for enforcement?
Why is it ok for liberals to hate Bush but wrong for conservatives to hate Obama?
This is the perfect frame of the RRBC (Radical Right Bubble Cult) world view. Hate.
For most enlightened liberals and other kind souls, hate is not ok. We understand it's dark, and ultimately self-defeating, nature.
If we hate, we try to hate the sin and not the sinner.
Not that war criminals Bush and Cheney haven't done anything to arouse hatred. There's no more effective way of growing hatred than starting wars.
When those wars are clearly for the benefit of crony capitalists and the political agenda of the war mongers, the aggressors invite hatred from more than their victims and enemies. Their fellow countrymen gifted with conscience will feel anger at the death, injustice and destruction occurring.
Seeing the liars and warmongers continue to profit, and be coddled by a complicit corporate media, and tolerated by an amoral government and justice system is enough to further anger and outrage all those with conscience.
What we hate more than the culprits is the utter lack of accountability and injustice for the deaths of hundreds of thousands.
If liberals hate Bush and Cheney it is because of the ongoing death, pain, suffering, and human tragedy that has unfolded from their evil lies and actions.
Many of the same liberals have grown angry at Obama for continuing too many of Bush's destructive militarist and surveillance state policies. Obama has been condemned for falling in line with Wall Street and corporate America, and for ignoring most progressive causes. I have yet to see one so-called conservative be that angry with Bush and Cheney.
So what has Obama done to evoke the fierce and relentless hatred from the radical right? I don't mean conservative people like my grandmother. I mean the far right fringe of the RRBC true believers.
They hate him for the mess Bush made in Iraq. They hate him for anything and everything, real or imagined. Just as they hate anyone who disagrees with their world view of corporate PR and Party propaganda.
Theirs is the kind of radical hate that fuels fascism. This is the face of fascism in America.
Anonymous, we are not talking about Obama here. We want you to DEFEND CHENEY'S WORDS AND ACTIONS.
I know it goes against your nature, but try and stay on subject OK?
Dave, you are so two faced it is hard to believe you don't have eyes in the back of your head. Your car does not need rear view mirrors.
Have you ever read the hate you and other liberals have spewed towards GWB and Cheney? Just read this thread for starters! Not only towards GWB but any one to the right (which is about 98% of Americans) of you is hated with a unearthly passion by you and other liberals. And you now pretend to take the high road on hate? Give me a break, you might fool Mozart, but that's about all you'll fool.
I've never had to deal with any one with such a strong personality disorder, as authoritarian, as controlling, as narrow minded as you are. How do the people who you work with put up with you?
"we are not talking about Obama here" Have you ever wondered why that is always the case? Maybe it's like my mother taught me, to never say anything about a person if you cant say any thing nice?
I already answered your questions about Cheney. Now you want me to defend him? Why, when in 25 years history will defend him more compete than I ever could?
My advise to you Mozart is to learn, if you dont already now, how to speak Spanish. It just might help in your future jobs.
!Muy rápido!
I've never had to deal with any one with such a strong personality disorder, as authoritarian, as controlling, as narrow minded as you are.
MORE classic RRBC projection! Thank you.
Anonymous, we are talking about Dick Cheney here,. NOw is you chance to defend your hero.
What? YOU CAN'T?
Then stop deflecting everything back to your constant Obama WHINE FEST and let the adults talk for a while. We know you can't stand Obama because he's SUCCESSFUL. But take your sour grapes, sore loser bullshit someplace else. It was entertaining fopr a while, now it's just sad.
Why, when in 25 years history will defend him (Cheney)more compete than I ever could?
Speaking of "the raving minds of authoritarian Bush/Cheney true believers."
To think Cheney will be vindicated by history shows you to be insanely partisan and totally clueless about our political history.
I do not know why you want to hang around Liberals when you could be extremely popular on a site like Red State.
"Anonymous, we are not talking about Obama here."
Of course we aren't...we never do... this is The Rant. We don't talk about the elephant in the room. We dig up dirt on "conservatives" and talk about racism.
"Obama because he's SUCCESSFUL"
So why dont you talk about him?
James, hopefully I will be around in 25 years to watch you eat you own words.
(Reuters) –" Insurgents in Iraq have seized nuclear materials used for scientific research at a university in the country’s north, Iraq told the United Nations in a letter appealing for help to “stave off the threat of their use by terrorists in Iraq or abroad.”
Nearly 40 kilograms (88 pounds) of uranium compounds were kept at Mosul University, Iraq’s U.N. Ambassador Mohamed Ali Alhakim told U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in the July 8 letter obtained by Reuters on Wednesday.
“Terrorist groups have seized control of nuclear material at the sites that came out of the control of the state,” Alhakim wrote, adding that such materials “can be used in manufacturing weapons of mass destruction.”
“These nuclear materials, despite the limited amounts mentioned, can enable terrorist groups, with the availability of the required expertise, to use it separate or in combination with other materials in its terrorist acts,” said Alhakim.
He warned that they could also be smuggled out of Iraq."
Since Obama told us in 2011 our southern borders are secure, I'm sure there is nothing for us to worry about. BTW James, just how much of the billions of dollars Obama is asking for to fix our already secure southern borders, will be spent on just doing that?
You news sources tell you how much?
"I do not know why you want to hang around Liberals when you could be extremely popular on a site like Red State."
Lot's of reasons.
1.It is fun to watch extreme liberalism
a. turn it's self inside out to avoid liberal policy failures
b. always blame someone else
c. divide country into special interest groups
2.It may be the only time for some liberals to be forced to think about their position
a. results in DIVERSITY of thought
b. exercises the right to free speech, EVEN for a conservative
c. forces liberalism to defend itself
3.Unchallenged liberalism is dangerous, as is unchallenged conservatism
a. it is healthy to require an explanation
b. doing so forces me to research my beliefs and positions
Several current events come to mind.
1. Obama's refusal to go to our southern border to see for himself what is happening there. Claims it would just be a photo op, yet at same time he engages in a slew of photo ops in a Denver bar, while playing pool. In the Conservative mind that is a double standard and one that must be brought to the attention of Obama supporters, just as the hurricane that hit New Orleans was brought to Bush's supporters attention.
2. IRS claims that budget restrictions caused the scandal, ignoring the fact that during this time, millions of dollars where paid to IRS employees in bonuses. Some tightening of the belt.
3. Obama always being caught by surprise by events both domestic and international. This is not logical, if as Mozart claims, Obama is a success. How can Obama ,who we are told is the smartest President in our history, not know of his NSA, his IRS, his CIA, his VA actions and Intel? Why does he only find out about the invasion at our southern border by reading it in the paper? This just doesn't compute (except to Mozart I'm afraid)
4. Why is the only defense of Obama's actions by his supporters one of two things.
a. BLAME BUSH or the GOP or 1/3 of our government
b.Playing of the race card.
There you go James, an answer to your question. Now, I hope you are not surprised by the response to this coming from Mozart or our very own Hero of Socialist Labor.
It would be great if my questions where given the same respect as I have given yours.
I have posted extremely critical opinions of Obama here at least 15 times in the past.
Conservatives have posted zero times anything critical of their own party, to think how screwed up the country is and that Republicans have done no wrong in the last 15 years is delusional.
The belief that "my party right or wrong" is brain dead thinking.
I would add the RRBC's utter obliviousness to Tom's highly critical assessment of Hillary. Would one of them dare to similarly criticize a GOP presidential contender?
HA. Radical Right authoritarians are as lock-step as fascists in unquestioningly following their authoritarian leaders.
Former Nixon counsel John Dean even wrote a book about them: "Conservatives Without Conscience".
"I would add the RRBC's utter obliviousness to Tom's highly critical assessment of Hillary."
Exactly - critical of anything and everything save the abject disaster in front of his nose. By the way, I don't know what the RRBC is?
I liken it to a person during the thick of hurricane Katrina going on and on about how bad hurricane Camille was... Uh, yeah, but look around friend...
By the way, I don't have a party affiliation, nor do I hesitate to criticize Republicans. I simply find it ridiculous the lengths to which the current administration can go and not a peep other than a lot of rationalization and blame shedding...
I simply find it ridiculous the lengths to which the current administration can go and not a peep other than a lot of rationalization and blame shedding...
I agree. And party loyalty certainly goes both ways. I knew Obama was a corporatist surveillance state sell-out when he voted for Bush's FISA Amendment that resulted in today's out of control surveillance. I criticized this before the '08 election. Both the Obama and Bush administrations are very much to blame for it.
All Obama apologists can say is, "Bush started it".
True, but this is the work of the two corporatist parties.
Iraq, however, is all Bush and the neocon's fault. THEY started that war and made that mess. But guess who blames Obama? That is the degree of difference between authoritarianism and partisanship.
Those war mongering politicians who paraded "personal responsibility" are the greatest hypocrites. Whether they be D or R.
Note that not one advocate for the Iraq war, no matter how dishonest or wrong, has been excluded from being media experts on Iraq today.
What does that say? Just what are we rewarding?
The RRBC is the Radical Right Bubble Cult of true believers in corporate PR and GOP propaganda, exclusive to everything else. It becomes clear who they are after only a few remarks.
THEY ARE NUTS. Period. Be afraid, be very afraid.
Muslim Prayer Rug Found On Arizona Border
Matthew Leber spokesman for the American Patriot, Three Percent, sent Breitbart News photos of what American security contractors on the ground believe is a Muslim prayer rug found near the border in Arizona last week.
A member of the security team spoke with Breitbart News on Monday night saying they were on patrol right along the border came down into a wash and the area were working in just south of Sierra Vista in Coronado national forest.
"That's when I saw this thing laying around. And I was like, 'What the hell is that?' We walked over there and I didn't really want to pull at it not knowing what was on it. I poked a bit at it with a stick and noticed some of the Arabic writing and was just like, 'Oh boy.' I snapped a couple of photos and then went on our patrol."
RRBC Lunacy properly mocked: Is Sure This Adidas Shirt's an Islamo-Mexican Terror Rug
“I’m just telling the truth now. I don’t have to run for office again, so I can just, you know, let her rip.”
B.H. Obama
as recorded by CSpan
So would it fair to think that in the past Obama was not telling us the truth because he was running for office then?
Liar in Chief by his own admission.
No Anonymous, he just has to watch every word he says so people like you won't have anything to spin and twist like "You didn't build that".
And that has NOTHING to do with Cheney, so can you please stick to the subject.
Stop deflecting and WHINING about Obama. He's not going anywhere.
Why should I do that about a former v.p from 6 years ago when there is the elephant in the room that you dont want to talk about who is in power now and has been for over 6 years and accor4ding to you has been a success?
Oh, and maybe you didn't read my posts where I did answer your questions, so what more do you want me to, cut and post them again for you to ignore?
How the Spanish lessons coming along?
Great spin on Obama getting caught in admitting he lies, its the GOP's fault! Nothing new there.
Anonymous, the subject of this blog is CHENY. If you want to WHINE about Obama go to a Fox news blog where you can whine and cry with others that care. Then again, even Fox news is defending Obama these days. LOL.
Mozart -
We all appreciate you being the hall monitor, but you need to be more vigilant. You somehow let DD slip through with a crack about a story on Muslim prayer rugs. C'mon, pay attention!! This blog cannot function well without your continued efforts to keep us on topic.
Another Koch paid for nut job, right?
Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore: ‘I fear a global cooling’ – Rips Obama for ‘hollow’ climate claims
Moore: ‘President Obama seems to say it is sufficient to say the ‘science is settled’. It is hollow statement with no content.
On Kids: ‘Change the way our kids are being taught about this subject because if we don’t there will be a whole generation of people who are just blindly following this climate hysteria.’
Ecologist Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, warned “I fear a global cooling,” during his keynote address to the Ninth International Conference on Climate Change in Las Vegas on Tuesday. Moore, who left Greenpeace in 1986 because he felt it had become too radical, is the author of“Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout: The Making of a Sensible Environmentalist.”
Another Koch paid for nut job, right?
We shall see.
Dr. Patrick Moore is not a climate scientist. Big surprise. He was an environmentalist who sold out.
From Greepeace:
While it is true that Patrick Moore was a member of Greenpeace in the 1970s, in 1986 he abruptly turned his back on the very issues he once passionately defended. He claims he "saw the light" but what Moore really saw was an opportunity for financial gain. Since then he has gone from defender of the planet to a paid representative of corporate polluters.
So who’s paying Moore for his Vegas speech? The Heartland Institute.
Let’s follow the money.
The Heartland Institute is connected to the Koch brothers and their network of right-wing donors. In the past, the Institute has accepted $40,000 from the Claude R. Lambe Foundation and $62,578 from the Charles G. Koch Foundation. Both organizations are members of the Koch Family Foundations.
Thanks for the heads up, Chuckie. LOL!!!!
Right, Anon, you need to beware the "deniers". They fund all sorts of research to benefit their own pocketbook... never happens in the real world.
Hey, Mr. Skoll, how's my balance... ?
Man is that Dick Cheney pond sum!
I bet if he were still in office instead of being our for almost 6 years , he would not do anything about our southern borders being invaded. He would probably like it because it would give BIG and the Koch Brothers a lot of cheap labor.
I bet he would instruct the TSA to not require the invaders of southern southern borders show ID to board an airplane.
I bet he wouldn't check for disease of the invaders before busing them further into our country.
I bet he would house these cheap cost labor invaders in public schools and military base's and say he was doing so they could be tracked better.
I bet he would provide each of the invaders with free access to lawyers, schools and healthcare.
I bet he would spend $1000 per bed for the invaders. I'll bet he would be so out of touch that he wouldn't know that our border patrol was forty miles from the border, per his administrations orders.
Man am I glad Cheney is not in power right now and we have the VERY successful President Obama in charge.
Boo! Hiss! Dick Cheney, we are all glad you do not control our border security, as you would lie about it anyway.
Yeah President Obama, you are in charge and hope and change is just around the corner.
Poor Chuckie was humiliated again with his "Another Koch paid for nut job, right?". What a spectacular backfire. LOL!
No wonder he's too chicken to post under his name. Bwaaack! Buck, buck, buckaaww.
Poor Chuckie is so fearful paranoid and racist he calls unarmed desperate people and poor brown kids "invaders".
I bet he's terrified about the Breitbart revelation of the "muslim prayer rug". LOL!!!!
Meanwhile Americans are STILL paying tax dollars, and Iraqis are STILL paying in blood, for Bush/Cheney's real invaders' destruction of Iraq.
Meanwhile Americans are still reeling and trying to recover from the Great Bush Recession and financial collapse of deregulated crony capitalism.
As the RRBC frantically spews hate for Obama, we as a nation are still paying the consequences of the catastrophic failure of the Bush/Cheney cartel.
Chuckie, in his wisdom, thinks history will vindicate Cheney?
LOL! Yeah, just as soon as they find those Nukular aluminum tubes and Saddam's ties to al-Qaeda.
LOL!! Chuckie's such an unwitting clown. Hilarious.
Time for Chuckie to post more oil-soaked climate deniers.
I think it is useless talking about what Cheney might do about our borders but it would be interesting to talk about what he actually did.
But since you have very little knowledge of what happened from 2000 to 2008 that cannot happen.
I'm really getting tired of all the right wing NAZIs wearing their hate filled glasses trying to bring down our young smooth talking President!
As far as I am concerned Obama is the best black President AmeriKa has ever had!
Fuk all the polls that say Obama is the worst president. Fuk em all I say!
Anonymous is still deflecting, and now it looks like he's got a little buddy. they are probably the same person, who knows?
As for the Greenpeace guy, Anonymous would be running him into the ground but for one out of context remark, and lets all remember the guy is NOT a climatologist.
Back in the 70's there was a SMALL group of scientists that put out a THEORY of "global cooling" which was quickly shot down by the majority of climatologists and scientists and retracted.
But let's not let facts get in the way of a good rant right Anonymous?
You are the last person who should be giving advise about facts.
Adult illegal immigrants posing as unaccompanied alien children appear to be attempting to enroll at public high schools, city officials in Lynn, Mass., tell National Review Online.
“Some of them have had gray hair and they’re telling you that they’re 17 years old and they have no documentation,” Jamie Cerulli, the Lynn mayor’s chief of staff, tells NRO. “If my children went to the public schools, I’d be very uncomfortable with all of these unaccompanied minors [that] are placed in the ninth grade.”
Thank God we have the successful Obama as our president to end this and not that scum bag BuSH
Anonymous, Yes, the last in a LONG LINE of people here trying to get you to at least post ONE fact that pertains to the subject.(Cheney) But you can't can you? And what is your SOURCE for the ALLEGED "illegals" trying to enroll in school? Don't tell us, Rush Limbaugh. The Blaze maybe?
Your deflections are pathetic.
"Obama has turned into a joke," she said sharply. "The IRS targeting the tea party, the Justice Department's seizure of AP phone records, and James Rosen's emails — all these scandals. Obama allowed his hatred for his enemies to screw him the way Nixon did. During the time I worked on the Watergate case, I got into Nixon's head and understood why he was so paranoid and angry with his enemies. Bill and I learned from that and didn't allow ourselves to go crazy bashing people who had anti-Clinton dementia, destroying ourselves in the process."
If you had read the post about adult illegals acting like minors you would have know the source.
More fact finding on your part?
As for comments about Cheney I've made a bunch. The problem is you dont agree or like what I've said and in typical closed minded liberal fashion, ignore them.
The reality is that you are fixated on a V.P. out of office for close to 6 years because you believe, sadly that the current President is a success. You do so to avoid dealing with events happening today. To claim Obama is successful you must blame Obama's failures on someone else. Be it GWB, Cheney, GOP, Tea Party, Fox News, Limbaugh, Koch Brothers, the RICH, BIG anything, and now, the Supreme Court
I could provide you, as I and others have done already, a long list of Obama's lies and failures. But you are so invested in Obama's presidency, it would be a waste of my time to do so. Anyway if your last post is any indication, you wouldn't read them anyway.
If I were to say "Cheney was a horrible person, etc" by doing so what past event would be changed? What current crisis would be solved?
Just keep focusing on GWB and Cheney while the rest of the world deals with current events. Keep doing that and then we can talk about the wisdom of having done so after the Nov elections results are know. Sadly if the elections turn out like to polls say they will, I have to wonder if you will even be aware of the the results or willing to acknowledge them.
Today America's southern borders are being invaded. Our Commander in Chief who swore to defend our Union of 50 Separate States, doesn't know how close his troop are to the border. Our CiC won't get closer than 500 miles to the front to see for himself the invasion. I could go on, but it is very doubtful you will either read what I say or if yo do will even comprehend what I say.
Today America's southern borders are being invaded.
"Invaded", only in the sick hateful minds of kooks like Louie Gohmert and the RRBC.
This is, of course, another of the many examples of the radical Right's destruction of language.
What Is Conservatism and What Is Wrong with It?
Philip E. Agre
August 2004
Q: What is wrong with conservatism?
A: Conservatism is incompatible with democracy, prosperity, and civilization in general. It is a destructive system of inequality and prejudice that is founded on deception and has no place in the modern world.
People who believe that the aristocracy rightfully dominates society because of its intrinsic superiority are conservatives; democrats, by contrast, believe that they are of equal social worth. Conservatism is the antithesis of democracy. This has been true for thousands of years.
Conservatism in every place and time is founded on deception.
How Conservatism Works:
The Destruction of Conscience
The Destruction of Democracy
The Destruction of Reason
The Destruction of Language
Keep on being the perfect case study of the radical far Right, Chuckie.
Anonymous, would you check the subject of this blog please? OK
And I saw the "National Review" so it turned out I was right. It IS Rush Limbaugh and "The Blaze". At least it's the same thing. Another right wing propaganda source.
The reason we are "fixated" on Cheney and Bush is because we are still reeling from the damage they did to the economy and the country as a whole, and probably will for another generation or more.
As for Obama's "Failures" it's not that we "blame" them on those you mentioned, it's that 99% of them were made up of whole cloth BY those you mentioned. Obama has been a great success in SPITE of unprecidented obstrucioinism from the right. The whole country, including many Republicans are really getting sick of the CHILDISH vindictiveness (and to be honest RACISM) coming from the far right. Even Boehner and Fox news seems to be getting sick of people like you, who can't seem to get FACTS into your thick skulls.
Keep whining about Obama, your kind are making themselves irrelevent.
Gee, Maybe I missed something but when people in mass from an one country cross another nations border illegally, isn't that called an invasion? Germans crossed illegally into France wasn't that called an invasion?
Like if armadillos cross into Easter MI from Ohio, would you call that an invasion? They certainly aren't native to Easter MI.
Just another attempt by the radical dangerous far left to change American fundamentally, even if it means supporting that change illegally.
The Obama administration believes there is “no doubt” that the root causes of U.S. border security are a national security concern, a White House official said on Thursday.
There’s no doubt that the relentless efforts on the part of traffickers and smugglers to get drugs, people and weapons into the U.S. undetected is a national security concern,” deputy White House press secretary Shawn Turner told Defense One on Thursday.
“This is a multi-faceted issue. While there are national security concerns, it’s not solely a military issue,” Turner continued. But the White House stopped short of endorsing a top U.S. general’s claim, later supported by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, that the crisis was an “existential” threat to U.S. national security.
I guess that makes Obama heartless and cruel, but how would he know? He is too chicken to see with his own eyes what is going on. Too busy hanging out playing pool and getting photo ops. What his Dept of Homeland Security started to prepare for in January of this year. Mind you Obama is still lying that he was surprised by this invasion.
"radical Right's destruction of language" You must be kidding, right? You cant be serious!
Review with me the hypocrisy of that statement
Illegal aliens = undocumented workers
Invasion = migration
Children = adults
It is amazing that Obama could order the shut down of Govt departments during the sequester, but he is powerless to enforce the laws of our country, that he took an oath to uphold, by closing down our borders. We have a fence around the White House, but under Obama, we dont secure our borders.
Though the number of illegal immigrant children unlawfully entering the country has spiked since Obama unilaterally enacted his temporary amnesty program in 2012, the White House has said the primary cause of the border crisis is the rampant gang violence in Central America. At the same time as the White House plans to spend billions of taxpayer funds to take care of illegal immigrant children who are unlawfully entering the country, some black Americans who live in some of the most dangerous neighborhoods are wondering where they and their children can get refugee status and aid.
So now the far dangerous to America radical left is trying to cast this invasion as a humanitarian issue. Bull. Next they will claim it is the fault of GWB or the Tea Party.
I may have been born at night , but it wasn't last night.
Germans crossed illegally into France wasn't that called an invasion?
Same as the US invasion of Iraq.
Not the same asylum seekers. Except to the paranoid and hateful.
Call it what it is, or resort to emotional trigger words for the xenophobics, racists, and other fearful reactionaries.
The far Right chooses the latter.
Just like Inheritance tax became the "Death tax", and end of life counseling became "death panels".
See that pattern here?
"The reason we are "fixated" on Cheney and Bush is because we are still reeling from the damage they did to the economy and the country as a whole, and probably will for another generation or more."
So how long do you think it will take us to recovery from Hope and Change?
Tell me Mozart, how many illegal immigrant children do you want in your white bread Iowa city? How much more are you willing to pay in your local taxes to house, feed, provide health care and educate in your town for these illegal immigrants?
How much are you willing to allow the wages in your city to drop as low cost labor floods you city? 5%, 10%, 15%?
How should the Unions where you live address the increase in cheap labor in your City? Work to provide them jobs, or protect only the current membership?
You wanted change we can all believe in, you wanted hope and change, you wanted to fundamentally change America! Great let's start where you live Mozart, lets send the buses to your part of Iowa, lets fly the unchecked illegals by TSA to Cedar Rapids airport. Let's put the know members of MS13 gang in your neighborhood.
Time for you up there in white bread Eastern Iowa to get some skin in the game, time for you to put you mouth where you money is. Time for you to show some real compassion and take care of these poor souls on your own instead of demanding someone else.
Unless you are a chicken racist, I expect you be happy to do all the above.
asylum seekers?
More change of language to support the crazy dangerous actions of the far left!
Asylum from what, bad govt, a war, a earthquake? Hell Dave, how you can ignore how the actions of Obama has led to this invasion and how he is doing nothing about it is only a symptom of how radical you are.
You can't fix stupid and you cant change a leftest.
BTW, I've never called the invasion of Iraq as anything other than an invasion, so what the @#%& is your point with that comment?
the actions of Obama has led to this invasion
Since Chuckie can’t even support such a wacked out “blame the black guy” claim, that would be a LIE.
BTW, I've never called the invasion of Iraq as anything other than an invasion, so what the @#%& is your point with that comment?
“You can't fix stupid”
Dave, are you going to continue to cover for the black guy? Are you going to continue to believe the black guy? Have you not read the request for bids issued by Obama's for a company to handle an upcoming invasion of 65000 illegal minor alien? In January 2014. This is the 2nd time I've posted this here.
This is it's introduction
"A. Introduction
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a component of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), has a continuing and mission critical responsibility for accepting custody of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) from U.S. Border Patrol and other Federal agencies and transporting these juveniles to Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) shelters located throughout the continental United States. ICE is seeking the services of a responsible vendor that shares the philosophy of treating all UAC with dignity and respect, while adhering to standard operating procedures and policies that allow for an effective, efficient, and incident free transport. The Contractor shall provide unarmed escort staff, including management, supervision, manpower, training, certifications, licenses, drug testing, equipment, and supplies necessary to provide on-demand escort services for non-criminal/non-delinquent unaccompanied alien children ages infant to 17 years of age, seven (7) days a week, 365 days a year. Transport will be required for either category of UAC or individual juveniles, to include both male and female juveniles. There will be approximately 65,000 UAC in total: 25% local ground transport, 25% via ICE charter and 50% via commercial air. Escort services include, but are not limited to, assisting with: transferring physical custody of UAC from DHS to Health and Human Services (HHS) care via ground or air methods of transportation (charter or commercial carrier), property inventory, providing juveniles with meals, drafting reports, generating transport documents, maintaining/stocking daily supplies, providing and issuing clothing as needed, coordinating with DHS and HHS staff, travel coordination, limited stationary guard services to accommodate for trip disruptions due to inclement weather, faulty equipment, or other exigent circumstances. In emergency situations, the Contractor shall be called on to provide temporary shelter locations (such as trailers) with shower facilities for juveniles who are pending placement with HHS when bed space is unavailable nationwide for extended periods of time. The Contractor shall provide temporary guard services and other support as necessary during these emergencies.
In addition, the Contractor shall have personnel who are able to communicate with juveniles in their own designated language(s). While this may not require each employee to be fluent in all of the encountered languages, personnel should have access to and knowledge of translation services."
Use your brain, how long do you think it takes a minor to get fro Honduras to USA when they walking and hopping trains? For some one who is believes conspiracy story's about conservatives, whats your problem with this? Do you recall Obama's unilateral action on immigration he made in 2012? Why hasn't Obama issue a video for Central American broadcast tell them to NOT come to the USA, as they will be sent back? He made a video for Muslim countries saying America was sorry for the trailer of a internet movie after 4 Americans were murdered.
I really hope the worst of the worst of those invading across our southern borders end up in your prison under your liberal compassionate hand.
"I want to be proven wrong" is a lie.
So how does that link show "the actions of Obama has led to this invasion"?
It doesn't.
A case could be made that Obama's INACTION has contributed to the coup in Honduras where the population is fleeing for their lives. He did nothing to dissuade the military coup.
The US Empire has long been friendly with the Honduran military. Reagan sent US soldiers to Honduras to train the Cocaine dealing Contras who ravaged the people of Nicaragua. Remember that?
And as I've pointed out, the biggest failures of Obama are from his following the footsteps of Republicans before him.
Once again we see blowback from our imperial policies. Never fails.
Oh, so it is an invasion after all?
Great, next step, what does the oath of office of the presidency say about defending the United States? How is Obama doing that at our border with Mexico?
Next, if Obama's Administration was looking for ways to transport minors who would be crossing illegally our borders in January of 2014, how can he claim this invasion at our southern border has caught him by surprise? Or is this living proof that he doesn't really give a crap, as long as he can play golf every weekend. Remember what was done to GWB over his reaction to a hurricane that hit New Orleans that he had nothing to do it happening? And you now give Obama a pass?
What has Obama done to stop the invasion since it started? Postings on twitter?
Since you are so quick to say Bush did nothing when he was told Bin Laden was going to attack in the US and he continued reading at a school when he was told we were under attack for "minutes", how do you give Obama a pass on this invasion?
Is it because you can blame the black guy?
My sincere hope is for your neighborhood to become the permanent residence of the criminals the black guy who is our president has allowed to invade our borders, knowing they were coming for 6 months.
"Border Patrol officials are swamped by the number of minors crossing illegally into the United States and frustrated that they can’t turn away known Mexican gang members.
Chris Cabrera, vice president of the National Border Patrol Council Local 3307(A UNION DAVE, A FRIGGING UNION OF YOUR FELLOW LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS) in the Rio Grande Valley, said that confirmed gang members in Mexico — including those from Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) — are coming into the country"
Change you are going to have to live with, even if you don't believe in it.
Time to play the race card?
By the way, that is the first post I wrote NOT criticizing Obama since I have read the Rant.
When FOX puts Cheney on the Hot Seat, one should recognize that one's influential days are over, Dick. Retire and die!
Anonymous called it (supressing laughter)
"invasion of 65000 illegal minor alien"
Pewrsonally, I think we can take em. First off, most of them are weak with hunger and many of them are sick. Besides, Perry is down there in a gunboat patrolling the river so we are in good hands.
Oh, so it is an invasion after all?
No, not at all like the illegal invasion of Iraq. The slaughter never stopped. Correct, or don't you get it yet?
Great, next step, what does the oath of office of the presidency say about defending the United States?
You're not ready for the next step. "Defending the United States" isn't in the oath.
How is Obama doing that at our border with Mexico?
Doing what? "defending the US" against attack? There is no attack to defend. It is not an invasion.
This is the oath that Bush violated repeatedly, and Obama has followed him in many cases.
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Maybe if you took a high school civics class, we wouldn't have to give you all this remedial education.
Retire and die!
I thought it was conservatives who were hateful
Anonymous called it (supressing laughter)
"invasion of 65000 illegal minor alien"
Baby brains, read the govt document requesting a bid to handle 65000.
"it is not an invasion"
"the actions of Obama has led to this invasion"
Handlers off this weekend Dave, doing your own thinking? It shows.
Anonymous James Hansen said...
I am impressed when a person can debate without insults because it is difficult.
It is easy to get frustrated and pissed off in a debate and very hard to control yourself, the master of control is Harley on this blog. I try to emulate him."
James Hansen said...
By the way, that is the first post I wrote NOT criticizing Obama since I have read the Rant.
Ahhh, why are you lying to us James?
Anonymous said...
When FOX puts Cheney on the Hot Seat, one should recognize that one's influential days are over.
I agree, lets talk about those who are influential, like our current president, but that might mean we would have to blame the black guy.
OK Anon, show me where I insulted or disrespected any of the Conservative posters here.
It has been a few years now since Harley impressed me with his self control and I have done the same.
Then show me where I wrote something praising Obama going back 6 years. If not you owe me an apology.
NEW YORK – Mexico and Guatemala have reached an agreement that is intended to make it easier and safer for Central Americans, including unaccompanied minors, to enter the United States illegally.
Though largely unreported in the U.S. mainstream media, the two nations agreed on July 7, in a presidential-level meeting in Mexico, to make it legal and safe for Central American immigrants, including unaccompanied minors, to cross Mexico’s border with Guatemala and transit Mexico en route to the U.S. border at the Rio Grande.
The agreement apparently does not recognize that the result of such trips – entry into the United States – remains illegal.
BUT both countries know that Obama will NOT enforce the laws he swore to uphold. In effect Obama is a law breaking liar.
"OK Anon, show me where I insulted or disrespected any of the Conservative posters here"
Here you are.
"Anonymous has to willfully keep himself ignorant of all the latest information relating to GW so that he does not risk becoming Liberal!"
"Especially for someone is too lazy "
Apologize for what? For you not praising Obama for the past 6 years? I never said you had praised Obama. I have said however that you like Dubya/Mozart claim his failure is he is not liberal enough, ignoring the facts of his liberal policies, his lies, his law breaking. In effect placing the blame on others instead of on Obama.
I have said however that you like Dubya/Mozart claim his failure is he is not liberal enough, ignoring the facts of his liberal policies, his lies, his law breaking. In effect placing the blame on others instead of on Obama.
What part of "Obama lied, nobody died" doesn't Chuckie understand?
What part of "Bush/Cheney lied and hundreds of thousands died" doesn't Chuckie understand?
I have criticized Obama for his and Bush's failures. Chuckie has NEVER uttered a peep critical of his "Decider", who's financial collapse and war of choice for crony profit and political gain are STILL costing us. These are CONSERVATIVE FAILURES on a scale that dwarfs Obama's "liberal" failures".
Chicken Chuckie runs from that truth.
Does Chuckie know his Decider wrote an order saying children from countries not bordering the US can't be deported?
Could Chuckie EVER admit his heroes own a large share of blame for what we are dealing with today?
Never. Why?
He is an extremist, bound by his irrational hate of anyone not in the cult of corporate PR and GOP propaganda.
What part of Chuckie's brain is missing for him to have completely missed this?
This is the oath that Bush violated repeatedly, and Obama has followed him in many cases.
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Chicken Chuckie is blinded by his fascistic hate. Period.
It's official if you disagree with the President you are a racist.
"Attorney General Eric Holder said Sunday he and President Obama have been targets of “a racial animus” by some of the administration’s political opponents."
Has anyone heard of this imaginary enemy "Chuckie" that Dubya keeps debating?
"Attorney General Eric Holder said Sunday he and President Obama have been targets of “a racial animus” by some of the administration’s political opponents."
Yes, as everyone in the RRBC cult knows, only Obama and liberals are the real racists. Not one right wing racist can possibly exist anymore.
They really are dolts...and many are indeed racists.
Has anyone heard of this imaginary enemy "Chuckie" that Dubya keeps debating?
Funny how he keeps responding.
We all know "Chuck Morre" and "just the facts" were posting the same words. We all know since he was exposed doing so, he has only posted as "anonymous".
Right, Chuckie?
So, you copy two statements by me and said I was lying and when I ask for proof you type some nonsense that does not pertain to me.
I have criticized Obama more than any other Liberal here.
You still owe me an apology!
Fascistic haters don't apologize, no matter how wrong they are.
"As anyone knows." Now there's a statement from a brainwashed member of a cult if there ever was one.
"I have criticized Obama more than any other Liberal here."
And for that you should get a pass when you are caught in a lie? Do you really want to pursue your past comments?
Great, we will do this way Dubya and Mozart would do, prove you have criticized Obama more than any other Liberal here.
"Attorney General Eric Holder said Sunday he and President Obama have been targets of “a racial animus” by some of the administration’s political opponents."
Disagree with Obama? You are racist.
Racism is against the law.
Disagreeing with Obama per our AG is against the law?
Maybe it's time to get real about Obama, I mean really real.
What laws is he obeying with his response to the invasion across our southern border?
What has his response been?
What laws is he instructing his Administration to enforce, which laws are he instructing them to not enforce?
Let's see if I can get an answer to those simple questions instead of the usual BS from Dubya/Mozart, with their "Bush was worse" playground deflection
"Attorney General Eric Holder said Sunday he and President Obama have been targets of “a racial animus” by some of the administration’s political opponents."
Disagree with Obama? You are racist.
Racism is against the law.
Disagreeing with Obama per our AG is against the law?
This is what passes as "logic" in the paranoid, "persecuted victims" of the far Right.
Sane people note the word "some" in the statement. The RRBC cult of hate cannot make that distinction.
One thing for certain, EVERY racist in the country would agree with Chuckie.
Isn't that right, Chuckie?
Dave, you are a man of infinite patience, endlessly seeking to educate the political ignorant. My hat is off to you!
Anonymous, I'll answer one. Obama was obeying a law SIGNED BY BUSH in his response to the REFUGEES that came across the border.
You know, the original subject of the blog you are spamming?
Hansen, how long should it be until our youngest and newest immigrates get to vote, can sign up for Medicare, get SS benefits, reduced tuition at our colleges, drivers licenses and unemployment benefits?
Blame the Black Guy?
Nice try Anonymous. I should have known better when I challenged you to have an original thought.
Now feel free to go back to your usual Obama WHINEfest.
I would not worry about immigrants too much Anon, if the Republicans have their way in 20 years almost everything on your list will no longer exist. Won't that be great?
Anybody here know how many trillions the US has spent on the endless "War On Poverty?
Can anyone tell me any positive results of this endless war?
Adding more dependent slaves to the Democratic Plantation in exchange for their votes is not a solution to this endless war.
Of course, those with their rose colored Hope and Change glasses believe this is leaning forward progress. Why teach a man to fish when free fish from the gubmint is available?
Ahh, the dream of some Conservatives to make the poor homeless, the hungry starve, and the unemployed destitute.
Jesus would be proud of them!
This blog has become worn and old. No original thought. Retread cliché.
Not interested any longer...
"Ahh, the dream of some Conservatives to make the poor homeless, the hungry starve, and the unemployed destitute."
How would that dream coming true benefit conservatives?
Anonymous, it would benefit conservatives (at least those running the show) in TWO ways. FIrst, it wouldcreats a state where there are TWO classes, a RULING class,and a SERVICE class, and second, they would feel so GOOOOOOD about being the RULING class.You can see that happening already with the income disparity and their refusal to pay a living wage. It's no fun to be rich if you can't lord it over others to make yourself feel superior, right?
Wow Mozart, think for a minute about what you just said.
Income disparity has grow at the highest rate under Obama than under any President in our history.
You are saying without the "state" there would be just two classes, the "RULING class,and a SERVICE class".
Do you mean as an example like Cuba? Or our IRS, or VA?
According to what you said, the other benefit conservatives would get would be
to "feel superior, right"? The role of govt programs is to control how a group of people feel? Does this mean you feel better about yourself when others have to pay more in taxes than you do? How does your feeling better improve your life style?
If as you said it would "benefit conservatives (at least those running the show)" then why would the conservatives not running the show stay conservative? Or you could look at it this way, if being conservative put you into the RULING class, why wouldn't everybody be conservative?
What I'm amazed by is your belief that government programs are designed in part to punish some to the benefit of others. Wouldn't it make more sense if government programs were designed to punish no one, to benefit all, and to allow all the move upward in economic class as their skill and efforts would take them?
I don't believe that those unable to reach their best because of physical or mental handicaps should not be taken care of 100% by the rest of us. What % of us would fit into that class, 4%, 6%? Nor am I saying to do away with SS and Medicare. Instead I want both programs to apply for those whom it was originally designed.
Some time take a look at the Iowa state budget. Look how the money is being spent. I would not be surprised if you were to find the largest % of the budget was on social service programs,(not education, not roads, not law enforcement) maybe up to 45% of the total. Do you think that 45% of Iowans are helpless with out government?
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