"I stand here today, grateful for the diversity of my heritage, aware that my parents’ dreams live on in my two precious daughters. I stand here knowing that my story is part of the larger American story, that I owe a debt to all of those who came before me, and that in no other country on Earth is my story even possible."
Barack Obama speech to the Democratic Convention
27 July 2004
On Election Night 2008, America was faced with a simple, eight year challenge, and the whole world was watching:
How would this nation, built as it was on the lacerated backs of black people, deal with the elevation of the first African American to the presidency?

Most disturbing has been the reaction of the Tea party crowd - particularly in the South. Something like this was never supposed to happen. A damn darkie livin' in the same house that the sainted Ronald Reagan once called "home"??? Pass me mah smellin' salts, Esther! They had taken it for granted that Pennsylvania Avenue was an exclusive, all-white neighborhood. Barack Obama is viewed by them as the block-buster from hell.
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The Frankster |
(1) The person is lying, or....
(2) he/she has absolutely no understanding of the history of the country they profess to love so much.
Haven't these knuckleheads ever heard the name "Franklin Delano Roosevelt"? FDR was not merely a "liberal" - he was a radical! In a time that was in desperate need of radical change, Roosevelt was made to order. It is that type of administration that is desperately needed again, too. That is what I was praying for when Barack Obama took the oath of office on January 20, 2009. A lot of us lefties have been bitterly disillusioned.
The president has been taken to task, by the left and by the right, for not "reaching out to" and "working closer with" congress. Are they kidding? What good would that do? It is unrealistic to expect a sane, rational human being to try to deal with a cabal of people who have lost their freaking marbles. HELLO???
All that one can possibly hope for at this late date is that, by the November midterms, the voters of this country wake up and understand the the damage that the GOP is collectively doing to their once-great nation. That's the only chance Barack has to go down in history as a good, even great, president. If his administration is judged by future historians as being a failure, most of the blame will not be his. Look at all of the grief and obstruction the man has had to put up with. Hats off to the guy for being able to accomplish anything!
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Mr Speaker |
As the months transpire between now and November, their lunacy only promises to get even loonier. I cannot emphasize this enough: These are really interesting times.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
How do you know how the people in the South reacted to the election of Obama, were you there?
Are you aware of how people react NOW about Obama in nation wide polls? Polls show Obama NOW has lower ratings the GWB did, and that when asked who they would vote for Obama or Romney, the majority say Romney, a larger percentage than voted for Obama in 2012. A 60% chance of Congressman Reid no longer running the Senate?
Does that mean the majority of the nation has become racist, or that it's not Obama's race we dont like, it's his Presidency?
What amazes me is the implication that because of slavery, we owed Black Americans a president. Really, if that were true how come liberals won't support a black conservative for President? Are you claiming that Obama was our first affirmative action President, that we lowered the bar to allow him access to the power of the White House when we elected him?
Blaming the guy in charge regardless of his race is not racism. Blaming the black guy for his actions, for his broken promises, for the results of his plans and policy's is not racism. Holding the black guy accountable for his behaviors is not racism. It is reality.
Was I there? As a matter of fact, I was.
Goshen, NY - Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Toronto, Los Angeles, New York City Brigatine Island, NJ
Places Tom lists as having lived in on his profile. Not a lot of south of the Mason Dixon Line in that list.
Wow Tom, you really got Anonymous going with this one. At least NOW he can whine and cry about Obama and actually be on subject for a change, even if he (Anonymous) is completely full of shit.
Just FYI Anonymous, Obama is NOT part of congress. LOL
Much of the blame directed at the black guy should really be directed at the GOP. They are a party infected with red-baiting, "death panel" screeching, hate spewing, idiots like Gohmert, King, and Palin.
And we can blame not only the Americans who vote against their interests for such hate and idiocy, we can blame the idiots who don't vote at all. The more democracy is exercised, the fewer the Republicans. Period.
Obama is hated for pushing a moderate, corporate friendly health care plan invented by Republicans. He is hated more for that than Bush was for his lies and war for personal political gain and crony profit.
How are we NOT to see racism, and moral relativism, in this?
Blaming the guy in charge regardless of his race is not racism. Blaming the black guy for his actions, for his broken promises, for the results of his plans and policy's is not racism. Holding the black guy accountable for his behaviors is not racism.
Chuckie is well-versed in half-truths. This is quite reasonable as it stands.
However, coming from someone who blames the black guy for everything he did, and didn't do, while NEVER blaming a Republican for a damn thing reeks of hypocrisy. It becomes the shield of every non-black racist in America.
And every non-black racist in America agrees with Chuckie.
"Much of the blame directed at the black guy should really be directed at the GOP."
Of course that's the real reason, why didn't I think of that.
"Much of the blame directed at the black guy should really be directed at the GOP."
Note the term "much", instead of "all". A subtlety that eludes the fanatical type.
Of course that's the real reason, why didn't I think of that?
An open mind would have helped.
Hyper loyal partisans and extreme ideologues refuse to acknowledge the faults of their party.
We see this in the type who cannot speak ill of a single Republican, yet is obsessive in his condemnation of the black guy.
It is either simple racism or far Right extremist Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Either way, every non-black racist agrees with Chuckie.
THE HILL – House Assistant Minority Leader Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) argued Tuesday that the GOP lawsuit was a means to an end for impeaching President Obama.
“The ultimate goal of this exercise is to try to discover some peg upon which they can hang an impeachment resolution,” Clyburn, the No. 3 in House Democratic leadership, said on the House floor.
Clyburn said the GOP was turning to the lawsuit as a “vendetta” because of the party’s inability to win the White House in 2008 and 2012.
“It’s a subterfuge by House Republicans aimed at achieving their political goals they were not able to achieve at the ballot box,” Clyburn said. “Republicans could not defeat this president in back to back elections, and now they’re looking for other means to their ends.”
Why didn't I think of that?
"Ahh Mozart, Mitch McConnell is in the Senate, not the Congress" --- Anonymous.
Just a credibility check.
While I agree with your that racism was probably the catalyst for the anti-Obama sentiment in this country, it is no longer the cause or even a major contributor. The right-wing scream machine and their endless lies have really screwed up our electorate.
We have a lot of stupid people in this country. A lot of disaffected people. The grind of crawling out from under this recession has taken its toll emotionally and financially for many. It is easy to blame the guy at the top--even if it is because if he weren't there--things wouldn't be as confused.
We are a nation now contemplating laying land mines on our southern border to prevent children from coming to us. That's the level of insanity we've reached. That's modern day conservatism! FEAR has been the opiate of the GOP. Fear of socialism, foreigners, terrorism, FEMA camps, "Chem Trails," gun grabs...the list goes on.
...and the stupid people gobble this up.
Weather weapon "stuff" that landed a twister in Moore, O.K, floods the U.S. Army engineered to wipe out towns, "targeted sink hole technology" are just a few of the Alex Jones favorites. ...and the stupid people eat this up!
We are a nation so whipped into hysteria by the GOP, that the death of 20 children in Sandy Hook is "a price we pay for our freedom."
We are 100 days away from election day. The next four years and two elections will be pivotal to this country. We will be deciding if blowing up children with land mines and letting them get shot in school is necessary for our "freedom."
The stupid people are mobilized. They are easily whipped into a frenzy. The feed on bogus-patriotism and as reward for their abject servitude, they get to look down on others.
Tom, you've said it often: "The GOP is dying." But I have news for ya: They aren't going to slip gracefully into a coma. No sir! Ironically, their 'death' will coincide with the end of Obama's Presidency as they themselves have offered nothing else in that time. Their will be a messy death: projectile vomiting, shitting the bed, gasping for air, moaning, whimpering, and coughing on everything.
There will come a time, when a sentence can't begin with "President Obama..." There will come a time when all the "plots" of FEMA camps, gun groups, and NWO socialism, will never have materialized. This country will NOT elect another Republican until a new "Reagan" presents himself/herself; one who wrap the party around himself, rather than be forced to obey the party.
It's coming Tom, but it's going to be a Gawd-awful mess.
I would not mind if Obama got impeached and removed from office for many reasons. One of them is GMOs. While he and his family eat strictly pristine organic, he pushes the poisonous Monsanto crap worldwide.
All U.S. ambassadors now shill for Monsanto, they threaten countries that refuse to import GMO seeds and products with a loss of foreign aid!
Obama should win the prize of biggest political whore of the century.
Obama wants to be impeached, that will insure a democrat landslide in Nov.
Obama is a multinational shill selling America out to frackers, Monsanto, and telecoms. He signed all our rights away in NDAA's. He is using the same IMF-backed tactics as other Presidents, beating the weak around the world into submission and debt. And he uses cheap marketing ploys to turn people against each other to maintain a modicum of consent. He is also heavily using the SPLC to generate the idea that all dissent against him is hate speech. And you are playing right into this.
"We are a nation now contemplating laying land mines on our southern border to prevent children from coming to us."
To "prevent children from coming to us"?? What a laughably obscurantist piece of rhetorical garbage.
The Obama administration has spent roughly $840 million on, including more than $150 million just in cost overruns for the version that failed so badly when it launched last year.
Only the federal government could spend $840 million on a website and have it still not work properly.
Should we blame the black guy of this?
Representative Anna Eshoo (D., Calif.) wants Republicans to stop “whining” about the insurance policies cancelled due to Obamacare regulations.
Name the Congressperson who said:
"“A historical fact: President Bush pushed this nation into a war that had little to do with apprehending terrorists. We did not seek an impeachment of President Bush, because as an executive, he had his authority. President Obama has the authority.”
What it is, DD, is using children to gain political advantage and redefine and obscure the real issue of illegal immigration. Illegal immigration IS an issue we need to deal with one way or another. There is a problem with criminal element on the border and the border needs to be secured. We are a country of immigrants for sure and that should continue... legally.
The Obama administration has created a false issue to obscure the real issue and to gain political advantage in the upcoming election cycle. It's so obvious as to be laughable.
Are you saying the higher numbers of refugee children is Obama's "false issue"?
Did you know there were greater numbers of illegals during the Reagan and Bush Jr. years?
Sure we can blame the black guy now, but did you blame the white guys proportionally more?
THAT's what I have yet to see.
From Politifact:
Lou Dobbs: Obama administration "manipulated deportation data to make it appear that the Border Patrol was deporting more illegal immigrants than the Bush administration."
If we count the size of the undocumented population, the best estimates are that it rose 200,000 per year under Reagan. The highest estimate for Obama is 120,000 per year.
I see Anonymous is still beating dead horses.
Just remember, he's the one that claimed the Senate was not part of congress.
Name the Congressperson who said this.
Name the Congressperson who said:
“A historical fact: President Bush pushed this nation into a war that had little to do with apprehending terrorists. We did not seek an impeachment of President Bush, because as an executive, he had his authority. President Obama has the authority.”
Did you know there were greater numbers of illegals during the Reagan and Bush Jr. years?
So that makes what Obama is doing now ok with you? What did Reagan and GWB try to do to stop try and stop the influx of illegals?
What is Obama doing now?
And yes thank you I, along with the majority of voters in NOV will blame the black guy
This comment has been removed by the author.
"Sure we can blame the black guy now, but did you blame the white guys proportionally more?"
So the answer was, "no". ONLY the black guy gets blame. NEVER the White Republicans.
My point is validated. And coincidentally, every white racist agrees with that.
Thank you.
DD - that is essentially what I am saying.
Also, statistics can be deceiving.
See Table 39
As for immigration, both parties have a record of failure regarding our southern border in my opinion.
Let me explain a little further...
A staffer looks at a situation that has been for some time and sees a creative way to spin it for political gain. All that is needed is a good story and the media readily runs with it. Happens from both sides. I'm not saying it is something new or shocking...just calling it for what it is.
So you don't believe there are more than the usual number of unaccompanied children. Is this fabricated for spin?
At any rate. The overall numbers are still down since the Great Bush Recession hit.
For some reason, some people just seem angry at the black guy, no matter the numbers. When only the black guy is blamed for something that has happened to greater degrees under the white guys, it raises questions.
That's all I'm saying.
"The overall numbers are still down since the Great Bush Recession hit"
Why haven't the numbers improved since the Great Obama Recovery that ended the Great Bush Recession in June 2009?
Sure we can blame the black guy now, but did you blame the white guys proportionally more?
So you have any idea how childish that demand is?
Obama is our only black President, all others have been white. Therefore all blame before Obama has been on white guys. How is that not proportionally more?
Let's extend the argument of proportionally in a comparison of crimes committed as a percent of the offenders race. Do you want to do that?
Why haven't the numbers improved since the Great Obama Recovery that ended the Great Bush Recession in June 2009?
Why should I answer a question from someone who blames ONLY the black guy and NEVER blames white Republicans?
No answer could possible matter to such a person.
"Why should I answer a question from someone who blames ONLY the black guy and NEVER blames white Republicans?"
Do you have any idea how childish you sound?
Obama is our only black President, all others have been white. Therefore all blame before Obama has been on white guys. How is that not proportionally more? Do you comprehend at all what you just read?
Have more white Presidents been blamed than the black one?
Of course the answer is yes, so what are you running from, what are you hiding from, what are you chicken of? You want proportionality, you got more than what you have asked for.
You want to talk about the white guys great recession, but oddly enough you dont want to talk about the black guys great recession recovery. Sounds to me like you DD, ARE A BLACK RACIST.
Have more white Presidents been blamed than the black one?
Deliberately missing the point is one way to dodge my statement.
What else can be expected from someone who blames ONLY the black guy, and NEVER blames white Republicans?
No answer could possible matter to such a person.
Every white racist agrees with him, though.
You want to talk about the white guys great recession, but oddly enough you dont want to talk about the black guys great recession recovery. Sounds to me like you DD, ARE A BLACK RACIST.
This is hysterical on so many levels. Could he educate us on why the white guy's great recession is better than the black guy's recession recovery.
Very "white of him" to give the white guy a pass and blame the black guy.
LOL!!Sounds racist as can be.
"Ahh Mozart, Mitch McConnell is in the Senate, not the Congress." - Anonymous
Just a credibility check.
Just a credibility check.
If you like your Dr or insurance plan you can keep it. You will save $2500 under the ACA.
DD, pure grade school yard debate and logic I see. You don't have the right or power to determine the ground rules of this debate, this isn't your cell block.
What a petulant child. What a black racist.
The fish barrel shooters are up to 1500 including firing on 60 kids at the beach. Their aim was not so good so they only killed 10 of them, all under 12 years old, the rest were wounded.
They did manage to hit schools, UN safe houses and the main power generator for Gaza, no electricity or running water for them.
I am betting the total kills will top 3500 this time. Any predictions?
Blame both black guys for their failure to keep the promise of the most transparent administration in the history of our country.
Thanks to a Freedom of Information Act Lawsuit pursued against the Department of Justice by government watchdog Judicial Watch, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia has ruled documents being withheld from Congress under President Obama’s claim of executive privilege must be turned over. Obama made the claim on the same day Attorney General Eric Holder was voted in criminal and civil contempt of Congress in June 2012.
What a petulant child. What a black racist.
Aww, coming from the side that unilaterally defines terms, this is utterly meaningless. But still very typically mean-spirited. This all losers can do.
You sound like a typical uninformed American who pretends to know what he is talking about. You have no idea who Hamas actually is, do you? Hamas cares less about the Palestinians as individuals than Israel does, but your skewed, media-soaked concept of the situation may not allow you to consider that reality. The hair-sprayed pretty-boys and bimbos on TV reading the teleprompters are shills. Have you ever been to Israel? Have you ever lived in a place where you have to build structures with a safe room? Israel is a modern country with civil law and is patient to a fault with their radical neighbors. Israel does not wantonly attack Gaza. They are protecting themselves from animals. And the Palestinian people (who by and large don't even support Hamas) are in the cross-fire. Israel does try to minimize innocent killings. Hamas uses women and children as shields.
Unbelievable the depths to which worldview has plummeted in our country. This blog is scary to read folks, I gotta tell you.
Let me get this straight. In the post racial America that the election of the first black president was supposed to have created, to disagree with his policy's one must first disagree with a policy's of a white president?
To blame the black guy you now must first blame a white guy?
Is this what MLK worked and died for?
Is this what the Civil Rights act of 1964 stood for?
"Why haven't the numbers improved since the Great Obama Recovery that ended the Great Bush Recession in June 2009?" is the question that has brought about the new liberal concept of civil rights equality. An amazing example of deflection.
Am I the only one who sees this as nothing more than an attempt to deflect criticism from the black guy not because his policy's are defensible but because he is black?
Harley A.
I agree with your post in response to James Hansen post.
Anonymous, how many times do things have to be explained to you? 99% of all people who "lost insurance" under the ACA GOT BETTER PLANS BECAUSE OF IT. Those that didn't live in states that did not allow the exchanges, SO STOP BLAMING THE BLACK GUY.
Oh, and FYI, the Senate is part of congress.
"99% of all people who "lost insurance" under the ACA GOT BETTER PLANS BECAUSE OF IT."
That is another O-bagger lie.
Watch the people that James Hansen supports in action.
I'm blaming the white guy!!
Guess I'm a racist because the white guy is a democrat.
WASHINGTON — Bill Clinton ruminated about a missed chance to get Osama bin Laden just hours before the horrific September 11th attacks, according to new audio made public Wednesday in Australia.
He made his comments at a paid speech in Melbourne, Sky News reported.
“And I’m just saying, you know, if I were Osama bin Laden — he’s very smart guy, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about him — and I nearly got him once. I nearly got him.”
“And I could have killed him,” Clinton continued, “but I would have to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him. And so I didn’t do it.”
Clinton got paid $150,000 for the speech to J.T. Campbell & Co.
Former Liberal Party head Michael Kroger was there, but said he had forgotten about a recording he had of the session until last week. He revealed the existence of the chilling comments — just 10 hours before the first plane struck — to Sky News in a broadcast.
The existence of missed opportunities to get bin Laden have already surfaced, and were laid out in the 9/11 commission’s report.
The US tried and failed to get him with cruise missile strikes on terror training camps in Afghanistan and Somalia. One strike is believed to have missed bin Laden by just hours.
According to the commission report, national security officials debated a missile strike on bin Laden in Kandahar in late 1998. Officials predicted 200 or 300 civilians could get killed, and a local mosque could get damaged.
Some lower-level officials were “angry,” according to the report. “We may well regret the decision not to go ahead,” one official wrote.
The commission wrote that the deputy director of operations for Clinton’s military Joint Staff said later intelligence showed that bin Laden “appeared to have left his quarters before the strike would have occurred” in Kandahar.
Missing bin Laden “would have caused us a hell of a problem, but it was a shot we should have taken, and we would have had to pay the price,” he told the commission.
audio link
On the night he took to the podium ten years ago Tuesday, few would have dared dream how far this guy with no real world experience, could just bullshit America about how great he was. For a lot of them, that dream turned into their worst nightmare. This used car salesman can only give speeches and campaign for cash for the DemocRats party.
Could someone just tell this dumb fucker that the elections are over and its time to try to be a leader?
"I stand here today, grateful for the diversity of my heritage, aware that my parents’ communist dreams live on in my two precious daughters. I stand here knowing that my story is part of the larger American story, that I owe a debt to all of those who came before me, and that in no other country on Earth is my story even possible."
BaCrock Obama 2004
Way to go Uncle Earl!
“...the post racial America that the election of the first black president was supposed to have created"
Chuckie regurgitates more Right Wing propaganda. Who's shocked. Who's informed? Nobody.
Republicans like Cliven Bundy and Donald Sterling disprove this lie.
What kind of people blame only the black guy, and NEVER the white guy before him?
A lock-step Republican, a racist, or both.
BTW, MORE people now have health insurance than before the ACA.
How many more names will "Tyrone Earl" Chicken Chuckie hide behind?
Say, whatever happened to "Chuck Morre"?
Bwaaack! Buck, buck.
Yeah, Harley, those uppity Palestinians have no reason to resent Israeli apartheid. They have no reason to resent being less free, second class citizens. They have no reason to resent being packed into ghettos. They have no reason to resent their land STILL being taken.
They have no reason to resent watching children "shields" on an open beach being slaughtered.
Gee, you'd almost think Palestinians were as oppressed as conservative white male Americans.
Good God. The right wing hate and fanaticism is always destructive to life, whether by Republican lies to invade Iraq or the utter inability to find fault with the Israeli far Right.
One side has all the power. They own the military and police. The other has less and less with every year.
Now before the RRBC screams at me for being an "anti-semitic racist" (never mind their ignorance that it applies to both Jews and Arabs) as well as a "black racist", let him read what a sane Israeli writes:
I know of many Palestinians who do not like Hamas. Yet for them, the Gaza war is about the siege – part of their own war of independence. Israelis refuse to get that.
Same with American fundamentalists, neocons and other Right Wing true believers.
As they say, "It's the occupation, stupid".
Dave Dubya,
Don't you think it is about time our people got reparations for being in slavery?
I'm hoping Tom will do an in depth rant about reparations.
Don't you think it is about time our people got reparations for being in slavery?
"Our people"? And just who would "our people" be, Tyrone Chuckie?
Anonymous, the truth is that EVERYPNE who lost insurance got a better plan, unless they lived in a red state that didn't allow the exchanges. So if they lost insurance, it wasn't Obama's fault, it was one of your GOP heroes. But keep BLAMING the Black guy, since that's what your masters at FOx news tell you to do.
BTW,Obamacre is a great SUCCESS. Even 75% of Republicans approve now. Notice they stopped trying to repeal it and have moved on to "suing" the President for (legally)using the EO? (right before they demanded he use the EO)
Jeez man, you didn't know the Senate was part of congress. WHY SHOULD WE TAKE ANYTHING YOU SAY SERIOUSLY?
"Could someone just tell the dumb fuckers in the GOP that TWO elections are over, Obama won, and it's time to do their jobs?"
you mean the GOP should just rubber stamp legislation to give everybody just more free stuff?
is that what you mean Billy?
Hey, Nancy Pelosi says unemployment checks are good for the economy. Tom won't argue. Expecting Liberals as brilliant as Tom to take a low wage job is beneath his dignity.
Billy, why don't we extend Nancy's brilliant logic and have everybody quit their jobs and get $25,000 a month forever? That would be so beautiful.
Envy and Division politics are all the Democrats have. They are trying desperately to avoid the inevitable…..they are going to get beat like drums in the November mid-terms… stopping it.
Expect racism, sexism and any other "ism" they can think of… they draw closer to their beating.
Liberalism has failed and it is time for it to go bye, bye.
Liberalism has failed and it is time for it to go bye, bye.
In Kansas, Brownback tried a red-state ‘experiment.’ Now he may be paying a political price
Gail Jamison, a lifelong Republican, voted for Sam Brownback for governor in 2010 thinking he would restore school funding that had been greatly reduced by the recession.
Four years later, she has joined with more than 100 prominent Republicans in publicly throwing their support behind Brownback’s Democratic opponent — because, she said, Brownback pursued a hefty tax cut for the rich that deprived schools of needed resources.
“I am shocked by what’s happened,” said Jamison, president of the Board of Education in this Wichita suburb. “I find it personally a very extreme stance.”
There you have it in a nutshell. Take from the poor, gut education, and give to the rich. Fails every time.
Better blame liberals.
Dave Dubya,
My nephew is thinking about becoming a prison guard.
Besides graduating at least from sixth grade and having a real thick skull, what other qualifications are needed?
Thanks in advance.
"BTW, MORE people now have health insurance than before the ACA."
BTW, what would you expect after all the ACA TAX was such a wonderful idea that it HAD to be mandated that required people to get health insurance. After all, how else could a person save on average $2500 a year on health insurance? (LOL)
But I'm not blaming the black guy, I'm blaming Bush!
Those uppity Palestinians have no reason to resent Israeli apartheid. They have no reason to resent being less free, second class citizens. They have no reason to resent being packed into ghettos. They have no reason to resent their land STILL being taken.
Too bad the other Arab Muslim countries dont take them in like we are taking in the Obama children from Central American. Wasn't it the wonderful UN who established the State of Israel, and didn't the Muslim Arabs move out of the new country on their own and became voluntary refuges? The same UN must be blind to Hamas storing weapons in their UN schools.
How is giving a tax cut to those who pay most of the taxes taking from the poor? Do the poor get their wages from those people?
Hey Harry, $25000 a month in free money, you got my vote!
"it wasn't Obama's fault" It never is.
Mozart the O-bagger
Dave do you now support the "final solution" for the Jewish Problem"?
James Woods ✔ @RealJamesWoods
The hypothetical question on some minds is, "Can the same people who gave us ObamaCare and Fast and Furious manage an apocalyptic epidemic?"
Come on James that is not what is important, what's important is that the O-baggers THINK they can and they can still blame Bush if they fail.
Anti-Semitism Rises in Europe Amid Israel-Gaza Conflict New York Times
And in Easter Michigan Dave Dubya
"Now before the RRBC screams at me for being an "anti-semitic racist" (never mind their ignorance that it applies to both Jews and Arabs)"
...All it takes is a closed mind and a lot of hate. These true believers are as simple as toddlers when it comes to understanding and predicting their behavior.
As always, the RRBC cultist behaves EXACTLY as I predict. LOL!
Authoritarian personalities are as easily read as a book.
"Conservatives without Conscience", by John Dean is a great resource for understanding their Leader/follower sociopath disorder.
Theirs is the kind of hate that fuels fascism.
Anonymous said...
"Ahh Mozart, Mitch McConnell is in the Senate, not the Congress."
So we all know how credible anything else he says is, right?
Anonymous, the ACA is not only working, it's a HUGE success. Even 75% of Republicans like it now. Why do you think Boehner and his buddies in the HOR have given up trying to repeal it and are now suing Obama over something they demanded he do?
Harley, our respective world views are formed by what we read and I have been reading about the Middle East for years now. No boob tube for me, the internet is the only way to stay informed.
Conservatives seem to have a predilection to see the world in black or white or only look at one side of an issue.
Israel is the super power over there and ironically have set up a situation similar to the Warsaw ghettos in WW2.
I will not try to change your mind about this issue as that would require reading a hundred articles with a less biased viewpoint than you are used to.
Dave, I appreciate you sticking your neck out to support me in a uncomfortable topic and viewpoint.
The government of Israel has been getting away with a lot of atrocious behavior because of the Holocaust 70 years ago. The phrase " Never Again" is wearing thin in relation to Gaza. Even killing hundreds of kids does not bother Israel supporters.
If you are going to argue with me, you'll have to step it up.
Empty rhetoric like you're reading of articles "less biased" than mine doesn't fly. Any article aimed at promoting a concept has bias - bias towards its own point of view. Some are falsely biased, some are truthfully biased. What you are reading absolutely has bias. So, your "100 articles" are no less biased than any viewpoint I have. That is an escape hatch that folks try to use when they don't have the right answer. Not trying to be an ass, here. Just the truth.
And, as for seeing things in "black and white" - your original post was pretty black and white. Of course I see things in black and white. Everyone does - to a person. Coherent thought is impossible without it.
You are still far from the truth. Again, do you know who Hamas is?
Also, do you have an answer for the deafening silence from other Arab nations at this point?
Also, should the US quit defending itself from terrorists because we do not conduct all our affairs perfectly in every way? That doesn't make any sense.
The last statement being analogous with Israel, that is... still talking about Israel.
"you mean the GOP should just rubber stamp legislation to give everybody just more free stuff?"
Umm no, I'd be satisfied if they would just vote on something that would help people, and not filibuster or block their own bills if Obama happens to mention he'd sign it if it passed.
How about NOT voting to replace the ACA 50 times in the House, when they know it's never going to get past the Senate? How about NOT blocking the appointments of judges, ambassadors, and other nominees without ever explaining why, only to approve the nomination without a hearing or debate a year later?
How about we send ambassadors to the 2/3 of the world's nations that don't currently have one because the lameasses in the GOP are still having a tantrum about their party not controlling the White House?
How about NOT asking 'where are the jobs?' when they refuse to pass ANY bill that could create jobs, especially when they absolutely refuse to come up with any plans of their own other than the same old tired 'cutting taxes will create jobs' bullshit?
Read it and weep.
Former House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank says President Barack Obama lied to Americans about being able to keep their healthcare coverage, and he was “appalled” by the president’s inaction during the botched Obamacare rollout.
“Frankly, he should never have said as much as he did, that if you like your current healthcare plan, you can keep it,” Frank, a retired Democrat congressman from Massachusetts, told The Huffington Post. “That wasn’t true. And you shouldn’t lie to people. And they just lied to people.”
Frank, who retired in 2013, remains a strong Obamacare supporter and has often defended Obama and his agenda. But he told The Huffington Post that he still doesn’t understand the president’s actions during the rollout.
Looks like somebody is calling our Dear Leader a liar.
A huge success because it was a MANDATE, people had no choice, they didn't have freedom, they HAD to sign up or else!
"99% of all people who "lost insurance" under the ACA GOT BETTER PLANS BECAUSE OF IT." is another lie from Mozart.
Also, do you have an answer for the deafening silence from other Arab nations at this point?
That silence is not exactly sympathy for the Israeli Right.
Harley, by "other Arab nations" you mean the dictatorial leaders of those nations. These guys are afraid of any kind of uprising, or expression of popular discontent.
Whether al-Qaeda, an "Arab Spring", or the Hamas-led resistance, all are seen as destabilizing threats to the status quo.
Similarly in the US, the corporatocracy has the same regard for democracy, and public demonstrations against Wall Street like the Occupy people.
The Arab people, on the other hand, are very much supportive of the Palestinian resistance to occupation and oppression. Just as the American people want justice for the Banksters who collapsed our economy, and an end to tax breaks for corporations that off-shore jobs.
Guess who usually gets their way?
Those with the wealth, and the power of the police and military.
There's your black and white picture.
Will the Real Congressman Reid please stand up?
In 1993, Senator Reid introduced a bill — the Immigration Stabilization Act — to cut back on all immigration, both legal and illegal.
Senator Reid said: “Our federal wallet is stretched to the limit by illegal aliens getting welfare, food stamps, medical care and other benefits, often without paying taxes.” He said, “Safeguards like welfare and free medical care are in place to boost Americans in need of short-term assistance.” He added: “These programs were not meant to entice freeloaders and scam artists from around the world.”
Today, of course, Senator Reid is singing an entirely different tune. He has what Thorstein Veblen once called a “versatility of convictions.” So do a lot of “experienced” politicians.
Anonymous, you are just cherry picking quotes again,and you are a hypocrite. Any other time you would be attacking anything Barney Frank says. Same thing with the Reid quote. Context is everything.
Besides, you have no credibility after you said the Senate is not part of congress.
Oh, and I stand by my statement about those who lost insurance because of the ACA. Those that did lose lost because their plans were so bad from a cost/ service standpoint that they didn't meet minimum standards. ANYONE outside red states who refused to allow the exchanges had access to BETTER plans. No lie. FACT.
And I have to own car insurance if I want to drive. Where's MY "freedom"?
You are just WHINING and you look like a MORON.
"And I have to own car insurance if I want to drive."
You seem to forget that you are not required to drive a car, that you have the choice to drive or not drive a car. If you drive then insurance is a requirement of the State of Iowa. Having car insurance is not a requirement (as of right now) mandated by the federal govt.
You do not have that freedom under the ACA mandate.
As for Congressman Frank, and Congressman Reid, you are correct context is everything. So what is wrong with the context?
It's ok for DD to quote a republican in Kansas that is upset that the tax cuts "MAY" hurt education funding but it's just look the other way, nothing going on here when a very liberal democrat calls Obama what the majority of Americans polled already know about him.
Can you prove your claims that
"ANYONE outside red states who refused to allow the exchanges had access to BETTER plans"
(interesting the use of the word access)
"99% of all people who "lost insurance" under the ACA GOT BETTER PLANS BECAUSE OF IT."
DD " These guys are afraid of any kind of uprising, or expression of popular discontent."
Like in American, how liberals view the Tea Party? I seem to recall you DD, crying about the right wing haters who are out to overturn our democracy. But it's ok if it happens in Israel?
Fact is liberals cry how conservatives are destroying democracy and how the rich are behind it all here, yet they are so anti Jewish that they support the destruction of the freely elected democracy state of Israel. In support of Muslim terrorists who will slit your throat in a heart beat if your the wrong type of Muslim, sell you wives and daughters into slavery, hang gays, allow the genital mutilation of the females, do not allow females to vote vs a Jewish state that does none of the this. Who has universal health care, who allows every citizen to vote.
Some liberal you are, some supporter of freedom and democracy you are. What is the
Final Solution to the Jewish Problem that you support DD?
Chuckie’s still dancing to the “anti-Semite tune” I called out for him. (Attaboy, little mindless, reactionary puppet.)
After all, if one opposed to the American far Right is anti-American, one opposed to the Israeli far Right is “anti-Semite". This is how a far Right radical cult must frame and blame people.
(Israel)Who has universal health care, who allows every citizen to vote.
Hey, isn’t universal health care "communism” to the Radical Right Bubble Cult? Imagine the howls from Chuckie if all Americans were allowed to vote. Unbelievable hypocrisy from those nuts. LOL!
The key word is “citizen”. In Chuckie’s ignorant and hate-filled mind, Palestinians have nothing to complain about. He sees all Palestinians as terrorists.
He’s a bigot of course.
From a Jewish Israeli “anti-Semite”:
Who gets to vote in Israel's “democracy”?
If we exclude Gaza, one in every 4.5 people living under Israeli rule doesn’t have the right to vote in the coming elections; that one person is (almost) always Palestinian. If Gaza is included, it’s one in three who is not represented.
It is obvious that both the American and Israeli far Right do NOT want certain people to vote. They want to exclude “undesirables” and share that fascistic distaste for democracy.
Another Jewish voice of sanity ignored:
Siegman, a venerable dean of American Jewish thought and president of the U.S./Middle East Project, sat down for an interview with the “Democracy Now!” news hour. An ordained rabbi, Siegman is the former executive director of the American Jewish Congress and former executive head of the Synagogue Council of America, two of the major, mainstream Jewish organizations in the United States. He says the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories must end.
“There is a Talmudic saying in the ‘Ethics of the Fathers,’” Siegman started, “‘Don’t judge your neighbor until you can imagine yourself in his place.’ So, my first question when I deal with any issue related to the Israeli-Palestinian issue: What if we were in their place?”
He elaborated, “No country and no people would live the way Gazans have been made to live ... our media rarely ever points out that these are people who have a right to live a decent, normal life, too. And they, too, must think, ‘What can we do to put an end to this?’”
“If you don’t want to kill Palestinians, if that’s what pains you so much, you don’t have to kill them. You can give them their rights, and you can end the occupation. And to put the blame for the occupation and for the killing of innocents that we are seeing in Gaza now on the Palestinians—why? Because they want a state of their own? They want what Jews wanted and achieved?”
Do these Israeli Jews, like liberal Americans, “support the destruction of the freely elected democracy state of Israel, in support of Muslim terrorists”?
Obviously not to sane and rational people, only to those who live in hateful ignorance.
But fascists like Chuckie will gladly use liberal Jews, as well as liberal Americans, as his scapegoats and targets of hate.
Theirs is the hate that fuels fascism.
Just tell us what you think the Final Solution for the Jewish State should be?
When the ACA was passed in 2010, insurance companies knew exactly how long they had left to sell garbage insurance policies that would never meet the new standards. Those are the majority of the policies cancelled in 2012.
I do however believe the Obama administration should have seen that coming and adjusted their message. I mean, if you set new standards, of course not everyone who is 'happy' with their insurance is going to keep it.
Who is making the Palestinians live in Gaza? Who is preventing them from moving to Syria or Jordon or Iraq or Iran or the US? Does Israel have a right to defend it's own borders? Something liberals believe we do not have the right to do here.
Does Israel have the right to defend it's self from rocket attacks, kidnappings, murders of it's citizens and violations by tunnels of it's borders? Has Hamas broke away from the vowed desire of Iran to wipe out Israel? Should Israel take their threats of extermination seriously?
Are the actions of Israel on a par with the actions with those of Islamic terrorists? Where would you rather live Tel Aviv or Baghdad or Tehran?
What is it about liberals who talk about freedom and democracy, yet support governments, religions, and institutions that reduce freedoms and who are not democratically elected? Is it because they hate wealth so much they are willing to aline with anyone, any country, any thing, to destroy it? Then why aren't you critical of the wealth of the OPEC nations? Like Venezuela or Saudi Arabia.
If you lived in Tehran, would you be bravely speaking out against the Islamic war on women, the lack of diversity, the theocracy, the intolerance towards gays? You know of course, that you can do that in Israel.
So who do you support, you support the Jew hating Nazi's of the Muslim world, while accusing anyone who supports Israel as being a fascist.
Makes sense to me.
De_Bill, is it possible the insurance policy's were not the problem but the government designed "new standards"?
Anonymous, the new standards required the insurance companies to actually cover people, as opposed to just taking money and handing it to shareholders. No longer can they deny coverage to sick people (you know, the ones that NEED it) or kick people off because they became sick. The religious right is trying to circumvent that by denying women coverage on "religious" grounds but that will backfire on them.
And seeing Israel for being in the wrong is not "anti sematic" anymore than disagreeing with Bush on the Iraq war was "Anti American". Wrong is wrong. PERIOD.
Maybe you should go back to the
6th grade and leran how the American government works before you start blathering about someplace else
HINT: THe Senate IS part of Congress.
Makes sense to me.
Then why spout irrational hateful gibberish?
What gives?
If you have to ask, you’ll never know. See above.
This is their mentality, or should I say mental illness.
"After all, if one opposed to the American far Right is anti-American, one opposed to the Israeli far Right is “anti-Semite". This is how a far Right radical cult must frame and blame people."
I nailed them, didn't I? They're so indoctrinated by their RRBC hate machine they'll never know the truth. They MUST lie. They MUST demonize. They MUST make scapegoats.
Theirs is the hate that fuels fascism.
We wait for your final solution to the "Jewish Problem".
We wait for your "FINAL SOLUTION" to the "Jewish Problem".
Soon Mien Fuehrer Dave Dubya will be rewarded by a parade in the streets Tehran by his fellow anti democracy extremists with the defeat and elimination of the Jewish state of Israel. He, other American liberals, and EUROPEAN Nazis will rejoice that freedom has once again been crushed.
Surly you will enjoy and deserve living in a hate filled culture that castrates young girls, doesn't allow women to vote, and hangs gays. Instead of supporting a culture that was truly liberal, diverse and ruled using democratic principals you have picked the worst of all society's.
But it will be worth it to you if the wealthy are made to punished.
What is your final solution for the wealthy in the world?
I do not think any body here is hoping for Israel to be wiped from the earth but I would like to see an end to the torturous treatment of the people of Gaza.
But I believe we need a Final Solution to postings as useless as yours.
Doncha love it when our Bubble character “Chuckie Isaac” dreams up other characters to portray the dastardly evil "Minister of Liberal Propaganda J Gobbles Hansen and Fuehrer Dave Dubya"?
We can credit one thing to the guys of the radical Right. They never demonize liberals…..
Theirs is the hate that fuels fascism.
We wait for your "FINAL SOLUTION" to the "Jewish Problem".
'De_Bill, is it possible the insurance policy's were not the problem but the government designed "new standards"?"
If by 'new standards' you mean that insurance companies can no longer deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions, and can no longer place a lifetime cap on coverage and can no longer charge extra for the 'pre-existing' condition of being born female (just to name a few) then no, the 'problem' is definitely NOT the new standards.
OK "Isaac" now tell us how Israel was formed.
Oh, and Anonymous...The Senate IS part of congress.
Ah, I will be glad to, Nazi Minister of Liberal Economics, Herr Mozart. Or I could do as your Fuehrer Dubya does and refuse to answer you.
The end of World War II led to the rapid disappearance of French and British influence throughout the Arab world, as the rapid eclipse of the old imperial powers transformed the politics not only of Asia but of the Middle East and Africa as well. The mandated territories granted by the League of Nations after World War I were granted independence. These included Syria and Jordan in 1946 and Lebanon in 1943. The mandate in Palestine was liquidated, and a Jewish homeland -- promised after World War I but never granted -- was created in 1948: the State of Israel.
The realization of the full horrors of the genocide of the European Jews had led to growing demands for a Jewish state. British forces stood in the middle between Palestinian Arabs and Jewish settlers and immigrants, but a prolonged guerrilla conflict and growing American pressure forced the British to abandon the area. Israel was established by compelling Arab acquiescence, but the consequence has been six decades of violence. The surrounding Arab states fought Israel unsuccessfully in 1948 and again in 1967 and 1973.
As you are in the mood to ask questions, maybe you will grace us with answers to these questions that you have ducked for close to a month.
What is Obama's Middle East foreign policy?
How is Obama protecting us from terrorist coming across our southern border?
What are the names of a few of the students that had Obama as their professor?
Thanks, Chuckie.
"Israel was established by compelling Arab acquiescence, but the consequence has been six decades of violence."
We know Chuckie doesn't read or comprehend what he posts so....
Would he read that again for a clue? HA!
One more clue: All those Nazi accusations for agreeing with the sane and rational Israeli Jews just makes the RRBC look like the lunatic fringe they are.
Who gets to vote in Israel's “democracy”?
If we exclude Gaza, one in every 4.5 people living under Israeli rule doesn’t have the right to vote in the coming elections; that one person is (almost) always Palestinian. If Gaza is included, it’s one in three who is not represented.
It is obvious that both the American and Israeli far Right do NOT want certain people to vote. They want to exclude “undesirables” and share that fascistic distaste for democracy.
Another Jewish voice of sanity ignored:
Siegman, a venerable dean of American Jewish thought and president of the U.S./Middle East Project, sat down for an interview with the “Democracy Now!” news hour. An ordained rabbi, Siegman is the former executive director of the American Jewish Congress and former executive head of the Synagogue Council of America, two of the major, mainstream Jewish organizations in the United States. He says the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories must end.
“There is a Talmudic saying in the ‘Ethics of the Fathers,’” Siegman started, “‘Don’t judge your neighbor until you can imagine yourself in his place.’ So, my first question when I deal with any issue related to the Israeli-Palestinian issue: What if we were in their place?”
He elaborated, “No country and no people would live the way Gazans have been made to live ... our media rarely ever points out that these are people who have a right to live a decent, normal life, too. And they, too, must think, ‘What can we do to put an end to this?’”
“If you don’t want to kill Palestinians, if that’s what pains you so much, you don’t have to kill them. You can give them their rights, and you can end the occupation. And to put the blame for the occupation and for the killing of innocents that we are seeing in Gaza now on the Palestinians—why? Because they want a state of their own? They want what Jews wanted and achieved?”
See that Chuckie? Run, Chuckie run!
Do these Israeli Jews, like liberal Americans, “support the destruction of the freely elected democracy state of Israel, in support of Muslim terrorists”?
Obviously not to sane and rational people, only to those who live in hateful ignorance.
Chuckie's far too chicken to even read this, let alone discuss it, of course.
Bwaaack! Buck, buck, buckaww!
Theirs is the hate that fuels fascism.
DD -
What is Hamas' policy on elections and right to vote, I wonder?
I won't defend Hamas. Hamas is a violent political organization, openly hostile to Israeli rule and occupation.
But they are not the only killers of innocents.
Blaming everyday Palestinians for the deaths by Hamas is one thing. But unless you hide behind double standards, you'd better blame Bush for four thousand American deaths and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis in our name as well.
At least Hamas hasn't lied about WMDs to justify the slaughter.
Do you see my point?
The IDF kills far more innocent civilians than Hamas. The IDF has the overwhelming power of the military and police. With power comes responsibility. They show little regard for the asymmetrical nature of the conflict. The innocent suffer from BOTH Hamas and the over-reaction by the IDF.
These victims are all too often not the so-called "human shields" as claimed by the IDF. Blood on the beach will tell that tale.
What we have is brutality and war crimes. Group punishment is fascistic. That is exactly what the IDF is doing. You are deluding yourself to not see this.
BOTH parties are to blame for violence and needless death. Did you read the Rabbi's words?
This is what your Bubble Buddy cannot comprehend. This is why he calls us Nazis. You apparently agree, or are reluctant for some reason to call him out.
You seem to have a high tolerance for his "Nazi, Nazi, Nazi" bile, (when it's not "Commie, Commie, Commie" bile,) but little for any other perspective.
This is not "good v evil". It is a shared evil.
There would never have been Hamas if the Palestinians hadn't been robbed of their land and pushed into ghettos.
It's the occupation. It's the apartheid.
To utter theses words gets me called a Nazi from your buddy.
But I don't cower from the truth, and I will call out fascistic scapegoating and hate, whether home-grown, Israeli, or Arab.
The term apartheid refers to official government policy of racial segregation that was formerly practiced in South Africa. Whites sought to dominate the non-white population, especially the indigenous blacks, and discriminated against people of color in the political, legal and economic sectors:
Whites and non-whites lived in separate regions of the country;
Non-whites were prohibited from running businesses or professional practices in white areas without permits;
Non-whites had separate amenities such as beaches, buses, schools, benches, drinking fountains, restrooms;
Non-whites received inferior education, medical care and other public services;
and, non-whites could not vote or become citizens.
Today, Jews are the majority within Israel, but the non-Jewish minority (Arab, Christians, Bedouin, Druze, Baha'i and others) enjoy full citizenship with voting rights and representation in the government. Israel’s Declaration of Independence even specifically calls upon the Arab inhabitants of Israel to “participate in the upbuilding of the State on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions.” The Arab minority comprises 20% of Israel's population.
It is illegal for employers to discriminate on the basis of race and Arab citizens of Israel are represented in all walks of Israeli life. Arabs have served in senior diplomatic and government positions and an Arab - Salim Joubran - currently serves as a justice on the Supreme Court.
Israeli Arabs have their own political parties and representation in the Knesset; Arabs are also members of the major Israeli political parties.
In apartheid South Africa, laws dictated where Non-whites could live, work and travel and the government imprisoned, and sometimes killed, those who protested against these policies. By contrast, Israel allows freedom of movement, assembly and speech and some of the government’s harshest critics are Arab Knesset members.
Arab students and professors study, research and teach freely at Israeli universities. At Haifa University, for example, approximately 20 percent of the students are Arabs.
Israeli society is not perfect - discrimination and unfairness exist there as it does in every other country. These differences, however, are nothing like the horrors of the apartheid system. Moreover, when inequalities are identified, minorities in Israel have the right to seek redress through the government and the courts, and progress toward equality has been made over the years.
The situation of Palestinians in the territories is different. Many Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip openly refuse to recognize Israel’s right to exist; by contrast, non-whites never sought the destruction of South Africa, only of the apartheid regime.
Unlike South Africa, where restrictions were totally racially motivated, Israel's restrictions in the territories - such as checkpoints and the security fence - was forced by incessant Palestinian terrorism. Israel has consistently demonstrated a willingness, however, to ease restrictions when violence subsides.
Meanwhile, Palestinians from the territories are allowed to work in Israel and receive similar pay and benefits to their Jewish counterparts. They are allowed to attend schools and universities. Palestinians have been given opportunities to run many of their own affairs. None of this was true for South African blacks.
Even such, 98% of the Palestinians in the territories are governed by the rules of the Palestinian Authority, which amazingly do not permit their own resident with freedoms of speech, religion, assembly or other rights taken for granted by Westerners and guaranteed in Israel.
The clearest refutation of the calumny against Israel comes from the Palestinians themselves - when asked what governments they admire most, more than 80 percent of Palestinians consistently choose Israel because they can see up close the thriving democracy in Israel, and the rights the Arab citizens enjoy there.
Thanks for the Israeli propaganda. We get a lot of that in this country.
The Arab minority comprises 20% of Israel's population.
How many are citizens with the right to vote?
"Apartheid" in this sense is segregation of Arabs under second class citizenship.
Who here believes that Palestinians have no legitimate grievances? Only those who drink the koolade of the Israeli far Right.
Christians under Saddam Hussein had more rights than Palestinians of Gaza and the occupied territories.
It's the occupation, stupid.
"Apartheid" in this sense is segregation of Arabs under second class citizenship."
Typical liberal Nazi bastardization of the English language. The correct meaning of the word was given, but since it cant be applied the way Das Fuehrer wants it to, then the meaning must be modified to fit his needs.
Nice try.
"The Arab minority comprises 20% of Israel's population.
How many are citizens with the right to vote?"
You are the self proclaimed expert on everything, you tell me.
"It's the occupation, stupid."
Really? Are you so full of hate for the Jewish State of Israel that you forget that
in 2005, Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip under their unilateral disengagement plan.
Do you really believe that if Israel has occupied Gaza, they would have allowed Hamas "a violent political organization" to become the ruling party?
You talk about "propaganda" but ignore your own.
A little history lesson.
In July 2007, following the 2006 Palestinian legislative election and the Hamas takeover in 2007, Hamas had functioned as the de facto ruler in the Gaza Strip, forming an alternative Hamas Government in Gaza.
In 2014, following reconciliation talks, Hamas and Fatah formed a Palestinian unity government within the State of Palestine. Rami Hamdallah became the coalition's Prime Minister and has planned for elections in Gaza and the West Bank.
We wait for your "FINAL SOLUTION" to the "Jewish Problem".
Fish in the Barrel?
PALLYWOOD? Sunday’s UN school attack that the State Dept blamed on Israel now appears to be STAGED.
As Ron Dermer said today on CNN, the IDF didn’t even hit the UN school in Rafah yesterday in their targeted attack on the Islamic Jihad members. Well it appears now, thanks to this video by The Moral Divide, that there may have been some Pallywood going on yesterday:
How's this for propaganda, this guy reminds me of our expert on everything, DD.
You’d think Wolf Blitzer was interviewing a Democrat with all the spinning going on. But no, he’s interviewing the Hamas spokesperson who actually said in a recent interview in Arabic:
“We all remember how the Jews used to slaughter Christians, in order to mix their blood in their holy matzos. This is not a figment of imagination or something taken from a film. It is a fact, acknowledged by their own books and by historical evidence. It happened everywhere, here and there.”
So Blitzer asked this Hamas Spokesperson about it 3 times, and all 3 times he wanted to talk about something else. Blitzer even played it for him one time in Arabic (with translation) and the Hamas Spokesperson tried to keep him from playing it.
You Believe Jews Slaughter Christians to Make Matza with Their Blood!?
"It's the occupation, stupid."
Really? Are you so full of hate for the Jewish State of Israel that you forget that...
It's not hate to state facts.
Hate is calling those who disagree and state facts "Nazis".
Israel occupies land seized from Palestinians. And those seizures continue. Period. Israel exercises power over occupied lands and Gaza. Period.
You believe the Senate is NOT part of congress?
Go take a middle school civics class, than come back and talk politics. Until then you have ZERO credibility.
Guys, your arguments aren't making sense in the grand scheme.
Both "Palestinians" and Israelis have a right to claim that land. And, neither has a right to claim that land more than the other, unless you are a Zionist, which I am not.
So, given that, it is really a political issue to be solved. Politics is not the driving force in the situation - so political solutions don't work. So, it will likely never be solved.
You claim Israel is treating Palestinians badly. Maybe they don't treat them perfectly and yes, they'd just as soon they leave. BUT, Jews are not typically treated well in Islamic states, either (understatement of the year).
The Palestinians do not want to occupy Gaza and the West Bank. They fully desire that all Jews be expelled and they want to occupy/settle the entire region. That is their objective and it has never changed. Why else would a group of people with many far better and peaceful living options stay put on a geographically and politically unstable strip of crappy land? Israel knows this, so ANY relaxation in pressure is a retreat.
Political options were offered 70 years ago to help solve the issue when Jews began to immigrate back to what they claim is their ancestral and God-given homeland, and the Islamists would have none of that when they were more in control - and sought to push them out. Now that Israel is in the lead, they seek to maintain and not be pushed out. And not simply by the Palestinians, but by much of the Islamic world at the end of the day.
Ultimately, there is no answer to the hate. It is beyond political solutions.
If you look at the Mid-East scene and Israel is what keeps you up at night, you need new glasses. It is really concerning to me that people are seemingly purposefully counter to any common sense in their evaluations. I like to think it is innocent stupidity or naivete, but it seems like it is something more sinister that I cannot identify. In any event, it is a head scratcher...
One of the results of losing a war is the winner get's to pick the terms of their victory. Three times Israel's neighbors have tried to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.
Three times Israel has won. They won and continue to hold the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.
Israel(the winner) gets to choose the terms of their victory, not the losers. Israel has chosen to keep some of the land they won in their victory's. They have done so not because they WANT to provoke future conflicts, but because after 3 attacks, more space allows them to keep their enemy's a little further away. Look at the map.
Do those who are worked up over Gaza really believe that if Israel were to concede to all of their enemy's demands, that would guarantee no future attacks on Israel? If so maybe they would like to buy a bridge I know is for sale.
Israel's enemy is one that believes in the castration of females, murder of gays, honor murders, and that Jews Slaughter Christians to Make Matza with Their Blood!
This is more of the “not-racist” GOP hate that fuels fascism.
“This is a part of the war on whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party. And the way in which they’re launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else,” he said during an interview Monday with conservative radio host Laura Ingraham. "It's part of the strategy that Barack Obama implemented in 2008, continued in 2012, where he divides us all on race, on sex, greed, envy, class warfare, all those kinds of things.” - Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.)
Yes, and according to Ted Nugent, Obama is a “sub-human mongrel”.
Where's the proof that what Mo Brooks
is not true.
So, if Mo claims Obama is guilty of racially motivated speech/actions, it is patently wrong.
DD, you can regularly make the same claim of "conservatives" and it is fair game.
Just trying to figure out the rules...
As for Nugent, well, there's just a screw or two loose there. C'mon...
Anonympus, if you didn't even know the Senate was part of congress, WHY should anyone take ANYTHING you say seriously?
"This is a part of the war on whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party."
What "rules" could make this something distinguishable from White supremacist hate talk? How are whites the victims here? I mean really...
God, what victim-hood embracing crybabies. And this is from the one group that has been running our country from the beginning.
THIS is patently wrong, as well as absurd. It's the same hate as scapegoating and calling liberals commies. It is the same hate as your buddy obsessively playing his ample deck of "Nazi cards".
Nugent is free to be crazy as we wants, within boundaries. The scary part is his hate is cheered on by millions of idiots who believe only they are the "real Americans".
THAT is the issue.
Theirs is the hate that fuels fascism.
OFA Launches new Website!!
I just don't get it. If Obamacare is so good, why did the people who created it exempt themselves and their staff from being forced to buy it?
Can you tell me Bill?
Its this "do as I say not as I do" hypocrisy that makes me feel ashamed to be called a progressive.
Yeah, I'm "Simple" but I know how the US government works. For onr thing I know that the Senate is part of congress.
One also wonders how Anonymous knows so much about how the minds of prison guards work.
"I just don't get it. If Obamacare is so good, why did the people who created it exempt themselves and their staff from being forced to buy it?
Can you tell me Bill?"
Umm...if you already had insurance that met the new standards, you weren't required ('forced') to get new insurance?
Did I use small enough words? not too many syllables for you?
Name your Congressmen
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Liberal WaPo Warns Obama Not To “Tear Up The Constitution” With Executive Order On Immigration…
Gaza Bishop: Hamas Used Our Church To Fire Rockets At Israel…
Kerry Tells Africans Not To Create More Farms For Starving Children Because It Will Cause Global Warming…
Headlines most liberals will miss or ignore.
Headlines most con-servatives will miss or ignore.
"No WMD's found in Iraq: UN Inspector Blix" and "No Sadddam/al-Qaeda connection"
How many American lives were wasted on those lies?
How many Americans died under Obama?
Moral relativism at it worst. The radical Right has no shame and no conscience.
Our Senators are Chuck Grassley and Tom Harkin. Grassley is the "local" guy, but he's a complete tool of the Kochs.
Bruce Braley is the Rep for my area.
Now please go take a high school civics class so you don't continue to make a complete fool of yourself in this forum.
Anonymous, Name YOUR congressmen, and remember that your senators are part of congress.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – A prominent CNN commentator, the top two political reporters for The Huffington Post, a Reuters reporter, the editor of The Nation magazine, a producer for Al Jazeera America television, a U.S. News & World Report columnist, and approximately two dozen Huffington Post contributors are among the more than 1,000 members of Gamechanger Salon.
Founded by leftwing activist Billy Wimsatt, the group is a secretive digital gathering of writers, opinion leaders, activists and political hands who share information, ideas and strategy via a closed Google group.
The group’s existence was discovered by Media Trackers through an open records request filed with a University of Wisconsin professor who happened to be a member of the network.
Pick the liberal reply
1. Billy Wimsatt is not left wing.
2. Media Trackers is a right wing organization so their findings cant be true.
3. Conservatives do it.
4. Koch Brothers founded this group to discredit liberal reporters.
5. All of the above.
Pick the liberal reply:
6. So?
Anonymous, instead of your usual WHINING, WHO ARE YOUR CONGRESSMEN?
(bet you don't know)
BTW, you are digging pretty deep in your obsession against the left. Why not just admit you are a shill for the Kochs and be done?
The "Big Problem" in Chuckie's world is the rich are too poor and the poor are too rich.
He wants to fix that. Never mind income inequality is rising anyway. Not fast enough for Chuckie. Democracy keeps getting in the way.
The only solution to Chuckie's problem would be a dictatorship by the economic elites and their far Right stooges.
"The "Big Problem" in Chuckie's world is the rich are too poor and the poor are too rich."
Prove that. Where's your evidence?
Do you believe that the only way to become r4ich is take from the less rich?
More than 30,000 people of Liberian descent live in Minnesota. Hundreds of U.S. Liberians are desperately trying to purchase tickets to get their family out of Africa and into the United States.
To escape the Ebola pandemic
Tell them to buy a ticket to a country in Central American and then take the train to our border with Mexico and cross into the US there.
Obama's administration will then fly them to Minnesota, free!
America, what a country!
Statement by the President on the Occasion of Eid-al-Fitr
"In the United States, Eid also reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy. That is why we stand with people of all faiths, here at home and around the world, to protect and advance their rights to prosper, and we welcome their commitment to giving back to their communities."
[Obama] did not, unfortunately, provide even a single example of these “many achievements and contributions” that Muslims have made to “building the very fabric of our nation,” but he said that there were many, so they shouldn’t be hard to list a few, right?
You remember a few of them, don’t you? Remember the Muslim signers of the Declaration of Independence? With Yahya al-Hanqoq’s large signature front and center, so that the infidel King George III could read it without his spectacles? And then there was Ibrahim Clark of New Jersey and El-Bridge Gerry of Massachusetts. Remember also the Muslims who gave James Madison information about Muhammad’s Constitution of Medina – which, as we all know, granted equal rights to women and religious minorities, predating such documents in the West by 1,000 years. Madison, of course, used the Medina Constitution as a model when framing the U.S. Constitution.
Then there were the Muslims who fought so valiantly during the War of 1812 and the Mexican War. And in the titanic struggles over slavery, Muslims were front and center: remember the Muslim abolitionist Senators who faced down the South in the antebellum Senate, the Senate chamber ringing with their oratory about how the Qur’an says to free slaves and so the U.S. government should, too? Remember the Muslim regiments in the Civil War (all on the Union side, of course!)? Then in the aftermath of the Civil War came the Muslim industrialists who brought us railroads, the telegraph, the telephone.
Not to be forgotten are the Muslims who also fought courageously in the Spanish-American War, World War I and World War II, and the Muslim entertainers who kept us laughing on the Vaudeville circuit and on the home front during those terrible world wars with their jokes from the Hadith.
None of this rings a bell? Not to worry. Before too long it will be taught in all the textbooks. Absurd? Maybe – but no more than Obama’s statement itself.
"The "Big Problem" in Chuckie's world is the rich are too poor and the poor are too rich."
Prove that. Where's your evidence?
Chuckie doesn't understand he provides evidence every time he shills for his beloved Republican Party.
In fact, the evidence is GOP policy. Tax cuts for the rich, tax breaks for corporations that off-shore jobs, opposing minimum wage, cuts in food stamps, cuts in public services, etc. make this very, very clear.
Do you believe that the only way to become r4ich is take from the less rich?
Nobody believes that is the "only" way. This is what Bubble Cult members like Chuckie are indoctrinated to believe about what others think.
They are arrogant enough to think they know our minds. Yet they prove again and again they never listen to us.
Chuckie's "question" is just part of the propaganda like: "Liberal media", "Liberals have no family values", "Liberals are commies", "Obamacare is communism", "Death panels", "Death tax", "Obama is a Marxist", "Liberals are to blame for everything bad", and oh, yes, "Obama's a Muslim", etc. ad nauseam.
Yes, the proof and evidence is abundantly clear.
we can't miss it. Their message is hammered 24/7 in Right Wing corporate media.
Still waiting for Anonymous to tell us who his congressmen are. Here's betting he doesn't even know.
He's probably not even an America citizen. Go figure.
"Their message is hammered 24/7 in Right Wing corporate media."
Examples please, or are do you only believe the news coming from the members of Gamechanger Salon?
Explain how a person getting rich means another person must get poorer?
Give examples of you do not holding this belief?
Give me examples of where "the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy."
"Their message is hammered 24/7 in Right Wing corporate media."
Examples please.
Chuckie's got to be kidding, or just trying to waste my time...or could he be THAT stupid and indoctrinated?
A new report by the House Intelligence Committee reportedly concluded that there was no intentional wrongdoing in how the Obama administration responded to the 2012 attacks in Benghazi. After two years and countless independent investigations, when will Fox News finally end its nonstop scandal-mongering?
"They are arrogant enough to think they know our minds."
Three fingers pointing back at you DD.
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