Game Change
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"When someone like Sarah Palin can make
it as far as she has, it can mean only one thing and it's not a
particularly good sign. We are living in a culture that has been
custom-tailored for idiots. When a person who can barely put two
coherent sentences together without the aid of a teleprompter becomes
one of the best-selling non-fiction authors of the decade, that's
usually a pretty good indicator that society is spiraling downward at a
fairly decent clip. Fasten your seat belts, kiddies!"
-From The Rant, 10 January 2010
Not being a subscriber to cable television it takes me a bit longer to catch on to the choice delights offered by that medium. That being the case, I only yesterday saw the HBO film, Game Change, for the first time on DVD. If you aren't aware of it already, it's about the train wreck that we all remember now as the 2008 McCain-Palin presidential campaign. It's also one of the best political films I've ever seen. It stars Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin and Ed Harris as John McCain.
I'm not competent at film criticism. I'm not qualified to review any motion picture. I can only tell you whether or not I like a movie - and I liked this one - a lot. You will, too; I guarantee it.
I have yet to read the book by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin, but it just shot up to the tippy-top of my "to read" list. If we are to take seriously the scenario that is laid out in this film (and there is no reason to doubt it) putting Sarah Palin on the ticket in 2008 has got to be high on the list of historical political blunders. The fact that the movers and shakers within the McCain organization felt that this vain and incurious woman had the "right stuff", that she was just what they needed to appeal to the GOP "base", is more proof than we even need to establish the inarguable fact that this is a party on the verge of oblivion. What the hell do you suppose they thinking? Gotta wonder.
I can remember so clearly the moment they rolled out Sarah Palin at a campaign rally in Dayton, Ohio. The only thing I knew about the woman was that she was the Republican governor of Alaska. There wasn't even a mental image of her in my mind. When I finally saw her speak, I remember thinking that she reminded me of Sally Field - not Sally Field as Norma Rae - Sally Field as Gidget. I googled her name to do my own background check on her, just to be sure that she wasn't wanted for cashing bad checks or anything like that.
The first thing that struck me was the date of her birth, February 11, 1964, a day I clearly remember. It was on that day that my maternal grandmother died unexpectedly in South Bend, Indiana. But other than that little coincidence there wasn't much in her resume that impressed me. She had been on the job as governor of a largely rural state for eighteen months. Before that she had served as the mayor of the town of Wasilla, population 10,000. That was the moment when I knew for certain that Barack Obama would be the next president of the United States.
The film is quite funny - in an uncomfortable and unintentional sort of way. McCain's senior strategist for that campaign was a man named Steve Schmidt. It was he who talked the senator into accepting (against his better judgement) Palin as his running mate. McCain had wanted Joe Lieberman to be second on the ticket. The scene where Schmidt (played by Woody Harrelson) realizes that the woman he had championed is (I'll be kind here) "intellectually challenged" has got to be one of the funniest moments in the entire movie.
In preparing for an interview she is about to give to ABC's Charlie Gibson, Woody-as-Steve asks her to respond to a potential question that might be raised regarding the growing unpopularity of the war in Iraq with the people of Great Britain. That shouldn't be a problem, she says, "The United States has always maintained a great relationship with the Queen and John McCain will continue to do so". When he gently explains to her that Her Majesty is not, in fact, the head of the government in England and has no hand in its foreign policy, Sarah is genuinely surprised. When asked why we are in Iraq she chirps, "Because Saddam Hussein attacked us on 9/11." Poor Steve would soon find out to his utter horror that these nasty little gaffes were merely the tip of an even nastier iceberg. The film is chock full of amusing moments like that one. We all remember how beautifully that Gibson interview worked out:
Gibson: Do you agree with the Bush Doctrine?"
Palin: In what respect, Charlie?
Gibson: The Bush -- well, what do you interpret it to be?
Palin: His world view?
Gibson: No, the Bush Doctrine, enunciated in September 2002, before the Iraq war.
She couldn't answer the question. She had no idea what the hell the "Bush Doctrine" was. And then there was the moment when that evil liberal, Katie Courac (of the Communist Broadcasting System) ambushed her with this horribly unfair GOT'CHA question:
"What do you read?
For us connaisseurs of unintentional comedy and unintentional comedians, the campaign of 2008 was magical indeed.
After watching Game Change yesterday, I feel less contempt for Sarah Palin than I had before. In fact I feel kind of sorry for the poor woman. In the hours leading up to her one-and-only debate with Joe Biden, the McCain camp was in full-blown panic mode. Being the reflexive supporter of the underdog that I am, at this point in the film I actually found myself rooting for the silly twit for an instant - just an instant, mind you. She was obviously in leagues-over-her-head. Incredibly, during the vetting process, no one had the sense to give her a simple pop quiz on world affairs and current events. Had they bothered to do so, they would have realized in two minutes that Governor Palin was not fit to be Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, let alone president of the United of the United States.
-Sarah Palin, 3 July 2009
Yes, she really said that.
Sarah Palin sabotaged John McCain's decades-long quest to be commander-and-chief - for no other reason than to put her "brand" on the market. She did it by "Going Rogue" the title of her 2009 book. She realized that there was a fortune that could be made outside of the Governor's Mansion - which she cheerfully vacated in the summer of that year. She became a highly-paid commentator on Fox Noise and joined the ranks of Honey Boo Boo as a star of reality TV. Fox finally dumped her last year. The revelations in Game Change had rendered her too embarrassing even for them I suppose.
One can only imagine the torment that McCain lives with each waking hour of each and every day. Who can blame the poor guy for turning into such a grumpy old bastard? He has become the senate's version of Oscar the Grouch, the curmudgeon's curmudgeon. But it should be said for the record that the Arizona senator has behaved quite admirably - both during and after the campaign of 2008 - as far as Sarah Palin is concerned. Whatever his failings may be on a policy level, I think that John McCain is a genuinely good guy. Like Bob Dole, you don't have to agree with the man in order to like him. He has refused to saddle her publicly with any blame in his failure to win the office of the presidency. Who says chivalry is dead? What his private thoughts might be is anybody's guess. We can only imagine.
Think about it: Had John McCain only chosen a reasonable moderate to be the V.P. nominee - like Susan Collins or Olympia Snowe for instance - he would probably be sleeping in the master bedroom of the Executive Mansion at this very moment. But for Fascist Barbie and fate's fickle finger....
Sarah Palin has yet to fade away into the well-deserved obscurity that beckons her. For the time being anyway she'll still be around for our amusement and entertainment. This is a good thing, too. I'll end this little ditty by quoting Bill Murray (as Hunter Thompson) from the last line of the film, Where the Buffalo Roam:
"It still hasn't gotten weird enough for me."
Indeed. For a weirdness junkie like myself, Sarah Palin is the gift that keeps giving and giving. I almost cherish the gal. Go figure.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Game Change
Directed by Jay Roach
If it's not available from the friendly, independently-owned video store in your neighborhood (like they really exist anymore) here's a link to order it off of
See this movie. We're talkin' "Essential Viewing" here!
The Best and the Brightest
by David Halberstam
The story of the political and strategic failures of America's political leadership - "the best and the brightest" as they were known - that led us blindly into the quagmire of the Vietnam war. A real page turner by the sorely-missed Mr. Halberstam.
Watch the comments section as the trolls attack me for my "War on Women". Just you wait. They're coming out of the freakin' woodwork these days.
UPDATE - Comment, 6/8/13, 8:55 PM:
"THIS POST IS JUST ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF THE LIBERAL WAR ON WOMEN. Last week is [SIC] was another woman that Tom attacked, this is really getting boring Tom."
What did I tell you? These people don't even bother to read what I write - obviously this one didn't - otherwise he/she would not have gone out of their way to prove my point. I have gotten criticized in the past for not deleting these knuckleheads. There are two reasons for this: First of all I am a First Amendment purist; Secondly, the errors of spelling, grammar and punctuation usually make them oodles of fun to read!
-From The Rant, 10 January 2010

I'm not competent at film criticism. I'm not qualified to review any motion picture. I can only tell you whether or not I like a movie - and I liked this one - a lot. You will, too; I guarantee it.
I have yet to read the book by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin, but it just shot up to the tippy-top of my "to read" list. If we are to take seriously the scenario that is laid out in this film (and there is no reason to doubt it) putting Sarah Palin on the ticket in 2008 has got to be high on the list of historical political blunders. The fact that the movers and shakers within the McCain organization felt that this vain and incurious woman had the "right stuff", that she was just what they needed to appeal to the GOP "base", is more proof than we even need to establish the inarguable fact that this is a party on the verge of oblivion. What the hell do you suppose they thinking? Gotta wonder.
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Julianne as Sarah |
The first thing that struck me was the date of her birth, February 11, 1964, a day I clearly remember. It was on that day that my maternal grandmother died unexpectedly in South Bend, Indiana. But other than that little coincidence there wasn't much in her resume that impressed me. She had been on the job as governor of a largely rural state for eighteen months. Before that she had served as the mayor of the town of Wasilla, population 10,000. That was the moment when I knew for certain that Barack Obama would be the next president of the United States.
The film is quite funny - in an uncomfortable and unintentional sort of way. McCain's senior strategist for that campaign was a man named Steve Schmidt. It was he who talked the senator into accepting (against his better judgement) Palin as his running mate. McCain had wanted Joe Lieberman to be second on the ticket. The scene where Schmidt (played by Woody Harrelson) realizes that the woman he had championed is (I'll be kind here) "intellectually challenged" has got to be one of the funniest moments in the entire movie.
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Steve Schmidt |
Gibson: Do you agree with the Bush Doctrine?"
Palin: In what respect, Charlie?
Gibson: The Bush -- well, what do you interpret it to be?
Palin: His world view?
Gibson: No, the Bush Doctrine, enunciated in September 2002, before the Iraq war.
She couldn't answer the question. She had no idea what the hell the "Bush Doctrine" was. And then there was the moment when that evil liberal, Katie Courac (of the Communist Broadcasting System) ambushed her with this horribly unfair GOT'CHA question:
"What do you read?
For us connaisseurs of unintentional comedy and unintentional comedians, the campaign of 2008 was magical indeed.

-Sarah Palin, 3 July 2009
Yes, she really said that.
Sarah Palin sabotaged John McCain's decades-long quest to be commander-and-chief - for no other reason than to put her "brand" on the market. She did it by "Going Rogue" the title of her 2009 book. She realized that there was a fortune that could be made outside of the Governor's Mansion - which she cheerfully vacated in the summer of that year. She became a highly-paid commentator on Fox Noise and joined the ranks of Honey Boo Boo as a star of reality TV. Fox finally dumped her last year. The revelations in Game Change had rendered her too embarrassing even for them I suppose.

Think about it: Had John McCain only chosen a reasonable moderate to be the V.P. nominee - like Susan Collins or Olympia Snowe for instance - he would probably be sleeping in the master bedroom of the Executive Mansion at this very moment. But for Fascist Barbie and fate's fickle finger....
Sarah Palin has yet to fade away into the well-deserved obscurity that beckons her. For the time being anyway she'll still be around for our amusement and entertainment. This is a good thing, too. I'll end this little ditty by quoting Bill Murray (as Hunter Thompson) from the last line of the film, Where the Buffalo Roam:
"It still hasn't gotten weird enough for me."
Indeed. For a weirdness junkie like myself, Sarah Palin is the gift that keeps giving and giving. I almost cherish the gal. Go figure.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Game Change
Directed by Jay Roach
If it's not available from the friendly, independently-owned video store in your neighborhood (like they really exist anymore) here's a link to order it off of
See this movie. We're talkin' "Essential Viewing" here!
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David Halberstam |
The Best and the Brightest
by David Halberstam
The story of the political and strategic failures of America's political leadership - "the best and the brightest" as they were known - that led us blindly into the quagmire of the Vietnam war. A real page turner by the sorely-missed Mr. Halberstam.
Watch the comments section as the trolls attack me for my "War on Women". Just you wait. They're coming out of the freakin' woodwork these days.
UPDATE - Comment, 6/8/13, 8:55 PM:
"THIS POST IS JUST ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF THE LIBERAL WAR ON WOMEN. Last week is [SIC] was another woman that Tom attacked, this is really getting boring Tom."
What did I tell you? These people don't even bother to read what I write - obviously this one didn't - otherwise he/she would not have gone out of their way to prove my point. I have gotten criticized in the past for not deleting these knuckleheads. There are two reasons for this: First of all I am a First Amendment purist; Secondly, the errors of spelling, grammar and punctuation usually make them oodles of fun to read!
"Gibson: Do you agree with the Bush Doctrine?"
Palin: In what respect, Charlie?
Gibson: The Bush -- well, what do you interpret it to be?
Palin: His world view?
Gibson: No, the Bush Doctrine, enunciated in September 2002, before the Iraq war."
Here are some other people in support of the Bush Doctrine for attacking Iraq:
"Now let me be clear -- I suffer no illusions about Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal man. A ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power. He has repeatedly defied UN resolutions, thwarted UN inspection teams, developed chemical and biological weapons, and coveted nuclear capacity. He's a bad guy. The world, and the Iraqi people, would be better off without him."
State Senator Barack Obama (Democrat, Illinois)
Speech at Federal Plaza, Chicago, Illinois
October 2, 2002
"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members...
It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well, effects American security.
This is a very difficult vote, this is probably the hardest decision I've ever had to make. Any vote that might lead to war should be hard, but I cast it with conviction."
Senator Hillary Clinton (Democrat, New York)
Addressing the US Senate
October 10, 2002
Smokey, Barack Obama did not support the "Bush Doctrine". In fact, he was one of the few politicians to oppose invading Iraq - before it even happened. In December of 2002 he gave a speech in Chicago denouncing the very idea of such a gut-wrenchingly stupid military blunder.
You're obviously not very good at history, Smokey. None of you right-wingers are.
Tom Degan
Sure Tom
Barack and Hillary flip flop on the Iraq War just like you flip flop on supporting Bill Clinton!
You know the Bill Clinton that caused you to leave the Democratic Party lol!
Its selective memory which comes with the disease called liberalism! You know that disease where everything is free from the government and nobody has to pay for it!
"Game Change" is universally seen as a 'slam piece' of character assassination by the GOP.
...then again, they think cancer is a good way to 'solve' social security...
A couple of things struck me about this film and Palin. She was 'dogged' consistently by pointless manufactured scandals in Alaska, this much was clear. However, I couldn't believe how incurious and intentionally oblivious this woman remained throughout the film. She didn't want to know policy and for whatever reason, she thought by strength of personality alone she was helping.
The way that she treated her aides and took no responsibility for anything underscored that this woman wasn't fit for office. However the scene in which she talks to her son, who was station in Iraq, before the debate was truly touching. We got to see Sarah as "mom" and not some bizarre liberty toting anti-socialist.
Ed Harris was fantastic as John McCain and regardless of anyone's politics, McCain should be respected. Hats off to Woody Harrelson as Steve Schmidt as well!
What astounds me about conservatives and the GOP is that they still hold this empty-headed, incurious, irrational, and probably mentally unbalanced woman in high regard! They truly believe she is capable of leadership and has something to offer!
After 2012, the GOP was quick to feast on the corpse of Romney, but not Sarah. This woman has some spell over them.
I'm convinced that the GOP will never turn the corner until they find some humility. McCain's failure was that he didn't object to any of Bush's Presidency. He didn't define his own brand of Republicanism. Voters wanted some act of contrition from the GOP.
Although it has been said, the GOP does have to stop being the party of STUPID. Bachmann, West, Palin, and Cruz are not "patriots." These people are divisive morons with no original ideas of their own. Until the GOP realizes this, they won't be successful nationally.
Sad to say GOP boys and girls, but the density of population IS in the big "liberal" cities--where the smart people live. They aren't buying this bullshit anymore.
Bring us a candidate, maybe a Chris Christie, who has the balls to say these people were out of their mind and maybe--just maybe we'll pay attention.
GWB was running fast to get out of that thankless job of forcing this country into to ditch: two billion dollar a week wars - and the tax cuts for those that should be paying for it! Then there was the exporting of millions of jobs a nd placing families bankrupt homeless. How Compassionate conservatism he and he's GOP is/was is still a struggle for all of us to figure out.
One of his last legacy comments was - he'd leave the war decisions (he ones couldn't make) to the next administration.
It was then my opinion (as I posted it) that the GOP knew very well the next administration was going to be responsible for the chaos created - so they were going to have to lose this next one.
Voilà! Two unheardofs, Charlie Christ and Sarah Palin, show up in Arizona.
The GOP's loss was in the bag!
"Its selective memory which comes with the disease called liberalism! You know that disease where everything is free from the government and nobody has to pay for it!"
Y'know Smokey, it occurs to me that no democrat or liberal I know wants anything "free" from the government. This is an assertion put forth by conservative talk radio. Something like "Obamacare" should be a real wake up call for guys like you: It eliminates the "free ride" at the ER for the uninsured. It is about personal responsibility and making sure people do their part to cover themselves.
As much of an ass as you present to be, should you suffer an traumatic injury or lose your job, I will continue to vote leaders who will preserve safety nets for you and your family. You may be out of action for weeks, months, or even years. No worries!
I'll see to it that as miserable as you are, you'll have some element of health care. Your medicines and those of perhaps your children will stay in place. I'll do my part to see that you have some money coming through the door to try and make ends meet. I won't kick your kids out of school because you're not "contributing" and I won't deny them a hot lunch at school because you--momentarily--became a "taker."
It'll cost me and others--sure! But you know what? I don't mind! It's worth it. It's worth it for you not to have to deal with the stress and anxiety of "what comes next." It's worth it for your kids. Before you have to start selling everything you have and borrowing money--I'll be there!
The military--the military can have a bake sale or a garage sale to get by. I say put the Joints Chiefs of Staff out in front of a goddamn Walmart with a table of muffins! Seems to work pretty well for our softball teams and schools!
You on the other hand, as much of an ass as you are, will still be able to tuck your kids into a warm bed at night and at least fake a smile that tomorrow will be better.
You won't find your talk radio friends offering this. Your "stumble" in life is viewed as a personal deficit and we as a Nation are probably "better" if you and your kids just died off according to them.
I disagree.
Y'see Smokey this isn't the Democrat way of things this is what humans and Americans do for one another. And although you're an ass and I have never been to church, you're still my "brother" and this is the "Christian" thing to do.
And while there are "takers" and "non-contributers" in our society; I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt. I won't give up on you immediately.
Back in the 2008 election, with the memory of Darth Chaney and his pet Shrub freshly in mind, the public picked a relatively inexperienced Senator Barack Obama over a seasoned John McCain. I'm firmly convinced that without Alaska Barbie on the ticket, McCain would have won, even with a lot of the public feeling that anyone with an "R" after their name was poison. The thought of Sarah Palin one heart attack away from the presidency scared the pants off the independent voters who really determine the outcome of an election. The Republican stalwarts will vote Republican come hell or high water, and the staunch Democrats will vote for any one with a "D" after their name, but it's the swing voters that determine the outcome.
After four years of Obama, a lot of the people who voted for him the first time around were not feeling kindly toward giving him a second chance. His policies such as extending the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and renewing the "Patriot Act" disappointed and disgusted many of his ex supporters. Meet the New Boss, same as the Old Boss. The Republicans had a fantastic chance to regain the White House, but with what will come to be known as one of the best examples of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, they picked Mr. One Percent to lead the ticket. What were they possibly thinking when they selected someone who made his personal fortune buying up companies, saddling them with mountains of debt, selling off their assets, and putting thousands of people out of work? How could they reasonably expect the wage earners of America to vote for someone who believes it's OK for him to pay 13 percent of his 22 million dollar yearly earnings in Federal tax, while the wage earners pay 30 percent? An then there was one of those classic "foot in the mouth" moments when he got caught on video denouncing 47 percent of Americans as freeloaders. So once again Obama had to be one of the luckiest people in the world and was re-elected.
But Obama, feeling safe and secure as a Lame Duck, forgot all about something he should have kept in mind: Don't bite the hand that feeds you. He bit, and bit hard, when his Justice Department secretly seized two months of phone records for reporters and editors of The Associated Press. The liberal media was outraged! The media that supported him, covered for him, made excuses for him, and worshiped the very ground on which he walked was devastated. The media knew all along that the average American was being spied upon, they knew the "Patriot" Act was being misused by logging all the phone calls made WITHIN the United States. They just didn't think it applied to THEM. They thought they were safe and secure in their roll as reporters and editors, and the government would never DARE trample on their rights. Imagine the shock and dismay in the liberal newsrooms across America when they found out their phone records had been seized.
Obama forgot another old saying: "Pay back's a bitch"! While the press knew about PRISM, they gave the Obama administration a pass. Well, as they say, "The Party's Over". The press, feeling betrayed, is no longer covering for Obama. When even the New York Times slammed a "president who once promised transparency and accountability" for betraying the values that led many to support him in the first place, Obama has to be feeling the heat. And he better get used to it, because he will be feeling a lot more in the months and years to come. This is how the media hits back. Obama is about to experience one scandal after another as all the dirty laundry is aired.
Good post, Jay.
I agree with you that the scene where she talks with her son in Iraq was very moving. Also when she is reunited with her kids at McCain's ranch I thought was very sweet. She's human. Who'd have thunk it?
I bet Palin believed Saddam had something to do with 9-11, that he had a nuclear weapons program, (complete with “nukular aluminum tubes") and vast stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons just like Hillary Clinton believed.
"We are living in a culture that has been custom-tailored for idiots. When a person who can barely put two coherent sentences together without the aid of a teleprompter."
Must be talking about B.H Obama as we recently saw.
THIS POST IS JUST ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF THE LIBERAL WAR ON WOMEN. Last week is was another woman that Tom attacked, this is really getting boring Tom.
When are you going to talk about current events, like this Administration's failure to win the war on terrorism, or it's failure to be the most transparent administration in our history, or its failure to keep 84% of the promises it made to get elected.
Sure, it's easier to attack women, because liberals are so very good at attacking those they disagree with and are blind to the mistakes and failures made by those they support, like Obama. Nothing new here.
Another Obama lie,
Even More Lawmakers Say Obama Never Told Them About NSA Program, Despite Obama’s Claim “Every Member” Of Congress Knew And Signed Off On It. Not so, say many members of Congress — Democrats and Republicans alike. Even the Obama administration couldn’t confirm the president’s claim that “every member of Congress” had been briefed.
Hey, Ive got an idea, lets talk about how Sarah Palin is so awful!
Here is an interesting article to read.
It points out that everybody here that's defending their "side" has no side.
And every Conservative here, weather they like it or not, has more in common with me, a middle class Liberal, than any rich Republican politician.
I find it amusing and ironic that Conservative hate Obama's policies but supported Bush when he started those same policies.
"THIS POST IS JUST ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF THE LIBERAL WAR ON WOMEN. Last week is was another woman that Tom attacked, this is really getting boring Tom."
What did I tell you? This person obviously didn't read the whole piece - otherwise he/she never would have made my point for me.
I can't believe the man I voted for, who blew smoke up our asses about hope and change and transparancy, is now behind recording my phone calls. Even George Bush did not go that far.
Looks like we have a Hugo Chavez like Dictator policing our Amerika.
Hear Ye Hear Ye from the NYTimes Editorial Board:
President Obama’s Dragnet
June 6, 2013
"Within hours of the disclosure that federal authorities routinely collect data on phone calls Americans make, regardless of whether they have any bearing on a counterterrorism investigation, the Obama administration issued the same platitude it has offered every time President Obama has been caught overreaching in the use of his powers: Terrorists are a real menace and you should just trust us to deal with them because we have internal mechanisms (that we are not going to tell you about) to make sure we do not violate your rights.
Those reassurances have never been persuasive — whether on secret warrants to scoop up a news agency’s phone records or secret orders to kill an American suspected of terrorism — especially coming from a president who once promised transparency and accountability.
One wonders if the GOP WANTED to lose the electin, because if a Republican get's back in the White House, who do they BLAME for the bad economy and two senseless wars?
Great example of Tom providing us free laughs is the latest post from our resident dimwit from the left, Mozart1220.
"One wonders if the GOP WANTED to lose the electin, because if a Republican get's back in the White House, who do they BLAME for the bad economy and two senseless wars?"
Thank you Tom (AKA Chuckles) for allowing another example of great comedic relief to be posted on your blog. Shakespeare would approve.
10. “It is not looking good for President Obama. Today, his teleprompter took the fifth.” –Jay Leno
9. “People always say this to me: ‘Hey, Letterman,’ they say. ‘Why don’t you make jokes about Obama?’ All right, I’ll tell you why. I don’t make jokes about him because I don’t want the FBI tapping my phone, that’s why.” –David Letterman
8. “Holder is shakier than a jackhammer operator playing Jenga on his lunch break. And what about Jay Carney over there? He’s got a worse bluff than Marty Feldman holding pocket aces. That cat blows more smoke than a Rastafarian’s death rattle. Couple more weeks like this and Obama’s gonna be claimin’ he’s Kenyan” –Dennis Miller
7. “During a Senate hearing yesterday, Senator John McCain said it was too hard to always have to update apps on his iPhone. No one has the heart to tell him the device he was holding was a garage door opener.” –Conan O’Brien
6. “President Obama is in a lot of hot water lately. Despite the scandals, 53 percent of Americans say they approve of the job he’s doing. The other 47 percent are being audited.” –Conan O’Brien
5. “President Obama gave the commencement address at Morehouse College over the weekend. Great speech, very inspiring. He told the young graduates their future is bright – unless, of course, they want jobs.” –Jay Leno
4. "I wouldn’t be surprised if President Obama learned Osama bin Laden had been killed when he saw himself announce it on television.” --Jon Stewart
3. “As for how much tax [the lottery winner's] gonna have to pay on that $590 million, the IRS said it’s too soon to tell, ‘cause they don’t know if she’s a Republican or a Democrat. So, it’s going to take a while to figure that out.” --Jay Leno
2. "This week marks the 40th anniversary of the Watergate hearings. For those of you too young to remember, back then the administration had an enemies list. They were spying on reporters, and they used the IRS to harass groups they didn't like. Thank God those days are gone forever." --Jay Leno
1. "I feel bad for Barack Obama. He's got the Benghazi scandal, the IRS scandal, and the FBI wiretapping phones. The president is in so much trouble politically, he's thinking about killing bin Laden again." --David Letterman
Notice how anonymous (courageous name there)resorted to insults and selected one liners but didn't add anything to to conversation to even suggest I was wrong? Typical conservative.
Ill ask this question that no conservative has ever honestly answered. DO YOU THINK THE REPUBLICANS WANT THE ECONOMY TO IMPROVE WHILE OBAMAM IS IN OFFICE?
What on earth are you smoking...and why won't you share?
FWIW, that is me in the photo. A woman. Not transgendered, nor a drag queen.
Somebody recommend a tutor for my reading comprehension deficiency, for nothing I read in Tom's piece came off as a 'war on women'. What I saw is a war on ignorance and blind opportunism.
I don't feel one ounce of sympathy for Sarah Palin.
Ignorance is the result of two things: the absence (for whatever reason) of opportunity to learn and/or be informed, and/or conscious choice not to do so.
Palin is the daughter of a science teacher - a college graduate. That gave her a leg up on many who grew up to be far less ignorant than she.
Sarah Palin wilfully chose ignorance. She continues to choose, even embrace it.
The flogging she receives on this matter is richly deserved. Those who choose ignorance have no right to feel victimized.
It is with a heavy heart that I admit I am beginning to lose faith in my government--one I worked tirelessly to reelect as a member of President Obama's Campaign Headquarters team.
I am a very pragmatic man. I could justify targeted drone strikes and limited surveillance because I trusted my government to practice restraint and to act in my best interest.
No longer can I stand idly by, supporting an administration I so desperately want to succeed, only to watch the snowballing impact of administrative overreach confound any conceivable notion of liberty I may hold.
I used to look at China as the example of a snooping government who tramples all over privacy and citizens rights. I was glad we weren't them.
Wow, I feel stupid now.
Abkarians said...
It is with a heavy heart that I admit I am beginning to lose faith in my government--one I worked tirelessly to reelect as a member of President Obama's Campaign Headquarters team.
But now, after letting Fox news do my thinking for me, I accept that Obama is the antichriste and refuse to realize that all these things went on under Bush and no conservative had the slightest problem with them.
Yes they do, they want to cut govt spending and stop govt regulations that prevent job creation in the private sector. Our economy can not not handle any more of Obama's economic plans that results in growing govt larger, increasing job killing taxes and regulations.
That's one answer to your question, here is another answer.
Obama's administration announced that the worse recession since the depression, was over 3 years ago. Is that not the truth or was that another Obama lie? If it is the truth, how could the Republicans stop the economy from growing?
Mozart1220, what Obama economic plans have the Republicans prevented? What plans have Republicans passed in Congress that the Democrat controlled Senate has refused to vote on?
Do you believe Obamacare with it's requirement for business to provide healthcare on their employees who work over 30 hours a week, will increase full time employment or decrease it? Do you believe that the economy grows when there are more full time jobs or part time jobs? Do you believe that economy grows when the public sector or private sector has job growth?
Thanks for the laugh, it was a great side splitter!
Cheryl Nelson, so tell us what elected govt office does Sarah Palin currently hold that could negatively impact your life? If there are none, then why is she the focus of Tom's post?
"What difference does it make now?"
Is this man a hero or a traitor?
Edward Snowden: the whistleblower behind the NSA surveillance revelations.
Snowden will go down in history as one of America's most consequential whistleblowers, alongside Daniel Ellsberg and Bradley Manning. He is responsible for handing over material from one of the world's most secretive organisations – the NSA.
He has had "a very comfortable life" that included a salary of roughly $200,000, a girlfriend with whom he shared a home in Hawaii, a stable career, and a family he loves. "I'm willing to sacrifice all of that because I can't in good conscience allow the US government to destroy privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they're secretly building."
On May 20, he boarded a flight to Hong Kong, where he has remained ever since. He chose the city because "they have a spirited commitment to free speech and the right of political dissent", and because he believed that it was one of the few places in the world that both could and would resist the dictates of the US government.
Having watched the Obama administration prosecute whistleblowers at a historically unprecedented rate, he fully expects the US government to attempt to use all its weight to punish him.
Snowden did not always believe the US government posed a threat to his political values. Snowden said that he admires both Ellsberg and Manning, but argues that there is one important distinction between himself and the army private, whose trial coincidentally began the week Snowden's leaks began to make news.
He said, that he "watched as Obama advanced the very policies that I thought would be reined in", and as a result, "I got hardened." The election of Barack Obama in 2008 gave him hope that there would be real reforms, rendering disclosures unnecessary.
"The government has granted itself power it is not entitled to. There is no public oversight. The result is people like myself have the latitude to go further than they are allowed to," he said. "What they're doing" poses "an existential threat to democracy", he said.
Cheryl Nelson, so tell us what elected govt office does Sarah Palin currently hold that could negatively impact your life? If there are none, then why is she the focus of Tom's post?
"What difference does it make now?"
Anonymous (2:56 p.m.) Your question is irrelevant.
Sarah Palin is a past vice presidential candidate. Her nomination as John McCain's running made on the 2008 GOP ticket may have altered American history.
Why? Because some voters couldn't bring themselves to vote for McCain knowing that Palin would succeed him if he were to die in office.
Whether you like it or not, Sarah Palin made the jump from public official (governor of Alaska) to public figure thanks to her former positions with FOX News and the Discovery Channel. She continues to lead the life of a public figure by speaking her mind about political events and issues. Over 3.5 million people currently follow her on Facebook, and over 900,000 on Twitter. Plus, she still runs SarahPAC.
Palin may be out of office, but she is no more a private citizen than are fellow pundits Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. She is no longer a public official, but there's no reason she can't attempt another run for office.
Once a person chooses to become a public figure, he or she becomes like the proverbial genie in the bottle. Being a public figure means that once it's out, that genie can't be stuffed back in. Regardless of the passage of time, one's name remains that of a public figure.
"Your question is irrelevant."
Only a liberal would treat a question they couldn't or didn't want to answer thus way. I'll remember to use that next time I'm asked a question by a liberal.
Snowden said nobody had been aware of his actions, including those closest to him. He said there was no single event that spurred his decision to leak the information, but he said President Obama has failed to live up to his pledges of transparency.
Must have been one of the 86% of the promises Obama made to get elected and has broke since sworn into office.
Even democrats are upset with our nations most transparent administration. But not liberals, they want to talk about Palin.
In the midst of revelations that the government has conducted extensive top-secret surveillance operations to collect domestic phone records and internet communications, the Justice Department was due to file a court motion Friday in its effort to keep secret an 86-page court opinion that determined that the government had violated the spirit of federal surveillance laws and engaged in unconstitutional spying.
This important case—all the more relevant in the wake of this week's disclosures—was triggered after Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), a member of the Senate intelligence committee, started crying foul in 2011 about US government snooping.
Anonymous said...
"Even democrats are upset with our nations most transparent administration. But not liberals"
So there is a difference now? No. ALL Dems are showing concern because they should, but they are not turning the whole thing into the witch hunt the Republicans (conservatives, same thing) are because it's not that big of a deal.These same thigs happend under Bush and were accepted and defended by the right. ONLY NOW are they "scandals" because a midterm election is coming up and the GOP knows it can't win a fair election based on policy and actual issues. These are distractions, nothing more.
I find it interesting that these right-wingers didn't find too much wrong with the so called "Patriot" Act when it was put into place by George Dubya. At least they're starting to realize that they have a bit more in common with the liberals than they ever dared to dream.
It took a black guy in the White House to finally vent their outrage. Isn't life strange?
OH no Tom! you "played the race card"! Don't you know conservatives are not racist? Shame on you! Watch now as conservatives come in and whine and cry about you accusing them of hating Obama for beong Black. (even though it's true)
Mozart -
Absolutely. That is playing the race card. Textbook.
And, I can assure you - I'm not whining. I'm correcting your nonsense - as I've done in the past.
See Tom! I knew it! Conservatives think that there is no racism in America. See how fast the EMBARRASSED conservative had to jump in? And Harley, you have never come close to correcting me, as I speak only the TRUTH. NIce try at deflection though.
Mozart -
Rewind several posts ago... Cruz issue. You claimed I had made false statements. Name one. You can't bacuse you are all talk. Lots of talk - litle substance.
Also, I have to correct you AGAIN. No one said "there is no racism in America". Of course there's racism in America. More faulty logic and silly rhetoric to try to make points that don't exist.
And, Mozart, I was doing the furthest thing from "deflection". I was speaking DIRECTLY to the issue you brought up.
Do you read the silly crap you write to see if it makes even the slightest amount of sense?
I think literally every single sentence you wrote in your rejoinder was completely false and/or off-base. How can that be?
That’s right, Tom.
LOL! If you call out the stupid things Republican women say, it’s “war on women”. Forget about Republican men wanting to dictate women’s reproductive rights and health care options. Never mind the facts:
Women are tending to die earlier in Republican parts of the country.
...female mortality rates increased in 42.8% of counties (male mortality rates increased in only 3.4%). The counties are mapped below: red means that female mortality worsened. You can see a strong regional pattern: just about every county showed had worsened female mortality in several southern states, while no county showed such decline in New England.
I, for one, owe Palin a debt of gratitude. Thanks to her I have become a big Tina Fey fan, and now a Julianne Moore fan, too. I guess that makes me a traitor in the “war on women”, right?
No one said "there is no racism in America". Of course there's racism in America. More faulty logic and silly rhetoric to try to make points that don't exist. Of course there's racism in America.
Of course there’s racism in America. None whatsoever against Obama, mind you. Just ask a “good conservative”. According to the great “good conservative” thinkers, we know only liberals, and Obama, are the racists.
"a guy who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture...This guy is, I believe, a racist." - Glenn “not a racist” Beck, on Obama
"How do you get promoted in a Barack Obama administration? By hating white people."
"You know, racism in this country is the exclusive province of the left." – Rush “not a racist” Limbaugh
Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates? "He's a racist. He's an angry racist." Sonja Sotomayor? "She's a bigot. She's a racist," Mr. Limbaugh said.
Then there were Tea Party rallies with signs of Obama with a spear and swastika and bone through his nose.
Not one Tea Party member expressed outraged over those images. Not one Republican speaker at the rallies was bothered by it. Why? If not overt racism, it certainly appears like tolerance and exploitation of it. The Right had no qualms about the “Pimp” deception to smear ACORN either.
Perhaps not overt racism, but it seems an accepted use as political leverage.
Why was Beck’s accusation that Obama has a “deep seated hatred for white people” tolerated? Why no condemnation of Limbaugh painting liberals as racists? Not a peep. But listen to the howl of reaction from the Right when a liberal suggests the true fact that there are racists among them.
One side is clearly waaaay over-sensitive to this issue, while projecting such qualities upon the other.
It is abundantly clear the Right is reluctant to even recognize racism against Obama. Yet they’re very happy to accuse blacks and liberals of racism, usually for nothing more than pointing out the facts I have shown above.
On Monday, May 6, Robert Rector and Jason Richwine of the “good conservative” Heritage Foundation published a study of the fiscal effects of immigration.
“Race is different in all sorts of ways, and probably the most important way is in IQ,” - Jason "not a racist" Richwine
Not one “good conservative” will address this either. Why is that? One thing for sure, racists have no problem with it.
"When you take a look at Colin Powell, you have to wonder whether that's an endorsement based on issues or whether he's got a slightly different reason for preferring President Obama." – John “not a racist” Sununu
“Let me just be candid: My party is full of racists, and the real reason a considerable portion of my party wants President Obama out of the White House has nothing to do with the content of his character, nothing to do with his competence as commander-in-chief and president, and everything to do with the color of his skin, and that's despicable.” - Retired Army Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, Former Colin Powell Aide
These are Just the Facts, friends.
Provide examples of conservative or republican racism towards Obama.
Anonymous said...
Provide examples of conservative or republican racism towards Obama.
Heckling the State of the Union
The complete obstruction of EVERYTHING he tries to put forward even when it's a GOP idea
Jan Brewer wagging her finger in his face in public
Not even Clinton was shown that kind of disrespect.
Tell us which of those actions were based on race?
Maybe it would be easier if you give us a list of things that people who disagree with Obama could do that would not be racist.
As for fingers in your face remember Clinton wagging his finger at the camera while he lied to us.
WOuld a White Man's citizenship be questioned?
Was any other president EVER treated with such disrespect by CONGRESS?
PLease. How many minorities in the Tea Party REALLY? And what's up with all the "token Blacks" in the GOP all of a sudden? Micheal Steel (Fired) Hermann Cain, and now this "Brain surgeon" who parrots the GOP party line like he was a manchurian candidate?
I bet Toms next rant will be about the Beatles.
He won't talk about how the Messiah has abused his power like the man who had to resign as President that Tom imitates with his two handed peace sign salute.
Since the Messiah in office turned out to be a great Presidential campaigner (who still is in campaign mode) but a real dud as President, there is nothing to show for the "Hope and Change".
Anybody know if the Obamas will be taking 2 jets to Martha's Vineyard soon, at taxpayer's expense, to hob-nob with the 1 percenters?
Hey Dave Dubya, how does Obama's Abuse of Power compare to George Bush's? crickets................
Ever notice that only conservatives callObama "Messiah"?
Also notice that they never complained when Bush flew off to "the ranch" for a record number of vacations? Also notice that neither of these things were even close to the topic at hand? Deflect much? I LOVE embarrassed Republicans.
Yeah, Mozart. They were perfectly okay with the abuse of our civil liberties under Dubya. Under Obama they've all-of-a-sudden discovered that they have more in common with the liberals than they ever dared to dream. Say what you want about progressives - at least we're consistent.
Poor Tom
He is stuck in 2008, when Obama was still respected and loved. It's 2013, Tom. Nobody cares about Palin. You can keep re-living 2008 if you wish. Hold on to that memory. Most Americans will remember Obama's scandals, poor economy and spy grid. Talking about Palin is stale, yesterday's news and displays how pathetic fake liberals are. Can you post sometihng relevant?
As a libertarian, I hated Bush and find Obama to be even worse. I'm consistent, liberals are not, Al Franken is actually supporting the NSA garbage, where in 2008 Franken called it illegal. Just one example of liberal hypocrisy
Franken obviously heard froom conservatives that all is OK if you have nothing to hide, so why should he disagree with people who claim to never make mistakes?
So if a black man has his citizenship questioned and a white man doesn't that's racist?
Do you call it racism when congress calls a presidents budget doa?
Your threshold of racism is so low that MLk would be Laughing at you
Whine whine the only card in a liberals deck is the race card Sad, they can't debate any more, just name call. Proof positive that they have no vision only tired worn out name calling and slogans
Obama did call himself the ONE
"a guy who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture...This guy is, I believe, a racist." - Glenn “not a racist” Beck, on Obama
"How do you get promoted in a Barack Obama administration? By hating white people."
"You know, racism in this country is the exclusive province of the left." – Rush “not a racist” Limbaugh
Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates? "He's a racist. He's an angry racist." Sonja Sotomayor? "She's a bigot. She's a racist," Mr. Limbaugh said.
Then there were Tea Party rallies with signs of Obama with a spear and swastika and bone through his nose.
“Race is different in all sorts of ways, and probably the most important way is in IQ,” - Jason "not a racist" Richwine
So calling Obama a racist makes one a racist?
Pretty weak argument,why do use the race card when u can't use logic to win your point?
u can't use logic
U can't see the real race card in front of your nose.
I have never seen such a hateful, arrogant, condescending, and ignorant bunch in my life. Racism would merely be the icing on your fearless leaders' authoritarian cake.
How about "U" use some "logic" to explain the quotes.
And no using the race card like your fellow "not racists".
I'm showing you documented Just the Facts. Those words were spoken to you and your fellow true believers. You have accepted them as truth. You'll need more than facts and logic to explain these remarks.
Please tell us again how there is no racism against Obama. Tell us only liberals are racists. Show us your indoctrination. Duty to the divine power of wealth calls. The "purity" of your cause needs defending.
So bring it on; show us more of your "logic" and defend that "not racism" your leaders spew.
Be a good little dittohead and defend the indefensible. Justify the hate.
It's all there in front of your disdainful nose and self-proclaimed, intellectually superior brain.
Shower us with your superior virtue and thoughts, oh, wise and authoritarian one.
Or do as you always do. Accuse us of evil and ignore the topic. Tell us we're at war with women, or something else as stupid.
We understand. You can't help yourself. While we question Obama's support of the military industrial complex, you cannot question your leaders. You're a true believer.
And deep down you might just think Obama is the anti-Christ. Many of your cult suspect such. Would you like to see the poll supporting this fact?
Or have you had quite enough of Just the Facts?
Good. Now go back to your fictions and resentments.
What you have provided are cases of "right wing" folks accusing left wing folks of racism. From those examples, you conclude they are racist (or so I am to understand). Frankly, your stuff is rambling and the point is often not clear.
Anyway, so your deductions of racism stem primarily from the fact that the people in question accused the left of racism. (with the exception of Richwine, who did make overtly racist statements - must have learned it at his conservative alam mater Harvard)
Taking your cue, then, I must accuse YOU of racism since you are accusing your opposition of racism.
Then YOU tell us what your "good conservative" spokesmen were saying. Looks exactly like racist projection, aka "race baiting" to me.
Here's the magic of right wing racism. Merely say you hate Obama for his "policies" and nobody cares about your racism. It's a perfect little cloak to wrap their bigotry and hate.
Go ahead and tell me I'm wrong. Tell us how only liberals are racists. You have not uttered a peep against those hateful thugs.
Why? Is it because you hate Obama only for his "policies" so you cannot disagree with the propagandists?
Thank you for exemplifying my statement:I must accuse YOU of racism
It is abundantly clear the Right is reluctant to even recognize racism against Obama. Yet they’re very happy to accuse blacks and liberals of racism, usually for nothing more than pointing out the facts I have shown above.
Just the Facts.
Harley A.
You just don't understand. Only conservatives can be racist. Never liberals....Look it up in the dictionary, liberals are the only ones who can define who is a racist and who is not. It's their birth right.
So don't try to argue with a liberal using logic when the debate is about racism, if you are not a liberal you are by their definition also a racism
Thanks again for ignoring the request to explain words of your "not racist" spokesmen. Maybe you're not like them.
Or...maybe the words don't even show up on your screen. This would account for your missing so much.
Where can I get one of those screens or receivers that filter the words of FOX(R) and Limbaugh as spam and BS? If we could make that work for TV's and radios, the country would be so much better off.
You just don't understand. Only conservatives can be racist.
You have the idea down. Just put "liberal" in there and you sound like Rush. I bet that's more like what you really believe.
Perhaps you've entertained a thought or two on solving the "liberal problem" with your own fantasy of a "final solution". European Right Wingers of the 1930's knew what they wanted to do with Jews, socialists, educators and commies, or anyone else that disagreed with them. You seem to have the requisite amount of hate and party loyalty.
Tell us what you really believe. Go ahead. Liberals are to blame for everything bad. Only liberals are racists. And above all, the 99% must follow the rules dictated by, for the benefit of, the 1% economic elites. EVERY "good conservative" belief falls under that rule. I dare you to show us otherwise.
You can't distinguish your "beliefs" from the agenda of the elites. You believe everything that benefits the rich is best for our country. Wanna bet $10,000?
Show us the divergence of your belief system from the agenda of the elites.
Go ahead, make my day.
No JTF, you need to explain how come you call anyone who disagrees with Obama or a black leader or a liberal is a racist.
Liberals own the word racist, they need to explain how they use it, not me.
Thanks again for ignoring the request to explain words of your "not racist" spokesmen.
Show us the divergence of your belief system from the agenda of the elites.
Utterly incapable are we? Of course. It would be criticizing your spokesmen.
II can easily criticize Obama's support for Bush's FISA and continuation of his warrantless surveillance.
You, however, cannot disagree with any of your leaders. No matter how "not racist" you think they are.
Why do you suppose that is?
Just a rhetorical question, mind you. We understand cult members don't answer questions and they don't criticize their leaders.
Anybody else notice most of the words accusing others of racism come from "good conservative" leaders?
Why do you suppose that is?
You need to accept that I do not have to prove my divergence of my belief system from the agenda of the "elites" or for that matter any group of people you declare that I must do to satisfy you. I'm not here to make you feel better. I do not care what you think of me or call me. I do not ask for or want your approval. I am firm in the beliefs and positions that I have expressed here, so much so that I chose to ignore the ones you are attempting to place into my mouth and depict as mine. I am not going to get into the "he said she said" game that you enjoy so much. I do not have to defend myself from your ignorant false accusations.
You do not have the power or authority to demand anything from me. You have proven time and time again with your posts about racism, how invested you are in the belief that anyone who doesn't agree with you is a racist. It is as it has been said, the race card is the only card you have in your deck. I accept that, sadly, you do not.
I accept that is your only way of debating, I chose to not enter your debate.
So, get over it, what difference does it make now anyway?
I do not have to defend myself from your ignorant false accusations.
You do not have the power or authority to demand anything from me.
What a hypocrite. It's ok for YOU to demand answers and ok for YOU to spew accusations:
if you are not a liberal you are by their definition also a racism
If you cannot object to, or openly disagree to the race baiting from you spokesmen, we must assume you agree with them. And we do.
I do not have to prove my divergence of my belief system from the agenda of the "elites"
You don't "have to", because you cannot or will not.
We must also assume you support the narrow agenda of the economic elites to the exclusion in the interests of 99% of Americans.
You've never indicated otherwise.
Wow more racism, how can this be??
Days after New Jersey resort town Wildwood passed a law banning saggy pants on its boardwalk, the rapper slammed the legislation as “racist” and promised to pick up the tab for the first five people ticketed.
In an interview with TMZ, The Game compared the law, passed Wednesday that imposes a $25 fine for first offenders and up to $200 for repeat offenders, to “slave days” and encouraged people to openly flout the law.
“N***** should sag down to their socks out there. They trying to get people to not sag, please. Can’t tell people how to wear their f***ing clothes. What time are we in? This ain’t the f***ing slave days. F*** that.”
Hard to believe that this could be happening to the most transparent administration in our Nation's history.
Must be because the majority of Obama supporters listen to those racist Tea Party Members, Conservatives, GOP, Beck and Limbaugh. Right? Or Obama supporters are really closet racists, right Dave Dubya?
President Barack Obama's approval rating is plummeting in the midst of American dissatisfaction with the recent privacy controversies and other scandals.
The president's approval rating is 45 percent, marking an 8-point drop in the last month, according to a CNN survey. Weighing down on the Obama administration are the revelations of government domestic spying programs, the Justice Department's secret pursuit of journalists' phone records, the Internal Revenue Service's inappropriate scrutiny of conservative political groups seeking tax-exemption status, as well as the lingering questions over the deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya, last fall.
The president's approval rating is 45 percent, marking an 8-point drop in the last month, according to a CNN survey. Weighing down on the Obama administration are the revelations of government domestic spying programs, the Justice Department's secret pursuit of journalists' phone records, the Internal Revenue Service's inappropriate scrutiny of conservative political groups seeking tax-exemption status, as well as the lingering questions over the deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya, last fall.
"The drop in Obama's support is fueled by a dramatic 17-point decline over the past month among people under 30, who, along with black Americans, had been the most loyal part of the Obama coalition," says Keating Holland, polling director for CNN. "It is clear that revelations about NSA surveillance programs have damaged Obama's standing with the public, although older controversies like the IRS matter may have begun to take their toll as well."
Interesting, the more Obama acts like a Republican, the lower his approval rating.
Interesting how little you know about how Republicans act.
Interesting how little you know about how Republicans act.
How's that for a reasoned argument? Pathetic and accusatory as usual.
Interesting how a fringe Right Winger judges others' knowledge.
All without evidence or fact.
This is because facts and knowledge are not on their side.
Republicans support the narrow agenda of the economic elites to the exclusion of the interests of 99% of Americans. Not one "good conservative" has indicated disagreement with that agenda. "Good conservatives" and Republicans cannot and will not deviate from that agenda. Nor can they criticize their race-baiting liars who speak for them on FOX(R) and talk radio.
Who can tell us otherwise? Not "good conservatives" and not Republicans for sure.
But they're oh-so-happy to accuse and insult liberals for showing Just the Facts. Facts they cannot refute as they support the liars who say only liberals are racists.
They live in an ideological bubble of ignorance, contempt and hate for anyone who sees through their bubble.
They can't handle the truth. They not only lie that only liberals are racists, they lie that disagreeing with Obama means we call them racists. (Never mind progressives have disagreed with Obama.) There's no rational discussion possible with willfully brainwashed cult members like that.
Their resentments, hate and ignorance are capped by their supreme self-righteous arrogance. They've already proclaimed their intellectual superiority. How can one not see such arrogance as fertile ground for racism as well?
Yes, their resentments, hate, ignorance, and self-righteous arrogance are all on parade. They prove it all the time. In fact the very next remark from one of them is likely to be further proof of this fact.
Dave Duyba
Why should I waste logic in responding to your inane statements?
And sure enough:
Why should I waste logic in responding to your inane statements?
Arrogant dismissal. Above points and prediction stand undisputed.
Just used the same reason you gave me
The point you are missing was their decision was based on cooked ,not faulty intelligence given to them by the Bush Cabal. That little fact is never mentioned in any of these quotes .
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