Bye-Bye, Bird Brain
"You want to laugh, but don't, because the secret of Michele Bachmann's success is that every time you laugh at her, she gets stronger."
Matt Taibbi
Rolling Stone Magazine
I'm sorry, Taibbi, but I just can't help it.
She's leaving. What shall I do? What shall I do? Those of us who make our names commenting on the utter catastrophe that American politics has become in the last quarter century will need to make some serious adjustments. Our lives will become a bit more difficult come January - just a bit, mind you. We won't have Michele Bachmann to kick around anymore. This is going to take some getting used to. I am consoled by the fact that there are still hundreds half-witted neanderthals polluting the halls of congress who will continue to make our lives a joy. And then there's good old Ted Cruz! He'll always be good copy - no doubt about it. Ah, but that Michele....she is unique: The Buster Keaton of unintentional comedians. Damn you, fate! My life just won't be the same without her. [SIGH]
We should thank the great Chris Matthews for the scourge of Bachmann. It was an appearance she made in October 2009 on his MSNBC program, Hardball, which shot this silly dingbat into the political stratosphere. On this particular installment she told Matthews that every Democrat in Washington should be investigated for his or her "un-American" views. I was watching this spectacle on the five o'clock broadcast in wide-eyed wonderment. I tuned in again to the 7 PM rebroadcast just to assure myself that I hadn't been hallucinating. I hadn't been.
In normal times such an idiotic statement would have hurled this moronic woman right back into well-deserved obscurity. Instead the Republican party turned her into a national superstar. Aren't politics a scream?
Everyone has a gift of some sort. People are gifted in different ways. Michele Bachman was born with the gift of idiocy. She is the Queen of Gaffes. Consider, if you will, this choice humdinger:
"We know there was slavery that was still tolerated when the nation began. We know that was an evil, and it was a scourge and a blot and a stain upon our history. But we also know that the very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States. And I think it is high time that we recognize the contribution of our forebears who worked tirelessly - men like John Quincy Adams - who would not rest until slavery was extinguished in the country." `
What rankles me more than anything is how these right-wingers tend to be completely ignorant of the history of the country they claim to love a lot more than the rest of us. First of all, John Quincy Adams was not one of the Founding Fathers. Although who among us can take issue with her claim that he "would not rest until slavery was extinguished"? On January 31, 1865 when the Thirteenth Amendment which outlawed slavery forever was made the law of the land, Adams was resting quite comfortably indeed. He had been dead for eighteen years.
In announcing her decision not to seek a fifth term in congress next year, Michele produced an eight-and-a-half minute video which was posted on her website. She now claims that she has a new-found respect for the concept of term limits. If eight years is good enough for a president of the United States, well then - gosh darn it - it's good enough for her. She assures us that it's just a coincidence that her campaign finances are being investigated by the FBI. That nasty little reality has nothing to do with her desire to skip town. How noble.
The fact that even the nitwits of Minnesota's Sixth District who sent her to Washington in the first place are now embarrassed by her had nothing to do with her decision either. She still plans on fighting the good fight against those liberal heathen (like yours truly) who are conspiring to turn this grand and glorious land of ours into a place that the Founding Fathers "would not recognize". She tells us that her "talents" (such as they are) would be put to better use outside of Washington. Bullshit. Like Sarah Palin before her, she saw the writing on the wall - and it's covered in dollar signs. There's a buck to be made, many millions of them in fact - and this greedy bitch has every intention of exploiting all of the juicy possibilities. As Zero Mostel said in the role of Max Bialystok from the 1968 film, The Producers:
Is she planning on a well-paying gig on Fox Noise? I think she's in for a bit of a disappointment if that is the case. As low as the standards are over at Fox, I can't imagine in my wildest dreams that even they would humiliate themselves with a "Michele Bachmann Show". The bar just doesn't get that low. Perhaps an AM radio show would sell in the deep south. As the existence of Michael "Savage" Wiener proves, AM has no standards whatsoever. She can also make a killing in personal appearances. The jackasses in the Tea Party are still crazy about her after all these years. Actually that statement is just a tad misleading: As we all know by now - with or without Michele - they're just crazy period.
Washington will be a bit less weird when she heads off into the sunset in January of 2015, which is a good thing - for your purposes - not for mine. Michele is the gift that keeps giving. She won't be going away from the national stage, you can count on that. But one can't blame her for wanting to leave DC. As the District of You-Know-Where gets nuttier by the hour it's difficult for a real media whore to stand out. As bat-shit-crazy as this Congresswoman undeniably is, she's got some serious competition. Insanity junkies are a dime a dozen in Washington these days. The time has come for our gal to strike out on her own. Service to the people doesn't mean a goddamned thing to the likes of Michele Bachmann.
A tip of the hat and a raising of the glass to her. She claims that she's here to stay and I'll take her at her word. She and Fascist Barbie from Wasilla, Alaska - in fact the entire Tea Party movement - have always been oodles of fun to observe - not unlike a boxcar packed with clowns that has derailed and overturned at a highway train crossing. It's been quite amusing (to say the least) watching them destroy what at one time was the political house of Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. When the damage is complete - as it will be in a few short years - she and her compatriots in craziness will be relegated once again to the fringes of society and the dust bin of history.
Pack up all her cares and woes
There she goes, singin' low
Bye-bye bird brain....
Cheer up. She'll still be a presence in Washington, waxing idiotic for another year-and-a-half.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Here's our beloved Rachel Maddow with some choice examples of the "BEST" of Michele Bachmann:
Here's a link to a piece that Gail Collins wrote yesterday in the New York Times on Michele Bachmann:
I will say the only word I know that you understand, my Michele: Twit.
Matt Taibbi
Rolling Stone Magazine
I'm sorry, Taibbi, but I just can't help it.
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Piggin' out with Dubya |
We should thank the great Chris Matthews for the scourge of Bachmann. It was an appearance she made in October 2009 on his MSNBC program, Hardball, which shot this silly dingbat into the political stratosphere. On this particular installment she told Matthews that every Democrat in Washington should be investigated for his or her "un-American" views. I was watching this spectacle on the five o'clock broadcast in wide-eyed wonderment. I tuned in again to the 7 PM rebroadcast just to assure myself that I hadn't been hallucinating. I hadn't been.
In normal times such an idiotic statement would have hurled this moronic woman right back into well-deserved obscurity. Instead the Republican party turned her into a national superstar. Aren't politics a scream?
Everyone has a gift of some sort. People are gifted in different ways. Michele Bachman was born with the gift of idiocy. She is the Queen of Gaffes. Consider, if you will, this choice humdinger:
"We know there was slavery that was still tolerated when the nation began. We know that was an evil, and it was a scourge and a blot and a stain upon our history. But we also know that the very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States. And I think it is high time that we recognize the contribution of our forebears who worked tirelessly - men like John Quincy Adams - who would not rest until slavery was extinguished in the country." `
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John Quincy Adams |
In announcing her decision not to seek a fifth term in congress next year, Michele produced an eight-and-a-half minute video which was posted on her website. She now claims that she has a new-found respect for the concept of term limits. If eight years is good enough for a president of the United States, well then - gosh darn it - it's good enough for her. She assures us that it's just a coincidence that her campaign finances are being investigated by the FBI. That nasty little reality has nothing to do with her desire to skip town. How noble.

Is she planning on a well-paying gig on Fox Noise? I think she's in for a bit of a disappointment if that is the case. As low as the standards are over at Fox, I can't imagine in my wildest dreams that even they would humiliate themselves with a "Michele Bachmann Show". The bar just doesn't get that low. Perhaps an AM radio show would sell in the deep south. As the existence of Michael "Savage" Wiener proves, AM has no standards whatsoever. She can also make a killing in personal appearances. The jackasses in the Tea Party are still crazy about her after all these years. Actually that statement is just a tad misleading: As we all know by now - with or without Michele - they're just crazy period.
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Fucking clueless |
A tip of the hat and a raising of the glass to her. She claims that she's here to stay and I'll take her at her word. She and Fascist Barbie from Wasilla, Alaska - in fact the entire Tea Party movement - have always been oodles of fun to observe - not unlike a boxcar packed with clowns that has derailed and overturned at a highway train crossing. It's been quite amusing (to say the least) watching them destroy what at one time was the political house of Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. When the damage is complete - as it will be in a few short years - she and her compatriots in craziness will be relegated once again to the fringes of society and the dust bin of history.
Pack up all her cares and woes
There she goes, singin' low
Bye-bye bird brain....
Cheer up. She'll still be a presence in Washington, waxing idiotic for another year-and-a-half.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Here's our beloved Rachel Maddow with some choice examples of the "BEST" of Michele Bachmann:
Here's a link to a piece that Gail Collins wrote yesterday in the New York Times on Michele Bachmann:
I will say the only word I know that you understand, my Michele: Twit.
More of the war on women by the left/liberal/progressive/ wing nuts.
My favorite was her confusing John Wayne with John Wayne Gacy. Priceless!
Or stating there are 57 States. Priceless!
Not a war on women..A war on Bird brains..
"Washington will be a lot less weird when she heads off into the sunset next January . . ."
Don't count on it. There's still Gohmert, Cruz, Stockman, Lee - to name just a few. You know, people who are worshiped by this Yahoo "Anonymous" who's always dropping his poop from on high. Maybe one day the wind will reverse directions.
Cruz, Now it's a liberal war on Hispanics!
Not poop, dear Leslie, but the truth you don't want to face. Obama did say 57 states, so is he an idiot like Bachmann? If not, why not?
Leslie Parsley "...You know, people who are worshiped by this Yahoo 'Anonymous' who's always dropping his poop from on high."
Now you're just being ridiculous. It's not so high.
Now it's the liberal, progressive war on those who have a pre-existing health condition. I thought ACA was going to prevent this from happening?
Just another lie from our very own Putin on the Potomac.
The insurance program established by Obamacare is already straining its own budget and, to control costs, the administration’s Health and Human Services Department (HHS) has stopped enrolling any new people in the program, according to an audit by the General Accountability Office (GAO).
In addition, to further control spending, HHS has directed the program to shift more of the costs onto the current enrollees, thus raising the out-of-pocket health care expenses for the people with pre-existing conditions.
“Finally, due to growing concerns about the rate of PCIP [Pre-existing Condition Insurance Program] spending, in February 2013, CCIIO [under HHS] suspended PCIP enrollment to ensure the appropriated funding would be sufficient to cover claims for current enrollees through the end of the program,” states the GAO report, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Enrollment and Spending in the Early Retiree Reinsurance and Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan Programs.
The RATIONING or DENIAL of health care coverage in the marketplace for people with pre-existing conditions, or insurers charging higher premiums to people with pre-existing conditions were among the reasons cited by President Barack Obama and most congressional Democrats for implementing Obamacare, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
If all you have against Obama is a campaign fatigue slip up (which polititians on both sides are guilty of)Then you must be pretty desparate. He meant 47 states and that one does NOT make him an idiot like Bachman. And If Bachman were a man and she said the dumb shit she's said would it be a liberal war on men? It's not about her or Palin being women. It's abouot the being complete and utter idiots. Condy Rice is a woman and you don't see liberals calling her stupid, because she's not stupid. Ananymous, if you really stood behind what you said, you'd give us a name to address properly. Stop hiding.
Anonymous "Not poop, dear Leslie, but the truth you don't want to face. Obama did say 57 states, so is he an idiot like Bachmann? If not, why not?"
Yes, Obama did say "...fifty…seven states…". Now go to that page, read it (for comprehension!) and watch the video. Then come back and tell us why that and "I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out under another, then under another Democrat president, Jimmy Carter. I'm not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it's an interesting coincidence.", "Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn't even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas.", "But we also know that the very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States. ... I think it is high time that we recognize the contribution of our forbearers who worked tirelessly -- men like John Quincy Adams, who would not rest until slavery was extinguished in the country.", etc, make her and him equivalent.
If Obama's an "idiot like Bachmann" for that, then words no longer have meaning, and you've broken the English language, pencil shirt lemonade telephone.
OH I feel so very embarrassed, I have just been dissed by Modusoperandi.
"My favorite was her confusing John Wayne with John Wayne Gacy. Priceless!"
"If all you have against Obama is a campaign fatigue slip up (which polititians on both sides are guilty of)".
Thanks Mozart, you have provided the reason for her slip up, it was campaign fatigue.
Yeah, Mozart! And she's always campaigning! So there!
Talking about Birds, why don't you talk about the Byrd that was a Democratic Senator for 50 years who was a KKK Grand Wizard?
What about that Bird Tommy?
And Obama never stops campaigning, he is fund raising every month. I don't know how he finds the time to read the newspapers and find out what the IRS and Islamic terrorists are doing. For the smartest president ever, he sure has a difficult time keeping up with current events. And his staff, they make Sgt Schultz look like Eisenstein, they can't remember anything.
Really Modusoperandi, is that the best you can do? "she's always campaigning!"
I love how conservatives DEFLECT to "but THIS guy was worse" or "Obama is always campaigning (which he's not)
Let's face it the Gop is chock full of "Bachmans" these days. An entire party that scoffs at education and denies obvious facts. All they care about is makinig sure the rich get richer and that the mundane get turned into huge scandals.
Byrd went from being a Klansman to raising funds for the MLK memorial and supporting Obama.
"He wasn't a Klansman long enough to get his sheet broke in," said Travis Pierce, national membership director for the Ku Klux Klan, LLC, one of several groups that uses the KKK name. "It's much ado about nothing."
Byrd said. "We all make mistakes. I made a mistake when I was a young man. It's always been an albatross around my neck, joining the Ku Klux Klan."
By Byrd's account, opposing civil rights legislation in the '60s was his greatest legislative mistake, and he would say his eyes were opened later upon seeing a father unable to get water for his young son when the "colored" drinking fountain wasn't working. In his later years, he struggled to make amends and getting money to help finish the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial became a passion.
Let me just be candid: My party is full of racists, and the real reason a considerable portion of my party wants President Obama out of the White House has nothing to do with the content of his character, nothing to do with his competence as commander-in-chief and president, and everything to do with the color of his skin, and that's despicable.” - Retired Army Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, Republican, Former Colin Powell Aide
Looks like Chuck Less, etc. is playing the one card his deck has, and that's the race card.
Yawn, so old, so boring, so lacking imagination, so limited in vision, so typical. When all else fails, play the race card. Seen it all before. Next post please blame Bush or Chaney or Romney, so predictable.
So very boring.
War on women, war on Hispanics,war on free speech, war on journalism, war on govt transparency, war on Blacks, war on any one not left of center. So much for liberal diversity, like there ever really was any.
More of the war on women by the left/liberal/progressive/ wing nuts.
Then explain this:
Could it be women die earlier in Republican counties?
...female mortality rates increased in 42.8% of counties (male mortality rates increased in only 3.4%). The counties are mapped below: red means that female mortality worsened. You can see a strong regional pattern: just about every county showed had worsened female mortality in several southern states, while no county showed such decline in New England.
Just courteously answering your question.
Talking about Birds, why don't you talk about the Byrd that was a Democratic Senator for 50 years who was a KKK Grand Wizard?
Can't you handle Just the Facts?
Sounds like the liberal war on the rich wasn't a victory after all. Come liberals eat the rich, time to destroy more wealth, it does so much good for our nation when that happens.
(MoneyWatch) Increasing housing prices and the stock market''s posting all-time highs haven't helped the plight most Americans. The average U.S. household has recovered only 45 percent of the wealth they lost during the recession, according to a report released yesterday from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
This finding is a very different picture than one painted in a report earlier this year by the Fed that calculated Americans as a whole had regained 91 percent of their losses. The writers of the report released yesterday point out that the earlier number is based on aggregate household-net-worth data. However, this isn't adjusted for inflation, population growth or the nature of the wealth. Further, they say much of recovery in net worth is because of the stock market, which means most of the improvement has been a boon only to wealthy families.
Anonymous Ananymous "Sounds like the liberal war on the rich wasn't a victory after all." & "Further, they say much of recovery in net worth is because of the stock market, which means most of the improvement has been a boon only to wealthy families."
So…since the War on the Rich* is bad, and the rich are the only ones doing well, that must be good, right? Right?
If there's a War on the Rich and only the rich are getting richer, is there really a War on the Rich?
In other words, politely, you should reexamine your premises.
* If not continuing the "temporary" Bush-era tax cuts for income over $250K is "war", is not continuing the Payroll Tax, among other measures, the "War on Everyone Else"? And if liberals (represented, poorly, by the Democratic party) are out to "destroy wealth" by continuing the "temporary" Bush-era tax cuts up to $250K for everybody (including the rich), is the party that fights to keep all the "temporary" Bush-era tax cuts while actively fighting against measures that are a greater benefit to the rest of us "no matter what concessions Democrats are willing to make" fighting the War on the Poor, working poor, and those who make their income by labor instead of by investment?
Sounds like the liberal war on the rich wasn't a victory after all.
No, but the Right's winning their class war against most Americans. If you own stocks, stock prices are going up. If you own a home, home prices are going up. And if you work for a living, wages are going down.
Don't change a thing, "good conservatives", Republicans and well-trained Democrats. Keep letting the banks write legislation. The are the masters and own our government. Luckily they have "good conservative" dupes to blame liberals when it all hits the fan.
On Friday, the New York Times reported on the front page that Citigroup drafted most of a House bill that would allow banks to engage in risky trades backed by a potential taxpayer-funded bailout.
Banks’ Lobbyists Help in Drafting Financial Bills
In a sign of Wall Street’s resurgent influence in Washington, Citigroup’s recommendations were reflected in more than 70 lines of the House committee’s 85-line bill. Two crucial paragraphs, prepared by Citigroup in conjunction with other Wall Street banks, were copied nearly word for word. (Lawmakers changed two words to make them plural.)
Way to go, Puppets of Wall Street. We know who you really represent. We know who really owns the Senate and especially the GOP ruled House.
Woo hoo! “Good conservatives” are serving the winning side. They’re winning their war on American workers.
The funny part is they THINK they’re all going to be rich, if only the evil gubmint would get out of the way.
They can’t imagine “Good conservatives” like themselves won’t be sharing the wealth. And what do bet they’ll blame liberals for the next bailout?
They just can’t help themselves, It’s who they are.
Liberal policy war spreads their victims to include the happiness of Blacks, Hispanics and those under the age of 50.
ROCHESTER, N.Y., June 1 (UPI) --
Only a third of U.S. adults say they are very happy -- minorities show particularly pronounced declines in the past two years, a U.S. survey indicates.
A Harris Poll of 2,345 U.S. adults surveyed online April 10-15 by Harris Interactive found certain groups, such as minorities, recent graduates and the disabled, trended downward in the last couple of years.
"Our happiness index offers insight into what's on the minds of Americans today and is a reflection of the state of affairs in our country," Regina Corso, senior vice president of the Harris Poll, said in a statement. "While the attitudes on the economy may be improving, we're seeing that this is not translating into an improvement in overall happiness."
Those 50 and older were more likely to be very happy than younger people.
“I’ve heard more from Bush, asking for my advice, than I’ve heard from Obama,” my sources quoted Clinton as saying. “I have no relationship with the president — none whatsoever. Obama doesn’t know how to be president. He doesn’t know how the world works. He’s incompetent. He’s an amateur!” Bill Clinton
If there's a War on the Rich and only the rich are getting richer, is there really a War on the Rich?
In other words, politely, you should reexamine your premises.
I've yet to see one of them reexamine anything.
That would be like disagreeing with Beck and Limbaugh. Won't happen. They continue to ignore, let along condemn, the race-baiting examples I've provided.
And look what happened when I answered one of their questions.
Authoritarian "good conservatives" do not reexamine anything. They stick to the program and hold only to their indoctrinated beliefs.
Note how quickly they abandon their inane points and change the subject when "just the facts" are presented. Liberal "war on the rich"...poof! Blown out of the water by the truth that Wall Street writes legislation. "War on women"...Poof, blown away by reality.
They cannot reexamine their indoctrination nor criticize their authoritarian leaders. No wonder they can only hate us. This is what makes them "good conservatives".
To them, liberals are the same kind of unpatriotic treasonous scapegoats Jews were under German fascism. And since their belief system tells them Liberals are to blame for EVERYTHING, it takes little imagination to understand what they would do if they had the power of the state to "punish" progressives. These are the fanatics who believe Obama is a Marxist Muslim who hates America, and that everyone who disagrees with them also hates America.
No better examples can be found than their equating the IRS with the Gestapo and Tea Party signs of Obama as Hitler. This is all while being blissfully uncritical of the Bush Administration's war based on lies and warrantless surveillance of Americans. No complaints of targeting of peace groups as if they were terrorists.
Nope. Not a peep. But listen to them howl about Tea Party organizations being questioned about political activities while requesting tax exemption.
Right, they're "not political"... and I'm from Mars. Yup.
"To them, liberals are the same kind of unpatriotic treasonous scapegoats Jews were under German fascism. And since their belief system tells them Liberals are to blame for EVERYTHING, it takes little imagination to understand what they would do if they had the power of the state to "punish" progressives"...
What a minute, aren't we supposed to blame Bush for everything, isn't that the game plan for keeping the focus off the failed liberal policy's of the the last 5 years? Your problem is you are imagining things instead of basing your thoughts and beliefs on reality. Since you state that conservatives blame liberals for EVERYTHING, how about sharing with us what you believe liberals should be blamed for? Some examples where liberals do own the blame, please if you would.
Really, who ever you are, you need to remember the drawings of Bush with a Hitler mustache, and enlarged ears etc, before you start crying in your warm milk and Viagra about any treatment of the current President.
And while we are on the question of spokespersons, when are you dear left wing poster, going to disagree with race card playing Al Sharpton, rich hating Ed Schultz, PhD(in the study of herbs no less) Thom Hartman, and blind to the reality that he has sold his soul for liberalism, Chrissy Mathews? And when, dear who ever you are, are you going to explain why your position's so closely matches the talking points found on CPUSA.ORG?
And tell us, the last time you listened to either Limbaugh or Beck, if ever?
And tell us how their website's and those of the TEA PARTY'S compare to the websites of the KKK, or for that matter any White Supremacist web site?
Waiting for your answers, as if you will ever answer anyone of them, cause liberals don't answer questions, they just ask them.
Waiting for your answers, as if you will ever answer anyone of them, cause liberals don't answer questions, they just ask them.
...And right on cue.
Remember waaay back when this question was asked?
why don't you talk about the Byrd that was a Democratic Senator who was a KKK Grand Wizard?
And it was answered. The response? An accusation of playing the "race card".
So the pattern is clear. Answers are demanded, and when given, are rewarded with accusations.
How perfectly "Right", and very authoritarian of them.
So, how many questions have they answered? Zero. Nada. Crickets.
Let's see some answers. How is it a liberal war on the rich when the Republican House pushes legislation written by Wall Street Bankers?
I guess their cult finds this kind of question unworthy, or their "deep thinking" is just too much for us simple-minded "commie" liberals to comprehend.
Quick poll:
How many moderates or liberals have been converted to the Right, based on the "evidence" and "logic" offered by the Anonymous comments here?
What "evidence" and "logic"? Well, that would be their little secrets locked in their narrow minds.
Democratic Senator from Wisconsin Tammy Baldwin spoke the truth rarely heard in the Senate:
“Wisconsinites have told me that the powerful and well-connected still seem to get to write their own rules, while the concerns and struggles of middle-class families go unnoticed here in Washington."
“They see Washington happy to let Wall Street write their own rules, but unable to help students pull themselves out of debt.”
“They see Washington working to protect big tax breaks for powerful corporations, but unwilling to protect small manufacturers from getting ripped off by China’s cheating.”
“They see Washington bouncing from one manufactured fiscal crisis to the next, but never addressing the real and ongoing crisis of our disappearing middle class.”
Amen, Sister!
Ok, since you you cant keep straight who has said what and who owes you an answer, I'll make it very simple for you.
If Liberals aren't to blame for EVERYTHING that is wrong, what wrong are they to blame for?
When are you going to refute what Sharpton, Mathews Schultz and Hartman have said about White men, Conservatives, Black Conservatives, Women Conservatives, Hispanic Conservatives that has not been the truth? Or so you believe every thing they have said is the truth?
Next, lets review the arrest record of the Tea Party's members and compare to the arrest records of the OWS and the New Black Panthers members. Share with us what you find or stop your whining about the evilness of those who you disagree with.
I'll make it very simple for you.
You never fail.
Then why cant you answer the question? Or is too tough for you to answer? Your statement, your claim, now answer the logical non emotional natural extension of your positon.
"If Liberals aren't to blame for EVERYTHING that is wrong, what wrong are they to be blamed for?"
Surely you can think of something.
Then why cant you answer the question?
You call that a question?
And why should I answer? YOU never answer questions. And when I did answer one, all you did in response was throw out accusations.
Besides, your inane question doesn't dignify an answer.
If you really wanted answers, you'd learn to reexamine your premises and question your cult leaders.
Instead you cling to the "liberals are commies" cult mentality. You even link to your obsession. Have you actually read anything at that site? I doubt it.
In short, you don't want answers. You want support for your cult beliefs.
"If Liberals aren't to blame for EVERYTHING that is wrong, what wrong are they to be blamed for?"
If "good conservatives" aren't to blame for EVERYTHING that is wrong, what wrong are they to be blamed for?
I'm trying to figure out what 99% of the comments from conservatives have to do with Michelle Bachman. Gotta love conservatives, they sure know how to defelect.
To(Conservatives)them, liberals are the same kind of unpatriotic treasonous scapegoats Jews were under German fascism. And since their belief system tells them Liberals are to blame for EVERYTHING, it takes little imagination to understand what they would do if they had the power of the state to "punish" progressives."
Posted by "Just the Facts, formerly the Original Chuck Less"
To which when the question is asked of him,
"If Liberals aren't to blame for EVERYTHING that is wrong, what wrong are they to be blamed for?" he can/will not answer but instead tries the same old deflection trick that liberals have to use when the race card cant be used to stifle their opponents. Example:
read his post of 3:56 PM.
Here we have a classic example of what happens when a dogmatic ideologue liberal like ""Just the Facts, formerly the Original Chuck Less", spews the "party line or talking points of the day", only to be called out to logically explain their position. He can't. His position is based on emotion not logic.
Anyone care to take bets on what his next post will pose? He's done this before, just read up a few posts and you'll find your answer.
He will return to the attack.
So Ananymous returns to deflecting.
Not quite Mozart1220, just pointing out the standard operating procedure of "Just the Facts, formerly the Original Chuck Less"
Time for just the facts again:
Number of questions answered by "good conservative"? Zero.
Who asked the question with the words "KKK Grand Wizard" in it?
Result of when one of a "good conservative's" question was courteously accusation of playing the "race card" when answering HIS question containing "KKK Grand Wizard".
Other questions are just as obviously loaded. These arrogant simple minds think we are stupid. They really do.
So there are Just the Facts.
It's still pretty much summed up with:
"If you really wanted answers, you'd learn to reexamine your premises and question your cult leaders.
In short, you don't want answers. You want support for your cult beliefs."
What will be the response? It will have NOTHING to do with what was previously said, and further deflection and accusation.
Again they reward an honest answer to one of their questions with unfounded accusation.
They can't help themselves. They are a cult of true believers. Ever see one of them condemn the race-baitng words of Limbaugh and Beck? How about the Republican Party?
Ever see one condemn the "death panel" lies? How about "Obama the Marxist Muslim" lie? How about the "liberal media" lie? How about the "liberals are commies" lie?
See what I mean.
Let's clear the air jtfocl,
1 I don't think your stupid, I know you are, and your posts are all the evidence needed to support same.
2. I claim the same right that you have to not answer loaded questions.
3. Cult leaders is a cute way to diminish those who oppose your positions. It doesn't work or effect my beliefs. It's use only exposes your lack of original thinking.
4. Why condemn the term death panels, history will prove if they exist or not.
5. As I predicted, you have returned to attack that which logic, intelligence and reality has presented.
"I don't think your stupid, I know you are."
My irony meter just blew a fuse.
Where you going to buy a new fuse? Or has th EPA out laws them?
Ananymous "4. Why condemn the term death panels, history will prove if they exist or not."
"Reimbursment for counseling about living wills (Note: Another bipartisan idea that only became partisan once Obama was for it) & IPAB.
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius rebuffed an appeal from Rep. Lou Barletta on behalf of a girl who needs a lung transplant but can’t get one because of a federal regulation that prevents her from qualifying for a transplant.
“Please, suspend the rules until we look at this policy,” Barletta, a Pennsylvania Republican, asked Sebelius during a House hearing Tuesday on behalf of Sarah Murnaghan, a 10-year-old girl who needs a lung transplant. She can’t qualify for an adult lung transplant until the age of 12, according to federal regulations, but Sebelius has the authority to waive that rule on her behalf. The pediatric lungs for which she currently qualifies aren’t available.
“I would suggest, sir, that, again, this is an incredibly agonizing situation where someone lives and someone dies,” Sebelius replied. “The medical evidence and the transplant doctors who are making the rule — and have had the rule in place since 2005 making a delineation between pediatric and adult lungs, because lungs are different that other organs — that it’s based on the survivability [chances].”
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Barletta countered that medical professionals think Murneghan could survive an adult lung transplant. During the exchange, he also said that the girl has three to five weeks to live.
Sebelius reminded Barletta that 40 people in Pennsylvania are on the “highest acuity list” for lung transplants.
Anonymous, oh, my, God! Obamacare's Death Panels were in place in 2005! Damn Obama's Family Time Machine!
Quick, blame Obama for Dominique Jean Larrey somehow.
Can you tell us how this story would be different anywhere else? Does Free Market Country have a magical Organ Fairy that brings spare parts to all the people who leave an old lung, cornea, liver, heart or kidney under their pillow?
In short: Since if that's "Death Panels" everywhere is that's not an argument against Obamacare, but instead it's an argument for organ donation, which I highly recommend everybody reading this sign up for if you aren't already, to help avoid all-too-common tragedies like this.
(I've been registered since '99, even though I've been told by multiple doctors that my parts are too awesome for most people to use. True story).
In conclusion: Think happy thoughts, ghoul. If the rule isn't waived, you've got your Death Panels and, of equal importance, if it is waived you can still pretend to be outraged, since her getting a lung means that someone else on the "highest acuity list" won't be, and if she gets the lung and doesn't survive with it (ten year olds aren't on the adult list for a reason) you can rail on Big Government wasting money just giving parts to people who waste them. Woe!
Ahh, Modusoperandi. Having a bad hair day or something?
Anonymous –
I think we need to be careful on this issue regarding the poor PA child who needs the lung transplant. First, “Obamacare” doesn’t come into play, so using that word smacks of using a tragedy for political gamesmanship – like liberals did with the MA school shootings. Second, a decision to allow access (and priority) to an adult or adolescent lung donor for this family would appear to me to mean denying access to someone else in line, given the demand exceeds the availability. So how does THAT family react? In that case, they could just as rightfully cry “death panel” if they are the ones who must be denied. I’m certainly no Sibelius supporter (I was happy to say “good riddance” when she left KS). There are no easy solutions in this situation. Neither liberal nor conservative policies will save everyone from natural disasters, sickness, crime, etc. Fight Obamacare – I’m with you. I think it is bad policy for the most part, but let’s fight it with the actual problems it presents and not fabricate one out of a human tragedy for political gain. The left is better than us at that anyway. Having said all that, I don’t blame the family for playing it politically – I would too. I would try to move heaven and earth for my child in that situation. My heart aches for them…
Thank you for proving me correct. "Your" a peach.
Well stated, and compassionate, for the most part.
Normally Harley, you're not as partisan blinded as your troll buddy.
a human tragedy for political gain. The left is better than us at that anyway.
How quickly we forget certain things.
Like exploiting 9-11 for a war for political gain and crony profit against those who didn't do it?
We remember Bush ordering Richard Clarke to connect Saddam to 9-11. After we were told Saddam had "ties to al-Qaeda" by Bush, only "traitors" questioned going to war.
Oh yes, we were called that.
So how many deaths were caused by a liberal playing politics with tragedy? Got a few hundred thousand examples for comparison?
I suppose to some wacko out on the far Right fringe GWB, the "compassionate conservative", was a "liberal", but there's no reasoning with that cult mentality.
I had not considered you that far gone, though.
Harley A,
I never once mentioned the presidents name. Or for that matter the word Obamacare. Nor did the article use either word or term. Not sure what is being read into my post.
But thanks for your advise.
Anonymous -
Google "death panels" and see what you come up with.
Harley, I am not totally happy with Obamacare because it left the HMOs and BCBS corporations in place to skim 30 percent of all the hundreds of billions we spend on medical care. I feel they are useless parasitic bureaucracy's, existing solely for their own good. What is your take on Obamacare?
And the title was, This is NOT an example of how a death panel works.
No mention of Obamacare, or the name of the president.
The reason for the post was to open a discussion on the morality of having to make a choice on who lives and who dies. Instead it has turned into a polical debate about the president and his health care plan
Sorry to all.
Anon -
My point was, in any case, given there are more folks in need than available organs, the decision has to be made - it can't be avoided. Perhaps I misunderstood your point - if so, apologies.
James, I honestly think if we could rewind several decades and get back to a pay-for-service system for most healthcare and insurance for catastrophic cases, we'd be better off. I'm not for gov't or the insurance companies in the day-to-day medical decisions. And, like with other needs (housing, food) we can extend welfare to those in need. Obamacare just solidified the position of the insurance industry which I think is the wrong direction - I'd have liked to see us unwind that. But, Washington is run by banks & insurance interestes so it's not surprising. And many in our socialist Republican party WAS actually in favor of something similar until Obama proposed it - that I'll admit.
I think Tom needs another post. The cons have taken this one way off subject again. Tme for something else they can whine about.
I agree with Mozart1220 it's Tme to start a new subject. It was a stupid subject anyway, designed to take our minds off all the scandals bubbling up from the most transparent Presidential Administration ever. And it didn't work.
Ananymous, these are not "scandals" anywher but in the minds of people who hated Obama anyway. ALL of these things were going on before Obama and NO ONE CARED. They are distractions, drummed up by a party that knows it can't win in a fair election anymore.
Benghazi was going on before Obama, Reporters being spyed on by Bush? Are you really sure of your claim that no one cares ? Then there is Obama's statement that the war on terror is over. If that's true, why the need for continued spying on American citizens? Or is the President lying?
And for the record, Obama ran on the promise of having the most transparent administration in history. Just saying.
Mozart - no one is whining but you.
“I’m going to take one question and then remember people are going to have opportunities to also answer questions when I’m with the Chinese president today, so I don’t want the whole day to just be a bleeding press conference. But I’m going to take Jackie Calmes’s question.”
B.H.Obama June 7, 2013
It is way past time for this bird brain to go back to her nest. Either she is senile or a liar.
How long will you liberals cover for her?
At a Thursday afternoon press conference, Nancy Pelosi responded to news that, contrary to earlier claims by Barack Obama and Pelosi herself, Obamacare will cause health insurance premiums to rise sharply for many people who purchase their own insurance in the individual market.
“I don’t remember saying that everybody in the country would have a lower premium,” Pelosi said in response to a question from THE WEEKLY STANDARD. But during last year’s presidential campaign, Pelosi said that because of Obamacare “everybody will have lower rates.” Pelosi, the House minority leader, made the comment during a July 1, 2012 appearance on Meet the Press.
Harley, the entire right wing is WHINING over things they defended when they were happening under BUsh. Personally I think anyone who has a Facebook or twitter account and whines about prvacy should STFU.
"Barack Obama believes that we must provide law enforcement the tools it needs to investigate, disrupt, and capture terrorists, but he also believes we need real oversight to avoid jeopardizing the rights and ideals of all Americans. There is no reason we cannot fight terrorism while maintaining our civil liberties. Unfortunately, the current administration has abused the powers given to it by the PATRIOT Act. A March 2007 Justice Department audit found the FBI improperly and, in some cases, illegally used the PATRIOT Act to secretly obtain personal information about American citizens. As president, Barack Obama would revisit the PATRIOT Act to ensure that there is real and robust oversight of tools like National Security Letters, sneak-and-peek searches, and the use of the material witness provision."
Obama for America. Paid Ad 2008
Why Mozart1220, how very liberal minded of you to say so.
Obama fulfilled only 16 percent of his campaign promises, so you are right about the lying part. And that is not counting all the things he never mentioned like the NDAA. Unfortunately for all you Conservatives, Obama's worst political actions are 100 percent supported by Republican politicians.
The NDAA, the drone program, fracking and GMO crops, the surveillance of citizens, endless war and the kill list are just a few items where he has Republican support.
By Obama's actions he looks a lot more Republican than Liberal to me.
You really believe that which you just posted? Have you missed the GOP House controlled investigations on what is just now becoming know? You call that 100% support?
Face it brother, Obama has not ended the invasion of our privacy like he promised and instead has expanded it 50 times further than Bush did, and he did so in less than 8 years Bush had in office!!
Trying to include in the actions anyone other than the person who is committing them is nothing more than a refusal to face the truth. Liberals who supported Obama because they believed he would undo the bad that had been done by Bush, can only blame themselves for believing Obama's lies. It is 100% totally Obama's administration that has done this, and if you are a Democrat or a Liberal and you voted for Obama and supported Obama, you need to accept that as reality. I just hope that since this has been exposed that it is not to late to reverse what he has done to the freedoms of ALL American citizens.
This is bigger than conservative liberal capitalist socialist GOP DNC differences.
Interesting points Obama supporters are making.
One says no one cares
Another says its not a big deal
Then one claims it's not that bad, it's just whining republicans
But next post it is admitted that Obama has lied and broken
84% of his promises.
And lastly a claim that Obama is really a Republican.
Talk about pathological emotional logic lacking thinking!
Chuck, we have had really lousy leadership for the last 13 years, that's why the country is falling apart.
2000 t0 2008 was a unmitigated disaster for the U.S. and Obama is continuing and expanding many of the policies created during that time.
Obama is actively curtailing our civil liberties and Republicans never vote against him to reverse the trend.
Republicans berate Obama in public on some issues but on the big ticket items they work hand in hand.
I see Tom has finally started to monetize his site. Everyone should click on the ads to generate some income for such a great guy. If it was not for Tom we could never get to insult people on a regular basis!
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