Reefer Madness

"Have a marijuana."
-David Peel
This morning I'll be taking some pot shots - quite literally. I am refering to America's mind-numblingly stupid laws with regard to the possession of marijuana....
I don't smoke pot. Nor do I advocate its usage - unless for medicinal purposes of course. I haven't touched the stuff since my nineteenth birthday - August 16, 1977 - which, coincidentally, was the day that Elvis Presley died. I always tell people that Elvis and I quit drugs at the very same moment, the only difference being that I did so voluntarily.
Having said that, let me say this:
Three-quarters-of-a-century after it was made illegal; a half-a-century after it was proven to be practically harmless - why is it still a crime to possess and smoke marijuana?
I have something for you to ponder: Here is a list of ten famous people - heavy smokers all - who died too soon of lung cancer or other diseases related to their addictions to nicotine:
Humphrey Bogart
Edward R. Murrow
Nat King Cole
George Harrison
John Huston
Noel Coward
Betty Grable
Walt Disney
Gary Cooper
Peter Jennings
Here is another list. Ten famous people who died from alcoholism:
Tennessee Williams
Jack Kerouac
Truman Capote
Lorenz Hart
Veronica Lake
Bix Beiderbecke
Montgomery Clift
Dylan Thomas
John Barrymore
Errol Flynn
Now I'm going to ask you to name for me one celebrity who has died from too much grass.
Go on, I'm waiting.....
You cou
ldn't do it, could you? Don't feel bad, neither could I. Not only have I never heard of any famous person dying in that matter, I am not aware of it happening in all recorded human history! I never knew anybody who died from an "overdose" of marijuana. I have personally known at least three-hundred people who died from an excess of ciggies or booze - or both. And don't let anyone bring up the late Bob Marley as an example of a victim of the excesses of weed. I have heard this done more times than I care to remember. Here's the myth:
Here are the facts:
Bob Marley died from the exact same thing that my father died of - malignant melanoma that spread to his brain. Myth shattered.
The first time I ever got high was one night in February of 1974. I was in Stowe, Vermont on vacation. The two guys who first turned me on are today airline pilots. Isn't that a hoot? How do you think those friendly skies got so damned friendly anyway? On this particular evening the film, "The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman" starring Cicily Tyson, made its debut on American television. That famous scene where the 110-year-old Miss Jane defiantly takes a sip from the "Whites Only" fountain had the entire nation deeply moved....Well, almost the entire nation. My brothers and sisters couldn't figure out what I found so funny about so touching a moment.
New York governor Andrew Cuomo recently proposed legislation that would greatly reduce the penalty for possession of an ounce of pot to a minimal fine. Finally a politician with guts. That's a good enough start. The same has been suggested by various state representatives in New Jersey. Chris Christie has said that he will veto the measure should it ever make it to his desk. Coward.
Marijuana should have never been made illegal in the first place. Why in 2012 are we still having this same, idiotic conversation? Is it a "gateway drug" as they never tire of reminding us? Quite possibly an argument can be made there. But if it is a gateway drug, so is Miller High Life - the Champagne of Bottled Beer. Let's get a grip here.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
"The Beatles" (Also known as "The White Album")
Always a fun record to listen to after you've had a toke or two. Just a thought.
"Good night everybody, Everybody, everywhere. Good night."
-Ringo Starr
For more recent "rants", please go to the link below:
"The Rant" by Tom Degan
-David Peel
This morning I'll be taking some pot shots - quite literally. I am refering to America's mind-numblingly stupid laws with regard to the possession of marijuana....
I don't smoke pot. Nor do I advocate its usage - unless for medicinal purposes of course. I haven't touched the stuff since my nineteenth birthday - August 16, 1977 - which, coincidentally, was the day that Elvis Presley died. I always tell people that Elvis and I quit drugs at the very same moment, the only difference being that I did so voluntarily.
Having said that, let me say this:
Three-quarters-of-a-century after it was made illegal; a half-a-century after it was proven to be practically harmless - why is it still a crime to possess and smoke marijuana?
I have something for you to ponder: Here is a list of ten famous people - heavy smokers all - who died too soon of lung cancer or other diseases related to their addictions to nicotine:
Humphrey Bogart
Edward R. Murrow
Nat King Cole
George Harrison
John Huston
Noel Coward
Betty Grable
Walt Disney
Gary Cooper
Peter Jennings
Here is another list. Ten famous people who died from alcoholism:
Tennessee Williams
Jack Kerouac
Truman Capote
Lorenz Hart
Veronica Lake
Bix Beiderbecke
Montgomery Clift
Dylan Thomas
John Barrymore
Errol Flynn
Now I'm going to ask you to name for me one celebrity who has died from too much grass.
Go on, I'm waiting.....
You cou

Here are the facts:
Bob Marley died from the exact same thing that my father died of - malignant melanoma that spread to his brain. Myth shattered.
The first time I ever got high was one night in February of 1974. I was in Stowe, Vermont on vacation. The two guys who first turned me on are today airline pilots. Isn't that a hoot? How do you think those friendly skies got so damned friendly anyway? On this particular evening the film, "The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman" starring Cicily Tyson, made its debut on American television. That famous scene where the 110-year-old Miss Jane defiantly takes a sip from the "Whites Only" fountain had the entire nation deeply moved....Well, almost the entire nation. My brothers and sisters couldn't figure out what I found so funny about so touching a moment.
New York governor Andrew Cuomo recently proposed legislation that would greatly reduce the penalty for possession of an ounce of pot to a minimal fine. Finally a politician with guts. That's a good enough start. The same has been suggested by various state representatives in New Jersey. Chris Christie has said that he will veto the measure should it ever make it to his desk. Coward.
Marijuana should have never been made illegal in the first place. Why in 2012 are we still having this same, idiotic conversation? Is it a "gateway drug" as they never tire of reminding us? Quite possibly an argument can be made there. But if it is a gateway drug, so is Miller High Life - the Champagne of Bottled Beer. Let's get a grip here.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

"The Beatles" (Also known as "The White Album")
Always a fun record to listen to after you've had a toke or two. Just a thought.
"Good night everybody, Everybody, everywhere. Good night."
-Ringo Starr
For more recent "rants", please go to the link below:
"The Rant" by Tom Degan
Many people attribute Bruce Lee's death to marijuana consumption, which provoked an allergic reaction that somehow led to cerebral edema. Just wanted to put that out there before the clowns come crawling out of the woodwork.
My dad said marijuana used to grow wild along the railroad tracks. Hobo leavings. For context, he was born in 1907.
The legalization of pot, whether a good or bad idea, will happen before the November election, when Obama issues a Presidential decree doing same.
That is how low Obama will sink to get votes.
Could we have your expert opinion on that "wondrous weed"?
My favorite beatle song ends with
"everybody smoke pot"
"everybody smoke pot"
"everybody smoke pot"
I believe if George had not smoked pot, he would not have become a skinny heroin addict.
Tom, of course you already know that the drug laws & war on drugs... are designed to feed the prison and law enforcement industries - and I might as well throw in the pharmaceuticals as well who certainly do the part to promote drug consumption.
I could also point out that we smoked a lifetime's worth of weed back then - although (I'm told) that the weed of today is far superior. At least the human race has accomplished something positive!
This topic deserves a serious answer, and the late Bill Hicks provides on in a very entertaining fashion:
Mandatory Marijuana
Enjoy! And if you've never listened to Bill Hicks, don't worry, there's a lot of his material up on youtube.
At a time this subject of 'Drug Testing' was in its infancy - a Board Room discussion ensued . . .
A corporate attorney asked what I thought about the tactic and the fall out we might have as a result.
I turned to him and asked, "Do you ever recall in Law School smoking pot? How did it affect your grades and classroom performance?"
By the look on his face - Case Closed!
Certainly 10s of thousands of houses and undeveloped property all over the US were purchased using money generated in this 'illegal' industry. If it ever stopped the GNP of this US would plummet.
And, how many legitament jobs are there now related directly and indirectly to this industry?
Hey, remember? "It's about jobs, stupid!"
Too bad we can't tax impose outrageous taxes like we do on equally dangerous cigarettes, alcohol, and gasoline . . .
You would think we would have learned our lesson from prohibition.
Ending prohibition, ended a crime wave. It's way past time we ended this drug crime wave.
And a great way to fulfill Romney's dream, and cut the police forces.
About Time, to add to your thoughts, there have also been a few studies showing that marijuana might help with the symptoms of MS as well as other medical issues. Do you suppose Ann Romney has ever, would ever give it a try? But I guess she doesn't need to as she has a $300,000 horse to help with her MS.
My days of consuming alcohol were filled with misery,remorse and illness. The only side effect I ever had from smoking pot was a mellow buzz. Was there other stuff in between? Of course there was, but it was alcohol that brought me to my knees. I had my last drink in 1998, after working on the problem for practically the ENTIRE DECADE.
Now that I am a senior citizen, I am finding out more and more older folks are (just recently)using marijuana (probably supplied by their grandchildren!)for their various aches and pains. This is America after all, where families look out for one another.
So, I say to the motherfckers that label themselves America's health insurance industry and also to Big PHARMA:
Suck. On. That.
And to Anonymous I say: If Obama ever legalized marijuana by Executive Order his reelection would be a slam dunk.
Be careful what you predict, Bucko, because, in all honesty, which I know is a tough concept for conservatives, I don't think you would care for the outcome if your prediction happened to come true. You know, REEFER MADNESS, and all that.
Happy Sunday, everyone. I'll think I'll light up now :)
As I exhale I notice it's Monday, so have a Magical Monday, folks :)
Mack Lyons said:
Many people attribute Bruce Lee's death to marijuana consumption, which provoked an allergic reaction that somehow led to cerebral edema. Just wanted to put that out there before the clowns come crawling out of the woodwork.
Sounds like you are a happy clown smoking some good weed!
Charles Moore you are a fucking asshole for the MS comment on Ann Romney.
Anonymous2: "I believe if George had not smoked pot, he would not have become a skinny heroin addict."
I had a hunch about that, and you're the second person to believe George W. Bush was a heroin addict. Now things are coming into perspective. He really wasn't the foolish imbecile he appeared to be. He was a drug addict. (He shouldn't have hung-out with those frat boys from Skull & Bones.)
I wonder if the current imam/pres snorts cocaine from Mooochelles or Valerie Jarretts chest.
Anonymous said...
I wonder if the current imam/pres snorts cocaine from Mooochelles or Valerie Jarretts chest.
What hallucinations. You should immediately quit whatever chemical or alcocol your taking and toke up instead. Your wonderings are very strange. Chill,man.
Personally I think people should be able to do what ever they want. The thing that amuses me are the progressive liberals, like those in NY and MA. They will ban how much soda you can drink but many of the same politicians think that pot should be legal.
Even though I think people should be able to do what they want, I do believe pot is harmful. People should be able to make judgements about personally harmful behaviors (drinking soda, skydiving, motorcycle riding, weed).
Anyone who thinks that pot is not harmful is nuts. A person I know was a heavy user. He was once very smart and ambitious. Now he is vying for the role of village idiot.
Question to the author:
Can we expect a missive on executive privilege for a program aimed to take down the 2nd Ammednment which in turn has taken down are border guards? This would be full time on 60 minutes, MSM if a Texan (vs. a Kenyan) was president. I suspect that topic does meet the litmus test for attention. Go Jug Ears/Holder.
Less than 5 months till the american people change the carpets in the oval office.
Boltok, since a missive on executive privilege is of interest to you, I think you should write one to display your wit and wisdom on the subject.
Oh, and who is Jug Ears?
Jug Ears: (1) a person who possess ears that resemble the finger handles on a moonshine jug, (2) the current resident alien who resides at 1600 PA Ave.
I am exercising executive privilege over my missives. Sorry.
Boltok; "I am exercising executive privilege over my missives."
Another way of saying I am lazy and actually have no thoughts, just "witty and clever" comebacks.
"They will ban how much soda you can drink but many of the same politicians think that pot should be legal."
They like the idea - stoners are easy to control and don't get concerned about... well, much of anything. Except maybe the price of Oreos and Taco Bell.
"Another way of saying I am lazy and actually have no thoughts, just "witty and clever" comebacks."
Tom writes the articles. We respond. That's the way a blog works.
I added a comical retort to what is basically a topic no sane adult truly takes very seriously.
What have YOU (anonymous) added, by the way?
If the truth be known, canabis can only give a high when it is heated. At room temperature it actually has medicinal value like many other herbs, which are similarly under attack by big Pharma for the sake of protecting their profits from patentable, synthetic drugs.
Marijuana (active ingredient, THC): Schedule I
Dronabinol (active ingredient, THC); Schedule III (formerly Schedule II)
boltok "Anyone who thinks that pot is not harmful is nuts. A person I know was a heavy user. He was once very smart and ambitious. Now he is vying for the role of village idiot."
Emphasis on "heavy user".
For most (and by "most" I mean "small minority"), the real risk is that they're self-medicating for something else, and while part of pot helps the other part makes it worse.
"Can we expect a missive on executive privilege for a program aimed to take down the 2nd Ammednment which in turn has taken down are border guards?"
Wow. I had no idea that the previous administration had it in for the Second Amendment!
But then I suppose "Holder's DOJ didn't stop doing what his predecessors, Michael Mukasey and Alberto Gonzales under a not-Democratic party president, did." doesn't have the same zing. Don't worry, next week you can pretend to be outraged by Obama taking credit for the five guilty pleas and one jail sentence that happened a couple of years ago from earlier Ops, when really the previous administration should get the credit. But Obama gets the blame. Always.
Is it legal to smoke pot in Canada? If not, don't you think you should spending your time on correcting that miscarriage of the law instead of worrying about what happens in the USA?
I am not sure what Harley meant by "A topic no sane adult takes seriously " but pot is definitely a serious subject. One and a quarter million people are in prison for just possession of pot.
I believe pot in many ways is the lynchpin to democracy. In NYC alone there are 600,000 stop and frisks in the streets and another 200,000 in high rise buildings under the Safe Hallways Program. Almost all of this happens in low income areas with black and Latino men being arrested 88 percent of the time. Some young black men have been stopped more than 60 times before they turned 18, that seems insane to me.
Legalized pot would lead to smaller police forces, less prison guards and billions saved at the state and national level. You would have a more productive workforce if millions of people did not have arrest and prison records holding them back.
If you discount the fraudulent self serving studies by big Farma, there is nothing harmful enough about pot to put someone in prison. How is that 21 states, and 7 more shortly, classify it as a medicinal herb?
Legal pot would put a stake in the heart of our growing police state, the shitty profit driven prisons and the lethal pharmaceutical industry, wouldn't that be nice!
Anonymous "MO,
Is it legal to smoke pot in Canada? If not, don't you think you should spending your time on correcting that miscarriage of the law instead of worrying about what happens in the USA?"
Because we have a Conservative party majority, and they sure as heck aren't gonna legalize it. They're pushing for harsher punishments. Pity. We were getting closer to rational policy...
James "If you discount the fraudulent self serving studies by big Farma, there is nothing harmful enough about pot to put someone in prison."
Lies! I've seen the documentary Reefer Madness!
"How is that 21 states, and 7 more shortly, classify it as a medicinal herb?"
Sure, but those are all dirty hippie states.
MO is an uber liberal. He is not content poking his nose in other's business in his own country. He feels the need to waste his time sticking his snout in the politics of another's country.
That lunatic knows his stuff with regard to controlled substance schedules.
I wonder if those two interests are related???
Boltok " MO is an uber liberal."
Hardly. I'm Canadian. I don't know what that is in American measurement. "Hippiepinko", probably.
"He is not content poking his nose in other's business in his own country. He feels the need to waste his time sticking his snout in the politics of another's country."
Did you feel the irony when you said that (from, I assume, the USA)?
"That lunatic knows his stuff with regard to controlled substance schedules."
You sure told me! Your "You're informed about and know facts on this subject" totally defeated my point that THC is in Schedule I, putting in with heroin and methamphetamine or it's Schedule III, which puts it in with the other drugs at the pharmacy, depending on its form.
Essentially, if hippies, migrant workers (dogwhistle dogwhistle), jazz musicians (dogwhistle dogwhistle) and the like use it, it's Sched I.
"I wonder if those two interests are related???"
I don't even drink hard liquor.
MO said " (I) don't even drink hard liquor."
Based on his posts that's hard to believe.
Now MO is blaming the Conservatives who rule Canada for pot not being legal. Gee, maybe the majority of Canadian voters don't want liberal b.s. and that's why they voted Conservative.
Harley A., Thanks for clarifying how a blog works:"Tom writes the articles. We respond. That's the way a blog works. " Does this mean that you will now chastise those responders who go off topic and start a new train of thought rather than sticking with Tom's article?
"Essentially, if hippies, migrant workers (dogwhistle dogwhistle), jazz musicians (dogwhistle dogwhistle) and the like use it, it's Sched I"
The you go again MO stereotyping in your typical Canadian racist way.
Modusoperandi: "Did you feel the irony when you said that (from, I assume, the USA)?"
Did I feel it?! I've been in ironic-shock since early this morning! there an antidote?
In my opinion anyone who is jailed for using a consciousness expanding drug in a society where intelligent consciousness is disfavored by the establishment is a political prisoner, PERIOD. That is what pot prohibition was about in the 1960s. Today it is more about feeding the privatized prison system and keeping natural remedies for illnesses out of the market place so Big Pharma has a monopoly on its poison " medicines " which do more harm in side effects than good in curing the aliment. Boltok actually makes a good point about people should be able to do whatever they want ( but I add so long as they do not harm others ). So this issue is really about freedom and autonomy in a society where some people feel they have the right to control other folks behavior whether warranted or not.
Mark the day. EE and I agree on something. An omen???
EE, you really should agree with me more often.
(AP) Court: Union must give fee increase notice
Associated Press
The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that unions must give nonmembers an immediate chance to object to unexpected fee increases or special assessments that all workers are required to pay in closed-shop situations.
The court ruled for Dianne Knox and other nonmembers of the Service Employees International Union's Local 1000, who wanted to object and opt out of a $12 million special assessment the union required from its California public sector members for political campaigning. Knox and others said the union did not give them a legally required notice that the increase was coming.
The union, and the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, said the annual notice that the union gives was sufficient. The high court disagreed in a 7-2 judgment written by Justice Samuel Alito.
"When a public-sector union imposes a special assessment or dues increase, the union must provide a fresh ... notice and may not exact any funds from nonmembers without their affirmative consent," Alito said.
Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg agreed with the judgment but wrote their own opinion. "When a public-sector union imposes a special assessment intended to fund solely political lobbying efforts, the First Amendment requires that the union provide non-members an opportunity to opt out of the contribution of funds," Sotomayor wrote.
But Sotomayor and Ginsburg said they did not join in the majority opinion that the First Amendment requires an opt-in system for other circumstances like "the levying of a special assessment or dues increase."
Justices Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan dissented from the opinion. "If the union's basic administrative system does not violate the Constitution, then how could its special assessment have done so?" Breyer said. But Breyer said he agreed with Sotomayor on the court's decision to expand the decision beyond special political assessments. "No party has asked that we do so," he said. "The matter has not been fully argued in this court or in the courts below," said Breyer, who read his dissent aloud.
Alito said there is "no merit" to Breyer's and Sotomayor's complaints.
Michele Leonhart, DEA Chief, Won't Say Whether Crack, Heroin Are Worse For Health Than Marijuana.
Someone very close to me is afflicted with Parkinson's Disease. Using marihuana drastically reduces tremors and allows this person to get much needed sleep.
"Uruguay could become the first country in the world to sell marijuana to its citizens as it attempts to fight a growing crime problem.
Under the plan, only the government would be allowed to sell marijuana to adults who have registered on a government database - letting officials keep track of their purchases over time.
Minister of Defense Eleuterio Fernandez Huidobro said the measure aims to weaken crime in the country by removing profits from drug dealers and diverting users from harder drugs."
Interesting, will pot be provided at lower cost or even free to the "poor" who can not afford it?
As a none user of pot, I have a question about it's medical. As the medical benefits of pot have been listed here many times, my question is the delivery system of the chemicals. Is taking a pill vs the smoking of the drug have the same effect from a medical point?
Many here are still waiting for the age of acquarius to arrive, that socially just and beautiful communal utopia where nobody has to work, there is plenty of low cost hallucinogenic drugs and promiscuous sex. To hell with being married and living in the suburbs with a 9 to 5 job, and 2 cars in the driveway.
"Let the sunshine in MO"
"Let the sunshine in MO"
"Let the sunshine in MO"
Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren turns 63 today, and among her birthday gifts is one she probably won’t appreciate very much. She’s in a tight race against the GOP incumbent, Scott Brown. The state’s Republican party announced this morning that it is gifting Warren, a Harvard Law professor, with a complimentary account at
“Since Professor Warren has failed to come up with any evidence supporting her claims to Native American ancestry, we thought this account would make the perfect birthday gift,” said Massachusetts Republican Party executive director Nate Little in a statement.
lol on Elizabeth Warren,
If I was Elizabeth "Dances With Socialism" Warren I would get a blood transfusion from a Cherokee as soon as possible to claim Native American heritage!
Tom Degan,
I've been smoking too much pot but just want to add the unpleasant but unavoidable fact, which you apparently choose to ignore, is that Barack Obama was the single most unqualified candidate for the presidency in its history. His resume was laughably thin. He was elected simply because he was a non-threatening black man who gave white hand-wringers like you a way to say "We're sorry!" to blacks about America's racist past. If he had been white, you would never have given him a second thought.
The reason his presidency has failed is because, at heart, he is a committed leftist who is trying to impose leftist policies on a center/right country ... policies that have ultimately failed everywhere they've been tried before.
Lets face it TD,MO,JG,DD, The Occupy Wall Street movement went over like a turd in a swimming pool.
Harry from Goshen, NY "If I was Elizabeth 'Dances With Socialism' Warren..."
You don't actually know what socialism is, do you?
Vanessa "The reason his presidency has failed is because, at heart, he is a committed leftist who is trying to impose leftist policies on a center/right country ... policies that have ultimately failed everywhere they've been tried before."
I had no idea that previous Republican-supported positions were leftist!
Anonymous "Lets face it TD,MO,JG,DD, The Occupy Wall Street movement went over like a turd in a swimming pool."
Yeah! I'm with Anonymous! What America needs is a Fellate Wall Street movement! They can kneel outside the investment banks, provide a service then, hopefully, the Job Creators will Trickle Down that Great Golden Stream of Freedom on to our undeserving heads.
Who's with me?! Woo! Go Wall Street!
Yah, life in Canada is so much better because they do not have a Wall Street, they don't enforce drug laws and only enforce immigration in Vancouver if the illegals are Asian.
Anonymous "Yah, life in Canada is so much better because they do not have a Wall Street..."
Yeah, take that, Toronto's fairly well regulated Bay Street!
"...they don't enforce drug laws..."
They don't generally bust people for small amounts of pot. They spend their limited resources going after, and sometimes getting, the big fish.
"...and only enforce immigration in Vancouver if the illegals are Asian."
Yeah, take that hundreds of Tamils dumped, sick and starving, on the remote shoreline of a remote island by vicious gangs called "Snakeheads"! To punish you we'll give you medical assistance and refugee hearings! Take that, eh!
I'll trade "hundreds of Tamils" for 800,000 coming from south of our border. where can we make the swap?
Vanessa (a.k.a., Just the Falsehood's drag-queen persona): "The reason his presidency has failed is because, at heart, he is a committed leftist who is trying to impose leftist policies on a center/right country..."
The reason his presidency "failed", in my view, is because he selected right-wing bankers and hawks to form his cabinet (bad karma from the kick-off), and he didn't follow-through on most of his campaign rhetoric. That's in addition to, of course, a Congress that put party and inconspicuous and unannounced (but clear, nonetheless) racism at the forefront of its agenda, instead of the needs of its nation's people.
"...policies that have ultimately failed everywhere they've been tried before."
Please, tell me, where have "rightist" policies worked before -- that is, worked for the good of the population at-large and not for a small and select few? (I'm not really expecting an answer. Why? Because you don't know any.)
The REAL problem with Obama is he isn't far enough left and failed to follow through on his campaign promises?
Wow, talk about spin! The most liberal president since FDR is a failure because he isn't liberal enough, therefore it's not his liberalism that failed because there wasn't enough of it, but conservatism that failed because there was some of it.
Anonymous: "The most liberal president since FDR..."
More liberal than LBJ?
Hell, he isn't even as liberal as Richard Nixon tended to be.
Define liberal and them what is " liberal enough".
Some "dood" posted above said Obama will legalize weed before November to win votes. Well, this dood don't know that Barry is about 5 paces to the right of Nixon. Obama may even ramp up the war on it's citizens if he wins since he'll have all that right wing capital. Ugh!
I used to smoke pot and drink a lot. There were some serious underling issues that I dealt with by self medicating. It made me a worse person than I am today. Now about once a month I go to the American Legion and have one or two beers (usually one and a half it seems) with the guys just to stay in touch. I smoke perhaps on average a joint a month but it helps greatly with some health conditions I have (including a failed transplant in my eye and hepatitis nausea) and it is not a crime in MA anymore but you can't get it unless you buy it off the streets with god knows mixed in. I read a great deal of your article but we all are making a mountain out of mole hill. Legalization is the best thing that can be done so we can remove the criminal element of a harmless and helpful plant. As it is the only ones that benefit from it are criminals and our politicians knuckle under just as they did during Prohibition. Hypocrites to the end and users themselves (at one time or another including presidents). Too much money is at stake and what goes around comes around, the buck stops where it's made.
I used to smoke pot and drink a lot. There were some serious underling issues that I dealt with by self medicating. It made me a worse person than I am today. Now about once a month I go to the American Legion and have one or two beers (usually one and a half it seems) with the guys just to stay in touch. I smoke perhaps on average a joint a month but it helps greatly with some health conditions I have (including a failed transplant in my eye and hepatitis nausea) and it is not a crime in MA anymore but you can't get it unless you buy it off the streets with god knows mixed in. I read a great deal of your article but we all are making a mountain out of mole hill. Legalization is the best thing that can be done so we can remove the criminal element of a harmless and helpful plant. As it is the only ones that benefit from it are criminals and our politicians knuckle under just as they did during Prohibition. Hypocrites to the end and users themselves (at one time or another including presidents). Too much money is at stake and what goes around comes around, the buck stops where it's made.
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