Rick Scott: Über Aryan
Rick Scott is one scary-looking son-of-a-bitch. He reminds me of the commandant of a Hitler Youth group circa 1933. Or maybe a mass murderer. He kinda has that psycho thing happening, you know what I'm talking about? The fact that enough voters inside the state of Florida though it perfectly reasonable to send this nitwit to the governor's mansion is pretty scary, too. I spent a lot of time in that place back it the eighties. You couldn't pay me enough to live there. As Lenny Bruce once said, "Geographically it's a groove. Politically it's a cancer". Lenny really had a way with words - and I'm not referring merely to the four-letter variety.
Rick has tak
en the playbook of another Florida governor and run with it. I'm referring of course to Jeb Bush. In case it's slipped from your memory, back in 2000, in a scheme in which he was assisted by former Secretary of State Katherine Harris, Jeb was able to remove 57,000 people (most of them black) from the voting rolls. Most of the purged voters would have voted for Al Gore. The result was the installation (I've never referred to it as an "election") of his brother George who - as most of us know by now - turned out to be the worst president in US history.
Twelve years ago Jebbie and Kathy had to be really quiet about what they were up to. Not so Scottie! You see, a precedent has been firmly established. Not just in Florida in 2000, but in Ohio in 2004 as well. When the results were in and the crime had been exposed, the intellectually underfed American people just shrugged their shoulders and stuffed their clueless faces back into their Big Macs. We've gone from "E Pluribus Unum" to "What Me Worry"
Was this a great country or what!
Rick Scott is right out in the open. In fact, not only does he see no ethical problem with what he's doing, he's telling us that the Voting Rights Act of 1965 is unconstitutional! Isn't that a scream? You see, although it's only been discussed behind closed doors, for the last three-and-a-half years a lot of very powerful white people have been asking themselves the following question:
"How the hell was a nigger able to get himself elected to the presidency of this grand and glorious land of ours?"
How indeed. Rick Scott and Republican governors all across this once-great nation have studied that question thoroughly, and they've come up with all the right answers. Barack Obama was elected president because all of the "wrong" people came out in force for him - the blacks, the young, the poor and the elderly. What was their solution to this "problem"? Just make it difficult for these disgusting people to cast their precious ballots. Their guise? To combat the nonexistent "epidemic" of voter fraud.
There ar
e no secret cabals of illegal immigrants voting in presidential elections. The Black Panthers have no organized campaign in motion to defraud the American people by sending an army of militant socialists to Washington. There is no organization in existence that is registering the names of dead people who will vote in lockstep to the liberal line (not even in Chicago). Abbie Hoffman is not sending an army of disgruntled, dope-addled Yippees down to your local election board. Abbie Hoffman died twenty-three years ago. The American Communist party is not voting illegally. The American Communist Party has been dead longer than Abbie Hoffman. There is no epidemic of voter fraud. There is, however, a serious epidemic of election fraud. That was proven in 2000 and 2004 in Florida and Ohio respectively. Or didn't you notice.
FOR THE RECORD: I miss Abbie Hoffman.
By forcing people of modest (or worse) means to go out and purchase voter ID cards, by making it difficult for students and elderly people to cast absentee ballots, they are virtually ensuring that Mitt Romney will be the next president of the United States. What they have in store for 2012 is no less than an electoral coup d'etat. Are the American people just going to sit back and allow that to happen? Welcome to the United States of Indifference. Get used to living in a country in ruins.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72
by Hunter S. Thompson
In this dismal election year we need to brush up on our Thompson. This is the finest (and funniest) book ever written about the American campaign process.
If you find yourself bored and have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE BETTER TO DO, join "das Rant" on Facebook:
What the heck.
Rick has tak

Twelve years ago Jebbie and Kathy had to be really quiet about what they were up to. Not so Scottie! You see, a precedent has been firmly established. Not just in Florida in 2000, but in Ohio in 2004 as well. When the results were in and the crime had been exposed, the intellectually underfed American people just shrugged their shoulders and stuffed their clueless faces back into their Big Macs. We've gone from "E Pluribus Unum" to "What Me Worry"
Was this a great country or what!
Rick Scott is right out in the open. In fact, not only does he see no ethical problem with what he's doing, he's telling us that the Voting Rights Act of 1965 is unconstitutional! Isn't that a scream? You see, although it's only been discussed behind closed doors, for the last three-and-a-half years a lot of very powerful white people have been asking themselves the following question:
"How the hell was a nigger able to get himself elected to the presidency of this grand and glorious land of ours?"
How indeed. Rick Scott and Republican governors all across this once-great nation have studied that question thoroughly, and they've come up with all the right answers. Barack Obama was elected president because all of the "wrong" people came out in force for him - the blacks, the young, the poor and the elderly. What was their solution to this "problem"? Just make it difficult for these disgusting people to cast their precious ballots. Their guise? To combat the nonexistent "epidemic" of voter fraud.
There ar

FOR THE RECORD: I miss Abbie Hoffman.
By forcing people of modest (or worse) means to go out and purchase voter ID cards, by making it difficult for students and elderly people to cast absentee ballots, they are virtually ensuring that Mitt Romney will be the next president of the United States. What they have in store for 2012 is no less than an electoral coup d'etat. Are the American people just going to sit back and allow that to happen? Welcome to the United States of Indifference. Get used to living in a country in ruins.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72
by Hunter S. Thompson
In this dismal election year we need to brush up on our Thompson. This is the finest (and funniest) book ever written about the American campaign process.
If you find yourself bored and have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE BETTER TO DO, join "das Rant" on Facebook:
What the heck.
I miss Abbie Hoffman too. It should be obvious to anyone with a pea sized brain that the Republicans are seriously dedicated to turning this country into a fascist state. I shudder to think what's coming down the pike.
I expect Romney to win based on the racism factor, a low turnout by disillusioned progressives and the voter suppression legislation passed by Republican state legislatures. The wildcard in all of this is the capacity of the GOP to actually ’steal’ the election away through fraudulent vote tabulations. This gentleman makes a compelling case of how it’s happened before.
The 'fixer' has just joined the Romney team...
Tom, you really nailed it. I have always wondered what he reminded me of and that picture of Rick and your description; perfect!!!!
Florida has always been rather unique to the south with it's influx of people moving there (retirees) rather than having actually being born there. I went to college in Florida and found it scary 50 years ago and even more so now. Maybe all of those 28 foot long pythons taking over the Everglades will eventually solve the states problem
Hi Tom,
I'm still reeling from the loss of Tom Barrett to Snot Walker. Those of us who had so many hopes pinned on him still have a bitter taste from the battles that ensued which in some cases had families at war with each other. For me, it wasn't so much about the union and bargaining rights, as it was about his sleasy activities which are now under investigation. We'll see where that goes, but he's knee deep in it. One would think that when his phoney "Koch" conversation hit the news, that thinking people would have seen the writing on the wall. Not so.
I miss Abbie too. He was able to see into the future and made many comments which are coming true today as we continue to sleepwalk while our rights are being sucked out of us. I wonder what he would have thought about "Corporations Are People?" One of the things he said that is worth taking note of, "Become an internationalist and learn to respect all life. Make war on machines, and in particular the sterile machines of corporate death and the robots that guard them."
I amazes me how dumbed-down we have allowed ourselves to become as a result of inactivity and indifference. Rick Scott is a fiend to be sure. His picture should say it all. Your description is exacting and correct. That people who are free to think for themselves go ahead and elect these monsters with no care for their pursuant ideologies is even more frightening. Politics aren't as humorous as I would have hoped currently; they've skipped that gravy train and graduated to just plain scary.
I forgot to mention that I lived in Florida during the early 70s while going to college there. Socially it was a tediously boring place. I have never for one minute wanted to go back. Politically speaking, it's become a place where votes are boldly and fraudulantly stolen and elections along with them. I agree with the comment about the "pythons." Along with the healthy population of crocs from the glades moving closer to land, alot of problems could end up being solved nature's way.
I often tell folks around here, "I've moved out of this State more than I have moved into it!" Moving out has always been a joyous moment . . .
There are several reasons for moving into and living in this land of beaches and bikinis - but not redeeming enough to overshadow the ignorance that always prevails in every social strata. Politics too. And the rampant deprivity . . . . It reminds me of one of those third world Caribbean island countries.
I am going on my third year (my limit) here, and am now contemplating my next exodus. I'll probably wait until November to decide. The last move took me as far as I could go, with little hope of affording my way back! California!! What a surprise that turned out to be!
Anyone out there have a 'better idea' than Florida?
"There are no secret cabals of illegal immigrants voting in presidential elections."
JG, are you going to require references?
"Rather than attack workers who have organized themselves into a union and are doing better than you because of it, why don’t you organize a union yourself?! Then you can get better pay and benefits, too!” ~ William Winpisinger"
Hey wingnut, why then don't we have a million dollars printed up for each citizen (and illegals too)?
Tom, not sure who is scarier looking, James Carville or Rick Scott.
I very am surprised and disappointed that the first thing you note about Gov Scott is his appearance, and then tie that to the photos of Nazis in Germany. Disagree with his policy's is one thing, but to open your post by attacking a person's appearance and then tying their appearance to Nazis is so way beneath what I have come to expect from you.
Next, you have over looked a couple of facts/questions regarding the recent events in FL.
1. FL has been working on the voter database since last year, why has it become an issue for for the DHS?
2. Every state by federal statute has a right to access that database for voter registration, yet DHS has refused to access to that database. Why?
Just the Facts, as for comments about Scott's appearance, get over it. How many times have people referred to Obama as Jug Ears and worse.
Tom is very bitter right now. Wait till ObarryCare is turned over by the Supremes. I'm sure we will hear the most vile and racist rant about Uncle Thomas.
Ellis D.
Do you have room for Tom D, JG, Dave Dubya in Canada? I'm sure you ex-hippies will smoke a lot of reefer and relive the days of acquarius and the visions of a shiney happy society of perfect social justice where nobody has to work. of course when you suffer a serious ailment you people will come back to the US for treatment.
The point is not how many times people have called Obama names, the point is how many times Tom has called anyone names based on their appearance.
Harry from Goshen, NY "Tom is very bitter right now. Wait till ObarryCare is turned over by the Supremes. I'm sure we will hear the most vile and racist rant about Uncle Thomas."
And you can go back to the old status quo! Rejection for pre-existing conditions? Recission? Rates skyrocketing? Hurrah! And the best news is the Ryan plan (if it passes post-2012, and if it's anything like the previous version) keeps most of the "cost-curve bending" that Obama was pilloried for, without putting the money that was taken from one pot back in to the original Medicare Advantage one! Hurrah! It's a small price to pay to keep healthcare away from poor people.
In any event, let that be a lesson to you, liberals! Total failure is what you get for nibbling around the edges, using formerly Republican-backed measures! Take that, thing that just twenty years ago didn't used to be socialism!
"Do you have room for Tom D, JG, Dave Dubya in Canada? I'm sure you ex-hippies will smoke a lot of reefer and relive the days of acquarius and the visions of a shiney happy society of perfect social justice where nobody has to work."
We do have to work in Canada, eh. Well, up until the Conservative party's current fetish for mild austerity kills growth, anyway.
Harley A.: "JG, are you going to require references?"
Absolutely not! Why? Because he's correct! Do you have proof that it's otherwise?
I didn't think so...
By the way, I haven't commented on this blog through two postings (until now). Why is it that you guys always "invoke" my name, even in my absence?
I know...you really do love me -- don't you? ;-) Gee, I'm so flattered...
Tom Degan: "I spent a lot of time in that place back it the eighties. You couldn't pay me enough to live there."
Amen, brother! It may appear to be the flaccid penis of America, but it's really its armpit.
"Do you have proof that it's otherwise?"
Yes I do. There are illegal immigrants voting in elections. There - by the same standard as Tom used, I have proved it. That was easy!
I've been getting used to this since November of 2000.
Get used to living in a country in ruins.
And you seem to have a troll infection.
Harley A.: "Yes I do. There are illegal immigrants voting in elections."
Of course there are! How many? Maybe ten...twelve?
Now, as Tom said, let's discuss what conservatives do best -- election fraud...
Just the Facts....
Yeah, I guess going after Mr's Rick's facial features was a bit below the belt. But it was irresistible.
Tom Degan
"We do have to work in Canada, eh. Well, up until the Conservative party's current fetish for mild austerity kills growth, anyway."
MO, hope you're ready to eat your words when the Conservative Party's plan grows your economy. Lowering taxes, reducing govt spending and regulations allows economic growth every time.
JG and having 10-12 illegal immigrants voting in an election is NOT fraud? According to you, what number of illegal immigrants voting in an election would constitute election fraud?
Anonymous "MO, hope you're ready to eat your words when the Conservative Party's plan grows your economy. Lowering taxes, reducing govt spending and regulations allows economic growth every time."
Exactly. And things like raising the retirement age two years (keeping people who can't afford to retire in the workforce longer) ten years from now and trimming food inspectors will grow the economy because shut up, that's why. And fast tracking an alternate to Keystone XL because Obama isn't approving it fast enough and farmers are standing in the way simply because its predecessor, Keystone, is, was and will continue to leak. And also cutting digitizing the National Archive (and privatizing that, and charging Canadian institutions to access the Canadian archives that Canadians paid for). And ignore that the military jet procurement cost twice what they said it did.
And the tax cuts will probably be next time (the cuts now are just to push the budget in to the black and also because screw public workers). Guess who the tax cuts will disproportionately benefit? It won't be the kind of people who have to work two extra years.
"JG and having 10-12 illegal immigrants voting in an election is NOT fraud? According to you, what number of illegal immigrants voting in an election would constitute election fraud?"
It is fraud. How does limiting registration drives stop that? How does limited early voting stop that? How does ending Sunday voting stop that? How does kicking people off the rolls because there's a post-prison/post-parole felon with the same (or similar) last name to them stop that? And how is that last one not it's own, worse, kind of fraud?
How many legitimate voters is it okay to disenfranchize in order to prevent that dozen from voting?
Anonymous "According to you, what number of illegal immigrants voting in an election would constitute election fraud?"
Let's compare apples-to-apples, okay? First, you need to start with getting the terminology correct. You're actually referring to voter fraud -- and it's negligible. Why? Because based upon a normal distribution, and a pretty robust population set, I'd guess that twelve would fall well beyond three standard deviations from the mean. Wouldn't you? In other words, they'd be statistically insignificant -- or way less than 0.1%. (Even T-Bills aren't that risk-free!)
On the other hand, Republicans are the masters of electoral fraud. When it comes to acts of fraud affecting vote counts to bring about an election result, whether by increasing the vote share of the favored candidate, depressing the vote share of the rival candidate, or both, you guys are the best!
Anonymous: "Lowering taxes, reducing govt spending and regulations allows economic growth every time." [emphasis my own]
I'd be satisfied if you could tell me where it has worked just one time.
(Or, is this a just a clever use of words -- "allows economic growth", but doesn't really "create" economic growth?)
After reading your most recent posts, I finally have to agree with my Grandmother when she said,
"you cant fix stupid". Thank you for proving my Grandmother correct.
When did cutting taxes, govt spending and reduced govt regulations allow for economic growth?
Try after WWII, look at the boom in private business growth that started in the 1950's. How?
A bi-partisan effort in Congress led to a new economic freedom in late 1945 and 1946. Taxes were slashed and regulations simplified. The economy took off as entrepreneurs started new companies and expanded old ones. Americans went back to civilian jobs in the private sector and dominated the world in economic growth.
That can happen again in the United States, but the starting points are cutting the spending and cutting tax rates to free up today’s sluggish economy.
Govt taxing, regulating and spending does not allow or create private sector economic growth. It takes from the private sector what it needs to grow the public sector. The more it takes, the less the private sector has to grow. When there is no more to take, then what happens? If growing the public sector is so great, how come there is any unemployment? Shouldn't the govt just employee ever body?
Reality is, the public sector must have the private sector in order to survive. Where else can they get the money they need to pay their employees?
Anonymous: "I finally have to agree with my Grandmother when she said, 'you cant fix stupid'."
Although I'm sure I've never met your grandmother, she obviously knew you very well.
She was a wise and truthful woman.
Anonymous: "Try after WWII, look at the boom in private business growth that started in the 1950's. How? A bi-partisan effort in Congress led to a new economic freedom in late 1945 and 1946. Taxes were slashed..." [Emphasis my own]
Slashed, huh? The top marginal rate was 94% in 1944 and 1945. It was 91% in 1950 and '51, 92% in '52 and '53, and 91% from 1954 through 1963.
Today the top marginal income tax rate is 35%, and the Republicans are fighting to make it lower.
Yes, I agree, let's bring back 1950s era tax rates!!
And also the bad Big Government programs like the GI Bill, trade-crushing trade from the Marshall Plan, government getting in the way with the interstate highways program (and bridges, ports and other roads), the continued economy-crushing of cheap electricity and water from Big Government hydro projects, not to mention the coming Stimulus of the Cold War and the Space Race. I mean, is there no end to the things that government can't do right?
If Abbie Hoffman were alive today he would commit suicide....
Anonymous: "Lowering taxes, reducing govt spending and regulations allows economic growth every time."
You failed miserably with your first answer. Wanna try another? I'm only asking that you give me one!
JG, would you also bring back the income top bracket levels? 1954 adjusted to 2012 dollars is over $1.5MM as compared to about $350,000 today.
MO/JG you still are not dealing with the concept of where will the money come from for public sector when the private sector is out of income. If public sector is the way to go then why aren't all of us working for it?
Saw this today and I wondered how long it would be before it would happen. America’s jobless are unionizing, or at least furthering an agenda of one of the nation’s biggest unions.
An organization aimed at giving the unemployed more influence has announced it now has more than 100,000 jobless activists in their ranks.
As more and more of us are unemployed where will the money come to run the public sector? A WPA2.0 will still need private business to operate.
Harley A, if we paid now what they paid then, someone who makes $250k would be paying roughly Clinton rates(*1). I don't know what that means, but I'm pretty sure that it still doesn't support your argument. (Note too, that much like today, nobody pays the actual rate)
And even it was objectively a good idea to tax at 90%+ (it isn't), there's no way in hell it would pass Congress (to illustrate, look at the roadblocks just getting the "temporary" Bush-era tax cuts gone for those getting $250k+(*2), when one party was willing to burn the country down to keep it. And the current "hand across the aisle" involving the cut for $1M+, I expect, will receive the same treatment).
In any event, income (and wealth) disparity is continuing to put more and more of the pie in fewer and fewer hands. That's not good for the economy, nor is it good for democracy(*3).
*1. ...and capital gains, for those that had (or have) capital to gain, was fractionally lower than now.
*2. Note that the stimulative effects of tax cuts falls dramatically as you rise up the economic ladder. That $100B/year would pay for a lot of infrastructure maintenance and upgrading...
*3. “We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we cannot have both.” ~ Supreme Court Justice Louis D Brandeis
Anonymous "MO/JG you still are not dealing with the concept of where will the money come from for public sector when the private sector is out of income."
Take that, Anonymous' poorly thought out talking point!
You aren't doing well. Those way above you are making out like bandits. 93% of the recovery gains went to the top 1% and, if you're working at all it's been at your expense. Market's down? You lose. Market's up? You lose. There's a casino where it's hard not to gain, and you can't afford a seat at the table.
Anonymous: "If public sector is the way to go then why aren't all of us working for it?"
Who ever made the claim that the public sector is the way to go? Besides you, that is?
If it was me, or Modusoperandi, or Dave Dubya, or even Tom Degan, please cite the passage.
Oh, by the way, I'm still waiting to find out just one. Are you ignoring my request? I'm just asking for one example where it works. I'm not asking for all of them. Just one.
I can see how you missed the word "IF", being its so small and every thing.
I'll tell you one if you tell me one.
Anonymous: "I'll tell you one if you tell me one."
I can't tell you one, because you're speaking theoretically only. It has never been proven, or demonstrated, that slashing government spending, slashing taxes, and/or dumping regulations, has taken an economy out of the doldrums. Actually, the effect is quite the opposite.
Again, I'm asking for an example, and you've yet to give me a valid one. Obviously, you can't.
Before I even read the title, looking at the lead picture as a sort of Rorschach test, reminded me of Howard Dean.
Anyone else experience the same?
There will be more of him for you to write about in 5 months. The worst beating democrats have ever experienced is en route.
You really should leave out the expletives. It is obvious you're a blind progressive liberal. Being an angry one does not make you appear smarter.
JG, so it is only when our Govt increases spending and taxes that our economy grows and jobs are created?
Tax policy means little in the era of fiat money. How much they tax (within reason, of course) is not so important – they take from us in the form of issuing debt (secured by you and me) and printing money whenever they please. Revenue is an interesting figure to them but not a limiting resource.
Also, how the economy affects the populace has FAR more to do with social morays and structures – more so I’d submit than “policy”. When you have rampant divorce, rampant out-of-wedlock birth rates, rampant fatherlessness, etc. you will have greater economic disparity – regardless of the vigor of the economy. When you concoct a social insurance system dependent upon children & grandchildren to sustain it, and then usher in an ideological era where we are “free” to systematically kill millions (50+MM and counting post RvW) of unborn babies, we should expect that system to fail eventually.
The irony of fighting for social insurance to fund casual abortion is stark and indicative of our national insanity at the moment.
He kinda has that psycho thing happening, just like all conservatives.
Lowering taxes, reducing govt spending and regulations allows economic growth every time.
Funny that has never worked yet!
Raising taxes, increasing govt spending and regulations allows economic growth every time.
Show me when that has worked!
When has taxes and regulation worked?
Try the years between 1933 and 1981 - when we had the greatest economy the world had ever known.
I'm just sayin'.
Anonymous: "JG, so it is only when our Govt increases spending and taxes that our economy grows and jobs are created?"
Again, all I'm asking is that you provide an example where one was worked. You claimed that "[l]owering taxes, reducing govt spending and regulations allows economic growth every time."
I'm not asking you to provide a list. Just provide one legitimate example. That's all I'm asking. It should be a simple task for you, given your claim it "allows economic growth every time".
You can't, can you?
"1933 and 1981"
aaahhh, the depression was in there somewhere I think, at least that's what my Union teacher at my public school taught me.
Then there is the little issue of what was posted earlier about right after WWII. And what about the 8 years of Clinton we didn't have a great economy then? Bill says we did.
Number 1 on the NYTimes best seller list:
THE AMATEUR, by Edward Klein. (Regnery Publishing.) A journalist argues that President Obama is callow, arrogant and unable to lead.
Keep up the good work Dave Dubya! The greatest trick we marxists pull is pretending our kind does not exist! Just say who is Saul Alinsky, never heard of him! ah hahahaha!
Hi Tom. I think that Alex Sink would have been a much better Governor. She actually won the election but we all know Florida has a big problem counting their votes
You may be upset over FL trying to purge their voter list, using of all things the voter list provided by the Federal Govt. But are you just up set about the Obama Executive order to stop deporting and begin granting work permits to younger illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and have since led law-abiding lives? This policy change, described to The Associated Press by two senior administration officials, will affect as many as 800,000 immigrants.
Why will there be a need for issuing new work permanents? Where will the new jobs for these people come from? Where will the money come from to pay their unemployment? Will they be eligible to vote? Remember, they are not citizens, Obama is just not enforcing the current law.
How do you square with Obama's answer in March of 2011 to a request to do just this with his answer:
"With respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that’s just not the case, because there are laws on the books that Congress has passed — and I know that everybody here at Bell is studying hard so you know that we’ve got three branches of government. Congress passes the law. The executive branch’s job is to enforce and implement those laws. And then the judiciary has to interpret the laws.
There are enough laws on the books by Congress that are very clear in terms of how we have to enforce our immigration system that for me to simply through executive order ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as President."
Do you think the timing of this is just an accident? Was Obama lying in 2011, or has he found a new part of the Constitution that allows him to do this?
Just the Facts! "You may be upset over FL trying to purge their voter list, using of all things the voter list provided by the Federal Govt."
As far as I know, the federal government sets the minimum standard (via things like the HAVA) while each state creates, organizes and maintains its own voter file.
"But are you just up set about the Obama Executive order to stop deporting and begin granting work permits to younger illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and have since led law-abiding lives?"
That monster! I can't believe that Obama would hesitate to hunt down and deport people who were brought to the US as kids, in many cases speaking English as their first language and not even remembering their original countries! Why, we should drop less important things like hunting down criminal illegal gang drug robber thieves to go after these students, graduates and military members! I know, we can call it Operation Wetback.
I mean, we hire them to mow our lawns, clean our homes, redo our bathrooms and sit our babies, but how can we take advantage of them now, against Obama's easily reversed EO? Yes, sure, Obama's responsible for record-setting deportations and uncounted broken-up families and abused detainees who have no legal recourse, but we all know that he can't get credit for that, and anyway it's Obama's fault for not passing the DREAM Act that used to have bipartisan support before Obama was for it.
"Do you think the timing of this is just an accident? Was Obama lying in 2011, or has he found a new part of the Constitution that allows him to do this?"
Sometime recently he came to the conclusion that doing the Right's dirty work in hopes that when he reaches across the aisle for their support (see: deportations & DREAM Act or, indeed, pretty much everything he's done or tried to do while in the White House) just leaves both sides hating him, so he's saying, in his way, "Screw it. Test me." I'd respect if if I didn't fully (and reasonably) expect him to walk it back when pushed.
I really like Socialism and hope we don't get kicked out of the EU.
We Greeks get paid to loaf at our state union jobs where it is impossible to get fired and get to retire at 55 while the Germans bust their asses and retire at 65! Zorba loves EU Socialism and would like the Germans to pull the wagon harder!
I blame our public educational system for giving any credence to the pinhead in the White House. Not only are many, many people unable to count, but they actually think the government can create wealth and prosperity for them. Point is, perhaps there's no priority more important than to take control of our educational system from the unholy partnership between the government and educational unions. Not only is that alliance making us uncompetitive with the rest of the world, it's creating massive ignorance and dependence in our youth which is obviously carrying over into adulthood.
So MO it would be ok with Canadians if their current immigration laws were ignored by its current Government?
Tell us about Canada's version of the Dream Act. How would you feel if instead of returning 800,000 to where they came we sent them to Canada to cut your yards and shovel your snow? Year round work, that Canadians won't do.
Nice deflection attempt with humor, but truth remains in March 2011 Obama said he couldn't do what he just did.
Given limited resources, do you concentrate on catching the worst or do you dilute it and go after everybody?
Just the Facts wrote at 1:59 PM – “You may be upset over FL trying to purge their voter list, using of all things the voter list provided by the Federal Govt.”
There is no such list as a “voter list provided by the Federal Govt.”
Actually the State of Florida is using a database accumulated by the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles that includes information on non-citizens. The problem is that the DMV database has never been updated and is deeply flawed for purposes of identifying non-citizens in voter lists.
More on the abortive voter purge in Florida.
The proverbial **** hit the fan when stories appeared of many bona-fide citizens being informed that they would be purged from the voter list unless they could produce evidence of citizenship. Then the “explanation” of why they were using the deeply flawed Florida DMV database was that the Department of Homeland Security refused to allow Florida to use their “list of non-citizens in the US.”
The only problem was that the DHS list could only be accessed using certain “identifiers” and in any event the list was not designed to be, and was not useful for, a comparison with voter lists to purge non-citizens from voter lists.
Because of the many problems the 67 County Supervisors of elections are not doing any comparisons with the deeply flawed DMV database.
At least this time there was some advance notice that a voter would be purged. There was no such advance notice when the infamous year 2000 voter purge was ordered by the Florida Co-Chair of the George W. Bush Campaign for the Presidency, Katherine Harris who coincidently was Secretary of State. Purged voters numbering in the tens of thousands showed up to vote and were told they were not on the voting lists and were turned away. By the way, George W. Bush’s little brother, Jeb Bush, was the Governor in 2000. What an amazing series of coincidences!
And in another amazing coincidence the purge was done by comparing voter lists with a list of felons using an 80% threshold, so that John Smyth was considered the same person as felon John Smith. And just who makes up the majority of felons? Minorities and poor people who tend to vote for Democrats more often than Republicans. By the way, voting rights in Florida are not restored automatically when all sentencing requirements are completed, including restitution. It often takes many years to have such voting rights restored.
So you all can forget the 537 vote victory margin, the hanging chads, and the circus recounts from the 2000 campaign. The election was stolen by the deeply flawed no-notice voter purge.
Floridians were wise to the purge gambit, so for the 2004 election the same scheme was moved to Ohio, where it worked just as well as it did in Florida in 2000.
What A Country!
" Not only are many, many people unable to count, but they actually think the government can create wealth and prosperity for them."
It did. I think the problem is that government simply created wealth and prosperity for the wrong people. That really seems to be what you folks are trying to say without saying.
In that case, we can do what my home state of Alabama is doing and drive a stake in the heart of educational unions, so that education functions similarly to the service industry. In other words, you'll get what you pay for and then some. Teachers will become as disposable as fast-food workers with the wages to match. Education becomes profit-driven, requiring the merciless removal of "troublesome students" (disciplinary problems, mentally challenged, etc.) in favor of students more amenible to the new assembly-line process that heavily relies on test scores for performance evaluation. And all the while, for-profit charter schools will happily suck up educational dollars that once went to "overfunded" public schools.
If you want a real education, you pony up for the best private school education money can buy. If you're poor, homeschooling will be your best (and sometimes only) bet, but good luck with that if you're a single mother and head of the household.
At least this way, the "right" people will receive a good, solid education while the rest of those leeches are left to pull themselves by their own bootstraps. If they're smart enough, they'll be able to do that with no sweat!
So when is Canada opening it's borders to 800,000 unemployed from south of their border? Come on man, lead by example, OH Canada. Explain Canada's version of the "Dream Act".
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, but they can be stoned while posting on a blog.
Anonymous, here's a link that you won't read. Short version: we've got illegal immigrants and don't really care. When a poorly maintained van full of illegals flips on its way to pick vegetables, our law enforcement is far more likely to go after the owner than the occupants (although in big, public groups, they get held and sometimes returned, as when the "snakeheads" were bringing Chinese over in rusty boats).
That's not correct: polls indicate that we do care, but not enough to do anything real about it. Bafflingly, fruit picking illegals aren't dealt with on the same priority as murderers and rapists. I know!
More like "Uber Alien!"
There is no credible information available on unathorized immigration in Canada. Estimates range between 35,000 and 120,000 unauthorized immigrants in Canada.[57] James Bissett, a former head of the Canadian Immigration Service, has suggested that the lack of any credible refugee screening process, combined with a high likelihood of ignoring any deportation orders, has resulted in tens of thousands of outstanding warrants for the arrest of rejected refugee claimants, with little attempt at enforcement.[58] Refugee claimants in Canada do not have to attempt re-entry to learn the status of their claim. A 2008 report by the Auditor General Sheila Fraser stated that Canada has lost track of as many as 41,000 illegal immigrants.[59][60] This number was predicted to increase drastically with the expiration of temporary employer work permits issued in 2007 and 2008, which were not renewed in many cases because of the shortage of work due to the recession.[61]
HEY MO, I read and it n even cut ant pasted your link. WOW 35000 to 120,000 "unathorized immigration" people, those are overwhelming numbers. Try adding 800,000 in one fell swoop and tell me how Canada would handle that impact. Since Canadian's don't care, I guess there is no problem with the USA sending ours to you guys, cause we do care. If fact thats the solution for the USA, send illegals to Canada, they don't care!
"when the "snakeheads" were bringing Chinese over." This sounds like Canadians are anti-Asian and you MO are a closet racist.
Thanks for the insight into the hidden Canadian Liberal heart.
"If fact thats the solution for the USA, send illegals to Canada, they don't care!"
Now you're just being ridiculous. Everybody knows that Panamanians wouldn't last one winter in Fort McMurray.
"This sounds like Canadians are anti-Asian and you MO are a closet racist."
Yeah! Take that, thriving city of Vancouver!
"Thanks for the insight into the hidden Canadian Liberal heart."
I know, right?
The supposedly liberal media framed it as "security" instead of "huddled masses yearning to breathe free", so they were held in detention. Then, being the terrible monsters that we are, they got refugee hearings. I know!
MO says the "thriving city of Vancouver", is because it is racist towards Asians.
Why do you and other Canadians believe in such racialism against Panamanians to believe they can not adapt to cold weather? Don't you know that all humans can adapt to any weather given time? That's one of the hall marks of the human race.
MO are you saying, that Panamanians are sub human? Sounds like a bit of radical socialistic Nazism race theory has crept into the fiber of Canadians.
Do they have a Dream Act?
Do they welcome with open arms Asians just trying to better themselves?
Are there "safe houses" for Asians, snakeheads and Panamanians to hide in?
Do they believe that some groups are sub-humans and can not adapt to Canada?
Do you allow these unwanted aliens access to the govt sponsored benefits as if they were legal citizens?
Have you been to Vancouver? Fort McMurray? Can you understand the concept of humour? Do you even know what the snakeheads are?
Are you trying to puff up faux-outrage so that you ignore the fact that treating all illegal immigrants the same, given limited resources, is as idiotic as it is inhumane? That would be like having nine out of ten Law & Order episodes dealing with jaywalkers instead of murderers.
Whats funny about requiring Canada to live up to the standards they hold the USA to?
And yes I know where Vancouver and Fort McMurray are located. And I have been to B.C. and the Yukon, and Alberta, but not to the Fort. And unless the snakeheads you are talking about is the Asian fish, I do not know what this Canadian racist term means. Nor do I care to.
I do not find racism a laughing matter. Keep Canadian racism where it belongs, in Canada.
In a Quinnipiac University poll released today (6/20/12) Florida voters support 60–35 percent Gov. Rick Scott’s effort to purge non-citizens from the state’s voter rolls.
Break down of those polled as follows:
GOP voters favor 90% to 8%
independent voters favor 59%-37%
Dem. voters opposed 60–33 %
Men support it 63–33%
women support it 58-37%
White voters support 67-29%
Black voters oppose 58-38%
Hispanic voters support 49–42%.
Time to move on, nothing here folks, lets talk about legalization of POT as this issue isn't going our way.
Anonymous "And unless the snakeheads you are talking about is the Asian fish, I do not know what this Canadian racist term means."
You don't know and you can't even be bothered to find out.
Now, where did you say I could find a copy of the Canadian version of the Dream Act? Oh that's right, Canada doesn't care where you come from except if you are Asian that is, and thinks it's too cold for anyone south of their border to live there.
Images of living in glass houses and throwing stones come to mind Canada. Maybe it would be a good idea for you to keep your nose out of the USA's business, unless you want 800,000 new non English or French speaking citizens to take care of.
Anonymous "Now, where did you say I could find a copy of the Canadian version of the Dream Act?"
There isn't one (ours tend to be refugees). Neither does the US have a path to citizenship for them. Remember that it almost did, until (as usual) Obama came out for it. Then it was socialism or something.
"Oh that's right, Canada doesn't care where you come from except if you are Asian that is..."
Again, see Vancouver. Heck, talk to an Asian-Canadian. There are a bunch of them.
"...and thinks it's too cold for anyone south of their border to live there."
Again, joke.
"Images of living in glass houses and throwing stones come to mind Canada."
Yeah, take that, funhouse mirror version of my argument!
"Maybe it would be a good idea for you to keep your nose out of the USA's business, unless you want 800,000 new non English or French speaking citizens to take care of."
Exactly. Obama's not currently using limited resources to deport people who were brought to the US as kids, been there for five years, have a clean record and are in school or the military something something something.
And, think about how great it would be if Obama backed down. Then you could pretend to be outraged about him not concentrating on the worst elements of illegal immigrants, instead spreading limited resources around all of them!
It's win-win, because everything Obama does is wrong (even if he does the opposite, does nothing at all or advocates for things the GOP used to be for).
You have no say regarding Immigration policy in the USA until you clean up your own Canadian racism towards Asians.
Anonymous, what the hell are you talking about?
That's the same question I've been asking you for ever, just what the hell are you talking about policy of the USA, when your got such racism in your own country, Canada.
We've got such what here? Are we having two different conversation?
MO, I'd say don't act stupid, but I realized with you, it's not an act.
At worst that's a tu quoque.
Your "appeal to hypocrisy",
fails, as has your attempt to cover up the racism Canadians have towards Asians and those who live south of the border by calling what you said as humor.
Can you read for comprehension? Do you have any idea how to argue in good faith?
Since when has acting in good faith with a liberal ever worked out as the liberal promised?
Just ask GH Bush about liberal's promise to not increase spending if he would raise taxes as a starting point. Liberals talk compromise, but what they mean is the other side compromise their positions.
Sorry MO, I've seen the results of treating liberals in good faith, or compromise, or trying to keep the dialog civil. Not gonna suck me in on that. Liberals only understand only one thing and that's total victory. But when those who oppose them believe the same way, they cry that it's beyond their belief that their opponent is so hard hearted. Remember this from 2009 "I won, get over it"? That came from a liberal's mouth.
So shove your Canadian finger of fake indignation away from my Yankee face and stick your finger where the sun doesn't shine, which in parts of Canada I'm told, is for 6 months at a time. I don't need your advise about immigration or racism until you clean up you own back yard as clean as you demand ours be.
Listen up, douchebag.
We were stuck behind you going 35 on a 55. If you're going to promote your white supremacy at least learn how to drive.
Love, a Hispanic American. Born here, raised here, and we stole your jobs.
Gee, I must not have been in much of a hurry.
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