Rude Dispatches from the Class War
"I think it's both good ethics and good economics to scrap this notion that we can fight a war on terror and give rich folks like me a tax cut. It amounts to class warfare."
-Bill Clinton
It was never supposed to be this way - I think. Is it fair to say that the Founders never envisioned such an extreme disparity among the classes? Some of those guys owned slaves so who's to say. This much is beyond dispute: thirty years ago no one would have dreamed that a second Gilded Age would reemerge, wrecking havoc throughout America's economic landscape. This is merely the grim prelude. As Al Jolson used to say back in the day, "Folks, you ain't seen nothin' yet!"
On Tuesday Mitt Romney became the all-but-certain Republican nominee for 2012. Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum have seen the writing on the wall. Only Ron Paul remains, refusing to go gently into that good night of political oblivion. You may not agree with most of what the man says (I don't) but you've got to admire his tenacity and his consistency. Of all the participants in this year's Clown Car Race-to-the-bottom, he is the only one of them with a core - rotten as it may be at times.
The 2012 election is going to be one for the ages. Until the jaw-droppingly stupid Citizens United v FEC ruling is overturned (Don't hold your breath if Romney wins) progressives in this doomed country will be fighting this and all future campaigns with one hand (or both) tied behind their backs. The right wing's campaign treasure is now almost unlimited. Their donors virtually anonymous. Expect the dirtiest political campaign in memory - possibly in history. It could very well end up dwarfing the John Adams/Thomas Jefferson contest of 1800 in terms of mud slinging. Expect Barack Obama's race to be the not-so-subtle issue of the campaign of 2012.
Which brings me

Here is the last thing the so-called "base" of the Democratic party needs to do. Folks, you stayed home in a nasty snit on Election Day in 2010 because Barack Obama did not bring you the liberal paradise that you (and I) dreamed about. And what did that get you? Possibly the worst body of representatives since before the Civil War. Staying home is definitely not an option this time. In the next five years there will be two, maybe even three appointments made to the Supreme Court. If Mitt Romney is elected in November, in less than a decade this place will be a Fascist state. Does that sound like an extreme statement on my part?
"Fascism should more properly be called 'Corporatism' because it is the total merging of corporate and state power."
-Benito Mussolini
Sure. I'm just being paranoid. Pay it no mind.
It's not too late for Barack Obama to go down in history as a great president, but that's only going to happen if....
1.) he is reelected in November, and....
2.) enough civic-minded progressives are elected to the House and Senate.
Otherwise you can expect (at best) four more years stagnation and gridlock or (at worst) the end of democracy. We all have got to start working overtime to ensure that the GOP is defeated across the board next November. This ain't gonna be easy, campers. As stated before, we've already got one hand tied behind our backs. In addition to the Citizens United fiasco courtesy of the Supreme Court. there are the hideous "Voter ID" laws that are being passed in Republican-controlled states across the land. These laws are specifically engineered to see to it that the traditional Democratic constituency (blacks, the elderly. college students) are unable to participate in the electoral process. To quote the Church Lady, "Isn't that special!"
I know what you're thinking and I agree. The Democratic party is - on their best days - befuddled and incompetent. Perhaps its face might be altered just a bit with a new batch of freshmen legislators. Maybe, maybe not. But the cruel fact of the matter is, at the moment anyway, the Democrats are running the only game in town that is not completely rigged.
Republican governors all across this diseased land have been trying to undo the job growth of the last twenty-five months for no other purpose than to make the president look bad for the November Election. Their response to the recent rise in employment? They've been cutting public sector jobs everywhere - particularly the jobs of the people who educate our children - teachers. This is a party hijacked by sociopaths. As I write these words they are working to turn over the public sector - education, the prison system, the post office (among many others) - to privately owned corporations. They don't care about the middle class. They never have. And those whose lives are haunted by extreme poverty? Fuck the poor. They're not even part of the dialogue anymore.
"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."
-Jesus of Nazareth
These are indeed dark times in which to live. But there is a bright side! These people are just oodles of fun to write about! Whatever the outcome on Election Day 2012, I'll be doing fine, thank you very much.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Barack Obama on the Jimmy Fallon program a few nights ago "slow jammin'" the news. Very funny - with a serious message embedded within. ENJOY!
I think many of them did feel supeior and more entitled than there countrymen, except for maybe John Adams.
Tom Degan: "If a Republican is elected in November, in less than a decade this place will be a Fascist state."
We're well on our way. Chris Hedges refers to it as the "corporate state". He also is correct in acknowledging that it doesn't matter which major political party holds power, the corporate state (i.e., "fascism") engulfs and consumes us. It has dominated our culture, and it is dismantling our democracy -- one step at a time.
It really matters little whether Obama or Romney "wins" in November; we'll either continue with Bush III, or enter the more damning regime of a Bush IV. The only difference on this road to perdition will be the speed at which we travel.
I don't see America in danger of fascism, per se. Fascism is driven by nationlistic and isolationist sentiment. Our corporatist tendencies are driven by other forces, I think. And, as dangerous as corporatism is, statism is more dangerous. We are in danger of both. I think the term that could better describe where we are headed is state capitalism.
Anyway, obviously I disagree. Obama is a disaster in my opinion and has done more to drive statism than any other. Unfortunately, we're not being presented with a substantially better alternative.
Has there ever been another time in our history where the bulk of the people on both sides of the aisle didn't like their choice and were all voting against the other guy? It is sad.
Tom, your best point is that sadly, most Americans do not have a good knowledge of our history, or indeed of European history. Increasingly, the inmates are running the insane asylum in this country without a clue as to where they are taking us.
"These are indeed dark times in which to live. But there is a bright side! These people are just oodles of fun to write about!"
Do you really think these Koch Brother clones will let you write what you want?
Harley A.:" dangerous as corporatism is, statism is more dangerous. We are in danger of both. I think the term that could better describe where we are headed is state capitalism."
"[Obama]...has done more to drive statism than any other."
To imply that that this particular administration has empowered government to control either economic or social policy is seeing things backwards. The trend for the last thirty years has been exactly the opposite (i.e., corporatism dictating and controlling economic and social policy).
Statism is sometimes used to refer to "state capitalism" (your preferred term), or highly-regulated market economies, with large amounts of government intervention, regulation or public ownership over industry. What we're experiencing now simply isn't the case.
I'm guessing that you don't have many memories prior to the Reagan years. If you did, you wouldn't have even conceived such remarks.
Do you think you'll still be able to write what you want after they take full power?
WaveyGravy "Would banks have loaned money to people with shitty credit scores if the government had not forced them to?"
The worst investment banks and mortgage firms weren't under the CRA. CRA loans did pretty well, comparatively.
MO -
So how did Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac do?
JG -
My primary point was that America does not resemble a fascist state simply because corporations exert a lot of power. Deregulation under Reagan has always been overstated and he never reduced government. In fact, deficits ballooned under his administration.
Harley A., you mean the public/private company that sat out the majority of the bubble, coming back near the end* at the insistence of the private shareholders who were wondering why they were sitting out on the feeding frenzy, jumping back in to become just another in a long line of suckers?
* ...and that stayed in in a naive and foolish attempt to slow the pop, later to prevent total collapse.
Harley A., and my primary point is that we're entering something akin to a fascist state, but not exactly the same. In this round, multinational corporate power exerts more power and more influence -- not less.
The exact term is still unnamed at this point, but historians will undoubtedly coin a word, or combination of words, at some future time (that is, if we a species...the next man-made calamity). As I mentioned already, Chris Hedges calls it the "corporate-state". Until a more appropriate term is agreed upon in national and international parlance, that's my preference.
“History doesn’t repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme." ---attributed to Samuel Clemens (1835-1910)
Harley A: "Deregulation under Reagan has always been overstated and he never reduced government. In fact, deficits ballooned under his administration."
I never meant to imply it was totally the fault of the Reagan Administration, only that the trend toward deregulation began then. As far as it was "overstated", that's relative and certainly something seen through the eyes of the beholder.
I'm glad you acknowledge that deficit-spending began in earnest under Reagan. For some unseemly reason, conservatives hold him in high-esteem for his "anti-government" chatter. It was all rhetoric, and a clever smokescreen while he enhanced the power of the corporate-government alliance.
Great article as always. I do agree that the vast majority of folks don't know our great history or don't care which either way is sad. I do disagree with your position that Republican Governors are blaming the President for the lack of jobs. Just look at
Gov. Christie, he claims hes added jobs. :) Sometimes you can't tell if these guys are coming or going. LMAO
Tom V
The time has come, my kindred spirits, to acknowledge that the term “Progressive” is simply a polite, Americanized term for “Marxist” after all. Until a more appropriate term is agreed upon in national and international parlance, that should be our preference.
Government is instituted to protect property of every sort; as well that which lies in the various rights of individuals, as that which the term particularly expresses. This being the end of government, that alone is a just government, which impartially secures to every man, whatever is his own.
There are so many naive people drinking the progressive kool aid that are willing to accept the promises of never ending entitlements including free healthcare, free education, early retirement, and so on and believe that there is a simple answer in having the government confiscate more wealth from corporations and individuals and waste more of that money of "shovel-ready" projects and government bureaucratic waste that do little if anything to stimulate the economy and suck capital out of the economy. As we slowly circle the drain and things get worse their response will be that the "rich" are being "unfair" and need to be coerced into giving up more for the good of the "rest of us". California proves that they will not be willing to see the folly of this marxist philosophy, but instead will fight to the bitter end until the economy and the country are in ruins.
You call that fun?
I worry that when the next "internet limiting" (censoring, actually) bill passes (and it looks like both parties favor it for spurious safety reasons) that I won't be able to read about the fun you'll still be having.
Don't forget my email address!
If they still work.
Love you,
"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."
-Jesus of Nazareth
These are indeed dark times in which to live. But there is a bright side! These people are just oodles of fun to write about! Whatever the outcome on Election Day 2012, I'll be doing fine, thank you very much.
Anonymous, California? The state where the people can vote with a simple majority on a Proposition but it takes a supermajority in both houses to pay for it? That's Marxism?
Just the Fascist as MP,
The time has come...and is still here, where the extreme radical Right has termed "progressive" as "Marxist".
The reek of fascism is upon us. What's next? Moderates are Marxist? Democracy is Marxist? Jews are Marxists, too? Anybody who disagrees with you is a Marxist?
That tradition was started by none other than Hitler.
Good little goose-stepping fascist coward.
Drew Carey,
Nice to see you have made an appearance today.
California is about ready to off the cliff not because of what Lex Luthor tried to do to it but because of what your kind (marxists) in charge have done to it.
No surprise that you wear kool aid drinker glasses.
I look forward to your rebuttal, as it will be a bunch of bullshit that makes me laugh!
Fasscist Twit,
Is the Peoples Republic of China a Republic?
Is the Democratic Republic of North Korea a democracy?
Do you believe the Nazis?
Of course you do.
Anonymous "I look forward to your rebuttal, as it will be a bunch of bullshit that makes me laugh!"
What, pointing out that in California it's far easier to get programs than it is to pay for them is bullshit?
That's not BS, that's a fact. Two, actually.
Also, have you read that page that you hadn't read when you smeared its author, hadn't read when you smeared its author a second time, and I suspect still haven't read?
Anonymous "I look forward to your rebuttal, as it will be a bunch of bullshit that makes me laugh!"
What, pointing out that in California it's far easier to get programs than it is to pay for them is bullshit?
That's not BS, that's a fact. Two, actually.
The fact is that the Tombstone in this rant article should say "RIP California" thanks to progressives like you MO running CA into its grave while wearing rose colored glasses.
Anonymous "The fact is that the Tombstone in this rant article should say 'RIP California' thanks to progressives like you MO running CA into its grave while wearing rose colored glasses."
Who knew that all the retirees (and businesses) voting in Prop 13 were hippy progressives? I didn't. I doubt they did, either.
Also, have you read that page that you hadn't read when you smeared its author, hadn't read when you smeared its author a second time, and I suspect still haven't read?
Watching the Fall of the Third Reich on the History Chanel tonight and was struck in learning the events surrounding the voyage of the German steamship St. Louis in 1938.
Wonder if any the experts of the wonderful FDR could tell the readers of the blog what happened to the people who were the passagers of the St. Louis?
Looking forward reading Tom and Dave's recounts espically as they are lovers of FDR and experts on facism, by their own accounts.
Anonymous noted that he watched “the History Chanel” (sic) and “was struck in learning the events surrounding the voyage of the German Steamship St Louis in 1938.”
He went on to “Wonder if any the experts of the wonderful FDR could tell the readers of the blog what happened to the people who were the passagers (sic) of the St. Louis?”
Gee, did anonymous miss the last part of that story or could he be trying, slyly, to disparage the “wonderful FDR?”
In case anonymous just missed the last part of that story, first Cuba, then the USA, and no other country would take in these refugees, they were returned to Germany, and undoubtedly perished in the Holocaust.
With today’s perspective and information it is easy to criticize long-ago actions of people. How about the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision? Or Plessy v Ferguson? And Lincoln said he would permit slavery to continue if it would avoid a Civil War.
In 1938 there was no History Channel. Television was a new oddity. There was no internet, no computers, no satellites, and world-wide communication was in its infancy. The USA had endured almost a decade of the worst Depression in its history. We were barely able to take care of our own citizens. Religious and racial discrimination against minorities was rampant, including discrimination against Jews. The Holocaust was about five years in the future and only at the end of WW2 did the whole truth about it become widely known. And we can thank General Eisenhower for his order in 1945 to document fully the horrors and extent of the Holocaust. I have read that he issued that order “because the day will come when some ‘son of a bitch’ will say that this never happened.”
Was the decision to turn away the passengers on the SS St. Louis wrong? Of course it was. Was that decision understandable given the state of the country and the lack of knowledge of what would happen in the future? Of course it was.
Thank you, Ron, for saving me the trouble to respond to that comment. I could not have worded it better had I tried.
The Holocaust (in 1938)was five years in the future, then why were the passengers of the St.Louis begging to be taken in by any country? Are you claiming the holocaust didn't start until when?
It was know as early as 1936 during the Berlin Olympics what was happening, so the excuses offered to explain FDR lack of humanity fail. This wasn't the first group of German Jews to flee Germany, the fact that Cuba, Canada AND the USA turned their backs on these passengers is a stain that Jews are owed an apology from Obama.
It was wrong to have turned them away to certain death under nazi control with in a year. There is no excuse acceptable for this action, the depression being the weakest one and most cold hearted I've ever read. It was wrong, but, but but, but, but, does not come close to cutting it.
Anonymous, read the history of antisemitism in the US. It reached it's peak in the 1920s and 30s. Gauging pre-War people by post-war standards misses how much changed in the intervening years.
It was a very different world back then. Antisemitism was pretty much standard. That FDR didn't rise above the low bar is unfortunate, but unsurprising.
Also, have you read that page that you hadn't read when you smeared its author, hadn't read when you smeared its author a second time, and I suspect still haven't read?
"This is not conservatism. It is not about conserving American values. It is about suppressing democracy and the seizure of our government by Big Money elites. "
Dave Dubya, Nice point. It certainly is a fascist relationship between the Obama White House and General Electric. General Electric hires many lawyers to create and find loopholes that small businesses can't afford. General Electric pays no taxes despite billions in revenue. In return for paying no taxes, General Electric's MSNBC is an extension of the White House with nothing but pro Obama stories. Just like Hugo Chavez and his regime.
Did FDR rise above the bar of any of the racism of his time?
NO, he did not.
Is that understandable, NO.
Is that acceptable, NO.
Obama should apologize NOW to all who were harmed by the racist behavior of FDR.
Canada must apologize for having turning away the passengers of the S.S. St. Louis in 1938.
Cuba must do the same.
How can someone be expected to "bar" racism? Here is a clip from something I wrote earlier this month:
"Another curious point of emphasis the conservatives love to scream about is the fact that Franklin Roosevelt didn't quite champion the cause of African Americans during the years he lived in the White House - as if Herbert Hoover ever did! While it can't be denied that Roosevelt was fairly passive publicly on the issue of civil rights, privately it was another matter. What should not be forgotten is all of the good work his wife did for the cause of racial understanding during those twelve years. It can be said without a hint of exaggeration that up to that time, Eleanor Roosevelt did more for the rights of black people in this country than any and every president since Abraham Lincoln. And she did it all with her husband's blessings. They each had differing and well-defined roles to play. He was the pragmatic politician. She was America's heart and conscience. Each played their respective role masterfully - if not always to perfection.
"Of course, had I been elected president in 1932, I would not have been as passive as Roosevelt was with regard to the equal rights of all Americans. I would have been out in the national spotlight demanding an end to racial segregation everywhere. The only problem is that I would have been a one term president (that's assuming I wouldn't have been impeached - or lynched). Back in those days the Democratic party was chock-full of racist Dixiecrats. A generation later they would flee - like diseased rats - into the loving arms of the GOP.
"It's sad to say, but the world Franklin Roosevelt inhabited was not the same one that President Lyndon Johnson encountered thirty years later. The Voting and Civil Rights Acts could not have been passed in the thirties and forties - and it is sheer folly for anyone to suggest (as some have) that he could have done so. He couldn't even get a federal anti-lynching law passed. The proposed bill was killed in the senate. But While Franklin might have appeared passive, with his quiet encouragement Eleanor was helping pave the road to equality in this country. It's a road that still has more-than-a-few miles of paving left to go."
Those are the facts. Deny them to your little heart's content.
How can someone be expected to "bar" racism? Here is a clip from something I wrote earlier back in February:
"Another curious point of emphasis the conservatives love to scream about is the fact that Franklin Roosevelt didn't quite champion the cause of African Americans during the years he lived in the White House - as if Herbert Hoover ever did! While it can't be denied that Roosevelt was fairly passive publicly on the issue of civil rights, privately it was another matter. What should not be forgotten is all of the good work his wife did for the cause of racial understanding during those twelve years. It can be said without a hint of exaggeration that up to that time, Eleanor Roosevelt did more for the rights of black people in this country than any and every president since Abraham Lincoln. And she did it all with her husband's blessings. They each had differing and well-defined roles to play. He was the pragmatic politician. She was America's heart and conscience. Each played their respective role masterfully - if not always to perfection.
"Of course, had I been elected president in 1932, I would not have been as passive as Roosevelt was with regard to the equal rights of all Americans. I would have been out in the national spotlight demanding an end to racial segregation everywhere. The only problem is that I would have been a one term president (that's assuming I wouldn't have been impeached - or lynched). Back in those days the Democratic party was chock-full of racist Dixiecrats. A generation later they would flee - like diseased rats - into the loving arms of the GOP.
"It's sad to say, but the world Franklin Roosevelt inhabited was not the same one that President Lyndon Johnson encountered thirty years later. The Voting and Civil Rights Acts could not have been passed in the thirties and forties - and it is sheer folly for anyone to suggest (as some have) that he could have done so. He couldn't even get a federal anti-lynching law passed. The proposed bill was killed in the senate. But While Franklin might have appeared passive, with his quiet encouragement Eleanor was helping pave the road to equality in this country. It's a road that still has more-than-a-few miles of paving left to go."
Those are the facts, my friend. Deny them to your heart's content.
Anonymous (aka Just the Fascist!): "It certainly is a fascist relationship between the Obama White House and General Electric."
Yes, it is, just as it's a fascist relationship among a majority of the members of Congress (both sides of the aisle, but predominately those who are Republican), and a majority of the Supreme Court.
"General Electric pays no taxes despite billions in revenue."
As do many Fortune 500 companies.
"...MSNBC is an extension of the White House..."
As is Congress and the Supreme court an extension of News Corp, ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN. They're all tied together to benefit the few; at the expense of the many. I'm glad you're finally coming around to rational and logical thinking.
Wait...weren't you the one always claiming Obama is a communist?! So, which is he...?
"just as it's a fascist relationship among a majority of the members of Congress (both sides of the aisle, but predominately those who are Republican), and a majority of the Supreme Court."
Keep smoking that wondrous weed. You are full of shit.
Jefferson's Guardian,
You truly need to take a course covering the Constitution and the Seperation of Powers.
Your comments here sure show a warped view of the above.
I don't know who this anonymous coward is...but can you please delete him or something? Also who messed with your "about me" section? You have been hacked my friend. I don't delete such fools, but he/she is a bully and should go away or find someone else to pick on. Bullying is not free speech.
They prove we are correct about them with every word and action. They cannot be civil. They cannot engage in reasonable discussion. Their purpose is to harass and obstruct free speech.
That is what these fascist thugs do. These hateful goose-steppers and their authoritarian leaders are the greatest threat to our freedom.
But there’s an amusing part to all this,
These Reich Wing bigots will be forced to vote for the Mormon creator of Romneycare.
Truth be told, Diane, I wrote the "ABOUT ME" bit. It was just a tongue in cheek moment.
And as far as deleting the right wing trolls - ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? They're the best advertizement we have as to how nuts the GOP has become. They're priceless!
Love and Peace,
Tom Degan
Folks, Hitler didn't begin the "Holocaust", Stalin had begun his own years before, though for different reasons (it's amazing how little folks know about it, though understandable). While FDR was working feverishly to establish diplomatic relations with USSR in the early/mid-1930's, he ignored several communications with various groups from Poland, Belarus, and Ukraine during the famines and purges of Stalin.
I think what bothers folks is that FDR is so lauded for questionable social policy, though he displayed severe lack of judgement at times - while presidents from the other side of the political spectrum do not enjoy a similar leniency from the hand of the author of the blog.
Good book for those interested in that era - as fine a book as I've read on the subject...
"Bloodlands - Europe Between Hitler and Stalin" - Timothy Snyder
"Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician." --General George S. Patton, Jr.
"just as it's a fascist relationship among a majority of the members of Congress (both sides of the aisle, but predominately those who are Republican), and a majority of the Supreme Court."
that's got to be one of the most ridiculous comments ever posted in the blogosphere! no wonder his blog is a dud!
diane offineer
How does it feel to have been made a fool of by Tom Degan?
And then to have Dave D get caught up in Tom's trap makes this even better!
Anyone one to bet what Dave's next post will cover?
Why do you hate Mormons?
Dave Dubya,
Why do you think your kind in the media (the anti-fascists, lol) are not trying to exploit polygamy within Romney's religion?
Could it be the following:
Romney’s father was not a polygamist; Romney’s grandfather was not a polygamist; his great-grandfather was a polygamist. Miles Park Romney died in 1904, so one can see why this would weigh heavy on 86 percent of female voters 108 years later.
Meanwhile, back in the female-friendly party, Obama’s father was a polygamist; his grandfather was a polygamist; and his great-grandfather was a polygamist who had one more wife (five in total) than Romney’s great-grandfather. It seems President Obama is the first male in his line not to be a polygamist.
ps - looks like the dog story bit you in the ass!
Great News!
Environmental Nazi Al Armendariz, an environmental official who worked in the Obama administration's oil-rich South Central region, has resigned after using the word "crucify" to describe how he would go after companies violating environmental laws.
Sorry Harry, it's Dave's weekend to work the "Big House" , watching grown men, eat sleep and shower. Too busy being a F#cking P.O.shit public worker screw to respond to you.
Outstanding post, regardless of Dave's lack of response.
you are invited to follow my blog
Disappointing news for Dave, Moe, Tom, and JG.
OWS MAY DAY turnout a complete bust.
Forward, I guess not so much!
Yeah! I'm with Anonymous! Take that, May Day protests! Face it, Labor, Capital won! Woo! Go Capital! (What? I'm Labor? I thought I was Capital! What, Capital is what the 1% and Corporate Citizens own? Why wasn't I told of this? Outrage! By siding with Capital against Labor, I've been screwing myself this whole time? But I've been blaming liberals for my being screwed this whole time! I know, it's liberals fault for making me screw over my own present and future! Take that, liberals! Go Capital! Woo!)
Also, have you read that page that you hadn't read when you smeared its author, hadn't read when you smeared its author a second time, and I suspect still haven't read?
Jon Lovitz is the ONLY liberal democrat that I respect.
Anonymous, you should post that Lovitz link for a third time. I forgot to remention (that is to say, mention again), when you did it the second time, that Smith showed how cheap and ugly Lovitz' whole argument was in one sentence.
Also, have you read that page that you hadn't read when you smeared its author, hadn't read when you smeared its author a second time, and I suspect still haven't read?
Also, have you read that page that you hadn't read when you smeared its author, hadn't read when you smeared its author a second time, and I suspect still haven't read?
Also, have you read that page that you hadn't read when you smeared its author, hadn't read when you smeared its author a second time, and I suspect still haven't read?
Hey Mo, my favorite liberal democrat has done it again:
Jon Lovitz doesn’t seem like the sort of individual who would ever back down from criticism. After receiving quite a bit of backlash for his comments regarding’s Obama’s desire to tax the rich, Lovitz did what Lovitz often does best: he fought back. Last Sunday, the former Saturday Night Live cast member logged onto his Twitter account and began firing back at the people who weren’t too pleased with the remarks he aimed at the president and his policies.
Jon Lovitz@HesDanTheMan I don’t mind paying a little more. I pay my fair share now. The President is lying to get’s obvious and transparent.
Jon LovitzBecause I criticized the President, it’s news? Last I checked, he’s President, not King! This is America! Freedom of Speech. what’s the bfd?
Jon Lovitz@BowedOak I get that I’m just a comic. Do you not get that? I didn’t blow this up, the press did.
Jon LovitzI never realized the economy was Democratic or Republican…I thought it was business and math.
MO, I saved the best for last for you.
Jon Lovitzbe it conservative, democrat, republican, libertarian..
liberal.. freedom to be true to yourself…
that’s what liberal means.
Enjoy, my large defender of the true north, enjoy.
Anonymous, so you aren't going to read that page?
Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx jumped on the Obama bandwagon three-plus years ago along with most of his celebrity pals. But, like “Saturday Night Live” alum Jon Lovitz, he’s seen enough of the “cool” leader’s impact on the country.
Sixx, who previously used social media to announce his approval of Obama’s push to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and shared a positive story about meeting the president, is now Tweeting a different tune.
Anonymous, but what does Lemmy from Motorhead think?
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