Ted Nugent: Rock's Village Idiot
Still looking for reasons to reelect Barack Obama next November? Here's a dandy one:
"I'll tell you this right now: If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year."
- Ted Nugent
But seriously, folks....
I don't go to rock concerts very much anymore. To be honest with you, as I get a bit older I've become less "crowd friendly" than I once was. But back in the day I was quite the concert-goer indeed. One night a group of friends literally had to drag me down to New York City to attend a concert that was being performed by a newcomer named Ted Nugent. As I recall, the event took place at Madison Square Garden. It was 1977 and I was eighteen. At the time, Nugent's new album, "Cat Scratch Fever" was all the rage among teenaged guys. I was in the minority. I had heard the LP enough times on my friend Paul Scesa's 8-Track machine to render a verdict on the man's worth as a singer, musician and composer. I was not very impressed with what I heard to put it mildly. In the parlance of the day, I thought the guy sucked. I still do.
Less than half way through Nugent's performance that night, I told my gang that I would meet them back at the car when the show was over. I spent the rest of the evening at a bar on West 32nd Street, gulping down gin-and-tonics, my beverage-of-choice at the time. The drinking age was eighteen back then. It was the only time in my life I ever walked out of a rock concert. Honestly, the guy was that bad.
You might call Ted Nugent "the one-hit wonder that just won't go away". Countless times in the past, just when I think old Teddy boy has been hurled back into permanent obscurity where he rightfully belongs, he somehow manages to resurrect himself - always by saying something incredibly stupid. True to form, he's done it again:
"If the coyote's in your living room, pissing on your couch, it's not the coyote's fault. It's your fault for not shooting him."
The "coyote" in this case is President Barack Obama.
Our govern
ment has wasted too many taxpayer dollars down through the years "investigating" people in show business. John Lennon and Charlie Chaplin have enough paper in their respective FBI files to fill your average Encyclopedia Britannica. Incredibly these two men were seen somehow as a "threat" to the peace and security of the free world. Can you believe that? But I've gotta tell you that I was happy to learn that the Secret Service is launching an inquiry into Nugent and the statements he made. What makes matters worse is the fact that he spoke these words at a gathering of the NRA!
This is serious stuff, kids. It has nothing to do with "freedom of speech". Inciting any of the dim-witted masses to assassinate the president of the United States is beyond foolhardy and reactionary. It's criminal. I'm sure in his mind he was only making an innocent "analogy". But I think it's fair to conclude that he's not smart enough to realize that most of the people he was addressing aren't smart enough to know the difference between metaphor and reality. I'll be blunt. Some of those NRA types aren't exactly Rhodes Scholars if you know what I mean.
If you've read this blog with even a molecule of regularity during the last six years, you know that I was not (to put it as mildly as is possible) a huge fan of George W. Bush. But I never - publicly or privately - wished the despicable little thug any physical harm. In fact I used to pray out loud that he'd be kept safe from an assassin's bullet. Shit! The last thing we need is the body of a right wing martyr for the extremists to rally around. Can you just imagine how the Tea party imbeciles would react to something that weird??? If you think they're nuts now....
Some more jolly thoughts from the wit and wisdom of Ted Nugent:
"If you can't go home and get everybody in your lives to clean house in this vile, evil, America-hating administration, I don't even know what you're made out of....We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November."
Is this guy available for children's parties?
If I'm writing
about a person who has made the news, I usually spend about three to four hours researching them beforehand. I really can't be bothered with Ted. I know everything about him I need to know and I want to know nothing more. Quite obviously the man is a no-talented fool and a has-been. He hasn't charted anything in decades. The only way he can give his royalties a little boost every now and then is by coming out in public with a full-tilt freakout against commies, hippies, pinkos and lefties. It really is kinda sad when you think about it.
Cat Scratch Fever is the only recording of his that most people remember. Ask me to name another tune or album he did in the thirty-five years since and I won't be able to tell you. And bear in mind that for many years rock 'n' roll was a passion of mine. For decades I followed the music industry very closely. I was even a radio disk jockey for a time. I know a thing or two about music, folks, and where Ted Nugent is concerned I'm am as indifferent as it's possible to be. He's not even half-a-blip on my radar.
It is the height of irresponsibility to be making firearm analogies against any president - particularly one who has had more threats made against his life than any American politician since Abraham Lincoln. I hate to bring up this sensitive point here, but we all know how Old Abe's biography ended. It's a lesson in futility to assume that Ted "should have known better". It's obvious enough that the poor, silly bastard doesn't have the sense to come in out of the rain. What is troubling are the number of Americans who take Ted Nugent - and people like him - seriously as national spokespersons. That's the most disturbing thing.
Until the day that the mass-enlightenment occurs (don't hold your breath) I'm afraid we're stuck with jackasses like Ted who love nothing more than to steal the national limelight by inciting hate and hysteria. That's what they do best and I have to admit they do it quite well. Someday they will grow old and die, only to be replaced by another generation of hate mongers. They seem to perpetuate themselves. They may enjoy success and treasure during their time on this earth, but posterity is never kind to them. They always end up on history's trash heap.
I really worry about the safety of President Obama. The recent prostitution scandal involving the Secret Service in Columbia has got me thinking that some of these guys might not be on their toes as much as they should be (Are there any women in the Secret Service?) I'm old enough to remember November 22, 1963. I don't believe America ever totally recovered from the trauma of that day. It must not happen again. A repeat of history will completely crack this nation in two. This is a touchy subject so I'll just say this: If anything ever happens to our president, more-than-a-few people will be forced to stand up and account for their words. Ted Nugent is one of those people.
That is what is known as "speaking the unspeakable".
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Glenn Miller's Moonlight Serenade (1939):
"I'll tell you this right now: If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year."
- Ted Nugent
But seriously, folks....
I don't go to rock concerts very much anymore. To be honest with you, as I get a bit older I've become less "crowd friendly" than I once was. But back in the day I was quite the concert-goer indeed. One night a group of friends literally had to drag me down to New York City to attend a concert that was being performed by a newcomer named Ted Nugent. As I recall, the event took place at Madison Square Garden. It was 1977 and I was eighteen. At the time, Nugent's new album, "Cat Scratch Fever" was all the rage among teenaged guys. I was in the minority. I had heard the LP enough times on my friend Paul Scesa's 8-Track machine to render a verdict on the man's worth as a singer, musician and composer. I was not very impressed with what I heard to put it mildly. In the parlance of the day, I thought the guy sucked. I still do.
Less than half way through Nugent's performance that night, I told my gang that I would meet them back at the car when the show was over. I spent the rest of the evening at a bar on West 32nd Street, gulping down gin-and-tonics, my beverage-of-choice at the time. The drinking age was eighteen back then. It was the only time in my life I ever walked out of a rock concert. Honestly, the guy was that bad.
You might call Ted Nugent "the one-hit wonder that just won't go away". Countless times in the past, just when I think old Teddy boy has been hurled back into permanent obscurity where he rightfully belongs, he somehow manages to resurrect himself - always by saying something incredibly stupid. True to form, he's done it again:
"If the coyote's in your living room, pissing on your couch, it's not the coyote's fault. It's your fault for not shooting him."
The "coyote" in this case is President Barack Obama.
Our govern

This is serious stuff, kids. It has nothing to do with "freedom of speech". Inciting any of the dim-witted masses to assassinate the president of the United States is beyond foolhardy and reactionary. It's criminal. I'm sure in his mind he was only making an innocent "analogy". But I think it's fair to conclude that he's not smart enough to realize that most of the people he was addressing aren't smart enough to know the difference between metaphor and reality. I'll be blunt. Some of those NRA types aren't exactly Rhodes Scholars if you know what I mean.
If you've read this blog with even a molecule of regularity during the last six years, you know that I was not (to put it as mildly as is possible) a huge fan of George W. Bush. But I never - publicly or privately - wished the despicable little thug any physical harm. In fact I used to pray out loud that he'd be kept safe from an assassin's bullet. Shit! The last thing we need is the body of a right wing martyr for the extremists to rally around. Can you just imagine how the Tea party imbeciles would react to something that weird??? If you think they're nuts now....
Some more jolly thoughts from the wit and wisdom of Ted Nugent:
"If you can't go home and get everybody in your lives to clean house in this vile, evil, America-hating administration, I don't even know what you're made out of....We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November."
Is this guy available for children's parties?
If I'm writing

Cat Scratch Fever is the only recording of his that most people remember. Ask me to name another tune or album he did in the thirty-five years since and I won't be able to tell you. And bear in mind that for many years rock 'n' roll was a passion of mine. For decades I followed the music industry very closely. I was even a radio disk jockey for a time. I know a thing or two about music, folks, and where Ted Nugent is concerned I'm am as indifferent as it's possible to be. He's not even half-a-blip on my radar.
It is the height of irresponsibility to be making firearm analogies against any president - particularly one who has had more threats made against his life than any American politician since Abraham Lincoln. I hate to bring up this sensitive point here, but we all know how Old Abe's biography ended. It's a lesson in futility to assume that Ted "should have known better". It's obvious enough that the poor, silly bastard doesn't have the sense to come in out of the rain. What is troubling are the number of Americans who take Ted Nugent - and people like him - seriously as national spokespersons. That's the most disturbing thing.
Until the day that the mass-enlightenment occurs (don't hold your breath) I'm afraid we're stuck with jackasses like Ted who love nothing more than to steal the national limelight by inciting hate and hysteria. That's what they do best and I have to admit they do it quite well. Someday they will grow old and die, only to be replaced by another generation of hate mongers. They seem to perpetuate themselves. They may enjoy success and treasure during their time on this earth, but posterity is never kind to them. They always end up on history's trash heap.
I really worry about the safety of President Obama. The recent prostitution scandal involving the Secret Service in Columbia has got me thinking that some of these guys might not be on their toes as much as they should be (Are there any women in the Secret Service?) I'm old enough to remember November 22, 1963. I don't believe America ever totally recovered from the trauma of that day. It must not happen again. A repeat of history will completely crack this nation in two. This is a touchy subject so I'll just say this: If anything ever happens to our president, more-than-a-few people will be forced to stand up and account for their words. Ted Nugent is one of those people.
That is what is known as "speaking the unspeakable".
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Glenn Miller's Moonlight Serenade (1939):
I stand at your gate and the song that I sing is of moonlight
I stand and I wait for the touch of your hand in the moonlight
The roses are sighing a moonlight serenade....
-Mitchell Parish
Yeah, I know what you're thinking. Totally off-topic. I agree. It's just that I didn't want to leave you on such a down note. With all the improvements in recording technology in the seventy-three years since little gem was consigned to wax, it just doesn't get any better than this.
The next full moon will be on May the sixth. On that night, at the point where the moon is highest in the sky, turn off the lights, take your beloved by the hand, and dance under that asteroid's gentle glow to Mr. Miller's masterpiece of nocturnal romance.
You didn't know I was such a hopeless romantic, did you.
For more recent postings on this site, please go here:
"The Rant" by Tom Degan
Enjoy!....and get pissed!
I stand and I wait for the touch of your hand in the moonlight
The roses are sighing a moonlight serenade....
-Mitchell Parish
Yeah, I know what you're thinking. Totally off-topic. I agree. It's just that I didn't want to leave you on such a down note. With all the improvements in recording technology in the seventy-three years since little gem was consigned to wax, it just doesn't get any better than this.
The next full moon will be on May the sixth. On that night, at the point where the moon is highest in the sky, turn off the lights, take your beloved by the hand, and dance under that asteroid's gentle glow to Mr. Miller's masterpiece of nocturnal romance.
You didn't know I was such a hopeless romantic, did you.
For more recent postings on this site, please go here:
"The Rant" by Tom Degan
Enjoy!....and get pissed!
Nugent had no talent back then and has to say stupid things to get himself back in the limelight.
Be certain there will be more scandalous stories ahead!
The Secret Service (no less) and the prostitutes, the GSA in Las Vegas are the recent examples. And these stories aren't unlike previous forays in any other administration running on high test, all expenses paid.
Somehow these idiots and their voices are being brought to the forefront - where in the past it was a lot easier 'covering it up'.
God forbid it will end in your premonitions.
If this is true, this tells me all I need to know about the 'patriotic' Nuge...
The Herald also noted that Nugent’s efforts to avoid the draft make President Bush look like a war hero.
(Nugent claims) that 30 days before his Draft Board Physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene. The last 10 days he ingested nothing but junk food and Pepsi, and a week before his physical, he stopped using the bathroom altogether, virtually living inside his pants caked with excrement and urine. That spectacle won Nugent a deferment.
Well said, Tom. Sadly, many in this country have not learned a damned thing from the Palin reload and crosshairs remarks that lead to the shooting of Congresswoman Giffords. Why do so many on the right always want to resort to guns and violence? It is good to see that the Secret Service is watching him (when they can keep their pants on). You can be sure that if something like this had been said during Dubyas time in office he would already be in jail.
It is such a shame as a guitar player that Terrible Ted never lived up to his potential. Hibernation, free flight and Stranglehold were all great guitar songs but who would dare play them or endorse them when the man is such a hypocrite.
Adopting and then marrying underage girls and bitching about people who manipulate the rules and law of our country. the deferment from the service and then calling others un-american and chicken. One of the filthiest mouths ever and considers himself aligned with the right!
The amboy dukes showed him to be a wildman who could actually "play' melodic feedback but as the years went on he just made loud noisy feedback and swore a lot to rev up the crowds. He took the easy route when he could have contributed artistically to the art of guitar playing. Art, after all, is lefty!
He talks of manly things and being tough etc. but his trademark guitar, the Gibson Byrdland uses a short scale to make it easier to play chords without hurting your hands. Beginner guitars were made this way expecting you to graduate to a regular scale. The Byrdland was made by jazzers billy byrd and hank garland to accomodate extreme chord inversions. Ted's cowboy chords do not need that level of comfort and I know it is a knit picky thing but it pisses me off and quite possibly shows that "Do as I say, not as I do" attitude.
Phony, probably has Dr. Scholls in his commie stompers!
Nice information, i appreciate your efforts (specially the quality of content). I have bookmarked it to my list.
Surgical Instruments
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Ted is a Cave Man!
"What is troubling are the number of Americans who take Ted Nugent - and people like him - seriously as national spokespersons."
To be fair, strip away the frou-frou language and William F. Buckley and Ted Nugent aren't all that different. Today's anti-Obama activist is yesterday's anti-MLK one (although Buckley's view did eventually change).
"(Are there any women in the Secret Service?)"
If they're secret, how would one know?
Yellowstone "And these stories aren't unlike previous forays in any other administration running on high test, all expenses paid. Somehow these idiots and their voices are being brought to the forefront - where in the past it was a lot easier 'covering it up'."
Every Administration stumbles from crisis to crisis, whether it's money spent badly, corruption or people boning people they really shouldn't be. The differences now are that the mainstream media doesn't research (or doesn't do it well) and do present "both sides" even if one side is objectively, wildly wrong. Also, the Democrats are [nominally] in control, which is nitro fuel for wingnut media (which itself is far larger than it was the last time they got to see conspiracies everywhere. Heck, FoxNews has only been around since 96).
Anonymous "The Herald also noted that Nugent’s efforts to avoid the draft make President Bush look like a war hero."
And he got a student deferment while being on tour.
"Somehow these idiots and their voices are being brought to the forefront - where in the past it was a lot easier 'covering it up'."
Before Iraq turned too noticeably sour, criticism of the Administration was virtually treason, and it wasn't until January 20, 2009 that it was okay to criticize it for everything, even things that aren't actually things. This is because everything Obama does is wrong, even he does the opposite or does nothing at all.
charles moore "the Palin reload and crosshairs remarks that lead to the shooting of Congresswoman Giffords."
I hate to say this, but {citation needed}. The guy who shot Giffords wasn't a wingnut; he was just a nut. Anything can set nuts off. The link between, say Anders Breivik and rhetoric is stronger (I must admit, however, that I've kept up on neither case, and additional things might have come up in either of them).
You speak the truth Modusoperandi, my socialist kindred spirit!
Dog Days for the Mittster
In the Spring of 1992, Picture-perfect Mitt packed his picture-perfect Mrs. and their picture-perfect kids into the family station wagon and took off for a twelve hour drive from Boston to Toronto. Good ol' Mitt! He just couldn't bear to leave his dog Seamus behind languishing in a kennel. Isn't that sweet? Well, not exactly. He stuffed the poor creature into a dog carrier and strapped the crate onto the roof of the vehicle. En route, Seamus protested this harsh treatment by making a bit of a mess - which apparently started to leak down onto the windows of the car. This is the most apropos example of the "trickle down" theory I've ever heard of.
Lets all be grateful that Seamus did not escape from the Romney family and end on the dinner table of the Obama family!
Looks like Obama has blueberry (and dog meat) all over his face!
As the election approaches, Barack Obama is now in full campaign attack mode. Actually, he's always in campaign mode. It's what he does best. He's a failure as a chief executive, a diplomat, an economic policymaker, a leader and certainly as a uniter. But, to the gullible like most of the liberals with Utopoian Dreams, he's a smooth talker and he loves to speechify.
His recent assault on House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan's alternative Republican budget is a blunt example. In his speech at the annual Associated Press luncheon in Washington, D.C., Obama dished out a barrage of the liberal clichés. Ryan's budget was "social Darwinism," trickle-down economics," "radical" and "right-wing extremism."
In fact, it's none of those things. Ironically, Ryan's plan — which spends $5 trillion less than Obama's — has been criticized by the Club for Growth as a "disappointment for fiscal conservatives" because it doesn't balance the budget in the next 10 years. That's why two Republicans voted against it in committee.
"That a man whose only qualifications to be POTUS were rhetoric, style, and symbolism could be elected speaks volumes about the inadequacies of our educational system and the degeneration of our culture".
Dr. Thomas Sowell
Tom Degan "And they sent a half-witted piece of shit like George W. Bush to the White House BEFORE THAT."
Twice. Compared to him, Obama's moderate pragmatism (and the general fecklessness of his party) is a step up, and most of the things he's doing wrong are the same things his predecessor did.
More shit has come out of Ted Nugent's mouth, than out of a burst sewer main....
Great piece. Nugent's antics made my monthly Idiots' Delight segment.
"If his lame attempt at a one hit wonder – Cat Scratch Fever is so bad, it makes Thin Lizzy’s The Boys Are Back in Town seem like Born to Run by comparison – hasn’t landed him in jail for impersonating a rock star, then it’s fair to say that he isn’t the jail type. So when he says he will be dead or in jail, you can bet the ranch it wouldn’t be for jay walking.
"The real problem here isn’t the idiotic statement by a washed up ‘70s has-been that’s about as genuine as his lyrics. It’s the way in which those words might encourage people even stupider than Nugent to possibly try their hand at something far more dangerous than simply being an asshole. This has been my number one concern pretty much from day one – and apparently it’s the number one concern of the Secret Service. The pent up rage and hostility of unbalanced racists who don’t need much ginning up to convert their overt feelings of hatred into overt expressions of violence.
"One nut job is all it would take to create a national tragedy. Nice goin' shithead."
I don't blame you for not doing any research on Nugent. Like most Republicans these days, he's a sociopathic, despicable scum-bag and the research would probably make you feel icky. I just want to add the tidbit that Ted Nugent is also a coward who dodged the draft during the Vietnam war. And it was not a student deferment. He feigned mental illness and bragged about it in a 1970's interview. Apparently his love of guns and killing animals is to make up for his cowardice.
Reuters) - Musician and gun-rights advocate Ted Nugent said on Thursday he had a positive meeting with U.S. Secret Service agents investigating his recent criticism of President Barack Obama, and the agency confirmed the issue had been resolved.
"Good, solid, professional meeting concluding that I have never made any threats of violence towards anyone. The meeting could not have gone better," the 63-year-old singer and guitarist said. He was due to perform a concert in Ardmore, Oklahoma on Thursday.
The Secret Service, which is tasked with protecting the U.S. president, senior officials and other figures, confirmed the meeting with Nugent.
"The Secret Service interview of Ted Nugent has been completed," agency spokesman Brian Leary said. "The issue has been resolved. The Secret Service does not anticipate any further action."
Earlier Leary said the agency respected freedom of speech, but also had a responsibility to "investigate intent."
"Respecting freedom of speech" which is hell of a lot more than progressive/liberals do to those who they disagree with.
Anonymous "'Respecting freedom of speech' which is hell of a lot more than progressive/liberals do to those who they disagree with."
Odd. When I read that here, all I see is irony.
Writing for Forbes Magazine, climate change alarmist Steve Zwick calls for skeptics of man-made global warming to be tracked, hunted down and have their homes burned to the ground, yet another shocking illustration of how eco-fascism is rife within the environmentalist lobby.
“We know who the active denialists are – not the people who buy the lies, mind you, but the people who create the lies. Let’s start keeping track of them now, and when the famines come, let’s make them pay. Let’s let their houses burn. Let’s swap their safe land for submerged islands. Let’s force them to bear the cost of rising food prices,” writes Zwick, adding, “They broke the climate. Why should the rest of us have to pay for it?
Polls show that fewer and fewer Americans are convinced by the pseudo-science behind man-made global warming, promulgated as it is by control freaks like Zwick who care more about money and power than they do the environment, AGW adherents are becoming increasingly authoritarian in their pronouncements.
Even as the science itself disproves their theories – Arctic ice is thickening, polar bears and penguins are thriving, Himalayan glaciers are growing – climate change alarmists are only becoming more aggressive in their attacks against anyone who dares question the global warming mantra.
Shouldn't Obama distance himself from these violent liberal idiots by condemning their hate filled calls for killing of those who disagree with them?
Anonymous "Writing for Forbes Magazine, climate change alarmist Steve Zwick calls for skeptics of man-made global warming to be tracked, hunted down and have their homes burned to the ground, yet another shocking illustration of how eco-fascism is rife within the environmentalist lobby…"
Way to copy and paste, Anonymous. Did you read the original story? The whole thing, or just the tidbit that the Rightwing noise machine passed on? Hell even part of the quote they gave you shows that he's not saying what their intended (and false) narrative says it is.
Really, Anonymous, if I had any respect for you before, you would have lost it. I'll leave it up to you to go find the entire, original article. No, I won't link it. Call it a test of the Good Faith you've so far failed to show. If you want to raise the bar even further (it's starting from the ground, mind you), leave a comment there, stay there, and converse there (instead of copy/pasting here then scampering away or ignoring the replies and copy/pasting something else). You'll risk learning something, sure, but on the positive side you'll risk learning something. Learning is quite addictive when you get a taste of it.
If you do go through the minor labor of hunting down the whole article and reading it (for comprehension!), take some time to compare what it actually says with what you were told to think it said.
If you do this, and if you learn nothing else, take one lesson from this; the people you are listening to, looking up to, finding so worthy and learned and wise that you're happily and willingly passing along what they say...those people are lying to you.
Ted Nugent with some bad toxic gas:
I want you all to know what is in ObamaCare!:
The greatest trick we marxists pull is pretending our kind does not exist!
ted nugent was caught hunting and killing a bear illegally in Alaska, he also got in trouble deer hunting in California. I've got nothing against hunting but do it correctly, he got these charges both times within 4 years of each other and if you hold yourself out to be a hunting/guns activist then make sure you do it right, he simply messed up big time.
I still think he's a Stoner because he says stupid things a Stoner might. Maybe I'm wrong that he smokes pot but this is not the first time he's said some very stupid things but the hunting lawbreaking equally is very bad.
that bear kill story is in the news today, over at amazon, it looks like nugent has "wild game" cook books, well, obey the bloody law when it comes to your fellow creatures on earth, if he got popped for this 2 times in about 4 years, it tells me he may be illegally hunting a lot.
I saw him on a show once, he says, not a knock to rednecks but sort of redneck unthought out things, things like really i could say at times but not to a national audience and stuff.
Yeah, And George Zimmerman's a Registered Democrat but we already know despicable sleazebag dumbocrats stand for murder.
O'Dumbshit belives live babies should be left to die, nothing like the shit for brains the dumbo crats are.
Lets be grateful that Ted Nugent is not part of the following:
OWS, Socialists, Unions, illegal immigrants and 60's revolutionary radicals who all together, praise the Lord, are not a majority in America.
HATE CRIME ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Suspect: I Beat Up White Man Because I Am Mad About Trayvon Martin Case
Updated: Friday, 20 Apr 2012, 4:31 PM CDT
Published : Friday, 20 Apr 2012, 3:40 PM CDT
Sun-Times Media Wire
Maywood, Ill. - Alton L. Hayes III, a west suburban man charged with a hate crime, told police he was so upset about the Trayvon Martin case in Florida that he beat up a white man early Tuesday.
Hayes and a 15-year-old Chicago boy walked up behind the 19-year-old man victim and pinned his arms to his side, police said. Hayes, 18, then picked up a large tree branch, pointed it at the man and said, “Empty your pockets, white boy.”
The two allegedly rifled through the victim’s pockets, then threw him to the ground and punched him “numerous times” in the head and back before running away, police said. Hayes and the boy are black; the victim is white.
After being arrested, Hayes told police he was upset by the Trayvon Martin case and beat the man up because he was white, Cook County State’s Attorney’s office spokeswoman Tandra Simonton said, citing court records.
Martin, 17, was fatally shot Feb. 26 in Sanford, Fla., by neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman, who was charged April 11 with second-degree murder. Zimmerman is Hispanic, while Martin was black.
Hayes, 18 of the 1200 block of North Woodbine Avenue in Oak Park, was charged with attempted robbery, aggravated battery and a hate crime, all felonies, Oak Park police Detective Cmdr. Ladon Reynolds said.
Hayes was ordered held on $80,000 bond and remained in the Cook County Jail on Friday. He will next appear in court May 11. The boy was referred to juvenile court.
Barack Obama's reelection campaign has released the most recent list of names of fundraising bundlers. On that list is Jon Corzine, the former governor of New Jersey and embattled money man, the former head of MF Global:
Corzine, according to the Obama campaign, has once again helped raise more than $500,000.
(He was likewise named a bundler in January, when the Obama campaign last released the names of their money men.)
"MF Global and its brokerage sought Chapter 11 bankruptcy after a $6.3 billion bet on the bonds of some of Europe’s most indebted nations prompted regulator concerns and a credit rating downgrade. Corzine quit MF Global Nov. 4," Bloomberg reported.
As ABC reported, "President Obama once hailed [Corzine] as an 'honorable man' and one of his 'best partners' in the White House." Since that time, Obama has tried to distance himself from Corzine, who at one point was considered for the treasury secretary slot.
But apparently Obama is still willing to use campaign funds from the embattled Corzine.
This meet your approval Modusoperandi?
Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Writing for Forbes Magazine, climate change alarmist Steve Zwick calls for skeptics of man-made global warming to be tracked, hunted down and have their homes burned to the ground, yet another shocking illustration of how eco-fascism is rife within the environmentalist lobby.
Comparing climate change skeptics to residents in Tennessee who refused to pay a $75 fee, resulting in firemen sitting back and watching their houses burn down, Zwick rants that anyone who actively questions global warming propaganda should face the same treatment.
“We know who the active denialists are – not the people who buy the lies, mind you, but the people who create the lies. Let’s start keeping track of them now, and when the famines come, let’s make them pay. Let’s let their houses burn. Let’s swap their safe land for submerged islands. Let’s force them to bear the cost of rising food prices,” writes Zwick, adding, “They broke the climate. Why should the rest of us have to pay for it?”
As we have profusely documented, as polls show that fewer and fewer Americans are convinced by the pseudo-science behind man-made global warming, promulgated as it is by control freaks like Zwick who care more about money and power than they do the environment, AGW adherents are becoming increasingly authoritarian in their pronouncements.
Even as the science itself disproves their theories – Arctic ice is thickening, polar bears and penguins are thriving, Himalayan glaciers are growing – climate change alarmists are only becoming more aggressive in their attacks against anyone who dares question the global warming mantra.
Earlier month we highlighted Professor Kari Norgaard’s call for climate skeptics to be likened to racists and ‘treated’ for having a mental disorder. In a letter to Barack Obama, Norgaard also called on the President to ignore the will of the people and suspend democracy in order to enforce draconian ecological mandates.
But that’s by no means represents the extreme edge of eco-fascist sentiment that has been expressed in recent years.
In 2010, UK government-backed global warming alarmist group 10:10 produced an infomercial in which children who refused to lower their carbon emissions were slaughtered in an orgy of blood and guts. After a massive backlash, the organization was forced to remove the video from their website and issue an apology.
The same year, ‘Gaia hypothesis’ creator James Lovelock asserted that “democracy must be put on hold” to combat global warming and that “a few people with authority” should be allowed to run the planet because people were too stupid to be allowed to steer their own destinies.
In 2006, an environmental magazine to which Al Gore and Bill Moyers had both granted interviews advocated that climate skeptics who are part of the “denial industry” be arrested and made to face Nuremberg-style war crimes trials.
ClimateDepot.com’s Mark Morano is encouraging AGW skeptics to politely inform Steve Zwick ( info@ecosystemmarketplace.com) that calling for people who express a difference of opinion to be tracked and have their houses burned down is not a rational argument for the legitimacy of man-made global warming science.
Indeed, it’s the argument of a demented idiot who’s obviously in the throws of a childish tantrum over the fact that Americans are rejecting the global government/carbon tax agenda for which man-made global warming is a front in greater numbers than ever before.
"The greatest trick we marxists pull is pretending our kind does not exist!"
Sorry, but you are not longer pulling it.
Anonymous "This meet your approval Modusoperandi?"
Obviously not. I told you that what they told you his post was saying wasn't was his post was saying. I even pointed out that part of the quote they used from his page breaks their own intended narrative. So you come back without reading the original page, with another copy/paste that, again, is trying to say that he's saying what he didn't say? Instead of lifting the bar, you didn't even touch it. If anything, you pushed it lower.
Here. Last chance, Anonymous.
Jefferson Guardian on another blog:
"Yesterday morning when I was up at my usual obnoxious hour to get ready for work, I was watching with one eye on the television a Current TV documentary about the marijuana laws in different states related to medical use. It's too bad the legality of this naturally growing plant, with a host of medical and therapeutic uses, has become such a politically-charged issue. It shouldn't be.
I bet if Big Oil, or the banking syndicate, or more realistically, Big Pharm with a helping hand from, say, Monsanto, was able to isolate and tweak the genome of this wondrous plant, and produce and patent the resultant product and seeds, it would become legal in all fifty states practically overnight."
No surprise you are a Pothead JG. Looks like you want a free market to drive down the price of this wondrous plant lol.
The only names that lynched people were registered democrats like tom degan and the other democrats that frequent this blog. It's not the names of people that the hate mongering demoKKKrats on this blog mention. Demon Rats hung so many people and read the wiki article for an unbiased view of Grand Wizard FDR too. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_D._Roosevelt%27s_record_on_civil_rights , so don't let Tom Degan paint over the demon rat history of hate which we all know still goes on today with polices and the organized crime involved in the Unions.
Let's all tell this dumbo shit sexist racist pig degan this.
Okay, Anonymous I have a question for you....
In 1964 and 1965 President Lyndon Johnson passed the Civil and Voting Rights Acts respectively. At that moment, a mass exodus of those racist southerners fled the Democratic party. Here's my question (And I expect an answer):
What party did they flee to?
I'm waiting.
Oh you mean Like Robert Byrd of Virginia? He remained a Democrat.
They kept wearing sheets.
Here, since Degan always says, "Well, black people this" The above is written by a black person.
And again, you bigoted sheet wearing sexist pig, members of the democrat party hung people NOT registered, they were NOT ever registered as Republicans, those who hung, THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO CARRIED OUT HANGINGS WERE DEMOCRATS.
Have that in your tiny sexist mind??
You ask black Republicans, Nixon's Southern Strategy appealed to Christians, you have that again?
"Contrary to the false assertions by Democrats, the racist "Dixiecrats" did not all migrate to the Republican Party. "Dixiecrats" declared that they would rather vote for a "yellow dog" than vote for a Republican because the Republican Party was know as the party for blacks."
There Klansman Abortionist Mafioso, you have your answer.
And Robert Byrd remained a Democrat. Right, twit. The only one probably. And he later apologized for his racist past. That might be why he remained in the fold.
You really are pathetic. But, please, keep your idiotic comments coming. You have no idea how entertaining they are.
Also, remember, when the Democrats tout their "minorities", ask yourself if they are in fact socialists?
Congressional Democrat Socialists, mostly "Minorities".
House Members
Hon. Neil Abercrombie (HI-01)
Hon. Tammy Baldwin (WI-02)
Hon. Xavier Becerra (CA-31)
Hon. Madeleine Bordallo (GU-AL)
Hon. Robert Brady (PA-01)
Hon. Corrine Brown (FL-03)
Hon. Michael Capuano (MA-08)
Hon. André Carson (IN-07)
Hon. Donna Christensen (VI-AL)
Hon. Yvette Clarke (NY-11)
Hon. William “Lacy” Clay (MO-01)
Hon. Emanuel Cleaver (MO-05)
Hon. Steve Cohen (TN-09)
Hon. John Conyers (MI-14)
Hon. Elijah Cummings (MD-07)
Hon. Danny Davis (IL-07)
Hon. Peter DeFazio (OR-04)
Hon. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03)
Rep. Donna F. Edwards (MD-04)
Hon. Keith Ellison (MN-05)
Hon. Sam Farr (CA-17)
Hon. Chaka Fattah (PA-02)
Hon. Bob Filner (CA-51)
Hon. Barney Frank (MA-04)
Hon. Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11)
Hon. Alan Grayson (FL-08)
Hon. Luis Gutierrez (IL-04)
Hon. John Hall (NY-19)
Hon. Phil Hare (IL-17)
Hon. Maurice Hinchey (NY-22)
Hon. Michael Honda (CA-15)
Hon. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL-02)
Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30)
Hon. Hank Johnson (GA-04)
Hon. Marcy Kaptur (OH-09)
Hon. Carolyn Kilpatrick (MI-13)
Hon. Barbara Lee (CA-09)
Hon. John Lewis (GA-05)
Hon. David Loebsack (IA-02)
Hon. Ben R. Lujan (NM-3)
Hon. Carolyn Maloney (NY-14)
Hon. Ed Markey (MA-07)
Hon. Jim McDermott (WA-07)
Hon. James McGovern (MA-03)
Hon. George Miller (CA-07)
Hon. Gwen Moore (WI-04)
Hon. Jerrold Nadler (NY-08)
Hon. Eleanor Holmes-Norton (DC-AL)
Hon. John Olver (MA-01)
Hon. Ed Pastor (AZ-04)
Hon. Donald Payne (NJ-10)
Hon. Chellie Pingree (ME-01)
Hon. Charles Rangel (NY-15)
Hon. Laura Richardson (CA-37)
Hon. Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-34)
Hon. Bobby Rush (IL-01)
Hon. Linda Sánchez (CA-47)
Hon. Jan Schakowsky (IL-09)
Hon. José Serrano (NY-16)
Hon. Louise Slaughter (NY-28)
Hon. Pete Stark (CA-13)
Hon. Bennie Thompson (MS-02)
Hon. John Tierney (MA-06)
Hon. Nydia Velazquez (NY-12)
Hon. Maxine Waters (CA-35)
Hon. Mel Watt (NC-12)
Hon. Henry Waxman (CA-30)
Hon. Peter Welch (VT-AL)
Hon. Robert Wexler (FL-19)"
And many more politicians at the link.
So, they have minorities only to try to turn us into a Socialist nation.
Anonymous "Oh you mean Like Robert Byrd of Virginia? He remained a Democrat."
I see your Byrd and raise you Strom mother fuckin' Thurmond.
"http://images.nbra.info/docs/library/NationalBlackRepublicanAssociation2009/NBRA%20Civil%20Rights%20Newsletter%202Feb11.pdf Here, since Degan always says, "Well, black people this" The above is written by a black person."
MLK was a Republican? Duh. You're missing the obvious: what the Parties are is not what they were. The tectonic plates started to shift around when Truman desegregated the military. Add in a couple of Voting Rights Acts, the bitter herb of Richard Nixon, and the Southern Strategy changed parties. Would Lee Atwater have worked for the Dems before the VRA? Most probably. Would he have worked for them after Nixon? Clearly not.
The "Solid South" used to be Blue. Now it's Red. But the people there are the same people. Discuss.
"Also, remember, when the Democrats tout their 'minorities', ask yourself if they are in fact socialists. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2010/08/american-socialists-release-names-of-70-congressional-democrats-in-their-caucus/"
Ah ha! Take that, Democrats! A two year old link to a website that links to a website that doesn't exist anymore! Even worse for you Democrats, it's attributed to a party that hasn't existed since 1972! Take that, causality, time and logic!
"So, they have minorities only to try to turn us into a Socialist nation."
You already are. You socialize the losses.
just as a note: somehow a ted nugent album cover art has imbeded itself onto my husbands music downloads. can't get it off of half the songs. Ted Nugent virus, mal ware? thats about right. thought he stunk also, and all the genre for that matter.
George Zimmerman, the accused murderer of Florida teen Trayvon Martin, has been released from jail on bail. Meeting Zimmerman's release are calls (on Twitter) for him to be killed. As Twitchy reports, "Twitter lynch mob: George Zimmerman is out on bail? Let’s kill him!"
But it's not just Zimmerman who is at risk. In fact, there's already been a call on Twitter for the murder of the judge, Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester, who agreed to release Zimmerman on bail.
Writing on a Twitter, someone named @Rick_Cobain writes, "Zimmerman released from jail someone kill the judge!!!!!"
Zimmerman released from jail someone kill the judge!!!!!
— (@Rick_Cobain) April 23, 2012
Already 25 other people have retweeted @Rick_Cobain's call for murder.
Teddy "Potty Pants" Nugent is just another fascist punk chicken hawk.
That would make him a real hero to these goose-steppers, who choose to ignore the post, for some reason. And why should they read something not written or copy and pasted by their authoritarian masters? They are so ignorant they can't even find the article they're told to parrot out of context.
Not that the true-believer cultists have a rational option.
Typical. So typical.
When fascism comes to Amerika, these idiots will be cheering.
Don't expect answers or good faith dialogue from these brown shirted twerps. They are only here to spew hate. That's all. They have nothing to offer.
Now they will call me a commie again. That's all their narrow minds can be programmed to do. Just like their fascist predecessors who called anyone who disagreed with them commies. As I said, typical.
Well, maybe our closeted mop squeezer will make a men's shower and bathroom reference. He's quite stimulated by that subject for some reason.
Why don't the boys want to talk about their Uncle "Potty Pants" Teddy?
Chicken? Bwaakk, buck, buck, bukaww!
"Ignorance is strength".
"At least for the thread,Just the Fascist is on topic. Way off base, but on topic.
Care to comment on your Chickenhawk Uncle "Potty Pants" Ted?
Didn't think so."
For the record, Dave, "the Screw" Dubya has blocked my answering his post on his website, which is is his right to do so.
Wonder if he would care to comment on the liberal hate being spewed on the Zimmerman and the Judge who freed him? Of this hate crime:
WASHINGTON TIMES – But now there is a real-life casualty of the heated – some would say politically-motivated – rhetoric: a 19-year-old white hate crime victim from Chicago.
Alton Hayes, 18, of Oak Park, Illinois and a 15 year-old accomplice threatened the victim with a large tree branch and said, “Empty your pockets, white boy.”
Both of the assailants are black.
After pinning the victim’s arms to his sides, Hayes allegedly threw the 19-year-old to the ground, robbed him, and repeatedly punched him in the head and back.
Hayes told authorities he was so upset about the Trayvon Martin case he beat up the man because he was white. He has been charged with attempted robbery, aggravated battery, and a hate crime.
Bail has been set at $80,000. The 15 year-old will be charged as a juvenile. Or if the "Screw" will be on the front row at this event nodding his head in agreement?
The Communist Party USA opened its national conference in New York this weekend, and the speakers weren’t shy about their plans for the United States of America.
In what constituted a clear step-by-step stratagem, Sam Webb, the party’s chair, opened his remarks by saying that the upcoming elections are only be part of “a grander design [that] will connect the dots between our immediate and longer-range political task.”
(Related: Are We Headed Toward the Constitution or The Communist Manifesto? This Breakdown Tells You)
“To put it differently,” he elaborated, “we hope to connect the struggle at the ballot box today with the struggle for socialism tomorrow.”
Webb continued to discuss the “catastrophe” that would befall humanity if we did not begin living in a more environmentally friendly manner, before declaring socialism to be “imperative…to preserve peace and our planet, expand democracy, eliminate gross racial, gender, and other forms of inequality, and to provide a secure life for the billions living on this earth.”
But how, exactly, does the party propose to transform America’s system of governing?
The first step, according to People’s World– where the official Communist Party USA Twitter page directs readers– is to defeat right-wing “extremism” (presumably at the aforementioned ballot box).
I never heard of Ted Nugent until he made those incendiary comments. I hope he is held liable for his dangerous and demented satements.
Oh, look, Just the Fascist trolled an article from his cult master Sun Myung Moons's Republican rag.
For the record, he's afraid to respond to my challenge to comment on Nugent.
He only simplemindedly left his usual commie BS.
What a lying coward. But we all know that.
Buck, buck, buckawww.
Dave Dubya: "Oh, look, Just the Fascist trolled an article..."
"Just the Fascist!" I like that! It's so appropriate...
Thanks, Dave, I'll have to remember that!
Guess the Screw and the Jockstrap haven't heard that Ted was cleared by the FBI. Since they have nothing else to talk about, they they just troll and stalk websites trying to hunt down those who they disagree with.
Unlike Tom, who is a decent, open minded liberal man, these two's fear of being proven wrong, distorts all they do. Go to their rarely read blogs and see how they treat anyone who happens to disagree with them, if you want proof. See for your self, which is something they do not want others to do.
Note how they turn a blind eye to the hate crimes posted.
Recording of Jon Lovitiz at his night club slamming Obam. Very funny, but beware of the language.
Should Lovitiz be checked out by the FBI for this?
they they just troll and stalk websites trying to hunt down those who they disagree with.
Can you say projection, kids?
Let me help the Chicken Troll, "Uncle Teddy Potty Pants says commies are in the White House. Help us Rush".
Buck, Buckaaawww!
Anonymous ".breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2012/04/23/SNLs-Jon-Lovitz-Slams-Obama-Taxes-Fake-99-Percent-ers Recording of Jon Lovitiz at his night club slamming Obam. Very funny, but beware of the language."
Money Quote (approx 4:15 in): After Lovitz spends four minutes complaining about Obama's prefered tax policy (with asides admitting that Obama both worked his way up the ladder and that Obama's just fine with his own tax plan effecting him), Kevin Smith says "[I had no money growing up]...now I've got half of a lot, so I'm happy."
"Should Lovitiz be checked out by the FBI for this?"
For what, bitching about taxes?
BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Police make another arrest in the beating of a Baltimore tourist. A young woman is the second person to be charged in the brutal attack caught on tape.
Monique Griego has more on the suspect and why police still need your help.
In this humiliating video gone viral, a Baltimore tourist was beaten, robbed and later stripped naked by a throng of attackers. Now, Shayona Davis, 20, is behind bars, charged with assault and armed robbery.
“Miss Davis used her shoe, her high-heeled shoe, as a weapon during that attack,” said Anthony Guglielmi, Baltimore City Police spokesperson.
Davis is the second suspect in police custody for the beating. Last week, Aaron Parsons, 20, turned himself in after tipsters from as far away as California called authorities. Parsons was seen throwing the first punch at the victim and publicly apologized.
Detectives have also identified
Deangelo, 18, Carter and Shatia Baldwin, 21, in the video and put warrants out for their arrests.
“Just do the right thing. This was an incredible embarrassment for Baltimore and I think Baltimoreans are outraged for what happened and I think people need to be held accountable for actions,” Guglielmi said.
Parsons’ attorney says his client has no part in tracking down others.
“There’s this notion he’s working along with these people and that’s not the case at all. He doesn’t know them to be able to give information on them,” said Warren Brown, Parsons’ attorney.
Police urge anyone who does to help bring justice to the victim and to the city.
Davis, who had a bail review earlier Monday, is being held on $750,000 bond. Parsons is being held on half a million dollars’ bond.
Police are still seeking the identities of the two additional suspects: Deangelo Carter, 18, and Shatia Baldwin, 21. Anyone with information should call Warrant Apprehension Task Force at 410-637-8970.
sounds like a HATE CRIME to me! Where is Eric Holder when we need him?
MOBILE, Alabama --
Mobile police need your help to catch a mob that beat Matthew Owens so badly that he's in critical condition.
According to police, Owens fussed at some kids playing basketball in the middle of Delmar Drive about 8:30 Saturday night. They say the kids left and a group of adults returned, armed with everything but the kitchen sink.
Police tell News 5 the suspects used chairs, pipes and paint cans to beat Owens.
Owens' sister, Ashley Parker, saw the attack. "It was the scariest thing I have ever witnessed." Parker says 20 people, all African American, attacked her brother on the front porch of his home, using "brass buckles, paint cans and anything they could get their hands on."
Police will only say "multiple people" are involved.
What Parker says happened next could make the fallout from the brutal beating even worse. As the attackers walked away, leaving Owen bleeding on the ground, Parker says one of them said "Now thats justice for Trayvon." Trayvon Martin is the unarmed teenager police say was shot and killed February 26 by neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman in Samford, Florida.
Just found what AG Holder as busy with
MIAMI (Reuters) – The Justice Department sued the city of Jacksonville, Florida, on Monday, claiming its use of written tests to determine promotions in the city’s fire department discriminates against African-Americans.
The lawsuit followed a more than two-year investigation examining Jacksonville’s record of promoting African-Americans for the ranks of lieutenant, captain, district chief and engineer dating back to 2004.
“This complaint should send a clear message to all public employers that employment practices that have the effect of excluding qualified candidates on account of race will not be tolerated,” Thomas Perez, a U.S. assistant attorney general for civil rights, said in a statement.
A spokesman for the Jacksonville mayor’s office declined to comment.
The complaint by the Justice Department alleges the exams are “not job related for the positions in question.”
The complaint said use of the tests “has resulted in a disparate impact upon black candidates” because African-Americans pass the examinations at significantly lower rates than white candidates.
OPPS, didn't mean for that to get out.
From Reuters: “The new laws – many of which include measures requiring voters to show a photo ID at the polls — could carve into Obama’s potential support in Florida, Ohio and a few other politically divided states likely to be crucial in the November 6 election, analysts say. The analysts note that massive registration drives in 2008 helped put millions of people aged 18 to 29 on voting rolls, and that age group — which makes up roughly one-quarter of the U.S. electorate — helped propel Obama to victory, voting 2-to-1 for him. Rock the Vote, a nationwide organization that mobilizes young voters, said the new laws would make it more difficult for the group to educate people on how to sign up to vote.”
Tom Degan: "Ted Nugent: Rock's Village Idiot", the title of this post.
Not ironically, every blog also has its own "village idiot" -- this one being no exception. His chosen name is Just the Facts!, but we also know him "affectionately" as Just the Fascist!, Moduspropogandi, and a host of other monikers -- least of which includes Anonymous. He's certainly a deranged individual, worthy of both our pity and derision. We sometimes wonder how he got this way; was he dropped on his head during infancy, or is he the unfortunate victim of some common brain abnormality such as alcoholism or even mental retardation? We'll never know, for sure, because he's the village idiot. That's all we care to know.
Watching the Ted Nugent stupidity at the NRA convention reminded me of a quote from Christopher Titus: "Be normal, and the crowd will accept you. Be deranged, and they will make you their leader. "
Anonymous "From Reuters: 'The new laws – many of which include measures requiring voters to show a photo ID at the polls — could carve into Obama’s potential support in Florida, Ohio and a few other politically divided states likely to be crucial in the November 6 election, analysts say.'"
Florida: Restricting voter registration, restriction on early voting.
Ohio: Restrictions on early voting, eliminate duty of poll workers to inform voters of the correct voting precinct. ({cite} for both)
Do those sound like things that ensure the integrity of the vote? If they do, congratulations, I've got a bridge to sell you.
JG said on Anna Z's progressive marxist blog:
"I bet if Big Oil, or the banking syndicate, or more realistically, Big Pharm with a helping hand from, say, Monsanto, was able to isolate and tweak the genome of this wondrous plant, and produce and patent the resultant product and seeds, it would become legal in all fifty states practically overnight."
Go smoke some more of "that wondrous weed" with your fellow marxist potheads!
Anybody know what kind of puppy burgers will be served at the White House Correspondents Association annual dinner this week?
Tom,i love your blogs dude always right on.I agree w/ you wholeheartedly about crazy ted.I am a retired for now rock musician,and i am very good at it.I like you Also was very deep into the music world and an avid concert goer.I can still remember the record labels a lot of rock musicians recorded on back in the day."Three dog night"-Dunhill,"led zep"- atlantic "crosby stills and nash"-atlantic" "blood,sweat,and tears"-columbia...I know my shit.Nugent was part of that stupid late seventies era that gave the world crap like "kiss".anywho,nugent IS rock's village idiot.He has lots of company sadly in this country.Love and peace back at you.
Anonymous (i.e., Just the Fascist!): "JG said on Anna Z's progressive marxist blog:"
To a fascist, democracy is Marxist.
"Go smoke some more of 'that wondrous weed' with your fellow marxist potheads!"
Gee, I wish I could, but for obvious reasons I don't. It's not worth the risk of loss of employment or, worse, incarceration. But, one day, when I'm retired and I don't have to put-up with the random (and unconstitutional) drug testing that's so pervasive in the work world, I'll reconsider and maybe even open a medical marijuana facility in D.C.
You should try it. You could use a lot of enlightenment. A lot! Your drunken stupors late at night ain't gettin' it. You're still as dull and dimwitted as ever. Quit the alcohol and expand your mind!
DAVE DUBYA, THANKS FOR TALKING YOUR DEMO KKK CRAT WAY OF BIGOTRY, Sun Yung Moon's Rag, who really gives a flying crap, WE know NBC, NOTHING BUT CRAP airs Doctored 911 Tapes to incite racist violence and has their racist idiots, al sharpton, melissa harris-perry, oh, yeah, Nothing But Crap, NBC, Keith Olbermann's old network must be the one to listen to.
Robert Byrd DemoKKKrat Party, Democrat Party, the only party with REAL NAMES THAT PARTICIPATED IN LYNCHING, Forget White Sheet wearing Degan's spin.
Speaking of Al Sharpton, how about that idiot who got 7 people killed at freddy's fashion mart, got to love the Obamites.
By the way, chances are, dave dubya is another hate mongering name for Degan.
Yeah, trolling for you demo KKK rat white sheet wearing blood on your hands lynch mob. You got that right.
Again, excuse the language, tom degan has no right to call people the shit he does and hold up some asshole cousin or something playing the piano and then say "oh I'm such a nice guy", if anyone is a fascist hate mongerer who goes to crave attention by shitting his comments all over national blogs, it's this guy.
ModusOperandi: U R funny, all you can come up with is someone who was both a democrat and republican but who was never found to be a member of the Klan?
Lester Maddox, George Wallace, etc. tons of racist politicians can be found.
LOL! Mooney Times, what is the racist party going to say next since their NOTHING BUT CRAP NBC network doctors 911 tapes to incite racial violence, ha ha! and you talk about the Mooney times, best response you can make.
Also, it's this raving hate mongerer bigot degan who posts his hate on national newspapers and says come see my blog.
He should take down his Catholic Worker link since being Irish is about the only thing that comes close to making him Catholic.
Yeah, some of the language was strong, A-1 bigot degan posts the most abusive things about women but then says "oh, I'm a nice guy", same kind of abuse that other misogynists, Bill Maher, etc. say.
Come on anonymous, don't be bashful, you are amongst friends here so you can tell us how you really feel.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sun Yung Moon's Rag, who really gives a flying crap?
Not those who don't give a flying crap about the truth.
I have a color glossy autographed photo of Bush Jr. sent to a Klansman as a thank you for his donation.
That proves all Klansmen today are Republicans, right?
Debate over.
Democracy prevails in the marketplace of ideas.
Debate over my ass, I have a glossy color autograph of Obama sent to the president of the Coomunist American party thanking him for his Support and donation.
Weak, very weak Dave, weak.
My victory is challenged by a lie.
Weak, very weak.
You calling someone else's post a lie is so funny, it merits the "SCREWed up reply" award, aka SUR.
Congrats on having this not only named after you, but also the first to receive.
Hi Tom,
Thought I'd do FB too, but no matter where I go it's March 29, 2010...I continue to enjoy your posts. They provide humor in this increasingly bleak place we all call home!
I have two different contact emails for you. I'm not sure which one you look at first, so I'll send them to both.
I think you probably know about this blog already, but just in case you don't, I'm sending it on to you. Many of us frivolous, mad-hatter, bleeding heart...the dreaded "L" word people follow this site hoping for the best, which for most of us would be living to see Scott Walker go out on the end of a pointy-toed cowboy boot some time in the near future,(hopefully as early as June).
Here's the hot poop scoop:
Or more simply put: scottwalkerwatch.com
We're watchin' this greasy little monkey hoping for the best.
Hope all's fine with you and your's.
Sal (Milwaukee)
JG said:
"To a fascist, democracy is Marxist."
Keep smokin that wondrous plant JG. You sure are one fucked up dude!
Jon Lovitz slams Obama and Occupy Wall Street
Jon is a democrat who voted for Obama and now realizes what a big ass mistake he made.
And what was Bush?
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous "Jon Lovitz slams Obama and Occupy Wall Street http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=spd5cwlfRdk#!"
Talk about deja vu. De javu from earlier on this very page, in fact. Worse, It was already replied to, proving* that you're not interested in arguing in good faith. You're just interested in arguing.
* ...as with your continued not reading of Steve Zwick, whom you smeared, based not on you having read what he actually wrote (you hadn't) but on what others told you he wrote. And you still haven't read it.
Anonymous, who's too cowardly to confront his adversaries with his true moniker, Just the Fascist!, said:
"Keep smokin that wondrous plant JG. You sure are one fucked up dude!"
I get to add the descriptor "dense" (as in a lead brick), to dull and dimwitted. Each define you, not only appropriately, but explicitly.
Please God, tell me this ugly freak and his horrid grotesque female DID NOT BREED.
Still don't understand why u let the fascists hijack ur blog tom. They bring nothing to the discussion except hatred and ignorance.
THIS is what we had in '06 when Republicans held both houses of congress and the WH, and dem0s were running for control of congress promising "CHANGE." How're yall liking the "CHANGE?"
2006 unemployment #s
When Republicans had both houses and the WH.........................http://www.icmarc.org/xp/rc/marketview/ ... oduct.html
The 1st quarter of '06 saw 4.8% growth in GDP. Then came demos running for control of congress promising "CHANGE." They won, and after 2 years in power, things HAVE "CHANGED" GDP growth dropped to negative 6%. Happy with your "CHANGE?"
12,600 12,621.77 January 24, 2007
DOW open and close
Deficit in january ‘07, 1.2%
i was at that concert in 1977. Ted sounded great and the drummer was tight and those lights wow that was big to us back then. i was 18. the vocals bass and ted's guitar were right on point. too bad he like these capitalists douche bags think they are something extra special beyond they're talents. they think that the addiction to the unfortunate unscrupulous greed they have makes them Emporers of humaity. pity...
Take Ted Nugent's Guns Sign The Petition To Revoke Ted's Conceal Carry Permit as Well as His Right To Bear Arms ~ https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/revoke-ted-nugents-conceal-carry-permit-and-his-second-amendment-rights/zmFvRgqv
So its ok when Kerry says about Bush in 2008: "I could have gone to 1600 Pennsylvania and killed the real bird with one stone."
Nobody got upset then....
I remember seeing all those k _ill Bush signs with hang-man's, burning signs, etc.
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