Change the Subject
"As people do better, they start voting like Republicans - unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing."
-Karl Rove
I know what you're thinking. No, friends, that wasn't Josef Goebbels who uttered that verbal atrocity. It really was an American citizen, working out of the White House in the twenty-first century. Go figure.
red years from now when historians are struggling to come up with a clever tag for the times in which we now live, I'm almost certain that the name "Karl Rove" will be connected with it somehow. I can see it now: "The Age of Rove" or possibly "The Rovian Period". The man will be remembered as being as much of a cancer on the body politic of his era as Joe McCarthy is remembered being during the time of McCarthyism. Political success for people like Rove comes only through the use of lies and distortion. They are unable to campaign based on the merits of their ideas because those ideas are atrocious. That is why political operators like Rove and the late Lee Attwater are so valuable to the agenda of the extreme right wing. They are (or in Lee's case were) the miracle workers who are able to tell the electorate that the sun is shinning at midnight. Somehow they always manage to get enough of the gullible to believe them.
By the way, I should note here that as he lay dying, Lee Attwater begged God to forgive him for his entire political career. I wonder if Karl Rove will have a similar deathbed conversion. I can't wait to find out. I'm sorry, that's cruel. Pay it no mind.
"Let me live 'neath your spell
Do do that voodoo that you do so well"
Rove is out
there this year, doing that voodoo that he does so well. As Mitt Romney's campaign continues to implode - for no other reason than the fact that he insists on talking - the Republicans need Rove more than they ever did. Defeating Barack Obama ain't gonna be easy, that's for sure, but don't forget that this is the genius (and I use that word sincerely) who masterminded the successful campaigns of the half-witted frat boy from Crawford, Texas in 2000 and 2004. He was Anne Sullivan to George W. Bush's Helen Keller. Or perhaps a better metaphor would be Edgar Bergen to Bush's Charlie McCarthy.
2012 will be the dirtiest campaign in living memory - possibly in history. The Supreme Court's horrible Citizens United v FEC decision of January 2010 will see to that. We've now entered a whole new area entirely. Think of it as an electoral Wild West. Everyone and everything is now fair game with no one to be held accountable. The money that can be pumped into a campaign is now virtually unlimited. As long as Citizens United remains the law of the land, the left in this country (what's left of it) will be fighting the good fight with both hands tied behind their backs.
Strange days indeed.
We ha
d a little preview of the GOP's desperation this week when word leaked out that they were going to bring back as an issue - WAIT FOR IT - the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. You might remember (then again you might not remember) that he was the pastor of a Chicago church that Barack Obama was known to attend. During the campaign of 2008, Wright was busted on a videotape using "inflammatory", "anti-American" rhetoric. A lot of what he said was misquoted. "God damned America" was translated by the right wing scream machine as "God damn America". It didn't matter. Candidate Obama swiftly disassociated himself from Reverend Wright and the issue just-as-swiftly evaporated. Crisis resolved? Not so fast!
Desperate times require desperate measures as they say. The Republican propaganda machine decided to bring the Jeremiah Wright issue out of mothballs and give it another chance just for old times sake - that is until the New York Times got word of it. Within a matter of hours it became apparent how stupid an idea it was. Mitt Romney has a delightful tendency to throw anything he can against the wall to see what will stick. Even he disassociated himself from the idea.
The Karl Rove
playbook is something else. This is why I think he is a political Einstein. His strategies are usually effective against all odds. Attack the opposition's strength - not their weaknesses. He used it against Al Gore's masterful knowledge of governance in 2000 ("POLICY WONK!") He used it against John Kerry's heroic military record in 2004 (Remember the swiftboat veterans for "truth"?) Somehow he'll be able to use twenty-six straight months of job growth against Barack Obama.
They already have half of the country believing that the president created the economic catastrophe he inherited. Isn't life strange?
Last summer in an effort to make Obama look bad, the Republicans seemed intent on refusing to raise the debt ceiling, something that they have always voted for in the past, risking America's credit rating in the process. And then they mysteriously backed off, allowing the debt ceiling to rise with no further debate on the matter. What's up with that??? Here's what's up:
Some genius (and I use that word sarcastically) among them probably realized that the debt ceiling fiasco would probably hurt the prez a lot more in an election year. The fact that it will also hurt untold millions of Americans is irrelevant to them. They've been demonstrating for over a century that they don't give a damn about the well being of the people they're sworn to represent. Wait until midsummer's nightmare. My guess (and it's a pretty educated one) is that this time they'll stick to their guns and refuse to allow the debt ceiling to rise, irreparably harming the president - and the American people.And the cycle will only continue. As long as this country keeps sending the plutocracy's handmaidens to Washington in such overwhelming numbers, we'll have to get used to living in a country in ruins. This is the way it's going to be from this point on - or at least until we wake the fuck up.
Wake the fuck up.
I used to think that Obama's reelection was a sure thing. Now I'm not too sure. The Grand Old Party is willing to destroy this country in order to obtain and retain power. They'll stop at nothing in order to achieve those ends - even if there is nothing left for them to govern. So sit back and have some popcorn handy. This is gonna get REALLY interesting.
The GOP can still win the day, but in order to do so they'll need to change the subject. It is the only "change" they can believe in. Isn't the American political process loads of fun?
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Bush's Brain
by James C. Moore and Wayne Slater
A very disturbing look into the weird political history of Karl Rove. It was also made into a documentary and is available on DVD. Both are highly recommended. Here is a link to watch the trailer on You Tube:
-Karl Rove
I know what you're thinking. No, friends, that wasn't Josef Goebbels who uttered that verbal atrocity. It really was an American citizen, working out of the White House in the twenty-first century. Go figure.

By the way, I should note here that as he lay dying, Lee Attwater begged God to forgive him for his entire political career. I wonder if Karl Rove will have a similar deathbed conversion. I can't wait to find out. I'm sorry, that's cruel. Pay it no mind.
"Let me live 'neath your spell
Do do that voodoo that you do so well"
Rove is out

2012 will be the dirtiest campaign in living memory - possibly in history. The Supreme Court's horrible Citizens United v FEC decision of January 2010 will see to that. We've now entered a whole new area entirely. Think of it as an electoral Wild West. Everyone and everything is now fair game with no one to be held accountable. The money that can be pumped into a campaign is now virtually unlimited. As long as Citizens United remains the law of the land, the left in this country (what's left of it) will be fighting the good fight with both hands tied behind their backs.
Strange days indeed.
We ha

Desperate times require desperate measures as they say. The Republican propaganda machine decided to bring the Jeremiah Wright issue out of mothballs and give it another chance just for old times sake - that is until the New York Times got word of it. Within a matter of hours it became apparent how stupid an idea it was. Mitt Romney has a delightful tendency to throw anything he can against the wall to see what will stick. Even he disassociated himself from the idea.
The Karl Rove

They already have half of the country believing that the president created the economic catastrophe he inherited. Isn't life strange?
Last summer in an effort to make Obama look bad, the Republicans seemed intent on refusing to raise the debt ceiling, something that they have always voted for in the past, risking America's credit rating in the process. And then they mysteriously backed off, allowing the debt ceiling to rise with no further debate on the matter. What's up with that??? Here's what's up:
Some genius (and I use that word sarcastically) among them probably realized that the debt ceiling fiasco would probably hurt the prez a lot more in an election year. The fact that it will also hurt untold millions of Americans is irrelevant to them. They've been demonstrating for over a century that they don't give a damn about the well being of the people they're sworn to represent. Wait until midsummer's nightmare. My guess (and it's a pretty educated one) is that this time they'll stick to their guns and refuse to allow the debt ceiling to rise, irreparably harming the president - and the American people.And the cycle will only continue. As long as this country keeps sending the plutocracy's handmaidens to Washington in such overwhelming numbers, we'll have to get used to living in a country in ruins. This is the way it's going to be from this point on - or at least until we wake the fuck up.
Wake the fuck up.
I used to think that Obama's reelection was a sure thing. Now I'm not too sure. The Grand Old Party is willing to destroy this country in order to obtain and retain power. They'll stop at nothing in order to achieve those ends - even if there is nothing left for them to govern. So sit back and have some popcorn handy. This is gonna get REALLY interesting.
The GOP can still win the day, but in order to do so they'll need to change the subject. It is the only "change" they can believe in. Isn't the American political process loads of fun?
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

Bush's Brain
by James C. Moore and Wayne Slater
A very disturbing look into the weird political history of Karl Rove. It was also made into a documentary and is available on DVD. Both are highly recommended. Here is a link to watch the trailer on You Tube:
Here is a link to order the film off of Amazon.com
Seriously, the guy is beyond despicable.
To read more recent postings on this den of disgusting LIBERAL propaganda please go to the link below:
"The Rant" by Tom Degan
What kind of an American are you anyway reading this stuff???
Here is a link to order the film off of Amazon.com
Seriously, the guy is beyond despicable.
To read more recent postings on this den of disgusting LIBERAL propaganda please go to the link below:
"The Rant" by Tom Degan
What kind of an American are you anyway reading this stuff???
.....but not cruel enough!
If the country falls for it again, there will be no "100 years from now" in the United States. We will, as a nation, be done for. If anyone wonders why the education in the US has taken a huge turn for the worse, just read that quote you have up top again. Why would you want any smart people who will probably vote against your party? Depressing. I hold out hope for 2012, though. Maybe this is the year we step back from the brink.
Top ten reasons not to vote for Obama, none of which are caused by Karl R.
1. The man started his presidency off with a bang by botching his oath of office.
2. For good measure, he set the tone for it by blaming Chief Justice John Roberts for the error.
3. Obama promises on the campaign trail to immediately shut down Guantanamo Bay. The detention facility is open three years later and counting.
4. In the same breath, he promises to restore habeus corpus. Three years into his term, he signs the National Defense Authorization Act, which leaves open the possibility of indefinite detention of American citizens.
5. President Obama ordered the assassination of an American citizen.
6. As Senator, Obama spoke out against but voted for the Patriot Act.
7. As President, he extended it, with an auto-pen, while he was in France.
8. Obama continues the “Bush practice” of extraordinary rendition.
9. As a candidate, Obama promises to end the War in Iraq and bring all troops home within 16 months. He even says in 2007 that it would be the first thing he would do in office, and that “you can take that to the bank.” As president, he announces all troops would be withdrawn by the end of 2011 (34 months later).
10. Obama states the Afghan War would conclude in June 2011, but projections now have us running into 2014.
So, my fellow anon, are you gonna vote for Romney, Ron Paul or just sit at home scowling while the rest of the nation casts its ballots?
Sorry, Anonymous, get your facts straight. From CNN, Jan 21, 2009:
President Obama retook his oath of office Wednesday after Chief Justice John Roberts flubbed while delivering it at Tuesday's inauguration.
Anonymous Too "Sorry, Anonymous, get your facts straight..."
I hate to come to Anonymous' defense, but you're just being ridiculous. They aren't his facts.
Modusoperandi, and just what is that convoluted nonsense supposed to mean?
1. You tell Anonymous to get his facts straight.
2. I leap to Anonymous' defense, pointing out that he can't, as he simply copy/pasted them from somewhere else. I'm all magnanimous and shit.
15 more reasons not to vote for Obama that can not be blamed on Karl R.
1. As Senator, Obama opposes the surge in Iraq. He claims that increasing troop levels by 20,000 would actually increase sectarian violence.
2. When pulling troops out of Iraq, Obama tries to claim success for ending the war, without giving credit to Bush or the troops for any “victory.” The Bush surge was what turned the tide in the war.
Sectarian violence is up sharply since Obama pulled troops out of Iraq in December 2011.
3. President Obama refuses to say “victory” is necessarily the goal in Afghanistan.
4. Obama reasons the U.S. should not project the image of Emperor Hirohito being forced to sign a treaty of surrender before Macarthur to end the war against Japan.
5. Emperor Hirohito did not sign the treaty of surrender ending the war against Japan. It was his foreign minister Shigemitsu.
6.Obama plans to ease travel restrictions to communist Cuba in 2009.
7. And in 2011.
The president pledges a “new beginning” with the Cuban dictatorial regime.
8. A glance at a Cuban-U.S. relations timeline running to December 2011 shows nothing changed.
9. President Obama greets Venezuela’s socialist dictator Hugo Chavez warmly at the Summit of the Americas.
10. Earlier that month, Chavez calls Obama an “ignoramus.”
11. At the same summit, President Obama sits patiently through a 50 minute diatribe against the United States delivered by socialist strongman Daniel Ortega, only scribbling notes instead of walking out with his diplomatic team.
12. President Obama meets a grinning Daniel Ortega at the same summit.
13. When asked later by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper what he thought of the anti-American tirade, President Obama replies, “It was 50 minutes long. That’s what I thought.”
14. The attempted subversion of the rule of law in Honduras by the socialist president Zelaya, which would have unconstitutionally put him on the ballot for a third term, prompts his judicial removal from office. Obama condemns the supposed “coup” as “not legal.”
15. President Obama directs his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to cut off $30 million in aid to Honduras.
So MO, without your cutting and pasting give a few reasons why you wont be voting for Obama in Novemeber
I just want to send a shout out to my new bud Jefferson's Guardian,
We were at the anti Nato march in Chicago this past weekend.
We smoked some good weed, smashed some windows, and had a great time!
Bo-Bo, glad you had a good time. You are in a small minority of people with the smashing and all. Weed smokers are not likely to be violent like that. Other than that, I guess all is cool in the world, as far as you're concerned?
President Obama is the "safety net" president. His big problem is that he only knows how to get people into the safety net and not out of it.
We conned-servatives don't respond to questions and we don't provide information. We copy and paste propaganda.
We are trolls, and are here only to annoy, distract and smear.
I hope everybody on Tom Degan's "The Rant" is leaning forward and watching my show! I need help with the ratings.
Modusoperandi, it looks like you eat too much to me. Maybe you should share your food for social justice's sake big boy!
Regarding the debt ceiling issue. Fortunately it doesn't have to be raised till December, so it won't factor into the election. However, if Republicans don't get their way in November, they might just hold out for spite.
Great point about how they've got half the country thinking Obama created the recession. Fact. Of the extra $4 trillion added to the debt since Obama took office more than three quarters of it came from Bush's two wars, his tax cuts and Medicare Part D - all unfunded. Most of the rest came from the stimulus and the worst economic upheaval since the Great Depression. Actual domestic spending increased only slightly from 2008 baselines.
Hey Peter, How many years does Bush have to be out of office before the two wars becomes "Obama's Wars"? He just signed us up for 12 more years in Afghan, didn't he? And he did continue the Bush tax cuts even when they would have expired so they should be called the Obama tax cuts.
If Obama enacted half of his campaign promises, the country would be in much better shape. But he instead emulated Bush and carried on in his footsteps.
Who was it who said Karl Rove's face looks like bread dough? Was that Al Franken?
I'm not sure a vituperative election will go over this year. I think it will turn off a lot of people. It may backfire on the Republicans. They've lost the women's vote already (except for those women who find bread-dough faces attractive). No self-respecting woman will vote for Romney. We know he will say and do anything to be president, so he will support the Republican War on Women, the decimation of safety net for elderly, disabled, and impoverished, the destruction of education in this country for all but the most wealthy. Women generally don't vote for people who harm their family members.
I don't think the GOP really care about the National Election this year - I think they are hell-bent on picking up as many state and local elections as they can, using Romney as their mouthpiece - he will get national attention and spend a lot of time yelling and screaming about all the wedge issues that get the morons of this country into the polls, hoping to pick up some more tea-baggers and other morally bankrupt candidates who will do the bidding of the GOP's masters.
"They've lost the women's vote already"@Prose
Please provide source of this "fact", even if it means you have to cut and paste to do so.
We needed a bigger-than-life President – we got President Zero.
We needed a well-grounded stable President – we got a certifiable narcissist.
We needed bold leadership – we got a teleprompter
We needed a seasoned hand – we got a hand in in our pockets
We needed a champion for American citizens... we got a champion for the invading horde of Illegal Aliens
We needed a skilled bridge builder – we got a class-warfare specialist and inciter-in-chief.
We needed practical, proven policies – we got socialist dogma and monumental waste
We needed an inspirational visionary – we got an ideologically blinded, left learning-impaired radical
We needed a Constitutional champion – we got a domestic enemy of the Constitution
We needed a restrained, intimidating warrior – we got groveling, bowing, Barney Fife
We needed a patriot – we got G. D. America, G. D. America, G. D. America.
We needed someone to unshackle our economy – we got someone who is a friend to our enemies and an enemy to our businesses
We needed a president beyond color – we got a green president embracing every whim and myth ever spoken by the kook environmental fringe.
We needed mature, principled leadership – we got a petulant, lying, whining, blaming, sulking, man-child.
It is a national disgrace that someone this inept, incompetent, racist, and a American hating Socialist could be elected to the office of the Presidency.
Smokey Lagumski, he sounds positively terrifying. I have just one question: Who are you talking about?
Modusoperandi: "I have just one question: Who are you talking about?"
I believe he's talking about Gary Cohn. I agree, he's absolutely frightening!
(He even looks like Karl Rove...sort of.)
We need informed American citzens. Instead we got a bunch of brainwashed Anonymous Smokey Legumskis.
As for me being on a government teet; I think this illustrates an excellent point. Dave likes to talk about a black/white thinking and with you Jefferson that mindset is clearly on display. For you, I have to be either an anarchist or a card carrying socialist or I am a hypocrite. Taking a moderate position and saying there are some responsibilities of government and some things that are not isn't acceptable to you. That's an extreme line of thinking and that makes you a political extremist. You are part of the problem bud, not part of the solution. There can't be any kind of compromise with a guy like you who is operating on an "all or nothing" mindset. I think you do wonders for my cause when people read comments like yours because it highlights the extreme socialist theme many Democrats have. It says you guys aren't a part of the main stream political thought most Americans have. Instead you folks are a group of class warriors who won't accept any level of moderation short of government controlling the means of production and setting wages in a centrally commanded economy. The vast majority of voters can understand the need for a professional, all volunteer military these days and also possess enough nuance to understand that doesn't mean government should provide every waking need to the citizen. When offered the choice between a wonderful example of Liberal Progressive ideals like yourself and my very moderate approach I can't help but win. I only wish more Americans could hear Jefferson who is at least honest about his intent, as opposed to the more sly in your movement who know better how to hide their intentions and institute them by clandestine degree against the will of the American people.
Every time true liberals open their mouths like this, it demonstrates that Conservatives and Libertarians aren't the radicals and extremists we are often painted to be by liberals like Jefferson... its quite the other way-around.
George Jefferson's Guardian is a marxist but pretends to be an American. Its time to come out of the closet George.
Poor Smokey Anonymous 2 is so mentally fogged he needs to copy and paste the words of a self identified "moderate" John Bircher.
As in any cult, authoritarian followers need their authoritarian leaders, like Moonies need Bush family friend and Washington Times Republican Rev. Sun Myung Moon.
They are exactly like a cult. Everything FOX(R) and the radical Right propagandists say is the absolute truth to them. They don't care at all for fact-check sources.
I'm sure he'll soon show us even more proof of my comparison. In fact, it is all he CAN do.
Maybe he can show us one of those Obama death panels. You just know he's waiting for Rush to tell him where to find one.
I'm sure they're hidden with Saddam's "nukular" aluminum tubes. He should start looking there.
How interesting, people post why they disagree with Tom, and give examples of why Obama and his policy's are a failure and what happens?
DD, JG, and MO rush in and try to discredit the posters, not their positions, nor do they attempt to defend against the posters positions with counter facts. Instead they do like the three of them always do, attack and discredit those they disagree with.
Anonymous "DD, JG, and MO rush in and try to discredit the posters, not their positions, nor do they attempt to defend against the posters positions with counter facts. Instead they do like the three of them always do, attack and discredit those they disagree with."
That's weird, because I generally cite sources with facts that say the posters' positions are factually incorrect, rather than attack the posters themselves.
For this, I've been misread, ignored as being foreign, ignored as being liberal, and ignored because someone else at some time in the past (I was told) was rude or failed to live up to a bargain that I wasn't even a party to.
Keep it up Dave, you are just proving my point!
MO,you are not ignored, you simply refuse to answer honest question, like who do you recommend be our next President and why? So you are not taken seriously. Oh, you can cut and paste to support your answer.
Anonymous, Obama is less bad than Romney. And that's about as close to a recommendation I can give.
Dave Dubya,
I'm sorry your liberal arts degree only opened a door to work as a guard in prison, dealing with society's trash every day.
Prison guards aren't the sharpest tools in the shed Dave.
To try to compensate for your shitty job, you created a blog where you can pretend to be smart.
Keep it up Dave, you are just proving my point!
What point is that? It definitely isn’t a point for originality.
I'm sorry your liberal arts degree only opened a door to work as a guard in prison, dealing with society's trash every day.
Prison guards aren't the sharpest tools in the shed Dave.
To try to compensate for your shitty job, you created a blog where you can pretend to be smart.
This sounds exactly like the sociopathic thugs behind bars. It’s about character, right?
Yet again, proving this point:
We conned-servatives don't respond to questions and we don't provide information. We copy and paste propaganda.
We are trolls, and are here only to annoy, distract and smear.
A big thank you to our simple-minded, sociopathic, and thuggish juvenile troll. We all know who you are. Your words reek of the same fetid air no matter how anonymous you think you are. You’re hardly different than the rest of “society’s’ trash” in your own special way.
Thank you for being, and behaving, exactly as we’ve come to expect.
Got some more for proof for us?
Run along now...And look out for those death panels.
Anonymous "DD, JG, and MO rush in and try to discredit the posters, not their positions, nor do they attempt to defend against the posters positions with counter facts. Instead they do like the three of them always do, attack and discredit those they disagree with."
"I'm sorry your liberal arts degree only opened a door to work as a guard in prison, dealing with society's trash every day. Prison guards aren't the sharpest tools in the shed Dave. To try to compensate for your shitty job, you created a blog where you can pretend to be smart."
Reposted for irony.
"Poor Smokey Anonymous 2 is so mentally fogged"@ DD
Gee MO, I dont recall any name calling until this post by DD, and btw, I copied and pasted his statement.
Anonynous projection.
Wrong again.
Just look at the previous mentally fogged statement I was referring to.
George Jefferson's Guardian is a marxist but pretends to be an American
You guys make it too easy.
Modusoperandi, it looks like you eat too much to me. Maybe you should share your food for social justice's sake big boy!
One would be quite mentally fogged to not see these glaring examples, especially after spouting them.
I guess its ok if you're a reactionary fascist type. God forbid I call them out for doing it first.
Say, haven't you found one of those death panels yet? Or do you prefer whining like a crybaby brat?
Oops DD, you "forgot" what was said about JG earlier in the post that you CUT and PASTED from.
"I only wish more Americans could hear Jefferson who is at least honest about his intent, as opposed to the more sly in your movement who know better how to hide their intentions and institute them by clandestine degree against the will of the American people."
So DD, your position is that JG being called a Marxist is a bad or pretending to be an American is bad?
The one accusing others of name calling is a name caller. Imagine that. Hypocrites love to do that.
So Anonymous troll,, your position is that being called a fascist is bad or pretending to be an American is bad?
Can you show us a death panel now please. How about Iraqi "nukular" aluminum tubes?
What's the matter? Were you lied to by Republicans?
Can't tell? Afarid to discuss it?
Wanna cry about how mean I am to you? Boo hoo.
Authoritarian fanatics can dish it out, but they can't take it.
"Waah! Daddy, there's a mean commie marxist who hates America saying awful truths about me for telling lies".
Dave Dubya,
Forcing me to buy health insurance is as Authoritarian as one can get.
You have your head up your buttox!
Forcing me to buy health insurance is as Authoritarian as one can get.
Thank the Republican Heritage Foundation for the individual mandate idea. Really. Look it up.
Like being forced to buy car insurance to drive. Oh, the tyranny.
The insurance companies' interests were well defended by Republicans, before and after the mandate.
Then there's the suspicionless random drug testing launched by Reagan in service to the corporate sponsored war on drugs. With no relevance to work performance, I've had to piss in a bottle to keep my job, thanks to authoritarian Republican rules.
The Right has always hated the Fourth Amendment.
And declaring one's bodily fluids property of the state or a business is not even the worst authoritarian measure by the Right.
Just waking up to authoritarianism? Welcome to post Bush America.
Now we have the Patriot Act and unrestricted surveillance of Americans' electronic communications put in place by Republicans and spineless Democratic appeasers.
Bush lied about requiring a court order to wiretap Americans.
Our library reading is now under surveillance and the librarians under a gag order.
Have you been frisked like a criminal, or had your genitals imaged at an airport yet? Some TSA screeners enjoy comparing organ shapes and sizes.
Just wait until the next Republican gets into the White House. We ain't seen nothin yet.
"loyalty oaths" required to hear the president speak will be back in force.
So tell me, where are those scary death panels the authoritarians have told us about?
To: Tom Degan's loyal readers regarding Anonymous, the troll, and his statement: "I only wish more Americans could hear Jefferson who is at least honest about his intent, as opposed to the more sly in your movement who know better how to hide their intentions and institute them by clandestine degree against the will of the American people."
As we've come to expect, Anonymous plagiarized by lifting this from a conversation I was having with another libertarian on another blog (Dave Dubya's, if you're curious). I certainly hope nobody thought these were his own words. I would think, by now, everybody would realize "Anonymous" (and, unfortunately, we know him by several pseudonyms) doesn't have the ability to express himself as coherently as the writer did (despite his misjudgment).
Of course, I replied to the original writer's suggestion that I had "intentions", however I've yet to receive a reply.
A peaceful Memorial Day weekend to all...
A peaceful Memorial Day weekend to all...
It will be if the OWS crowd isn't smashing car and store windows in yet another protest!
Going to have to take a deep breath and actually agree with DD on one point. Bush and the Republicans let us all down. IMO "Homeland Security" and the other related draconian measures were simply another agglomeration of power by the Fed in the name of "safety". Should have been managed MUCH differently.
Having just returned from driving across the state of Wisconsin, including driving through the Capital, I can attest to strong support for Walker (judging by the number of yard signs) through out the state. Except for the areas in and around Madison, where they were conspiciously absent. I talked with some locals and they reported that the signs supporting Walker had a habit of disappearing, I wonder why.
Apparently for some even the thought that there might be another side of an issue is too much to bear. Hence any sign of support for the opposing position must be irradicated.
I've noticed a trend starting with CNN, CBS, and ABC, realizing they've made fools of themselves.
They no longer worship at the Obama altar, probably because they're losing subscribers and sponsors.
The administration is losing control of the media and the dialogue, Carney and the rest are looking feckless and disorganized.
Booker, Rendell, Carville, Cadell, now openly critical of the administrations' strategy, as they witness the reception of ploys like Julia, same-sex marriage, free contraceptives and the like, while Romney is articulating a serious message about ways to create jobs and produce growth.
How interesting, people post why they disagree with Tom, and give examples of why Obama and his policy's are a failure and what happens?
DD, JG, and MO rush in and try to discredit the posters, not their positions, nor do they attempt to defend against the posters positions with counter facts. Instead they do like the three of them always do, attack and discredit those they disagree with.
AND They are still doing it!!
Anonymous "How interesting, people post why they disagree with Tom, and give examples of why Obama and his policy's are a failure and what happens?"
People ignore the copy & paste from elsewhere?
"DD, JG, and MO rush in and try to discredit the posters, not their positions, nor do they attempt to defend against the posters positions with counter facts. Instead they do like the three of them always do, attack and discredit those they disagree with."
Repeating yourself doesn't make it any less untrue. (Note, again, also, as usual, the irony of this coming from Anonymous, who has consistently ignored citations)
Aw, you go (a little off-the-cuff because I don't have my files with me. Plus, you don't care):
Smokey Lagumski "We needed a bigger-than-life President – we got President Zero."
"We needed a well-grounded stable President – we got a certifiable narcissist."
{citation needed}
"We needed bold leadership.."
We needed FDR with LBJ's LBJness. We got Hoover.
"– we got a teleprompter"
Obama goes to the lion's den. He can be pretty good off-the-cuff, even when (as in the link you won't read) the chips are stacked against him.
"We needed a seasoned hand – we got a hand in in our pockets"
I know, right! He's all extending all the Bush-era "temporary" tax cuts and cutting payrolls taxes and everything! Atticca! Atticca!
"We needed a champion for American citizens... we got a champion for the invading horde of Illegal Aliens"
1. The DREAM Act used to be bipartisan. It, as usual, had support on both sides up until Obama came out before it.
2. Deportations rose under Obama.
" We needed a skilled bridge builder – we got a class-warfare specialist and inciter-in-chief."
Oh, no! The mild-mannered, establishment, Rockefeller Republican once called Wall Street fat cats "Wall Street fat cats"! Hurry, fetch me some pearls to clutch!
"We needed practical, proven policies – we got socialist dogma and monumental waste"
Actually, you got Republican policies from the 1990s.
"We needed an inspirational visionary..."
Even if we got that, he would still be backed up by the Feckless wing of his party, and opposed totally by the GOP.
"...we got an ideologically blinded..."
Yeah! Take that, guy who listens to the same kind of people his predecessor (and his predecessor) listened to! Take that, leftwing establishment free-marketers!
"...left learning-impaired radical"
Considering Dick Luger's no longer rightwing enough, "left wing" no longer has any meaning.
"We needed a Constitutional champion – we got a domestic enemy of the Constitution"
Agreed. Probably for different reasons than you, but still.
"We needed a restrained, intimidating warrior – we got groveling, bowing, Barney Fife"
Yeah! Damn him for sticking to the agreement signed with the Iraqi government before he became president! Damn him for approving sneaking in to an allied country with Navy Seals and helicopters to kill a guy who was living right under their noses!
"We needed a patriot – we got G. D. America, G. D. America, G. D. America."
"Scary black man! Scary black man! Scary black man!"
"We needed someone to unshackle our economy – we got someone who is a friend to our enemies and an enemy to our businesses"
"We need more of the tax cuts that have hollowed out our revenues and more of the deregulation that has served us so poorly, lo, these last few decades."
"We needed a president beyond color – we got a green president embracing every whim and myth ever spoken by the kook environmental fringe."
{citation needed}. And move beyond Solyndra. The Obama administration's mistake with that was not rushing over to stop it, since it started before he became president, even while Wall Street was burning.
But if he had done that, you'd be blaming him for stopping that while Wall Street was burning. Correction: you would, but you'd have to wait until other people wrote it, posted it, and reposted it elsewhere. Then you'd know what you were against.
"We needed mature, principled leadership..."
You got as mature and principled as Democrats can get. No big ideas, just nibbling around the edges. And that's SOCIALISM!!!, apparently.
After '29, you got the New Deal. After '08, you got Dodd-Frank (which is a hollow shell of a nibbling-around-the-edges. Even then, it's too much for Wall Street, so it's a shadow of a shell of a nibbling)
"... – we got a petulant, lying, whining, blaming, sulking, man-child."
{citation needed}
"...someone this inept..."
{citation needed}
{citation needed}
{citation needed}
"...and a American hating..."
{citation needed}
{citation needed}
Nice rebuttal to the fascist red wingers (or is it right wingers) challenging the most brilliant President ever elected in Amerika. We must fight them off till the election, then Obama can move full speed ahead on building the new Utopia.
Walter Duranty "Modusoperandi, Nice rebuttal to the fascist red wingers (or is it right wingers) challenging the most brilliant President ever elected in Amerika."
Obviously. It has to be that either he's the worst or the best ever. That's not crazy at all.
"We must fight them off till the election, then Obama can move full speed ahead on building the new Utopia."
Obviously. Because a post-2012 Obama, still without the House and probably losing a few seats in the Senate will be even more powerful than he is now, without the House and with a fillibuster'd Senate. He'll finally be able to unleash the inner Utopianist that he isn't. That's not crazy at all.
Hi Tom,
Speaking of changing the subject, what's your take on the 10 minute view into "As Goes Janesville?" The recall is just around the corner and the lawns have in and around Milwaukee have been peppered with "Recall Scott Walker" and "We Stand with Governor Walker." Literally every other house is pro or con, in a totally polarized state of Wisconsin currently.
I myself am hoping for a political miracle if there is such a thing. This slimey lil' piece of work should be run out on a rail if he gets what he deserves. I think whatever happens it's gonna be close. I went to visit my oldest son this past weekend who lives about 90 miles north of me. I noticed during the drive north that the norther I got, there were whole counties with "We Stand with Governor Walker" signs posted. I find it quite frightening. While I was in his neck of the woods, the situation was pretty much the same as it is here in Milwaukee with seemingly every other house either for him or against him. I hope for once "good" wins out, but with all the corruption and money behind this sleaze-bag governor with a "small g," it really is quite the thing to wonder about. Good thing Mayor Barrett is taking him to the hot seat with the various scandals that follow him wherever he goes. I can't wait to see the entire documentary on "As Goes Janesville." The mere 10 minute version is almost enough to nail him.
It would be funny if it weren't so sad that the media hasn't moved in much more close and personal on the whole John Doe story.
Hope your summer is sweet.
JG's lost week end found?
(Chicago Sun-Times) — A horde of masked figures stormed the restaurant in a single-file line, wielding bats, claw hammers and metal batons — their presence announced when one shouted, “‘Hey, bitches, the ARA is going to f— up this place.’ ”
With that, the shrouded thugs went on a rampage, clubbing diners at The Ashford House restaurant on May 19 in Tinley Park. They did not discriminate as to the targets of their violence, even pushing an 80-year-old woman to the ground, according to an eyewitness who’s a former Chicago police officer.
This looks like all the pathetic little hypocrites got.
Anonymous "DD, JG, and MO rush in and try to discredit the posters, not their positions, nor do they attempt to defend against the posters positions with counter facts. Instead they do like the three of them always do, attack and discredit those they disagree with."
Now the "positions" are discredited along with the posters.
And someone already responded for them.
We conned-servatives don't respond to questions and we don't provide information. We copy and paste propaganda.
We are trolls, and are here only to annoy, distract and smear.
So can anyone show me a death panel?
Yes, there ARE death panels. It's called the insurance industry. We should've gotten Medicare for everyone!
How would " Medicare for everyone!" been paid for?
Anonymous: "How would 'Medicare for everyone!' been [sic] paid for?"
That's easy! Take two-thirds of the current budget allocated for defense ("war") and "security"; tax an additional 3% on those earning over one-million annually, 1% on those earning less; and place a surcharge (VAT) on all junk and/or snack foods, corporate fast-food, meat and all other foods not organically grown.
Let's start from here.
Regarding Medicare for everyone. You wouldn't have to divert any part of the budget towards it. Just double the amount of witholding in your paycheck that goes towards Medicare. That should more than cover it. The basic problem with Medicare has never been that it's an entitlement program; it's that the people who are on it tend to get sicker because they're older.
With everyone on Medicare - young and old - the program would stabilize. The extra witholding would offset the costs.
But the best thing of all would be that you would eliminate the profit motive that has been most responsible for driving up costs. Next to the pharmaceutical industry, no one has done better in the last decade than the health insurance industry.
It currently has the ONLY death panel that is still in existence.
Interesting that you think Romney's campaign is imploding, Tom. From where I sit it's picking up steam and looking good so far, which is a good thing IMO.
YEA, and cut all budgets for cost of prison guards by two thirds as well!!
Who needs them to protect us?
And cut by 2/3's every Federal Employee!!
We need only about one 1/3 of them any way.
And cut unemployment spending by 2/3's. After all the out of work will be getting free medical care!
Yeah, lets increase taxes on top of all of these cuts to fund medicare as JG outlined, makes perfect sense to me. And with higher taxes on the food that is not govt approved, the govt can control our health by making sure we eat what they want us to eat.
I am going to vote the most liberal person on the ballot come Nov!!
Anonymous: "I am going to vote the most liberal person on the ballot come Nov!!"
I knew, with just a little time and patience, I'd finally convince you to join us. You're almost completely healed!
Man oh man I wish Bush was running this NOV, sure would be great to beat him.
Anonymous: "Man oh man I wish Bush was running this NOV, sure would be great to beat him."
I know, it would be great, wouldn't it? We'll just have to satisfy that intense desire and buy him a one-way ticket to The Hague, instead.
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