Friday, December 04, 2015

Tears in San Bernardino

Image result for san bernardino mass shootings"The American people are sitting ducks. Coming soon to a small town near you - or me...."

From The Rant
22 November 2015
I wrote that line ten days before the massacre in San Bernardino. Prescient? Hardly. These blood baths have become as easy as predicting that the sun will set in the western sky this afternoon.
BAD NEWS: There have been 355 mass shootings in this doomed country since New Year's Day.
BADDER NEWS: The year isn't even over yet. There will be more before January 1, 2016. Ain't that a fucking hoot?

Image result for sandy hook victims picturesYesterday, Lindsay Graham stated that this latest tragedy has nothing to do with gun control. Anyone who believes that it does, he said, "is living in a different world." Right. As I said twelve days ago in the piece quoted above, the targeted assassinations of key members of congress would solve this problem very handily - you'd better believe it. Let's see how quickly old Lindsay changes his tune when and if some maniacal asshole takes a pop at him - that's assuming he lives to regret his stand on the issue that is killing this country.
On second thought, would it make that much of a difference?
When George W. Bush stupidly let the assault weapons ban expire over a decade ago, so many of them have been sold that it would more-than-likely take at least a decade before any tangible results were perceived. As I've said too many times to count, the damage Dubya did to this once-great nation will still be felt after our grandchildren are dead and gone.
Hey! I just had the nuttiest idea! Let's send another member of that disgusting family to the White House! Wouldn't that be a scream? 

To be honest with you, I'm sick and tired of writing about this topic. It's a cinch that it is going to happen again real soon, and quite frankly, I've got better things to be writing about - like the sixtieth anniversary of Rosa Parks' defiance of the Montgomery, Alabama segregation laws - an act of civil disobedience that changed this country forever. That piece has been shot to hell - no pun intended. From this point on I'm just going to cut-and-paste various thoughts on this topic that I've written all-too-often over the years. Happy reading kiddies!

March 29, 2009:

As Americans arm themselves to the teeth, the law of averages will eventually forbid such an unspeakable tragedy from not touching the lives of almost everyone. It has already happened to my family - twice. Two female cousins of mine - who never even had the joy of meeting one another - (one on my mother's side, the other on my father's) both died as the result of being murdered by men who were stalking them. Don't for a moment reflect on the passive tranquility of your lives and delude yourself into thinking, "It can't happen here". It can. It will. Whether child, parent, sibling, cousin or friend; gun violence will touch your seemingly untouchable lives eventually. Count on it.

July 20, 2012:

Image result for Newtown victim
Mitch McConnell and the NRA want us to swallow the idiotic notion that gun control is an assault on our "freedom"; that it's merely one slippery step on the totalitarian banana peel that would blindly lead us from democracy to "Stalinism" - or "Fascism" - or "Hitlerism" - or whatever stupid fucking "ism" of-the-day they happen to be whining about at any given moment. We shouldn't be naive enough to fall victim to their lies and propaganda. As long as American gun laws remain as insanely lax as they presently do, the chaos will persist. What part of this no-brainer do these corrupt fools not get?

This is the way it's going to be from now on, kiddies. When a country has the stupidest gun laws in the western world (laws that are getting even stupider by the year) its citizens should come to expect this sort of thing. Our lawmakers have no intention of correcting this unacceptable situation. Most of them are too terrified of the power of the National Rifle Association to do the right thing. Fifty-seven years ago John F. Kennedy (one of history's more celebrated victims of gun violence) wrote a book that profiled examples of great political courage throughout American history. He wouldn't have much material to work with were he around today to write a sequel. Cowardice abounds. Get used to living in a country in ruins. This is the way it's going to be from now on.

December 15, 2012:

Image result for Newtown victimRivers of blood. Broken bodies. Broken hearts. This is the new reality. Come to think about it, this reality is not very "new" in the least. In fact, it is now as common  as a full moon in the morning sky. It almost amazes me that most of us still are stunned when an event of this magnitude occurs. It barely fazed me. When the news [of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre] came over the television yesterday morning I did not so-much-as bat an eye. You see, I long ago adjusted to living in  this America. 
"Oh", I said out loud, "it happened again, huh?" And so close to the Christmas season. Ho ho fucking ho.

Truth be told, I'll be stunned only when it happens in my back yard. Although I have to tell you that it was unnerving (to say the very least) to know that my thirteen-year-old niece attends an elementary school about ten miles from where this latest (and totally expected) mass murder took place.  She's safe and sound, thank goodness. Your children are safe and sound, too....ya think?

January 15, 2013:

The gun crazies tell us that the purpose of the Second Amendment was to have the people armed to protect themselves against a tyrannical government. That's pretty crazy, too. The founders had a bit more faith in this new democratic experiment than that. There's a dandy reason why it was not legal for a private citizen to own a cannon back in the day. A cannon, when aimed just right, was capable of harming or killing a whole lot of innocent people. That's why they inserted the line about "a well-regulated militia" (a line the NRA always omits when quoting that amendment). James Madison and crew could not have envisioned rapid-fire, semi automatic weapons in their wildest dreams. Hell, they couldn't even foresee the Edison Wax Cylinder! That's the reason they designed the Constitution to be amendable. They had no idea what future technology had in store for humanity. A bit of amending is in order, wouldn't you say?

February 20, 2013:

The biggest laugh I get is the argument that only stricter penalties will stem the tide. Since the reinstatement of the death penalty in 1977, the murder rate has risen dramatically. Stricter penalties? You can only execute someone once. The electric chair will not make a person "deader" than a lethal injection. There is not a single punishment on the books that would have stopped Adam Lanza from killing twenty little children and seven women (and himself) on December 14, 2012. Let's put that moronic notion out to pasture here and now, okay? 

March 22,2013:

Image result for Newtown victim DanielIn the meantime (very mean indeed) we really have to come face-to-face with the prospect of living in a nation in ruins. We need to understand that there are just too many people in this doomed country - too violent, too stupid, and too stone-cold crazy - to ever see the light of day. This is not a situation that can be cured overnight by some magical, sociological panacea. This is a condition that will take a century or more to remedy - if it is ever remedied at all. We might as well deal with it as best we can. We The People are diseased. Congress is an organized criminal enterprise. The media is beyond dysfunctional. The chickens are coming home to roost - and they're armed and dangerous.

GUNS! Guns galore, baby! GUNS FOREVER! Lots 'n' lots of little baby body parts!  Little boys 'n' girls, blown to smithereens -  to teeny weeny bits! Decapitated heads and limbs - severed forever by the force of the explosion from the hand of some homicidal half-wit with a serious attitude problem and way too much time on his hands. This is what happened in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012. Have a look at the autopsy reports if you think I'm lying to you.


Leave it to our hired morticians to deal with the remnants and the carnage. We pay these people good money to clean up society's messes. We're gonna need a lot more of them in the years to come. Welcome to America. Enjoy your stay.

Their message has been received a little too loud and all too clear. You could not have missed it had you tried:

"Fuck the children. Fuck 'em all. Let the little bastards and bitches bleed torrents."
April 9, 2013:
Mitch McConnell and the NRA want us to swallow the idiotic notion that gun control is an assault on our "freedom"; that it's merely one slippery step on the totalitarian banana peel that would blindly lead us from democracy to "Stalinism" - or "Fascism" - or "Hitlerism" - or whatever stupid fucking "ism" of-the-day they happen to be whining about at any given moment. We shouldn't be naïve enough to fall victim to their lies and propaganda. As long as American gun laws remain as insanely lax as they presently do, the chaos will persist. What part of this no-brainer do these corrupt fools not get?

September 8, 2013:

Note to the rest of the world: Planning on a sweet and cozy vacation for the spouse and kiddies? Here's some sound advice you'd be smart to heed: Stay out of the this place. We here in the good ol' USA want you dead. And if we catch you in the wrong place at the wrong time you're a goner, Buster. Of course the odds are much better than fifty/fifty that you'll get out of here alive but why on earth would you want to take such a chance - particularly when your loved ones are involved? Go out and hug a tree during a thunderstorm. It's much safer than visiting the United States of America. Think I'm kidding? Don't mess with us. Stay away from here if you know what's good for you. I'm not kidding.
 September 21, 2013:

Image result for Newtown victim DanielRecently on Democracy Now, an ex-NRA member named Tom Diaz posed the question, "What kind of society are we going to be?" His heart was in the right place but he's asking the wrong question. What he should be asking is, "What kind of society have we become?" You don't need a masters degree in sociology to come up with the answer to that. It's all-too-clear that we've morphed into a society with a homicidal, cowboy mentality. "Gun Culture": it's a term you're hearing quite often these days, and there's a damned good reason for that, pardner. We just can't get enough of those iron phallic symbols. That's the reason this is so-much-more of a "man problem". I'm glad I was born a male but I'm not proud to be one. Men can be real assholes. Have you ever noticed that?
December 14, 2013:

The NRA types love to jabber away - like diseased little myna birds - about "freedom". We need to came face-to-face with some extremely unpleasant realities: A people who live in a chronic state of mortal terror - wondering when and where the next massacre of innocent little boys and girls will take place - may indeed be many things (no argument there!) "Free" they are not.

Let's just stop kidding ourselves here and now, okay?
May 28, 2014:

Then again, mountains of bodies and rivers of blood suits my purposes just fine, thank you very much. I'll never have writers block, that's for damned sure. A tip of the hat and a raising of the glass to Wayne LaPierre and the National Rifle Association. They've added so much meaning to my life that I'm at a loss to find the words to express my gratitude.

August 27, 2015:

Image result for sandy hook victimsNearly three years ago, twenty innocent little girls and boys were slaughtered  - like rabid swine - inside their classroom at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Also murdered on that day were six women whose job it was to educate and protect them. If that blood-curdling tragedy was not enough to influence Congress to do what is morally right, do these silly people seriously believe that the bodies of two dead television journalists will be enough to get them to see the light? Are they kidding me?
November 22, 2015:

If you think that what happened in Paris last week cannot happen here - and with comparative ease - you're kidding yourselves. Chew on this for a while: Since the horrific slaughter of twenty-six human beings in a Connecticut elementary school almost two years ago, not a single law has been passed to ensure that something like that would never happen again.
I used to think that America was worth saving. I don't believe that anymore.
Fuck it, I'm going back to bed.
Not a bad idea. Say good night . America.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY


Bowling For Columbine
A film by Michael Moore

You can pick this one up for under ten bucks. Here's a link to order it off of

It's well worth your time.


At 5:24 PM, Blogger Mozart1220 said...

The conservative answer to the gun problem?

More guns.

Go figure.

At 6:40 PM, Blogger Cirze said...

You made me cry today, Tom.

Wish more did.

At 7:29 PM, Anonymous John said...

It would be interesting to see a graph of the number of legal guns vs. the number of atrocities and also the numbers of people legally carrying weapons. I am sure it would contradict the argument that more people should be packing heat...

Also it would be of interest to see the percentage of offenders who have a history of serious violent crime, who have a history of being prescribed anti-anxiety drugs... I have a suspicion that many of them are not criminals. Media usage habits, gaming interests... would also be telling. What I do know for sure is that the sensationalizing that the media does is disgusting and feeds the whole phenomena. But segments of the media profit greatly from these events (as does the gun industry) so in their way they a promoting the whole cycle.

Another graph that would be of note is ratings for various programming, advertizing pricing, and weapon sales...

So if any of you guys are graduate students in economics or sociology, and are looking for ideas for a thesis... but beware, there may be powerful corporate interests that do not want these things commonly known.

At 8:36 PM, Anonymous James Hansen said...

Its quite obvious to me that Syed Farook's actions in San Bernardino were caused by Global Warming!

It is truly a copout to blame his actions on Islam which is a "Religion of Peace"!

Bill Maher can go fuck a kosher pig!

Allahu Akbar Dave Dubya (ex Catholic) amirite?

At 11:31 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Sadly most of the mass killings you listed were in gun free zones.

At 1:12 AM, Blogger Mozart1220 said...

Chuckie, not long agao "Gin free zones" were called "public places". Had everyone in Sacremento been armed, nothing would have changed. In NONE of the mass shottings the last few year, would MORE guns have helped.

You are just helping Wayne Lapierre make money and kill Americans.

Shame on you. Don't try and defend yourself. You can't.

At 10:33 AM, Anonymous Jefferson's Accordian said...

Islam: What the West Needs to Know (2007)
Quality: Resolution: 720x480 Frame: 30FPS Data: 400kbps Audio: 32kbps Length: 1:38 minutes

Directors: Gregory M. Davis, Bryan Daly
Format: Color, DVD-Video, NTSC
Language: English
Studio: Quixotic Media, LLC
DVD Release Date: July 17, 2007

Islam: What the West Needs to Know - an examination of Islam, violence, and the fate of the non-Muslim world.

The documentary consists of original interviews, citations from Islamic texts, Islamic artwork, computer-animated maps, footage of Western leaders, and Islamic television broadcasts. Its tone is sober, methodical, and compelling. Virtually every major Western leader has over the past several years expressed the view that Islam is a peaceful religion and that those who commit violence in its name are fanatics who misinterpret its tenets. This claim, while widely circulated, rarely attracts serious public examination. Relying primarily on Islam’s own sources, this documentary demonstrates that Islam is a violent, expansionary ideology that seeks the destruction or subjugation of other faiths, cultures, and systems of government.

Outline of the Documentary

We hear from prominent Western leaders that Islam is peaceful and that those who commit violence in its name are heterodox fanatics.

Part 1: ‘There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his Prophet’
Our interviewees affirm their belief that Islamic violence is entirely orthodox behavior for Muslims and stems directly from the teachings and example of the Prophet Muhammad and the commands of the Koran. We learn that the example of Muhammad is one of a violent warlord who killed numerous people. The Koran – the verbatim words of Allah – prescribes violence against non-Muslims and Muhammad is the perfect example of the Koran in action.

At 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gun control in its many forms will help curb the death and violence from guns throughout America. But no law will stop the kind of killers in the San Bernardino attack.

At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are the good guys with guns stopping these bad guys with guns?

At 11:24 AM, Blogger Unknown said...


How twisted are you?

It's against the law to have a gun in a gun free zone, but that didn't stop the Radical Islamic terrorists from breaking the law

So my question to you(didn't you once say you wouldn't be afraid of radical Islam until they started killing here, afraid yet?)what law do you have in mind that would have prevented this?

whats your solution, blame the guns or blame the persons who pull the trigger of the gun?

At 11:28 AM, Blogger Ingineer66 said...

The San Bernardino attack was in a government building where weapons are prohibited. Even people that are legally licenesd to carry a gun are not allowed to bring them in. California has extremely strict gun control laws including an assault weapon ban stronger than the Federal ban that expired. How did that help the victims this week?

At 12:08 PM, Anonymous Riker said...

California essentially has all the laws on that Gun control advocates have been asking for on a national level. And it did exactly nothing to prevent this. Even that wonderful waiting period they have over there didn't stop them!. so something in the news happens with guns everyone starts screaming about laws that were already in place. Universal background checks, hi capacity magazine bans, assault weapons bans, all of them did nothing to stop this. I think people just want a law passed just to say they did something. regardless of the effects. they could've killed these people with rusted old shotguns and everyone would be clamoring for an assault weapons ban. FYI "Assault weapons" are used in less then 1% of gun homicides. more people are murdered by bare hands. "assault rifles" just look scarier.

At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Riker said,
"Universal background checks, hi capacity magazine bans, assault weapons bans, all of them did nothing to stop this."
America does not have universal background checks. America does not have a ban on assault weapons. America does not have a ban on hi capacity magazines, some States do.

At 12:32 PM, Anonymous Riker said...

"America does not have a ban on assault weapons. America does not have a ban on hi capacity magazines, some States do."

California does have an AWB. No semi auto's unless the magazine is pinned. a small tool needs to be used to release the magazine. These were the rifles the shooters had.

With magazines people could just make them if they were banned. they're pieces of plastic with springs in them. 3-d printers can make them already.

At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Riker said...

"Don't be a stupid twit like the rest of Tom's readers"

Lets discuss substance. You said some states do. I pointed out that CALIFORNIA does. This is a very relevant observation. Am I going too fast?

At 12:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm the one who said some States do. You did not say that. Enjoy yourself. You fit right in with the idiots on this blog.

At 1:02 PM, Anonymous Riker said...

"Enjoy yourself. You fit right in with the idiots on this blog"

Thank you. Have a nice day

At 1:57 PM, Blogger Dave Dubya said...

How did that (California laws) help the victims this week?

Those weapons were legally sold to the killers. The question ignored is, how does manufacturing and selling those weapons help ANY victims?

Facts: More weapons equal more death. The GOP just voted to allow those on no fly lists to buy the same weapons. Gee, what could go wrong?

How will THAT help the next victims?

At 1:58 PM, Blogger Dave Dubya said...

Perhaps it's worth repeating:

Right wing terrorists have killed more Americans since 9-11 than Muslim terrorists.

Imagine that.

At 2:07 PM, Blogger Mozart1220 said...

Conservatives still making excuses while innocent people continue to die.

Now we know why you haste Muslims that behead people so much. Clearly it's not the killing. Ot's because they don't use guns.

And your NRA masters can't make money from it.

At 3:37 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Maybe it's time for Dave to support his claim with numbers and dates of right wing terrorist killings. He's starting to sound like Harry Reid who said Romney hadn't paid income tax. Which it turned out was a lie

Actually deaths by guns has been steadily dropping for past 10 years, a fact that needs to be added to the mix of this conversation. Stopping the mfg of guns and then the repeal of the 2nd would reduce the number of guns in America. But if the government
Says they can't round up 11 million illegals living here how can the round up all the guns?

What is clear to me is regardless who the killer is, mass murders are selecting areas to attack where they are safe I.E. Gun free zones.
As much as this might offend some, that is the fact. Now with active radical Islamic terriost murders happening I think the question we should be asking is " how are our current gun controls making us safer" and is our Federal govt being honest with us in their ascessment of the radical Islamic terror threat domestically?

Do more PC laws make us safer?
Do more Refugees from Muslim countries make us safer?
Does our open southern border make us safer?
Does doing away with the NRA make us safer?
Does closing Gittmo make us safer?
Does removing all firearms make us safer?

Again, the decline in murders outside of gun free zones must be evaluated. Why is it safer out side a gun free zone than with in one?

At 3:41 PM, Anonymous Confused Progressive said...

Hey Tom,

How come you never talk about the non-stop black on black gun homicides in Chicago where the gun control laws are the strictest in AmeriKa?

So far there have been 455 homicides in Chicago this year. This is something you should be ranting about! amirite?

Since most people there live on the dole on the liberal plantation, this is left wing on left wing crime.

At 3:45 PM, Anonymous Confused Progressive said...

We will hear crickets from Tom Degan about gun deaths in ChiTown.

He is chicken to talk about it. aimirire?

bwaaaaack buck buck, bwaaaaack buck buck, bwaaaaack buck buck!

At 3:57 PM, Anonymous Riker said...

Explain this to me. The Supreme Court has ruled that 2nd amendment is an individual right. Just as they have for freedom of speech and religion and abortions. What does it say about you that you want those rights to be taken away without due process? such as would be done if you allow the FBI to pick and choose who can pass a background check. Anyone can be put on the "Watch List" regardless of their background. all the FBI needs to do is see you posted something online about being anti-government, or being a muslim or just overall not fitting in with the political establishment and BAM you're on a government list, restricting your rights. no oversight, no appeals no due process. Who knows maybe you just ticked off someone in the government and they want to punish you for it. In effect people will have to watch what they do or say regardless of legality. A de-facto censoring of free speech. For whatever reason so called "progressives" support this is beyond me. The ACLU is against this kind've government mischief for OBVIOUS reasons.

At 4:49 PM, Anonymous Southern Redneck said...

riker speaks the truth!

Where was the due process when Obama decided to kill Anwar Al-Awlaki, a US citizen, with a drone strike?

Anwar's blood is on the hands of the blood thirsty Obama, plain and simple.

George W. Bush would not have killed Anwar without due process.

At 7:45 PM, Blogger Dave Dubya said...

Maybe it's time for Dave to support his claim with numbers and dates of right wing terrorist killings.

Chuckie the Right wing terrorist supporter has ignored the evidence by questioning the "political motivation" of the sources including West Point and the Police Executive Research Forum.

Here is what Chuckie doesn't what anyone to know:

The Growing Right-Wing Terror Threat

The Southern Poverty Law Center counted 784 active hate groups in the United States in 2014. Only organizations and their chapters known to be active during 2014 are included.

Southern Redneck is correct about Obama, but forgets Bush has the blood of 4 thousand Americans directly on his hands, the creation of ISIS by firing the Iraqi army in his war for crony profit and political gain based on lies, and 3,000 more dead Americans by dismissing the threat of al-Qaeda after being repeatedly warned.

But as we all know, IOKIYAR, amirite?

At 7:58 PM, Blogger Dave Dubya said...

OK, let's discuss some Right Wing terrorist killings. This guy reminds me of Chuckie all the way:

Jim David Adkisson entered the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church and killed two people and wounded six others during the presentation of a children’s musical.

Adkisson targeted the church, “because of its liberal teachings and his belief that all liberals should be killed because they were ruining the country, and that he felt that the Democrats had tied his country’s hands in the war on terror and they had ruined every institution in America with the aid of media outlets.”

Adkisson said that “he could not get to the leaders of the liberal movement that he would then target those that had voted them in to office.”

Inside the house, officers found “Liberalism is a Mental Health Disorder” by radio talk show host Michael Savage, “Let Freedom Ring” by talk show host Sean Hannity, and “The O’Reilly Factor,” by television talk show host Bill O’Reilly.
Adkisson is Chuckie's kind of terrorist. A "good American" fascist all the way.

At 11:06 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

784 hate groups, does that number include the New Black Panthers Dave?

784 hate groups, I thought you said extrem right wing groups, changing the terms again Dave?

And since 9/11 how many Americans have died at the hands of these extrem right wing groups? How many by radical Islamic terrorists ?

I suggest you read my post of 3:37 p.m. instead of tilting at windmills

At 12:41 AM, Blogger Dave Dubya said...

I just checked in for a minute after watching a great Big 10 Championship. Poor, Iowa. They met their match with the Michigan State Spartans.

In other news:

As if all the Right Wing terrorism isn't enough to show the world America's shameless far Right, Texas Tea-Publicans are proving who really hates America.

A proposal to put Texas secession to a non-binding vote in March passed a state GOP committee vote in Austin on Friday afternoon, clearing the way for a vote Saturday by the Party's full executive assembly, party officials reported

There it is in plain sight folks. The Republicans and their radical Right extremists are turning to terrorism and treason.

Instead of allowing them to cast their darkness and evil over our land, I have a suggestion.

I say we ship those extreme far Right traitors and terrorists off to fight Bush's spawn ISIS.

It's a Win/Win for freedom and democracy.

At 8:30 AM, Blogger Mozart1220 said...

Dave, if they played that game again tomorrow Iowa would probably win. And the next day it might be Mich State again. Met their match? Well, if you mean the teams were pretty much equals, yes. But it was hardly a blowout.

Other than that, all I can say is that conservatives can stop making excuses and passing the buck The blood is on THEIR hands.

At 10:19 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

You mean the blood of thousands of humans whose lives were ended in the most liberal Holy of Holys, the most violent place in America,

The abortion clinic.

At 10:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

As I thought Dave you are not interested In an honest debate about guns but only interested in using the issue to attack those who disagree with you

At 10:22 AM, Blogger Dave Dubya said...

Yes, met their match as in, "Encounter someone equal in ability".

Both teams played with equal tenacity with great defense, while neither made very many blunders.

That is what made it a great game, no matter who won. For me, it was nice to see State win because my father and sister both got their undergraduate degrees there.

Also it was just nice to not have Ohio State in that game for a change.

At 12:17 PM, Anonymous Confused Progressive said...

I think its great that the neighbor to the husband and wife Jihadis in San Bernadino stood up for social justice and against racial profiling by not reporting their unusual behavior just prior to the attack on the Christians at their holiday party.

At 12:28 PM, Anonymous Clear Thinking Conservative said...

I think it's great the NRA and al-Qaeda and ISIS love buying assault weapons without background checks.

I also think its great that good Republicans still demonize Planned Parenthood, encouraging more acts of Good American Terrorism. GAT, do you get it?

At 2:26 PM, Anonymous Just The Facts said...

"We need to came face-to-face with some extremely unpleasant realities: A people who live in a chronic state of mortal terror - wondering when and where the next massacre of innocent little boys and girls will take place - may indeed be many things (no argument there!) "Free" they are not."

When will we come face-to-face with the extremely unpleasant reality of 500 black on black murders in Chicago this year?

Oh, I forgot, Chicago is one of the large Liberal Plantations that has been run by the Democrats for decades. Lets sweep the unpleasant facts under the rug. It is not PC to talk about it.

At 2:32 PM, Anonymous Clear Thinking Conservative said...

Chicago is one of the large Liberal Plantations that has been run by the Democrats for decades. Lets sweep the unpleasant facts under the rug. It is not PC to talk about it.

Exactly! But, my good brother, we're always free to talk like this at our Klan meetings.

At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Just The Facts said...

The leftists most cherished goal is to institute "hate speech" laws here in the US like they have in Europe and Canada, to intimidate white people and shut us up. The key freedom we have is free speech. Once that is gone, we will lose the rest of our freedoms one by one.

The left hates freedom, period. They hate freedom because freedom leads to "inequality". That is because people are not all the same. The ones who have more intelligence, more energy, will simply achieve more than the average. The goal of the leftists is to impose equality by any means possible, and take away whatever they feel is "excess" wealth from the successful, and distribute it to the "less privileged".

Leftists are the enemy of human freedom, and they must be resisted, by armed force if necessary. And sooner or later, it will be necessary. The hate which is at the core of the leftist mentality never ends. Just look at some of Dave Dubya's foaming at the mouth rants to those who do not agree with him. Look at all the people who participate on his blog now LOL! They no longer post because they know he is a dictator like Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez.

At 3:10 PM, Anonymous Clear Thinking Conservative said...


I gotta say it’s mighty white of you to speak the truth! God bless you and Chuck for being honest enough to tell it like it is.

The leftists most cherished goal is to institute "hate speech" laws here in the US like they have in Europe and Canada, to intimidate white people and shut us up.

Say it, brother! White Power! You speak the truth, and that will bring more new members to our meetings.

The ones who have more intelligence, more energy, will simply achieve more than the average.

Yeah, my brother. You and I know who we mean, and who we don’t mean, by this.

Leftists are the enemy of human freedom, and they must be resisted, by armed force if necessary.

And our brothers in arms are doing that now, God bless them and their holy trigger fingers. The evil commie liberals call us terrorists for exercising our Second Amendment remedies.

Dave Dubya envies us because we’re white Christians who have more intelligence, more energy, will simply achieve more than him.

Since Dave Dubya is a commie Muslim dictator, and probably not white, we know he hates us for our real American white values and heritage.

At 11:27 PM, Blogger Mozart1220 said...

Chuckie, why is it that abortion is suddenly a hot button issue for conservatives?

Could it be that you can't run on the economy, healthcare, education, the envronment, or even national security?

It would be easier to believe your "pro life" stance if you gave a shit about the kids AFTER they were born and BEFORE they were eligable for the military.

Also, why do you guys never protestr fertility clinics? They destroy more embryoes than are aborted every year.

Plus, last I heard, abortion was LEGAL.

I only wish in the case of the boy troll it was retroactive.

And the blood of more innocent people is on your hands because of your obsession with promoting guns and violence. "Pro Life" my ass.

At 1:17 AM, Blogger Just the Facts! said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 1:19 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

" if you gave a shit about the kids AFTER they were born and BEFORE they were eligable for the military.".

Well Mozart I DO give a shit, I am a state licensed foster parent working through Bethany Christian Services. I foster parent: ie care for new borne whose mothers chose not to murdered them, until their adoption paper work is competed and the adoptive parents can take custody of the living human being.

I pay income taxes to the Local, State and Federal govt from which the funding for healthcare, education, the environment and the national security comes from. (Something close to 50% of Americans do not pay Federal INCOME taxes to the federal govt, so I'm carrying their share, are you, dirt bag?)

And as for the remembering of the military, I am a volunteer at the USO in my city and have volunteered over 550 hours in the last 13 months serving the needs of our traveling military members. FOR FREE, ass wipe, I dont ask for nor do I get a dime, shit for brains!! UNDERSTAND you thick headed Iowa hick? I do it out of gratitude for their sacrifice. What do you do for them? Burn the flag they have fought to defend and the nation it represents? Don't even try to LIE about your service in the military. I've seen your photo, it's under the definition of 4 F. Still got your draft card. or did you burn it before you fled to Canada?

Have you read all of this? DID you read my post of 3:37? Do you comprehend it? Is it starting to sink in that you haven t a clue about me? Or for that matter 99% of conservatives? That you are a liberal BIGOT?? That you stereotype?

I hope so cause it's pompous liberal dick heads like you who are destroying this country with your whining about the rich and pretend worrying about the poor and pushing for open borders and allowing in those who have sworn to murder you,(Gee, you DON'T live in a gun free zone do you? LOL!) while you whine about the Christians and Jews who have NEVER ONCE threatened you all the while you sit on your fat cottage cheeses filled, stinking, pimply fat ass, pick your nose, and auto manipulate to photos of Hillary Clinton.

You are a useless scum bag!

At 8:41 AM, Blogger Mozart1220 said...

Clearly a nerve was struck with Chuckie. I almosty believe what he said. Not quite, given his reputation, but you gotta love the fake outrage.

Gotta lave how he makes up a bunch of crap (actually he regurgitates the lies of others)and then attacks that fake version of Liberals.

At 8:43 AM, Blogger Mozart1220 said...

"Gun free zones"

Another catchphrase from the right.

Remember when "gun free zones" were somply called "public places"?

It wasn't that long ago.

At 10:11 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Did you believe Obama when he said ISIS was JV?

Did you believe Obama when he said on 12/2/15 that ISIS was not an existential threat to America?

Did you believe Obama when he said if you liked your Dr you could keep them?

Do you have a "gun free zone" sign in your home's front window?

No wonder James Hansen said you weren't the sharpest pencil in the box!

Iowa hick!

Do you believe I posted this?

Actually deaths by guns has been steadily dropping for past 10 years (correction, deaths by guns have dropped 49% in the past 25 years), a fact that needs to be added to the mix of this conversation. Stopping the mfg of guns and then the repeal of the 2nd would reduce the number of guns in America. But if the government
says they can't round up 11 million illegals living here how can the round up all the guns?

What is clear to me is regardless who the killer is, mass murders are selecting areas to attack where they are safe I.E. Gun free zones.
As much as this might offend some, that is the fact. Now with active radical Islamic terriost murders happening I think the question we should be asking is " how are our current gun controls making us safer" and is our Federal govt being honest with us in their ascessment of the radical Islamic terror threat domestically?

Do more PC laws make us safer?
Do more Refugees from Muslim countries make us safer?
Does our open southern border make us safer?
Does doing away with the NRA make us safer?
Does closing Gittmo make us safer?
Does removing all firearms make us safer?

Again, the decline in murders outside of gun free zones must be evaluated. Why is it safer out side a gun free zone than with in one?

At 10:30 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

We all know that Mozart believed that Shaun King was black

At 11:31 AM, Blogger Dave Dubya said...

Has anyone else noticed the deleted comment from 1:17 AM from "Just The Facts" was the same as Chuckie's post at 1:19?

Goes to show theses guys really do think exactly alike, amirite?

I'm simply amazed at how Chuckie posted the identical comment at 1:19 AM. Well, maybe I'm not amazed.

Chuckie/Just the Facts is a liar to the core. His racist hate and bigotry are sickeningly obvious. Can't you just picture him coddling a little black baby? LOL!!! What an asshole liar.

Too bad TP isn't following this thread so he could finally witness for himself how dishonest and hateful his fellow conservative really is. Of course the obvious isn't so obvious to true believers of the far Right.

These comments prove what a racist, extremist and liar he really is.

The leftists most cherished goal is to institute "hate speech" laws here in the US like they have in Europe and Canada, to intimidate white people and shut us up.

The ones who have more intelligence, more energy, will simply achieve more than the average.

Leftists are the enemy of human freedom, and they must be resisted, by armed force if necessary.

He is one step away from being a radical Right terrorist supporter to a terrorist himself.

His intense hate and lies are proof he is no Christian. He has no clue to how evil he really is. He is as "Christian" as his fellow racists and Klansmen.

When he snaps and pulls the trigger, none of us will be surprised.

At 11:51 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Have we all noticed how Davy is a liar? Who makes big claims but can't back them with facts???
Yes we have!!

At 12:28 PM, Blogger Dave Dubya said...

Who makes big claims but can't back them with facts???

Why, Chuckie the liar and terrorist sympathizer of course.

When will he answer our questions?


At 3:27 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Intelligence officials have determined that Islamic extremists have explored using the refugee program to enter the United States, the head of the House Homeland Security Committee said on Monday.

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) declined to go into detail about the determination, which the Obama administration has not announced publicly.

Yet the disclosure could add ammunition to critics of the White House’s refugee plans who have warned that the program is vulnerable to infiltration by adherents of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Hey, Davy, you still support the Presidents refugee plan, his open borders plan, his refuge vetting plan?

If you do, then it is YOU who is the terrorist sympathizer, it is you who will not back up his claims by answering questions, it is YOU Davy who is the liar.

Is your home a "gun free zone Davy?

Now to the topic of this thread,

Actually deaths by guns has been steadily dropping for past 10 years (correction, deaths by guns have dropped 49% in the past 25 years), a fact that needs to be added to the mix of this conversation. Stopping the mfg of guns and then the repeal of the 2nd would reduce the number of guns in America. But if the government
says they can't round up 11 million illegals living here how can the round up all the guns?

What is clear to me is regardless who the killer is, mass murders are selecting areas to attack where they are safe I.E. Gun free zones.
As much as this might offend some, that is the fact. Now with active radical Islamic terriost murders happening I think the question we should be asking is " how are our current gun controls making us safer" and is our Federal govt being honest with us in their ascessment of the radical Islamic terror threat domestically?

Do more PC laws make us safer?
Do more Refugees from Muslim countries make us safer?
Does our open southern border make us safer?
Does doing away with the NRA make us safer?
Does closing Gittmo make us safer?
Does removing all firearms make us safer?

Again, the decline in murders outside of gun free zones must be evaluated. Why is it safer out side a gun free zone than with in one?

At 3:48 PM, Blogger Dave Dubya said... is YOU who is the terrorist sympathizer.

How is that possible, when I've openly suggested you and your fellow "tough guys" go and fight ISIS?

CHuckie is the one who denies West Point and police departments saying we have right wing terrorists.

Only a terrorist supporter could do such a thing.

At 6:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's sure nice of Tom to give Dave, Chuck, Mozart, and other hate filled idiots a place to spew their hate and fight. Please keep the garbage here where it belongs with a garbage blog. Thank you!

At 6:49 PM, Blogger Mozart1220 said...

Chuck, quit asking the same stupid Fox Entertainment inspired questions.

I also noticed that NO ONE is talking abut the several "Christian" mass murderers now that there is a (GASP!) "mooslum" killer out there. Forget about the gun l;aws that allwed them to buy their weapons legally, even though they were on a terrorst "watch list".

Go figure. Conservatives never take responsibility. Like how they refuse to admit that the faked video they promoted all over the place CAUSED the shootings at Planned Parenthood.

At 6:55 PM, Blogger Mozart1220 said...

Would sticter gun laws make us safer?


Do more Refugees from Muslim countries make us safer?

They do not make us LESS safe, and they DO show we are the country we claim to be.

Does our open southern border make us safer?

Given that more people have been deported under OBama than any GOP president, and given that the border is no more "open" now than it was under Bush, I can again say 1T DOESN'T MAKE US LESS SAFE. Especially since the more imminent threat to Natinal Security comes from WHITE conservative "Christian" gun nuts.
Does doing away with the NRA make us safer?

Yes, it would since they are the ones proming selling guns to ANYONE.

Does closing Gittmo make us safer?

Did have it open make us safer? NO.

Does removing all firearms make us safer?

NO ONE SERIOUSLY wants to remove ALL firearms, but then you'd have to ask the victims and families of Columbine, Sandyhooh, the Denver theater, the people at PLanned parenthood and the latest "mass shooting".

There I answered, now can you stop postinig them? They are dumb questions anyway.

Here's one for you

Have you stopped beating your wife?

At 7:35 PM, Blogger Unknown said...


Please keep the garbage here where it belongs with a garbage blog. Thank you!

At 7:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a surprising result: Republican Janice Frey Van Ness won a special election runoff Dec. 1 in Georgia's 43rd state Senate district. The surprise is that this is a district whose population is 61 percent black and voted 72 percent for Barack Obama in 2012. It covers suburban territory southeast of Atlanta, including most of Rockdale County, a small part of DeKalb County and part of Newton County. This is an area of rapid population growth, with a growing population of middle-income black homeowners.

Does this mean that middle-income blacks are trending Republican? Maybe, maybe not. Van Ness undoubtedly benefited from local ties: a small business owner and found of a private school, she was elected to the Rockdale County Board of Commissioners in 2006 and 2010. Turnout was low and she probably benefited from personal ties. But it does suggest that in the post-Obama years more black voters than in the past may be willing to give serious consideration to Republican candidates.

At 7:55 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

"NO ONE is talking abut the several "Christian" mass murderers"

Ok Mozart, why dont you list them for us so we can start talking about them?

At 8:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

"we have right wing terrorists."

List them for us Davy, all 784 of them that you claim there are. List for us the mass murders you claim they have committed. Come on Davy, you can do it.


At 8:43 PM, Blogger Mozart1220 said...

Well, the guy that just shot up the Planned parenthood for one. He saidd as he was being arrested "no more body parts". Now WHO and WHAT do you think put him up to that?

Tim McVeigh, Dylan Roof, there are more, but that should be enough to get you started on your bullshit excuses.

At 8:56 PM, Blogger Mozart1220 said...

The blood of many more dead are on the hands of conservatives. You can either accept responsibility or keep blaming others.

At 1:28 PM, Blogger Dave Dubya said...

Hate speech 101:

"Heil Donald Trump - THE ULTIMATE SAVIOR. Finally: someone speaks sense, Make America White Again!"

Could this be from Just the Facts/Chuckie?

Close, it’s from Andrew Anglin, publisher of the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer

Anglin would certainly agree 100% with JTF Chuckie’s “Mini-Mein Kampf”:

“The leftists most cherished goal is to institute "hate speech" laws here in the US like they have in Europe and Canada, to intimidate white people and shut us up.

The ones who have more intelligence, more energy, will simply achieve more than the average.

Leftists are the enemy of human freedom, and they must be resisted, by armed force if necessary.”

If the swastika, and hood, fits…

At 5:28 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Davy claiming that I agree with Trump is another example of his ad hominem method of debate. Let's see what he does if I use the same method
So Davy we all know you are commie loving Muslim. Have you got your sickel and hammer lights up yet?
Just as he can not list the right wing terror groups he claims are such a threat to America, neither can he support his latest lie about me. Dave is a liar

We all know Davy has nothing except accusing those who disagree with him to be either Nazis or klansmen.
I got just one question for him that all of us would like to hear his answer

What part of the Koran do you disagree with?

At 6:17 PM, Blogger Dave Dubya said...

The link to the terror groups was provided.

Now back to JTF/Chuckie's words:

Anglin would certainly agree 100% with JTF Chuckie’s “Mini-Mein Kampf”:

“The leftists most cherished goal is to institute "hate speech" laws here in the US like they have in Europe and Canada, to intimidate white people and shut us up.

The ones who have more intelligence, more energy, will simply achieve more than the average.

Leftists are the enemy of human freedom, and they must be resisted, by armed force if necessary.”

If the swastika, and hood, fits…

At 7:35 PM, Anonymous Smokey Legumski said...

"The American people are sitting ducks. Coming soon to a small town near you - or me...."

Tom Degan is a prophet. Maybe smoking lots of pot and not working but complaining about those who do and succeed are what enables Tom's ESP (Extra Sensory Perception).

We are sitting ducks for the Muslims who want to create a caliphate in the US.

Thanks Tom for your wisdom!

At 8:04 PM, Anonymous James Hansen said...

Another boring banal low IQ post from our resident neurotic. With so many dangerous and interesting things going on in the world, this blog gets dumbed down with useless and endless shitty comments from a political dimwit.

At 10:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a few hours before President Obama gave his Oval Office address to the nation about gun control and his plans to contain ISIS, CNN´s Sunday morning Inside Politics panel absolutely destroyed his narrative and rush to judgement when 14 people were killed by jihadists last week in San Bernardino. Longtime CNN anchor John King called the President "deeply out of touch," argued he should be taking a tougher tone and slammed the administration for failing to mention Islamic extremism as part of the problem. Other panelists piled on Democrats as a whole for being all over the map

At 11:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!!

An email recently obtained by Judicial Watch shows that the Pentagon was demanding Hillary allow them to send help to Benghazi during the 2012 attack. This would completely contradict the claim from Hillary and Leon Panetta that no forces were available and within reach to provide help to the compound that was under siege.

At 10:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hillary Says She Never Blamed The Video When Speaking With Families Of The Benghazi Victims, Despite Them Saying She Did

At 12:01 PM, Blogger Dave Dubya said...

The tip of the iceberg of Right Wing terrorism in the US.

2008: Jim David Adkisson told investigators all liberals should be killed and admitted he killed two and wounded seven people at Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church.

Right wing outrage over this terrorism?


On August 5, 2012, a massacre took place at the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, where 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others.

Wade Michael Page was an American white supremacist living in Cudahy, Wisconsin.

Right wing outrage over this terrorism?


November 23, 2015 white supremacists showed up to a Black Lives Matter protest in Minneapolis and shot five African-American participants.

Right wing outrage over this terrorism?

Crickets, just blame for the victims.


Terrorism, Not so bad if you’re Right Wing.

At 2:14 PM, Blogger Darrell Michaels said...

Good Lord. I checked back in expecting perhaps a Christmas miracle of a civilized debate. Evidently that is not ever going to be the case. There are some individuals that should be damned ashamed of their epithets and juvenile name calling here. I won't mention names, as you SHOULD all know whom you are.

For the record, Mr. Dubya, I condemn all of those events and the evil people responsible for them. Too bad ALL Americans cannot condemn all such acts regardless of the perpetrators skin color, faith, or political ideology. You would think that would be something that is easy for us all to agree upon. Instead we all just point out the other side's transgressions and mitigate or make excuses for ours.

Guess I am off again to search for a blog with civil opposing debate on issues. Evidently Tom's blog is not that place.

At 3:17 PM, Blogger Dave Dubya said...

Civil debate is always welcome with you.

I know you acknowledge and condemn Right Wing Terror. As a Republican shill, your pal Chuck must deny all evidence of this. He wants to be a voice of his party, so he is reflecting the soul, or lack thereof, of his party.

"Just the Chuck" demanded a list of Right Wing acts of terror, so I kindly provided some. He dismisses West Point and law enforcement facts on the matter as "politically motivated".

Right as if he isn't? Now you know why we call it projection.

Mr. Just the Facts/Chuck Morre was caught with identical posts under the two names.

Tom and I could provide a screen print if you don't believe me.

At 3:46 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Chuck demand you support your claims that:

a. since 9-11 there have been more Americans killed by right wing terrorists that Islamic terrorists

b. the list of the over 750 right wi9ng terror groups you claim are a threat to all of us.

TP you want a civil post here's mine from a while back before Davy interjected his evil presence

Actually deaths by guns has been steadily dropping for past 10 years (correction, deaths by guns have dropped 49% in the past 25 years), a fact that needs to be added to the mix of this conversation. Stopping the mfg of guns and then the repeal of the 2nd would reduce the number of guns in America. But if the government
says they can't round up 11 million illegals living here how can the round up all the guns?

What is clear to me is regardless who the killer is, mass murders are selecting areas to attack where they are safe I.E. Gun free zones.
As much as this might offend some, that is the fact. Now with active radical Islamic terriost murders happening I think the question we should be asking is " how are our current gun controls making us safer" and is our Federal govt being honest with us in their ascessment of the radical Islamic terror threat domestically?

Do more PC laws make us safer?
Do more Refugees from Muslim countries make us safer?
Does our open southern border make us safer?
Does doing away with the NRA make us safer?
Does closing Gittmo make us safer?
Does removing all firearms make us safer?

Again, the decline in murders outside of gun free zones must be evaluated. Why is it safer out side a gun free zone than with in one?

At 4:06 PM, Blogger Dave Dubya said...

Does right wing extremism make us safer?

At 5:14 PM, Blogger Mozart1220 said...

Is Chucky still posting the same retarded questions? He's as bad as the Boy Troll

Just the use of the meaningless catchphrase "gun free zones" is a hint to his inability to think for himself.

"Gun free zones" used to be called PUBLIC PLACES.

At 6:46 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

IF there were right wing extremists the answe would be no

And just a few weeks ago Obama said ISIS was contained

At 7:19 PM, Blogger Dave Dubya said...


IF there were right wing extremists the answe would be no


2008: Jim David Adkisson told investigators all liberals should be killed and admitted he killed two and wounded seven people at Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church.

Right wing outrage over this terrorism?

Crickets. "What Right Wing terrorism? No such thing!"

On August 5, 2012, a massacre took place at the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, where 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others.

Wade Michael Page was an American white supremacist living in Cudahy, Wisconsin.

Right wing outrage over this terrorism?


November 23, 2015 white supremacists showed up to a Black Lives Matter protest in Minneapolis and shot five African-American participants.

Right wing outrage over this terrorism?

Crickets, just blame for the victims.


Terrorism, Not so bad if you’re Right Wing.

At 7:30 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow three right wing terrorist in the whole county
Since 2008 they have taken 8 people's lives
Almost as terrible as ISIS totals for one day in December 2015

At 9:45 PM, Blogger Mozart1220 said...

Chuck, you know better than that. Tim McVeigh took more than eight lives.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

At 12:23 AM, Blogger Dave Dubya said...

The troll has no shame, as well as no honesty, no decency, and above all, not a trace of Christian behavior or words. In other words, a good con-servative Republican hypocrite.

Chuckie's racism cannot even see the Charleston church massacre for what it was. That terrorist echoes Chuckie's and the far Right's unified totalitarian goal of wanting "their country back". And they don't mean equality and democracy.

The hood fits.

His words:

“The leftists most cherished goal is to institute "hate speech" laws here in the US like they have in Europe and Canada, to intimidate white people and shut us up.

The ones who have more intelligence, more energy, will simply achieve more than the average.

Leftists are the enemy of human freedom, and they must be resisted, by armed force if necessary.”

Here he echoes the terrorist Adkisson.

Yes, the hood fits, as well as the swastika, as made glaringly clear in his Mini-Mein Kampf.

At 11:00 AM, Blogger Dave Dubya said...

As noted, links were provided. Chuckie dismissed the facts and whined about the "political motivation" of West Point and law enforcement.

Now again, Chuckie's words:

“The leftists most cherished goal is to institute "hate speech" laws here in the US like they have in Europe and Canada, to intimidate white people and shut us up.

The ones who have more intelligence, more energy, will simply achieve more than the average.

Leftists are the enemy of human freedom, and they must be resisted, by armed force if necessary.”

Here he echoes the terrorist Adkisson.

Yes, the hood fits, as well as the swastika, as made glaringly clear in his Mini-Mein Kampf.

At 11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In 2007 there were 5,000,000 Moslems in the United States. It is now almost a decade later, but let's work with that number.

Let's say ONLY 10% are textual literalists (believing that the Koran was delivered, verbatim, directly from their god Allah to their prophet Mohammed, the "perfect man"), and the other 90% do not believe this, but still identify as Moslem.

That extremely conservative analysis would mean there are 500,000 textual literalists in the United States.

Now, let's say ONLY 10% of those are jihadists--(i.e., Moslems who are textual literalists who also are willing to act on the Islamic commands by carrying out attacks against non-Moslems), while the other 90% do not accept Islamic jihad against non-Moslems, but still identify as Moslem.

That still equals 50,000 Moslem jihadists in the United States, which is 1,000 Moslem jihadists PER STATE.

Going further ... Let's suppose only 10% of those 50,000 Moslem jihadists are absolutely NOT willing to take the chance of going to hell for disobeying the Koran (and the other 90% of the jihadists also don't want to go to hell, but are too afraid to act or have some other reason not to).

That's still 100 committed Moslem jihadi fighters PER STATE.

Then let's say the FBI can somehow identify and round up half of those 100 per state. What do we end up with? We have 50 committed jihadis PER STATE, willing and ready to "bring it" to the American "infidel."

Let's say that of those 50 per state, "ready and willing to bring it" (and not caught by the FBI), half of them goof up and/or abandon their plans. Thats still 25 fighters per state, or EIGHT three-man jihad teams per state.

Then finally, what if it turns out that only FOUR ready-to-go 3-man teams (half of the actual number ready and willing) are "successful" at launching? That's FOUR TEAMS PER STATE, seeking target-rich zones for their jihad.

Anybody concerned?

Not Obama, apparently. He's bringing another 200,000 Syrians (not Christian, not Yazidi) here. Doing the same math, one comes up with a significant number of Syrian fighters.

At 11:05 AM, Blogger Dave Dubya said...

Since 9-11 more Americans have STILL been killed by Right wing extremists. The same extremists who support the NRA agenda for easy access to weapons by the people they fear. Anybody concerned?

Go figure.

Obviously we have at least as many Right wing terrorist as "Jihadists".

Anybody concerned?

At 6:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A prominent Democratic congresswoman and Senate candidate said that up to 20 percent of Muslims want to establish an Islamic caliphate and would use "terrorism" to achieve that goal.

Rep. Loretta Sanchez said Muslims seeking a caliphate are willing to use terrorism and violence to impose their views on the Western world.

“We know that there is a small group, and we don’t know how big that is — it can be anywhere between 5 and 20 percent, from the people that I speak to — that Islam is their religion and who have a desire for a caliphate and to institute that in any way possible," Sanchez said on "PoliticKING with Larry King."

“They are not content enough to have their way of looking at the world, they want to put their way on everybody in the world,” she said. “And again, I don’t know how big that is, and depending on who you talk to, but they are certainly — they are willing to go to extremes. They are willing to use and they do use terrorism.”

At 6:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

White House Can’t Identify Mass Shooting That Would Have Been Prevented By New Gun Regulations

At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Rahm Emanual said...

More Negroes have been killed by Negroes in Chicago on an average weekend than Americans killed by Right wing extremists since 9/11.

At 12:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A yearlong investigation by the House Armed Services Committee has concluded that the Obama administration broke the law in swapping five Taliban members for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl — and went out of its way to hide the negotiations as they were happening.

The report said the administration broke a law requiring it to give members of Congress 30 days’ advance notice of any detainee transfers from the Guantánamo Bay detention facility, where the senior Taliban leaders were held.

It also found that it misled reporters and lawmakers about a potential prisoner exchange. Congress was instead notified just hours before the May 2014 transfer took place.

At 9:35 AM, Blogger Tom Degan said...

I posted this piece on the Hudson Valley Craigslist and just received this reply:

"This tomdegan! The drivel that drips out of his sheep mind!OOOOOH!Newtown tragedy! Another main steam media fed sheep trembling as he replays Grinnin Gene over and over in his feeble mind. Have you stopped to consider the FACTS about the Newtown Debacle?No kids died,no teachers harmed,no Lanza deaths. Sounds cliche, but WAKE UP!Get on YOUTUBE and explore the alternatives to the mainstream media's portrayal of events and at least entertain some of the theories(yes theories) put forth by minds of people(not sheeple) who doubt such elaborate fantasies! Explore the video evidence of people walking in circles,milling about for the sake of the camera.NO helicopters were called,no EMTs allowed onsite.Police pronounced everyone DOA and let the alleged victims lie prone until dark. Who paid for the Visitors Must Sign In Roadsign?Who distributed colorcoded nametags? Just another FEMA drill with a twist and everyone from Obama to the Gov. played along.Chippin away at the 2nd Amendment.Type a little LOUDER tomdegan!You gointo have a blog on the BOSTONBOMBING BAMBOOZLE? 4th amendment on the block there.Just get over to youtube.Thats the last avenue to the truth available to us. If you believe what the TV network news tells you then you are doomed."

Isn't life grand?

At 10:37 AM, Blogger Darrell Michaels said...

Wow Tom! With all due respect, you may have found someone crazier than you are, sir! :)

At 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Almost as crazy as those who believe on man caused climate change


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