They Won't Govern Because They Can't
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Molly |
As was once noted by the late, great Molly Ivins, generally speaking, putting in charge of the government people who don't believe in government is not a particularly nifty idea - even on the best of days. Of course, she was understating the problem - in a way that only she could - when she wrote those words over two decades ago. Molly passed away in February 2007. It cracks me up just imagining what she might might have had to say about the complete and utter corruption and dysfunction 114the Congress. I miss that gal.
The chickens have come home to roost with a vengeance that even I could scarcely have imagined a mere decade ago. Thirty-five years ago the Grand Old Party began their courtship of a constituency that had previously been ignored by any mainstream political party in this country - the clinically insane. They cannot blame the liberals for what is at present happening to the party that at one time was the ideological home of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Dwight D. Eisenhower. They have no one to blame but themselves.
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McCarthy |
The pickle that the Republicans now find themselves in is the simple fact that no one wants the job - and who can blame them? So completely unhinged has the GOP become, that the Speakership is guaranteed political suicide - as John Boehner could surely attest. They wanted Paul Ryan to go for it, but he has, thus far refused the gig (Family obligations he says. Right). So desperate have they become, some within the party, and without, have seriously suggested that Dick Cheney be given the gavel. As it turns out (and I never knew this) one needs not be a sitting member of congress in order to be voted speaker of the house. For my purposes, a "Speaker Cheney" era would be the icing on the cake. Can you even fantasize how completely weird and twisted a rolling spectacle such as that would be? I hope he takes the job. I really do!
The Republicans are self-destructing before our very eyes. Did you ever think you'd live to see something as funny as this?
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Lenny Bruce would have turned ninety today (Margaret Thatcher also would have turned ninety today, but that's a different story for a different day).
Here is a link to a piece I wrote back in 2006 on the fortieth anniversary of his passing:
Lenny at ninety. Can you imagine? He would have mtde such a hip old man. It's just so sad....
Sorry...had to do it. Carry on. ;)
No need to apologize. I am rooting for the Cubbies also - and I am not a sports fan.
If the Cubs win the World Series, that might be the final sign of the coming apocalypse... and the Democrats have all of the anti-Constitutional presidential candidates in place to bring it to fruition! :)
I don't know what else could happen if the Cubs win the series, they already have ice skating in hell since 2004 when the Red Sox won.
De_Bill, now THAT is funny!
Lenny Bruce, one of the first comedians to be ultra vulgar, which made him a hero to lefty scum like Tom. It's good proof that Tom and his ilk are just low class, low life scum. Vulgarity IS their proof of intelligence HA HA HA HA HA
Tom, delete the post at 7:54 honor Molly!
Of course delete it, typical response from lefty scum, censorship.
You need more than deleting, you need a 2 by 4 to the head!
Of course resort to violence and killing anyone who disagrees with you. Thanks for showing your true shit character, just like Tom.
For you information, Lenny Bruce was a political conservative. Genius.
His total lack of any coordinated sentence structure is too comical! How could I possibly delete him? And I am going to assume that it's a male. Woman just aren't that stupid. Seriously.
Why would I delete you? Your postings are so moronic they're entertaining.
Anonymous, you do yourself no favors in winning people over to your points of view with such ad hominem attacks. You simply reinforce certain stereotypes that the left already has regarding the right. (Of course those same stereotypes also exist for the left.) You can be critical and make your points without resorting to such tactics.
That said, Mr. Hansen, it probably isn’t very productive to advocate violence against Anonymous in rebuttal. The whole conversation rapidly devolves to some hyper-juvenile playground squabble accordingly.
Nobody can ever accuse you of having thin skin Tom. Let's see what pearls of wisdom fall out of the morons ass next!
Bravo T. Paine Your criticism of one Conservative to another is the first I have read on the Internet! My respect for you has increased dramatically. I find it hard to be mature and respectful when responding to inflammatory posts with no redeeming value.
I see the "Boy Troll" is still here.
T. Paine, you are the embodiment of the "negative stereotype" concerning conservatives. tell us O' master, HOW are any of the Dem candidates "unconstitutional"?
TWO red states have banned the terms "Global Warming "and "Climate Change" which violates the 1st amendment, and several are no requiring welfare recipients to submit to drug testing without cause (and without results as it turns out) which violates the 4th amendment.
Sevberal of your heroes want to disband the Supreme Court because they ruled that all people have the same civil rights.
Forget about how you all pervert the 2nd amendment
So tell us again how the Dems are "unconstitutional"?
Getting back to the topic of Tom's post...I don't think either party is able to govern these days. What they do is RULE, like royalty. See, when society devolves as ours has into a system rigged to distribute wealth upward to the oligarchs and leave a pittance ( if that ) for the rest of us, we have divine rule, not democracy. Our politicians today serve their wealthy masters and justify it to themselves the same way Kings did, they were chosen by God to rule over the population. The problem here is that God to these idiots is the oligarchs, not a supreme being. Oh they pretend to be religious, worship God and obey God's rules but in reality they are a bunch of hypocritical phonies who are really evil at heart. I think if you look at it this way Amerika makes more sense. We are not governed, we are ruled by evil idiot capitalists who stop at nothing and obey no rules ( be it the U.S. Constitution or simple civil manners ) in their quest for complete control and dominance. Then they try to get the people they oppress to fight with each other so they won't unite against their true oppressors. What's there not to love about that ?? It's just so clever !!
Mozart, I agree with some of your complaints, sir. I don’t think any state should ban terms, like “global warming” or “climate change”, even if they may describe fictional accounts of “science”. We should not ban the debate by banning the terms though. You are correct and those states that did that are wrong.
Next, I don’t know to which “heroes” of mine you are referring, but I don’t support anyone disbanding the Supreme Court. I would actually like it if the SCOTUS would follow the United States Constitution when rendering their decisions instead of basing it on international law, polls, political ideology, or trying to cement their own “historical legacy”.
As for the 2nd amendment, it is an individual right to keep and bear arms. If you dislike that, work with other like-minded people to repeal the 2nd amendment. Good luck with that, too.
Regarding your beloved Democrats, they are constantly ascribing powers to themselves that are not stipulated in the Constitution while ignoring those that that same Constitution demands of them. Hell, President Obama admits that he has no power to change immigration law unilaterally, and then issues another egregious executive order to do just that. The Democrats (and many progressive Republicans) have perverted the general welfare clause into meaning the “good & plenty” clause and create myriads of un-constitutional or extra-constitutional entitlements for their constituents in the hope of cementing their political power. We go to war without declaring war via congress… and yes I acknowledge this is also a grave fault of the GOP too. At least both Bushes got congressional approval, if not a war declaration, before commencing hostilities though.
Then lets looks at the execrable and mis-named Affordable Care Act that states I must purchase something from a private source simply because I am drawing breath or face fines accordingly. Evidently Obama has some incriminating pictures of John Roberts that made him lose his mind when adjudicating that case. The fact that such a patently unconstitutional law was even split 5 to 4 is a sad indictment on the SCOTUS.
Congress, especially the senate under Harry Reid, failed for YEARS to produce a budget as required but instead ran the government through continuing resolutions. They obviously don’t take their constitutional duties seriously, and yet we keep voting them back in office.
The ONLY things that the government is supposed to do is precisely that which the U.S. Constitution authorizes them to do. No more and no less. All other rights and responsibilities outside of those stipulated fall to the States and/or We The People.
That said, I am not sure that either party does indeed know how to constitutionally govern our nation. Neither are worthy. The difference is that the Democrats are simply more brazen about their lack of respect towards constitutional governance than are the Republicans.
I volunteer —yes, volunteer! — to change my party affiliation to Republican in exchange for the Speaker of the House job. I mean, what's crazy about it?
As Speaker, I'll earn a quarter of a million bucks a year). I'll get better healthcare than any non-Congressional person anywhere in the United States gets, and I'll get it free of charge. Sotto voce rumors have it that I can do insider trading free of criminal charges, thus further boosting my income enough to make me a milionaire. After I finish or get fired from this gig, I can take a job as well-paid lobbyist. And I won't feel any pressure on the job because I'll be secure in the knowledge that if I achieve nothing —nothing at all — I will pretty much tie the record of the previous Speaker.
Move over, John Boehner. I'm coming for your job. The rest of the Republican caucus: have your people contact my people via my blog.
Yours very crankily,
The New York Post
That Democratic debate was so good.
I just can't wait for the next one LOL.
I think I would rather have a colonoscopy than watch the next freak show.
What will be the next "free stuff" that Bonnie Clinton (of the Bonnie and Clyde Foundation fame) offers the LIFs on the Liberal Plantation?
Lets all make believe like good liberal koolaid drinkers that climate change is our most clear and present danger rather than the radical mooselims!
T. Paine, the 2nd amendment says "ARMS" not "Guns" and it also says "A WELL REGULATED MILITIA..." It was written at a time whjen there was no standing army or police force to protect against OUTSIDE INVASION. It was NEVER designed to threaten the US government.
The AFFORDABLE Care act is just that, UNLESS you live in a state that didn't allow the exchanges, AND the rise in premiums is about vindictive insurance companies, not the law, which BTW SAVED MY LIFE THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
Reid produced several budgets, but ALL were rejected because they didn't include the XL pipeline (Boondoggle) or defunding Obamacare as if Obama would sign either one.
You also act like the SCOTUS had no right to uphold the 14th amendment (if you are talking about same sex marriage) but maybe you were talking about Corporations being people or money being speech (I'll bet you support those decisions)in which case I'd agree, THOSE had nothing to do with the constitution.
And MAYBE if congress would work WITH OBama instead of fulfilling their vow to obstruct everythung he does, the President wouldn't HAVE to go it alone.
You lose, Chief.
Oh, and I see by "Progressive Utopian Dreamer" that the Boy Troll is still with us here.
Mozart, with all due respect, the 2nd amendment wasn't written so as to threaten the government. It was written, in part, so that the government could not threaten the people. It is an INDIVIDUAL right to keep and bear arms. It is not a governmental right so they could simply form a militia. Yes, that was part of it, as we did not foresee having a standing army, but it was also to keep from being enslaved by the tyranny of our new government. This is something that seems quite relevant today.
I would ask you, if the 2nd amendment was meant to provide another governmental “right”, why is it listed with the other nine amendments in the Bill of Rights, all of which are to guarantee INDIVIDUAL rights to We The People? If it were a governmental right/responsibility, it would have been so listed in the body of the Constitution.
I give you the following:
"The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed." - Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Cartwright, 5 June 1824
"To disarm the people...[i]s the most effectual way to enslave them." - George Mason, referencing advice given to the British Parliament by Pennsylvania governor Sir William Keith, The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution, June 14, 1788
"Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of." - James Madison, Federalist No. 46, January 29, 1788
History is replete with myriads of such statements from our founders. Respectfully, you have fallen victim to progressive revisionist history, sir.
As for the execrable Affordable Care Act, It is most certainly NOT affordable for most people. President Obama promised I would be able to keep my doctor and my health insurance if I like them. Both are gone for me. He promised the particulars would be debated with clear transparency on C-Span. This never happened; Instead he allowed for kick-backs and bribes for critical politicians to fall in line. He promised that this piece of dung would reduce the average family’s health insurance by $2500 a year. Instead, just the opposite has occurred with an average $2500 a year increase, including mine.
The “law” needs to be completely repealed and real health care reform enacted that actually does lower prices so far more people may afford it. If you give credit to that un-Constitutional act for saving your life, then I am happy to know that at least one good thing came from this monstrosity, and do hope you are doing well now so that you don’t have to rely on such a precarious thing as a government program for your future survival, sir.
Next, I will reiterate the FACT that the grotesquely corrupt Harry Reid did NOT produce a senatorial budget for numerous years when he was majority leader; not all of the years he was in charge, but there never should have been any year where he reneged on his responsibilities.
As for SCOTUS, marriage is the fundamental building block of western civilization. Frankly, government has no business whatsoever being involved with it, gay or otherwise. What they did will allow for all sorts of other iterations of “marriage” to necessarily occur though. If “marriage” is based only on the affections of two or more consenting adults, as per the SCOTUS ruling, then polygamy and incestuous marriages will follow next, by their very distorted definition of marriage.
It may surprise you to know that I am against the Citizens United decision. Corporations are not people. That said, neither are unions or other special interest groups. They should not be treated as such accordingly.
Finally, I don’t want congress to ever work with Obama when he is proposing unconstitutional measures. Maybe if that arrogant son of a bitch would follow his oath of office to support and defend the constitution, perhaps the worthless congress and he could come to some sort of legislative understanding. Instead, he would rather rule by decree – errr… I mean by executive order.
It is my fervent prayer that we will elect a constitutionally respectful president to right the ship of state. In other words, if we elect a Democrat or some of the Republican candidates, we will finally fail as a nation based on the grave damage already done to our economy and its institutions, particularly under the “leadership” of Barack Hussein Obama.
Look, the ACA Helps tens of millins of people and if you lost your plan it was ONLY because it did not meet the service/cost standards. The ONLY way you didn't have a BTEER one available is if you live in a state where they didn't allow the exchanges. All you are doing is parroting the usual GOP bullshit.
As for same sex marriage you cons always say "if we do THIS it will lead to THAT" but it never seems to happen. It's just a scare tactic. You want government out of marriage but you don't want them out of a womans vagina. Marriage is NOT exclusive to religion and in fact one can get married with no religion involved at all.
Try getting married without a "government" licence. You don't approve of same sex marraige, don't get married to a person of the same sex. Very simple. It does not effect you or your relationship AT ALL.
I'm not even getting into your pathological hatred of Harry Reid. You want to whine about "corruption" look into your own house. I guve you "Tehran Tom" Cotton and his TREASONOUS 47. Start there. Then move on to the FACT that the "Benghazi hearings" are all about Bringing Hilarry down and have nothing to do with anything factual. YOUR GUYS HAVE ALREADY ADMITTED THAT IT WAS A POLITICAL ATTACK! No less than FIVE GOP comittees have found no evidence of wrongdoing on Hillary or Obama's parts in that case, but they are ready to keep trying.
Meanwhile, in the debates, the GOP debate looked like a free for all with Trump shoutinig the loudest and NO ONE having any specific plans other than to eliminate Obamacare, cut taxes for the rich and start another war
On the Dem side, we had respectful debate and clear plans for the future. EVEN FOX NEWS said the Dems came off looking better!
Go tell your hero Limbaugh America isn't buying the BS anymore. Were it not for gerrymandering and disenfranchising LEGAL voters, you wouldn't even control congress. You can't win a national election without cheating.
Tom, I would say it slightly differently - of the Repubs (and Dems)
"They can't govern because they won't".
Mozart, is your real name Josh Earnest? Your dissembling on behalf of Obama and his rag tag band of socialist comrades sure makes me wonder, because you do so without a shred of guilt about the falsehoods you are spewing, sir.
My previous insurance plan was under Cigna and provided very good care without becoming one of those so-called evil Cadillac plans. I am sure untold tens of thousands of others were on the same plan as I was. It was not lacking in services provided or in being excessively expensive under the asinine Obamacare Act standards. And yet, my company was forced to drop the plan and put into place one under United Healthcare that is far more expensive and poorer in coverage provided. Thanks Obama and all of you Constitution-hating Democrats! My health-care costs have literally jumped over $2500 a year since that rat-bastard has “saved” healthcare for us all. Ironic, since that is the amount that the liar-in-chief said the average American would save under his un-constitutional plan.
As for marriage, again I don’t think the government should be involved in it at all, whether from a licensing stand-point or otherwise. I don’t agree with same-sex marriage, but if two guys want to go to some pagan or false-Christian church and get hitched, so be it. I think churches should be able to marry or not marry people based upon their own doctrines and dogma accordingly.
As for your foolish retort of “if you don’t approve of same sex marriage, don’t get married to a person of the same sex”, that could easily apply to you with guns. If you don’t like them, don’t buy one.
Your nastiness is not very becoming though. “You want government out of marriage but you don't want them out of a womans vagina.” Nice. And yet you say that anything that happens in the bedroom is 0% my business, but 100% of my financial responsibility. How the hell does that work?
The fact that Hillary and Obama were running guns to the Syrians through Ambassador Stevens in Libya and then refused to send help when the consulate was under attack should put both of those disgusting human beings out of office at the very least; in prison if justice were actually done. The fact that they both lied and said it was a spontaneous attack based on some internet video nobody had ever seen when they knew it was a pre-planned terrorist attack should have been enough to bring up articles of impeachment on both of them. It is the cover up that makes it even worse in this act of war.
Despite McCarthy’s idiotic statements, Hillary is being investigated on her email server and Benghazi because she is in violation of multiple laws. Hillary for Prison 2016! Shame on you for supporting such a thoroughly untrustworthy and corrupt individual. Frankly, she SHOULD be the Democrat nominee. She perfectly embodies everything the corrupt and lawless Democrats now stand for today.
At the risk of sinking down to your level, your unwavering support of evil, corrupt, and un-constitutional liars should embarrass you completely. I, at least, will call out people that “supposedly” are on my side of the political aisle and denounce them when they do wrong. Evidently, you think Democrats can do no wrong. And that, my friend, is precisely what is wrong with America today.
It looks like Bernie Sanders has had his day in the sun.
Queen Hillary will get the nomination.
I'm voting for her even though she has flipped flopped on so many issues, has not really accomplished anything, is too dumb to know what information in an email is classified, has made millions by being a crony capitalist, and is really an incompetent buffoon.
Go Hillary go!
The real "1%" is the entitled public sector class...
Obvious, since the wealthiest counties in the country surround DC and its public sector armies of hacks...
Like the Chinese Mandarins in history, they are privileged and unaccountable for results.....
Unionized, cant be fired, fat lifetime pensions..a Democrat political Army...
They spend their time harassing the hardworking private sector taxpayers especially those who are successful..
"not very productive"
It's criminal, but these liberal killers don't know that threatening to kill someone is a crime. Enjoy yourself and your killers Tom. Lets have more intellectualism from you so called liberal intellectuals. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA what criminal scum. Now on with your intellectual kill talk
Your threat to kill has been passed on to the authorities. Explain to them Tom why you support and post death threats.
Hillary is being investigated on her email server and Benghazi because she is in violation of multiple laws.
I've asked before, but I'l try again. Could you specify which laws she broke? It's not as clear as Bush's criminal lies to Congress about fictional "nukular" aluminum tubes and Saddam's so-called "ties to al-Qaeda". Was her crime worse than Bush ordering torture and other war crimes crimes that the US USED to prosecute? How about Obama's drone assassination program? That can't be legal, but since he inherited it from foul I suppose.
Just curious. These seem like clear crimes against US law, humanity, and decency compared to Hillary's bureaucratic mismanagement.
If she's guilty she should be punished. Same as Obama and the Bush Cartel, but I won't hold my breath.
Our politicians today serve their wealthy masters and justify it to themselves the same way Kings did, they were chosen by God to rule over the population.
My man Ellis nails it.
Divine right of wealth has replaced divine right of kings.
As global corporatism takes over the planet, the howling masses on the far Right cry, "Socialism!"
"Freedom!" they howl, as they rig elections, suppress voters, and cheer the demise of democracy.
As Obama pushes for corporate written trade agreements, he is still called a Marxist by the low information, and loudest, voters.
Since 9-11 more Americans have been killed by terrorist Right Wing extremists than by the Muslims they hate.
George Carlin was right. This country is finished.
Things are getting interesting, Trump blames Bush for 9/11!
I might have to vote for Trump after all.
Silly Trump. Doesn't he know Bush "kept us safe".
It's that damn Hillary who needs to go to prison for Benghazi, amirite?
That's just how the blame game works. We have standards in this country. In fact, double that.
A troll's work is never done. He wants us to think right wing terrorists aren't so bad after all. And above all he wants to show us how much he hates "negroes and Muslims". They're almost as bad as those evil commie liberals, amirite?
Thank you,
Chuck Morre from Wallingford CT
Michael Stivic from Wallingford CT
Tyrone Witherspoon(s) from Wallingford CT
Rev. Al Sharptoon from Wallingford CT
Booker T. Washington from Wallingford CT
Just the Facts from Wallingford CT
Anonymous from Wallingford CT
Confused Progressive from Wallingford CT
Harry The Climate Change Expert, from Wallingford CT
"James Hanson" from Wallingford CT
“JH” from Wallingford CT
“Dave Dubya” from Wallingford CT
"But You Don't Need A Photo ID To Vote" from Wallingford CT
Harry from Wallingford CT
Smokey Legumski from Wallingford CT
Moduspropogandi from Wallingford CT
Vanessa from Wallingford CT
Suzanne from Wallingford CT
Mitzi from Wallingford CT
Nancy Pelosi from Wallingford CT
Jefferson’s Accordian from Wallingford CT
JJ from Wallingford CT
Progressive Utopian Dreamer from Wallingford CT
Just Some Facts from Wallingford CT
Tom Degan Sock Puppet from Wallingford CT
And now
John Myste from Wallingford CT
Now for the fact he can't deny:
"Since 9-11 more Americans have been killed by terrorist Right Wing extremists than by the Muslims they hate."
Dave Dubya
Why don't you go to night school to escape your prison of underachievement and envy of those who have?
Sounds like our troll has only been to the "hate school of ignorance", FOX (R).
No need for night school to learn the facts:
"Since 9-11 more Americans have been killed by terrorist Right Wing extremists than by the Muslims they hate."
What was that fact again?
"Since 9-11 more Americans have been killed by terrorist Right Wing extremists than by the Muslims they hate."
With all that incessant posting under so many names it is a wonder that Sore Loser has any time to water proof his bubble!
If Hillary launched the terrorist attack in Benghazi, or whatever fantasy crime the Republicans are “investigating”, why do Republicans have to lie to do so?
CIA Debunks Gowdy’s Allegation That Clinton Email Contained Classified CIA Source
One other thing Republicans don’t want to explain is why we need massive repeated investigations of Benghazi, and zilch for Bush’s pre-9-11 negligence, 9-11 itself, and his post 9-11 fabrications of Saddam in cahoots with al-Qaeda and “nukular” aluminum tubes?
Could it be because they have standards? Double standards?
“Values”. That’s must be it.
As bad as Carter was he followed the law and valued the Constitution.
Obama, AmeriKa's most unqualified, inexperienced POTUS does neither.
Obama is worse than Carter, but that's no reason to praise Carter. Both are Jew-haters (Carter praised a high-ranking Hamas terrorist not that long ago, can look it up...) but Obama is going to do worse damage to Israel and America than Carter ever could.
You know how the idiot Left were saying that the American administration was a fascist country under Bush blah blah, well you know under Obama, America does have a fascist, even a Nazi administration, that lacks the honesty of the Nazis and military juntas everywhere.
HamBone Chuckie from Wallingford CT is now extolling the "honesty of the Nazis" in order to convey his racist hate for Obama and the "Jew haters".
No surprise.
Never mind the glaring facts that the Bush Cartel lied, tortured, and invaded a country that did not attack us. Gee, who did that sort of thing 76 years ago, anyway?
Maybe this fact will help with the answer:
"Since 9-11 more Americans have been killed by terrorist Right Wing extremists than by the Muslims they hate."
Gotta love that radical Right projection.
Forget to take your meds again?
LOL! Chuckie got so excited seeing so many of his names he had to make an appearance as "Chuck Morre" just to further amuse us.
Of course, one who believes, "America does have a fascist, even a Nazi administration, that lacks the honesty of the Nazis" also believes I'm the one who need meds.
There's no cure for such willful hate and ignorance.
The projection is priceless, though.
"My brother kept America safe" LOL
Your vision of self grandeur is only matched by your paranoia. Who is the"us" that you believe you are speaking for this time?
Have you stopped seeing your shrink again?
Or are you off your meds again?
There is no cure for your ignorance.
Canada finally did the right thing and got rid of the Conservative Harper who was a disaster for the last decade. Maybe we can do the same and get Sanders into the White house.
Yeah, great! With Trudeau's win in Canada, they have simply proven that they too fall under the spell of the cult of personality by electing a prime minister that has no qualifications to govern. The foolish Canadians should have paid attention at how well that has worked for us here in America with Barack Hussein Obama.
Are you referring to the same "foolish Americans" who elected Obama after George "Qualified to Govern" Bush left us a near total financial collapse, Great Recession, legacy of torture and warrantless surveillance, and two unending wars?
What could possibly be wrong with them?
“I have great respect for George W Bush, and was proud to work on his 2000 campaign and in his administration." – Ted Cruz
Another "Qualified to Govern" man of the people?
Sure, as long as "Qualified to Govern" means more wars, tax cuts for the rich, allowing polluters to dictate environmental policy, benefit cuts for the poor, and total destruction of labor rights to unionize.
Yeah, that has always been what "Qualified to Govern" means to Republicans.
Bush, with all of his myriads of faults, at least was better qualified to govern than Obama. He did a good job as governor of Texas. Too bad he didn't do as well as president.
As for your beloved Democrats, the best one among the commie bastard group is dropping out today. (Jim Webb) Bernie is at least honest enough to admit that he is a socialist, even though that ideology was responsible for terrible consequences over the last 100 years. Hillary is so corrupt and incompetent that not even her own party has favorable trust ratings for her. And O'Malley is a joke with no spine, while Chaffee is an embarrassment. His answer in the last debate defending his first vote in the senate was, bar none, the worst excuse I have ever heard from a politician.
Yeah, you have a great group of people representing your political beliefs there, Dave. I'd happily take Ted Cruz over any of them every single time. He at least knows what the hell the constitution is. The Democrats either pay lip service or outright disparage it, just like our current asinine president as he characterizes it as a list of negative liberties because it was meant to restrict his dear government. Good God we are so screwed in this country.
We have already gone past the tipping point, so I don't know why I bother. Tax the rich! Make them pay their fair share! Never mind the bottom 50% of wage earners don't end up paying federal income taxes right now. It isn't enough, huh? Obama has added record numbers of people to SNAP roles while median income, home ownership, and medical costs have all gone in the wrong direction under his "leadership". And yet you want more of the same.
Yep, we are screwed, and the progressives with their "give me my entitlements" mind set are the ones that have caused it.
With "commie bastard group" as a clear enough indicator of misrepresentation and factual error, we still have the following testament with glaringly serious flaws.
Bush, with all of his myriads of faults, at least was better qualified to govern than Obama.
Again, how does "near total financial collapse, Great Recession, legacy of torture and warrantless surveillance, and two unending wars" PLUS "tax cuts for the rich, allowing polluters to dictate environmental policy, benefit cuts for the poor, and total destruction of labor rights to unionize" translate as "better qualified to govern"?
Not to mention the glories that await as the GOP further eliminate regulations for Wall Street.
I still don't know what law Hillary has broken, so I don't really expect an evidence based explanation to this one.
First, with the possible exception of Webb, all of the Democrat candidates are socialists. So my politically incorrect epithet was pretty accurate.
Second, Bush's faults while governing typically resulted from him following progressive policies like TARP. Obama came along and doubled down on it. Not including the war in Iraq, I don't know why you hate Bush so much. He governed as a progressive in his last term especially. Further, the warrantless surveillance still goes on today. The tax cuts were for EVERYONE that paid taxes, including me, and I am hardly rich.
What I actually was referring to was Bush's qualifications as a successful governor and a business owner before becoming president. That is a far cry from a community organizer, a state senator that mainly voted "present" and a first term U.S. senator. Frankly, we would have been better off without either of them.
Regarding your babe, Hillary, the fact that you don't see the myriads of scandals, corruption, and out-right lies she has perpetrated for all of her public life doesn't speak well to your judgment of character, Dave.
How far back do you want to go in categorizing her lies and corruption?
Should we go to Filegate where her husband illegally collected FBI files on former Reagan and Bush appointees that Hillary would call up via William Kennedy to White House security chief Craig Livingstone when she needed to do a hatchet job on somebody?
Oh, and how about her "amazing" business acumen she learned from the WSJ on how to turn $1k into $100,000 in only nine months! What was that bribe all about?
How about Travelgate, where that unscrupulous woman had charges trumped up on White House Travel Office Director Billy Dale so she could bring her own cronies in to run things. Dale was acquitted by the jury on all charges in less than 2 hours.
How about White Water?
How about the subpoenaed Rose Law Firm billing records of Hillary's that went missing until they were accidentally found by a White House maid in the private residence of the first family?
And now we have the incredibly foolish act of Hillary using her own private email server to conduct State Department business upon, including the transmission of classified material. General Petraeus was convicted for sharing his classified schedule with his biographer, but Hillary gets a pass and indeed support from the sychophantic left.
Then there is the lies and cover up of Benghazi where Hillary knew in advance of the likelihood of an impending attack. Instead she LIED and said that it was a spontaneous attack over an internet video that nobody had ever seen. She and Obama refused to send help to our people under that attack that resulted in their deaths accordingly. And yet she, the left, and the media spew the crap that it is nothing but a partisan witch hunt.
And how about the MILLIONS of dollars in "donations" that Hillary has received to the family's "Clinton Foundation" by companies and foreign governments that had business before the State Department. Bill's speaking fees doubled or tripled after she became Secretary of State by some of those same foreign governments and corporations. Russia now owns a huge portion of America's uranium, thanks to this nifty little deal.
Of course before 2010, the Clinton Foundation showed tens of millions of dollars in foreign donations each year and ZERO afterwards. When question about it, they admitted that it was an "error" and had to refile years of tax returns accordingly.
Hillary is corrupt, dishonest, and a power-hungry, un-constitutional, would-be dictator.
Like I said, she is the perfect nominee and the embodiment of all that the Democrat Party today stands for accordingly.
Good analysis of Bonnie of the Bonnie and Clyde Clinton Foundation fame.
I wonder why AmeriKa's smartest prison guard has gone silent?
Besides cavity searches, going to the prison library to access its PC and post on Tom's blog is his favorite activity.
Hillary is right. We need to regulate what rich people do with their own money.
And the Clinton Family "Charitable" Foundation would be a perfect place to start.
At least you have “Honest Con Chuck” as a cheerleader. ;-)
Besides cavity searches, going to the prison library to access its PC and post on Tom's blog is his favorite activity.
That’s your “Right thinking” wholesome American boy. If you haven’t noticed yet, he hates me, you know. He knows I’m to blame for all the evil in the world. Yessiree.
First, here’s a secret. I don’t trust our babe Hillary either. Like Jeb and all the Republicans, she’s bought by Wall Street. Some “commie”, huh?
I want you to know I appreciate your collection of Hillary conspiracies. But I still don't know what law Hillary has broken.
Filegate? Please. Even the judge said there’s “no there, there”.
After years of litigation, endless depositions, the fictionalized portrayal of this lawsuit and its litigants on television, and innumerable histrionics, this Court is left to conclude that with this lawsuit, to quote Gertrude Stein, 'there's no there there.' …they have not produced any evidence of the far-reaching conspiracy that sought to use intimate details from FBI files for political assassinations that they alleged. - Judge Royce Lamberth
Russia now owns a huge portion of America's uranium, thanks to this nifty little deal.
So is this Hillary’s crime? You have no evidence supporting this one too.
She and Obama refused to send help to our people under that attack
This has been proven to be untrue. You have no evidence supporting this one too.
Enough. The pattern is clear. Do you remember my request? You have produced no crime, yet demand Hillary go to prison. I’m not defending her, I’m defending the concept of justice by evidence and due process. My question remains unanswered. Prison is demanded yet no charge is made. Sounds like fascism, doesn’t it?
At least I can cite Bush’s crimes on falsifying to congress reasons for war, ordering torture, indefinite incarceration without charges, etc.
Again, in addition to Bush’s second term “progressive” demands to privatize social security, how does "near total financial collapse, Great Recession, legacy of torture and warrantless surveillance, and two unending wars" PLUS "tax cuts for the rich, allowing polluters to dictate environmental policy, benefit cuts for the poor, and total destruction of labor rights to unionize" translate as "better qualified to govern"?
As far as I can tell, the answer is, “Because Obama’s a commie”. And the “Democrat Party is commie”, and “Because I say so”.
That’s really the extent of your argument.
all of the Democrat candidates are socialists. Therefore “my politically incorrect epithet was pretty accurate”
Yes, I’ve noted the pattern of baseless logic and misrepresentation before. Democrat = Socialist = Communist. In addition to the viewpoint that Republicans are “too progressive” it is clearly a radical far Right perspective presented here.
All these false assertions, accusations, and misrepresentations frame a view that appears paranoid and detached from facts and reality.
If I saw Obama representing a Stalinist takeover of America, I would be frightened too. But that’s not what I see as fact and reality.
Perhaps you see my “global corporatism and rule by divine right of wealth” characterizations just as paranoid and detached from reality. Perhaps you see my view that the political system, including both parties, is “corrupt, dishonest, and power-hungry” as paranoid and detached from reality.
It certainly scares me that others can’t see this as they embrace the most far Right Republican dogma. The dogma that needs scapegoats to blame for the failures of stupid wars for crony profit, deregulated Wall Street and global corporatism.
It is also the dogma of a growing cult of terror.
Since 9-11 more Americans have been killed by terrorist Right Wing extremists than by the Muslims they hate.
This “Commie, commie, commie” crap of yours feeds into that kind of hate. Just fair notice, as you have falsely accused me of “envy and hate” for the rich.
You were saying?
All I want to see are the responses from his boss and head of the Dept State, Ms. Clinton to Ambassador Stevens requests for more security, before the attack that murdered him. You know, the attacks caused by the TRAILER of a YouTube video,LOL
Or for that matter, any responses to same from anyone in the Obama White House
Now let's talk about qualifications to govern In the future.
What part of socialism don't you like?
Numbers to support you claim about extrem right wing murders
Have you forgotten more Americans have been murdered by the liberal support of abortion than any other method?
So truth be told more Americans have been murdered by extrem liberal abortion positions than any thing else
“If you haven’t noticed yet, he hates me, you know. He knows I’m to blame for all the evil in the world.”
Yes, I have noticed Dave. I have also noticed that the sentiments are reciprocated by you towards him. You think you are justified in your comments and that he isn’t. You make statements about him but he evidently isn’t allowed to do the same.
Regarding Hillary, it is amazing the lengths you will go to in order to defend her. And for the record, she has broken the law on numerous occasions, as well as violated her oath of office. (Not that this matters to D.C. politicians or Democrats.)
The fact that the Clinton White House violated the privacy act by even assembling over 900 FBI files on political opponents is a direct violation of the law. Hillary was smack dab in the center of this scandal.
Then there is the quid pro quo of ILLEGAL bribes that Hillary received to the Clinton Foundation and Bill received in increased speaking fees from foreign interests and corporations that subsequently got favorable responses with their businesses from Hillary’s State Department. If this were Condi Rice doing this in the Bush administration you would rightfully be screaming for justice. I guess your double standards are merely projection on your behalf, sir.
Our government, our Secretary of State, should be beyond reproach and not even have a semblance of impropriety when it comes to dealings with foreign nationals and corporations. Hillary didn’t do these things in an altruistic moment to further U.S. interests. She did it to enrich herself.
As for the Russians and Uranium One, I give you the “conservative” New York Times”:
“As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.
And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.”
Again, if this were a Republican, this scandal alone would be enough to ruin a White House run. With Hillary, the compliant leftist media are nearly silent on the issue.
Regarding Benghazi, the Obama administration hid witnesses from investigators and ordered them not to speak on the subject. Military units that could have responded were ordered to stand down. This great shame is ultimately Obama’s fault. That said, Hillary had received multiple requests for increased security in Libya and denied them all. She lied about the cause of the attack, even after the fact, and directly to the parents of one of the deceased Americans. She is a vile and disgusting human being.
There are multiple violations of the law, including here transmission of classified data on a private email server. I would have been prosecuted under the UCMJ if I had done so in my Navy days, just like General Petraeus was prosecuted. You and the rest of the progressive Americans can give her a pass if you want. I sure as hell won’t. She does indeed belong in prison.
And regarding your Bush diatribe about the Iraq war… let me put it this way: when one says something they believe is true and it turns out not to be, well that is a mistake. When someone says something that they KNOW is not true, well that is a lie. Outside of hyper-liberal partisans, there has never been any doubt, let alone evidence, that the intelligence for the run up to the Iraq war was ever known to be falsified or considered to be taken in bad faith.
As for Bush wanting to privatize social security, he was trying to find a way to keep it solvent. Congress would have none of his plan, so it died. I guess he could have bribed various congress members like Obama did with the Affordable Care Act.
Financial collapse is indeed Bush’s fault. Obama continued the exact same policies though. Same with the warrantless surveillance under Bush and Obama. And read this carefully this time, the tax cuts went to EVERYONE who paid taxes, Dave. Not just the rich. Quit with your class warfare crap.
“Democrat = Socialist = Communist.” I realize you were being snarky, but the truth is that your equation with today’s Democrat party is actually pretty close to being accurate.
“All these false assertions, accusations, and misrepresentations frame a view that appears paranoid and detached from facts and reality.” This seems to be a pretty good summary of your viewpoints of Bush and the Iraq war which I debunked on my blog.
I have tried to be even-handed and non-accusatory of you directly, Dave. Instead you take my generalizations as a personal attack and then render the same back towards me.
It is hard to keep things in perspective when you constantly are repeating DNC talking points and demonizing anyone that even remotely disagrees with your perspective. I DO agree with you regarding BOTH parties being tied to corporatism. (I think it is interesting that you are willing to give unions a break for the same transgressions though.) I do agree regarding warrantless surveillance. I agree with you on the Citizens United Case. After those things though, you relegate me to “extremist” right wing fringes. I find it interesting how much the political window in this nation has shifted to the left so that someone that believes in capitalism, individual rights, and the Constitution is now considered an extremist. And THAT is why we are screwed in this nation now… and it isn’t because of MY viewpoints, sir.
This comment has been removed by the author.
"Have you forgotten more Americans have been murdered by the liberal support of abortion than any other method?
So truth be told more Americans have been murdered by extrem liberal abortion positions than any thing else"
Good point, Chuck. Abortion on demand is a Constitutional right according to the left though.
It is funny how anything that happens in the bedroom of others is 0% my business but 100% my financial responsibility.
Uncle Joe says "no" to running against Clinton
Any reasons why?
No, we’re not screwed as a nation because of your viewpoints. It is due to the actions of corporate crony politicians. But blaming liberals is the indoctrination, so it will continue.
Fortunately not ALL your views are so extreme, simplistic and false. Honesty compels me to note the extremist views and note the lack of support by evidence. Unlike your pal Chuckie, I don’t need to get vulgar, accusatory, and personal over disagreement.
“Democrat = Socialist = Communist.” You stand by your false extremist viewpoint. Now that is settled fact.
Noting the war on unions is not “giving them a break” but stating fact. As far as campaign finance, I’ve stated neither corporate nor union money should be in elections. The GOP clearly wants unions eliminated so corporate money is dominant in elections. You know damn well this is true.
The only evidence you offer is by partisan hacks. Even the NYT couldn’t say Hillary alone did the deal. Yet she is the one you blame. It was no more ‘Hillary’s deal” as the Iran deal is Obama’s. Your simplistic blame game is old. As much as I’ve stated my opposition and disagreements with Obama and Hillary, I still can’t surrender to accepting partisan attacks as truth.
You want to imprison Hillary without even naming a specific charge of a crime. That is settled. And you believe “Mushroom Cloud” Condi was true and pure? Hoookayyy.
“I know that, had we thought that there was an attack coming in Washington or New York, we would have moved heaven and earth to try and stop it. And I know that there was no single thing that might have prevented that attack.” Rice to 9-11 Commission.
What did that August 6, 2001, Presidential Daily Briefing say again? “Bin Laden Determined To Strike in US”.
What difference does it make now, right? Bush and Condi get a pass for dismissing and ignoring the warning. “Qualified to lead” what again?
You cover for Bush’s lies under the Right Wing sacred tent of “belief”. His lies were proven false at the time of his State of the Union Address. Saddam was not in cahoots with al-Qaeda and there were no “nukular” aluminum tubes for a fictitious “nukular” weapons program. There was no “meeting in Prague” that Cheney lied about. These were all verifiable at the time of the treasonous lies to congress. Quoting neo-con and Republican sources does not debunk the facts. You quote them because they support your partisan beliefs, not the objective truth.
It was deliberate deception by dishonesty. Inspectors and evidence debunked these lies well before the invasion. Presenting false and cherry picked “beliefs’ for war is treason at best. Only a pathetic few still believe the lies. Let it go. Neo-con’s words are not sacred. They are unworthy of unquestioned belief.
No wonder you need to direct such venom at Hillary. Four American deaths were a great tragedy and under her watch, but four THOUSAND needless American deaths for lies were not such a tragedy, even noble, because of “false beliefs” What a cult. IOKIYAR.
It’s fine that you see the corruption of Hillary, but must you ignore the Koch/GOP love affair?
Bush wanting to privatize social security, he was trying to find a way to keep it solvent.
Or he was just trying to enrich cronies who take it over? Yeah, maybe you can’t see that part, but many do. Bush was good at getting rich off other people’s money. His baseball team prospered thanks to public taxes for a stadium. More unearned corporate welfare. Is this your idea of our sacred god “free market capitalism”?
The point was this is NOT a progressive Bush . How many times do I have to point this false perception out to you? “Beliefs” again.
constantly are repeating DNC talking points and demonizing anyone that even remotely disagrees with your perspective.
You mean this? “First, here’s a secret. I don’t trust our babe Hillary either. Like Jeb and all the Republicans, she’s bought by Wall Street. Some “commie”, huh?”
Or this? “Perhaps you see my “global corporatism and rule by divine right of wealth” characterizations just as paranoid and detached from reality. Perhaps you see my view that the political system, including both parties, is “corrupt, dishonest, and power-hungry” as paranoid and detached from reality.”
Clearly you are casting another unfounded accusation. It is belief over fact again. If you don’t like what I say, it must be “DNC talking points”.
Accuse, blame, and scapegoat. It’s the far Right thing to do. Don’t you see any of this?
Note how personal and ugly your friend Chuckie gets in response to my points on both his behavior and issues.
You either hold to a false equivalence or are just more generous to his gutter talk.
IOKIYAR. We get it.
Bush and Condi get a pass for dismissing and ignoring the warning, “Bin Laden Determined To Strike in US” a month before 9-11.
Let’s punish Hillary for her negligence instead. It’s OK If You Are Republican.
More double standards?
From the University of Maryland's Global Terrorism Database: A List of Deadly Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Diplomatic Targets Under President George W. Bush, 2001-2009
But who cares? What difference does it make now? Better blame liberals, amirite?
Hey, I know, let’s promise social benefits to people on the backs of their children over the coming decades. Then, let’s incentivize them to not have children. Maybe even make it legal and easy to exterminate them by the millions. And, in order to keep our population growth artificially juiced, we can just let droves of illegals cross the borders and ridicule folks that have a problem with it. Trust us, it will work out fine. We know these things – we have Ivy League degrees… We’re pretty smart folks.
Decades of progressives
Dave, liberals are certainly not responsible for everything wrong in this nation. However, there are some bad things that have happened that are undeniably their fault.
1.) They want unfettered access to abortion with funding provided by the taxpayers.
2.) The quality of our education system has degraded far below that of much of the rest of the first world, and yet liberals still champion the inept and incompetent teachers unions.
3.) Our economy is anemic at best, and yet liberals want to send us back into a deep recession with increases in taxes “on the rich”, raising of job-killing minimum wages, and further useless environmental regulations that will do nothing to stop climate change.
4.) Most liberals want to grant amnesty to illegal aliens, and even today refused to hold sanctuary cities accountable for breaking federal law when it comes to holding criminal aliens for deportation.
5.) Most want to gut our military and resort to isolationist tactics while our enemies and Islamofascists are gaining strength.
6.) They want to negotiate foolish and unverifiable treaties with our enemies and then insist they aren’t treaties.
7.) They refuse to hold law-breaking and morally bankrupt Democrats accountable for their actions and insist that they are victims of right-wing politics.
8.) They want to re-define societal institutions that have been the bedrock of western civilization for millennia and then call those that disagree as being homophobic and hateful.
9.) Many want to remove all mention of God from the public square and further infringe my first amendment rights to the free exercise of my religion.
10.) Many want to ignore, infringe, or outright eradicate our second amendment right to keep and bear arms.
11.) Rather than address the source of the problem, many liberals simply want to throw more money at government entitlement programs.
12.) Liberals absolutely don’t want to cut government spending (other than the military) and to finally live within our means as a nation.
Those dozen things are just some issues off the top of my head that are desperately wrong with this nation that the left has championed. Those issues are indeed liberals’ fault accordingly, buddy.
And again you parse the facts, just like a Clinton. “Even the NYT couldn’t say Hillary alone did the deal.” Oh, she didn’t do it alone, so she shouldn’t be held accountable? She is the corrupt liar that is running for president. Don’t you think she should be held accountable for ANY of her moral or legal failings, Dave? “You want to imprison Hillary without even naming a specific charge of a crime.” Really? Do I need to give you bullet points?
1.) She violated the privacy act with her part of Filegate by requesting and using FBI files of political enemies to use against them.
2.) She violated a court subpoena by hiding the Rose Law Firm Billing records in the White House residence, and was never held accountable for that.
3.) While charges haven’t been brought against her, and likely won’t with D.C. corruption, the appearance of quid pro quo “contributions” for favorable State Department rulings is disgusting.
4.) She violated numerous security acts with her setting up a private email server and transmitting classified information over it. Petraeus was prosecuted and convicted for far less!
Any one of those should have her at least removed from running for president, if not put in jail. And those are just the strictly legal violations of law. Her moral lapses makes for a very long list indeed, including her role in the Benghazi debacle. Indeed, I suspect if the whole truth were known, she would be criminally liable on several counts there too.
The fact that none of this seems to bother you because she hasn’t been officially charged with crimes… yet… is amazing. The whole deal with Russia and Uranium One should horrify you. Instead, you defend her.
Bush led a bipartisan congressionally approved use of force in war against Iraq based on U.S. and foreign intelligence at the time. You can dismiss that if you choose, but you are the one on the fringe there, sir.
You are amazing in your double standards, Dave. You accuse Bush of wanting to “enrich his cronies” because he suggested privatizing social security and then dropped it when there wasn’t the congressional backing to move forward with it, but you don’t see anything wrong with Hillary PERSONALLY getting rich from corporations and foreign nationals for her favorable State Department decisions. Your credibility is shot right there, sir.
Accuse, blame, and scapegoat. It’s the far Left thing to do. Don’t you see any of this? IOKIYAD. We get it.
Bush should have done more with the pre-9/11 intelligence, but the fact remained that he did not know where, when, or how the attacks were to take place. It’s kind of hard to guard against that for an entire nation.
Hillary had specific information of an impending attack on our consulate in Libya and denied Ambassador Steven’s multiple requests for increased security. When the attack came, our military assets were ORDERED to stand down and not assist. That is hardly a double standard, Dave.
"Better blame liberals, amirite?"
Thank you Harley. Such clear insight is as rare and thoughtful as blaming liberals. We know exactly what, and how, those liberals think, don’t we? Our prophet and leader Rush, along with FOX News, teaches America all about them commies. Or are they Nazis? No difference. Liberals=democrats=commies=Nazis=Satan. Only a keen con-servative mind can see this.
As we know, the only path to salvation from the Liberal Menace is to expand our legacy of torture and warrantless surveillance, more unending wars, more tax cuts for the rich, more destruction of labor rights, more suppression of voter rights, allowing more polluters to dictate environmental policy, more de-regulation of Wall Street, eliminate minimum wage, more benefit cuts for the poor, privatize Social Security and every public safety net,… or better yet eliminate government entirely except for military enforced expansion of corporate power, and let the corporate global order run the world.
No more civilians or non-businessmen in government. The best government is obviously a corporate military dictatorship. Or one run by our President Netanyahu.
You filthy liberal commie traitors, who are "solely to blame for everything (TM)", deserve to be exterminated, or at least put in camps.
For that alone is the final solution to the liberal problem. Being “Good Christian Americans (TM)" with our exclusive lock on “values”, our hate for evil liberals is righteous and pure. HAIL Con-Servatism! Hail victory!
Don't Tread On ME!*
*Unless you're Wall Street, the Koch brothers, Big Pharma, Big (Air-pollution-doesn't-increase-greenhouse-gasses) Oil, Big (Smoking-doesn't-cause-cancer) Tobacco, and the most sacred non-providers and useless middlemen of health care, the insurance corporate CEOs. YOU guys get to write the rules now.
For our God Mammon has ordained unto us the divine right of wealth. The Golden Rule shall be, “Those with the most gold shall rule”.
For democracy is nothing but "mob rule (TM)". Democracy is surely a tool of the Devil against our God mammon. It seeks to speak for the public good and to regulate the most holy spirit of the "Free market (TM)". It must be eliminated.
OUR Constitution says NOTHING about regulating commerce or promoting the general welfare. For our Constitution is the new Golden Rule. Corporations are people, my friend. They are very special people. And they are run by those with the superior virtue and wisdom of wealth. They and their "Free market (TM)" ideology shall ensure that those who deserve shall receive their Mammon-given trickle up wealth.
You Sacred New Golden Rulers are all welcome to write our laws, dictate our public policy, pollute our world, swindle the public, collapse our economy, penalize the poor, demonize, blame, accuse and hate liberals, and of course create jobs in China. USA! USA! USA!
The holy and infallible "Free market (TM)" demands sacrifice, but only from the little people. Prosperity for the few! Austerity for the rest! It’s our god Mammon’s will.
'Cause decades of "Freedom (TM) loving Con-servatives" have all the answers.
Throwing out a dozen opinions and RNC talking points is nothing new. In fact it is exactly more "Blame the liberals" ideological dogma.
I'd be happy to discuss any of the above to provide balance and perspective.
Just two for now.
Even Reagan supported amnesty. Yeah, he was way too liberal and part of the problem.
Education is undermined, not improved, by the war on unions. Obviously you have no clue to what teachers have had to put up with. Like cops, there are bad teachers, but we don't destroy the system for ideological purposes.
How can I make this clear. Sure she's untrustworthy and unethical. Most politicians are. If Hillary is a criminal CHARGE HER WITH A CRIME. Sheesh. Your GOP is either unfit to govern if they can't even do that simple process, or there's no crime. Take your pick.
I will certainly say Democrats who failed to investigate Bush and Cheney for lies and torture were also unfit to govern.
based on U.S. and foreign intelligence at the time. You can dismiss that if you choose, but you are the one on the fringe there, sir.
No it wasn't. Even British intelligence wrote in the Downing Street Minutes that intelligence was "fixed around policy" intent on war. ALL intelligence that contradicted the lies was dismissed out of hand. Treason.
Your false beliefs remain on the outer fringe. NO reasonable intelligence stated Saddam was in cahoots with al-Qaeda or had nukular aluminum tubes. These were lies. Still are.
You can't even support them. Get angry all you want, but facts are facts.
Reagan signed off on amnesty with congress' assurance that they would build a wall. Obviously we saw how the Democrats under Tip O'Neil lied just like they do today.
The teachers unions protect incompetent teachers and does NOTHING to raise the standard of education. They have become defacto Democrat PAC's accordingly. Please tell me, if I am wrong SPECIFICALLY how they help improve education otherwise.
Next, Hillary is a crook and so is Bill. Nothing will likely happen to them because that is not how things work in politics anymore. And yes the GOP is a sad sack of sh*t that doesn't hold themselves, let alone the Democrats accountable. Obama's justice department sure as hell is not going to hold Hillary accountable on charges. They would also have to hold Barack accountable. Its a fox/hen-house thing.
As for the Iraq war, I will leave you to your own "facts" and alternate reality. It certainly doesn't do any good to try and change your beliefs based on leftist dogma.
Get angry all you want, but facts are facts.
As for the Iraq war, I will leave you to your own "facts" and alternate reality. It certainly doesn't do any good to try and change your beliefs based on leftist dogma.
You can't even see you are in the small minority who still believe the Bush/Cheney crap. Your view is so narrow that the world is leaving you in your small ideological box.
What can I say? The truth is there. You are among the very few who deny the fact Saddam was not allied with al-Qaeda. You are among the very few who deny the fact that there were no aluminum tubes for a nuclear weapons program.
I'm very sad for you about this.
I’m certain many believe liberals/teachers are entirely to blame for our education problems today. Most of those casting the blame have no clue to the issues and trials of education.
Education suffers from more problems than found in schools. It used to be just TV. Parents compete with new video gismos and other impersonal effects of technology on our young. The economy demands that both parents have jobs, further limiting time to stimulate learning in their children.
As teachers are forced into larger classrooms with fewer resources they are also forced to focus education directed to mandatory standardized test scores representing a limited spectrum of education. Schools have reduced instruction time in subjects such as history, arts, language, and music.
This is where education suffers very serious losses.
Misguided efforts like Bush’s “No Child Left Behind” often punish schools that don’t “teach to the test” as it undermines a rounded education.
Or in the simplistic view of the far Right:
Teachers = Unions = Commies = Blame
End of discussion. ;-)
"but facts are facts". I believe that Conservative information sources are more partisan and much more narrow in depth and scope than Liberal sources. The sample above illustrates this idea. Try to find a Conservative equivalent criticizing in detail the failings of one of their own. Liberal sources are more honest about reality that is why you are not well informed on a host of subjects.
I study politics to find out the truth, most people only want to hear what pleases them.
Stop whining
It doesn't win you any converts
You have the right to believe what ever you want reguardless how wrong you are
And your last post proves that beyond a doubt
What was the Clinton State Depts response to Ambassadors call for more security, BEFORE the video trailer caused assault?
Wait till next 107 years Mozart
Chuck, why don't you just use my name and answer for me, you are good at that!
Do you seem to enjoy mocking conservatives Christianity.
You must be an expert on Christianity
Do you therefore know what Jesus said about himself and do you believe what he said to be true?
That's the best you can do?
I study politics to find out the truth, most people only want to hear what pleases them
This disqualifies James from being on the Right. As demonstrated so often, beliefs are so important to the Right, they trump facts.
The rigid ideology, blame, hate, and scapegoating mirrors fascism, not conservatism. Their belief pattern is clear.
Liberals = Democrats = Socialists = Commies = Blame
Journalists = "liberal Media" = Democrats = Socialists = Commies = Blame
Public employees = Unions = Democrats = Socialists = Commies = Blame
Teachers = Unions = Democrats = Socialists = Commies = Blame
Add FOX News = "Fair and balanced" = Blame liberals
End of discussion. ;-)
Good Lord, Dave. I could play your silly name-calling game too, but that is all it would be.
It is amazing how you chastise people for doing the precise thing you do ALL THE TIME, sir.
According to you:
Conservatives = Republicans = Neo-Cons = Fascists = Blame
Journalists = Fox News(R) = Corporate media = Blame
Corporations = evil rich = screw the little guy = GOP = Blame
NRA = gun nuts = disregard for gun deaths = GOP fascists = Blame
We can play this stupid game all day long, but the fact of the matter is that you are so thin-skinned that you take generalizations made and apply them as specific attacks against you. Granted, sometimes the shoe fits, but not always. The funny thing is that you do the same thing in reverse towards conservatives and then act surprised when they might take offense at your hyperbole.
Moussa Koussa.
That is the name of the “classified source” in an old email from Hillary Clinton released last week by Republicans purportedly investigating the 2012 attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Under the instructions of the Benghazi committee’s chairman, Republican Representative Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, Koussa’s name was blacked-out on the publicly issued email, as Republicans proclaimed revealing his identity would compromise national security. The media ran with it, saying Clinton had sent classified information through her personal email account.
But the CIA never said the name was secret. Nor did the Defense Intelligence Agency or the FBI. No, Koussa’s role as an intelligence source is about as classified as this column. He is the former intelligence chief and foreign minister of Libya. In 2011, he fled that country for Great Britain, where he provided boodles of information to MI6 and the CIA. Documents released long ago show Koussa’s cooperation. Government officials have openly discussed it. His name appears in newspapers with casual discussions about his assistance. Sanctions by the British and the Americans against Koussa were lifted because of his help, and he moved to Qatar. All of that is publicly known.
But, as they have time and again, the Republicans on the Benghazi committee released deceitful information for what was undoubtedly part of a campaign—as Kevin McCarthy of the House Republican leadership has admitted—to drive down Clinton’s poll numbers. Republicans have implied—and some journalists have flatly stated—that Clinton was reckless and may have broken the law by sending an email that included thirdhand hearsay mentioning Koussa’s name. The reality is that the Republicans continue to be reckless with the truth.
Harold Watson "Trey" Gowdy III, GOP Head of Benghazi Committee Received $6,000 from PACs Connected to Anti-Clinton Group
This comment has been removed by the author.
"Journalists = Fox News(R)"
LOL!! Yeah, let's count the times liberals have equated FOX (R) with journalism...
...Done. Zero.
You have confirmed the formula above! Maybe you don't "believe" it, but you have affirmed the formula as "actually pretty close to being accurate".
“Democrat = Socialist = Communist.” I realize you were being snarky, but the truth is that your equation with today’s Democrat party is actually pretty close to being accurate"?
So now you’re angry at me for being "actually pretty close to being accurate"?
And you conveniently ignored this:
"The rigid ideology, blame, hate, and scapegoating mirrors fascism, not conservatism."
Your "Thin skin" accusation (yes, yet another accusation) is projection.
If conservatives choose to reflect the hateful scapegoating of fascism, then that is their choice to go over to the radical far Right.
If conservatives support war based on falsehoods for crony profit and political gain, if conservatives support torture and incarceration without charges, if conservatives must demonize dissent as communism, then that is their choice to embrace the spirit of fascism.
Fortunately not all conservatives go that far over to the dark side.
I admit I resort to hyperbole. You are right about that. But when compared to the wild accusations, scapegoating, and hate mongering, I can only offer facts, with added hyperbole for personal expression, to make my points.
“Democrat = Socialist = Communist.” can indeed be hyperbole, but when embraced as "actually pretty close to being accurate", then who else is guilty of hyperbole?
Thank you TP for saying this
The question is will Davy read it.
Chuck Morre, did you steal your name from Chuck Moore (someone who used to comment here) and then get the spelling wrong? Or is it a tribute to Chuck Lorre? And what happened to Vanessa and Mitzi? Have you stopped using their names forever, or are you just taking a short break?
Also, what did Jesus say about sockpuppets and name stealers, and do you believe what he said to be true?
What differance does it make now?
Did a search of Bible and I couldn't find anything about "name stealers" or "sock puppets". Maybe you can enlighten me on that subject. I did find that all have sinned and deserve God's wrath and that Jesus was sent to pay the price for our sins. That my good works are not enough to escape Gods wrath.
But I'll ask you the same question I've asked Davy, do you believe what Jesus said about himself?
And one more, Davy fearlessly uses a name with a link as I do instead of hidding behind Anonymous. I respect him for that even though he like you seems to believe ever post you disagree with is mine under a different name
So grow up anonymous and use a name
Well Davy, you got to admit the Communist Party USA on websites home page does compare socialism and communism
Maybe you should disavow the CPUSA?
Dave Dubya and Tom Deegan are crapping their pants.
They know Bernie The Bolshevick can never win.
They know Hillary is steadily sinking deeper and deeper into the quicksand.
Tough times ahead for the Liberal Plantation and being a DemocRat!
It’s all just so exhausting arguing with a thick skulled progressive.
And I guess what I resent most of all is the fact that I will spend the rest of my life arguing with people who not only think that their faith in progressivism and the State is smart and modern, but that their opponents are the ones who are stuck in the past.
And in the process, they’ll keep making the country worse, with every failure providing the latest evidence that now, now, is the time for a new New Deal.
"Try to find a Conservative equivalent criticizing in detail the failings of one of their own."
James, have you been paying attention to what's been going on in the Republican party lately... ?
Quick question:
Was Trey Gowdy putting a price on American lives when he voted to reduce the security budget for consulates and embassies?
Is anonymous too chicken to post under a name ?
"Is anonymous too chicken to post under a name ?"
Yes. Yes he/she is. It is amazing the things people say under the semi-anonymous cover that the internet offers anyway, but then some other people are particularly "courageous" in their stances when they hide under "anonymous" headings.
It's also interesting to see what trolls say using over a dozen names. Real courage there. Not to mention honesty and integrity.
Then they get nasty and call others "chicken" when the real chicken hides behind multiple names.
Right, Chuckie?
I like the way Hillary has not been hit by any of the Republican questions at the Benghazi hearings just like she wasn't hit by the Bosnian sniper!
Sore Loser, you suck!
Hey "Smokey" ( boy troll)
Not only is Hillary NOT sinking, your heroes in the GOP just handed her the White House. 11 hours of them looking like partisan hacks and her looking, well...PRESIDENTIAL.
I admire your courage, "T. Paine" posting under your real name and all. I'm curious, since you're so brave, what's your full name? Just curious.
And yes, I love how Sore Loser calls me chicken for using the anonymous feature, while posting under a variety of ridiculous pseudonyms, as well as stealing the names of other commenters.
And gee, neither of you brave Americans ever answered this simple question:
Was Trey Gowdy putting a price on American lives when he voted to reduce the security budget for consulates and embassies?
posting under a variety of ridiculous pseudonyms, as well as stealing the names of other commenters.
IOKIYAR, obviously.
Was Trey Gowdy putting a price on American lives when he voted to reduce the security budget for consulates and embassies?
Republican “Values”.
But that’s not important. The goal is politics of personal destruction waged by endless committees who already have been given the facts.
Now on the other hand, How much time was spent on that incident apparently ALMOST as bad as Benghazi?
Bush and Cheney refused to go on the record for 9-11 hearings for some reason.
The reason?
IOKIYAR, of course. See the pattern here?
Standards. Double standards.
Now let’s focus on the real threat to freedom. The serious and relevant Benghazi question was of course, "Were you alone all night?"
How dare she laugh at the interrogator?
All “clear thinking conservatives” know this.
We can see what attracts voters to Trump. They like a big talker and simplistic solutions to complicated problems, and they don’t like those who don’t look like them.
What’s attractive about Ben Carson among Iowa GOP caucus goers”
No experience in foreign policy 42%
Doesn’t want a Muslim President 73%
Believes gun control helped Hitler 77%
Obamacare “Worse than slavery” 71%
Bloomberg poll of "clear thinking conservatives".
We can see what attracted voters to Obama.
He wasn't a Republican for one thing. He wasn't one who started two unending wars, wasn't warned about al-Qaeda and did nothing to prevent 9-11, fired the Iraqi army and opened Iraq to civil war and ISIL, collapsed the economy, drove unemployment sky high, and left us a Great Republican Recession.
Of course, none of this is "free stuff" from the "Uniter not a divider Decider". We will be paying for the Great Iraq blunder for a hundred years.
Republicans will offer more tax cuts to the rich for their "Trickle up free stuff" and corporate welfare as they show the poor how compassionate conservatives know what's best and slash food stamps for their children and send jobs to China.
Stupid Obama voters.
u b posting from the prison library PC?
With so many people so willing to overlook, disbelieve, ignore and/or make excuse for obvious liars like Clinton and Obama it is no wonder this country is in so much trouble. The brainwashing and propaganda continue unabated by the MSM and Universities and Colleges.
Tell me more Hillary, you lying nasty old cunt, how an internet video caused the Benghazi attack on the anniversary of 9/11.
George Orwell's Ministry of Truth in high gear for the dumb LIFs that Jonathon Gruber so fondly spoke of.
"Good Christian Con-servative American" Chuckie James is feeling particularly hateful today.
Good to see he's sticking with his cult indoctrination:
As demonstrated so often, beliefs are so important to the Right, they trump facts.
The rigid ideology, blame, hate, and scapegoating mirrors fascism, not conservatism. Their belief pattern is clear.
Liberals = Democrats = Socialists = Commies = Blame
Journalists = "liberal Media" = Democrats = Socialists = Commies = Blame
Public employees = Unions = Democrats = Socialists = Commies = Blame
Teachers = Unions = Democrats = Socialists = Commies = Blame
Add FOX News = "Fair and balanced" = Blame liberals
End of discussion. ;-)
Wrong, again.
"He wasn't a Republican for one thing. He wasn't one who started two unending wars, wasn't warned about al-Qaeda and did nothing to prevent 9-11, fired the Iraqi army and opened Iraq to civil war and ISIL, collapsed the economy, drove unemployment sky high, and left us a Great Republican Recession."
The Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 is a United States Congressional statement of policy calling for regime change in Iraq.[1][2] It was signed into law by President Bill Clinton, and states that it is the policy of the United States to support democratic movements within Iraq. The Act was cited in October 2002 to argue for the authorization of military force against the Iraqi government.
The bill was sponsored by Representative Benjamin A. Gilman (Republican, NY-20) and co-sponsored by Representative Christopher Cox (Republican, CA-47). The bill was introduced as H.R. 4655 on September 29, 1998. The House of Representatives passed the bill 360 - 38 on October 5, and the Senate passed it with unanimous consent two days later. President Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act into law on October 31, 1998.[3]
The Act found that between 1980 and 1998 Iraq had:
1.committed various and significant violations of international law,
2.had failed to comply with the obligations to which it had agreed following the Gulf War and
3.further had ignored resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.
The Act declared that it was the Policy of the United States to support "regime change." The Act was passed 360-38 in the U.S. House of Representatives[4] and by unanimous consent in the Senate.[5] US President Bill Clinton signed the bill into law on October 31, 1998. The law's stated purpose was: "to establish a program to support a transition to democracy in Iraq." Specifically, Congress made findings of past Iraqi military actions in violation of International Law and that Iraq had denied entry of United Nations Special Commission on Iraq (UNSCOM) inspectors into its country to inspect for weapons of mass destruction. Congress found: "It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime." On December 16, 1998, President Bill Clinton mandated Operation Desert Fox, a major four-day bombing campaign on Iraqi targets.
"End of discussion"
Rather authoritative of you Davy
But that's the liberal way, no difference of opinion allowed
It's the "Party's way or the highway".
Is Harry Chuckie trying to tell us Clinton, not Bush invaded Iraq?
Is Harry Chuckie trying to tell us Clinton, not Bush, who ignored warnings about al-Qaeda and did NOTHING to prevent 9-11?
I bet he wants to tell us more of what he thinks of the next president Clinton, too.
Democrats suck, but Republicans suck more. They have the hate and blame game sewn up.
There's the "party line".
Who's "us"?
If you stay on your meds you might be able to control your visions of grandeur?
Wasn't Clinton offered the leader of al-quada but turned the offer down?
Are is that in your party line?
Who's "us"?
Is anybody other than Chuckie unaware that "us" refers to us readers?
Didn't think so. I hope they make meds for that someday.
Wasn't Clinton offered the leader of al-quada but turned the offer down?
Good question. Someone wants us to think so, don't they? This depends on if you believe the word of a Sudanese dictator's general or the 9-11 Commission. (And we know only conspiracy theory wackos don't believe the 9-11 Commission, amirite?)
So on one side, we have Clinton administration officials who say that there were no credible offers on the table, and on the other, we have claims by a Sudanese government that was (and still is) listed as an official state sponsor of terrorism. It’s possible, of course, that both sides are telling the truth: It could be that Erwa did make an offer, but the offer was completely disingenuous. What is clear is that the 9/11 Commission report totally discounts the Sudanese claims. Unless further evidence arises, that has to be the final word.
The FBI did not believe we had enough evidence to indict bin Laden at that time anyway.
FactCheck .org:
So someone is both confused by a pronoun, and clinging to false belief, propaganda, or mental delusion here.
"Meds" projection again.
He's really gonna hate President Clinton. If Obama Derangement Syndrome hasn't popped his lid enough, we're in for some maximum crazy Chuckie after the election.
Does he know how much we love to laugh at his foolish sputter and rage?
Water is cleaner than ever. Air is cleaner. Smog is down. Ozone is stable. No more acid rain. More greenery in the U.S. No ecological disaster after the BP mess in the Gulf. Nineteen years stable temperatures. Heat spikes corresponding to increase in solar activity. Hurricanes down in past five years. Falsification of data proven by environmentalists. No world cooling as warned in 1976. Arctic ice increasing. No increase in sea levels. Man. Climate change is killing us. Lets just chill a little before losing our heads and shouting "The Sky is falling, the sky is falling, Bwaaaack buck buck, Bwaaaack buck buck!"
Does he know how much we love to laugh at his foolish sputter and rage?
After I shred the post under his name, Chuckie on cue, hides behind another name and posts a boatload of ignorance.
Sanders is urging the DOJ to investigate Exxon Mobile for knowing about greenhouse effects and suppressing their science.
Exxon knew. They changed their PR for their Oil Can Cult to suck up.
I think the polls will be short of volunteers this election, considering all the puke they're going to have to clean up from the Democrats who bother to go with a clothespin on their noses to vote for Hillary.
Harley, you cannot compare the political bickering of the Republican candidates for personal gain to the well researched criticisms of Carter in the article. Conservatives don't so self criticism very well because being highly partisan precludes it.
Even you when pressed on the issue a while back could only issue the mildest of rebukes on Bush's polices by saying " he was not a Conservative". Just the fact that he facilitated an international kidnap and torture program should be enough for you to condemn him stronger than that.
At this point Sanders is a no brainer compared to any of the other people in the race to be president.
"I could have killed bin Laden "
Bill Clinton
To CBS news 6/2014
"we" (all the readers) know how you work Davy
According to the 9/11 Commission Report, national security officials decided to forgo a missile strike on the region in December of 1998 out of concerns about collateral damage, including 200 to 300 civilian casualties.
Chuckie's bound and determined to join the conspiracy that refuses to believe the 9-11 Commission.
Above all, Chuckie must deflect from Bush ignoring the clear August 6, 2001 warning, " Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S."
Saying to the messenger, "You covered your ass", was the Shrub's only action.
Apparently, "My Pet Goat" was far more interesting to the Great Decider on that fateful day.
Better blame Clinton, amirite? It's ALL his fault...And of course al-Qaeda's fictional ally Saddam.
For we all know how Chuckie "works".
Dave Dubya,
I just checked out your freedom rants blog.
Nobody posts there anymore, but what do you expect with Hugo Chavez/Fidel Castro/Chairman Mao/Joseph Stalin like censorship?
Post the authoritarian party line or hit the highway says AmeriKa's smartest prison guard.
Put a fork in it. "Dave Dubya's Freedom Rants" is done. The fat lady has sung.
No wonder your posting your koolaid drinking dogma so much on Tom's blog.
America deserves better than that lying bitch Hillary (who character assassinated all the women her sexual predator husband slick willie stalked and dropped his pants for) especially after having endured eight years of the smooth talking 'community organizer' who proved that, 'No, he can't.'
Give a Republican a fish and he'll think he learned how to fish. Teach him to fish and he'll call you socialist.
Trump and Jeb...
We need more fortunate sons drafting on daddy's success having slap flights as they try to cut each other's taxes.
"If I can't get in there and raise your retirement age to pay for tax breaks for the rich, fudge it!"
Why Davy, are you saying Bill Clinton lied to CBS and to the American public? Who ever would have thought that possible!
Give a Democrate a fish and he'll whine that it's not cooked the way he likes.
Reminder: The party that complains about everyone getting a participation award are including 3 guys with under 3% support in their debate.
Republicans just want to get back in power so they can stop inventing scandals and start hiding them again.
Getting tricked into picking Paul Ryan always works, GOP.
Ask Mitt Romney.
If you don't have the convection of your statements, sign your posts Anonymous.
I notice Chucky , like a good conservative, NEVER posts the entire conversation. See, The WHOLE statement, along with the CONTEXT changes the message from one where Clinton let bin Laden go and endangered the nation, to, Bill Clinton listening to his advisors and his security council, and realizing that there would have been too many CIVILLIAN casualties (something Bush never worried about killing over 100,000)and understanding if bin Laden were captured ALIVE, there was not enough evidence at that time to convict him of anything, decided to wait for a better opportunity.
But it was Bush that ignored all the warnings of imminent attack, and it was BUSH that sat doing nothing while planes were being flown into buildings (at least the WTC, who knows what hit the Pentagon?)
"Chuck" If you don't have the conviction of your statements, sign your posts with many different aliases.
Also steal the names of other people who comment here.
Also spell conviction "convection"
sore loser is not too bright, he has been stealing my name for 2 years and he still can not spell Hansen as in his 9:48 posting. I am very thankful I am not as stupid as sore loser.
You do realize that Clinton by not killing Bin laden like he said he should have, put the lives of Ameticans he swore to defend in his oath of office at risk?
How do you square your claim that the Clinton Intel about an impending attack should have been responded to but the Clinton Intel about Iraqs WMD should have been ignored?
We all know that GWB the 9/11 commission report and ordered it be available to the public on line free. Where was the order by Obama to investigate Bengazi ?
Why do the supposed public emails of Secy of State Clinton can only be seen after a court order? What is she hiding or do u even care?
Aren't u the least bit interested in why the business of forgiven countries gave money to her Clinton Fund while after meeting with her while Secy of State?
How can we expect Ms Clinton as president to protect and defend the USA when she couldn't send Ambassador Stevens the help he asked for several times?
Did she ever respond to his requests?
If she couldn't do that how can she govern as President?
Oh, and by the way, Anonymous, I at least write consistently under one nom de plume. If I were single, I would likely use my own name. As it is, I must protect my livelihood and my family from the "tolerant" left. The fact that I don't support gay "marriage", gun control, and other politically incorrect things would probably jeopardize my very job due to my company's HR policies. So much for freedom of speech and tolerance. I guess tolerance only applies if you agree with leftist positions. I suppose I could embrace those positions, but then we would both be wrong.
Chuckie, If Clinton HAD killed bin :aden (and hundereds of civillians at rthe same time) without any EVIDENCE that he'd actually done eneything illegal or warlike against the USA you and all your conservative buddies that support Saudi Arabia and the bin Laden family would have attacked him for that. BUSH but American lives at risk when he ignored the warnings and allwed 9-11.
The intel of the impending attacks was REAL, that about WMD's was a LIE, and Bush knoew it when he pulled the iunspectors out before they could officially report no WMD's found. GET IT?
The first Benghazi investigatin was ordered AUTOMATICALLY as per rules laid down under the REAGAN administration and that report showed NO EVIDENCE OF WRONGDOING ON THE PART OF SEC. CLINTON OR THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION. Why did we need 8 MORE at a cost of $30 million with the SAME RESULTS?
Better foreign countries give to a WORLDWIDE CHARITY WITH NO EVIDENCE OF CORRUPTION, than The Bush family buisiness partners with the same country (and Family) that carried out 9-11.
You might want to stop now, you have no actual facts to argue with.
You are hopeless
Good luck with dealing with the realities of the failures of the policy's you so strongly and blindly support
Best to you
Clnton could have prevented all of the things you blame GWB for if he had been capable of governing. I see nothing in his wife's resume to think she will do any better
There is indeed blame that can be leveled on both Bush and Clinton's failures to prevent 9/11. Indeed, bin Laden himself said that America was a "paper tiger" after Clinton basically tucked tail and precipitously pulled out of Somalia after the black hawk down incident. Bin Laden assumed that they could attack us with impunity, like they did with the Khobar Towers in Saudi, the USS Cole, and our embassies in Africa and we would make token missile strikes back at them. Clinton's fecklessness set the stage for the terrorists' boldness. They no longer feared us.
The Bush administration absolutely should have done more to piece together pre-9/11 intelligence and act upon actionable intelligence. For that, he bears great responsibility. The fact that not one person in the CIA lost their job after that attack speaks to the incompetent bureaucracy.
All of that said, the cowardly leading from behind, apology tours, and making deals with our enemies at whatever cost that the Obama administration has done has absolutely made this world a far more dangerous place. Our enemies no longer fear us AT ALL and our allies, especially Israel, no longer trust us.
This will have far reaching future ramifications that will result in more innocent allies and American lives being lost because of this. And the fault and blame absolutely will be Obama's and all of those that support his asinine foreign policy decisions. (Not that I expect that son of a bitch to lose any more sleep over that then Hillary did over her and Obama's arms running in Libya that got our Ambassador and three other American's killed.)
I don't understand why we cannot come together as Americans when it comes to defending our nation and its interests. Instead we want to make this a partisan issue.
I admit that even Reagan was guilty of not responding after the Marine barracks in Lebanon were attacked killing over 200 Marines. Clinton basically paid lip service to protecting our nation and launched some missiles. George W. was inept in doing more to prevent 9/11. And Obama may very well have given up even trying to protect American interests from all appearances.
Why not call everyone out on their shortcomings and not just the "other" party's?
I agree with you TP but have to wonder if the delay in getting his (GWB) people in place caused by the counting of chads by the sore loser leaving him with Clinton left overs had anything to do with his failure? How long was the delay before 9-11?
What say you?
I don't understand why we cannot come together as Americans when it comes to defending our nation and its interests. Instead we want to make this a partisan issue.
I feel the same way, buddy. By partisan issue, we mean blame, right?
We do it when we blame Clinton for “fecklessness set the stage for the terrorists' boldness” and “token missile strikes” while forgetting Reagan’s arms for hostages, and leaving unarmed Marines in Beirut. While Reagan was “guilty of not responding”, you assert, “Clinton basically tucked tail and precipitously pulled out.”
Are we to believe in no way did Reagan “embolden” terrorists when he “basically tucked tail and precipitously pulled out”? Or is this just an old example of IOKIYAR?
“Our enemies no longer fear us!”, Republicans would squeal if a Democrat was “guilty of not responding” in the same way. You know this is true. Wanna know what else “set the stage for the terrorists' boldness”?
Bush administration absolutely should have done more to piece together pre-9/11 intelligence
I whole-heartedly agree! Thank you for not going “Jeb!” on us and saying he “kept us safe”. So what exactly DID they do after their August 2001 warning, “Bin-Laden determined to strike in US”? They did NOTHING. Could that “set the stage for the terrorists' boldness”?
So now 9-11 was less investigated than Benghazi! Bush and Cheney, being Right Wing authoritarians, not only opposed it, they refused to go on the record. What else could we expect from two slimeballs that ignored clear warnings of attack?
And finally, one more fact to dip in your swirling stew of partisan blame. The guy who you accuse of, “cowardly leading from behind, apology tours, and making deals with our enemies at whatever cost that has absolutely made this world a far more dangerous place and given up even trying to protect American interests”….ordered the high risk operation that killed bin-Laden.
And the most you can hold to Republicans is “inept, not responding and could have done more”. That’s it? After resisting investigation of 9-11, and refusing to testify on the record? After their invasion, based on falsehoods, of a country for crony profit and political gain, that resulted in thousands of dead Americans, ongoing civil war, an ally for Iran, firing the Iraqi army, and ISIL.
And none of this could possibly have “set the stage for the terrorists' boldness”?
Nothing to see here, folks. Just protecting America. Blameless and unaccountable. I mean, anybody can be inept, not responding and could have done more. Nobody’s perfect.
So that’s nothing important.
But Hillary??? That evil Devil Witch. She laughed, laughed, when her interrogator demanded to know if she was “alone all night”.
Bhenghazi! Inc. Not partisan a bit. If you say it is, then YOU are partisan.
Got it. ;-)
The current problems in the Middle East started under Harry Truman when he agreed to the establishment of a Jewish state, Israel, in 1948.
Harry was a Democrat!
Don't worry Chuck, the Obama Democrats and perhaps even our friend Dave (based on some of his sympathetic comments of support for the poor terrorist Palestinian groups) are supporting the enemies of Israel. It won't be long before Iran has a nuke and our problem with those trouble-making Jews will be over. There is our wonderful and brilliant president's legacy. Hey, at least he will be able to say he solved that Middle East problem.
More fear mongering about mushroom clouds. "Oil Tanker" Condi would be proud.
Ah, once again, "Dave supports the terrorists!"
This would be hilarious if not so tainted with darkness of mind and bitterness of spirit.
Is this just being dense, indoctrinated, or angry? It is at minimum willful blindness or deliberate twisting of other's words.
The far Right has a Pavlovian response to accuse and blame. Historically Fascism's essential tool.
But I suppose when one's vision is clouded by dark hallucinations of "evil liberal commies" everywhere, this basic truth is missed.
There is a deep fear inside that dominates the far Right mentality. From fear of uppity blacks of the "New Black Panthers" (all twelve of them,) to Iranian air passengers blown out of the sky, from fantasies of nukular aluminum tubes, to Saddam being in cahoots with al-Qaeda, and even fear of our own government, in their delusions that someone will come take their guns.
This is institutionalized paranoia folks.
Fear. They can't live without it. And they certainly can't reason with it. Along with fear comes anger, frustration, deep resentments, and finally accusations, demonization and hate.
All because of their simplistic authoritarian mindset. Liberals = Democrats = Commies.
And we may as well add: Liberals = Democrats = Commies = Support for terrorism.
This is how they view fellow human beings around them. How can anyone be so fearful, ignorant, and hostile towards people who've done them no harm?
Fascists have always hated and demonized unions, liberals, journalists, and educators.
American Con-Servatives seem intent on following that tradition.
“People who are so terrified they have to carry a gun into a coffee shop. That’s their base, essentially.” Noam Chomsky.
This comment thread was informative HA HA HA HA keep adding garbage to the net conversation Tom, that's what you are good at HA HA HA HA HA
The fact that you quote the America-hating Noam Chomsky says it all, Dave. Did you do a coin flip to see whether you quoted him or fellow socialist America-hating Howard Zinn?
I could replace the opposite of each word in your diatribe above (Republican for Democrat, Conservative for Liberal, etc.) and it would perfectly match the projection you accuse me of, sir.
In your world, all corporations are evil, unions are good, Democrats still support the common man, and the GOP is bent on getting rich through the military industrial complex. The Koch brothers are evil, but George Soros means well. The Republican presidents failures to keep America safe are criminal acts, but the Democrats failures are nothing more than partisan witch hunts.
Dave, I hate to say this, buddy, but you are rapidly becoming the very caricature of the Democrat party.
You accuse and blame Chuck, me, and conservatives and then scream when we point out the myriad faults and shortcomings of your fellow political travellers.
I know, I know... IOKIYAD, amiright?
I have tried repeatedly to call out faults on both sides. I have even admitted when I was wrong. I have called out fellow conservatives for unfair excesses. That is not enough for you though. I must have ideological purity and fit into the "tolerant" progressive mold, otherwise I am part of the conservative problem.
Well, with the dumbing down of America and the propaganda being spewed by the media and in the schools, I may very well be one of the last of a dying breed, but make no mistake... I will go down defending America and what it used to stand for in liberty and freedom.
I won't hesitate to point out the failure, crimes, and usurpations of liberty that your new progressive world creates for our dying country either.
Your problem with the Chomsky quote is it is the truth about so many fringe gun nuts. They do in fact, feel a need to carry weapons as if in combat. Paranoia is paranoia. Call it “freedom” all you want. It is definitely NOT freedom from fear, is it?
Your “America hating” response is just more accusation and demonizing. This is the fatal flaw in the Right’s paranoid thinking. They believe they know the mind of liberals, but can never base it on what they say, only on the Right’s pre-determination bias of what they say and mean. Note how you needed an ad hominem attack, instead of reasoned disagreement.
It is your own disparate characterizations of identical behavior that indicates IOKIYAR. I stand accused simply for pointing it out. See “partisan” on Benghazi.
Reagan cut and ran. You cannot admit it. Ideology denies you the ability to do so. Therefore you must project a more negative and sinister description for the same thing done by a Democrat.
Again, I’m only pointing out the facts here. Your own words stand as evidence of my point.
In your world, all corporations are evil, unions are good, Democrats still support the common man, and the GOP is bent on getting rich through the military industrial complex. The Koch brothers are evil, but George Soros means well. The Republican presidents failures to keep America safe are criminal acts, but the Democrats failures are nothing more than partisan witch hunts.
Bullshit, sir. Read the words and respond to the words, or can the ideological crap.
Again, more gross mischaracterization based on ideology, and not on what I actually say. How many more times must I say we want corporate AND union money out of our elections and government? When a liberal says billionaires and corporate money corrupts elections and subvert democracy, all you see is “Corporations are evil”. One would reasonably assume this indicates opposition to corporate influence on politicians and dominance of public policy. Only a radical ideologue would see this as “all corporations are evil”, or “liberals hate and envy the rich”.
Here’s your evil: Liberals = Democrats = Commies = Support for terrorism. I call it evil because hate and anger lurk within the sentiment.
You can’t see it, although you have indicated the principle as “pretty accurate”.
And there’s, “the propaganda being spewed by the media and in the schools”.
This is the kind of demonization and scapegoating that was employed by fascism. Look it up, for God’s sake! The history of fascism isn’t just your mythical “Hitler’s gun control led to the Holocaust”.
It is demonization of liberals, educators, unions, journalists and ALL who do not accept their ideology. Again, that is at the core of fascism. And I dare say that is more anti-American than anything Chomsky or Zinn truthfully spoke.
If you disagree, then quote my words, or Chomsly, or Zinn, and state your position. Instead all we get are accusations and mischaracterizations derived from supposition and ideology, rather than reality.
This is the conditioned response found in far Right ideology. It is endlessly repeated like the “big lie” theory of fascism. It is at the core of their beliefs. And it is fundamentally dishonest.
Cut it out, already. I dare you to argue against my words. Nobody has done that yet.
I hold only a slim hope you can bring yourself to employ dialogue, reason and evidence over demonization, blame, accusation and mischaracterization.
That choice is yours alone. You would be truly a unique person on the Right in choosing the former over the latter.
Chuckie, you and the Boy Troll are the reason I gave up on this place for a while. I present FACTS and you guys (along with T Paine) are just "stepford" people who can't stop regurgitating the conservative BULLSHIT no matter how many times it's been debunked using actual FACTS.
Bush was at fault for 9-11 and in fact even bin Laden himself said the attacks were a response to American soldiers being left in Saudi Arabia BY GEORGE H.W.BUSH.
Stop BLAMING everythng from 9-11 to Barbara Bush's hemmoroids on the Democrats.
You blame GOP for Middle East when it was a Demacrat who started the problem in 1948
You can dish it out Mozart but you can't take it can you
“It's good to know Republicans continue their lying thieving ways. Let's re-elect them to speed up the economic elite's theft of all our wealth. The logical conclusion of their rule is neo-feudalism, where the economic elite and Republicans are the lords and the rest of us are serfs. Their job is almost done. Socialism sounds good in comparison.”
So Republicans are liars and thieves, and socialism is good compared to capitalism, as per your own words.
“People who are so terrified they have to carry a gun into a coffee shop. That’s their base, essentially.” Noam Chomsky as quoted by Dave.
Dave, have you not seen that attacks happen way too often in schools, churches, theaters, restaurants, and what have you? If I were to choose to carry a gun to protect myself and my loved ones, that has nothing to do with fear that I WILL be attacked. It is simply following the Boy Scout motto to “be prepared”. It is no more paranoia then me carrying a jack and spare tire in my car. I am not “fearful” that I absolutely am going to get a flat tire, but I am prepared in case that does happen. You and Chomsky simply want to demonize those that are taking responsibility for their own safety, it would seem.
Chomsky and Zinn both look at America specifically to find all of its faults, real or imagined. I have no problem with pointing out our dark moments in history so we make sure we don’t repeat those grave errors: slavery, how we treated the Indians, etc. I do have a problem when someone focuses ONLY on those negatives and refuses to see the good also. America, under liberty and capitalism, has been an overwhelming force for good and raising people out of poverty in the world. That is all but ignored by progressives and in academia today.
Chomsky, and sadly many Democrats today, decry capitalism. They mistake this corrupted crony capitalism that most of our politicians engage in as true capitalism. It isn’t so. They think government oversight, control, and wealth redistribution would be the “moral” thing to do. They refuse to look at what history has shown when that has been tried in the past.
When one decries America, capitalism, and our freedoms as being racist, sexist, unfair, etc., doesn’t that sound like “America hating” to you? If not, what do you call it?
I admit the faults of Republicans. Reagan did cut and run in Beirut. George W. Bush did fail in preventing 9/11 on his watch by ignoring intel. How come my criticisms aren’t enough for you? Is it because I don’t denounce them with hate equal to yours?
When it comes to Obama, he has the hind-sight of being able to look at his recent predecessors and their mistakes. Instead he further endangers us. THAT is why I have especially great disdain for him. He refuses to learn the painful lessons that we were taught in blood and treasure. Indeed, he thinks disarming, leading from behind, and negotiating with terrorists is the correct path.
“How many more times must I say we want corporate AND union money out of our elections and government?”
I recall having made that exact same statement above and agreeing with you on corporations in the past, and yet I am still accused of supporting corporatist rights over the downtrodden poor by you.
“And there’s, ‘the propaganda being spewed by the media and in the schools’. This is the kind of demonization and scapegoating that was employed by fascism.”
Really? What do you call it when most of the media favorably plays the progressive line, from the Iran deal, to the gotcha crap against Republican candidates while never asking Hillary or Sanders the tough questions? How about the Benghazi committee? According to the liberal mainstream media, Hillary “escaped” the partisan traps that the GOP set for her. No one in the press reports facts such as Hillary’s emails to her daughter and the Egyptian prime minister showed that she knew right away that it was a terrorist attack, and yet days later she still blamed it on a video to the families of the deceased, while Susan Rice spouted the same lie on TV. We sure wouldn’t want Obama to have bad polling regarding al Qaida right before the elections, would we?
Next, our schools don’t often even teach civics any more. History is revised to focus on our evils instead of a well-rounded picture. I had to teach my youngest daughter all of the history that she wasn’t taught in school. She could tell me about Harriet Tubman, George Washington Carver, Malcom X, and Rosa Parks, but she didn’t know a damned thing about James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, or the causes of the first and second world wars. THAT is the politically correct identity-politics that now pass for history today in our schools. It is propaganda. Global warming is undeniable scientific fact, but intelligent design is foolish superstition. Our kids have to have parental notes in order to go to the school nurse for an aspirin, but they can receive condoms for free without parental knowledge. THIS is the atmosphere that progressive education has spawned. No wonder many of the truly exceptional students in college these days were home schooled.
In the meantime, quit accusing me of mischaracterization, projection, and blaming when that is basically your entire repertoire.
“Republicans will offer more tax cuts to the rich for their ‘Trickle up free stuff’ and corporate welfare as they show the poor how compassionate conservatives know what's best and slash food stamps for their children and send jobs to China.”
First, the poor don’t pay taxes, Dave. The bottom 50% of wage earners in America pay less than 5% of the tax burden. Second, I don’t know if this sample of myriads of comments from you about the “rich” constitutes hate or not, but it certainly doesn’t sound like you wish them well as you propagate your class warfare rhetoric.
“As we know, the only path to salvation from the Liberal Menace is to expand our legacy of torture and warrantless surveillance, more unending wars, more tax cuts for the rich, more destruction of labor rights, more suppression of voter rights, allowing more polluters to dictate environmental policy, more de-regulation of Wall Street, eliminate minimum wage, more benefit cuts for the poor, privatize Social Security and every public safety net,… or better yet eliminate government entirely except for military enforced expansion of corporate power, and let the corporate global order run the world.”
Hmmm…. But when I generalize and characterize the left with their sins, I am being hateful and blaming, but you aren’t with your half-truth, talking points, and outright falsehoods?
“Now we have the Neocon/Netanyahu cultivated fear of a nuclear reduction treaty for Iran. They don’t fear war. They seek it and profit from it.”
You are ridiculous. If Iran WERE to follow this treaty, which is polyannish in the extreme to ever think they would, this still allows them to produce a nuke in ten to fifteen years. This is like the debt ceiling debate. Don’t worry about it. Kick the can down the road so it doesn’t happen on my watch.
“Your President Netanyahu wants military action against Iran. The GOP wants whatever he wants. Their loyalty is clear. Try to tell me otherwise.”
Netanyahu is right to worry about his tiny nation when Israel is being attacked daily by Hamas, Hezbollah, and other Iranian proxies as Iran’s leadership promises to remove Israel from the face of the globe. You blame Israel for their “oppression” of the Palestinians, but they do not go into those territories to instigate trouble. They do so to capture cowardly attackers that hide in civilian areas. So yes, if you support such terroristic Palestinians, then what does that make you by definition?
I know. I have cut and pasted your own words, and still I will be accused of blaming, scapegoating, projecting, and lying… I am used to it. It is what happens most of the time when debating progressives.
Mozart, Bush was responsible for letting 9/11 happen. The basis for it occurring preceded his presidency though. Clinton especially made us appear as a “paper tiger” in bin Laden’s eyes. And yes, bin Laden wanted American troops out of their "sacred" land. Those are the real facts, sir.
There is plenty of blame to be cast upon the asinine Republicans. I will be the first to cast blame and admit that. Too bad that you cannot similarly accept responsibility for the transgressions of your Democrats.
The problem TP, is Davy doesn't believe he is telling half truths and out right lies.
Chuck, you are right, sir.
Dave, Mozart, Tom, all of them think that their view is the correct one. They are probably all good guys that ultimately want many of the same things we do; however, they are misguided in how they think we need to get there. They either ignore inconvenient facts and history or are ignorant of them.
Regardless, I do not hold any malice towards them, even if they do rely upon debunked memes, failed ideas, and propaganda. All we can do is plant seeds, Chuck. Hopefully someday maybe one of those seeds will sprout and eventually bear fruit. Or with this group, it is more likely to be "nut" trees. :)
Chuckie has some insight. I don't believe I'm telling lies. So how honest has he been?
I appreciate your lack of malice and consideration. I also don't hate your for your beliefs. I also have friends and relatives, who I love dearly, with the same beliefs. That doesn't mean I tolerate falsehoods, misinformation or accusations, though.
Thank you for the courtesy of including some of my own words. This grounds our discussion in more real terms.
“Socialism sounds good in comparison” as per your own words.
Sigh. Read the comparison again. “…neo-feudalism, where the economic elite and Republicans are the lords and the rest of us are serfs. Socialism sounds good in comparison”
Are we to presume you prefer neo-feudalism? That would be silly…I hope.
Chomsky was correct. If they weren’t afraid, they wouldn’t feel the need to be armed for combat. You’re saying everyone should be prepared for combat in a civil society. Do you really think there would be less violence if everyone was packing? The NRA is in business to sell guns and wield political power, of course they’ll make such an absurd claim. As I recall you also oppose proper training as a condition for being armed for combat, based on the irrational fear that someone will confiscate your guns. We all get flat tires. We don’t all get shot at. False equivalence.
I have no problem with pointing out our dark moments in history
Obviously you do. They “hate America” for doing so. It’s called dissent and alternative perspective. Demonize away.
When one decries America, capitalism, and our freedoms as being racist, sexist, unfair, etc., doesn’t that sound like “America hating” to you?
No it doesn’t. If de-regulated capitalism fails, and it did so twice under Republican presidencies, then obviously more constitutional regulation of commerce is required for a more perfect union. When de-regulated capitalism fails, and it did so twice under Republican presidencies, then people lose jobs and are hungry. This is where the constitutional general welfare is needed.
Today “capitalism” has transformed into “corporate persons” and multinational corporations writing our laws. It is not un-American to dissent and seek remedy for this. I compliment you for understanding this issue, and I won’t accuse you of hating America for it.
I am still accused of supporting corporatist rights over the downtrodden poor by you.
Did I accuse you of this? Please show us the context and words I used.
Reagan did cut and run in Beirut. George W. Bush did fail in preventing 9/11 on his watch by ignoring intel.
Thank you. This is not how you first presented it, though. BTW, Reagan did the right thing. Wasting American lives in the Middle East has never done us any good.
Schools and public education are indeed suffering. Cutting funding won’t help. Teachers are given larger classrooms with fewer resources. As I’ve noted, they are forced to “teach to the test” and drop music, history, literature, and arts in order to do so. Nothing liberal about that at all.
Aspirin has been linked with Reye's syndrome. Kids shouldn’t take it. At least schools know that much.
I admire you for teaching your children.
“Republicans will offer more tax cuts to the rich for their ‘Trickle up free stuff’ and corporate welfare as they show the poor how compassionate conservatives know what's best and slash food stamps for their children and send jobs to China.”
Yes, I stand by this remark. Is there something not true here?
First, the poor don’t pay taxes,
This is utterly false. They pay sales taxes, gas taxes, property taxes if they have a home, and FICA taxes. Their taxes are a significantly higher percentage of their income than Mitt Romney pays. This is what liberals mean by “fair share”.
I’ve also told you I have friends who are millionaires. I have never condemned any rich person for who they are or what they have. It is their meddling in our democracy with their “free speech cash” that I oppose. Again, you seem to have agreed with this to some extent. I haven’t accused you of hating or envying the rich for it either.
“As we know, the only path to salvation from the Liberal Menace is to….
The list was all fact based on Republican history and stated agenda. This is not generalization.
“Now we have the Neocon/Netanyahu cultivated fear of a nuclear reduction treaty for Iran. They don’t fear war. They seek it and profit from it.”
Not ridiculous at all, but based on fact. Netanyahu has urged military action against Iran. I even gave you a link as supporting evidence.
So yes, if you support such terroristic Palestinians, then what does that make you by definition?
A terroristic Palestinian supporter? But that is false. Again, why can’t you base this accusatory supposition on my words? I denounced both Palestinian terrorism and Israeli state terrorism. I suppose you don’t consider the exponentially higher number of innocent Palestinian dead as being terrorized.
You have accused me of “half-truth, talking points, and outright falsehoods” but have not offered any evidence or reasoning supporting your accusation.
T. Paine, It's nice that you say we are using falshoodes and "debunked memes" because that's where the GOP gets all it's info and projecting your ignorant tactics upon others is the GOP's best tactic.
You have yet to prove any Liberal here wrong, and in fact, all one has to do is watch the GOP candidates, and what they say they stand for, along with what Congress is doing, and ALL our words are proven. Don't even bring up the Economy or Obmam's record, both those things speak for themselves as a HUGE success.
But you and the boy troll keep trying, it's nothing if not entertaining.
You just proved TP's point
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