“We have got this tailspin of culture — in our inner cities in
particular — of men not working and just generations of men not even
thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work."
So said Paul Ryan on Wednesday
“After reading the transcript of yesterday morning's interview, it is
clear that I was inarticulate about the point I was trying to make [YA THINK???]....I was not implicating the culture of one community — but of
society as a whole. We have allowed our society to isolate or quarantine
the poor rather than integrate people in our communities.”
So said Paul Ryan on Thursday
Janis |
Wisconsin congressman Paul Ryan made those idiotic comments regarding inner-city KNEE-GROW men on William Bennett's radio program. Mr. Ryan is not a racist according to his admirers. The proof they offer is the fact that he dated a black gal when he was in high school. This is the same rationale that some conservatives use to prove that Bill Bennett is the hippest of hipsters because he escorted Janis Joplin to her senior prom back when Dwight Eisenhower was in the White House. My brother once dated a gal who went on to win the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. This proves nothing - as he would be the first to admit I'm sure.
The strangest thing about these far-right-wingers is that, even when they're talking in front of an open microphone for the benefit of untold millions of listeners - not to mention cyberspace beyond - they oft-times seem to be under the impression that they're speaking from within the confines of a soundproof bubble that only the very dumb are able to infiltrate. The possibilities of the consequences of their words coming back to haunt them seems not to temper their insanity in the least. This is not a rare occurrence. In fact this is something that happens several times a week with these assholes. And consider the fact that Ryan is considered by many to be the intellectual pillar of the Republican party. Isn't that a scream?
There goes Degan playing the race card again!
I don't claim to know what lies deep within the souls of Paul Ryan and Bill Bennett. It would be reckless and unwise for me to accuse either man of being a racist. But here is something I can state beyond any shadow of a malnourished doubt: They aren't particularly crazy about the idea of black people voting. Both of them are on the record supporting those unconstitutional "Voter ID" laws, the sole purpose of which is to deny the traditional progressive constituency (READ: ALL THOSE NASTY BROWN-SKINNED PEOPLE) the right cast their precious ballots. I just needed to clear that up.
But regardless of what lies deep within the hearts of our friends on the loony right, their intentions are pretty obvious. Like Ronnie Reagan's shameful references to "welfare queens" and "strapping young bucks" during that long-ago campaign of 1980, they shamelessly attempt to tap into the very worst instinct of the American psyche. They're so completely void of rational ideas they have no other choice but to reach deep down into their demented, ideological bag-of-tricks for some smoke and mirrors. Let's face the ugly facts, shall we? From the beginning of this republic, race has been a killer issue; the one thing that has always been able to drive even seemingly rational white people stark raving bonkers. In fact, so apoplectic do some of us get with regard to this topic, it's kinda fun to watch at times! Have you ever watched some unrepentant Dixiecrat have a stroke? I highly recommend it sometime. Seriously.
LOOK OUT! They're comin' to git'cha! They're gonna steal yer jobs 'n' take yer money 'n' marry yer daughters! Ya give them KNEE-GROWS an inch 'n' the bastards'll take a freakin' mile! SOMEONE FETCH ME MAH AMMO BOX!!!
But back to reality....
Georgie Boy |
Race propaganda has always worked beautifully in the past. The problem for the propagandists is simply that it won't be working all-too-well for them for much longer. Within the lifetime of most of you reading this, we white folks won't be in the majority any longer. Those aren't the words of some smart-Alec lefty (as some of you may surmise). That is simply a statement of the cold, hard truth. The white plutocracy knows this and they're beside themselves to do something - ANYTHING, HEAVEN ABOVE! - to stem the sociological tide. But they can't! That's what they cannot see or refuse to admit. To even attempt to stop this unstoppable force would be as futile and silly (and dangerous) as attempting to keep the sun from setting this evening. Why are they getting so bent out of shape over the inevitable? Why not just lie back, groove with the changes, and let nature take its course? What the hell is the matter with these knuckleheads? Any ideas?
Paul Ryan won't be going anywhere anytime soon. His district has been gerrymandered firmly into place thanks to the Republicans' tampering with the electoral process in states they control legislatively. That suits my purposes just fine. I plan on being around a while as well.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
That Old-Time Dog Whistle
by Paul Krugman
Mr. Paul nailed it in this morning's New York Times. He's good at that sort of thing, you know?
Angel Eyes
by Frank Sinatra
Pardon me but I got to run
The facts uncommonly clear
I got to find who's now the number one
And why my angel eyes ain't here
Excuse me while I disappear....
Frank on the mountaintop |
This recording is from Only the Lonely (1958), arguably his finest LP. I know enough about Frank Sinatra the man to say that I probably would not have liked him personally had fate ever conspired to bring us together - but I can't say enough about Frank Sinatra the artist.
I get in such a mood. I was feeling that way last night. I usually get in that condition after the sun goes down. Yesterday evening my blues were particularly
acute. I used to self-mediate with booze. I no longer have that option. On these lonely nights Frank is my drug.