Cassidy |
I used to speculate that back in the not-too-Fabulous-Fifties, while Joe McCarthy was stumbling around the country doing so much damage to American civil liberties, the average American could take comfort that seventy years ago, there was only one Joe McCarthy. Today the halls of the House of Reprehensibles is literally crawling with scores of Joe McCarthy wannabes. One of the most hideous and vile of the bunch is a lamebrained congressman from Florida named Matt Gaetz, He succeeded this week in removing Kevin McCarthy from his position as Speaker of the House. I suspect this was a personal vendetta on his part. As Cassidy Hutchinson relates in her recently released memoires, a couple of years ago Gaetz tried to get Cassidy to let him into her room at Camp David. McCarthy came to the poor woman's aid and effectively told Matty boy to get lost. Matt was determined to get vengeance. It's only a theory of mine but it makes perfect sense.
By the way, After Cassidy's book was released last month, Gaetz, dismayed no doubt by the unflattering things she wrote about him, said in a statement that he and Cassidy dated for a while. In an appearance of the Jimmy Kimmel program, Cassidy Hutchinson stated unequivocally that her tastes in men are several notches above the likes of Matt Gaetz and that "he's not a serious person".
Gym Jordan |
Here is one of the many reasons why I left the Democratic Party twenty-five years ago: the main problem with that idiotic party is that they don't think long range. A lot of them were just giddy to join the extremist republicans in ousting Speaker McCarthy - which is why I believe that there are not too many of these knuckleheads who are any good at chess. Did any of them not stop and think about the possibility that the next one might not be as bad as McCarthy? That he might even turn out to be much worse? I'm not sure about Steve Scalese....BUT JIM JORDAN??? (or as I usually refer to him, "Gym" Jordan). The man is a thug and a charlatan of the worst order. Why the good people of Ohio would send such an incomprehensible and disgusting crank to represent them in Washington is anybody's guess. Remember it was Jordan who was caught red-handed in a scandal from when he was an assistant wrestling coach at an Ohio college covering up for some perverted doctor who had been sexually harassing some of the boys under his charge. And don't forget that it was former GOP Speaker Denny Hastert whose life and career were ruined because of a nasty scandal involving the abuse of young men barely out of their teens....NICE!.
NOTE TO THE GOP: Do you folks really want to go down this road again??? Asking for a friend.
In 1856, when the Republican Party was founded, they were the party of black peoples' freedom. That is no longer the case. Wake the fuck up.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
This interview with one-time Republican operative Mona Charen appeared recently on PBS's Frontline:
It's eye-opening.
AFTERTHOUGHT, 10/8/23, 5:34 PM
It appears that Jim Jordan will be the next speaker of the house. Watch while this once-great-nation discends into the abyss
Tom, The "good choices" from the "other side of the aisle" are almost non-existent.
The chaos in Congress is worse now than at any time in my life....and I'll be 73 later this month. I'm just waiting for the political crash, it can't be very far off.
The Democrats have controlled 100% and 75% of Congress out of how many years out of 20? Do you really think there will be a political crash?
Bank Crash 2.0 Incoming? “I Think The Banks Are Going Down For 2-3 Weeks”
Why are democrats so worried about the GOP collapsing, is because they will no longer have the GOP to blame for the mess they have created?
Not another foot of wall will be put up under my administration.
Why is a major attack on Israel the fault of Old Joe? Because he is the jihad terrorists’ ATM. After the left’s Emmanuel Goldstein, Donald Trump, cut off funding to the Palestinians because of their ongoing practice of paying salaries to imprisoned jihad killers and their families, the Biden regime resumed that funding. What’s more, the primary source of funding for Hamas is none other than the Islamic Republic of Iran, which just happens to have received six billion dollars recently in Old Joe’s appalling hostage swap.
The left's reply is "Blame Trump"
Matt Getz and Jim Jordan. Great faces for the Republican party. Glad they're front and center in the congress story. The rest of their caucus is pretty nifty as well. We'll be hearing about both of their past sins as the gop continues to commit Republican party cannibalism. What a fine bunch!
Matty's getting "Cawthorn'd" Thank's Republicans. Keep it up.
Matt Gaetz has been called out by Republican Senator Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) for snorting erectile dysfunction medication on the floor of the House of Representatives.
First, Mullin notes that there is a reason no one in the Republican conference came to Gaetz's defense after it was revealed that Gaetz was under investigation for sex trafficking of a minor.
Mullin asserts that Gaetz would show videos on the House floor of young girls that "he had slept with" and would "brag about crushing [erectile dysfunction] medicine" and mixing it with an energy drink.
Cleveland.com Published: Oct. 05, 2023
The same day that U.S. House Republicans named Rep. Jim Jordan as the next top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, a former captain of Ohio State University’s wrestling team told a hearing in Columbus that Jordan knew wrestlers on his team were being sexually abused when he served as its assistant coach from 1987 to 1995.
As one who experienced the 50's, I remember seeing the televised hearings and how appalled my parents were as both had served in WWII. Very angry letters and calls went out to our Senators that enough was enough.
"Senator Joseph McCarthy begins hearings investigating the United States Army, which he charges with being “soft” on communism. These televised hearings gave the American public their first view of McCarthy in action, and his recklessness, indignant bluster and bullying tactics quickly resulted in his fall from prominence."
"The hearings were a fiasco for McCarthy. He constantly interrupted with irrelevant questions and asides; yelled “point of order” whenever testimony was not to his liking; and verbally attacked witnesses, attorneys for the Army, and his fellow senators."
Remind you of anyone??
Lies, Politics and Democracy: Mona Charen (interview) | FRONTLINE
An excellent interview:
A snippet:
After the election of 2020, when Donald Trump comes out and says, "Frankly, I won this election"—can you tell me what you were thinking when you watched that?
Was it unexpected? How important a moment was that, and everything that would follow?
The moment when he said, "Frankly, I won this election" was telegraphed many, many times.
Going back to 2016, he had said that he would not necessarily abide by the outcome of the election.
It would depend on who won. And throughout the campaign of 2020, he repeatedly said that—
it cast doubt on the legitimacy of the outcome, cast doubt on absentee ballots, etc., mail-in ballots.
And that night, when he said that he won the election and didn't accept the outcome, it should have been a moment
where people said, "OK, he is now transgressing a norm that is essential to the efficient and successful democratic process.
It's essential that losers of elections recognize and accept that they have lost and congratulate the winner."
And his unwillingness to do that was a more significant and
much more dangerous traducing of norms than we had seen before—well, than some of his others; let's put it that way.
And the reaction of Republicans at that point should have been unanimous.
The leadership should have rallied around and said, "It's over. We accept the verdict of the people," all of those kinds of traditional norms that have been with us forever.
Tom, Thanks for the link.
Old Joe Biden, worse president in Americas history
No surprise.
Republicans are spreading a coordinated lie right now.
No US taxpayer money went to Iran or Hamas. This is a blatant disinformation campaign being waged by Republicans today.
Being spread in this thread comments right now. Once again, no surprise.
Republicans never let the truth interfere with the the bullshit they spew. It's all they have. Surely can't govern. Just keep the rubes dumbed down.
In September, the U.S. negotiated a prisoner swap with Iran, which involved the Biden administration unfreezing $6 billion in Iranian oil money that was being held in South Korea since 2018 in exchange for 5 American detainees. To be clear, this was Iranian money, and not a penny of U.S. taxpayer money was used. Moreover, not a cent of this $6 billion has been spent yet. And furthermore, the $6 billion is in a heavily monitored account in Qatar and the funds can only be spent on direct humanitarian aid.
Biden is the U.S. President who recently made a lopsided deal with Iran, a state sponsor of terrorism, not the GOP members of Congress.
Biden, worse President ever.
Only a partisan hack who is sharing a brain cell with Joe Biden would blame the GOP not be throughly embarrassed. Joe Biden left 90 billion dollars worth of weapons in Afghanistan. Then he gave 6 billion in cash to Iran. Then his epic weakness led to Russia invading Ukraine.
Biden worse President ever.
As of Sept 1st:
T**** heading to trial in 7 civil and criminal cases. The worst President of all time and already to most impeachments and convictions.
No doubt there are more yet to be filed.
Magsters continue to lie, deflect, lap up conspiracy theories, and suck up to wannabe dictators.
Anon is here with his manure spreader of disinformation. You can always count on him.
Following attacks by Hamas militants against Israel early Saturday, Republicans immediately rushed to social media and propaganda media networks to exploit the horrific situation to spread easily disproven lies to put the blame for the attacks on President Joe Biden and Democratic leaders.
Almost in unison, Republicans repeated the same false talking points about the rapidly unfolding situation.
The most common coordinated refrain from the right is a false claim that President Biden gave $6 billion is taxpayer money to Iran, and that this money is being used to fund the attacks on Israel (it is suspected that Iran and Russia could be linked to these attacks). This was echoed by Donald Trump, Rep. Kevin McCarthy, Donald Trump Jr, Sen. J.D. Vance, Sen. Rick Scott, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy and dozens more Republicans. This is a lie.
In September, the U.S. negotiated a prisoner swap with Iran, which involved the Biden administration unfreezing $6 billion in Iranian oil money that was being held in South Korea since 2018 in exchange for 5 American detainees. To be clear, this was Iranian money, and not a penny of U.S. taxpayer money was used. Moreover, not a cent of this $6 billion has been spent yet. And furthermore, the $6 billion is in a heavily monitored account in Qatar and the funds can only be spent on direct humanitarian aid.
Yesterday, State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller wrote on X, “Let’s be clear: the deal to bring U.S. citizens home from Iran has nothing to do with the horrific attack on Israel. Not a penny has been spent, and when it is, it can only go for humanitarian needs like food and medicine. Anything to the contrary is false.”
"The $6 billion is in a heavily monitored account in Qatar and the funds can only be spent on direct humanitarian aid."
You’d have to be some kind of stupid to believe that. Like milestogo stupid.
Miller wants you to believe that the billions the regime gave to Iran, a terrorist state, doesn’t affect their ability to attack Israel. The Biden administration released $6 billion dollars, allegedly for humanitarian needs, and lifted a block on money in Iran in the amount of ten billion dollars released to Iraq that most people didn’t know about. That brings the total to $16,000,000,000.
The regime knows how bad it looks because it is bad. The Biden-Obama regime has failed in Ukraine, Afghanistan, and now Israel. I say Biden-Obama because the White House advisors are mostly tied to him, and Jen Psaki already admits the two speak frequently.
You, and where you get your intel, choose to believe and pass along fact free nonsense. Talk about stupid! Please check and see who's responsible for Afghanistan withdrawal. 91 felony count indictment Don the Con made the deal with the Taliban. Maybe you think we should still be there? Not enough needless death for you?
Ukraine... what's your vision for that? Want the US to go full hot war with Russia? Give Putin whatever he wants? Something else? Do tell.
Israel... got an answer? How long have the 2 of them be at each others throats? Besides, didn't Don the Con's son in law bring middle east peace? Quite the grift. Maybe he wasn't paid enough. Saudi's gave him 2 billion!!
Intel and Milestogo, talk about spreading horse crap..
Since 1948 you mental midget.
So, you have…nothing? Thought so.
Milestogo belives. Prove me wrong.
Within the realm of the progressive religion, there’s the idea that everyone, including people who’ve committed heinous acts like murder, rape, and robbery (with the exception of Trump supporters), are essentially good people who are simply misunderstood by a racist, white society.
BTW 1948 is the year Israel was founded, look it up.
No clue what you’re talking about in your first statement above. How do you come to brilliant conclusions like you do? You seem quite confused.
I know the date. That’s easy. I was referring to the length of the Middle East conflict. Been going on for many years. Nothing new. Always a powder keg waiting to explode. No surprise this happened now. What is surprising is Israel getting caught flat footed. I’m sure there’s more to unfold from this story.
More recently, the Taliban secured a substantial arsenal of U.S. weapons and equipment, including Black Hawk helicopters, after U.S. forces withdrew from Afghanistan in August 2021. The Israeli commander with whom Newsweek spoke said some of the U.S. small arms seized in Afghanistan
thanks Joe
Let’s back up a second. I would like an explanation for this horrible statement. My beliefs?
Anonymous9:19 AM
Milestogo belives. Prove me wrong.
Within the realm of the progressive religion, there’s the idea that everyone, including people who’ve committed heinous acts like murder, rape, and robbery (with the exception of Trump supporters), are essentially good people who are simply misunderstood by a racist, white society.
Still waiting for Milestogo to admit he doesn't know when the conflict between Israel and the Islamic Arabs started.
Let me get this straight. The United States allows Iran to get Billions of dollars it had been blocking from them. This money is only supposed to be used for humanitarian purposes. Iran backed Hamas attacks Israel and even some Americans have been kidnapped or killed.
Iran and Hamas have both taken credit for these attacks yet the Biden administration is claiming it’s not the money they released being used to attack Israel.
Two points. First, if you free up money for humanitarian purposes it also frees up money being used for those purposes to be used someplace else like buying weapons.
Secondly, how can the Biden administration claim where the money is or isn’t being used. They can’t even determine who left their cocaine behind in the White House.
Say what you want about Trump but there weren’t any wars or attacks while he was the president.
One more time coward. You dropped a turd and now avoiding what you said. What a little weasel.
Milestogo said...
Let’s back up a second. I would like an explanation for this horrible statement. My beliefs?
Anonymous9:19 AM
Milestogo belives. Prove me wrong.
Within the realm of the progressive religion, there’s the idea that everyone, including people who’ve committed heinous acts like murder, rape, and robbery (with the exception of Trump supporters), are essentially good people who are simply misunderstood by a racist, white society.
Actually Anon progressive christianity believes in the following:
Black Lives Matter
Women’s Rights are Human Rights
No Human is Illegal
Science is Real
Love is Love
Kindness is Everything
I think someone is projecting again.
No Human is Illegal. Unless they are still in their mothers womb.
BLM Chicago Mocks the Hundred Who Were Kidnapped, Raped, and Murdered at Israel Peace Festival With Hideous Meme...
Decapitated Babies: That’s What Pro-Palestine Rallies Are Supporting
As the saying goes "war is hell." So is the hate. This has been going on for a long time between the two factions. Many people get killed. Including many children. In many forms. Both sides have killed children. No innocents here. All horrible. It all sucks.
Don't forget. War horrors continue by Russia as well. Including kidnapping Ukraine children to Russia.
The Liberty Daily???
"MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY
Founded in 2010, The Liberty Daily is a news and opinion website with a tagline that reads “The Conservative Alternative to the Drudge Report.” This seems to imply they are more right-wing biased than the Drudge Report. The website does not provide an about page nor specify an owner, thereby lacking transparency.
Read our profile on the United States government and media.
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Although The Liberty Daily does not openly disclose who owns the site, it shows Freedom Media Group LLC holds it at the bottom of the pages. The Freedom Media Group is comprised of The Liberty Daily and The Politistick, which does not appear active at this time. Matthew Burke is listed as the CEO and also as editor-in-chief for The Liberty Daily. Revenue is generated through advertising.
Analysis / Bias
In review, The Liberty Daily does not produce original content. Like the Drudge Report, they link to curated/aggregated news stories from other sources. The story selection always favors the right and most times denigrates the left. In order to review the bias and credibility of The Liberty Daily, we followed the links to see what sources they led to. We randomly chose 50 news stories and calculated the sources used. Out of 50 stories, all sources used were either rated Right Biased, Questionable, or Conspiracy-Pseudoscience. More than 50% of the sources used were either Questionable or Conspiracy sites. Some notable sources used are Breitbart (Questionable), DcDirtyLaundry (Questionable), Neon Nettle (Conspiracy), Big League Politics (Questionable), and Red State (Questionable).
Further, 100% of the sources had a factual rating of Mixed or less. In general, The Liberty Daily curates strongly right-leaning news from sources that are not always factual."
Almost pure fiction.
Jordan keeps his job b/c of his gerrymandered district. Not everyone in Ohio supports this fool.
Chicago’s Black Lives Matter chapter came out in support of Hamas and their brutal massacre of Jews this past weekend. They posted a graphic on X/Twitter that says “I stand with Palestine”, . . .
Does Just Musing stand with Palestine?
Jim Jordan is Donald Trump’s choice for Speaker. That alone proves he is a dangerous and unqualified man for the job.
At the kick-off of his administration, Trump picked some cabinet members for their ability and professionalism. They were gone by half-time. From then on, he only selected his department heads from his carefully curated pool of vaunted ass-kissers.
The Black Lives Matter thing….Anon chooses to be a flame thrower instead of saying that they fully explained their reasoning which very few, if any, news sources are doing. Telling actual history of the situation. Go to Black Lives Matter Chicago Facebook to read for yourself. They have some valid reasons. X/ Twitter as a source is rubbish.
Jim lost the vote, Steve didn't win. Chaos reigns for Speakership.
The great compromise of morals and ethics is on. It will be interesting to see what kind of Faustian bargains Steve has to make to get to 217.
Does Milestogo stand with Palestine?
Steve, wasn't he the Republican who was shot by a far left liberal Bernie Sanders supporter and almost died? Birds of a feather etc.
Why Does the Progressive Left Have a Particular Animus Towards the Jewish State?
Remember That One Time Dem Rep Rashida Talib said The Holocaust Gave Her a Calming Feeling?
Which news sources have fully explained BLM's reasoning for their support of terrorists?
The end of the day and no speaker of the house. No surprise. What a group of Republicans in congress! In reality, slim pickings from that pair of candidates. The good thing is that the country is watching the buffoonery.
Rumble? That's your go to for no facts, no substance, and no truth.
Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracy, Poor Sourcing, False Information, Lack of Transparency
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Media Type: Website/Video
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MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY
Keep drinking the toxic KoolAid Anon; don't let a small thing like facts get in the way of your dishonest sources and trying to gaslight us.
Keep supporting the far left Nazis
Which news sources have fully explained BLM's reasoning for their support of terrorists?
Why do you support the terrorists?
What should Israel do to get back the hostages?
Total dysfunction with republicans in congress. Who’d have thunk it? 🤣 Was Kevin the best they had? 🤣😂
This guy can never go near the White House again.
An anti-Israel, pro-Hamas X account called Iran Observer, which calls itself an Iranian news outlet, shared the clip of Trump's speech on Wednesday saying Israel is not prepared for Hamas or Hezbollah, who Trump called "very smart."
Trump's dangerous speech is already providing aid and comfort to the enemies of Israel and the United States, underlining the catastrophic consequences that could have arisen if Trump, not Biden, was President during this time.
BREAKING: Steve Scalise Drops Out Of Speaker Race.
Has to be embarrassing, if you were capable of embarrassment that is. This group of clowning Republicans are just not able to govern.
Team Trump Does Damage Control After Trump Praised Hezbollah and Attacked Israel.
Can you imagine trying to get this guy to shut the hell up? How can any lawyer work with him? will they go for an insanity plea?
WASHINGTON — "The U.S. and Qatari governments have agreed to block Iran from accessing any of the $6 billion it gained access to as part of a prisoner swap deal between the Biden administration and Tehran last month...."
Anon said, "Let me get this straight. The United States allows Iran to get Billions of dollars it had been blocking from them."
Another swing and a miss.
Why Does the Progressive Left Have a Particular Animus Towards the Jewish State?
Remember That One Time Dem Rep Rashida Talib said The Holocaust Gave Her a Calming Feeling?
Top Biden spokesman John Kirby told reporters today that all $6 billion dollars that Biden just gave Iran is sitting in a Qatari bank.
But he refused to say whether Iran has immediate access to the money:
Top Biden spokesman John Kirby insists the $6 billion Biden gifted Iran is "sitting in a Qatari bank," conveniently ignoring the fungibility of money pic.twitter.com/M8iwfS871C
October 12, 2023
"Yes or no — if Iran wanted to access [Biden's $6 billion gift] today, could they?"
Top Biden spokesman John Kirby: "I'm not gonna speculate one way or another here"
Jake Tapper: "These last few days have been a real eye-opening period for a lot of people, a lot of Democrats, a lot of progressives, in terms of antisemitism on the left."
Do JM or Milestogo disagree?
Somebody, anybody? The clowning continues.
Republicans Leave Early For the Weekend With No Speaker in Sight.
Brendan Buck, who served as communications advisor to for House Speakers John Boehner and Paul Ryan had some opinions about the current debacle going on with House Republicans:
We are not, right now, fit for governing. We are a party much more made for being in the minority. We like to vote against things. My whole issue with all of these folks is their problem is not really with the Speaker of the House. It wasn't with Kevin McCarthy. It wasn't with Paul Ryan or John Boehner. These guys just don't like the reality of governing.
Republicans leave early, Biden takes naps every day
Jake Tapper: "These last few days have been a real eye-opening period for a lot of people, a lot of Democrats, a lot of progressives, in terms of antisemitism on the left."
Do JM or Milestogo disagree?
Anon, you're using Jake Tapper's opinion as statements of fact and it's a broad brush comment without any explanation. It's just throwing stuff against the wall to see if it will stick and has no objective merit as presented.
I do agree that there is a lot of antisemitism, but using Rumble and Twitter as sources brings no clarity or facts to light.
"The U.S. and Qatar have reached an agreement to prevent Iran from accessing $6 billion recently unfrozen as part of a prisoner swap, the deputy treasury secretary told lawmakers on Thursday, sources confirmed to ABC News.
Deputy Secretary Wally Adeyemo told House Democrats in a closed-door briefing that the money "isn't going anywhere anytime soon," sources said."
You're using lot of sources, but that's ok cause you are a liberal.
Do you support the actions of Hamas? Crickets
Closed door briefing lol
"sources". lmao
Lindsey Graham went on Meet the Press and started out praising President Biden's statement on the attack on Israel and the US response. He also warned that if Iran interceded in the conflict, the US should destroy their oil production.
Graham was then asked about Trump's statements praising Hezbollah criticizing Israel and PM Netanyahu.
"Yeah, that was a huge mistake ... yeah it was a mistake. I thought it was not helpful ... No, I wouldn't criticize Bibi."
Why Does the Progressive Left Have a Particular Animus Towards the Jewish State?
Remember That One Time Dem Rep Rashida Talib said The Holocaust Gave Her a Calming Feeling?
Will liberals support Israel?
Another Blow for the Left: Ecuador Elects a Conservative New President
Congressman Mike Rogers Flips From Joining Democrats to Supporting MAGA Jordan for Speaker
Republican Jeff Landry wins the Louisiana governor’s race, reclaims office for GOP
There is good news out there.
It could actually be possible. The republicans may actually push Jim Jordan across the finish line. A disgusting, sexual assault, peadofile enabling, election denying, insurrectionist can be the next speaker of the house. Way to go republicans. How many "pieces of silver" did it take for minds to be changed? Pressure from trump and Sean Hannity help too. How many republicans that consider themselves conservative, christian, family value types vote for this creep? It's because they are, in reality, none of those things.
Jorden is completely unfit and a raging lunitic. Are there 5 Repubs that can get their spine up? Is an alternate candidate going to be proposed?
We'll know tomorrow.
Anon's supposed good news is another body blow to Democracy. But only a blow, not a knockout punch.
Rodgers and Landry folded like cheap tents. Another quid pro quo that will make us gag when we find out what they sold their souls for.
Supposedly, Jordan, who is ranked number 217 out of 222 Republicans in effectiveness by the Center for Effective Lawmaking is going to magically pass all those bills that have been derailed by Republican chaos all year.
And pigs will fly!
Milestogo care to tell us your sources for your claims about Congressman Jordon?
MJ, funny how anytime a Republican wins you claim it's bad for democracy. What are your sources?
Why do you have a particular Animus Towards the Jewish State? Are you Racists?
Republicans were looking so comically inept in trying to find a speaker of the house with both McCarthy and his replacement. Now if they go for Jim Jordan, they will prove that point beyond any doubt.
On Saturday, Republicans won a massive victory by winning their first gubernatorial election in the state since 2011 when the state’s attorney general Jeff Landry beat his Democrat opponent. This victory is even more impressive that he won over 50 percent of the vote and managed to avoid a run-off. On Sunday morning, ABC’s Good Morning America, CBS Sunday Morning, and NBC’s Sunday Today ignored this Republican win.
Instead of reporting on Landry’s victory, the networks wasted valuable airtime with news of Best Buy discontinuing the sale of DVDs (ABC), an interview with The Rolling Stones (CBS), and an interview with Taylor Swift’s manager Jack Antonoff (NBC).
TYPICAL...Is it any wonder that liberals hate Israel. Liberals are completely unfit and are raging lunatics unfit to govern our country..Why do you have a particular Animus Towards the Jewish State? Are you Racists?
HOW INSANE are the democrats?
Chicago to Give Illegal Immigrants up to $9,000 Each for Housing Costs
The Windy City currently has 11,000 illegal migrants in shelters and a further 4,000 still sleeping on police station floors or staying at airports.
How insane are 200 Republican house members in voting for Gym Jordan to be the House Speaker??
Nothing but chaos if he is elected and a looming government shutdown will happen.
But it's a cult now, so no surprise.
Will Jordan beat McCarthy's 15 vote record? No idea, but glad to see such republican dysfunction and infighting. What a bunch! The thought that they could actually govern is beyond rational thought.
I see broken record posted again. So what if Chicago wants to provide temporary funding for shelter? And who says it's Democrats doing the funding?
More gaslighting.
Who failed again? Jordan did; this time by even more votes against him. Each new attempt is only going to get worse.
"And who says it's Democrats doing the funding?"
It's the GOP doing the funding, right?
Joe Biden just pledged this morning to give 100 million of US taxpayer money as humanitarian aid for Palestinians in Gaza.
Here’s the video:
Biden announces "$100 million of new U.S. funding for humanitarian assistance in both Gaza and the West Bank" pic.twitter.com/6S2p1c4Lo9
This follows Hamas stealing medical supplies and fuel from the UN just last week.
Who said "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f… things up." ?
Jim Jordan, "brave" enough to screw over senior citizens and others. What a guy!
Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK) said the quiet part out loud when he nominated Rep. Jim Jordan in Round Two of his bid to become speaker of the House of Representatives.
“Unlike any other speaker we've had, he's had the courage to talk about a long-term plan, and to get at the real drivers of debt,” Cole said, referring to Jordan. “And we all know what they are. We all know it’s Social Security we all know it's Medicare. We all know it's Medicaid. No president of either side has been willing to deal with this. No speaker of either side has been willing to deal with this.”
But Jordan is ready and willing to make life harder for people who rely on those programs, Cole said, admiringly. “This is the guy that wants to create a debt commission, a bipartisan debt commission and get at the roots of our spending problem, that takes courage.”
They really don’t like the guy. Who can blame them? Who’s next? The election denying, insurrection party has a real challenge to find someone.
According to new reporting from the Washington Post, it looks like Jordan's bid for the speakership is doomed to failure due in part to personal animus that many members feel toward him.
In particular, the Post reports that "one House Republican told Jordan to his face Wednesday that he will never be speaker" in what the paper describes as a "blunt assessment delivered with certainty."
What's more, other Republicans have approached Jordan since the second failed vote and encouraged him to stand aside.
As if that weren't enough, the Post reports that anti-Jordan Republicans have a calculated strategy to make him bleed more support with each vote, as many of them backed him on the first ballot with the understanding that they would drop off in future ballots.
"Jordan has never had to build coalitions," the Post writes. "He’s never had to strike a deal. He’s only been a bomb thrower happy to create chaos. He’s not experienced in governing."
be honest, you don't like anyone who is not a liberal.
Record breaking ineptness.
Jim Jordan made history Wednesday by receiving 199 votes from his party to be the Speaker of The House, but not the kind of history he was hoping for.
This marks the first time in 100 years that a candidate from the majority party in the House received less than 200 votes for the Speakership.
The last time this happened was in 1923 when Massachusetts Republican Frederick Gillett received 197 votes from the majority GOP on the first ballot. Unlike Jim Jordan, however, Gillett went on to win the gavel on the ninth ballot, something that looks increasingly unlikely for Jordan.
Gym is out, at least until January 2024. Couldn't take on a third humiliation.
Backup plan is underway. Was this a moderate Republican coup?
"Gaetz says he doesn’t like “Speaker light and Bud Light” when asked about the resolution to empower McHenry as speaker pro tempore
We need to stay here until we elect the speaker. And if someone can't get the votes we need to go on to the next person.”
Another hissy fit! “I’m against speaker lite,” Gaetz said. “It’s constitutional desecration.”
This says it all: Jordan reassuring T**** he'll get him free of all charges.
The same T**** hand that shook Putin's.
Jordan flames out again. Got less votes each round. 3 strikes you’re out? Setting records for losing.
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