Dumping on the Supremes
Joe Biden's attempt to redeem the debts of millions of college students this week was torpedoed by the conservative-controlled Supreme Court. This decision may come back to bite them on the bottoms. While the Supremes are supposed to be-ideological, we all know that they're really not. Those same millions of college students are going to head for the polls en masse and cast their ballots for the Democrats. The cancellation of that debt, I'm sure, would have pumped many billions of dollars into Joe Biden's economy, which is a factor that I'm suspicious might have played a factor in their decision, perhaps not all of them, but I wouldn't put it past Uncle Thomas.
In his memoirs, Clarence Thomas Thomas wrote that when he received his law degree, he slapped a Twenty-five Cents sticker on it and relegated it to the basement of his house. You see, by his reckoning, his degree would have meant so much more were it not for all of those silly and stupid white liberals and their silly and stupid Affirmative Actions. Oh, and speaking of Clarence Thomas, here's a question I've asked on this site before, and current circumstances are forcing me to ask it again:
QUESTION: Where do you think Clarence Thomas would be today if not for Affirmative Action?
ANSWER: He would be mounted on the front lawn of some beer distributor's home in Albany, Georgia wearing a jockey uniform and holding a lamp.
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Roger and Me |
I've never been an advocate of monetary reparations to the descendants of African American slaves. While an ancestor of mine might have been responsible for writing the Dred Scott decision, I am innocent of the sins of the asshole who penned it (Roger Brooke Taney). But the one of the forms of reparations that I do support is Affirmative Action. For more than two centuries black people have been forced to live at an economic and educational disadvantage in the United States. "As Lenny Bruce once observed, "Education is the answer to everything. World leadership hinges on education."
Affirmative Action with respect to institutions of higher learning was ruled unconstitutional this week by an extreme right leaning Supreme Court that seems hell-bent on sending America back to the not-so-fabulous-fifties. Affirmative Action made possible the viable African American upper class which didn't even exist sixty years ago. The Supremes are turning back the clock of progress.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
AFTERTHOUGHT, 7/2/23, 6:00 PM:
Just in case you've been paying attention, I need to apologize for taking so long to complete this piece. Apparently, Blogger.com had a bad day yesterday and I was locked out of this site for over twenty-four hours. I was able to get back on this afternoon and all is fine and dandy, thank you very much.
Supreme Court Quoted Pelosi In Decision
That Killed Biden’s Student Debt Cancellation
“People think that the President of the United States has the power for debt forgiveness. He does not,” she said in July of 2021.
Good thing the weenies can hide behind Nancy Pelosi. They were going to bow to their owners anyway. I foresee more all expense paid vacations and other gifts in the future. I wonder if they're in agreement with Nancy calling for term limits for the court?
The one positive of all the extreme courts un-doings is that it will bring people out to vote. Conservative policies and agendas just don’t fly with the masses. Their takes on the environment, race, women’s rights, voting rights, sexual orientation, and the desire to go back to the 1950’s and prior are beyond the pale. It’s a changing world where they refuse change. They fear it.
Extremism from any side creates unjust balance to the laws of nature. We must as a species come together and rise above the corrupt rhetoric on both sides of the isle and just voting sure as heck ain’t gonna cut it any more. ❤️🇺🇸❤️☮️🦅
More whining from liberals.
Constitutional cruelty:
Democrats now oppose a democratic process on student loans..
Anon seems to think that Supreme Court justices being bought and paid for by billionaires to do their bidding is a Democratic process.
"On April 16 of 2017, Greenberg’s Brian Duffy put under contract the 3,000-square foot log home on the Colorado River and nestled in the mountains northwest of Denver, according to real estate records.
It’s not as if this was an attempt to curry favor with a judge presiding over big cases…
Since then, Greenberg Traurig has been involved in at least 22 cases before or presented to the court
Joe Biden slams ‘privilege’ in college admissions after SCOTUS decision, but it turns out he used ‘privilege’ to help granddaughter...how many grand kids does he have?
The "supremes" are now ruling on fictitious cases with fictitious people. All they can do is say "Yes, master." The payola is so good.
Milestogo: Yep and talk about privilege.....
At least Biden was able to see that privileged access is not acceptable; Clarence Thomas on the other hand dismantles the very same Affirmative Action that helped him get into Yale. Supreme Hypocrite.
"In 1971, Justice Thomas was admitted to Yale's Law School as part of the affirmative action practice according to PBS, which reported that the school wanted 10 percent of its incoming class that year to be students of color."
The one idiot Anon continues to drink from the cesspool of misinformation which means our work is never done in countering and calling out the hypocrisy and lies.
Brandolini's law:
Known as the bullshit asymmetry principle, is an internet adage coined in 2013 that emphasizes the effort of debunking misinformation, in comparison to the relative ease of creating it in the first place. The law states the following:
"The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than that needed to produce it."
Thomas Paine:
"A body of men (and now women) holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody."
"God save the queen"!
Joe Biden.
"The election was stolen."
"Just find 11,780 votes."
"The documents are mine"
"I'm a stable genius."
How many grand kids does Joe Bidden have and what are their last names?
If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people.
And the rest of that quote from Calvin Coolidge:
"Those who wish to proceed in that direction can not lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers."
Yup, progressives
are reactionary's, their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers.
Anon...Um, what you described as progressive, is the stance of the current supreme court. Definitely not progressive. But thanks, you were just backwards as usual.
"Republicans like to yell about freedom a lot, but their idea of freedom often centers on their own right to deny other people’s rights. They get to say what medical decisions women can make. What books other people’s kids can read. What Disney movies teachers can show their classes...."
JustMusing...You got that right. Some freedom. No hypocrisy or self awareness on their part either.
DailyKos there's a reliable non-bias source if there ever was one.
Joy Reid Reveals She Got Into Harvard ‘Only Because of Affirmative Action,’ Surprises No One!!
Anon...you forgot the part that she was recruited by Harvard. They sought her out. Maybe you will go to college one day. You have to get through summer school first.
Quite often a comedian can say it best. One of my favorites, Trae Crowder "The Liberal Redneck" has a great take on the supreme courts most recent decisions. Check out youtube for his "Boo, SCOTUS, Boo!" Good mockery.
Court Hands Down A MASSIVE Victory for Freedom of Speech on the Fourth of July
Plaintiffs allege that Defendants suppressed conservative-leaning free speech, such as: (1) suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the 2020 Presidential election; (2) suppressing speech about the lab-leak theory of COVID-19’s origin; (3) suppressing speech about the efficiency of masks and COVID-19 lockdowns; (4) suppressing speech about the efficiency of COVID-19 vaccines; (5) suppressing speech about election integrity in the 2020 presidential election; (6) suppressing speech about the security of voting by mail; (7) suppressing parody content about Defendants; (8) suppressing negative posts about the economy; and (9) suppressing negative posts about President Biden.
Doughty, however, pointed out that it was not the government’s role at all to silence opposition voices; rather, he reminds us that “the principal function of free speech under the United States’ system of government is to invite dispute; it may indeed best serve its high purpose when it induces a condition of unrest, creates dissatisfaction with conditions as they are, or even stirs people to anger.” This is as far from the Biden regime’s conception of the function of free speech as Los Angeles is from Pluto’s moons, and that’s precisely why this ruling is so urgently needed, and so welcome.
Anon...Cool! People are free to continue to spout batshit crazy and debunked garbage.
Speaking of batshit crazy garbage...trump seemed to be having a good 4th of July. Spent the day spewing insanity. Posting and reposting literal Q-anon and white supremest crap on his truth social (going through some things) platform. Blow your mind unbelievable that some people still feel trump should have another crack at classified information and the nuclear codes.
Batshit crazy like the Russian collusion story, or the Hunter Biden lap top cover up?
BTW, Milktoast, Trump is not President. Clear that he lives in your head, can't believe with your hatred for Trump, that you follow every thing he does. Who do you want to win the democrat nomination in 2024?
Meanwhile the Biden's are covering up their tracks faster than an ugly stripper.
Yes, people are free to "spout" what ever they like, even though you don't like what is being said. Liberals want to limit speech that they don't agree with.
Why is that?
Anon...Not at all. It's the bullshit. But continue. You're free.
Gaslighting Inciting Bullshit...
Here's all you need to know about t****;
Anon...Continue with your beliefs of nonsense. You mention the Russian collusion. What did you think after reading the Muller report? Or did you just believe Bill Barr spin?
And Hunter...Come back if there's any PROOF. Lots of talk.Probably in places you obtain info. Zero real world proof.
You're right trump is not the president, even if he thinks he is. Neither is Hunter Biden. I am not voting for him.
Hate for trump? I know he's nothing but a grifting con man. Always was. What I hate is what he has brought upon this country. Unleashed his flying monkey proud boys, oath keepers, white supremest idiots, and nazis (yes, actual nazis) masquerading as patriotic Americans. And encouraged vote fraud and overthrowing the government. Maybe you are a fan, but I am not.
So who makes you the expert, the final say on what is BS and what is not?
You're so sad, free speech only applies to liberals, isn't that what you are saying?
dailykos, I reject what they say or post. They have been proven to be bullshit and false. And yet yiu cling to as if it was the truth.
Mueller report has been discredited by the NYT, try to stay current. What role did HRC play in the Russian collusion?
It's like this, liberals can't win in the arena of free speech, of the free exchange of ideas. Scares them to death doesn't it. They must control the playing field in order to succeed. And your posts supports this.
You want PROOF, how many grand kids does Joe Biden have?
Anon..."Don't say gay", pronouns, actual book banning, and attempts at banning actual teaching of history by republicans, the champions of free speech.
I guess you're cool with the white supremest, proud boy, oath keeper and nazi stuff.
The collusion is shown in the Muller Report. There's 2 volumes you know. You stated an old article.
I'm no expert on bullshit, but I prefer truth. Maybe you can tell me about Hunter Biden and Hillary's part in Russian collusion truths. I'd like to know if you really believe or just WANT to believe.
What's your fascination with The Presidents grandchildren? Kind of creepy.
You belch out rejection of DKos, yet it's still rated as more objective and factual by neutral ranking sources than Faux News, OAN, NewsMax, your favorite source - PJMedia, and TruthSocial where no moral pulse detected T**** vomits insane comments and nonsense.
T****'s latest doozy spittle infused ejecta:
That could be your post here today. Fits your style and view perfectly. You're welcome.
It's interesting that Truth Social has the letters TS. I call it the Total Shit site.
Since you don't like DKos and it's such an anathema to you, why do you come here to post? You obviously hate Tom and the rest of us "liberals" and it gets your panties in a tight twist. What's the reason as your viewpoints are rated less factual and objective than ours?
QAnon , When is JFK jr returning? We need to know so we can book hotels and plane tickets. /s
JustMusing...trumps ramblings are getting more and more crazed. Maybe building up to an insanity plea?
DKos is a very good source. Anon won't care for it at all. Have you ever checked out Meidas Touch podcast? Really good. Real lawyers discussing current topics.Also their Legal AF live broadcasts a couple times a week. All on youtube. Really good. Growing fast.
trump's "Valet" and classified document handler pled not guilty to 6 counts today. 5 of which named trump as co defendant. Is he going down for trump? Very silly man if he does. Imaging going to jail for him. He who would turn on you in a heart beat. Every one and everything trump touched turns to shit. Those connected to him will never, ever wash the trump stink off of themselves. If he's smart he'll flip. Anyway, things are heating up for trump and accomplices.
To sum it up:
"Long sentence or short, everything Trump touches dies - even his most loyal henchman."
Rick Wilson
JustMusing...Rick Wilson is correct. The cultists remain, however.
Liberals, fearing a wave of irritable bowel syndrome, hate that a black trans dude and BLM supporter killed five black men and injured two black kids.
DKos is a lying liberal pile of shit.
Kamala Harris used Essence event to talk politics, tried to explain the meaning of 'Culture'
Need a good laugh, tap here.
BREAKING: White House is admitting cocaine was found in much more SECURE place than they claimed before...DKos blames Trump.
Wow! Anon is going off the deep end. Must really be feeling the pressure. Like trump. Look here. Look there. Look any place else. Too bad he misplaced his coke.
The June jobs report from ADP blows away all expectations. Fox laments that the economy is so good. They're sad that the country is doing so well.
Thank you President Biden!!!
Notice that Anon is starting to use more capitalized words. I think he has caught T**** screaming at the world syndrome.
Also too embarrassed to include reliable sources in his posts. Headline is misleading and the article is a basically a repost from NPR. No analysis, no anything really.
MediaBiasFactCheck: Trending Views
"A review of story selection shows that all favor the right and tend to denigrate the left. Regarding sourcing, they generally rely on video clips that connect to mostly credible sources such as CNBC, but sometimes they utilize sources that frequently fail fact checks, such as Townhall. My Daily Freedom generally reports with a strong right-leaning bias and sometimes promotes misleading claims. For example, they published a story with the headline, Howard Caplan Asks Joe Biden Why He Molested All Those Girls. To date, there isn’t any evidence to implicate Joe Biden."
Another swing and a miss by Anon. 2023 Strikeout King
Just who is T****?
Just another lifelong grifter looking for marks who will give him their money and allegiance.
Does anyone know Anon? Does he have a friend? (yeah, I know it's a stretch) A relative? A co worker? A fellow student? An ex wife? A parole officer? A substance abuse counsellor? Anyone who can help? He's seriously in need of an intervention. Please help.
This has been a public service announcement.
25 Holiday Mass Shootings: 25 Killed, 161 Injured, 0 MAGA Hats Recovered
Who is Corn Pop?
Kamala Harris used Essence event to talk politics, tried to explain the meaning of 'Culture'
Need a good laugh, tap here.
A heart beat away.
Sweet mystery of life. I actually agree with Anon about mass shootings. Terrible! And the one common denominator is SHOOTING! With war weapons. Hopefully he'll agree that they must be done away with. We may have actually found some common ground. Praise be.
1. BIDEN: "The pay for low wage workers has grown at the fastest pace in two decades."
FACT: Real weekly wages have fallen every single month since Biden passed his $1.7 trillion "stimulus." pic.twitter.com/04uphHFcE6
July 6, 2023
2. “I cut the deficit 1.7 trillion dollars in 2 years.” pic.twitter.com/kFn9rJauJ0
July 6, 2023
3. Biden says he only learned what a "supply chain" is six years ago pic.twitter.com/EerTRVUyJr
4. remember the bridge Biden is building over the Indian Ocean… or something:
5. Biden, in South Carolina, says "you'll be able to go through [the Hudson Tunnel] 100 mph instead of 30 mph" because of him 🤔 pic.twitter.com/BIcOnWBdC
I hope the same crew who investigated the Supreme Court, isn't doing the investigation on the WH cocaine ownership. Maybe they could do better finding Corn Pop.
Democrat Rep. Jim Clyburn instructs Biden on where to walk after Biden's arrival in South Carolina pic.twitter.com/LBZf59rCjl
All of this in less than a week. Can't believe anyone with even a hint of intelligence would vote for this man, except those who hate Trump so much they don't care what happens to their country.
Amazing that someone who thinks this stuff can vote. If old enough, that is.
Twitter as an unbiased source;
Bwahahaha!!!!! LMAO!
Nobody cares about the country like trump. He even tried shaking down governors to overturn the vote, use fake electors, and cause an insurrection to overthrow the government to stay in power. What a guy.
The White House that tracked down grannies after capitol riot wants you to believe cocaine caper has them stumped. LMAO
Twitter links are to videos.
The coke left in the White House visitors bathroom is the most earth shattering news event of the century!!! (Big woop de doo!) At least Anon gets a tingle, but he's easy.
As expected when a leftist can't support their claims, they start with personal attacks.
So typical.
Why isn't breaking the law a Big woop de doo?
Does anybody really believe that the COCAINE found in the West Wing of the White House, very close to the Oval Office, is for the use of anyone other than Hunter & Joe Biden?
Proof it was found in the bathroom.
Was it Hunter, detective Anon?
Milktoast, I won't hire you to do spell check at an M&M factory.
Typical rat's ass liberal response answer a question with a question.
The incorrectly informed nonsense you put forth deserves ridicule. Your humor is improving, but don't give up your day job. If you have one.
“It’s Seven Grandkids, Mr. President” – Democrat New York Times columnist...
It’s not very Catholic of Joe Biden to refuse to allow his granddaughter to be in his life. Is he rejecting her all because her mother was part of Hunter’s drug-filled days as he was spending his daddy’s bribery cash? That’s my guess and it’s abominable.
😂🤣 Anon is preachy about Catholic values. And a creepy interest in the Presidents grandchildren. Coke in the White House and Hunter Biden are the most pressing issues for republicans. They have nothing else. No policies. Nothing. They only have...SQUIRREL!!!
Preachy? show me where I have posted about Catholic anything much less values..
Pressing issues?? We are led to believe that everything is wonderful under Biden, does this mean its not?
How about GOP investigation into possible Biden treason and money laundering? Biden's open border?
The only thing you liberals have got is a stomach full of hate for Trump. That's all you got.
So deflect on dear stupid ones
Anon deflects again or is it just outright lying?
-Preachy? show me where I have posted about Catholic anything much less values..-
"It’s not very Catholic of Joe Biden to refuse to allow his granddaughter...."
Actually the entire quote above is from the RightScoop.
Not posting, Just reposting. But I think it's a distinction without a difference,
Is Anon now plagiarizing? It looks like he can't really think for himself.
On the 14th of June, 1946 a baby boy is born in the Jamaica of Queens, NY.
In 1995, his car has a flat tire. A black man walking by notices it's owner is wearing a suit. So he steps in and fixes the flat. "How can I repay you?" asks the gentleman? "My wife has always wanted some flowers" the man says. A few days later, the black man's wife gets a beautiful bouquet of flowers with a note saying, "Thanks for helping me. By the way... the mortgage on your house is paid off."
A USMC Sargent spends 7 months in a Mexican prison for a minor charge. He is beaten. After he is returned to America, The man from Queens sends him a check for $25,000, "To get you started."
A black bus driver saves a suicidal girl from jumping off a bridge. Our man from Queens sends him a check for $10,000.
A rabbi's critically ill son needs to get from NYC to California for specialty care. No airlines will fly him. The generous man uses his private jet to fly the child.
This kind man from Queens commits many other "quiet acts of random kindness."
You may know this man as Donald J Trump. Our awesome President.
Anon...Your fever dream, our a repost of someone else?
Anon said...How about GOP investigation into possible Biden treason and money laundering? Biden's open border?
That'll be fun. All these investigations leave republicans wearing the dunce cap. Keep them coming. Maybe they'll be able to find a sound bite to give you a tingle. As I said, they got noting. Nothing real, anyways. Keep wasting time and looking more and more foolish. Another SQUIRREL!!!
Biden Earns ‘Bottomless Pinocchio’ From WaPo For Lie About Cutting Deficit...
Anon...Your reporting is a year old. Anything current?...SQUIRREL!!!,again.
People confuse debt and deficit. The White House press release correctly said Biden cut the DEFICIT by half. That is a fact. The amount we went in the hole was cut in half. That's money that the government doesn't have to borrow, and is available for businesses. Biden misspoke and said DEBT, but said DEFICIT about 5 seconds later in the same speech. The Republicans are calling Biden a liar..."Biden did not reduce the debt by $1.7 trillion..." when it was obviously a case of using the wrong word and almost immediately correcting it. The $1.7 trillion cut in the deficit prevents the DEBT from increasing by $5,150 for every American
Trump told people at his Nevada rally...
He [DeSantis] said, if you endorse me in the state of Florida, which we love, we all love Florida," the one-term President said. "And remember, Florida is easier than other places."
"You have the ocean, and you have the sun," he continued. "There's something about that that works. But you have the sun too, but you don't have the ocean, I can tell you."
"You definitely don't have the ocean," he said "Maybe someday you'll have the ocean.
"You never know," he said. "Someday. Hopefully, it's a long time away, right?"
"Hopefully," he added. "But he said, if you endorse me, I say, look, you know what?"
The man has a way with words.
"Biden misspoke".
When did that ever happen before?
Everyone misspeaks, but what the hell gibberish does trump speak at his rallies. Not only does he speak nonsense, his adoring fans clap and cheer. They seem to understand. What's worse, speaking gibberish, or understanding it?
Fox News guest: Blood-drinking Chinese soldiers secretly invaded US for upcoming attack
Columnist Gordon Chang told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo that blood-drinking Chinese fighters have secretly entered the United States in preparation for a surprise attack.
During an interview on Sunday, Bartiromo noted that the apprehension of Chinese nationals at the southern border was up 1,300% in the last year.
Chang said some of the apprehensions involved middle-class Chinese.
"But among them are packs of males of between 5 and 15 who are of military age, not coming with family groups, pretending not to speak English, and engaging in Chinese military rituals like drinking blood," he explained. "So clearly, these are saboteurs coming into America to wage war on the United States on the first day that there is war in Asia."
The whole Q cult is batshit crazy.
The interview is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQAZckCjrfo
The Q cult is crazy, and you can count on fox and others to promote the crazy. Keep the rubes scared and quaking. And buying trump merch. Total rubes and slow learners.
It's left right left right Mr. President God save the queen.
As I doubt that you have taken the time to see "Sound of Freedom", what are your handlers telling you what to think and say about the movie?
They want us fighting over stupid college loans instead of the most serious issues like massive child sex trafficking, ritual abuse, adreno chrome use (look it up) mind control torture via CIA's project Monarch. Stealing trillions of our tax$$ 4 black nefarious in humane projects & wars Soo much is hidden from us!! 👀stop 🐝ing 🧠 🧼'd by what they want you to hear or not choice is still yours
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